“…that found how Senator Obama’s support … among working, hard-working Americans, WHITE Americans, is weakening again. I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on.”
Why doesn’t she just come out and say it? “Uppity”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Does McCain have another wife stashed away somewhere, too? In one of those dusty little Arizona border towns? The kind of places that deadbeats like Mark the Unpatriotic Welshing Fascist hide from their creditors in?
Yes FlipFlop McCain has all kinds of pastor problems and if the right wants to talk about Wright – we should be talking about all these certifiable nutjobs that McCain has embraced mind you!
Roger and Mr. C….you better be putting your money into stock in whatever company makes chain mail and broadswords. These righties don’t just want to roll back the New Deal. They’re hot to take us all the way back to the 12th century.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The Dems should be glad that it looks like Obama is going to get the party’s nomination.
Richard Popespews:
All of this proves that preachers should stay out of politics — regardless of what kind of politics they support. When a preacher gets involved in politics, it tends to damage both the religion that they professing and the politics they are supporting.
Christians are so fucking stupid.
Unkl Witzspews:
Unfortunately, there are a lot of folks in this country who just plain don’t like Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Middle Easterners or anyone else of color. And they are deeply suspicious of anyone with an IQ greater than 95. The world just seems to be too complicated for them.
So they dismiss the complexity with name calling, vague conspiracy theories, and yes, clinging to a religion that demonizes those they don’t like and oversimplifies the external world around them. They also cling to the dark fantasy that they will somehow resist the onslaught with their guns in a final blaze of glory from their front porch.
Consequently, the whacked out, bible thumping messages of Hagee/Parsley/Falwell/etc. are in no way offensive to them. Karl Rove figured this out long ago. John McCain understands it very well.
So herbalizer: I’ll send your regards to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
Oops… they are lefties… my bad.
Wow Unkl Witz I guess you missed Barack’s comments to the SF crowd about guns and religion. Oh I forgot… you are a 16%er, which means 24 hours passed and you forgot his comments about small town folks clinging to guns and religion. He was talking about blue state PA people, who mostly voted for Heilary in PA!
Just figgered I’d clean up the pile of BULLSHITTIUM you decided to leave in #8
And since PuddyFact#6 was I don’t support Falwell/Dobson/etc. you can’t use your standard libtard attacks…
Unkl Witzspews:
You would be exhibit A in my presentation to establish the theme in #8.
You say you don’t “support” Falwell/Dobson/etc. But you don’t say you find them offensive either. Humm… and why no mention of Hagee or Parsley??
Care to disavow any other aspects of the post? Or are you just trying to make my point for me by reverting to name calling?
Whoops. Grampa McLame’s dealings in congress “accidently” helped out his largest campaign contributor. Can you say Whitewater?
Lil Bitch won’t talk about any truth so don’t bother asking him too. It’s Hagee that will be the pastor problem. Right wing Catholics are disowning McCain in droves – they might not vote Dem but they won’t vote GOP either. That will balance out what ever success the right has in trying to make the Wright thing bigger than it really is.
While the inbred, Nascar types won’t care about Hagee’s statements, the moderates and undecideds will. And that alone will be enough to topple FlipFlop McCain.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “Roger and Mr. C….you better be putting your money into stock in whatever company makes chain mail and broadswords. These righties don’t just want to roll back the New Deal. They’re hot to take us all the way back to the 12th century.”
Hey that’s not a bad idea — thanks!!! Meanwhile, I hope (for his sake) Mr. C kept his NOV. I did!!! NOV is up almost $9 a share in the last 2 days!!! And people are talking about $200 oil!!! Camping on my oil stocks sure beats working for a living — and I get a better tax rate, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “All of this proves that preachers should stay out of politics — regardless of what kind of politics they support. When a preacher gets involved in politics, it tends to damage both the religion that they professing and the politics they are supporting.”
Interesting you mention that, Richard, because a group of evangelical leaders has reached exactly that conclusion and is putting the finishing touches on a draft declaration that says, in so many words, “Oooops! Pounding the garbage can lid for Bush and the GOP wasn’t such a hot idea, after all.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 They’d better hope their Nascars can run on cheap beer because gas soon will be priced out of their reach. $5 gas, heeere weee cooome! Whoo-hooo! I can see it now: Mark the Welshing Fascist standing in line at a bus stop, brown bag in hand … ooooh, did my stock go up another 2 bucks today?! K-ching!!! =:-D
Unkl Witz or is it Unkl Ditz: PuddyFact#6 was delivered long before anyone knew of Hagee or Parsley.
So now you are trying to trap me on Hagee and Parsley?
Did I miss your denunciation of Dr. Wright? Google and GoldySearch can’t seem to find it anywhere?
PuddyFact #364. Always verify what Pelletizer posts. Most times it’s BULLSHITTIUM.
Nascar get’s it’s fuel free from the Sunoco multiyear agreement.
“We budgeted figuring gas would be $3.75 a gallon by midsummer, but it still hasn’t covered [cost],” Dillon said. “It’s crazy. It’s big. But heck, rules changes and [racing] tires hurt us worse [financially] than that.”
Don’t let the facts spoil your parade, Pelletizer…
Pelletizer, you shit around all day on your lazy ass and you could check the facts before posting BULLSHITTIUM. But then your oxygen starved mind would have to work.
Well here’s a virtual oxygen bottle for your lungs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Denunciation of Wright? What for? That nutjob has been disowned by everyone. No one supports him. Meanwhile, McCain can’t run fast enough to the likes of Hagee and Parsley … proving the old man is already too senile to take a shit without professional assistance, let alone be president …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Why? You don’t. Why spoil a good one-liner with facts? You never have. … So, it turns out Nascar drivers are the only people left in America who can still afford gas — this helps your side exactly how?
Unkl Witzspews:
Like I said above, you are Exhibit A.
Why does my virus software start everytime Fuddydudd posts?
@7 I consider such a broadbrush swipe at Christians as being inappropriate. Stupid people are stupid, whether they be left, right, white, brown, Christian, Muslim, athiest, agnostic or whatever. That said, Parsley is an ass and Puddy comes off as being considerably less intelligent than my cat and far less pleasant to be around.
Hey, Puddy…admitted Wright’s obnoxious, and perhaps a trifle tetched, but can you or anyone else recall him advocating genocide? That seems to be the main thrust of Parsley’s message.
Say, Puddy, yesterday you posted a link to a news story about a latino who had raped a child. You put it out there that this person was a hero to the left. Allow me to introduce everybody here to one of the heroes of the right:
Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting
POSTED: 2:04 pm EDT September 17, 2007
UPDATED: 8:28 am EDT September 18, 2007
DETROIT — A U.S. Justice Department official has been arrested on suspicion of traveling to Detroit over the weekend to have sex with a minor.
John David R. Atchison, 53, an assistant U.S. attorney from the northern district of Florida, was arraigned in U.S. District Court in Detroit Monday afternoon.
An undercover officer posed as a mother offering her child to Atchison for sex, according to police.
Prosecutors said Atchison flew from Pensacola, Fla., to Detroit on Sunday intending to have sex with the 5-year-old girl.
He was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
He is charged with enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity.
According to authorities, Atchison made contact with a detective working undercover for the Macomb County Sheriff’s department’s.
The detective, acting as the child’s mother, allegedly arranged a sexual encounter between Atchison and her 5-year-old daughter, police said.
In deposition, detectives said Atchison suggested the mother tell her daughter that “you found her a sweet boyfriend who will bring her presents.”
The undercover detective expressed concern about physical injury to the 5-year-old girl as a result of the sexual activity. Detectives said Atchison responded, ” I am always gentle and loving; not to worry, no damage ever, no rough stuff ever. I only like it soft and nice.”
The right has many, many such heroes. You can read more about them here (and consider this, this list is incomplete and represents what is obviously only the tip of the iceberg):
You see, Puddy’s values are situational. People on the right only take exception when someone who is not of their own does such a horrible thing. When one of their own commits such a despicable crime, the perp becomes hero of the right, including our very own Puddy.
Ok, Puddy, it’s time for you to make a complete ass of yourself again. Maybe you can offer up a few Puddyfacts in regards to Republican sexual deviancy. I’m sure you have some first hand familiarity with the subject. Just how big is that iceberg of yours?
26 Thanks. My lunch didn’t taste anywhere near as good coming back up.
@24: At least your cat doesn’t get all his/her information from right wing web sites and then continually try to quote their own “facts”.
Actually, Puddy is probably an OK guy who just needs to be “right” – but is not correct.
@27 My apologies, Artfart.
Was this guy a rep or dem? Or was he in one of those “non partisan” positions? Sick twiested freak! At least he saved the tax payers by offing himself before trial! ALL sexual predators of children should do us all the same favor!!!!
Hannah, is it possible for you to make that a link I could click on? I’d cut&paste but I can’t seem to do that on the comments here. I can’t imagine him, dead as he is, having a myspace page. Maybe it’s just somebody else’s idea of a sick joke.
By the way, he was indeed a Republican.
I don’t believe that deviant behavior is isolated to the right, of course. I took exception to Puddy claiming that the Latino child rapist he linked to yesterday was a hero to the left, symptomatic of the left, all while ignoring the right’s own very real problem with this issue.
@32 – steve, I used the link button on here and it left the link out….let’s try this again! :)
Yeah there are so many “bad seeds” on bith sides of the aisle…as far as I am concerned, each and every one rep or dem, doing unethical things or criminal behavior, should step down immediately.
Here’s the myspace page
And, Hannah, I don’t really believe this guy is anybody’s hero, at least I hope that is the case. I only said that to fuck with Puddy, who didn’t seem to have any qualms about putting out another child rapist, a Latino, as a hero to the left.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is the reason Oprah left Wright’s Church in the 1990’s!!! While O-blah-blah stayed and listened to the hate. This article is from the 5/12/08 Newsweek:
For any spiritually minded, up-wardly mobile African-American living in Chicago in the mid-1980s, the Trinity United Church of Christ was—and still is—the place to be. That’s what drew Oprah Winfrey, a recent Chicago transplant, to the church in 1984. She was eager to bond with the movers and shakers in her new hometown’s black community. But she also admired Trinity United’s ambitious outreach work with the poor, and she took pride in upholding her Southern grandmother’s legacy of involvement with traditional African-American houses of worship. Winfrey was a member of Trinity United from 1984 to 1986, and she continued to attend off and on into the early to the mid-1990s. But then she stopped. A major reason—but by no means the only reason—was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
According to two sources, Winfrey was never comfortable with the tone of Wright’s more incendiary sermons, which she knew had the power to damage her standing as America’s favorite daytime talk-show host. “Oprah is a businesswoman, first and foremost,” said one longtime friend, who requested anonymity when discussing Winfrey’s personal sentiments. “She’s always been aware that her audience is very mainstream, and doing anything to offend them just wouldn’t be smart. She’s been around black churches all her life, so Reverend Wright’s anger-filled message didn’t surprise her. But it just wasn’t what she was looking for in a church.”
@ 36:
“According to two sources. . . ”
Hearsay evidence Mr. Cynical. Got anything better?
Thanks for fixing the link, Hannah.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Seems like you have a habit of going with stories with ZERO sources.
Obviously people close to Oprah don’t want her to know they ratted her out.
Do you think she left Wright’s Racist Hate-mongering Church for no reason after over 10 years??
My Goldy Itchesspews:
In your pathetic attempt to link McCain to this Pastor or the other, remember……he was never a member of any church of these Pastors. At worst, he shared the same stage as one of them at a campaign rally. Unlike Barry Hussein, who was a 20 year member of that nutburger Rev. Wright’s church.
@39 and 40 “Racist Hate-mongering” “Nutburger” I take it that you guys don’t know any black people.
So the views of someone from whom McCain sought and received an endorsement does not matter. Hmm, I see. Of course, you probably have no problem with that racist hate-mongering nutburger Parsley now, do you? Naw, I didn’t think so. Hypocrites.
According to two unidentified sources Mr. Cynical and My Goldie Itches are both Republican child rapists.
Marvin keeps bringing up this 16% thing. I figure he’s refering to the congressional approval rating, which is quite low now for their having failed to take up impeachment and ending the war. But what struck me was that 16% is also the estimated (according to two unidentified sources)percentage of Republican officials who are child rapists. So I find that 16% thing of his to be quite amusing, even hilarious.
Mr. Cycnical, obviously Oprah left for a “reason” it’s just that I’m not speculating or assuming it was tied to anything Rev. Writh said, or didn’t say, or did or didn’t do.
The Newsweek article only reported what some anonymous person said, about some possible reason of maybe, why she left.
I know this passes as “factual news” for FOX News viewers, but us lefties like a little more proof.
If it weren’t for the lying Swiftboat folks you might’ve gotten a sympathetic ear from mainstream America.
But, unfortunately for conservatives, you’ve grown out of touch and out of step with the truth seeking mainstream Americans.
It’s obvious.
Mr. Cycnical:
If I were to accept your standards of proof, then I’d have to agree with the tounge-in-cheek comment at 42 that you are in FACT a child rapist.
Which is it Mr. Cynical, the accusations in the Newsweek article are unsubstantiated or you’re a child rapist?
@44 Speaking of Swiftboaters, I had no idea that the OKC-based Sonics owners have ties to those bastards. Anyone else aware of that?
@45 I very much enjoy your posts, GBS. You had some real zingers yesterday. This latest one’s good too.
46 As a matter of fact, yes. Considering the apparently cozy relationship between David Stern and the OKC owners’ group, it seems to say something about the ethos of the NBA leadership.
@48 Regarding what you say about Stern, indeed it does.
Rachel Maddow just interviewed David Corn, the editor of Mother Jones about McCain’s Parsley garnish. They brought up a good point. The “straight talkin’ Maverick” actually doesn’t believe a damn thing the wing nut says. He’s just bending over, grovelling for money. The straight talk(maggot-infested, ass-crawling) express is truly an inspirational thing.
@46 Steve, NO KIDDING???? Go figure! I knew that Bennett and Stern weren’t of the compassionate people!
@51 Hi, Hannah. I only heard this yesterday but apparently it’s true. What I know so far is that one owner (McLendon) gave them $250,000. Incidently, owner Bennett and another owner kicked in 1.1 million towards some anti-gay marriage effort, whatever one might think of that.
@52 Steve, I hope Bennett and Co. get their asses handed to them in court! I have considered staring an online petition to get David Stern booted…now wouldn’t that be the s***! Amazing what $$$ can get a man in this world, they are all liars and cheats, they never gave a hoot about the “fans” or Seattle or even Oklahoma! Bennett will be asking OKC for a new $500 Million arena after his 1st season there, then he will sell out or try to move.
Steve@26: That’s old news bub. And your point is? Your little brother bybygoober used that when he was NotRightVeryStupid.
Besides, I said it was bybygoober family members acting up again…
This is The Smartest Woman In The World?
“…that found how Senator Obama’s support … among working, hard-working Americans, WHITE Americans, is weakening again. I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on.”
Why doesn’t she just come out and say it? “Uppity”.
Does McCain have another wife stashed away somewhere, too? In one of those dusty little Arizona border towns? The kind of places that deadbeats like Mark the Unpatriotic Welshing Fascist hide from their creditors in?
Yes FlipFlop McCain has all kinds of pastor problems and if the right wants to talk about Wright – we should be talking about all these certifiable nutjobs that McCain has embraced mind you!
Roger and Mr. C….you better be putting your money into stock in whatever company makes chain mail and broadswords. These righties don’t just want to roll back the New Deal. They’re hot to take us all the way back to the 12th century.
The Dems should be glad that it looks like Obama is going to get the party’s nomination.
All of this proves that preachers should stay out of politics — regardless of what kind of politics they support. When a preacher gets involved in politics, it tends to damage both the religion that they professing and the politics they are supporting.
Christians are so fucking stupid.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of folks in this country who just plain don’t like Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Middle Easterners or anyone else of color. And they are deeply suspicious of anyone with an IQ greater than 95. The world just seems to be too complicated for them.
So they dismiss the complexity with name calling, vague conspiracy theories, and yes, clinging to a religion that demonizes those they don’t like and oversimplifies the external world around them. They also cling to the dark fantasy that they will somehow resist the onslaught with their guns in a final blaze of glory from their front porch.
Consequently, the whacked out, bible thumping messages of Hagee/Parsley/Falwell/etc. are in no way offensive to them. Karl Rove figured this out long ago. John McCain understands it very well.
So herbalizer: I’ll send your regards to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
Oops… they are lefties… my bad.
Wow Unkl Witz I guess you missed Barack’s comments to the SF crowd about guns and religion. Oh I forgot… you are a 16%er, which means 24 hours passed and you forgot his comments about small town folks clinging to guns and religion. He was talking about blue state PA people, who mostly voted for Heilary in PA!
Just figgered I’d clean up the pile of BULLSHITTIUM you decided to leave in #8
And since PuddyFact#6 was I don’t support Falwell/Dobson/etc. you can’t use your standard libtard attacks…
You would be exhibit A in my presentation to establish the theme in #8.
You say you don’t “support” Falwell/Dobson/etc. But you don’t say you find them offensive either. Humm… and why no mention of Hagee or Parsley??
Care to disavow any other aspects of the post? Or are you just trying to make my point for me by reverting to name calling?
Whoops. Grampa McLame’s dealings in congress “accidently” helped out his largest campaign contributor. Can you say Whitewater?
Lil Bitch won’t talk about any truth so don’t bother asking him too. It’s Hagee that will be the pastor problem. Right wing Catholics are disowning McCain in droves – they might not vote Dem but they won’t vote GOP either. That will balance out what ever success the right has in trying to make the Wright thing bigger than it really is.
While the inbred, Nascar types won’t care about Hagee’s statements, the moderates and undecideds will. And that alone will be enough to topple FlipFlop McCain.
@4 “Roger and Mr. C….you better be putting your money into stock in whatever company makes chain mail and broadswords. These righties don’t just want to roll back the New Deal. They’re hot to take us all the way back to the 12th century.”
Hey that’s not a bad idea — thanks!!! Meanwhile, I hope (for his sake) Mr. C kept his NOV. I did!!! NOV is up almost $9 a share in the last 2 days!!! And people are talking about $200 oil!!! Camping on my oil stocks sure beats working for a living — and I get a better tax rate, too.
@6 “All of this proves that preachers should stay out of politics — regardless of what kind of politics they support. When a preacher gets involved in politics, it tends to damage both the religion that they professing and the politics they are supporting.”
Interesting you mention that, Richard, because a group of evangelical leaders has reached exactly that conclusion and is putting the finishing touches on a draft declaration that says, in so many words, “Oooops! Pounding the garbage can lid for Bush and the GOP wasn’t such a hot idea, after all.”
@13 They’d better hope their Nascars can run on cheap beer because gas soon will be priced out of their reach. $5 gas, heeere weee cooome! Whoo-hooo! I can see it now: Mark the Welshing Fascist standing in line at a bus stop, brown bag in hand … ooooh, did my stock go up another 2 bucks today?! K-ching!!! =:-D
Unkl Witz or is it Unkl Ditz: PuddyFact#6 was delivered long before anyone knew of Hagee or Parsley.
So now you are trying to trap me on Hagee and Parsley?
Did I miss your denunciation of Dr. Wright? Google and GoldySearch can’t seem to find it anywhere?
PuddyFact #364. Always verify what Pelletizer posts. Most times it’s BULLSHITTIUM.
Nascar get’s it’s fuel free from the Sunoco multiyear agreement.
“We budgeted figuring gas would be $3.75 a gallon by midsummer, but it still hasn’t covered [cost],” Dillon said. “It’s crazy. It’s big. But heck, rules changes and [racing] tires hurt us worse [financially] than that.”
Don’t let the facts spoil your parade, Pelletizer…
Pelletizer, you shit around all day on your lazy ass and you could check the facts before posting BULLSHITTIUM. But then your oxygen starved mind would have to work.
Well here’s a virtual oxygen bottle for your lungs.
@17 Denunciation of Wright? What for? That nutjob has been disowned by everyone. No one supports him. Meanwhile, McCain can’t run fast enough to the likes of Hagee and Parsley … proving the old man is already too senile to take a shit without professional assistance, let alone be president …
@19 Why? You don’t. Why spoil a good one-liner with facts? You never have. … So, it turns out Nascar drivers are the only people left in America who can still afford gas — this helps your side exactly how?
Like I said above, you are Exhibit A.
Why does my virus software start everytime Fuddydudd posts?
@7 I consider such a broadbrush swipe at Christians as being inappropriate. Stupid people are stupid, whether they be left, right, white, brown, Christian, Muslim, athiest, agnostic or whatever. That said, Parsley is an ass and Puddy comes off as being considerably less intelligent than my cat and far less pleasant to be around.
Hey, Puddy…admitted Wright’s obnoxious, and perhaps a trifle tetched, but can you or anyone else recall him advocating genocide? That seems to be the main thrust of Parsley’s message.
Say, Puddy, yesterday you posted a link to a news story about a latino who had raped a child. You put it out there that this person was a hero to the left. Allow me to introduce everybody here to one of the heroes of the right:
Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting
POSTED: 2:04 pm EDT September 17, 2007
UPDATED: 8:28 am EDT September 18, 2007
DETROIT — A U.S. Justice Department official has been arrested on suspicion of traveling to Detroit over the weekend to have sex with a minor.
John David R. Atchison, 53, an assistant U.S. attorney from the northern district of Florida, was arraigned in U.S. District Court in Detroit Monday afternoon.
An undercover officer posed as a mother offering her child to Atchison for sex, according to police.
Prosecutors said Atchison flew from Pensacola, Fla., to Detroit on Sunday intending to have sex with the 5-year-old girl.
He was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
He is charged with enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity.
According to authorities, Atchison made contact with a detective working undercover for the Macomb County Sheriff’s department’s.
The detective, acting as the child’s mother, allegedly arranged a sexual encounter between Atchison and her 5-year-old daughter, police said.
In deposition, detectives said Atchison suggested the mother tell her daughter that “you found her a sweet boyfriend who will bring her presents.”
The undercover detective expressed concern about physical injury to the 5-year-old girl as a result of the sexual activity. Detectives said Atchison responded, ” I am always gentle and loving; not to worry, no damage ever, no rough stuff ever. I only like it soft and nice.”
The right has many, many such heroes. You can read more about them here (and consider this, this list is incomplete and represents what is obviously only the tip of the iceberg):
You see, Puddy’s values are situational. People on the right only take exception when someone who is not of their own does such a horrible thing. When one of their own commits such a despicable crime, the perp becomes hero of the right, including our very own Puddy.
Ok, Puddy, it’s time for you to make a complete ass of yourself again. Maybe you can offer up a few Puddyfacts in regards to Republican sexual deviancy. I’m sure you have some first hand familiarity with the subject. Just how big is that iceberg of yours?
26 Thanks. My lunch didn’t taste anywhere near as good coming back up.
@24: At least your cat doesn’t get all his/her information from right wing web sites and then continually try to quote their own “facts”.
Actually, Puddy is probably an OK guy who just needs to be “right” – but is not correct.
@27 My apologies, Artfart.
Was this guy a rep or dem? Or was he in one of those “non partisan” positions? Sick twiested freak! At least he saved the tax payers by offing himself before trial! ALL sexual predators of children should do us all the same favor!!!!
BTW anyone see the freaks myspace account? SICK!
Hannah, is it possible for you to make that a link I could click on? I’d cut&paste but I can’t seem to do that on the comments here. I can’t imagine him, dead as he is, having a myspace page. Maybe it’s just somebody else’s idea of a sick joke.
By the way, he was indeed a Republican.
I don’t believe that deviant behavior is isolated to the right, of course. I took exception to Puddy claiming that the Latino child rapist he linked to yesterday was a hero to the left, symptomatic of the left, all while ignoring the right’s own very real problem with this issue.
@32 – steve, I used the link button on here and it left the link out….let’s try this again! :)
Yeah there are so many “bad seeds” on bith sides of the aisle…as far as I am concerned, each and every one rep or dem, doing unethical things or criminal behavior, should step down immediately.
Here’s the myspace page
And, Hannah, I don’t really believe this guy is anybody’s hero, at least I hope that is the case. I only said that to fuck with Puddy, who didn’t seem to have any qualms about putting out another child rapist, a Latino, as a hero to the left.
Here is the reason Oprah left Wright’s Church in the 1990’s!!! While O-blah-blah stayed and listened to the hate. This article is from the 5/12/08 Newsweek:
For any spiritually minded, up-wardly mobile African-American living in Chicago in the mid-1980s, the Trinity United Church of Christ was—and still is—the place to be. That’s what drew Oprah Winfrey, a recent Chicago transplant, to the church in 1984. She was eager to bond with the movers and shakers in her new hometown’s black community. But she also admired Trinity United’s ambitious outreach work with the poor, and she took pride in upholding her Southern grandmother’s legacy of involvement with traditional African-American houses of worship. Winfrey was a member of Trinity United from 1984 to 1986, and she continued to attend off and on into the early to the mid-1990s. But then she stopped. A major reason—but by no means the only reason—was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
According to two sources, Winfrey was never comfortable with the tone of Wright’s more incendiary sermons, which she knew had the power to damage her standing as America’s favorite daytime talk-show host. “Oprah is a businesswoman, first and foremost,” said one longtime friend, who requested anonymity when discussing Winfrey’s personal sentiments. “She’s always been aware that her audience is very mainstream, and doing anything to offend them just wouldn’t be smart. She’s been around black churches all her life, so Reverend Wright’s anger-filled message didn’t surprise her. But it just wasn’t what she was looking for in a church.”
@ 36:
“According to two sources. . . ”
Hearsay evidence Mr. Cynical. Got anything better?
Thanks for fixing the link, Hannah.
Seems like you have a habit of going with stories with ZERO sources.
Obviously people close to Oprah don’t want her to know they ratted her out.
Do you think she left Wright’s Racist Hate-mongering Church for no reason after over 10 years??
In your pathetic attempt to link McCain to this Pastor or the other, remember……he was never a member of any church of these Pastors. At worst, he shared the same stage as one of them at a campaign rally. Unlike Barry Hussein, who was a 20 year member of that nutburger Rev. Wright’s church.
@39 and 40 “Racist Hate-mongering” “Nutburger” I take it that you guys don’t know any black people.
So the views of someone from whom McCain sought and received an endorsement does not matter. Hmm, I see. Of course, you probably have no problem with that racist hate-mongering nutburger Parsley now, do you? Naw, I didn’t think so. Hypocrites.
According to two unidentified sources Mr. Cynical and My Goldie Itches are both Republican child rapists.
Marvin keeps bringing up this 16% thing. I figure he’s refering to the congressional approval rating, which is quite low now for their having failed to take up impeachment and ending the war. But what struck me was that 16% is also the estimated (according to two unidentified sources)percentage of Republican officials who are child rapists. So I find that 16% thing of his to be quite amusing, even hilarious.
Mr. Cycnical, obviously Oprah left for a “reason” it’s just that I’m not speculating or assuming it was tied to anything Rev. Writh said, or didn’t say, or did or didn’t do.
The Newsweek article only reported what some anonymous person said, about some possible reason of maybe, why she left.
I know this passes as “factual news” for FOX News viewers, but us lefties like a little more proof.
If it weren’t for the lying Swiftboat folks you might’ve gotten a sympathetic ear from mainstream America.
But, unfortunately for conservatives, you’ve grown out of touch and out of step with the truth seeking mainstream Americans.
It’s obvious.
Mr. Cycnical:
If I were to accept your standards of proof, then I’d have to agree with the tounge-in-cheek comment at 42 that you are in FACT a child rapist.
Which is it Mr. Cynical, the accusations in the Newsweek article are unsubstantiated or you’re a child rapist?
@44 Speaking of Swiftboaters, I had no idea that the OKC-based Sonics owners have ties to those bastards. Anyone else aware of that?
@45 I very much enjoy your posts, GBS. You had some real zingers yesterday. This latest one’s good too.
46 As a matter of fact, yes. Considering the apparently cozy relationship between David Stern and the OKC owners’ group, it seems to say something about the ethos of the NBA leadership.
@48 Regarding what you say about Stern, indeed it does.
Rachel Maddow just interviewed David Corn, the editor of Mother Jones about McCain’s Parsley garnish. They brought up a good point. The “straight talkin’ Maverick” actually doesn’t believe a damn thing the wing nut says. He’s just bending over, grovelling for money. The straight talk(maggot-infested, ass-crawling) express is truly an inspirational thing.
@46 Steve, NO KIDDING???? Go figure! I knew that Bennett and Stern weren’t of the compassionate people!
@51 Hi, Hannah. I only heard this yesterday but apparently it’s true. What I know so far is that one owner (McLendon) gave them $250,000. Incidently, owner Bennett and another owner kicked in 1.1 million towards some anti-gay marriage effort, whatever one might think of that.
@52 Steve, I hope Bennett and Co. get their asses handed to them in court! I have considered staring an online petition to get David Stern booted…now wouldn’t that be the s***! Amazing what $$$ can get a man in this world, they are all liars and cheats, they never gave a hoot about the “fans” or Seattle or even Oklahoma! Bennett will be asking OKC for a new $500 Million arena after his 1st season there, then he will sell out or try to move.
Steve@26: That’s old news bub. And your point is? Your little brother bybygoober used that when he was NotRightVeryStupid.
Besides, I said it was bybygoober family members acting up again…
Hey Unkl Ditz@22: Hmmm… Still waiting…
Pudpounder? Nope, wife does me just fine…
Let me know when you engage your brain…
@53 Agreed!
@54, 55 and 56 Good grief, man. What on earth are you trying to say? I suggest that you sober up and try again tomorrow.
Hey StupidSteve – baby rapist:
Ask the 16%ers here what is a 16%er. Oh since you ARE STUPID, that was PuddyFact#225, the definition of a 16%er. Look it up using GoldySearch…
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
I can see that you didn’t take my advice about sobering up.
Steve@59: Your wrong, I’m always sober, while your drunk-like disease is still being evaluated.
If you can’t follow a thread or follow the numbers, not my problem…
Keep babbling like the libtard you are… By the way I wouldn’t take advice from you.