Do I stay with the disfigured wife or go off with the hot new rich chick?
Do I start a war with Iran or North Korea?
Do I say I am pro life or anti-choice?
Roger Rabbitspews:
McCain offers you the choice of paying higher taxes.
According to the conservative publication Business Week, most people would pay lower taxes under Obama’s tax proposals than McCain’s.
” … Obama’s plan would lead to a boost in aftertax income for all but the highest earners, while taking a smaller bite out of government tax revenues than would McCain’s plans … married couples with earnings in the lowest quintile of the population would see their aftertax income rise 5.8%. Those in the next quintile would see an increase of 4%. … Under McCain’s proposals … married couples in the bottom fifth of the population would see aftertax income go up just 0.2%, while those in the next quintile would see a 0.7% hike. …
“‘It’s just flat wrong’ to say people would do worse under Obama, says Berman. ‘Most lower- and middle-class people would pay less taxes under Obama than they would under the proposals being put forth by McCain.'”
(Quoted under fair use)
How do you know which choice FlipFlop McCain is offering? He flip flops on his positions every 28 seconds!
Daddy Lovespews:
John McCain: Change? Depends.
All Facts Support My Positionsspews:
And to think. Insane McCain is the “best” the Republiconvicts have to offer.
Can you say Whigs…..
The Republiconvict Party has become a stain on our country. One the color of blood. The only Americans they care about are billionaires.
Daddy Love @ 4:
Do you mean “Change depends” as in McCain is yelling at his wife to “change his depends diaper.”
You know, at his advanced age shitting his pants is a everyday occurance.
Speaking of McCain’s wife. I just read an email that said she starred in porno films in college.
Has anyone else heard about this?
Apparently, it was a gang-bang film with her and 5 other black men.
Weird, huh?
Seriously, I just don’t think we should have a former porn star first lady in the White House.
Blue Johnspews:
Nice rumor campaign. I highly doubt such a file exists. But if it did, so what? As a progressive, who she choose to make love to is generally not our concern. Leave judgmental hypocrisies like that to the conservatives where what you appear to be, is more important than what you do. The actions of the guy who is there now, is much worse. Worry about that.
Besides, McCain will just gain social status points, for being married to a porn star and the arch conservatives didn’t want to vote for him anyway.
Has anyone asked McCain to tell us how many women he slept with while he was cheating on his first wife?
That would take courage. The kind that does not exist in the MSM.
I don’t give a crap about the sex life of:
a. McCain
b. McCain’s wife
c. any other public official
unless they are doing something illegal or truly immoral (not just the bedroom variety of immoral).
I do care that McCain is for telecomn immunity, illegal spying and torture after being against them.
I do care he wants to give tax cuts to people making over 250K a year – but not to everyone else. I do care that he wants to cut the capital gains taxes so speculators can make more money off of oil and stock speculation.
I do care that he has no energy policy except to drill more. I do care that he wants to stay in Iraq until the sheep come home. I do care that he told us the Iraqis would welcome us as liberators, that the war would be short and cheap. Someone with a record of judgement that poor should not be leading our country.
McCain’s idea of choice:
Do I stay with the disfigured wife or go off with the hot new rich chick?
Do I start a war with Iran or North Korea?
Do I say I am pro life or anti-choice?
McCain offers you the choice of paying higher taxes.
According to the conservative publication Business Week, most people would pay lower taxes under Obama’s tax proposals than McCain’s.
” … Obama’s plan would lead to a boost in aftertax income for all but the highest earners, while taking a smaller bite out of government tax revenues than would McCain’s plans … married couples with earnings in the lowest quintile of the population would see their aftertax income rise 5.8%. Those in the next quintile would see an increase of 4%. … Under McCain’s proposals … married couples in the bottom fifth of the population would see aftertax income go up just 0.2%, while those in the next quintile would see a 0.7% hike. …
“‘It’s just flat wrong’ to say people would do worse under Obama, says Berman. ‘Most lower- and middle-class people would pay less taxes under Obama than they would under the proposals being put forth by McCain.'”
(Quoted under fair use)
How do you know which choice FlipFlop McCain is offering? He flip flops on his positions every 28 seconds!
John McCain: Change? Depends.
And to think. Insane McCain is the “best” the Republiconvicts have to offer.
Can you say Whigs…..
The Republiconvict Party has become a stain on our country. One the color of blood. The only Americans they care about are billionaires.
Daddy Love @ 4:
Do you mean “Change depends” as in McCain is yelling at his wife to “change his depends diaper.”
You know, at his advanced age shitting his pants is a everyday occurance.
Speaking of McCain’s wife. I just read an email that said she starred in porno films in college.
Has anyone else heard about this?
Apparently, it was a gang-bang film with her and 5 other black men.
Weird, huh?
Seriously, I just don’t think we should have a former porn star first lady in the White House.
Nice rumor campaign. I highly doubt such a file exists. But if it did, so what? As a progressive, who she choose to make love to is generally not our concern. Leave judgmental hypocrisies like that to the conservatives where what you appear to be, is more important than what you do. The actions of the guy who is there now, is much worse. Worry about that.
Besides, McCain will just gain social status points, for being married to a porn star and the arch conservatives didn’t want to vote for him anyway.
I’ll throw this one in my who gives a shit file.
Has anyone asked McCain to tell us how many women he slept with while he was cheating on his first wife?
That would take courage. The kind that does not exist in the MSM.
I don’t give a crap about the sex life of:
a. McCain
b. McCain’s wife
c. any other public official
unless they are doing something illegal or truly immoral (not just the bedroom variety of immoral).
I do care that McCain is for telecomn immunity, illegal spying and torture after being against them.
I do care he wants to give tax cuts to people making over 250K a year – but not to everyone else. I do care that he wants to cut the capital gains taxes so speculators can make more money off of oil and stock speculation.
I do care that he has no energy policy except to drill more. I do care that he wants to stay in Iraq until the sheep come home. I do care that he told us the Iraqis would welcome us as liberators, that the war would be short and cheap. Someone with a record of judgement that poor should not be leading our country.