It’s no secret that House Speaker Frank Chopp wasn’t too thrilled about the prospect of fighting to retain an open seat in the 41st Legislative District, and now he won’t have to after persuading freshman Rep. Marcie Maxwell to pass up an appointment to Sen. Fred Jarrett’s soon to be vacated seat. From a press release:
Representative Marcie Maxwell, (D) 41st District, has announced that she will continue her legislative work as State Representative and not seek the appointment for the Senate seat vacated last week by Fred Jarrett.
[…] Representative Maxwell will immediately replace House Speaker Frank Chopp as the voting member of the Quality Education Council (QEC), the panel charged with developing strategic recommendations for implementing a new definition of Basic Education and the funding necessary to support it.
This leaves Jarrett’s senate seat the object of contention. In an email to 41st District Dems members, chair Jeff Smith says that the County Council plans to move quickly on the matter, making an appointment by January 11th.
Huh. It’s hard to believe the council will have appointed Dow Constantine’s replacement by then, but if so, that means the 41st Dems PCO’s would likely nominate their top three choices sometime within the next week.
It’s hard to handicap such an insider process, but from what I hear, the top three candidates remain attorney/activist Randy Gordon (a Camp Wellstone classmate of mine), Vicki Orrico, who just lost a close race for Bellevue City Council, and Washington Toxics Coalition Executive Director Maureen Judge, who my daughter likes to refer to as “mom.”
No doubt my daughter and I will be watching this appointment closely.
Of course, the 4 “nonpartisan” council members will vote for “None Of The Above” and leave the seat vacant until hell freezes over, if they possibly can.
Will the council be able to get their act together by the 11th? Watching them that last evening was painful.
Vicki Orrico
I spent an afternoon with Randy Gordon several years before he announced his political plans. I was very impressed with Randy. He is intelligent and smart and seems to have a clear sense of moral direction.
Let’s also remember that Randy challenged Darcy Burner in the Primary. As I recall, there was no unpleasantness in that race and Randy withdrew graciously.
I think that Randy would be a good candidate for the Washington State Senate.
Vicki Orrico has great name recognition throughout Bellevue, which would certainly help her defend her Senate seat. Her record of service to the community is impressive, especially on key issues like education, transportation and city planning. I hope the PCOs do the right thing and send her name to the Council.
Orrico lost a “close” race for Bellevue City Council? She trailed by 5 percent in the final tally. That was the same margin between Obama and McCain. Would you call that a “close” race. I call it slant. Either that or sloppy homework. Shame both ways.
Jason @3,
Noted and corrected.
truth @6,
Five points against a well-known, longtime incumbent? I’d say that’s close.
Off topic but, this thread is rather quiet.
Authorities switch one lane of a busy bridge in Vancouver B.C. from autos to bike/ped, chaos doesn’t ensue.
@6 You can’t compare a city council race to a presidential election (unless you’re Sarah Bailin’ or one of her crazy fans). A 5% spread in a local race is close; a 192 Electoral Vote margin in a presidential election is not close. Also, for your information, the spread in popular vote between Obama and McCain was 7.2%, not 5%. Get your head out of your ass, son.
Anytime a wingnut starts flinging the word “truth” around — watch out!!!
We’re living in F’d up times.
My thoughts go out the deputy Mundell’s family and friends.