Sen. John McCain announced today that in light of the current crisis (ie, his plummeting poll numbers), he has suspended his campaign for President of the United States… you know, except for the TV ads, the field operations, the media relations, the fundraising, and some campaign stops.
If things don’t turn around pretty soon, I’d personally be more concerned about the Republicans trying to suspend the actual election.
Things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser…
Go Obama!
Katie Couric just ripped Sarah Palin to shreds on the national news.
Well, McCain got at least part of what he wanted. His face and name controlled the news cycle again. His new strategy is to try to portray Obama and the Democratic Congress as being unpatriotic for, well, winning an election. Good luck with that one.
You kind of need a scorecard, but let’s try to keep the McCain campaign claims straight:
(a) He’s a “maverick” who stands up to the oil firms and lobbyists in Wall Street (abandoned in light of actual facts).
(b) The economy is “fundamentally sound” (proven wrong by amost a 1,000 point drop in the Dow within 48 hours of that statement).
(c) It’s all the Democrat’s fault (desiminated by Rove operatives through talking points given to right-wing talk-show hosts and fox news, falsly claiming that Bush tried to reform the banking industry but was halted by Congress. This point is now abandoned in light of polls which show the public isn’t buying it, by a convincing margin).
(d) We need to suspend the campaign and cancel the debate in order to focus on the economic plan.
All positions taken within ten days from start to finish. Incredible.
War hero my ass. McCain’s a pussy, a kept man of his rich wife and his rich handlers.
Real men don’t duck debates. Real men don’t suspend campaigns. He’s afraid of Obama and he’s afraid of Osama.
No campaign? No problem. Obama can go to the Senate, tell the Bushies to shove their bailout up their asses, and show the nation some leadership instead of cheap theatrics.
Maybe now Dino will postpone his debate with the Governor, “suspend” his campaign, and demand that she deal with the “deficit” OR ELSE!
This election’s over, trolls. But thanks for playing.
When I heard this news I thought it was bizarre and that this would be a turning point in the campaign in favor of Obama. But could it be that the state of denial over McCain is too deep?
The party faithful are circling the wagons, as they must. We’ll see what the general public thinks. Non-politically speaking, I don’t think postponing the debates could possibly make much actual difference. However, it will give Palin more time to practice being presidential and McCain more time to think up just what he could possibly say in response to questions about the economy.
CNN election map. You call the race.
There you go, you see Qbamma is not in this for us but like the failed Carter regime in it for himself!
Hmm, fewer troll responses on a percentage basis than usual, and those we do have just aren’t up to the usual standards. C’mon guys, the McCain campaign accidentally emailed the internal talking points on this to the press in Colorado –
so you should have no problem.
Hey troll, ready to explain why you distort facts and just plain lie?
Bush is so on to the bullshit from democrats
that whatever he wants to accomplish he simply
does the opposite. He’s for no bailout so he
acts like he wants one and democrats always
want the opposite so then he gets what he wants. Easy play.
Yeah, that Bush is a genius. He said he wants to avoid a meltdown, so he must want one.
Gee Mark – what a brilliant analysis – I suppose Bush did NOT want to attack Iraq for no reason – so he lied about the WMDs to make democrats try and prevent the war – but oops, he went to war anyways (oh well).
Oh, and Bush is so brilliant that he created the largest economic crisis since the great depression – just to see the democrats squirm.
Yup – that Bush is one really smart guy to be able to alienate of 80% of Americans by doing the exact opposite of what he wants to do.
Thanks for letting me on the “big” secret. Hushhhh, I won’t tell anyone else!
I think the quality of trolls has gone down by at least an order of magnitude. Now we have trolls like Mark that make even Puddy seem absolutely brilliant by comparison.
3. michael spews:
“OMG, Katie Couric just ripped Sarah Palin to shreds on the national news.”
I thought Katie Couric was a news reporter??
Her dead last-place “news” show obviously needed some sort of boost.
McCain is lurching all over the place – only a few days before all this hit he was busy saying the economy was fundamentally sound. Then he wanted to fire the SEC chairman. Then he wanted the bailout, then he had second thoughts. Now he wants to pretend to be a leader in the senate where he has missed 99 out of the last 100 votes. Yup, the POW has been MIA on the economy and in the senate.
Yup, that McCain is one decisive leader. That is why he is scared to debate Obama. they were dropping so fast they had to do something bold – Palin only worked until people saw what a lightweight liar she was. Now he is gambling on being the “leader”. Good luck Mr. derregulation – let’s see your bipartisanship and regulation now. Maybe Rick Davis can help – he know Fannie Mae from the inside out.
@14: No better boost than showing what an idiot Palin is….she could not think of a single thing that McCain did for banking reform in his entire career – except to parrot back the bad bill that died in 2005. Guess her handlers have a lot more work to do to get her up to speed. And she could not asnwer why Rick Davis lied about his connections to Fannie Mae. Ooops.
the wonderful thing about Palin is that she is the gift that keeps giving -one stupid thing after another. One bad lie after another. thank you Sarah!
With these guys anything is possible!
How afraid is the McCain campaign to have Palin debate?
McCain bailed on Dave Letterman, Letterman wasn’t pleased.
So on Friday, will we get to see Obama debating an empty chair, or the planned debate with the empty suit?
This move makes McSame look like they are trying to salvage the remnants of his campaign. As Obama said, the only thing that’s really changed over the past several days is the poll numbers.
Now that McSame’s numbers are in freefall, he’s calling on good old Dubya (“President 19% Approval”) to help try to make make him look presidential…THAT is how desperate they are!
Lordy, lordy, you’ve just gotta love Obama’s rejoinder about canceling the Friday debate.
Americans Respond to McCain Stunt
SurveyUSA has just completed a snap poll on response to John McCain’s request to cancel or postpone the presidential debate.
Several questions. But two key ones.
What to do about debates?
Hold as Scheduled 50%
Hold with Econ Focus 36%
Postpone 10%
Suspend Campaigns?
Suspend 14%
Continue 31%
Refocus on Fin. Crisis 48%
Would canceling the debates be good for America? 14% say yes.
This whole thing is either an incredibly brilliant end-game move by the Republico-Fascists, or the worst clusterfuck in political history.
If Congress manages to hold its nose and pass a bill based on Paulson’s proposal, the dollar crashes worldwide, we’ll have $7.50 a gallon gas by the end of next week, and the Democratic leadership will get saddled with the blame.
If Congress doesn’t pass a bill, or passes one that Bush finds reason to veto, the stock market tanks on Monday, local banks start to close, people find their ATM cards don’t work, and the Democrats take the blame.
If it gets so bad that riots break out in the streets, Bush declares a state of emergency, imposes martial law and postpones the election “until further notice”.
If none of the above happens….well, there’s still time to start another war with Iran, North Korea or both.
And the beat goes on…
I have long thought that the whole McCain campaign, especially after choosing Palin, is a charade and that Bush will cancel the election and stay in office. Of course Cheney and the anti-Constitutionalists are behind it all. We’re at war you know.
Heard about this? Why is a U.S. Army brigade being assigned to the “Homeland”?
Excuse me while I adjust my tinfoil hat.