Oh man, McCain kicks Obama’s ass… at least when it comes to the number of cars he’s owns. But, you know, 13 cars, that’s really not so many when you consider that it is barely more less than two cars per house.
Obama drives a hybrid. That clearly makes him an out of touch elitist.
Not only does O drive hybrid it is a Ford!
Senator John McCain supports the auto industry with his pocket book. The 2 million dollar Obama who coughs up $300.00 year in charity donation has one car.
Jay Leno has how many cars?
Needless to say when obama needs to play class warfare his message is getting out to the voter and their not buying it.
When will the Democratic elite learn how to connect with regular Americans? Let the hand-wringing begin….
Here’s an obvious question:
How many miles per year does O-blah-blah actually drive himself in that Hybrid?
How many miles is he driven by chauffers in gas hogs??
ANother case of Leftist showboating….irrelevant post without more facts.
classic…classic…you have nothing much to say…and you point to cars. Maybe McCain earned them ? Maybe Obama spent all his money he made writing novels by giving the money to charity ? (oops…that ddn’t happen).
Here’s an interesting article to boot:
7 homes x 2 cars = 14
he has barely under 2 cars per house
As president, McCain wants to fire the head of the SEC.
He is such an idiot, he doesn’t realize that the president does not have that authority.
Republicans are liars.
Integrity only when someone is watching !
The Obamas bought their Ford Escape Hybrid last year to replace the family’s Chrysler 300C, a Hemi-powered sedan, Newsweek reports “after taking heat for driving a guzzler while haranguing Detroit about building more fuel-efficient cars.”
He is a Joke only fools could believe him.
He isn’t change he’s the problem!
8 – You expect bilge like that to actually convince the fence-sitters?
Your candidate is the candidate of MORE OF THE SAME!
And Rossi – just another Chimpanzee lover who PRAYED for Bush’s economic policies.
How’d that work out?
re 8: I believe what the Bush campaign said about McCain in 2000: John McCain is a liar and a traitor.
The fence sitters have voted and it’s not for Obama and the corruption, which caused the failure of the American economy.
Why else would we see how many cars McCain owns.
Obama used all his weapons against the truth and is losing.
The lefts biggest failure is allowing Goggle search engine.
One car? Any good god fearing American knows it’s their duty to own at least two cars. Clearly Obama hates America and wants the terrorists to win.
Rossi’s stance on stem-cell research is a sop to the religious right.
Rossi is an unprincipled demagogue.
McCain 13 Obama 1
You Guys put this up didn’t you for what reason?
Now it means nothing?
You libs are a kick!
(I didn’t write this but I agree with it):
I’m a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight…..
* If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you’re ‘exotic, different.’
* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story.
* If your name is Barack you’re a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
* Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you’re a maverick.
* Graduate from Harvard law School, and you are unstable.
* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you’re well grounded.
* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate’s Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran’s Affairs committees, you don’t have any real leadership experience.
* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council, 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, and 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking executive.
* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you’re not a real Christian.
* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, left your disfigured wife, and married the heiress the next month, you’re a Christian.
* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
* If, while as governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state’s school system, and your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you’re very responsible.
* If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family’s values don’t represent America’s.
* If you’re husband is nicknamed ‘First Dude’, with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn’t register to vote until age 25, and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.
OK, much clearer now
Can you post a warning before posting this stuff so we can get our boots on.
Over the past few years the Republicans have:
* screwed up the Iraq War (didn’t plan beyond initial victory),
* screwed up the U.S. military (derailed careers of generals and admirals who didn’t support political agenda, stretched volunteer army to the breaking point),
* screwed up screwed up FEMA and New Orleans(agency in process of being dismantled when Katrina hit),
* screwed up the U.S. economy (record budget deficits, record national debt, failure to administer & regulate finanicial markets leading to Chernoybal-stle meltdown on Wall Street)….
* screwed the U.S. middle-class taxpayers (tax cuts for wealthy, bailouts for Wall Street)
* screwed future generations of taxpayers (budget deficits & national debt).
The only thing they are REALLY good at is winning elections, by PRETENDING to be one of the “regular guys”. It’s still a mystery to me how some voters can be taken in by rhetoric which is so quickly abandoned in practice once the Republicans take office. Which I guess might be explained by this non-sequitor cartoon:
Non-Sequitor 19Sept2008
Try using facts.
He supports “Adult stem-cell research”
This blog stands for lies!
16 Why? How long does it take you, without help, to figure out which goes on which foot?
Fact Chex party mix:
McCain does NOT have 7 homes, nor does he have 7 houses (as popularly misreported).
He does have 7 kids of driving age.
He has 3 all-electric NEV’s (not general-purpose street-legal), and some ranch utility vehicles.
Conspicuously missing from the list of 13: “conspicuous consumption” rolling stock such as high-end collectible/sport/luxury vehicles.
@5: It seems that it’s McCain who has nothing to say, which is why his campaign has focused almost entirely on distorting public images (his own and Obama’s) rather than on issues.
Seems to me that it’s the Republicans who always make stuff like this into an issue (after all, Gore supposedly claimed he invented the Internet, John Kerry goes windsurfing and skiing, and has a rich wife–how out of touch with the mainstream can you get?), since if the Republicans really told the American people what they planned to do in office, no one would vote for them.
Yesterday I was surpised by the McCain’s campaign’s thirty-second spots on CBS “Sunday Morning” show, implying Obama was at fault for the financial crisis due by claiming Obama takes finanical advice from Raines. We’ve been hearing that song and dance here for the past week from bloggers. What surprised me was that McCain would try to make such a claim in an add where McCain has to take responsibility for the contents “I’m John McCain, and I support this message…”. Perhaps Rove & Co. were frustrated that their claims weren’t getting traction, and the MSM wasn’t picking up the theme, so they had to go “open” with the claims?
But in today’s news, we find that it’s all a smoke screen attempting to confuse voters about McCain’s own complicity in the crisis:
Loan titans paid McCain aide nearly $2 million: Officials: Campaign manager hired to help Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
Looks like a typical Rove strategy. Sensing weakness in an area, he throws out false charges against the Democrats, usually repeatedly and even in the face of strong denials and proof that the charges are lies. Then in the middle of the argument comes the revelation that there are legitimate charges against Republicans. Than as the Republicans deny the charges, somebody starts the chorus “both sides are at fault, everybody does it…”, and most of the time most voters, concerned with their own jobs, kids, and other daily concerns, don’t have the time to sort it out and push it all out of their mind.
A clever Machiavellian tactic, but destructive of the democratic (small “D”) process, nonetheless.
Can we stick to present attacks (within 3 days)in
Source msnbc.
Thanks, I love it.
Hey, I just had an idea about the bailout plan.
Congress should attach, among other conditions, the following language:
“Before any financial firm can submit mortgages for purchase by the U.S. government under this plan, the top ten executive officers of the corporation must (a) surrender any salary and bonuses they received which are in excess of 5 times the average pay for salaried and hourly workers in the U.S., (b) such a surrender of excess salary and bonuses should include excess salary and bonuses received during the past three years, and (c) such a surrender of excess salary and bonuses should continue for five years after the purchase of such securities by the U.S. government, and (d) all stock options recieved by such executives shall also become the property of the U.S. government.
That final provision (d) is to prevent executives of finanical firms who got us into this mess from profiting from the bailout by cashing in on the rise in share prices of their firms made possible by the bailout itself.
How many miles is he driven by secret service?
Does anyone really believe that obama or his wife drive anywhere on their own?
No way. The democrats are in control of congress. Why would they do that to their contributors.
Please don’t forget these companies soon to be getting government handouts contribute heavily to democrats, especially obama.
Republican @ 24:
You looked at the link, but you didn’t check the source. It was the New York Times.
Not that it would matter to you. You take Fox News as the gospel truth, and ignore everybody else because they don’t agree with you. It’s not the news media that’s biased against Republicans, it’s the facts that are biased against Republicans.
If stem cell research is da bomb, why does it need public funding?
Why are private investors not lining up to find cures for the ills of mankind and make a huge profit.
MSNBC or ny-times so what like postings from HA seattle no difference.
We have provided you with information about the democrat’s sleazy Freddie and Fannie corruptions.
You chose not to believe this as truth.
Your take the left wing news and Nobmama without question your gullible and belong in the Democrat party.
The day will come when you will say what happen we lost again!
Story on son of Democratic Legislator accused of hacking into Palin’s e-mail account:
Federal authorities are ramping up an investigation of a 20-year-old college student for allegedly hacking into Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s e-mail account.
The FBI searched the apartment of alleged hacker David Kernell on Sunday morning, and three of Kernell’s roommates could testify this week about the case before a grand jury in Chattanooga, according to local news reports.
After it was discovered that the Republican vice presidential candidate’s personal Yahoo e-mail account was hacked into, reports began circulating that the hack could be traced back to Kernell, a University of Tennessee student and son of Democratic Tennessee state representative Mike Kernell.
If this man is in any way tied to the O-blah-blah campaign or forwarded this info to the Campaign, O-blah-blah is toast.
Hey, where are all you pro-privacy rights LEFTISTS out there??
Where is your outrage?
It’s like stealing mail from your mailbox.
It could be the “High-Tech Watergate!”
One of the obstacles to health-care reform is that people are afraid of change. They don’t want to change their doctors, and they are afraid that any plan which increases government’s role will force that result upon them. Republicans have been profiting upon that fear for years, arguing that any Democratic plan amounts to “socialized medicine”.
In the meantime, the U.S. system which relies primarily upon employer-provided health-care is breaking down.
Problems with Employer-Provided Health Care:
(1) Health-Insurance companies have shunned preventive care because the frequency of job changes (voluntary or involuntary) means that the next insurer is the more likely beneficiary from preventive care. They also found that denying claims often works to their advantage – if they can hold out on approving coverage for expensive proceedures for a few months, their disability will cause them to lose their job and with it their health insurance will be gone, also.
(2) U.S. companies have gone through considerable gymnastics to avoid giving health care insurance to the average worker, while still offering it to their headquarters staff. In the retail industry, they usually require managers to ensure that none of their workers ever work enough hours to qualify for health-care benefits – the “34-1/2” hour work week, or less, is legendary. Managers who accidently allow an employee to bump into full-time status will usually find themselves fired.
(3) The savings from not providing health-care benefits is one of the reasons often given by executives who decide to outsource manufacturing jobs overseas.
(4) Employer-provide health care is frequently selected based upon the lowest cost, using “preferred providers”. The number of doctors who agree to be “preferred providers” can decrease substantially depending upon the amounts the insurance company agrees to pay the doctors, and the difficulty and time lag the doctors experience in getting paid.
In the meantime, one in six Americans is uninsured. Once people get seriously sick, private health insurance often becomes unavailable for them at any price. Persons over age 50 have particular trouble, as they usually have something in their accululated medical charts which the insurance company uses to push them into the “high risk” category, whether it be a blood pressure test, cholesteral level, etc.
All of which would tend to prove that the U.S. needs an alternative to the current system, one which doesn’t rely upon the employer-provided health care. But if you hate change, you aren’t going to like John McCain’s proposal.
Source: Overhauling health care: Two divergent visions
Okay, let me re-phrase that to make sure it’s clear.
First, McCain would make health insurance benefits taxable. This would amount to a substantial tax increase upon all workers. In addition, it would be a tax increase upon all companies which provide health insurance, in effect penalizing them for doing so.
In return, McCain offers a refundable tax credit. I’m guessing that by “refundable” he means that you get it back whether you put money in or not, similar to the “earned income credit” currently available for low-income working families. Except in this case, it isn’t tied to income – you get the tax credit just for being alive and in America. Assuming, of course, that you file an income tax return.
With that tax credit, McCain assumes that you will buy your own insurance from private insurance companies. Or pay your employer to buy the insurance for you.
But note that it does NOTHING to ensure that you CAN buy the insurance, much less that you can buy it for the amount of the credit. He makes some vague references to creating a pool for high-risk individuals, but it would be subject to funding availability.
Of course, a substantial number of taxpayers won’t spend it for food and rent during times of unemployment, or on a big-screen TV or a new car – leaving it to the states to pick up the tab for indigent care later.
More importantly, the option to buy the insurance from the company would most likely quickly dissapear. Most companies would simply drop the health insurance benefit like a hot potato, unless required by Union contracts to continue the benefit. It is highly unlikely they would raise wages proportionaly, as past experience has proven.
Finally, McCain wants to de-regulate the insurance industry. “At the same time, McCain wants to move Americans toward a less regulated private insurance market.” (same source).
In other words, McCain wants to do for the insurance industry what the Bush administration did for the mortgage industry. How’s that working out, so far????
Six or seven years from now, will we have to have a huge bailout of the big health insurance companies who’s failure would othewise leave billions of Americans uninsured?
If we can have a socialized economy (and McCain says he can STILL cut taxes and get rid of the deficit by the end of his first term – HA!), we can have socialized medicine.
You want buy out Reps, there’s a price to pay.
Cynical @ 32: Even the Republicans in the Tennessee State Legislature are standing up for the state Senator, confirming that he couldn’t be involved (notoriously a stickler for the rules, and without anything more than basic computer skills). No connection to the Obama campaign has been shown. The suspect is apparantly the son of the Senator, a Univ. of Tennessee/Knoxville econonomics student (hey, Richard Pope, these are YOUR peeps!).
Looks like it started as a college prank, using some simple guesswork to trick Yahoo into re-setting the password. The Univ. of Tennessee economics department should require freshman-level classes which teach students the difference between a prank (harmless, no lasting damage, at most a class-C misdemeanor), and a federal felony. Or at least, have them refer it to someone in the computer department, who knows how to do it without leaving a trail. And especially, they shouldn’t brag about it, leaving easy clues to their identity.
I love how McCain got caught in a bind – he has been railing about golden parachutes and how terrible they are and guess what – he could not explain how one of his chief advisors was fired as CEO at HP and got 350 miilion while the company was forced to lay off people due to her mismanagement.
He doesn’t even know his own staff (like Rick Davis, who got almost 2 million to lobby for Fannie Mae) and his excuse – well, I did not know what her compensation was. How pathetic, it was all over the papers. Maybe he not only doesn’t “internet” but also he doesn’t or can’t read. Maybe he left his reading glasses in Spain – and he is still looking for them in South America.
@23: Another McCain tactic is to rely on the public’s short memory: about the campaign tactics of his party, positions he previously took, statements he previously made, and about the legacy of the years when his party was in control of every branch of government.
@32: Poor cynical, as McCain and Palin go down in flames as serial liars – cynical is getting more desperate. Looks like the latest polls show Obama opening a wide lead on the lying republicans. Looks like lying does NOT pay.
@28: the democrats are in control of congress – yup – get used the ADULTS being in charge of government because the crooks (read republicans) have messed it up so badly.
the whiner party (republicans) can now whine from the outside. good riddance!
@31 – You got no truth. mcCain’s bill never would have fixed the problems caused by the Phill Gramm bill that passed on a party line vote. You got nothin’ as usual ‘cept lies and deception – and even the lies are not very clever. trying to say that democrats were for deregulation -ahahahahaha – and republicans are for universal health care. Any other big fibs you got?
Of course, the NSA has been monitoring Democratic e-mail accounts since 2001, but you won’t find out those details until the next administration – and after Bush has pardoned everyone involved.
re 18: The stem cell research being done with discarded fetuses from implant clinics in no way threatens the life of any child real or potential. They are either going to throw them away or use the cells for research.
Adult stem cells are less maleable and harder to come by.
So: Rossi is trying to play both ends against the middle. The corrupt and dishonest bastard (Rossi) attempts to get the votes of those favoring stem-cell research and those opposed to using cell matter from fetuses.
In both instances, Rossi relies upon a misinformed public to score political points for himself. Does he attempt to educate and clarify the issue. No way! He obfuscates and lies to get votes from both sides of the issue. What a miserable, weasely prick that man is.
Re 18: It’s just like Nancy Reagan and her finger-wagging moralistic BS against stem cell research — until it was brought to her thick-witted attention that stem cell research could have saved her dear ‘Ronnie’.
What a hypocritical sack of crap that woman is. She will be missed as much as Jerry Falwell is — which is to say, not at all.
My name is Neccia Celli and I work for Newstex.com. We think your blog might be a good fit for syndication with Newstex. If you’re interested, please send me a msg. at ncelli@newstex.com.
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…and McCain still owns 13 cars and the Obamas own one car — a Ford hybrid.
McCain is an old asswipe and his running mate is an ignorant small-minded witch who attended 6 colleges before finally squeeking by with a BS.
How appropriate.
“re 18: The stem cell research being done with discarded fetuses from implant clinics in no way threatens the life of any child real or potential. They are either going to throw them away or use the cells for research.”
This statement is cheap and despicable that proves the leftwing has no moral values of the gift of life.
# 32
Palin was tacking a tip from Rove and using her private email for official business so it could not be subpoenaed.
Where are the WINGNUTS on this?? Where is your outrage?
It’s like committing crimes in a back alley!
McCain is more patriotic for having 13 cars. He’s helping the economy more. Keeping people working. From the car salesman, mechanics, insurance people, DMV people. More taxes going to local Government than if he only owned one car.
Show me the precise law which precludes elected officials from using private e-mails?
Personally, I think it is bad practice to do so. But elected officials in Washington break the law when they refuse to turn over private e-mails in response to a Public Records Request….even if they delete them.
But you may be right..
just want you to show me precisely the law that precludes use of private e-mail accounts.
Report back pronto.
You call that outrage, Mr. Marginalized?? “Show me the law..”??
What a pathetic amoral response! You are the reason the Repugnant party is in the shatters it is. Attempting to hide government malfeasance isn’t enough for you? You deserve the bankrupt party you haul the kool-aid buckets for.
Good riddance!
W. Klingon Skousen said:
“Rossi is an unprincipled demagogue.”
So are all the rest of ’em, partner. They’d all suck you grampa’s johnson if it meant getting elected.
50. Republican Suicide spews:
“What a pathetic amoral response! You are the reason the Repugnant party is in the shatters it is. Attempting to hide government malfeasance isn’t enough for you? You deserve the bankrupt party you haul the kool-aid buckets for. Good riddance!”
Just like I thought RS, you are just making stuff up and getting your garbage from Daily KOS.
Cynical @ 49: I didn’t make the statement about prohibited use of private e-mails. But I suspect the writer was thinking of the Presidential Records Act, which requires everyone working in the executive dept. of the federal government to preserve e-mails with respect to any government business. The counter-point to that is the Hatch Act, which prevents the use of government assets (including computer networks and servers) from being used for partison political purposes.
These acts came into the news upon the revelation that Dick Cheney was using private e-mail accounts for both government and partison purposes, thereby avoiding the back-up and record-keeping required under the Presidential Records Act. His deletion of certain e-mails, and the lack of any back-up, became an issue when those records were subpoenoed as part of the Justice Dept. and Congressional investigations into the Valerie Plame firing. Cheny countered with the rather suprising argument that he was not part of the executive branch, he was instead a member of the Senate (as vice-president, his duties include him presiding over the Senate). But he didn’t comply with Senate e-mail proceedures, either.
Alaska may or may not have similar legislation – I have no idea. I’ve got better things to do with my time than to research Alaska state law regarding government record-keeping.