Oops. A window into McCain’s post traumatic stress disorder? Or is this just the sort of mental lapse we should expect from a 72-year-old man undertaking a grueling run for president?
.. like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ’em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say. Now where were we? Oh yeah — the important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…
LifeLong Democratspews:
You fucking PUKE! How dare you make fun of a veteran who suffered for your freedom to write crap. You aren’t worth McCain’s sacrifice.
You are such a god damn socialist you will believe promote any lies as long as it advances your hateful agenda.
I quit the Democratic Party today. As a veteran, I wouldn’t share the same toilet with a punk like you. Attacking a veteran who suffered no matter the party simply shows how shallow your arguments and hateful your heart.
FDR Truman and Kennedy would never have accepted this kind of politics. Never!
Well said brother. Sniveling little Goldy continues to be the King of Ignorance.
Good riddance. Get the fuck out of our party. We like people who make decisions about elections based on issues, not based on whether a blogger says something offensive about a candidate. You should find a comfortable home in the Republican Party as irrationality, intolerance, and incoherence are essential attributes of members of the party. John McCain is running such a vicious and dishonest campaign that any respect he should receive for his military service has evaporated. He has become a hollow shell of vituperative platitudes. He is a pathetic puke and his running mate a two-dollar whore. You’re going to feel so at home in your new party.
@6 Great video link. Very funny!!
Oh, Mark’s not laughing with us. So sad.
headless lucyspews:
re 2: “Feelings…. Nothing more than…Feelings….” Where were you when the Swift Boaters (funded by T. Boone Pickens), were dumping on a real military hero?
Funny how every week or so we get some new poster here, feigning outrage over something or other, and saying that they are quiting the party. Then they dissapear within days, never to be seen again. Clearly they are not who they say they are, they are merely the creatin of some web campaign that thinks we might be decieved by such tactics.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Are These People Republicans?
“BLOUNTVILLE, Tenn. — A 10-year-old boy was driving up to 90 mph when he crashed a van carrying two adults who had been drinking and taking pills and two other children, Tennessee sheriff’s deputies said.
Inside the crashed van, … 38-year-old Paula Elaine Evans was trying to swallow as many pills as she could. A man, 43-year-old Randy Lewis, who was wearing a shirt that read ‘Buy This Dad a Beer,’ told police he had drank at least 15 beers … [and] acknowledged drinking liquor besides the beers. …
“Lewis was charged with … third offense DUI and felony reckless endangerment. … Evans faces charges that include aggravated child abuse or neglect.”
(Quoted from Fox News under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit: Hey, I’m just askin’. I don’t know how these idiots vote, but Tennessee is a Republican state and they behave like Republicans, so I wondered if they might be Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 At the rate Republicans are leaving the Democratic Party, there soon won’t be any Republicans left in the Democratic Party.
(crickets chirping)
Roger Rabbitspews:
The latest meme of the shrieking right is that poor people — who own nothing and have no power — brought down the economy by buying houses. That’s comical.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. headless lucy spews:
when the Swift Boaters (funded by T. Boone Pickens), were dumping on a real military hero?
You mean the john kerry that lied about being on the river christmas eve under orders of nixon?
Oops, bad example. He admitted he lied for decades and decades.
You mean the john kerry that threw his medals over the fence of the white house in protest.
Oops, another bad example. He was caught in that lie also.
I’m not good at this game.
Why don’t you list the lies the swiftboaters didn’t prove.
Still voting for hillary headless, gonna write her in? We know how you are with those black people.
My Left Footspews:
The fact is he misspoke. The question is valid. Is he suffering from PTSD, is he suffering from the effects of a campaign on a 72 year old mind and body?
This man has been through a lot in his life.
Crashed several planes.
5+ years prisoner of war.
Left his disfigured wife for a rich blonde, much younger. (That has probably worn him out all by itself).
20+ years in the Congress and Senate. Working up extra sweat as a maverick doing mavericky things like participating in the Keating Five.
It is easy to see how his mental acuity might be slightly, well, diminished.
I think McCain should answer the question that I am sure KO will ask tonight on Countdown.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Why don’t you list the lies the swiftboaters didn’t prove.”
Let’s say all of them and you work from there. Actually, Marvin, we’re not interested in playing this game with you. The swiftboaters’ claims have been thoroughly investigated and debunked, and continuing to assert them puts you in the same category of liars as Holocaust deniers. In short, you’re a nut.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m a veteran too, Marvin, but you don’t respect me. Your respect for veterans is selective. If you respected our Iraq veterans you wouldn’t vote for the party that tried to cut their combat pay, refused to pay for vehicle and body armor, dumped the wounded into moldy barracks, and tried to cut veterans benefits. You don’t respect veterans, you worship an ideology. And by using McCain’s military service to pimp for your ideology, you disrespect his service too.
U Goldspews:
I agree that we shouldn’t make fun of McCain.
He ‘Served’ our country, and gave a very big sacrifice.
However, this is just another example of why HE DOESN’T CUT THE MUSTARD to RUN the country.
He should be a hero NOW, and quietly, and in a distinguished way, bow out.
He derves our respect….but you have to EARN our vote!
I admire McCain for his service to his country, and have the greatest sympathy for what he endured in Hanoi.
On the other hand, I’d rather not have him continue to sell out America and make a big show of “reaching across the aisle and bringing all the players to sit at the table”, or some such political masturbation, while the starving members of the former middle class are fighting on the streets over dead pigeons.
George Hussein Obamaspews:
Yep, we Republicans are bailing out of the Democrat Party (can’t stand the stench of Rabbit shit). We’re headed to Nairobi to hang with Jerome Corsi (who made fun of a REAL war hero) and with Barack’s little brother.
Figure we’ll all fit in the hovel while waiting for the fat-cat Obamas to send Brother George some chump change.
The odd thing is…Palin doesn’t even seem to notice. She just sways back and forth. He just misspoke but boy he’s looking tired.
Actually, he is right. We are all prisoners of the Bush mismanagement. We are caught in the inexorable cycle of economic downturns, wasteful spending on an unnecessary war in Iraq and generalized corruption and incompetence.
We are prisoners of the government created by right wing republicans that refused to oversee the banking industry, that insisted the free market was the best, that promised prosperity and has delivered corruption, avarice and poverty. My 401K has been held hostage by the party of the economically incompetent – the guys who claim that deregulation and getting government out of the way will raise all the boats neglected to mention the greedy monoplies and bankers who put holes in all our boats.
Yup – McCain was right – we are prisoners.
headless lucyspews:
re 14: Marvin, you’re too modest. You are one of the best I’ve seen at lying, deception, deflection, and just general mendacity.
You exhibit nothing but contempt for facts and anything truly decent or moral, repeating the same lies year after year.
People like you are the reason civil wars occur.
headless lucyspews:
After eight years of Republican rule, it should be apparent to the BIAW that it’s not environmentalists who are slowing down the home construction industry.
If they want another housing boom, they better get behind the Democrats.
I do my best to be just like I amspews:
I also heard someone trash Jeffrey Dahmer, army veteran, the other day. Of all the nerve!
Onion on my pants!! Oh my fucking god. I laughed so hard! You made my day. Fuck McT-rex and his carnie arms. Just because you are a vet doesn’t give you a pass for being a fuck-tard.
Onion HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!
I wouldn’t want to share a toilet with you either, I would like to drop a chocolate hotdog and flush the both of you.
I think it’s laughable and lame everyone someone pretends to leave their party.
Example–from “lifelong democrat”–I quit the Democratic Party today, I am fed up, yada yada yada.
What a bunch of bull. I see this over and over in this responses. Do you think you’re fooling anyone? Sounds like an idiot republican thinking they are going to inspire someone to switch a vote. Democrats do it too. Just a pet peeve of mine
.. like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ’em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say. Now where were we? Oh yeah — the important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…
You fucking PUKE! How dare you make fun of a veteran who suffered for your freedom to write crap. You aren’t worth McCain’s sacrifice.
You are such a god damn socialist you will believe promote any lies as long as it advances your hateful agenda.
I quit the Democratic Party today. As a veteran, I wouldn’t share the same toilet with a punk like you. Attacking a veteran who suffered no matter the party simply shows how shallow your arguments and hateful your heart.
FDR Truman and Kennedy would never have accepted this kind of politics. Never!
Well said brother. Sniveling little Goldy continues to be the King of Ignorance.
To claim that what you just wrote makes no sense would be an insult to things that make no sense.
@2 “I quit the Democratic Party today”
Good for you. Now you can pal around with Mark and his best bud:
You all deserve each other.
@1 Bravo the Abe Simpson reference. Nice. Did a quick youtube search.
Good riddance. Get the fuck out of our party. We like people who make decisions about elections based on issues, not based on whether a blogger says something offensive about a candidate. You should find a comfortable home in the Republican Party as irrationality, intolerance, and incoherence are essential attributes of members of the party. John McCain is running such a vicious and dishonest campaign that any respect he should receive for his military service has evaporated. He has become a hollow shell of vituperative platitudes. He is a pathetic puke and his running mate a two-dollar whore. You’re going to feel so at home in your new party.
@6 Great video link. Very funny!!
Oh, Mark’s not laughing with us. So sad.
re 2: “Feelings…. Nothing more than…Feelings….” Where were you when the Swift Boaters (funded by T. Boone Pickens), were dumping on a real military hero?
Funny how every week or so we get some new poster here, feigning outrage over something or other, and saying that they are quiting the party. Then they dissapear within days, never to be seen again. Clearly they are not who they say they are, they are merely the creatin of some web campaign that thinks we might be decieved by such tactics.
Are These People Republicans?
“BLOUNTVILLE, Tenn. — A 10-year-old boy was driving up to 90 mph when he crashed a van carrying two adults who had been drinking and taking pills and two other children, Tennessee sheriff’s deputies said.
Inside the crashed van, … 38-year-old Paula Elaine Evans was trying to swallow as many pills as she could. A man, 43-year-old Randy Lewis, who was wearing a shirt that read ‘Buy This Dad a Beer,’ told police he had drank at least 15 beers … [and] acknowledged drinking liquor besides the beers. …
“Lewis was charged with … third offense DUI and felony reckless endangerment. … Evans faces charges that include aggravated child abuse or neglect.”
(Quoted from Fox News under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit: Hey, I’m just askin’. I don’t know how these idiots vote, but Tennessee is a Republican state and they behave like Republicans, so I wondered if they might be Republicans.
@2 At the rate Republicans are leaving the Democratic Party, there soon won’t be any Republicans left in the Democratic Party.
(crickets chirping)
The latest meme of the shrieking right is that poor people — who own nothing and have no power — brought down the economy by buying houses. That’s comical.
You mean the john kerry that lied about being on the river christmas eve under orders of nixon?
Oops, bad example. He admitted he lied for decades and decades.
You mean the john kerry that threw his medals over the fence of the white house in protest.
Oops, another bad example. He was caught in that lie also.
I’m not good at this game.
Why don’t you list the lies the swiftboaters didn’t prove.
Still voting for hillary headless, gonna write her in? We know how you are with those black people.
The fact is he misspoke. The question is valid. Is he suffering from PTSD, is he suffering from the effects of a campaign on a 72 year old mind and body?
This man has been through a lot in his life.
Crashed several planes.
5+ years prisoner of war.
Left his disfigured wife for a rich blonde, much younger. (That has probably worn him out all by itself).
20+ years in the Congress and Senate. Working up extra sweat as a maverick doing mavericky things like participating in the Keating Five.
It is easy to see how his mental acuity might be slightly, well, diminished.
I think McCain should answer the question that I am sure KO will ask tonight on Countdown.
@14 “Why don’t you list the lies the swiftboaters didn’t prove.”
Let’s say all of them and you work from there. Actually, Marvin, we’re not interested in playing this game with you. The swiftboaters’ claims have been thoroughly investigated and debunked, and continuing to assert them puts you in the same category of liars as Holocaust deniers. In short, you’re a nut.
I’m a veteran too, Marvin, but you don’t respect me. Your respect for veterans is selective. If you respected our Iraq veterans you wouldn’t vote for the party that tried to cut their combat pay, refused to pay for vehicle and body armor, dumped the wounded into moldy barracks, and tried to cut veterans benefits. You don’t respect veterans, you worship an ideology. And by using McCain’s military service to pimp for your ideology, you disrespect his service too.
I agree that we shouldn’t make fun of McCain.
He ‘Served’ our country, and gave a very big sacrifice.
However, this is just another example of why HE DOESN’T CUT THE MUSTARD to RUN the country.
He should be a hero NOW, and quietly, and in a distinguished way, bow out.
He derves our respect….but you have to EARN our vote!
I admire McCain for his service to his country, and have the greatest sympathy for what he endured in Hanoi.
On the other hand, I’d rather not have him continue to sell out America and make a big show of “reaching across the aisle and bringing all the players to sit at the table”, or some such political masturbation, while the starving members of the former middle class are fighting on the streets over dead pigeons.
Yep, we Republicans are bailing out of the Democrat Party (can’t stand the stench of Rabbit shit). We’re headed to Nairobi to hang with Jerome Corsi (who made fun of a REAL war hero) and with Barack’s little brother.
Figure we’ll all fit in the hovel while waiting for the fat-cat Obamas to send Brother George some chump change.
The odd thing is…Palin doesn’t even seem to notice. She just sways back and forth. He just misspoke but boy he’s looking tired.
Actually, he is right. We are all prisoners of the Bush mismanagement. We are caught in the inexorable cycle of economic downturns, wasteful spending on an unnecessary war in Iraq and generalized corruption and incompetence.
We are prisoners of the government created by right wing republicans that refused to oversee the banking industry, that insisted the free market was the best, that promised prosperity and has delivered corruption, avarice and poverty. My 401K has been held hostage by the party of the economically incompetent – the guys who claim that deregulation and getting government out of the way will raise all the boats neglected to mention the greedy monoplies and bankers who put holes in all our boats.
Yup – McCain was right – we are prisoners.
re 14: Marvin, you’re too modest. You are one of the best I’ve seen at lying, deception, deflection, and just general mendacity.
You exhibit nothing but contempt for facts and anything truly decent or moral, repeating the same lies year after year.
People like you are the reason civil wars occur.
After eight years of Republican rule, it should be apparent to the BIAW that it’s not environmentalists who are slowing down the home construction industry.
If they want another housing boom, they better get behind the Democrats.
I also heard someone trash Jeffrey Dahmer, army veteran, the other day. Of all the nerve!
Onion on my pants!! Oh my fucking god. I laughed so hard! You made my day. Fuck McT-rex and his carnie arms. Just because you are a vet doesn’t give you a pass for being a fuck-tard.
Onion HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!
I wouldn’t want to share a toilet with you either, I would like to drop a chocolate hotdog and flush the both of you.
I think it’s laughable and lame everyone someone pretends to leave their party.
Example–from “lifelong democrat”–I quit the Democratic Party today, I am fed up, yada yada yada.
What a bunch of bull. I see this over and over in this responses. Do you think you’re fooling anyone? Sounds like an idiot republican thinking they are going to inspire someone to switch a vote. Democrats do it too. Just a pet peeve of mine