I’m hearing rumors that long time strongman Tom McCabe is on his way out at the Building Industry Association of Washington, after a string of disastrous and costly campaigns that have splintered the industry and left the once mighty BIAW near bankruptcy, I-1082’s failure being the final straw.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy bigger bastard.
What a lying dirt bag.
The BIAW needs a gigantic shovel to overhaul their industry. Replacing Barney Rubble would be a start.
Rossi now McCabe???
I’m so happy!
On the other hand it probably won’t take too long to find someone a bit smarter, more low key and just as freaking right wing.
The BIAW has been spending all this time and money trying influence elections. Even if I shared the same political views I think I would be mad that they haven’t brought anything constructive back to the membership.
Energy and resources that could have been used to truly help their industry has been squandered in futile jousting at windmills.
There’s a rumour around that Tom snagged a role as Quasimoto in an off-Broadway production of the Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He was chosen due to the fact that the lengthy make-up process would not be necessary.
Does this mean Kevin Carns isn’t a $90,000-a-year BIAW troll anymore? Hey, if state and municipal employees have to take pay cuts and furlough days, then it’s only fair private sector bloodsuckers should tighten their belts, too. After all, they live a lot better than government workers to begin with.
What’s strange is that rightwing moneybags keep throwing money at failing causes. Tuesday’s biggest loser, of course, was Meg Whitman who is now $150 million poorer with nothing to show for it. Back in 2004, Republican donors spent $2 million to reduce Rossi’s vote tally by 4 votes in court. That’s paying $500,000 a vote to go in the wrong direction! As obscenely rich as these people are, you wonder why they keep flushing such sums down empty ratholes. They must hate their money or something. I wish they’d give some of it to me, if they’re so eager to get rid of it. Hmmm … in fact, they do … I made $2,500 in the stock market yesterday and another $775 today, and I didn’t even have to work for it. My stock portfolio’s valuation is now in all-time record territory and setting new highs every 10 minutes.
Maybe now the BIAW members can get beyond building that suburban crapola that nobody seems to want.
Hell, the next generation of home buyers are skipping getting drivers licenses and cars in record numbers.
In other words, the future is going to call for more urban housing and light rail lines.
Goldy, your spam filter is eating comments again.
So is house minority leader pelosi
@8 “Maybe now the BIAW members can get beyond building that suburban crapola that nobody seems to want.”
I own some of that suburban crapola and it’s so bad I’m having to spend huge sums on basic repairs. Until I replaced it, the roof had been leaking ever since the house was built, and there was water damage everywhere. Fixing it cost over $30,000.
She’s in the running for minority leader. Since her “leadership” as speaker ran us straight into a ditch hopefully they’ll choose someone else. Minority leader Peter DeFazio has a nice ring to it. He’s liberal enough to please the left and can still work well with the right.
@8 Cars are very expensive to own and operate. I didn’t learn to drive until after graduating from college because I was poor in my student days. My parents never owned more than one car at a time, and didn’t buy their first new car until their retirement. It was sold to a family member after they couldn’t drive anymore. Mrs. Rabbit and I got by with only one car for the first 25 years of our marriage. Like my parents, I never owned a new car until after I retired.
Things will only get worse for young people. Many will still be unmarried and living with their parents in their thirties because there aren’t going to be jobs for this generation. Any work that’s portable will end up in the Third World. A recent Time magazine article used pilots as an example of jobs that will stay in the U.S. because you can’t offshore flying a plane. I think that’s wrong; someday airliners will be flown with remote control by guys operating joysticks at computer consoles in India and China. Human labor has diminishing value in the brave new world and eventually will become obsolete. When that happens, we will have to invent a new system of income distribution, because the masses won’t stand for a handful of people keeping the world’s whole economic output to themselves while millions live in abject poverty. Current economic trends are a prescription for revolution.
Damn, Micheal,
Speaker Pelosi was the most spineful D in Leadership in DC, the House took tough votes so the Senate and White House could waffle and take their own sweet time. We should all have her back until she decides to step away, and she certainly has my heartfelt thanks.
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I don’t disagree with you. But, the end result was we lost the house, there’s a lot of stuff that could have gotten done that didn’t get done and some stuff that did get done that will get undone. Time to give someone else a shot.
I guess I should add that, in general I’d like to see leadership positions turnover more often than they do.
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incorrect @ 15
So it’s okay if you’re a trog?
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Well shit, Al French beat out Bonnie Mager in Spokane.
Al’s a big fan of the BIAW.
Folks…this thread is about McCabe and the BIAW. If you want to discuss other things (including comments on this comment)…take it to an open thread. This one should do.
Mark Centz spews:
Damn, Micheal,
Speaker Pelosi was the most spineful D in Leadership in DC, the House took tough votes so the Senate and White House could waffle and take their own sweet time. We should all have her back until she decides to step away, and she certainly has my heartfelt thanks.
This, as the kids say.
Oops. Sorry Darryl. You are correct.
Erin ‘Bam Bam’ Shannon should go next. Actually a complete change in leadership is in order. Consumer expectations have changed and the next generation of remodels and home buyers will not be looking for crap construction built on swamp land.
I think Carns now has a job as a spokesman of some sort for the Republicans in the State Legislature.
I heard him on a KUOW news story a while back.
As long as they replace her with someone who’s foul mouthed and really hot… (j/k)
@14 and Michael: I’m with you, Mark. She did her job — with grit and determination — unlike Reid and the President. We owe her the decision at least.
But I agree that De Fazio would make a great leader in her stead.
I agree with this piece by Saletan (a conservative) channeling Frum:
Here: http://www.slate.com/id/2273708
Is Erin ‘Bam Bam’ Shannon available?
Depends on how much cash is in your wallet.
I feel all better now. People like lost think that, somehow, the New Deal will be redone. Those people, of course, are wrong. This year’s healthcare bill, in fact, will not be redone. We won. Something. Now, let’s go bash troglodyte heads!