NPR’s Day to Day has been running an excellent series on autism, and I encourage you to listen to it all, but I was particularly struck by the final episode that ran yesterday afternoon, featuring a mother taking her son to a specialist: “Autism: Helping Children Connect.”
As a parent, it was heart-wrenching listening to this woman receive the diagnosis that her son did indeed suffer from autism, but even more so listening to her recall how hard it was to concentrate on the doctor’s prescribed course of treatment while worrying how she would pay for this single office visit, let alone a lifetime of intensive therapy. Just listen to this brief, three minute clip, and try to keep the tears from welling up in your eyes:
[audio:]There is a lot at stake in the November election, but perhaps the issue that will have the deepest and most enduring impact on the lives of most American families is that of health care. Sen. John McCain proposes tax credits to make purchasing private health insurance more affordable, while Sen. Barack Obama promises universal health coverage for all Americans.
No, Sen. Obama’s plan is not the more sweeping single-payer system that many of us would prefer, but it is sweeping nonetheless, bringing all Americans into our health care system, and guaranteeing a minimum level of care. And yes, we’ve been promised this before, but with a Democratic president and strong Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress, we might have our best chance at real reform in more than 40 years.
The difference between the two health care proposals couldn’t be more stark, and it is a difference rooted in a genuine philosophical disagreement. Sen. Obama believes that there are some problems that are best addressed by a government working to raise the standard of living for all its citizens, whereas Sen. McCain believes that all our problems—including whether a young, autistic boy gets the therapy he desperately needs—are best addressed by market forces.
Sen. Obama’s plan intends to address the needs of all our families, while Sen. McCain’s plan intends to deliver more of the same… which in the case of this particular mother and her autistic son, means delivering nothing at all.
That’s the reason why Sen. McCain would prefer to talk about pigs and lipstick, rather than actually issues. Because if the majority of Americans truly understood where he stands on the issues—and what his stance ultimately means for all of us—he wouldn’t stand a chance this November.
McCain’s health care proposal: like putting lipstick on a pig
Goldy – stop calling Governor Palin a pig!
MaCain said today that September the 11th is “not a day for politics.”
But LAST YEAR September 11th apparently was. That memorable day last year McCain used the tragedy of 9/11 to gain ground in his presidential primary campaign, using the day to launch his pro-Iraq War “No Surrender” tour. And here I thought that was Springsteen.
From his remarks at last year’s rally on 9/11:
It was also no coincidence that Petraeus testified to Congress on 9/11, but I digress.
Watch clips from McCain’s politicized 9/11 rally here.
A lot of our local trolls seem to LOOOOOOVE the Rasmussen poll.
Well, here’s a Rasmussen poll for ya (registration required):
Conservatives love their favorite pit bull with lipstick, but what about moderates? When you look at the crosstabs for moderates, those numbers paint a dismal picture for Scandalah Palin:
20% very favorable
15% somewhat favorable
26% somewhat unfavorable
35% very unfavorable
3% not sure
Only 35% of moderates view her favorably. In other words, among this key block of voters, Pinocchio Palin is doing about as well as President Bush. For comparison purposes, Joe Biden is viewed favorably by 70% of moderates.
But that do you expect when the governor abused the powers of her office, fired a decorated state official for not firing a former family member, and has been lying about it every step of the way?
I hate to break this to you daddylove, but there is no such thing as a ‘moderate democrat’, they’re all batshit crazy. If 70 percent found Biden favorable, then by definition there’s only 30 percent left for Palin. However, since she got over 60%, I think you’re pulling a Darryl and applying meaningless analysis to numbers you have no clue about (no suprise there). Now go back to the AIDS clinic from whence you came.
i sure hope you are correct about Obama’s plan Goldy…i am still not sure the Donkey’s can pass it.
i think WJC had both houses of Congress when Hillary’s plan went to vote.
regardless if the Elephant wins or the Donkey….i doubt we see any ‘universal’ coverage
Here’s the best indicator about how a McCain-Palin administration would handle the corruption they will INEVITABLY cause: shut down the investigations.
Sarah Palin is pulling out all the stops to derail a perfectly legitimate investigation into very serious charges. And along the way, she’s simply telling you the flat-out lie that it’s somehow actually unconstitutional for people to ask these questions.
Palin and the trolls can toss that absurd accusation that Obama was referring to her all they want, but I for myself will be happy to step up and state that from what little the media has actually covered of her public appearances since the convention….well, she doesn’t quite come off quite as a pig with lipstick. More like Pam Roach with a better tailor.
Of course, we unwashed masses haven’t seen or heard all that much of her. We’re supposed to be waiting for the meticulously prearranged, exhaustively rehearsed and carefully edited “interview” with Charlie Gibson to build our perception of the “real” Sarah Palin, right?
4 k
Or, you’re an idiot.
It’s not, “who would you vote for if forced to make a choice?” Respondents can describe their opinion of both or neither VP candidates as “favorable.”
And, “She got over 60%” (which, for those if us who can add, was 56%), among the population at large. When you look at the crosstabs for those describing themselves as “moderates” (go back to school unitl you can read the big words) her favorable rating (math alert!) was 20 + 15 = 35%
And among those moderates, who may be Democrats or Republicans or neither, Biden was viewed by 70% favorably. Again, I know that math is hard, but that’s twice as high as Palin’s rating in the same demographic.
Bragging that Obama’s plan is going to give a lifetime’s worth of blank checks to people with all sort of treatable and untreatable illnesses is hardy a selling point to those of us who have to foot the bill.
Charlie Rangel, Head of House Ways & Means, is a self-avowed TAX CHEATIN’ LYIN’ SOB!
How can we afford any of O-blah-blah’s Santa Klaus wish-list if everyone cheats like Charlie??
Remember the phrase “Bend it like Beckham”?
The new one is “Cheatin’ like Charlie”!!
Troll @9,
Did you listen to the clip? Were you untouched? Should this child go untreated because he made the poor choice to be born to a working class mom in one of the few western nations that doesn’t provide universal health coverage? Does it cost taxpayers more or less in the long run to provide the therapy he needs now, or to deal with the consequences later?
Oh and Daddy Love…is this the Rasmussen Poll you were twisting??
61% of Republicans More Likely to Give Thanks to Palin; 46% of Democrats Say Same of Biden
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Call it the vice presidential battle for campaign cash. So far John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate has Republicans far more likely to give money to his campaign than Democrats responding to Barack Obama’s selection of Joseph Biden.
Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans say they are more likely to give money to the McCain campaign with the Alaska governor running for vice president, while 46% of Democrats say the same with the longtime Delaware senator on the ticket, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Only 12% of Republicans say they are less likely to give, compared to 19% of Democrats”
Biden has really been a great choice, huh?!
Cynical @10,
“Oh no… difficult subject! Can’t think of a reasoned response! Must change topic!”
Either stick to the topic Cynical or I’ll start deleting your comments like I did your sockpuppet.
Actually, I prefer Obama’s less sweeping plan. Evolution beats revolution every time.
How do we pay for health care for Americans? Stop spending hundreds of billions of dollars killing everybody else.
Good one.
What does everyone think of Canada’s system? Pretty good, huh? Everyone is covered!
I’m sorry, but I don’t want to wait ONE YEAR for surgery because of overcrowded hospitals! That will probably happen under Obama’s plan.
Great article about Canadians who come to America for their health care.
Charlie Gibson and Sarah Palin (Marvin would have been a better pick!!!!)interview.;page=1
17 My wife waited six months for a joint replacement here in Seattle, because she didn’t want to jump the gun and go with the “second-best” surgeon available.
I’m wondering (and am too lazy to go and research it at the moment)…didn’t Canada at one time cover at least part of the cost for someone who came down to the US for treatment if it wasn’t available at home? If so, is this (and the generousness of the health-care budget in general) something that’s been whittled away at every time the more conservative party’s been in power?
We’ve actually started to see people from here going to places like India for surgeries–probably more elective stuff than not, although it turns out the guy who pioneered “minimally-invasive” hip replacements practices in Bombay. It used to be possible to get the procedure done and pay for the trasportation and a week or so of recovery in a nearby resort for the same cost or less than having it done in the US. That may be changing with the rising cost of airfares. Besides, I don’t know about you, but if I had a hip that was ground down to bone-on-bone, the last thing I’d want to do would be to spend 18 hours in an airplane seat.
I sure do remember a few years ago, all the people from here who were going to Vancouver to get anthrax and flu vaccine.
What can the government give me? Why do people think that it is the function of government to provide for their every need? Social security was made to provide for seniors who did not save for their retirement and for people with disabilities. Social security has been an utter failure. The crooks in Washington have siphoned off all the money and left worthless IOUs. Do you trust these people with your health care? We have the best health care system and doctors in the world. Dont mess up a good thing.
@9: “Bragging that Obama’s plan is going to give a lifetime’s worth of blank checks to people with all sort of treatable and untreatable illnesses is hardy a selling point to those of us who have to foot the bill.”
Wow. I am impressed! So then when wingnuts claim we already have “universal care” since one can “just go to the emergency room”, and who pays for that, pray tell…and, and…?? Upon further reflection, many poor do not pay income taxes, leaving the rest of us to ‘pick up the tab’ for our bloated Dept. of Defense. By your reasoning, we should just scrap that whole effort, too.
Better trolls, please.
Did Palin say she invented the Internet?
Nah that rumor couldn’t be true!
Is it true she was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it?
Is it true she requested earmarks for studying seal and crab dna?
Is it true she increased taxes on the oil industry in Alaska and passed out checks to everybody? Isn’t that called a windfall profits tax? Isn’t that called “redistribution”?
Isn’t that called (gasp!) “socialism”?
Is it true that the oil industry is now reluctant to explore in riskier places in Alaska?
@17: Argument by anecdote is an act of intellectual dishonesty, and Reader’s Digest is a nonstop font of balderdash. Here’s some facts:
Life Expectancy:
US-ranked 45th
males: 75.15 years
females: 80.97
Canada-ranked 14th
males: 76.98
females: 83.86
Canada’s system delivers.
Better trolls, please.
I deserve the spanking!
To the topic–
The money for O-blah-blah’s proposal must come from somewhere.
Charlie Rangel’s cheating doesn’t help pay the bills.
See this brief article:
There may be a shortage of hospital space in Canada, but there isn’t one here. The plans being proposed are far different than in Canada.
Golly Goldy, you chastise Mr. Cynical but you allow your clueless idiot a pass in #22.
Oops… Damn I know why. You pity your clueless idiot!
PU @28,
The mother of that autistic boy does have a job. Are you saying that the boy should get a job too?
The real problem with McCain’s so-called plan for health care is that it will cost most americans money – lot’s of money. It will swamp any tax cut we get. McCain proposes a 5K rebate for health care – sorry – most health care for families runs about 12K/year, easily.
So now, I would be taxed on the health care dollars and have to pay it out and I would be 7K in the hole – after a rebate. Great, I get less money , have to shell out more up front and lose the tax deductibility! What a piece of crap! The only ones who benefit from this are the insurance companies.
Oh, and under Obama my taxes go down a lot more than under McCain too. And – Obama will give more taxes back for college tuition. I can’t afford McCain! the only one’s who will beneift make more than 250K a year – they can afford to pay more.
Local US Hospital’s near the Border have lots of Canadians coming in for elective surgery…if they can afford it.
The Canadian system is excellent for flu shots and a slight cough. But if you are in the huge zone between deathly ill and a slight cough, you are screwed in Canada.
Talk with some Drs. and RN’s in those border hospitals.