Sorry for the family’s pain, actually. Too many media flashbacks involving sharks. Anyhow.
An arrest may be near in the nearly decade-old slaying of federal intern Chandra Levy, whose disappearance in 2001 ended Gary Condit’s congressional career, several television stations reported.
The California Democrat was romantically linked to Levy, but was not considered a suspect in her death or disappearance. Television stations, KFSN and KCRA in California and WRC in Washington, D.C., reported that police were seeking an arrest warrant.
Speaking of the media, that second graph is kind of confusing. If you google around it appears authorities are looking at some guy, not Condit, who is in prison already.
If one were to point to an exact moment when people started passionately hating the legacy media, the Chandra Levy-summer of sharks frenzy would merit serious consideration. Again, sad for the Levy family, having your loved one’s death compounded by an absurd media circus. I’m sure all the right wing radio blowhards are very very sorry now.
I hope we do too.
The problem is if Obama catches Bin Laden, he will insist on counseling and self-esteem building to attempt to get him to blend into society.
Obama will make sure Bin Laden gets whatever “free” education he desires.
Obama certainly won’t hold Bin Laden accountable for his actions.
If you, and the other bloggers here really hate the “legacy media” so much, why do almost 100% of your posts’ ideas come from reading them?
Or do you do you really hate them because you rely on them so much? Without the real media, this blog wouldn’t exist. This blog is nothing more than a few guys reading, and putting their spin, on stuff they’ve read in a real newspaper, and you know it.
The stunning stupidity of two assclowns on Saturday morning.
Lets not forget, Limbaugh, Coulter and Medved were flat out accusing Condit of her murder, saying thing such as he was involved in illegal activities and/or covering up a pregnancy and/or affair. The GOP used this against him in the election and were successful.
We know how they play, we know their methods of smear, libel, slander and obfuscation to accomplish their goals of neofascist oligarchy for the former United States. A constitutional Republic is aneathema to their goals of military/corporate dictatorship, where the rule of law exists purely for political and economic purposes.
Obama is hemmoraging!
From Today’s Rasmussen:
Saturday, February 21, 2009
It was +32 according to Rasmussen a few days after Inauguration. If this ain’t freefall, I don’t know what is.
Change we can believe in??
Looks like fewer and fewer every day believe in that change.
This is the most significant Poll number because it shows people who have a strong opinion one way or another.
The confused, soft middle can be quickly swayed and are as evidenced by the rise in STRONGLY DISAPPROVE.
Obama has wasted political capital faster than any President IN HISTORY!!
Condit is a sleezeball.
You look like an idiot trying to glue innuendo together trying to make Condit somehow look clean.
Bad Try==No Sale!
And to think at the time we didn’t have Nancy Grace on the air.
Fake Nancy Grace weekly lineup:
Gary Condit needs to be imprisoned immediately. I know he’s guilty.
Men who date younger women are murderes. Special Guest Mark Fuhman discusses how Condit once used the N word in a joke at the National Press Club
Why have the police not yet arrested Gary Condit? We know he’s guilty.
Police are investigating the murder of Chanda Levy, but why? Gary condit did it. Special guest G. Gordon Liddy discusses how to aim between Gary Condit’s eyes.
Gary Condit had shark in a D.C. fish restaurant last night. Would an innocent man eat shark. Special guest Emeril Legasse discusses famous serial killers last meals.
And your constant raving lunacy is taken right out of Mein Kampf and the KKK manifesto.
BO I doubt he will actually try to find him on Obama tight budget.
Just in from the Sea. Times happy days are back folks on April 1, 2009 BO will give you $13.00 a week not to worry about it be 13 and falling on April fools.
This surly will left our economy into boom towns through out American.
Now is time for liberals to buy American products to support your guy.
@9 Well, that was a garbled mess. It’s a little early in the day to be drinking, isn’t it?
just because obama won you guys can’t tell us when to drink or what not to say.
He’s your idiot.
Re: #’s 9, 11
Hillbilly Heroin maybe?
Yeah, his $13 a week is a joke. If I voted for him I would attack too.
He is an embarrassment which the country is finally seeing.
Even HA has backed off your enthusiasm over him in just a matter of weeks.
One of two things will happen to OB in the next two years or sooner.
His wife will admit him to a mental institution or be impeachment.
So the cyniklown’s been “hittin’ the hooch” a le-e-e-e-tle earlier than usual today.
Here are the REAL numbers (from )…
Obama Job Approval: F 61.4/ U 31.9
(Rassmussen was at 60/39…wingnutdaily must be makin’ shit up…oh! that’s what they DO-I forgot!)
Obama Favorables: F 64.4/ U 28.7
Here, Truth, you can get your hate on and still have $9.01 left over for some cheap liqour:
Scary day for me, I might have to agree with jon.
I too am sure that right wing radio hosts are sorry.
Unlike those cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc hosts that aren’t sorry. They made a profit and that’s all that matters to them.
I doubt either will happen.
Although any right wingnut that was considering assassinating obama has decided against it.
His assassination would make obama a martyr. Instead let obama destroy his own legacy and the democrat party.
I’m sure we all agree that Bush sets a pretty high bar for destroying one’s legacy and sinking one’s political party.
Who do you think had the biggest drop in approval ratings after one month in office, bush or obama.
AWOL Bush never – ever – ever had approvals as high as President Obama NEVER! And America continues to approve of President Obama at historic rates. It’s amazing how the right wing turds will simply state a lie – and hope to make it true.
Take that little boy’s dick out of your mouth child molester Stamn. You’re drunk with cum!
the marvin (the stupid fucking troll) forgets that on 9/10/2001 shrub was already being touted as a shitty President.
He of course went on to remove all doubt.
Lets see…
The new President’s approval ratings have fallen from a stratospheric 83 per cent to a more modest – although still impressive – 68 per cent.
Not bad for obama.
What does media matters, an extreme left website say about bush and his approval ratings-
In fact, Bush’s approval ratings peaked between 80 percent and 95 percent
I know, it’s not fair using a left wing website to prove my point. So here’s another link to disprove your point.
Bush’s highest job approval rating is 90%
Of course, hell could freeze over and obama could someday have higher approval ratings that bush had. Or like the first link, his ratings could drop.
the marvin (the stupid fucking troll) hasn’t looked at C+Augustus’ final poll #’s lately. NOBODY (except the stupid fucking troll) likes the shrub anymore.
Of course RudeASS@22! doesn’t process facts too well. Yeah… it’s cause he’s dense as spent uranium… So here is bentoversmellingownfarts@19 comment again for you RudeASS@22!.
Let’s repeat that cuz you are as dense as spent uranium RudeASS@22!…
Shakespearean logic demands another pass RudeASS@22!…
Marvin, I knew of Bush’s 90% rating, but I wanted you to answer. Also the 10% of losers who were against him were the Goldycrats like mr. dense as spent uranium #22.
Great job deeeeeeeeeeestroying bentoversmellingownfarts who is stuck on stupid. He’s sooooooo stupid like his brother HAs clueless village idiot (that’s ylb RudeASS!, cuz you are as dense as spent uranium).
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.E.C.I.M.A.T.I.O.N
For the mentally challenged like the three leftist stooges I called out in #23
Date ——For–Not–DK–Sample
3/1-3/02 81 14 5 863
2/8-10/02 82 14 4 1,001
2/4-6/02 82 14 4 1,011
1/25-27/02 84 13 3 1,011
1/11-14/02 83 13 4 1,008
1/7-9/02 84 12 4 1,015
12/14-16/01 86 11 3 1,019
12/6-9/01 86 10 4 1,002
11/26-27/01 87 8 5 1,025
11/8-11/01 87 9 4 1,005
11/2-4/01 87 9 4 1,012
10/19-21/01 88 9 3 1,006
10/11-14/01 89 8 3 1,011
10/5-6/01 87 10 3 819
9/21-22/01 90 6 4 1,005
9/14-15/01 86 10 4 1,032
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.E.C.I.M.A.T.I.O.N
Let’s consider this. In the wake of the September 11 attacks the nation rallied behing the president. Yes, democrats put aside differences and gave support.
Fast forward to today. The right hopes Obama will fail, regardless of the impact on the country.
Who is more patriotic?
K – Yeah, if they put aside their differences then it would have been 95-96% and we know that didn’t happen. Too many Goldycrats around like you. Tell us were you part of the 5-6%? Be truthful… I realize that’s a tall order…
And…that’s not the question bentoversmellingownfarts asked. Are you saying you too are as dense as spent uranium?
Per Hillary Clinton we’re being patriotic. Need to see the quote Puddy placed here earlier in the week? Do you remember anything?
Come on Pud, don’t be an ass. 90% is as good as it gets.
And I’ve said before I thought Bush’s use of the Northern Alliance to spearhead the initial push into Afganistan was brilliant. Yes, I just said that about Bush.
And I think his war in Iraq was criminal.
the puddybiotch forgets…
FAILED THE COUNTRY…FAILED HIS CONSTITUENCY (like those “prayer in schools” and “anti-abortion” constitutional amendments you were PROMISED???…dumbshit)…FAILED AS COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF…
Worst. President. Ever.
Now we Dems have to clean up ANOTHER rethuglicant mess.
Bi-partisan means stomping on the goopers while they’re down like they did to us.
Payback’s a bitch.
Like to see Bobby (the exorcist) Jindal get elected dog-catcher if he turns down stimulus money.
There goes your “Great Brown Hope”…york, york.
G’nite all! Going to hear some jazz.
Come on K- answer the question fool. I guess it was a tall order…
Your non-answer speaks
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.E.C.I.M.A.T.I.O.N
Now to RudeASS!
As all HA can see RudeASS! is as diagnosed. RudeASS! is dense as spent uranium. Instead of admitting “I missed bentoversmellingownfarts question”, he goes into his toilet rant again.
Silly, stupid, and strange.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.E.C.I.M.A.T.I.O.N
Did you read what byebyegoober wrote?
Using facts, including facts from a left wing website, I proved that byebyegoober was once again a lying little punk that lacks the common sense to google before he hits “submit comment.”
Maybe you should reread comments before you jump in to defend the un-defendable.
Thanks but I can’t take the credit. Ny 5 year old niece is responsible for ripping the goober king a new one. I know it wasn’t a fair fight, but my 2 year old niece was busy correcting an idiot over on dailypus. Hhmmm, that wouldn’t have been a fair fight either.
Quite giddy tonight, Pud. Why on earth should I feel compelled to answer each of your silly questions. I addressed the primary point. You ignored mine.
Why does the right put its desire to see Obama fail over concern for this country and its citizens?
You mean when they went on teev and “lied” about WMDs in iraq and all those things that democrats later said were lies? (want links?)
If America is attacked again I’m pretty confident that all republicans will hope obama does the right thing and defends the country.
Besides for that, of course they hope he fails. If they wanted him to be successful they would be democrats.
Would you hope a republican president succeeds if his principles didn’t match yours. Or would you insist that those principles won’t help the country, giving you the moral high ground to hope the president fails.
Thanks K. I ignored your worthless point because you wouldn’t “gracefully” answer my simple question. Being truthful was a tall order for you…
That’s the way Puddy plays from now on.
I well recall many questions I have asked you, and you answer none. I don’t see a simple question @ 26, and I do not follow daily and pat attention to each and every one of your posts. You are not worth it.
And I always speak the truth.
And Marv, you don’t think the current economic crisis is a significant threat to the country?
K – Whoa. Now we are living in the past. Well since you brought it up, I didn’t answer yours since you can’t answer the ones I first ask… So your “highness” think about that for a minute of two.
I realize reading is not fundamental even for an Ivy League grad such as yourself sooooooooooooooooooooooo here it is again before I go to bed and read your worthless answer in the morning.
K – Yeah, if the Democratics put aside their differences then it would have been 95-96% and we know that didn’t happen. Too many Goldycrats around like you. Tell us were you part of the 5-6%? Be truthful… I realize that’s a tall order…
See ya Ivy Leaguer!
Got a link.
I mean a real link. Not some opinion article on some extreme left-wing blog like dailypus.
Of course, you’re not required to supply a link to prove what you wrote. Did you see my link from extreme left website media matters about bush and his approval ratings. As you can tell, Puddy Cynical and I love to quote left wing websites in response to the crap the HA hooligans spew.
You are an ass Pud. I answered that part when I said I thought the initial Bush strategy was brilliant, and I did support that.
Talk about being unable to read. Get a clue, Pud.
You mean the citizens that took home loans that they couldn’t afford?
Why didn’t these people have concern for the citizens that actually pay their bills, and taxes.
No Marv you asshole, I mean you, why do you want to see failure of this president?
Enough of my time wasted on two fools.
And so to bed.
Of course it’s a major threat.
The people that work hard, pay taxes and play by the rules are now stuck with paying for the mistakes of others.
Why are we being punished? Is that fair?
Simple, I don’t believe in the 10 planks of liberalism.
I don’t see a society where those that work hard are punished with high taxes and those that make bad life choices are rewarded with government handouts.
I can do a better job of using the money I earned to help others than what the government can and will do. The democrat party uses tax dollars to buy votes, that doesn’t help me one bit. And yet I am forced by threat of force to pay those taxes.
I could go on and on but since you are a democrat, you have no respect for those that receive benefits from hard work and good decision making.
I’ve done nothing to you. Haven’t stolen anything, attacked you or your family, called you any names. And just because I have political beliefs that you don’t share, you called me an asshole.
What more proof than your own words do you need to see why I don’t support the party you belong to.
So K-
As you can see, the rethuglicants have only the “true believers” like these two whack-jobs.
That’s why the party is sinking like a turd in a toilet bowl.
Shut the fuck up “marvin” you dumbass…
…none of us gives a flying fuck about what you and your puddingbrain friend think…or say…or anything else. As long as we have enough votes to cancel yours, we’re happy.
This cancerous “trickle-down” bullshit economnic system that “saint” ronnie foisted on us is a deadly dismal failure. The grand old party of greed and corruption has run thee country into the ditch AGAIN.
So just toddle away shit-for-brains…you’re done.
…it’s just a blast to make fun of you stupid cocksuckers.
Wow RudeASS!@52, such biting commentary.
Ohhhhhh please, the pain.
This moron doesn’t understand who writes the federal budget either. What did this moron learn in skuul?
No you didn’t K. You wrote some obscure statement unrelated to my question.
Don’t worry K, you being part of the 5-6% will be our secret.
You see we knew all along RudeASS! was part of the 5-6% without asking…
Puddy sees how the fooltards react when called on their lunacy.
So easy to spot.
So easy to detect.
So easy to identify.
“I’m sure all the right wing radio blowhards are very very sorry now.”
Only when “sorry” is used as an adjective. These sorry bastards are never sorry about anything; they’re merely a sorry bunch.
“AWOL bush never – ever – ever had approval numbers as high as Obama, never.”
The problem with using absolutes in an argument is that they can be disproven so easily and then folks with very few powers of debate can score a point.
This would have been better:
Hmm, Bush high point is a poll taken Sept. 21st and 22nd, 2001. What event might have led to this spike? Wait for it. But the numbers trend down immediately.
In fact, except for a brief spike again at the start of the IRAQ war (nice PR campaign) the numbers trend down for every single year after that glorious week that repubs have to deal with.
Say this with me, the attacks of September 11th were the BEST THINGS EVER for George W. Bush’s administration and their poll numbers. (“And I’m proud to be an American,” C’mon sing it with me, “where at least I can be free.”)
Saint ronnie credited john kennedy for showing how tax cuts helped the economy.
How can you give a tax cut to someone that doesn’t pay taxes.
Giving tax money to those that don’t earn it is a waste of money.
Have you ever noticed how many winners of state lotteries end up bankrupt? How many “lucky” recipients of a new big house courtesy of Extreme Home Make Over ending up going into foreclosure? Do you understand why?
Once again headless is trying to whitewash his racist words about how hard it is to be around blacks 24/7.
You’re right headless. When you made that “absolutes” statement about blacks it was easy to prove you were a racist. I didn’t need to summon up any powers of debate to point it out.
Why don’t you try and make friends with some black people, I guarantee it would be an eye opening experience for you.
leadless douchy sockpuppet@58:
What a moron – look at post 25. Puddy didn’t hide anything and your worthless point doesn’t hide the blatant stupidity of bentoversmellingownfarts. He made the claim and it was Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeestroyed.
Notice Goldy’s Golden Moron has been quiet after this latest fiasco?
the marvin (the stupid fucking troll)so believes the crap he’s fed by the right-wing-o-sphere that hee actually believes the canard about kennedy and tax cuts and the economy.
Look it up shit for brains…
we need better trolls…this batch sucks.
Moron@63: Cuz we talk way above your paygrade…
the quality of the trolls has really gone down since they stopped getting paid doncha think?
the puddingbrain is better than the sunday funnies.
So enthusiastic about such transparent bullshit.
@65 You’d think they’d show some gratitude since we provide them with their only relevance.
Hmm, I wonder what manoftruth’s paygrade might be? Put another way, where does spewing racism and bigotry on the internet rate on the Republican payscale? Since he’s Puddy’s new “bestus bud”, maybe he’ll tell us.
Puddy likes to read his Bible. So he probably understands full well that not a single one of the 600 laws of Moses addresses the issue (well, for God it seems to be a non-issue) of abortion. Puddy did post scripture here that confirms that God indeed views the unborn not as a blastocyst, embyro or fetus, but as a “child”. However, Puddy, clever that he is at misrepresentation, even of God’s Word, neglected to post scripture that clarifies just how much God values the life of an unborn “child”.
Exodus 21:22-25
22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,
24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
Alas, God views the values the life of an embryo, fetus, or, as the scripture Puddy posted put it, an unborn “child”, as so much chump change, something on the level of, say, a jay-walking ticket. Oh, but let mischief follow, say the murder of that woman, now we’re in “eye for eye”, even “Life for Life” territory. In other words, take the life of the mother, a life God does value highly, and you’re truly in deep shit with the Big Guy.
God hath spoken. Abortion? No big deal.
Steve, you claim manoftruth is my bestus bud, while you suck up to all 27 of leadless douchy’s sock puppets.
Why Steve? Why? Why are you such a leadless douchy suckup?
What’s so bad about Headless Lucy? Folks on the right, some of them obvious racists, call Headless a racist. In my time here I haven’t seen it. Further, I have no proof of sockpuppetry, left or right. Are there posts by leftists written in a tone I don’t condone? Certainly. Should I say something? Perhaps. But until I see you take exception to your own side’s racism and bigotry, you have no moral ground on which to judge me.
Okay Steve, keep that thought. I’m not going to repost his crap.
I have nuthin to prove to you bud. You are not my Creator or my judge.
Regarding Steve’s other rant God’s answer is right there…
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
Very clear Steve… if he caused the abortion of the child, then the husband and judges will determine his fate…
The rest of the verses describe the worse case scenario… life for life.
Hey 60 & 61!
Man you guys don’t get it. The point is, when you talk in absolutes that are easily disproven you have 2 choices. Conceed the point to people that you really should never have to or try to defend your point even though its a lost cause and you just look more foolish. Speaking in absolutes just gives people who can barely string two sentences together an opening to make you look silly.
But in the meantime, “The attacks of September 11th were the BEST thing that ever happened to George W. Bush regarding his poll numbers.”
Who the hell is Lucy?
Headless, you are a racist.
Like you said, absolutes are easily disproved.
Disprove it.
Maybe you’re not an intentional sockpuppet, maybe headless lucy is just one of your multiple personalities.
You are…
The question you should ask yourself is why haven’t you been offended with the racist things headless lucy has written.
Not very observant are you. Another question you should ask yourself… What makes Puddy & I so much more observant than you.
We don’t expect you to call your own out.
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
I’m not judging, just pointing it out. You should ask yourself why you feel you are being judged.
If when you are at a petting zoo and see a democrat abducting a child, would you do nothing because some republican did nothing when he saw a child being abducted by a republican and did nothing. You sound like a very shallow person. Like I’ve said before, I don’t know you personally, that’s just an observation of your online persona.
About his approval one really need to investigate the source.
Puddy and Marvin…
Now I get it. See I called out one of my own on their weak-ass argument (Bush, Poll, Never, Ever.) But calling out one of your own is a concept so foreign to you that you have to fall back on:
We think you’re somebody else, which of course we can’t prove, but it gives me license to act like I didn’t get my ass handed to me in a debate.
You’re a racist, which is irrelevent to the current argument.
You two are like the schoolyard morons who, when confronted with uncomfortable truth says, “Oh yeah, well you’re a pooh-pooh head.”
Says it all, as far as your intellect and observance are concerned.
Ummm…. no you didn’t weak sauce. The world’s most inarticulate moron bentoversmellingownfarts threw down a challenge. You are too moronic to comprehend the data posted. Then you tried to strut over material previously posted by someone else and it blew your “argument” apart…
Good try weak sauce. You are washed off the dinner plate down the drain and not heard of again…
BTW pooh pooh head is a favrit term of leadless douchy. So if you’re not leadless (we think you are) why would you want to emulate a known racist?
And moron@79: From Sept 14 2001 – March 02 2002 GWB’s approval rating was higher than Obama’s.
Sucks to be U.
Nuff SAID Sucka.
@73 Now that’s the way to butcher some scripture there, Puddy. Seeing as how your response is so hopelessly moronic, I take it that it’s your way of conceding that God sees abortion as no big deal. Chaulk another one up for Steve.
@77 The shallow and insipid Marvin hath spoken. What a fucking dunce you are.
No Steve, you misinterpreted God’s word. Verse 22 is clear as clean water. Why did you miss it? What don’t you understand? Talk to your pastor for additional help. Go back and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.
The Holy Spirit told me that Puddy shouldn’t mess with the Word. Face it, Puddy, there’s nothing in the Bible that addresses abortion while there’s scripture aplenty that shows that God thinks less of the unborn than, say, those whom he’s breathed life into. Oh, do you need that passage too? Give it up.
Hmm, 600 laws and not a single one condemning abortion. I reckon that God has her priorities and abortion just isn’t one of them.
Puddy, irrelevant to the point as always. I never mentioned Bush V. Obama poll numbers. You utterly suck at this debate thing.
I mad a declarative statment
“the attacks of September 11th were the BEST thing that happened to George W. Bush regarding his poll numbers.”
That is what you need to refute if you want to try.
So far you’ve given as your retorts:
You’re a racist
You (czechsaaz) are somebody named Lucy
G.W. Bush’s approval numbers for a period were higher than Obama’s
0-3 at contesting my point. Sorry, strike 3. That sound you hear is the Renton High School debate team laughing at your skills.
All facts.
Winner: Puddy
Game set match
Facts not in evidence and irrelevant
Facts not in evidence and irrelevant
Factual and Irrelevant.
Still can’t argue with my declarative statements eh. The laughter is growing louder. The Skyline High Debate society is now chuckling too.