Sen. John McCain wins! At least that’s what you might think from the TV punditry in the immediate wake of McCain’s fourth-place finish in yesterday’s Iowa Republican caucus. The desperation of our media elite to elevate McCain into front-runner status is exceeded only by their lazily dismissive effort to brand Sen. John Edwards as “angry.” Gimme a break.
In fact there were winners and losers in yesterday’s caucus, and some of them not so obvious as you might think.
The Big Winners:
The Democratic Party:
The big news coming out of Iowa was not Obama’s or Huckabee’s somewhat comfortable wins (or McCain’s spectacular fourth-place victory) but the caucus itself, which saw record-busting turnout on the Democratic side and well, not so much for the Republicans. In 2000, the last time both parties caucused, the Republicans turned out 87,000 voters and the Democrats only 59,000. In 2004, the Democrats drew 125,000. Last night Republicans produced 115,000 voters, a modest increase from 2000, while a stunning 236,000 Iowans swarmed the Democratic caucuses. It doesn’t take a Beltway pundit to understand what this energized (and independent engorged) Democratic base could mean next November, up and down the ticket.
Obama and Huckabee:
Yeah, they both won, so I suppose that makes them both winners, though of the two I think Barack Obama goes into New Hampshire in the much stronger position. I came away from his June appearance in Seattle wondering if the polls might be underestimating Obama’s support. The audience was filled with new faces, somewhat younger, many of whom told me they’d never even voted before, let alone contributed to or volunteered for a political candidate, and if these folks actually turned out, the “likely voter” model on which pollsters rely would have to be tossed out the window. Well… they turned out. If that holds true throughout the primary season and into November, nothing short of an assassin’s bullet will keep Obama out of the White House. (I hope Obama has really tough security.)
Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Biden:
Yeah, they lost, and they lost big. But at least they had the common sense to get out and return to life as almost normal. And while Dodd came away from Iowa with only a single delegate, he’s gained the newfound respect of progressives nationwide, who are already mounting a grassroots campaign to have him replace Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader.
Fred Thompson:
He’s rich, he’s famous, and he has a much younger, buxom wife, despite being rather ugly and shriveled himself. How can he lose?
The Big Losers:
The Republican Party:
Evangelical Christians turned out in large numbers to push Huckabee over the top in the Republican caucus, but other than that, what does the GOP have? Not much. This is a fractured party with an extremist base that independents are fleeing in droves. If I were a Republican running in a competitive race anywhere in the nation, I would be very, very nervous right now.
Mitt Romney:
Two years and a kajillion dollars later, and a distant second-place finish behind a preacher from Arkansas is the best he can muster? For a guy whose biggest claim to the White House seems to be nondescript competency, losing Iowa runs counter to message. He’s not out of it, as both Huckabee and McCain are ripe for self-destruction, but even in this pathetic Republican field I’m not so sure Romney’s campaign theme of “I’m not one of the other guys” is enough to garner the nomination.
Hillary Clinton:
Again, not out of it, but this has to be a huge blow. I never bought in to the inevitability meme (or the Hillary can’t win meme either,) but a lot of folks did, and Clinton’s marginally third-place finish will have a lot of voters reevaluating their options. Obama didn’t just win, he won a comfortable majority of women voters, a core constituency Clinton had counted on. If she can come back from Iowa, she deserves to be president.
Rudy Guiliani:
Sure, Guiliani didn’t even campaign in Iowa, but for the man who led in the polls for much of the year to come away with only 3% of the delegates, a distant sixth place behind Ron Paul for chrissakes, well, that’s just pathetic. Expect similar results in New Hampshire, where Guiliani has also declined to campaign, instead choosing to pin his hopes on winning Florida. Sure, I’d rather spend my winter in Florida than in Iowa or New Hampshire, but it’s not exactly an obvious path to White House.
Bill Richardson’s press release writer:
I got a lot of ridiculous spin emailed my way last night, but by far the winner for the most pathetically grasping was headlined: “Bill Richardson Makes Final Four”. Um, yeah… with 2% of the delegates. I like Richardson, and I feel bad for him that he hasn’t gained more traction, but somebody with a conscience had to write that headline, and it is he to whom I offer my deepest condolences.
Bill Richardson, Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter:
As expected, they lost, and they lost big. And yet they don’t seem to have the common sense to get out.
Not Quite So Big Losers:
John Edwards:
Yes, I know even Edwards said he had to win Iowa, but he didn’t really, and beating Clinton I think gives him a little air. Edwards must now pin his hopes on Clinton imploding, while he picks up most of her support; not a likely scenario, but possible. The best spin one could possibly put on Edwards performance is that for most of the past year this was covered as a two-way race between Clinton and Obama, and now it is legitimately a three-way. (Assuming the pundits legitimize that spin.) On the bright side, Edwards has had a huge impact on the race as a whole, with Obama, Clinton and Huckabee increasingly picking up his economic populist message.
Ron Paul:
Sure, he came in fifth with only 10% of the vote, but my God… Ron Paul got 10% of the vote! Paul is a nutty candidate, but he’s running for the nomination of a nutty party, and thus I think he’ll pick up traction before he fades away. With his gobs of cash, his anti-war message, and his psychotically fervent base, Paul could end up picking up enough delegates to give convention handlers a fit next summer. I’m looking forward to it.
Gravel and Kuccinich:
They lost big, but then, neither one is really running to win, so what does it matter?
Sen. John McCain:
No, he wasn’t a big winner (unless he was actually shooting for fourth place) but with Huckabee trouncing Romney, he didn’t exactly lose either. McCain’s strategy must be to outlast Romney and Guiliani, becoming the only real alternative to Huckabee and his Christian soldiers, but it won’t be easy without much money, and well, being McCain. McCain had long counted on independent voters to carry him to a good finish in New Hampshire, but if Iowa is any measure, independents seem to be stampeding to the Democrats, and particularly Obama.
That’s my take on Iowa, and I stand by it, even the parts that are complete bullshit.
I’ve been waiting with “baited breath” for your take on the Iowa primary without tying up your phone line. Sounds good to me but then I am your Mom.
Ricardson’ 4th should keep him in at least through Nevada
Dave Gibney
“The audience was filled with new faces, somewhat younger, many of whom told me they’d never even voted before, let alone contributed to or volunteered for a political candidate, and if these folks actually turned out, the “likely voter” model on which pollsters rely would have to be tossed out the window. Well… they turned out.”
The same was true for H. Dean last time around, for McGovern back in the day and for Anderson in ’80. I wouldn’t read too much into it, there’s a long time between now and November.
No Michael, the point is the same was not true for Dean. The folks did not show up, and he did not bring new people into the party and into the political process. Iowa’s turnout was just stunning.
My opinion is that you aptly named this blogsite.
Richardson should stay in. When you have a 3 way tie for first the guy in the back with a couple % of the vote wields quite a bit of power.
Richardson is also the guy with the experience, the resume and the guy that moderate Republicans like and vote for. So the question becomes, who does Richardson want on the ticket with him as he runs for V.P.
If there is a king-maker (I’m not sure there is) it is Richardson.
I hope Edwards’ money holds out for another month, now that Dodd is out.
Dean brought a hell of a lot of people into the process, they just folded earlier.
Maybe I could have written that better.
You honestly think a man the color of Obama, with virtually no experience, can win in Nov.?
assassin’s bullet
That’s the other shoe dropping isn’t it?
I hope the country has changed but what have we just seen the last seven years?
with virtually no experience, can win in Nov.?
And Bush had experience?
Obama has plenty of experience in legislating, organizing and lawyering. He’s not perfect but he’s ok.
Upton –
I get so tired of people, especially Democrats, using the “can a black man really win in America”. That is so incredibly small minded and a completely inane comment considering he just handily won a lilly-white state like Iowa.
The best gift the Democratic party could give the Republicans this year is a Hillary Clinton nomination. No other figure could possibly mobilize the Republican base like Hillary… not without someone like Ted Kennedy running.
One of the writers on a site I blog for talked a about Obama’s win. Of course he first had to explain was a Caucus was to our readers, lol.
Honestly I hate to play the race card but I’m very surprised to see Obama win in a state like Iowa. Maybe the world isn’t as racist as I thought. I’m feeling like if he can win there he can win anywhere.
re 12: You spelled the word ‘lily’ incorrectly.
No offense.
The best gift the Democratic party could give the Republicans this year is a Hillary Clinton nomination. No other figure could possibly mobilize the Republican base like Hillary… not without someone like Ted Kennedy running.
sorry if this seems small-minded, but i believe that obama will motivate the cracker base of the heretofore democratically forbidden states as much as hrc. please someone tell me obama’s electoral strategy. does he have a chance to win fla, ohio, or some other state that swings it to the good guys of the democratic party?
notaboomer –
Can you show me even one poll that gives Obama higher negative ratings than Hillary against *any* GOP candidate?
Frankly, if the Democratic party needs to jettison a few bigotted southern clan members left over from the ’50s in exchange for a few million independant minded and motivated 20-somethings, I say good-riddance.
@12 JamesA
He won a caucus,lets not make it out like its proof positive of anything.
Whether it meets with your approval or not,it’s a question that must be asked by Democratic primary voters. Why shoot ourselves in the foot?
You want to win in Nov? Nominate John Edwards.
Look at these National match up numbers as an example:
If McCain got 13% of the GOP turnout that works out to about 250 votes or thereabouts.
This won’t show up until it clears the spam filter, but here it is anyway…
More on the McCain spin from dday, over at Digby’s place:
The money quote:
Look, McCain finished FOURTH, tied with a fossil named Fred Thompson. A win for Huckabee is not a win for McCain. It’s a win for Huckabee. McCain may take New Hampshire by default, but nothing he did yesterday prepped him for that. You’re TRYING TO PICK THE CANDIDATE and it’s both obvious and embarrassing.
And a some more from Digby on Huckabee’s place in the GOP:
Huckabee won big last night with no money and no organization. Maybe he can’t replicate it anywhere else. But I think he might. The religious right is the biggest single voting bloc in the GOP — the people they cultivated and trained to vote en masse for the Republicans. They have a very specific agenda of social issues that they care about and understand very well. They are true believers. And they are the only constituency in the party who actually likes their candidate and feels inspired by him. He’s one of them.
Upton –
I respectfully disagree that in this point in our history it is a question we need to ask. By repeating the “can a black man win” canard, you just play into the same fear game the GOP has mastered these last 7 years. I put this question in the same category as those that find it ‘meaningful’ to debate the necessity of allowing our armed forces to interrogate prisoners. It should not even be something that needs to be discussed at this point.
And yes, he just won a caucus, but this was not a caucus in a state with a very large African American community…. I believe Iowa is over 90% white and is a great indication of how well Obama could fair Nationally… and someone that can obviously motivate a lot of new voters.
And I meant “Torture prisoners”, not “interrogate”… duh
“If I were a Republican running in a competitive race anywhere in the nation, I would be very, very nervous right now.”
If I were a Republican running in a competitive race anywhere in the nation, I would try to mislead voters into believing I was a Democrat or at least an independent.
And that’s exactly what Republican candidates everywhere are doing.
The new GOP playbook is to leave “GOP” off your yard signs, bumper stickers, and TV ads. Like Roadkilled McGavick did in ’06. Like Dan Satterberg did in ’07 when he tried to portray himself as “non-partisan” (which he sure as hell wasn’t when voting as Maleng’s proxy on the King County canvassing board). Etc. ad nausem.
Everywhere, Republicans are trying hard to pretend to not be what they are — Republicans. They’re trying to look and sound reasonable — until they get into office, at which time they’ll become $2.13-an-hour minimum-wage Republicans again.
I believe Iowa is over 90% white
(h/t )
Goldy: Regarding the assassins bullet, I turned to my wife after she said “I’m glad Jesse [Hi-]Jackson and Al [Not-so-]Sharpton are not there in the background to pollute the moment, and I said “Now if some of Hilary’s crazies don’t off Barack so she get the the nomination by default this could be interesting”.
Then I remembered this web site and Mena, Arkansas.
The web site:
Sen. Dodd is a class act. We all owe him a huge debt of gratitude for blocking telecom amnesty. He would make a better majority leader than the spineless Harry Reid (who represents a thoroughly red state). We need a new speaker, too.
Investigations! Subpoenas! Hearings! Perp walks! Pink jump suits! Chain gangs!
That’s what this country needs: A full accounting, and full accountability, of the Republicans’ high crimes and misdemeanors. To be followed by swift and ample retribution.
The Busheviks’ FEMA concentration camps may yet come in handy.
Kudos to Obama. A great moment for America.
Now we can finally put to rest two Progressive myths. 1) That America is still steeped in racism. And so much so that we need affirmative action, minority set asides, and a Progressive elite constantly pandering to a black victim class. The real racists are you guys, who can’t just look a person for their character, and instead have to frame everything through color and class. Welcome to reality, White Middle Evangelical America voted for a black man. And 2) The Nutroots are irrelevant. You picked your man Edwards, and Obama won. Because no one really cares what a few hundred thousand angry Nutrooters think. And it’s certainly not in line with the rest of Demcrats and the rest of America.
Continue your high-minded discussions and pretend not to notice.
@1 You gotta be a wingnut imposter because any liberal would know the correct spelling is “bated breath.” Only wingnut rubes spell like that.
@5 This blog is named for the Republicans we talk about in it, one in particular.
@9 You honestly think people care about that? Only Republicans care about what color he is. All the racists are in YOUR party now.
@10 If someone kills Obama, it will be a redneck whackjob whose head was filled with the spew of wingnut hate talk who did it.
@14 The states where Obama’s race might be a factor are states we wouldn’t win anyway.
Pretty good Goldy.
I don’t think the results say much about Edwards other than that he is well liked and has a shot. Clinton though would be wise to retool her entire campaign. Running on experience just will not get the job done as is indicated by 71% casting support for other candidates regardless of how much she spent, her edge in experience and her star appeal.
A look at recent history tells us why the experience argument fails to connect. This nation has twice elected a dipshit as its president. Bush had never traveled outside the country except to Mexico, never read the papers and could not put two words together (he is up to five now). So for eight years our nation has lived with a dote who fails to listen to his people, disrespects the nations of this world, has us mired in Iraq, is racking up debt and sinking the economy.
When you contrast this with Obama, who may lack the depth of experience Clinton touts, and you listen to his message of hope, recall his vote on the war and hear his theme of unifying the nation, the experience attack just falls flat.
And regarding new blood. Change candidates historically have the effect of bringing them into the fold. Gary Hart did that in 84 along with the others mentioned above.
@16 “it’s a question that must be asked by Democratic primary voters”
When Democratic primary voters need advice from a wingnut, they’ll let you know.
Your last sentence may be the most telling. McCain is not really well liked by mainstream Republicans. His constituency is the Independent voter, and they aren’t in the GOP camp at all this year. I wouldn’t count out Romney yet, as he is the real “Establishment” GOP candidate, the one who speaks for the monied interests.
14 notaboomer
You’re not small-minded, you’re just lowercase. Read Schaller’s post here ( or read his book Whistling Past Dixie: How Democrats Can Win Without the South ( to find out how. Hint: think Mountain West states.
@24 What about Mena, Arkansas?
(Note to the uninitiated: Mena, Arkansas, is the site of a wingnut myth about the Clintons running drugs via unlighted planes that land on dirt airstrips in the middle of the night.)
@25 I’ll bet a lot of people George W. Bush shook hands with are dead, too.
JamesA wrote: By repeating the “can a black man win” canard, you just play into the same fear game the GOP has mastered these last 7 years.
Fear game Huh? As a conservative black man, I take real exception to that comment. Where did any democrat POTUS put the NSA or SoS as black people?
I’ll wait while you research this fact!
Oh you’ll jump and say I meant the fear of terror and the war on terror. Well if you say that, then how do you explain the Bhutto assassination or the Madrid train bombings or the London bus and subway bombings?
@28 “And so much so that we need affirmative action, minority set asides, and a Progressive elite constantly pandering to a black victim class.”
We don’t have affirmative action or minority set asides, and I don’t see anyone pandering to the black victim class — they’re still as downtrodden as ever.
34 PM
I think the opposite of your argument is even more compelling. Bush is a dipshit, but he’s a dipshit who has surrounded himself with many of the most “experienced” senior officials of any recent administration, in particular his VP, the SecDef, Thompson in HHS, and so on. Tey have made a hash of everything they have touched. Of course, their secret agenda was never to give a damn about governing at all but instead stage a balls-out push to forever politicize the government in favor of the GOP and its donors, but that’s neither here nor there. The main thing is that the situation is as Barack Obama says it is: more important than experience is judgment!
Richardson staying in until Nevada is probably accurate. Of all the various presidential candidates, he’s visited the Silver State the most. I believe the total number is about seventeen or so. He’s really the only true Westerner amongst the candidates, which also plays well here.
Except for pudwhacker. He’s a victim only of himself.
@34 “This nation has twice elected a dipshit as its president.”
Actually, we didn’t. He lost both times.
@40 I’m breathlessly waiting for your soon-to-be-published stunning exposition on all the wonderful things Republicans have done for blacks and other minorities.
Puddy says, “Fear game Huh? As a conservative black man, I take real exception to that comment. Where did any democrat POTUS put the NSA or SoS as black people?”
What the hell are you talking about? Try to use complete sentences as your question makes no sense whatsoever.
And yes, by repeating “a black man can never win”, anyone that says that (black or white) is just perpetuating the myth that white folks are still unwilling or too scared to pull the lever for a person of color. Last night proves that clearly. So I don’t know what point you are trying to make, but it’s not very clear.
now it’s just too bad that we don’t have al “chicken little” gore running isn’t it? especially with this great news coming out about how full of IT he really is……
The thing to do with health care is get the insurance companies completely out of it. They eat 25% of our health care dollars while adding absolutely no value.
I nominate #48 is the Most Irrelevant Post of the Thread.
so how, exactly, is obama a black man? isn’t he just as much a white man? and does anyone really care?
other than the fact that with him doing so well in the race i guess jesse jackson and all the other little “race card” players are going to bummed out big time….
ah….always another side to everything huh? and i’ll bet not one of you “great thinkers” on here has even contemplated that fact. but my attorney friends already have….interesting, isn’t it?
they are depressed.
@48 (continued) Keeping clucking about Al Gore, dearie, while you stand in the middle of the train tracks.
Pelletizer@38 (TM): Your note to the uninitiated covers more tha 80% of the 62 identified lefties here.
Pelletizer (TM) where did I bring up the drugs? I said I remember people being offed around Mena.
There you go lying again, Rabbit, just like you did in your cowardly assertions that condemned without trial or evidence all the Haditha Marines.
You still of a mind that they’re all murderers and, by extension, so is the entire United States Marine Corps? I noticed on the other thread where you pitched that scurrilous accusation that you turned tail and ran like the coward you are when confronted with the hypocrisy of your accusations when compared to your lofty status as an attorney…an officer of the court.
You really are low rent and cowardly…hidding behind your smarmy fake ID, making accusations, smearing an entire branch of the military, and all the while refusing to reveal your true name because then you’d be forever linked to what you say.
No…you just engage in rhetorical drive-by ambush.
Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.
The Piper
and i nominate roger as the most irrelevant human on the planet……….
at least he’s going to be famous for something that way….
piper….you can’t really call what roger does rhetoric. to be actual rhetoric SOMEONE has to be able to believe it,right?
in roger’s case it’s more like a drive by ‘fruiting’…….
but you sure are right on on the low rent part…..
No, no, no…Rabbit isn’t a human, he’s a rodent…literally and figuratively…
The Piper
Thanks for sticking around, sonny. You are a fine example.
From earlier posts (ad nauseam) you have decided that yes, Smirky McFlightsuit did get elected.
Using your impeccable logic, the following would be true:
1. I kill 3 people.
2. I am convicted but win on my appeal to the Court of Last Resort. Exonerated by the Court. Court sez not guilty.
3. Therefore I did not kill 3 people. The Court said so.
Please put down the pipe.
Pud @ 40
Where did any democrat POTUS put the NSA or SoS as black people?
As usual, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. What does this mean in English?
Oh you’ll jump and say I meant the fear of terror and the war on terror. Well if you say that, then how do you explain the Bhutto assassination or the Madrid train bombings or the London bus and subway bombings?
1. The Bhutto assination is a mystery at this point, but she had plenty of enemies, the previous administration having killed her fgather and all, and her just returning to a country in turmoil under martial law.
2. The Madrid train bombings seem to have been carried out by a loose band of rogue Muslim extremists who call themselves the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GICM). ( says that the group has “no hierarchy, structure, or formal manifesto” and that any connections between them and AQ are “ambiguous.”
3. The London train bombings were, according again to (gleaned from the “Report into the London Terrorist Attacks on 7 July 2005.” Parliament Intelligence and Security Committee, March 30, 2006), committed by an “unknown group of Islamic extremists,” referring to a statement claiming responsibility from ” previously unknown group, the ‘Secret Organization of al Qaeda in Europe.’ ” They go on to say that
48 – Quoting right wing propaganda outlets like Newsmax is hardly credible.
Even Stupes has cut way down on it!
59 – Yikes talk about about a database locking problem!
Goldy! Help!
JamesA you brought up the fear game not me.
Here let me make it really simple for you.
What is your definition of the fear game? Then you submit Republicans did the fear game for 7 years. What is your context?
Republicans didn’t play the fear game with Blacks over the last 7 years.
Bush in 2001 asked black leaders why do they year-in/year-out vote for democrats who deliver nuthin to them.
In 2004 he met with black leaders again.
In January 2005 he met with them over AIDS in Africa. I know my history without having to Google it.
His NSA and SoS were/are blacks.
He nominated Janice Rogers Brown for a federal judgeship. Racist democraps killed her nomination.
It’s democraps who are the fear party.
So again I ask what is this 7 years of fear.
Then you forget to copy my second half of my post around terroristic acts.
Conveniently skipped because it destroys your argument, eh?
Actually, JamesA is the only name I’ve ever used on this site, but I can imagine from your inane postings that you have a hard time comprehending the most basic chains of thought…. Which is also obvious from the other incoherent blather you are trying to spew in your post.
Honestly, what is it you kids are smoking these days? It really is just killing way too many brain cells.
Daddy Love@59: Where did I bring up Al Qaeda? I said terrorists. Are those groups terrorists?
Can anyone read here?
Where did a democrat POTUS put blacks in as NSA or SoS?
I’m still waiting?
JamesA: It’s the liberals here. If you don’t express yourself as a NEW Progressive dummocrap, they attack and savage you. It’s the 16% that Bill Schneider of CNN identifies as the very liberal.
They are so liberal they hate!
64 – He smokes right wing bullshit.
ChristmasGhost: You need to ignore the Clueless Gooberfool attack of post#60. He still visits his favorite kool-aid sites of Kos and Matters (He loves Soros funded sites) and attacks anyone who uses Newsmax.
In the immortal words of Don Rickles, “Hello Dummy!”
It’s not my opinion, it’s the opinion of the United States governement…twice over!
See: then see
As to your next unintelligable “point” (take off your hat, and you’ll reveal a third one), I have no idea what you’re driving at. Are you saying:
(1) The legal process is irrelevent;
(2) The presumption of innocence doesn’t matter when you want to declare someone guilty for your own purposes;
(3) You’re an idiot.
Which is it?
The Piper
65 – Bush would put a purple person in as NSA or SoS – as long as they tow the ugly neo-con line.
Clueless Gooberfool@67: Still the fool.
OK…Which one of you HA Happy Hooligans has gone and fubared up the thread?
The Piper
Puddy puddy puddy…. Thank you for at least using complete sentence structure this time. See how much easier it is when you take a little break between hits?
By “Fear Game” I am talking about pretty much the entire Republican election strategy. “Terror Alert Elevated” just prior to elections, gay people destroying marriage but offering zero evidence that it does, terrorist following us home if we don’t keep sending our working class to die over there year after year for reasons that tend to change every six months, fear that raising the minimum wage to keep up with inflation will drive businesses under even when our minimum wage businesses in WA State are thriving with the highest minimum wage in the nation…. How many more examples would you like?
And to your point about Bush apointing an African American SoS and NSA, so what? They are tokens offered to sheep like you and mean nothing to the millions of working poor that continue to move farther and farther down the food chain during this Administration.
I’m glad you can be happy with it though. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Good luck with that.
attacks anyone who uses Newsmax.
I attack lies and the liars who use them.
At least Ghost doesn’t know any better right now.
You on the other hand would point to the ny times and shout “See even the Moonbats think it’s bullshit!”. Which is not what the article says at all.
All to hide your addiction. It’s what an addict does.
puddy…..well, newsmax may have picked it up but it originates from the new york times. you know, the newspaper of record for liberal can’t -readers……
obviously they can’t read. i mean they stopped before they even got to the good part….the NYT.
what a surprise.
and it was someone from the NYT that forwarded it to me….you just have to love that.
don’t worry…i never pay any attention to what the bigger fools on here have to say………because they never say anything that is even remotely true.
what i do find interesting is that, while they accuse every conservative of being a brainwashed fool who only parrots coulter and fox, they are actually the ones that are drinking the kool aid on a daily basis. if gore says it it must be true. forget scientific data….forget reality….
they are truly a lost group of people.
Lets try this
Did it work?
Now it should work
Eat your heart out Stupes!
wow…YLB…you sure do like to throw around alot of references to drugs, addiction, mental illness etc. i wonder what that says about you?
and you really think that it doesn’t say global warming is hooey?
wow…you really can’t read then? or ,tell the truth now, you didn’t even bother as usual. gee…the BBC [another bastion of right wing thinking ] also thinks it’s hooey.
YLB…you are crude, uninformed and ignorant. i assume you are also unemployed?
@54 Piper
Ol Rog is the classic legend in his own mind….
I have met many like him. He’s the typical “never been told anything he didn’t already know” types.
Fancies himself an expert on all topics. Roger thinks he’s the smartest kid in the room, but he’s just the loudest.
Roger Rabbit- Famous for most comments on someone else’s blog. woo-hoo.
YLB saves the thread!
Good on ya.
81 – Ghost you shouldn’t talk, you think Roger and Goldy are the same person.
That is a real white coats stuff! But keep it up. It only makes our point.
83 – Why thank you Right Stuff!! You’re most kind.
YLB…i am still waiting for someone who can actually be believed to tell me they saw roger and goldy in the same room at the same time.
what? you DOUBT for a moment that our little goldsters would salt his own site to get attention?
shoot…he ran his ex wife’s campaign off in to the ditch to get attention.and that’s the mother of his only offspring…..get real.
Clueless Gooberfool 76-80.
What were you “trying” to say?
Oh and your use of preview URLs from tiny will be ignored from no on.
JamesA: By “Fear Game” I am talking about pretty much the entire Republican election strategy. “Terror Alert Elevated” just prior to elections, – Well I can’t help if Zawahri or Gadahn like to post their crap around election tome
gay people destroying marriage but offering zero evidence that it does,
Oh you are too new here. I posted what gay teachers teach 12 year olds about gayness and above in middle and high school. In fact I posted crap from second grade teachers teaching kids it’s okay. Just search the Internet. This is why Lee hates me so much and I am on his “watch” list. I post the pictures from the GLA and GLAAD parades around the US. I show everyone the vileness of those people.
So tell me JamesA when have two gay people created a child?
terrorist following us home if we don’t keep sending our working class to die over there year after year for reasons that tend to change every six months
Golly I thought they volunteered. And if you really paid attention some rich volunteered and died because they felt it was their duty for their country. But you of course don’t search much you rely on the liberal MSM. Puddy has posted this before
fear that raising the minimum wage to keep up with inflation will drive businesses under even when our minimum wage businesses in WA State are thriving with the highest minimum wage in the nation….
Ya know JamesA I must be better read than you…
How many more examples would you like?
Golly I answered them all.
And to your point about Bush apointing an African American SoS and NSA, so what? They are tokens offered to sheep like you and mean nothing to the millions of working poor that continue to move farther and farther down the food chain during this Administration.
I am sure Colin Powell one of the most respected blacks ever in the US will know and sleep well that JamesA thinks he’s a token. I am sure trained concert pianist and ex-Stanford University Provost Condoleeza Rice who speaks Russian, will know and sleep well that JamesA thinks she’s a token.
And what do you think of Janice Rogers Brown?
I’m glad you can be happy with it though. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Good luck with that.
So JamesA are you black? If so you scare me!
86 – Ghost, at least 4 people, off the top of my head, including me have told you that we’ve seen Goldy and Roger at the Mountlake Ale House. Two different people – Goldy with his Manny’s Pale Ale and Roger with his water (due to his health). They don’t have nearly the same writing style and the content of their writing should be obvious to anyone with a brain that they hail from different walks of life.
Hell even Puddybud (MWS) can set you straight on that. He won’t be he could.
But you filter all that out. You’re nuts, plain and simple.
87 – Stupes you’re losin’ it. I fixed this thread bro! You mean you can’t tell? Preview url’s are cool. I’d click on yours. If it was right wing bullshit, I’d stop short. If it was MSM, I’d continue.
OK, Goldy, you missed a few:
Who Won:
– Obama, clearly. He shows grace as opposed to seething resentment (Edwards) or thinly veiled bitch (you-know-who)…
– Huckabee. Shoe leather beats wallet leather every time. The Darcy, please take note.
– Candidates who did equal to or better than expected. Iowa isn’t America, it’s a unique democragphic unto itself. New Hampshire (then South Carolina and Super Tuesday voters/cacaus goers) are different and will do different things for different reasons.
– The un-conventional wisdom types who read more than headlines. This, unfortunately, doesn’t include many HA Happy Hooligans who seem to read only what supports their out-to-lunch POVs. The UCWTs were telling us months ago that the more people got to know HRC, the more they didn’t like her. And they (Dick Morris being one) were telling us Mike Huckabee was moving up and doing so under the radar by not relying upon traditional campaign organizational theory.
Here are some losers:
– HRC. But this is only Round One, not the end of the fight. What do losers who are “supposed to be winners” do in this circumstance? Go nasty…really nasty. Watch for HRC to slyly but very dirtily play the race card AGAINST Barack Obama. It’s “pull out the stops” time for her, and her lust for the office is such that truth, justice, and the American way won’t stand in her way. It’s Rose Law Firm time, and bodies will need to be buried.
– John Edwards. As one wag said, he’s been campaigning in Iowa for years and years, and this is the best he can do? His “house divided, and I’m the divider” two Americas doesn’t compare well at all with Obama’s soft tone. Consider…HRC is a divisive personality. Edwards is running a divisive campaign (HA Happy Hooligans love this! So many of them burn with resentment, and their’s is the politics of revenge). The signs for Democrats right now are that divisve ain’t gonna cut it. If Obama runs a close second in NH, HRC will go absolutely ballistic. BTW…curious how Bill’s efforts on the campaign have hurt her, not helped. One has to wonder if but what he’s interested in tubing her shot at the OO in order to be able to forever rub her nose in it.
– The “Money in politics pollutes the process” school of thought. Again, shoe leather beats wallet leather every time. To contend that you can simply buy votes is an insult to Americans of all parties. If you’ve got a message and the persistence and patience to deliver it to a receptive audience, then money, while nice, becomes secondary. If all you have is the politics of envy, resentment, and radicalism, your money won’t help you.
– Those who think that as Iowa goes, so goes the Nation…in all regards. Who cares about the relative attendance at Dem or GOP caucuses? That doesn’t necessarily translate into like votes come November. This is a NOMINATING process; nobody was elected to anything. Don’t get cocky.
All this from an award winning political prognisticator who refuses to predict a nominee since we’re way too early in a crowded, anything goes, field. Whoever wished for an exciting campaign season has been cursed beyond their wildest dreams.
The Piper
Now, will someone get the imprisoned posts out of bondage and into the thread where they belong?
The Piper
YLB @ 70 – Health my ass. Carrots make rabbits thirsty. It’s that simple.
The posts captured under @59…DL…demand their freedom!
Who will liberate these captives unfairly held due to the screw up of another?
Where is the justice for the captive posts???
Free the posts! Free the posts! Free the posts!
The Piper
i am still waiting for someone who can actually be believed
Ghost, how about Richard Pope?
I know for a fact he met Roger Rabbit when he was running for Judge. And back then Pope was still a Republican!
Will you ever read this and acknowledge the truth? Or will you just warp reality so it does not harm your “beautiful” mind?
Hmmm. Like the time you claimed you only commented at (un)SP six times?
93 – the admins will have to do that and it’s probably not worth their time.
The Pundits were big losers. Between Dec. 20th and Jan. 2nd, Joe Klein at Time, Mike Allen at Politico, Dean Barnett at The Weekly Standard, Jonathan Martin at Politico, Hugh Hewitt, Glenn Reynolds, Kathryn Lopez at National Review and Michelle Malkin all claimed Huckabee had self-immolated with his criticism of Rush Limbaugh and negative ad (withdrawn) on Romney. Lotta egg on the face for those assholes.
Then there were all the pundits that claimed the assasination of Bhutto would change everything in Iowa. Oh yeah I’m sure that was the top consideration of all those caucus goers.
Citizenry won and pundits lose. Things could be worse.
re 71: “Obama, clearly. He shows grace as opposed to seething resentment (Edwards)….”
Regarding Edwards criticism of our corporate overlords, why do you insist that anyone who seeks to curtail their overweening prerogatives is full of resentment?
Is that why you put a thief in jail — because of resentment. As to your political and economic philosophy, you’ve been sold a bill of goods. You are such a good boy> I’ll bet your corporate masters are very proud.
Huckabee and Paul, however, arenot proud of you. Are they full of seething resentment as well?
Edwards pits people against each other. And he does it by lying to people about who lousy things are. What was the polling data of a few days ago about how satisfied people are with their lives? It was in the high 70’s.
Edwards uses his trial lawyer resentment argument: gin up anger, and take it out on someone who has money…at no cost to you.
Of all the candidates in the race, he’s the most dangerous because he has no scruples.
The Piper
Piper: She’s already starting:
“After Obama win, Clinton warns of “false hopes””
PuddyBud @ 40
uh.. inept neocons in the Bush Administration who couldn’t give a crap about actually stopping terrorism?
Yeah, that’s it!
Another interesting dichotomy between HRC and Obama that I just heard Dick Morris articulate is that HRC is yesterday, while Obama is tomorrow.
Now, that’s the message being sent by HRC’s, “I’m SO experienced,” which can also be read as, “I’m as old as the hills and twice as cellulite-ridden.”
Obama is smooth and carries himself with an arms-wide-open, inviting style. Anyone consider HRC inviting?
John Edwards, on the other hand, is increasingly getting weird. Foam at the corners of his mouth is starting to show.
The Piper
PuddyBud again
And you represent that vileness well, PB.
@81…BO (how apt!)…
Do you work at being so stupid? Or were you simply born that way?
The intelligence agencies of both the UK and Pakistan weren’t able to stop those assaults. In addition, the Bush administration shared intelligence with Benazir Bhutto on the threats she faced, and urged her to be more cautious.
It’s not the fault of the United States that she chose to stick her head up through the roof of the vehicle within which she was riding.
But that’s not important to a low-rent like you, is it? You just knee-jerk a cliche without even checking elementary facts.
No wonder you’re BO since you stink!
The Piper
The Pooper stated
WOW, I haven’t heard a more idiotic statement (that didn’t come form PuddyBud) in at least 5 minutes.
You are taking two different things (The reality of how incredibly lousy things are) and (People being satisfied in their personal lives) and twisting them to say the same thing.
Typical wingnut bullshit. If you can’t make valid point, cook up a lie.
Ain’t working very well for the wingnuts anymore, is it?
Pooper @ 103
When you want to actually respond to the comment, do so. If you want to just sit their like a pile of crap spouting wingnut diatribes, continue as you are.
The fact is that terrorist attacks have been occurring constantly during W’s reign of error. And he will never do what is needed to stop terrorism because it is all he’s got.
Terror mongering.
he ran his ex wife’s campaign off in to the ditch to get attention.and that’s the mother of his only offspring
A perfect example of the right wing “making shit up”.
Pooper Scott does the same only with better grammar, usage, capitalization and punctuation. The result is the same.
84% of Americans are satisfied with their lives.
You have a list of cliches that you simply insert as your response to anything that baffles you?
Just how many successful terrorist attacks have there been against the U.S. since 9/11?
And did or did not the U.S. furnish Benazir Bhutto intelligence data about threats against her in Pakistan?
But I’m going to hazard a guess that you don’t care because the truth is irrelevent; you can’t see it through the blind hatred you have for George Bush.
Hope your life insurance is paid up, because carrying that load of grief will do nothing but shorten your life.
Still…stock up on deodorant.
The Piper
Piper: “Edwards uses his trial lawyer resentment argument: gin up anger, and take it out on someone who has money…at no cost to you.”
Justice sometimes necessarily invokes anger. Wish I had time to post. I’d like to offer my opinion on this issue. By the way, I have time for neither regret nor resentment. I think you’ve overstated your case, m’lad.
Oh This is gonna be good!
Pooper said
Lets make sure we are talking about the same thing.
How many successful terrorist attacks against the US between 1993 WTT bombing and 9/11/01?
Answer me that smart guy! But be prepared to be shredded after you respond.
And quit pooping all over the blog.
It seems Pooper is busy getting his diapers changed.
So I will give him a clue. According the neocon and Bush administration’s definitions, the US has been attacked 10’s of thousands of times by terrorists since 9/11/01, at the cost of 10’s of thousands of US casualties. And Bush doesn’t give a fuck about getting the terrorist plotters.
So, now answer my question, Pooper.
How many successful terrorist attacks against the US between 1993 WTC bombing and 9/11/01?
C’mon Pooper, answer that easy question.
Pooper’s question should actually be changed to:
Just how many successful terrorist attacks have there been against the U.S. since we removed our troops from Saudi Arabia?
Answer: None. The presence of U.S. troops on what is considered holy ground was the reason given by bin Laden for the attack on 9/11.
Or perhaps it should be changed to:
How many successful terrorist attacks were there against the U.S. prior to 9/11?
Answer: At least one – the attack on the Murrah Federal Bldg in Oklahoma City. And we responded to that one by using the courts and the legal system.
Good observation Pale Rider.
And additionally, the plotters in the 1993 WTC bombing were caught, tired, and are rotting in prison now. Never to terrorize again.
And 9/11/01? Bin Laden?
Still at large. And as Bush succinctly said in March 2002, 6 months after 9/11/01, and after his notorious “Wanted Dead or Alive” buffoonish comment regarding Bin Laden:
Pooper thinks I hate Bush and the neocons. He is correct. I hate all traiters and war criminals.
That Pooper doesn’t says volumes about his moral values.
Pooper!!! Pooper!! BO awaits your response. Right Guard in hand!
Neocons and their senseless enablers are so predictable in their cowardice.
The only ‘vileness’ I see around here is your blind, stupid hate. I use to think you were just the weirdo, the Whitest Black Man in America. Now I see you for what you are, and Lee is perfectly justified to consider you dangerous. I was (sorta) kidding when I said that it was inevitable that you’d put on your cammies and try to blow up a strip mall to save Murka for Jeezus.
Now I know the truth.
I’ll let my friends in Seattle Quake RFC know you’re plotting to kill them and their community. I know from experience that getting stepped on by someone in rugby boots hurts like all get out. Now imagine about 20 or 30 pairs of boots raining down on you. Hard.
Have a nice day, terrorist.
Yes, I hate that which you seem to support. I posted examples of all these on this static-filled blog
1) Flaunting the gay lifestyle to 7 year old and above children in the school system, and public parades where little children are present
2) Objecting to teaching creationism in schools as an alternative to evolution – but we know how you evolved right BlowJob? Amoeba or Paramecium? Orangutan or Gorilla?
3) Beating up old men who protest against abortion clinics
4) Abortion clinics who lie to get land deals
5) Doing nothing to improve the lot of my people in the inner cities for the last 44 years
6) The lack of Democrat support for the original VRA and CRA in the 1960s
7) Cheap labor liberal companies
8) Earmark loving democraps
9) Poor and neglected inner city school systems
10) democrats who can’t man polling stations and then when problems occur blame Republicans
Trust me. I have no plans to blow up anything. But it seems to be deeply rooted in your mind like the porn displays Clueless Gooberfool loves to put here.
Oh I forgot something BlowJob@117:
The lack of support of Obama among the whack-job lefties here. Why is that?
like the porn displays Clueless Gooberfool loves to put here.
PSilly your mind is so full of porn, it’s pathetic. How many hours you watch Faux News? It’s stacked with porn. Here’s the proof:
You love Murdoch. He’s a smut peddler. He knows what freaking sells. He knows that ignorant people like you buy it.
You love torture right? You think that shit works. You watch 24? There’s been two black Presidents on that show and a white hero loyal to them who tortures his ass off, ep after ep. That’s gotta be porn to you.
The biggest porn of all to you has to be right wing bullshit. The spin, the lies, all of it. Able Danger, Gorelick wall, “Neanderthal”, the threat to your manhood from Hillary, Rosie and Code Pink.
Today’s your sabbath. Focus your mind on God and watch porn no more.
The lack of support of Obama among the whack-job lefties here.
Bullshit. But there’s one right wing whackjob here with the “audacity of a dope” who surely does not support Obama.
Goldy — Most savvy observers figure Edwards a dead man walking.
Like Howard Dean, he sank what he had into Trippi’s 1-state strategy, and lost where he was supposed to win. (If Iowa were a conventional primary, he finishes 3rd, 7 points behind Clinton.) He’s frozen out in NH, struggling for viability in SC and FL, and sub-viable in NV (where he was supposed to dominate).
He’ll pick up a few from the dropouts, but he really needs to pull votes from Obama, not Clinton. He’ll have to do it with disadvantages in money and airtime. And he’ll have to come on with positive themes. You can’t run negative from 3rd.
He should stay in on the off chances that the front-runner stumbles (still quite possible), or that the primary cycle fails to decide the nominee (in which case he has a ton of bargaining chips).
Who is Piper Scott and why does he have to rely on his kid for his identity?
Considering the number of pyschotic ex-Marines wandering around civilian streets these days maybe Mr Scott’s postings make some kind of sense.
Will somebody beam Scotty up to reality, please?
Clueless Gooberfool@120: With my schedule right now I barely have time to watch any TV. But when I do I will watch Fox News for real news not like CNN as even Kos called them the Clinton News Network.
“Puddybud says:
Clueless Gooberfool@120: With my schedule right now I barely have time to watch any TV”
What is the fleet in town?
You must be making good money.
Just make sure they are wearing condoms.