May Open Thread: 27 Best Numbers. You Won’t Square Number 5. You’ll Have Great Interest in Number 3. You’ll be Primed for Number 11. Is Anyone Reading This Much Title? 12 Will Make You Excited.
First of all, an interesting historical aside: If you count backwards nine months from my birth date you get a date within the six days between Nagasaki and Japan’s surrender. I’m not sure exactly what this means, but it may mean my parents went on a drinking binge after the second bomb.
Liberals generally believe the A-bombings were unjustified and immoral.
Many WW2 vets say “those bombs saved our lives.” What we know tends to confirm their argument; the U.S. suffered heavy casualties invading Okinawa, and invading the home islands would have been much worse; the Japanese military leaders were unswayed by the first bomb, and finally gave up only because the emperor intervened after the second bomb and said, “Look, guys, we’ve gotta surrender before they blow us to Kingdom Come.”
Yeah, a lot of civilians were killed, but Japanese cities contained military targets and were already being heavily bombed, and the Japanese authorities had plenty of time and opportunity before the A-bombings to move the women and children out of the cities and had done so.
For the guy who authorized the A-bombings, Harry Truman, it was a simple black-and-white decision that didn’t require a minute’s thought: “How can I face the families of the American soldiers who will be killed if we have this weapon and I don’t use it to end the war?” The fact it did bring about Japan’s surrender and the war’s end tends to vindicate him.
Proponents also point out that while the A-bombs took many Japanese lives, far more would have been lost if the war had dragged on. In other words, they argue the A-bombs saved Japanese as well as American lives, and that’s likely true.
Of course, there are counter-arguments. Japan depends on maritime imports and nearly all of its shipping was gone. Its naval and air forces had been decimated, its land armies were being carved up, and the home islands were nearly defenseless. Our planes could bomb and strafe at will, and there was little to stop the U.S. Navy from sailing into Tokyo Bay. Thus, when the bombs were dropped, Japan’s defeat was already assured, and the bombs weren’t necessary to win the war. But this doesn’t refute the argument that, without the bombs, Japan would have held out longer and many more lives would have expended bringing about its surrender.
As far as morality is concerned, the Japanese were the war’s aggressors, and waged the war with unparalleled savagery and brutality, so there’s a strong sense that as a nation they had it coming. On the other hand, some historians argue the real purpose of the atomic bombings in Japan was to (a) end the war before Stalin could get in on the spoils, and (b) longer range, intimidate Stalin to aid in the task of keeping Soviet ambitions contained in the postwar world.
Looking ahead, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there have been no more world wars and no further use of nuclear weapons, although we’ve had some close calls. And that’s where the real issue lies: As long as nations have these weapons, humanity is pushing its luck. The next close shave might take off our heads. Or what if one of these weapons (there are thousands of them, not particularly well-guarded) falls into terrorist hands?
For the immediate present, nuclear weaponry may serve the useful purpose of scaring voters away from Donald Trump, if Democrats resurrect the “Daisy ad” (as I suspect they will do). That’s not a good enough reason to keep them around, but the paradox is that nobody can risk getting rid of them unless everyone else does, too. And even if we do, the technology is known, and it’s fairly easy to bring them back — the genie is out of the bottle forever.
Persuading the world to chuck its nuclear weapons probably is a pipe dream. Right and wrong, and morality, and even playing the odds, have nothing to do with it. The cold logic of the situation is that it’s human nature to fight, humans have always fought, many people believe there will always be wars, and few people will give up their best weapons. So our best hope probably is that because other people have them, too, everyone will be afraid to use them and they’ll stay in the barn forever.
I don’t think the odds favor that, though. It takes only one mishap or rogue leader to push the button. I believe that’s just a matter of time.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
So does Joe.
Die-Hard Bernie Sanders Backers See F.B.I. as Answer to Their Prayers
@6 Interesting. Of course, there are those who would argue that the firebombing of Tokyo was just about as hideous as Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but apparently that argument was pretty much fogotten. Might have something to do with the widespread use of napalm in Vietnam.
As far as “morality” is concerned…not a few folks would say that there’s nothing much “moral” about war in general, at least not in a macroscopic sense. Mostly it’s a bunch of fine young people being sent to slaughter each other because some impotent old rich guys couldn’t agree about something.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
This is what it is like to get Cantored:
The survey shows Ryan leading his GOP challenger, businessman Paul Nehlen, by 73 points, 80-7, among those who say they will vote in the Aug. 9 Republican primary in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.
Ryan leads a generic Democratic candidate by 18 points, 54-36, in a general election matchup, the survey shows. Eleven percent are undecided.
@5 I like to double-check. What you do is your business.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s something I want to make clear. America is a free country. Puddy has a constitutional right to be a dumbass. I respect that right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 War is immoral, period. You stupid humans are an immoral species in many other ways, too. The world won’t miss you. (See #4 above.) P.S., when you’re gone, rabbits will run this place. We’re going to be the next dominant species.
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
What, then, should be done about a candidate who has no remaining credibility?
What is it that makes you think she won’t lie to you the same way she lies about everything else?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 … says a dupe who’s going to vote for Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
While visiting Hiroshima, Two-Term President Obama hugged Shigeaki Mori, an A-bomb survivor who “created the memorial for American WWII POWs killed at Hiroshima,” according to CNN. Now wait for Republicans to criticize him for “apologizing to our enemies.”
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
AP FACT CHECK: Clinton misstates key facts in email episode
Now that it’s clear that Hillary Clinton has lied about everything, Goldy has declared @ 14 that it’s time to leave her alone.
I suppose there is some merit to an argument that one cannot attack credibility that no longer exists. But I don’t think that is what Goldy meant.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Nobody gives a damn about politicians’ lies. Least of all the presumptive Republican nominee’s lies. In politics, lying is taken for granted, especially by the credulous fools making up the GOP’s voter base. So I assume your premise is that Hillary’s lying, if that’s what it is, might hurt her because her party has a better class of voters.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What Republicans hath wrought …
“Perhaps what Trump understood from the beginning is that practically nobody liked Republicans, or the Republican Party, to begin with. People didn’t like the GOP platform, so Trump ran against it. People didn’t like GOP politicians, so Trump insulted them rather than play the suck-up game. … In one recent survey, more than a third of Republican primary voters had a negative view of their own party.”
@14 her lies won’t be as bad as Drumpf’s lies. And he sucks dick too. Literally last night an Orangutan on 5th was giving free blowjobs out.
Teabaggers Againspews:
No facts to check on Drumpf. Facts don’t come with words like fucking tetatard, Pocahontas, small hands, fat pig, etc…. Does Drumpf even talk about anything?
Teabaggers Againspews:
@20 Bicke loves that shit. The politician isn’t the problem it is bickle who supports the loons.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 He’ll probably retort he won’t vote for either Trump or Hillary, which is fine with me. Making Bickle abstain or throw away his vote on a third-party candidate is an outcome I’ll be delighted to accept.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
R senile @10,
Then why the snide comment? Oh yeah because you’re senile!
@17, “Now that it’s clear that Hillary Clinton has lied about everything…”
Fuckin A! Know what? She aint even a Real American!
Fer starters, she’s a lesbo, so there’s that.
An’ she’s a atheyist too, so she’s lying about the church stuff.
She’s had, like, fifty seven abortions. She killed Vince Foster, that one’s obvious. She master-minded Whitewater. She wired her e-mail account directly into the People Republic Army Headquarters. At her Goldman Sachs appearances she shot ping pong balls outa her snatch (sorry, table tennis balls – ping pong is racist). She’s another secret muslim. She was born in Kenya. She faked her birth certificate. She gave the bomb to North Korea. And she framed Laura Bush in that drunk driving thing.
Oh, and fat ankles. That too.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
What’s wrong HHTL @22? Awww…!
Elizabeth Warren claimed to be part Cherokee. Except it took a life on it’s own with her senate campaign. It seems DUMMOCRETINS love their politicians to be the biggest liars on the planet. Then Warren attacks Trump on the same thing she did years before in the housing market.
So Trump rightly calls her Pocohantas for good reason. SHE LIED… Too bad the comaprison to Pocohantas gives a bad name to Pocohantas!
The Genealogical Evidence Shows Warren Has No Native American Ancestry Detailed genealogical investigation by a group of Cherokee genealogists[31] showed that Warren had no Cherokee or other Native American ancestry. The findings are set forth at the blog Thoughts From Polly’s Grandaughter[32] which based the research on over one hundred primary sources,[33] and detailed the findings.
You see HHTL @22, you are the dumbest east coast moron around. There are many candidates on this blog for the dumbest west coast moron! FACTS just don’t sit well with your BULLSHITTIUM!
Sux to be that orangutan (HHTL) giving blow jobs on 5th Ave! Wait… blow jobs… sucking… Right up HHTL’s “alley”!
Teabaggers Againspews:
Not sure lies, or just Hillary’s lies, should be more of s concern than a paranoid bunch of members of a future administration.
The sergeant is a black woman! The officer is a black man. Hell hath no fury when you scorn a black woman! And he’s a protected class HA DUMMOCRETINS. Don’t you love it how political correctness has DAYUM’D the libtard proceedings.
@17 continued,
So many lies!
She lied about the emails.
She lied about Benghazi. She killed Vince Foster and lied about it.
She has a totally faked birth certificate. She bankrupted Hewlet Packard. She never once tried to escape when she was a prisoner of war. She covered up hundreds of Bill’s blowjobs and rapes. She helped Oswald kill Kennedy. She lied about being a Indian. She lied about Trump’s hands. She ruined Massachusetts with Romney-care. She shredded emails. She was born in Canada. She’s low energy. She walks like a penguin. She sleeps too much. She’s got low energy. She’s flat chested. She has an ugly face.
Teabaggers Againspews:
I actually chuckled to myself out loud at puffy talking about being classy.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Beats being part asshole.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@31 And! She uses the men’s room!
Hey Liar, you forgot a few things
Former colleagues and supervisors at universities where she had worked stated that Warren’s ancestry played no role in her hiring.[68][69][72][73] Warren responded to the allegations saying that she had self-identified as a minority in the directories in order to meet others with similar tribal roots.[74] Her brothers defended her, stating that they “grew up listening to our mother and grandmother and other relatives talk about our family’s Cherokee and Delaware heritage”.[75] In her 2014 autobiography, Warren described the allegations as untrue and hurtful.[76] The New England Historic Genealogical Society found a family newsletter that alluded to a marriage license application that listed Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as a Cherokee, but could not find the primary document and found no proof of her descent.[72][77][78] The Oklahoma Historical Society said that finding a definitive answer about Native American heritage can be difficult because of intermarriage and deliberate avoidance of registration.[79
I’ve mentioned this before. I identify as Clan Forbes. it was only a few years ago, well into my adult life, that from a box of letters and my cousin’s (last name Forbes) fascination with that we found out Great Great Grandpappy Forbes deserted the Royal Calvary to marry and dropped his real name, to live a life of secrecy in Dublin. Desertion being punished by death at the time… By your recokoning my Dad, my Grandma, Her Father, His Father I guess have been lying all this time. You are after all an expert at lying.
But what’s been the fallout for Elizabeth Warren. None whatsoever. What’s the fallout from calling someone “Pocahontas.” Well it’s racist, the Native Americans become less likely to vote for you, and women? How’s Trump faring there?
“She’s a woman that has been very ineffective other than she’s got a big mouth.”
Lying is still a sin, Liar.
Yup, pretty much a good catalogue of the lies they are going to say about Hillary. Puddy has already started.
Distant Replayspews:
Well, it’s tempting to speculate that at some point, Trump and his Republican stooges will run out of lies. But I gotta say one thing Trump seems to have done for Republicans is re-energized them with some imagination. Clearly there is no lie, no distortion, and no unsourced rumor too outlandish for Trump.
But honestly – the Kennedy assassination? I know for his acolytes and camp followers whatever Trump tosses out there is red meat. But something tells me that for independent swing voters in battleground states there may be a little-boy-who-cried-wolf limit to these attacks. Trump doesn’t seem to have a governor when it comes to this stuff. The minute he feels some pressure or senses some weakness he goes for it. And so far, among Republican primary voters it has paid off well enough.
I think it might be very interesting to see if Trump manages to exhaust these voters reserves for manufactured outrage. We’ll certainly get to find out, since there appears to be zero chance that Trump will ever slow his roll when it comes to attacking his opposition with whatever is within reach.
Yep, when he goes full Vince Foster, he has already, and Whitewater, the 2% of America that gets their news daily from Fox and RW Radio will cheer and say, “How can anyone vote for her knowing what we know is the truth!”
Everyone else will roll their eyes and say, “Wow, if he really is stupid enough to believe this shit then there ain’t a chance in hell I’m giving access to the launch button. Better safe with Hillary, who I don’t really like, that with a ignoramus with narcissistic personality disorder.”
Maybe if he says a cloud being and his zombie son told him the news directly it would go over better,
Apparently the water is being diverted to the sea. “Forget it Jake, It’s Chinatown.”
Another day, another totally easily disproven Trump statement. The Google is cool. It can show you the rainfall totals year by year and what the average normal is. But you can’t find it on Twitter so Trump doesn’t know.
Distant Replayspews:
seems like it. We’ll see.
One of my barometers is my FIL. Retired military, lifelong (R), but very, very establishment oriented. Early spring and he was spitting dismissal of “that loud mouth idiot”. At that point he insisted that under no circumstances would he ever vote for Trump. But three months of FOXNews and KIRO-AM have left him so convinced of “Clinton treason” that he now says he may have to vote for Trump. He’s not a stupid man. Far from it. He’s just a joiner. And he always likes to go along with the mood in the room. The guys he hangs out with, retired guys in his world, they absolutely despise “pushy” career women, especially in politics. But things like Trump’s very recent and renewed attacks on party stalwarts like Ryan, Martinez, Haley, Rubio, Bush and Romney are probably turning him off. Trump’s impatience with establishment Republicans could hurt him. I sure hope so.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Oh checkmate… It claimed… Hey Puddy, you forgot a few things
Once again you fell off the earth. All that is hearsay as Puddy’s son would say in a court of law. ALLUDED And it makes reference to {72], butt there is no #72 in the PuddyLink! Here are the last two links…
^ Sally Jacobs, Elizabeth Warren’s family has mixed memories about heritage, The Boston Globe, Sep. 15, 2012
^ William A. Jacobson, Boston Globe unintentionally proves Elizabeth Warren’s ethnic fraud, Legal Insurrection, Sep. 16, 2012
You really are a jackASS! Where did Puddy claim anything about her employment?
But what’s been the fallout for Elizabeth Warren. None whatsoever. What’s the fallout from calling someone “Pocahontas.” Well it’s racist, the Native Americans become less likely to vote for you, and women? How’s Trump faring there?
Really checkmate? Just like the Washington Redskin brouhaha ginned up by libtards that never went above 9% caring? It’s you libtards who are being upset at Trump’s attack on Warren. Puddy calls Warren Fauxcohantas. Another libtard icon not getting respect the libtards want!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Anti-Trump DUMMOCRETIN people going nutz.
DUMMOCRETINS have no class!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Eric Garcetti (LA mayor) said today that when felons are released, we owe them a “debt of gratitude” for them serving their time. This is why Trump is winning. What a DUMMOCRETIN loon.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Is LA one of those sanctuary cities harboring illegal aliens?
The Liar’s head exploded. Explain to me where I said you did bring up her employment in a post about leaving out so much that is on Wikipedia. BTW, is not Wikipedia. You lied about that. Did you really work in computers or did you lie about that repeatedly too?
Do you ever stop lying? You can go to your services every Saturday but if you really believe in the Bible it isn’t going to help you.
God, “Well yeah, you claimed to serve me but what is this about “Puddy Don’t need to Forgive.” You didn’t actually read the scripture? Did you see the parts about lying and lying, and lying and forgiveness? What about this vegetarianism? Admirable, but it’s not in the book. Oh, and the thing about Grape Juice. Don’t you know I created yeast and why did you need to lie about wine being grape juice. Sorry, you’re really not the type we’re looking for here.”
@Liar. It needs its own post. isn’t “liberal” Wikipedia. You lied about that too.
Caught lying again, and again and again. You’ll have some ‘splainin to do come judgement day. Good thing for you it’s a myth.
Liar. Walked right into it. My citiation comes from actual wikipedia. “And it makes reference to {72], butt there is no #72 in the PuddyLink! ” Of course, because it’s a bullshit site that you lied about being wikipedia.
Two choices, you are either a liar and admit it or dig in and say that your link really is wikipedia, it is, it is, it is. AKA Lie some more.
Mark Adamsspews:
There is a lot of comments that racism and sexism automatically disqualifies someone from the office for President. This statement is untrue and maybe dangerous if taken too seriously. Some great Presidents have been racist. Woodrow Wilson was. As far as sexist President Kennedy would clearly qualify even if his transgressions were mostly out of the public eye. The tet e tet with a soviet mole though is an eye raiser though.
Neither disqualifies Trump. Hilliary Clinton is a bit less of an open book. Perhaps she is a closet manizer or could become one when she has power.
Now Trump’s tendencies to tilt toward being a tyrant is much more concerning.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 You missed this paragraph?
“The colistin-resistant gene has been seen in animals and people in China, Europe and Canada. Federal officials said Thursday that colistin-resistant E. coli has also been found in a pig in the United States, but there was nothing to link the finding to the Pennsylvania case.”
Because the agricultural industry has contributed to the problem by using antibiotics in the poultry and others parts of the ag industry. It’s no accident that rabbits are often displayed in the poultry barn at the fair. Sorry you rabbits are not getting a free pass. Now locusts they are more likely to inherit the worlf.
Mark Adamsspews:
Oh no Napier’s constant! Save the rum Napier likes burning rum when he’s not drinking it with Newton and Euler.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 Of course if Hitler had the bomb and the US it’s likely he would not have used it.
Resurrecting the Daisy ad could back fire. Clinton is more ambivalent than Obama when it comes to nuclear weapons and use of force.
On North Korea telling the leader he uses his ours will be looking for him. Since we are doing assassination these days why not do it with a bomb 20 times more powerful than those used on Japan.
You left out the fact that nearly all of Japan’s cities with a population of 50,000 or more had already been firebombed. Both of these cities would have been firebomber by LaMay’s air force 3 weeks prior except they had been designated as targets for these bombs.
Stalin’s entry into the war was hastened by our use of the bomb. This was a major reason for Japan’s surrender.
The atomic bombings were just the continuation and maturation of a decision in 1943 to carpet bomb German cities in a manner that the Germans started in Spain in 1937.
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Ima Dunce spews:
Here’s a little something to mix with your Trumpty Dumbty news and make you feel not so better:
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
Worse that bimbo eruptions dunceman?
Roger Rabbit spews:
Carl, I assume you’re counting up from the bottom. (Not you, Puddy, you’re too stupid to figure this out.)
Roger Rabbit spews:
Looks like the end of humanity isn’t far away.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rabbits are immune to human diseases. (snicker)
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
R senile, you had to ask when it was already apparent to sentient life forms!
Touché MoFo!
Roger Rabbit spews:
A new poll shows Americans are about evenly divided on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
First of all, an interesting historical aside: If you count backwards nine months from my birth date you get a date within the six days between Nagasaki and Japan’s surrender. I’m not sure exactly what this means, but it may mean my parents went on a drinking binge after the second bomb.
Liberals generally believe the A-bombings were unjustified and immoral.
Many WW2 vets say “those bombs saved our lives.” What we know tends to confirm their argument; the U.S. suffered heavy casualties invading Okinawa, and invading the home islands would have been much worse; the Japanese military leaders were unswayed by the first bomb, and finally gave up only because the emperor intervened after the second bomb and said, “Look, guys, we’ve gotta surrender before they blow us to Kingdom Come.”
Yeah, a lot of civilians were killed, but Japanese cities contained military targets and were already being heavily bombed, and the Japanese authorities had plenty of time and opportunity before the A-bombings to move the women and children out of the cities and had done so.
For the guy who authorized the A-bombings, Harry Truman, it was a simple black-and-white decision that didn’t require a minute’s thought: “How can I face the families of the American soldiers who will be killed if we have this weapon and I don’t use it to end the war?” The fact it did bring about Japan’s surrender and the war’s end tends to vindicate him.
Proponents also point out that while the A-bombs took many Japanese lives, far more would have been lost if the war had dragged on. In other words, they argue the A-bombs saved Japanese as well as American lives, and that’s likely true.
Of course, there are counter-arguments. Japan depends on maritime imports and nearly all of its shipping was gone. Its naval and air forces had been decimated, its land armies were being carved up, and the home islands were nearly defenseless. Our planes could bomb and strafe at will, and there was little to stop the U.S. Navy from sailing into Tokyo Bay. Thus, when the bombs were dropped, Japan’s defeat was already assured, and the bombs weren’t necessary to win the war. But this doesn’t refute the argument that, without the bombs, Japan would have held out longer and many more lives would have expended bringing about its surrender.
As far as morality is concerned, the Japanese were the war’s aggressors, and waged the war with unparalleled savagery and brutality, so there’s a strong sense that as a nation they had it coming. On the other hand, some historians argue the real purpose of the atomic bombings in Japan was to (a) end the war before Stalin could get in on the spoils, and (b) longer range, intimidate Stalin to aid in the task of keeping Soviet ambitions contained in the postwar world.
Looking ahead, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there have been no more world wars and no further use of nuclear weapons, although we’ve had some close calls. And that’s where the real issue lies: As long as nations have these weapons, humanity is pushing its luck. The next close shave might take off our heads. Or what if one of these weapons (there are thousands of them, not particularly well-guarded) falls into terrorist hands?
For the immediate present, nuclear weaponry may serve the useful purpose of scaring voters away from Donald Trump, if Democrats resurrect the “Daisy ad” (as I suspect they will do). That’s not a good enough reason to keep them around, but the paradox is that nobody can risk getting rid of them unless everyone else does, too. And even if we do, the technology is known, and it’s fairly easy to bring them back — the genie is out of the bottle forever.
Persuading the world to chuck its nuclear weapons probably is a pipe dream. Right and wrong, and morality, and even playing the odds, have nothing to do with it. The cold logic of the situation is that it’s human nature to fight, humans have always fought, many people believe there will always be wars, and few people will give up their best weapons. So our best hope probably is that because other people have them, too, everyone will be afraid to use them and they’ll stay in the barn forever.
I don’t think the odds favor that, though. It takes only one mishap or rogue leader to push the button. I believe that’s just a matter of time.
Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:
So does Joe.
Die-Hard Bernie Sanders Backers See F.B.I. as Answer to Their Prayers
ArtFart spews:
@6 Interesting. Of course, there are those who would argue that the firebombing of Tokyo was just about as hideous as Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but apparently that argument was pretty much fogotten. Might have something to do with the widespread use of napalm in Vietnam.
As far as “morality” is concerned…not a few folks would say that there’s nothing much “moral” about war in general, at least not in a macroscopic sense. Mostly it’s a bunch of fine young people being sent to slaughter each other because some impotent old rich guys couldn’t agree about something.
Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:
This is what it is like to get Cantored:
The survey shows Ryan leading his GOP challenger, businessman Paul Nehlen, by 73 points, 80-7, among those who say they will vote in the Aug. 9 Republican primary in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.
Ryan leads a generic Democratic candidate by 18 points, 54-36, in a general election matchup, the survey shows. Eleven percent are undecided.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@5 I like to double-check. What you do is your business.
Roger Rabbit spews:
There’s something I want to make clear. America is a free country. Puddy has a constitutional right to be a dumbass. I respect that right.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@8 War is immoral, period. You stupid humans are an immoral species in many other ways, too. The world won’t miss you. (See #4 above.) P.S., when you’re gone, rabbits will run this place. We’re going to be the next dominant species.
Czechsaaz spews:
The Octopi will be your overlords.
Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
What, then, should be done about a candidate who has no remaining credibility?
What is it that makes you think she won’t lie to you the same way she lies about everything else?
Roger Rabbit spews:
@14 … says a dupe who’s going to vote for Trump.
Roger Rabbit spews:
While visiting Hiroshima, Two-Term President Obama hugged Shigeaki Mori, an A-bomb survivor who “created the memorial for American WWII POWs killed at Hiroshima,” according to CNN. Now wait for Republicans to criticize him for “apologizing to our enemies.”
Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:
AP FACT CHECK: Clinton misstates key facts in email episode
Be on notice, HA libbies:
Now that it’s clear that Hillary Clinton has lied about everything, Goldy has declared @ 14 that it’s time to leave her alone.
I suppose there is some merit to an argument that one cannot attack credibility that no longer exists. But I don’t think that is what Goldy meant.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@17 Nobody gives a damn about politicians’ lies. Least of all the presumptive Republican nominee’s lies. In politics, lying is taken for granted, especially by the credulous fools making up the GOP’s voter base. So I assume your premise is that Hillary’s lying, if that’s what it is, might hurt her because her party has a better class of voters.
Roger Rabbit spews:
What Republicans hath wrought …
“Perhaps what Trump understood from the beginning is that practically nobody liked Republicans, or the Republican Party, to begin with. People didn’t like the GOP platform, so Trump ran against it. People didn’t like GOP politicians, so Trump insulted them rather than play the suck-up game. … In one recent survey, more than a third of Republican primary voters had a negative view of their own party.”
It was to be expected.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Republicans are still unwilling to give up their prerogative to pass hate legislation against gays.
For sequel see #19 above.
Teabaggers Again spews:
@14 her lies won’t be as bad as Drumpf’s lies. And he sucks dick too. Literally last night an Orangutan on 5th was giving free blowjobs out.
Teabaggers Again spews:
No facts to check on Drumpf. Facts don’t come with words like fucking tetatard, Pocahontas, small hands, fat pig, etc…. Does Drumpf even talk about anything?
Teabaggers Again spews:
@20 Bicke loves that shit. The politician isn’t the problem it is bickle who supports the loons.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@21 He’ll probably retort he won’t vote for either Trump or Hillary, which is fine with me. Making Bickle abstain or throw away his vote on a third-party candidate is an outcome I’ll be delighted to accept.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
R senile @10,
Then why the snide comment? Oh yeah because you’re senile!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
because her party has a better class of voters.
Well R senile, you don’t exhibit any class here!
Katrina Pierson spews:
“Now that it’s clear that Hillary Clinton has lied about everything…”
Fuckin A! Know what? She aint even a Real American!
Fer starters, she’s a lesbo, so there’s that.
An’ she’s a atheyist too, so she’s lying about the church stuff.
She’s had, like, fifty seven abortions. She killed Vince Foster, that one’s obvious. She master-minded Whitewater. She wired her e-mail account directly into the People Republic Army Headquarters. At her Goldman Sachs appearances she shot ping pong balls outa her snatch (sorry, table tennis balls – ping pong is racist). She’s another secret muslim. She was born in Kenya. She faked her birth certificate. She gave the bomb to North Korea. And she framed Laura Bush in that drunk driving thing.
Oh, and fat ankles. That too.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
What’s wrong HHTL @22? Awww…!
Elizabeth Warren claimed to be part Cherokee. Except it took a life on it’s own with her senate campaign. It seems DUMMOCRETINS love their politicians to be the biggest liars on the planet. Then Warren attacks Trump on the same thing she did years before in the housing market.
So Trump rightly calls her Pocohantas for good reason. SHE LIED… Too bad the comaprison to Pocohantas gives a bad name to Pocohantas!
Puddy uses the libtard site WikiPedia…
You see HHTL @22, you are the dumbest east coast moron around. There are many candidates on this blog for the dumbest west coast moron! FACTS just don’t sit well with your BULLSHITTIUM!
Sux to be that orangutan (HHTL) giving blow jobs on 5th Ave! Wait… blow jobs… sucking… Right up HHTL’s “alley”!
Teabaggers Again spews:
Not sure lies, or just Hillary’s lies, should be more of s concern than a paranoid bunch of members of a future administration.
Trump Campaign Stumbles As Paranoid Nominee Struggles To Adjust
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
The sergeant is a black woman! The officer is a black man. Hell hath no fury when you scorn a black woman! And he’s a protected class HA DUMMOCRETINS. Don’t you love it how political correctness has DAYUM’D the libtard proceedings.
Katrina Pierson spews:
@17 continued,
So many lies!
She lied about the emails.
She lied about Benghazi. She killed Vince Foster and lied about it.
She has a totally faked birth certificate. She bankrupted Hewlet Packard. She never once tried to escape when she was a prisoner of war. She covered up hundreds of Bill’s blowjobs and rapes. She helped Oswald kill Kennedy. She lied about being a Indian. She lied about Trump’s hands. She ruined Massachusetts with Romney-care. She shredded emails. She was born in Canada. She’s low energy. She walks like a penguin. She sleeps too much. She’s got low energy. She’s flat chested. She has an ugly face.
Teabaggers Again spews:
I actually chuckled to myself out loud at puffy talking about being classy.
Teabaggers Again spews:
Beats being part asshole.
Teabaggers Again spews:
@31 And! She uses the men’s room!
czechsaaz spews:
Hey Liar, you forgot a few things
I’ve mentioned this before. I identify as Clan Forbes. it was only a few years ago, well into my adult life, that from a box of letters and my cousin’s (last name Forbes) fascination with that we found out Great Great Grandpappy Forbes deserted the Royal Calvary to marry and dropped his real name, to live a life of secrecy in Dublin. Desertion being punished by death at the time… By your recokoning my Dad, my Grandma, Her Father, His Father I guess have been lying all this time. You are after all an expert at lying.
But what’s been the fallout for Elizabeth Warren. None whatsoever. What’s the fallout from calling someone “Pocahontas.” Well it’s racist, the Native Americans become less likely to vote for you, and women? How’s Trump faring there?
“She’s a woman that has been very ineffective other than she’s got a big mouth.”
Lying is still a sin, Liar.
Better spews:
Yup, pretty much a good catalogue of the lies they are going to say about Hillary. Puddy has already started.
Distant Replay spews:
Well, it’s tempting to speculate that at some point, Trump and his Republican stooges will run out of lies. But I gotta say one thing Trump seems to have done for Republicans is re-energized them with some imagination. Clearly there is no lie, no distortion, and no unsourced rumor too outlandish for Trump.
But honestly – the Kennedy assassination? I know for his acolytes and camp followers whatever Trump tosses out there is red meat. But something tells me that for independent swing voters in battleground states there may be a little-boy-who-cried-wolf limit to these attacks. Trump doesn’t seem to have a governor when it comes to this stuff. The minute he feels some pressure or senses some weakness he goes for it. And so far, among Republican primary voters it has paid off well enough.
I think it might be very interesting to see if Trump manages to exhaust these voters reserves for manufactured outrage. We’ll certainly get to find out, since there appears to be zero chance that Trump will ever slow his roll when it comes to attacking his opposition with whatever is within reach.
czechsaaz spews:
Yep, when he goes full Vince Foster, he has already, and Whitewater, the 2% of America that gets their news daily from Fox and RW Radio will cheer and say, “How can anyone vote for her knowing what we know is the truth!”
Everyone else will roll their eyes and say, “Wow, if he really is stupid enough to believe this shit then there ain’t a chance in hell I’m giving access to the launch button. Better safe with Hillary, who I don’t really like, that with a ignoramus with narcissistic personality disorder.”
czechsaaz spews:
Maybe if he says a cloud being and his zombie son told him the news directly it would go over better,
Trump tells a California Rally that there is no drought.
Apparently the water is being diverted to the sea. “Forget it Jake, It’s Chinatown.”
Another day, another totally easily disproven Trump statement. The Google is cool. It can show you the rainfall totals year by year and what the average normal is. But you can’t find it on Twitter so Trump doesn’t know.
Distant Replay spews:
seems like it. We’ll see.
One of my barometers is my FIL. Retired military, lifelong (R), but very, very establishment oriented. Early spring and he was spitting dismissal of “that loud mouth idiot”. At that point he insisted that under no circumstances would he ever vote for Trump. But three months of FOXNews and KIRO-AM have left him so convinced of “Clinton treason” that he now says he may have to vote for Trump. He’s not a stupid man. Far from it. He’s just a joiner. And he always likes to go along with the mood in the room. The guys he hangs out with, retired guys in his world, they absolutely despise “pushy” career women, especially in politics. But things like Trump’s very recent and renewed attacks on party stalwarts like Ryan, Martinez, Haley, Rubio, Bush and Romney are probably turning him off. Trump’s impatience with establishment Republicans could hurt him. I sure hope so.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
Oh checkmate… It claimed… Hey Puddy, you forgot a few things
Once again you fell off the earth. All that is hearsay as Puddy’s son would say in a court of law. ALLUDED And it makes reference to {72], butt there is no #72 in the PuddyLink! Here are the last two links…
^ Sally Jacobs, Elizabeth Warren’s family has mixed memories about heritage, The Boston Globe, Sep. 15, 2012
^ William A. Jacobson, Boston Globe unintentionally proves Elizabeth Warren’s ethnic fraud, Legal Insurrection, Sep. 16, 2012
You really are a jackASS! Where did Puddy claim anything about her employment?
Once again checkmate checkmates itself!
Sux to be checkmate! http://www.pollysgranddaughter.....ou_17.html
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
But what’s been the fallout for Elizabeth Warren. None whatsoever. What’s the fallout from calling someone “Pocahontas.” Well it’s racist, the Native Americans become less likely to vote for you, and women? How’s Trump faring there?
Really checkmate? Just like the Washington Redskin brouhaha ginned up by libtards that never went above 9% caring? It’s you libtards who are being upset at Trump’s attack on Warren. Puddy calls Warren Fauxcohantas. Another libtard icon not getting respect the libtards want!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
Anti-Trump DUMMOCRETIN people going nutz.
DUMMOCRETINS have no class!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
Eric Garcetti (LA mayor) said today that when felons are released, we owe them a “debt of gratitude” for them serving their time. This is why Trump is winning. What a DUMMOCRETIN loon.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:
Is LA one of those sanctuary cities harboring illegal aliens?
czechsaaz spews:
The Liar’s head exploded. Explain to me where I said you did bring up her employment in a post about leaving out so much that is on Wikipedia. BTW, is not Wikipedia. You lied about that. Did you really work in computers or did you lie about that repeatedly too?
Do you ever stop lying? You can go to your services every Saturday but if you really believe in the Bible it isn’t going to help you.
God, “Well yeah, you claimed to serve me but what is this about “Puddy Don’t need to Forgive.” You didn’t actually read the scripture? Did you see the parts about lying and lying, and lying and forgiveness? What about this vegetarianism? Admirable, but it’s not in the book. Oh, and the thing about Grape Juice. Don’t you know I created yeast and why did you need to lie about wine being grape juice. Sorry, you’re really not the type we’re looking for here.”
czechsaaz spews:
@Liar. It needs its own post. isn’t “liberal” Wikipedia. You lied about that too.
Caught lying again, and again and again. You’ll have some ‘splainin to do come judgement day. Good thing for you it’s a myth.
Liar. Walked right into it. My citiation comes from actual wikipedia. “And it makes reference to {72], butt there is no #72 in the PuddyLink! ” Of course, because it’s a bullshit site that you lied about being wikipedia.
Two choices, you are either a liar and admit it or dig in and say that your link really is wikipedia, it is, it is, it is. AKA Lie some more.
Mark Adams spews:
There is a lot of comments that racism and sexism automatically disqualifies someone from the office for President. This statement is untrue and maybe dangerous if taken too seriously. Some great Presidents have been racist. Woodrow Wilson was. As far as sexist President Kennedy would clearly qualify even if his transgressions were mostly out of the public eye. The tet e tet with a soviet mole though is an eye raiser though.
Neither disqualifies Trump. Hilliary Clinton is a bit less of an open book. Perhaps she is a closet manizer or could become one when she has power.
Now Trump’s tendencies to tilt toward being a tyrant is much more concerning.
Mark Adams spews:
@4 You missed this paragraph?
“The colistin-resistant gene has been seen in animals and people in China, Europe and Canada. Federal officials said Thursday that colistin-resistant E. coli has also been found in a pig in the United States, but there was nothing to link the finding to the Pennsylvania case.”
Because the agricultural industry has contributed to the problem by using antibiotics in the poultry and others parts of the ag industry. It’s no accident that rabbits are often displayed in the poultry barn at the fair. Sorry you rabbits are not getting a free pass. Now locusts they are more likely to inherit the worlf.
Mark Adams spews:
Oh no Napier’s constant! Save the rum Napier likes burning rum when he’s not drinking it with Newton and Euler.
Mark Adams spews:
@6 Of course if Hitler had the bomb and the US it’s likely he would not have used it.
Resurrecting the Daisy ad could back fire. Clinton is more ambivalent than Obama when it comes to nuclear weapons and use of force.
On North Korea telling the leader he uses his ours will be looking for him. Since we are doing assassination these days why not do it with a bomb 20 times more powerful than those used on Japan.
You left out the fact that nearly all of Japan’s cities with a population of 50,000 or more had already been firebombed. Both of these cities would have been firebomber by LaMay’s air force 3 weeks prior except they had been designated as targets for these bombs.
Stalin’s entry into the war was hastened by our use of the bomb. This was a major reason for Japan’s surrender.
The atomic bombings were just the continuation and maturation of a decision in 1943 to carpet bomb German cities in a manner that the Germans started in Spain in 1937.
Mark Adams spews:
27 is the atomic weight of cobalt.
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