Allegedly at 10:30 am. But then that’s what he said last time he called a press conference. So we’ll see.
Don’t expect I’ll be pleased.
UPDATE: Just a reminder: this is a P R O P O S A L. The council makes the final decision, which means the negotiating is not done. So don’t expect all parties to just abandon their bargaining positions, whatever they might ultimately accept from an ordinance.
If I was out looking for a job, this would trouble me, too:
Jobs: The best way to fight poverty
First, poverty arises from sagging employment, our nation’s greatest economic challenge today and for the next several years. Most of those aged 18 to 64 who were in poverty in 2012 didn’t have as much as a single week of employment. Only about 11 percent had full-time employment.
To make matters worse, the evidence shows that new laws, such as the Affordable Care Act, and proposed new laws, such as an increase in the minimum wage, will make the workforce—already at a 35-year low—even smaller. CBO recently found that the ACA will significantly penalize work, causing an exodus from the labor force the equivalent of more than 2 million full-time workers in just a few years. The CBO also recently found that raising the minimum wage will increase employers’ cost of hiring and throw hundreds of thousands more Americans out of work.
The adverse effects of joblessness are real for American families. Studies find that even those who secure employment after losing a job experience reduced earnings for nearly 20 years afterward.
Read more:
Be careful what you wish for, Seattle.
@1 He’s baaack! The cute little troll is, once again, trying to convince Seattle workers they’re better off being PAID LESS! Somehow, though, it has never worked out that way in real life.
I can’t believe I’m saying this because it’s from an Ezra Klein-related source, but this:
actually was pretty interesting to peruse. Links to some of the major research papers. I thought it was actually sorta balanced, even if directed at low-information readers like @2.
Relevant to the way this thread is going, card 10 from that link notes that:
Another new line of research comes from economists Jonathan Meer and Jeremy West, who find that higher minimum wages slow the rate of hiring for new businesses. A 10-percent increase in the minimum wage, Meer and West find, slows job growth by a quarter.
Go to that link and the summary in the paper states:
“Using three separate state panels of administrative employment
data, we find that the minimum wage reduces net job growth, primarily through its
effect on job creation by expanding establishments.”
So if job growth is materially slowed by a 10% increase in the minimum wage, what would a 60% increase do? Would job growth in the evil employer sector be as affected as that in the non-evil employer sector? That might matter to some people.
We might get to find out.
More reason for concern, perhaps:
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The number of people filing for state unemployment benefits rose for the second straight week, the Labor Department reported Thursday.
The number of initial claims in the week ending April 26 rose 14,000 to 344,000, which is the highest level since the end of February.
Be careful what you wish for, Seattle.
@3 “low-information readers like @2”
Good one, Cheapshot Bob! True to your old form. What’s with the new screen name?