Is that your car that got the flat tire on the Bridge tying up traffic for an hour cuz you drove it with bald tires??
I know times are tough for Blogmeister’s…but wow.
Perhaps you should set up a new Donation jar for: BUY GOLDY A NEW RIDE!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Bought 2,000 shares of Apple (AAPL) @ $95.55 this AM. See what happens.
Wells Fargo bought Wachovia at a sweetheart price and is up over $3….$$12,000 Profit
The NOV is bought yesterday @ $40.50 is also UP.
C’mon you KLOWNS…stop playing “PocKet-Pool” and get off the sidelines and invest!
All you KLOWNS do is complain…while Conservatives with some balls take risks and make money. Then you are soooo envious that you spend all your time trying to figure out how to tax the risk-takers profits.
Once owned one of those. Easy car to work on. Good thing too because I had to often.
“Simplicity is not always foolishness, just as sophistication is not always wisdom.”
– Michael Gerson
If you repeat the word maverick often enough, maybe it will become the truth.
Guess the maverick has to figure out if he will now support the bankruptcy bill that Sarah Palin said they supported – you know, the one where people can keep their homes and is supported by Obama and opposed by McCain. On the other hand, people like McCain CAN keep their #2-7 homes and their yachts. Nice to know that McCain is looking out for his rich buddies and lobbyists but not for the average homeowner.
As an owner of AAPL, I understand your belief in the company and stock, but I wouldn’t buy it now, even as a long-term hold. These are uncertain times, and there’s a good chance you’ll see see it go down further.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
6. YLB spews:
“Boo fucking hoo. Stop supporting shitheads who spend billions on shitty wars and bailouts for billionaires and we’ll stop finding a way to pay for it.”
What’s this we’ll shit.
You don’t pay any taxes, loser!
When you say we’ll you must be talking about yourself and a turd in your pocket.
All you do is suck off the system demanding the ones who pay for all you enjoy pay more.
That’s the definition of a KLOWN, KLOWN!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Time to come up with something new, Goldy: “I’m just sayin’….” is gettin’ kinda old.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Troll spews:
“As an owner of AAPL, I understand your belief in the company and stock, but I wouldn’t buy it now, even as a long-term hold. These are uncertain times, and there’s a good chance you’ll see see it go down further.”
I agree with you..
I bought 2000 shares @ $95.50 and have a sell order in at $104.50.
Have a great day!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Sold @ $104.50
Now I get to pay 35% of the $18,000 I made into the Bureaucratic Pot of Goo to support losers like YLB!
You know, KLOWNS who sit around, don’t take risks and whine that the government ain’t doing enough for them.
8 – Asshole you didn’t raise one bead of sweat flipping those pieces of paper.
The taxes on that should be 90 percent! Then maybe you’ll use your money to do something exotic aka useful like say throw off a job which are hemorrhaging like crazy right now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Yeah, I agree with you Goldy, like McSame himself, his “maverick” act has a lot of miles on it and has rusted out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 That’s good, Troll. You retards have a certain inculcated facility for regurgitating compressed nuggets of wisdom written by others. Note, however, that parrots can also do this. Like them, you don’t comprehend any of it.
@8 We pay plenty of taxes, Cynical. And right now, on top of the withholdings and quarterly filings, we’re also paying the Republican Inflation Tax every time we buy groceries or other necessities — all for the trillions your idiot party and its idiotic voters and apologists like you who should know better have squandered away with nothing to show for it. Fuck you, we’re taking over, and we’re going to bill your damage deposit for the last 8 years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 (continued) Isn’t it something to listen to these high-income whiners complain about paying taxes when they get federal tax rates 2/3rds less than ordinary citizens pay and they get state/local tax rates 3/4ths less than what poor people pay!
LOL. Great post!
I kept asking this question last night, since Sarah Palin used the m-word in almost every answer: Can you be a maverick and also claim to be a maverick?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 (continued) We’re not asking for much, Cynical. All we’re asking is that rich people pay the same tax rates as wage earners. What’s so hard about that?
Please tell me what you are going to buy today, then post back tomorrow with the results.
Let’s see you show some balls in real time, asshole.
This is funny!
“Governor Palin, is that so?” asked PBS’ Gwen Ifill.
“That is not so,” said Palin, “but because that’s just a quick answer.”
The Alaska governor then quickly changed the subject to energy.
ACORN, a liberal group which advocates on behalf of low- and moderate-income people, seized on Palin’s seeming endorsement of the Obama-Biden position and is now trying to use them to pressure McCain to change his official position.
“Sarah was just being Sarah,” ACORN’s Charles Jackson told ABC News. “It’s clear from the transcript that she supported the provision that Senator Biden brought up. We’ll see if McCain’s handlers will allow her to continue to hold that position tomorrow.”…
The McCain campaign confirms to ABC News that Palin misstated McCain’s position.
Opened your home page this morning, watched it load and burst out laughing, the wife is looking at me as if I was nuts as I type this. Did not even have to read the caption.
Might be the funniest post of the campaign.
Thank you!
My Left Footspews:
mr cynical is a proven liar. don’t hold your breath.
Fucking idiot doesn’t even know that his tax rate on his mythical capital gains would be 15%
Don Joespews:
Reminds me of a picture I saw when Gerald Ford was chosen to replace Spiro Agnew. It was a picture of Nixon, and the caption read, “Would you buy a used Ford from this guy?”
Don Joespews:
@ 24
15% is the long-term capital gains rate. Cynical is bragging about short-term capital gains.
Great pic! My first car was the Mercury version of this car in the 70s, the Comet. A great car to tinker with.
Seeing this, now I might have to vote for McCain.
Maybe not.
– TT
Take-no-prisoners writing from Matt Taibi:
Not only is Sarah Palin a fraud, she’s the tawdriest, most half-assed fraud imaginable, 20 floors below the lowest common denominator, a character too dumb even for daytime TV — and this country is going to eat her up, cheering her every step of the way. All because most Americans no longer have the energy to do anything but lie back and allow ourselves to be jacked off by the calculating thieves who run this grasping consumer paradise we call a nation.
Right-wingers of the Bush-Rove ilk have had a tough time finding a human face to put on their failed, inhuman, mean-as-hell policies. But it was hard not to recognize the genius of wedding that faltering brand of institutionalized greed to the image of the suburban-American supermom. It’s the perfect cover, for there is almost nothing in the world meaner than this species of provincial tyrant.
A must read. See 28 for the link.
With apologies to Cindy McCain, choosing Palin suggests John would rather be a Maverick than Clydesdale.
McCain Palin are Mavericks. McCain Palin can not govern.
1. McCain the Maverick
My sense is that a wide swath of Americans likes this man. But, he has not been able to show either a plan or evidence that, if he has one, it is supported by his own party.
Palin seems to be a lot like McCain .. willing to fight for her principles regardless of party loyalties. Is this a good thing?
2. Palin Undermines McCain’s Image
The choice of Palin undermined McCain’s image . Hell, the next President will, as the current version of the bailout suggests, need to to do a LOT of judicious ass licking to achieve anything.
Having kowtowed to his extreme right, is McCain ready to kiss ass, and if so whose ass, in order to make the government work?
3. Palin Raises Doubts About Mccain’s competence
Palin’s image of being a maverick is a bit like being a bull in the china shop. While lipstick and mascara may soften that image, the wreckage on the floor is not reassuring to a country in crisis.
Even last night, asked about her portfolio, the answer seemed more like something a first lady might give then the aspirations of a potential leader of the free world.
5. The Republican Party is leaderless.
This may be the nubbin of my concern. Like most Americans I believe in the two party system. That system only works when BOTH parties are credible.
The debacle of McCain’s Caesar-like return to the forum hardly reassured anyone. Worse yet is the image Palin projects. Does anyone see her telling Gingrich, Schwartznegger, Dobson, Chaney, what to do?
Bottom line:
I do not believe that McCain can win this election without showing he can lead his own party. The choice of Palin, someone clearly designed as a sop to his radical right, shows a failure of leadership.
Still, I hope the Republican party can find itself ater Nov 4. I am willing to look at a John McKay ticket to unseat McDermitt and Rod McKenna’s effort to replace Gregfoire (if she wins). Hell what about Steve Balmer coming out of the closet and ????
My first car was a 1964 Mercury Comet, “three on the tree.” But I didn’t buy it until 1992, when we were both around the same ripe old age. (I assume, like me, the car was manufactured in 1963.)
What was so special about 1992, that at the age of 29 I finally gave in and bought a car? I moved to Seattle.
Thanks Goldy! I’ll never be able to hear him referred to as a ‘maverick’ again without imagining one of these rotting rustheaps.
From the “Things are tough all over” Dept.:
The Republican governor of California has sent a letter to Treasury Secty Paulson saying that California, the home to numerous extremely wealthy citizens, that California will need a 7 Billion dollar bailout loan from the Federal Government to avoid defaulting upon its obligations.
So, how are the good folks of Iowa going to react to their hard-earned tax money going out to California so that the local taxes on the wealthy in Hollywood and reliably-Republican Orange County can be kept artificially low?
(I saw about five minutes of “The Real Housewives of Orange County”. Some bimbos in an SUV were talking down to the police officer giving them a ticket for driving their Humvee without a license plate. “Of course we don’t put a license plate on the Humvee! It doesn’t go with the color! Duh!”)
Daddy Lovespews:
Except OUR current maverick was built in 1936!
SJ @ 30 said: “I do not believe that McCain can win this election without showing he can lead his own party.”
Yep, that ol’ “maverick” needs to show that he can at least reform his own party before he is giving the rest of the country to practice upon.
As Defspews:
At 7:10 AM, Mr. Cynical said:
Bought 2,000 shares of Apple (AAPL) @ $95.55 this AM. See what happens.
Um, AAPL closed yesterday at 100.98 and opened today at 104.28.
In other words, “what happens” is that someone catches a conservative in an obvious lie.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Westneat: Palin Bombed In Wingnut Country
Danny Westneat, the fishwrapper’s political columnist (for now, while this country still has a few remaining journalist jobs), writes:
“SPOKANE — It was all Sarah Palin last night here at a debate-watching party. And not necessarily in a good way.
“I watched the big debate with a crowd of 40 at The Swamp Tavern …. Joe Biden was there, on the TV screen, but hardly anyone noticed him. The talk at the bar was all Sarah, all the time.
“‘No way is she ready to be vice president,’ said Heidi Boehl, 40, a Spokane massage therapist …. ‘She may be charming, but she’s as sincere as polyester.’
“Janice Kaler, 63, owns The Swamp. She is that most elusive quarry, the undecided swing voter. … Her wrap-up of the debate was as inscrutable as her politics. ‘I think she basically held her own. Only sometimes she does say some ridiculous things.’ She added she still doesn’t know who to vote for.
“Shanna Sheridan, 25, a producer for local conservative talk-radio station, KXLY-AM (920), said in the end Palin was good enough. ‘All she had to do is get up there and not sound completely stupid,’ Sheridan said. ‘She did that.'”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sheridan sums up what’s wrong with conservatives and why they’ve wrecked America: For them, not sounding “completely stupid” is good enough. No, it’s not; and that’s how we got where we are — bogged down in Iraq, losing in Afghanistan, our nation’s reputation shredded, our economy in shambles.
And the fact Kaler is still undecided illustrates why Palin lost last night: She didn’t win votes for her team. If swing voters like Kaler end up voting for McCain, it won’t be because of Palin.
My opinion, she stopped the bleeding, if you weren’t paying too much attention. She did not give the McCain campaign a transfusion.
AAPL dipped briefly to as low as $94.65 this morning on the false rumors of a Steve Jobs heart attack. It recovered quickly, but there *is* a chance that he actually got in during that little window.
Daddy Lovespews:
Biden on mavericks:
…let’s talk about the maverick John McCain is. And again I love him, he’s been a maverick on some issues but he’s been no maverick on things that matter to people’s lives.
He voted four out of five times for George Bush’s budget which put us half a trillion in debt this year and over three trillion in debt since he got there.
He has not been a maverick in providing healthcare for people. He voted against including another 3.6 million children in coverage of the existing health care plan in the United States Senate.
He’s not been a maverick when it comes to education. He has not supported tax cuts and significant changes for people being able to send their kids to college.
He’s not been a maverick on the war, not been a maverick on virtually anything that generally affects the things that people really talk about around the kitchen table.
Can we get mom’s MRI? Can we send Mary back to school next semester. We can’t make it. How we gonna heat the house this winter? He even voted against what they call LIHEAP, for assistance for people with oil prices going through the roof in the winter.
So a maverick he is not, on the important critical issues that affect people at the kitchen table.
Back in the day, I heard those were pretty good cars, but never owned one. I used to be a die-hard Mopar guy. I still don’t think an in-line engine looks right unless it’s leaning over to one side.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
12. YLB spews:
“8 – Asshole you didn’t raise one bead of sweat flipping those pieces of paper.
The taxes on that should be 90 percent! Then maybe you’ll use your money to do something exotic aka useful like say throw off a job which are hemorrhaging like crazy right now.”
Ahhhh, yet another example of lazy-ass, risk averse envy.
I also sold NOV this AM @ $44.50.
Bot @ $40.50 yesterday. Another $8,000…with 35% into the goo to support losers like you YLB!.
Think I’ll take the Mrs.’s on a nice cruise next month.
The economy is great for us and we need to spread some profits around to the needy.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
19. Roger Rabbit spews:
@8 (continued) We’re not asking for much, Cynical. All we’re asking is that rich people pay the same tax rates as wage earners. What’s so hard about that?
I am on all these Short-Term Capital Gains.
These trades are legalized gambling.
Holding for over 1 year is investing and should be taxed at a much lower rate…if at all.
Gambling–High Rates.
Investing–Low Rates
Mr. Cynicalspews:
20. busdrivermike spews:
Please tell me what you are going to buy today, then post back tomorrow with the results.
Let’s see you show some balls in real time, asshole.”
That’s what I have been doing…for months.
You are also envious & in denial that you have no courage or appetite for risk.
Right now, the only stocks I own are 2,000 shares of Wells Fargo…and lots of dry powder (although much less after sending a huge check to the IRS for estimate taxes on September 15th and more on January 15th).
Mr. Cynicalspews:
24. busdrivermike spews:
“Fucking idiot doesn’t even know that his tax rate on his mythical capital gains would be 15%.”
You show once again why you are likely unqualified mentally to even be a bus driver!
Short-Term Capital Gains are taxed at the ordinary tax rates…you moron.
No wonder Conservative hate to take the bus!!
Knowing morons like you are at the wheel!
Daddy Lovespews:
Well-known socialist Charles Krauthammer on Obama:
Part of reassurance is intellectual. Like Palin, he’s a rookie, but in his 19 months on the national stage he has achieved fluency in areas in which he has no experience. In the foreign policy debate with McCain, as in his July news conference with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Obama held his own — fluid, familiar and therefore plausibly presidential.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. famously said of Franklin Roosevelt that he had a “second-class intellect, but a first-class temperament.” Obama has shown that he is a man of limited experience, questionable convictions, deeply troubling associations (Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Tony Rezko) and an alarming lack of self-definition — do you really know who he is and what he believes? Nonetheless, he’s got both a first-class intellect and a first-class temperament. That will likely be enough to make him president.
The point? It’s over, and they know it’s over.
Tina Fey Goldsteinspews:
@2: OK, but it was only, like, two weeks ago that John Klown Karlson came on and cheerily announced that WaMu was a hot buy. It had crashed to 2, he announced, then buoyantly bounced to 4 and was headed for the heights in a booming Bush recovery.
So ….. did you and Rog take Pink-Harley John’s hot tip and cash in?
Or is this anecdote further evidence that Republican conservatism is dead as dogshit?
Tina Fey Goldsteinspews:
Agree with the Kraut, Dad, as I usually do. But word on the street is that Holmes was describing TR, not FDR.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
36. As Def spews:
At 7:10 AM, Mr. Cynical said:
Bought 2,000 shares of Apple (AAPL) @ $95.55 this AM. See what happens.
Um, AAPL closed yesterday at 100.98 and opened today at 104.28.
In other words, “what happens” is that someone catches a conservative in an obvious lie.
As Def, do you know how to read charts?
Apple opened DOWN today and right after the opening we put in the order @ 95.55 (which I posted earlier).
2. Mr. Cynical spews:
Bought 2,000 shares of Apple (AAPL) @ $95.55 this AM. See what happens.
Wells Fargo bought Wachovia at a sweetheart price and is up over $3….$$12,000 Profit
The NOV is bought yesterday @ $40.50 is also UP. 10/03/2008 at 7:10 am
Is that your car that got the flat tire on the Bridge tying up traffic for an hour cuz you drove it with bald tires??
I know times are tough for Blogmeister’s…but wow.
Perhaps you should set up a new Donation jar for:
Bought 2,000 shares of Apple (AAPL) @ $95.55 this AM. See what happens.
Wells Fargo bought Wachovia at a sweetheart price and is up over $3….$$12,000 Profit
The NOV is bought yesterday @ $40.50 is also UP.
C’mon you KLOWNS…stop playing “PocKet-Pool” and get off the sidelines and invest!
All you KLOWNS do is complain…while Conservatives with some balls take risks and make money. Then you are soooo envious that you spend all your time trying to figure out how to tax the risk-takers profits.
Once owned one of those. Easy car to work on. Good thing too because I had to often.
“Simplicity is not always foolishness, just as sophistication is not always wisdom.”
– Michael Gerson
If you repeat the word maverick often enough, maybe it will become the truth.
Guess the maverick has to figure out if he will now support the bankruptcy bill that Sarah Palin said they supported – you know, the one where people can keep their homes and is supported by Obama and opposed by McCain. On the other hand, people like McCain CAN keep their #2-7 homes and their yachts. Nice to know that McCain is looking out for his rich buddies and lobbyists but not for the average homeowner.
Oops – looks like the McCain campaign says Sarah lied after all..
Boo fucking hoo. Stop supporting shitheads who spend billions on shitty wars and bailouts for billionaires and we’ll stop finding a way to pay for it.
As an owner of AAPL, I understand your belief in the company and stock, but I wouldn’t buy it now, even as a long-term hold. These are uncertain times, and there’s a good chance you’ll see see it go down further.
6. YLB spews:
“Boo fucking hoo. Stop supporting shitheads who spend billions on shitty wars and bailouts for billionaires and we’ll stop finding a way to pay for it.”
What’s this we’ll shit.
You don’t pay any taxes, loser!
When you say we’ll you must be talking about yourself and a turd in your pocket.
All you do is suck off the system demanding the ones who pay for all you enjoy pay more.
That’s the definition of a KLOWN, KLOWN!
Time to come up with something new, Goldy: “I’m just sayin’….” is gettin’ kinda old.
Troll spews:
“As an owner of AAPL, I understand your belief in the company and stock, but I wouldn’t buy it now, even as a long-term hold. These are uncertain times, and there’s a good chance you’ll see see it go down further.”
I agree with you..
I bought 2000 shares @ $95.50 and have a sell order in at $104.50.
Have a great day!
Sold @ $104.50
Now I get to pay 35% of the $18,000 I made into the Bureaucratic Pot of Goo to support losers like YLB!
You know, KLOWNS who sit around, don’t take risks and whine that the government ain’t doing enough for them.
8 – Asshole you didn’t raise one bead of sweat flipping those pieces of paper.
The taxes on that should be 90 percent! Then maybe you’ll use your money to do something exotic aka useful like say throw off a job which are hemorrhaging like crazy right now.
Yeah, I agree with you Goldy, like McSame himself, his “maverick” act has a lot of miles on it and has rusted out.
@4 That’s good, Troll. You retards have a certain inculcated facility for regurgitating compressed nuggets of wisdom written by others. Note, however, that parrots can also do this. Like them, you don’t comprehend any of it.
Hey, that’s my old car!!!
@8 We pay plenty of taxes, Cynical. And right now, on top of the withholdings and quarterly filings, we’re also paying the Republican Inflation Tax every time we buy groceries or other necessities — all for the trillions your idiot party and its idiotic voters and apologists like you who should know better have squandered away with nothing to show for it. Fuck you, we’re taking over, and we’re going to bill your damage deposit for the last 8 years.
@8 (continued) Isn’t it something to listen to these high-income whiners complain about paying taxes when they get federal tax rates 2/3rds less than ordinary citizens pay and they get state/local tax rates 3/4ths less than what poor people pay!
LOL. Great post!
I kept asking this question last night, since Sarah Palin used the m-word in almost every answer: Can you be a maverick and also claim to be a maverick?
@8 (continued) We’re not asking for much, Cynical. All we’re asking is that rich people pay the same tax rates as wage earners. What’s so hard about that?
Please tell me what you are going to buy today, then post back tomorrow with the results.
Let’s see you show some balls in real time, asshole.
This is funny!
Sarah just being Sarah! LMAO!!
One heartbeat away. Pretty scary if you ask me.
Opened your home page this morning, watched it load and burst out laughing, the wife is looking at me as if I was nuts as I type this. Did not even have to read the caption.
Might be the funniest post of the campaign.
Thank you!
mr cynical is a proven liar. don’t hold your breath.
Fucking idiot doesn’t even know that his tax rate on his mythical capital gains would be 15%
Reminds me of a picture I saw when Gerald Ford was chosen to replace Spiro Agnew. It was a picture of Nixon, and the caption read, “Would you buy a used Ford from this guy?”
@ 24
15% is the long-term capital gains rate. Cynical is bragging about short-term capital gains.
Great pic! My first car was the Mercury version of this car in the 70s, the Comet. A great car to tinker with.
Seeing this, now I might have to vote for McCain.
Maybe not.
– TT
Take-no-prisoners writing from Matt Taibi:
I hope he’s wrong about the last sentence.
Wow! The gift that keeps giving:
A must read. See 28 for the link.
With apologies to Cindy McCain, choosing Palin suggests John would rather be a Maverick than Clydesdale.
McCain Palin are Mavericks. McCain Palin can not govern.
1. McCain the Maverick
My sense is that a wide swath of Americans likes this man. But, he has not been able to show either a plan or evidence that, if he has one, it is supported by his own party.
Palin seems to be a lot like McCain .. willing to fight for her principles regardless of party loyalties. Is this a good thing?
2. Palin Undermines McCain’s Image
The choice of Palin undermined McCain’s image . Hell, the next President will, as the current version of the bailout suggests, need to to do a LOT of judicious ass licking to achieve anything.
Having kowtowed to his extreme right, is McCain ready to kiss ass, and if so whose ass, in order to make the government work?
3. Palin Raises Doubts About Mccain’s competence
Palin’s image of being a maverick is a bit like being a bull in the china shop. While lipstick and mascara may soften that image, the wreckage on the floor is not reassuring to a country in crisis.
Even last night, asked about her portfolio, the answer seemed more like something a first lady might give then the aspirations of a potential leader of the free world.
5. The Republican Party is leaderless.
This may be the nubbin of my concern. Like most Americans I believe in the two party system. That system only works when BOTH parties are credible.
The debacle of McCain’s Caesar-like return to the forum hardly reassured anyone. Worse yet is the image Palin projects. Does anyone see her telling Gingrich, Schwartznegger, Dobson, Chaney, what to do?
Bottom line:
I do not believe that McCain can win this election without showing he can lead his own party. The choice of Palin, someone clearly designed as a sop to his radical right, shows a failure of leadership.
Still, I hope the Republican party can find itself ater Nov 4. I am willing to look at a John McKay ticket to unseat McDermitt and Rod McKenna’s effort to replace Gregfoire (if she wins). Hell what about Steve Balmer coming out of the closet and ????
Just give us patriots better choices!
Truth Teller @27,
My first car was a 1964 Mercury Comet, “three on the tree.” But I didn’t buy it until 1992, when we were both around the same ripe old age. (I assume, like me, the car was manufactured in 1963.)
What was so special about 1992, that at the age of 29 I finally gave in and bought a car? I moved to Seattle.
This is what happens to Mavericks.
Thanks Goldy! I’ll never be able to hear him referred to as a ‘maverick’ again without imagining one of these rotting rustheaps.
From the “Things are tough all over” Dept.:
The Republican governor of California has sent a letter to Treasury Secty Paulson saying that California, the home to numerous extremely wealthy citizens, that California will need a 7 Billion dollar bailout loan from the Federal Government to avoid defaulting upon its obligations.
Source: Schwarzenegger: Calif. may need $7 billion loan
So, how are the good folks of Iowa going to react to their hard-earned tax money going out to California so that the local taxes on the wealthy in Hollywood and reliably-Republican Orange County can be kept artificially low?
(I saw about five minutes of “The Real Housewives of Orange County”. Some bimbos in an SUV were talking down to the police officer giving them a ticket for driving their Humvee without a license plate. “Of course we don’t put a license plate on the Humvee! It doesn’t go with the color! Duh!”)
Except OUR current maverick was built in 1936!
SJ @ 30 said: “I do not believe that McCain can win this election without showing he can lead his own party.”
Yep, that ol’ “maverick” needs to show that he can at least reform his own party before he is giving the rest of the country to practice upon.
At 7:10 AM, Mr. Cynical said:
Bought 2,000 shares of Apple (AAPL) @ $95.55 this AM. See what happens.
Um, AAPL closed yesterday at 100.98 and opened today at 104.28.
In other words, “what happens” is that someone catches a conservative in an obvious lie.
Westneat: Palin Bombed In Wingnut Country
Danny Westneat, the fishwrapper’s political columnist (for now, while this country still has a few remaining journalist jobs), writes:
“SPOKANE — It was all Sarah Palin last night here at a debate-watching party. And not necessarily in a good way.
“I watched the big debate with a crowd of 40 at The Swamp Tavern …. Joe Biden was there, on the TV screen, but hardly anyone noticed him. The talk at the bar was all Sarah, all the time.
“‘No way is she ready to be vice president,’ said Heidi Boehl, 40, a Spokane massage therapist …. ‘She may be charming, but she’s as sincere as polyester.’
“Janice Kaler, 63, owns The Swamp. She is that most elusive quarry, the undecided swing voter. … Her wrap-up of the debate was as inscrutable as her politics. ‘I think she basically held her own. Only sometimes she does say some ridiculous things.’ She added she still doesn’t know who to vote for.
“Shanna Sheridan, 25, a producer for local conservative talk-radio station, KXLY-AM (920), said in the end Palin was good enough. ‘All she had to do is get up there and not sound completely stupid,’ Sheridan said. ‘She did that.'”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sheridan sums up what’s wrong with conservatives and why they’ve wrecked America: For them, not sounding “completely stupid” is good enough. No, it’s not; and that’s how we got where we are — bogged down in Iraq, losing in Afghanistan, our nation’s reputation shredded, our economy in shambles.
And the fact Kaler is still undecided illustrates why Palin lost last night: She didn’t win votes for her team. If swing voters like Kaler end up voting for McCain, it won’t be because of Palin.
My opinion, she stopped the bleeding, if you weren’t paying too much attention. She did not give the McCain campaign a transfusion.
AAPL dipped briefly to as low as $94.65 this morning on the false rumors of a Steve Jobs heart attack. It recovered quickly, but there *is* a chance that he actually got in during that little window.
Biden on mavericks:
…let’s talk about the maverick John McCain is. And again I love him, he’s been a maverick on some issues but he’s been no maverick on things that matter to people’s lives.
He voted four out of five times for George Bush’s budget which put us half a trillion in debt this year and over three trillion in debt since he got there.
He has not been a maverick in providing healthcare for people. He voted against including another 3.6 million children in coverage of the existing health care plan in the United States Senate.
He’s not been a maverick when it comes to education. He has not supported tax cuts and significant changes for people being able to send their kids to college.
He’s not been a maverick on the war, not been a maverick on virtually anything that generally affects the things that people really talk about around the kitchen table.
Can we get mom’s MRI? Can we send Mary back to school next semester. We can’t make it. How we gonna heat the house this winter? He even voted against what they call LIHEAP, for assistance for people with oil prices going through the roof in the winter.
So a maverick he is not, on the important critical issues that affect people at the kitchen table.
Back in the day, I heard those were pretty good cars, but never owned one. I used to be a die-hard Mopar guy. I still don’t think an in-line engine looks right unless it’s leaning over to one side.
12. YLB spews:
“8 – Asshole you didn’t raise one bead of sweat flipping those pieces of paper.
The taxes on that should be 90 percent! Then maybe you’ll use your money to do something exotic aka useful like say throw off a job which are hemorrhaging like crazy right now.”
Ahhhh, yet another example of lazy-ass, risk averse envy.
I also sold NOV this AM @ $44.50.
Bot @ $40.50 yesterday. Another $8,000…with 35% into the goo to support losers like you YLB!.
Think I’ll take the Mrs.’s on a nice cruise next month.
The economy is great for us and we need to spread some profits around to the needy.
19. Roger Rabbit spews:
@8 (continued) We’re not asking for much, Cynical. All we’re asking is that rich people pay the same tax rates as wage earners. What’s so hard about that?
I am on all these Short-Term Capital Gains.
These trades are legalized gambling.
Holding for over 1 year is investing and should be taxed at a much lower rate…if at all.
Gambling–High Rates.
Investing–Low Rates
20. busdrivermike spews:
Please tell me what you are going to buy today, then post back tomorrow with the results.
Let’s see you show some balls in real time, asshole.”
That’s what I have been doing…for months.
You are also envious & in denial that you have no courage or appetite for risk.
Right now, the only stocks I own are 2,000 shares of Wells Fargo…and lots of dry powder (although much less after sending a huge check to the IRS for estimate taxes on September 15th and more on January 15th).
24. busdrivermike spews:
“Fucking idiot doesn’t even know that his tax rate on his mythical capital gains would be 15%.”
You show once again why you are likely unqualified mentally to even be a bus driver!
Short-Term Capital Gains are taxed at the ordinary tax rates…you moron.
No wonder Conservative hate to take the bus!!
Knowing morons like you are at the wheel!
Well-known socialist Charles Krauthammer on Obama:
The point? It’s over, and they know it’s over.
@2: OK, but it was only, like, two weeks ago that John Klown Karlson came on and cheerily announced that WaMu was a hot buy. It had crashed to 2, he announced, then buoyantly bounced to 4 and was headed for the heights in a booming Bush recovery.
So ….. did you and Rog take Pink-Harley John’s hot tip and cash in?
Or is this anecdote further evidence that Republican conservatism is dead as dogshit?
Agree with the Kraut, Dad, as I usually do. But word on the street is that Holmes was describing TR, not FDR.
36. As Def spews:
At 7:10 AM, Mr. Cynical said:
Bought 2,000 shares of Apple (AAPL) @ $95.55 this AM. See what happens.
Um, AAPL closed yesterday at 100.98 and opened today at 104.28.
In other words, “what happens” is that someone catches a conservative in an obvious lie.
As Def, do you know how to read charts?
Apple opened DOWN today and right after the opening we put in the order @ 95.55 (which I posted earlier).
2. Mr. Cynical spews:
Bought 2,000 shares of Apple (AAPL) @ $95.55 this AM. See what happens.
Wells Fargo bought Wachovia at a sweetheart price and is up over $3….$$12,000 Profit
The NOV is bought yesterday @ $40.50 is also UP.
10/03/2008 at 7:10 am
No wonder you are a Stock Market Loser!!