For quite some time, Darryl has been urging me to do something about longtime troll Marvin Stamn, who appeared to be spamming the open threads with links to right-wing sites. Well, today was the final straw, as Stamn essentially admitted to such:
34. Politically Incorrect spews:
Give it a rest.Can’t. I’m making a couple extra bucks propagandizing today.
Well, no more. The purpose of the open threads is to give the HA community — even the hateful trolls — the opportunity to talk about whatever they want, without driving the other comment threads off topic. The purpose is not to provide a handy (and profitable) tool for upping the Google ranking of right-wing sites.
So Stamn, who has apparently been making more money off my blog than I have, has joined the execrable JCH as only the second commenter to be permanently banned, and we’re prepared to ban anybody else who routinely violates the letter or spirit of our comment policy.
To which, I suppose, I should add the following explicit addendum: no spam.
And if that policy strikes some as unfairly subjective… well… it’s my blog, so fuck you.
Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam….
Bloody right-wing vikings…
Been Nice Knowing You. Email Puddy sometime.
@2: stammers@myCraftsmanisBiggerthanyourCraftsman.stfu
Puddy found you at fatass@dopeyasswipe.fool
Banned from HA, dang. You’ve got to give the boy some credit, that’s really hard to do!
Well said. So long, Marvin.
The side of me that likes making fun of idiots will miss Marvin, but the side of me that enjoys good conversation in the comment threads will not.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
RIP Marvin, some may miss your copy-and-paste comments. Some may. :)
da-da-dum-dum-dum da-dum-dum-dum-da-dum…..
Another one bites the dust!
Starvin’ Marvin?
Goats are doing the dance of joy.
I appears there is a direct correlation between the tanking of the Progressive Movement and the irrational over-reaction of Goldy.
As Obam-Mao has continue his plummet from +32 down to -15, the Leftist Pinheaded Klown headspinning accelerates.
Here is a cut-and-paste for you jcricket!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The truth hurts.
Ban everyone with a different opinion Goldy.
That’s what the Kommies did.
Progressive = Sugar-coated Kommunism.
It’s amusing to see you stoop so low. Yeah Marvin posted a lot of Conservative links.
So what??
But hey, screw me…it’s your Blog.
Does good conversation inlude months and months of Goat Fornication obsession by your Brethren rujax, ylb in many forms, and of course steve and Rog???
Interesting…I guess your taste is evident.
Good conversation??
Yeah, right.
David – go get ’em. It IS your site after all. Can’t say I know what the guy’s been posting, but the world needs less self-serving spam – that’s for sure.
I was banned from the Seattle Times’ website. My posts there weren’t spam, and they didn’t violate any of the posting policies. Pretty special, huh?
If you’re interested, this is the kind of stuff that gets one banned from the Times’ site:
Subversive postings like those are beyond the pale, apparently.
Funny thing is, some of what I post about tracks closely with some of what you write about (we both post about the overly regressive state and local taxation policies around here, as one example).
Obviously I address subjects you won’t touch, and I’ll be generous and chalk that up to mere partisan proclivities on your part.
Don’t take offense, but HA’s content could use more of your voice and less parroting of the PR talking points the advocates for the local taxing districts in this neck of the woods use.
Puddy is still amazed #8 is here and Marvin is gone, but such is the mind of liberals.
Loving goats and making racist commentary abound while one of those who identified those liberal characteristics are cut off.
jumping jesus on a pogo stick, the right bans people frequently for all kinds of reasons.
go on freerepublic or soundpolitics some time and post an unpopular (to them) view. insta-ban.
typical right wingers are people that do everything themselves that they complain others do to them.
it’s my blog, so fuck you.
goldstien, you have so much class.
For quite some time, Darryl has been urging me to do something about longtime troll Marvin Stamn, who appeared to be spamming the open threads with links to right-wing sites. Well, today was the final straw, as Stamn essentially admitted to such
The list of links MS posted in the thread Goldy references above:
Washington Post
ABC News
The Independent (UK)
San Francisco Chronicle
Xinhua News Agency
Calgary Herald
Khaleej Times
The Straits Times
Eye Blast TV
Political Ticker blog
You Tube
Sweetness & Light
Global Research CA
True Slant
You Tube
San Francisco Chronicle
He must have literally been making just a “few extra bucks” if this is the evidence.
Getting a little paranoid, Goldy?
Here’s a leftist diarrheal fart…
Of course “c doom” forgot when Daily Kooks head kook Kos banned HuffPo cross pollinator Lee Stranahan for his blogging on the John Deadwards affair. It’s fine when conservative extramarital affairs highlight the screen butt allow a progressive libtardo affair to become pixels is a fate worth banning.
Puddy did think it was funny when Daily Kook head Kos banned a favorite site of headless lucy and other HA bloggers 9/11 Truth.
Or how about Daily Kooks head Kos banned his bud ArcXiX over the Sarah Palin lie of Trig being Bristol’s baby. Maybe when CNN went viral on it as did other libtardo MSM locations only to have their collective ASSes kicked when the truth was learned did the Kooks head man Kos react.
Puddy brought these to HA Libtardos. Only the ArcXiX story survived because HA Libtardos drank the Kos Kook-aid on the Trigg Palin baby due to their hatred of Sarah Palin. The others were removed because they were not “on-topic”.
Butt the funniest Kos commentary was on this site about Kos actions…
So c doom did you miss the blog of many HA Libtardos here BradBlog? You have to see this. Kos threatened to ban any Hillary Clinton jockstrap last year. PRICELESS!
Butt then again this is one of those few times where Puddy agreed with Time Magazine… about Daily Kooks! “Kos’s blog has lost its mission, and its increasingly rudderless posts read like talking points from the Democratic National Committee.” – Butt what’s new… Kooks has been the DNC mouthpiece since 2002.
You see Puddy Remembers while Progressives Forget.
If it was my blog, a whole lot more of them would be gone (yeah, YOU, cynical and puddy), or some of their worse posts would be removed. But I suppose we should be thankful for small favors.
But Goldy, until you have the stones to ban the antisemitic troll “manoftruth,” these comment threads won’t be worth a whole lot of my time.
To the Person Playing Puddybud @ 15,
“Puddy is still amazed #8 is here and Marvin is gone, but such is the mind of liberals.”
Of course your character is amazed. Since he is fictional, his ability to understand anything associated with reality is quite compromised.
“Loving goats and making racist commentary abound while one of those who identified those liberal characteristics are cut off.”
But, Marvin was not banned for writing about goats or for his racist statements.
Holy shit, man, if we banned people for teasing others or hate speech, your character would have been banned long ago!
Jon @ 18,
OCD much? You are obsessing on the wrong thing.
Marvin wasn’t banned for the sources he linked to in that thread. As is clear from the context of the entire post, he was banned after admitting in that thread to being a paid troll (which we’ve suspected for many months).
It wasn’t the sites he linked to that was the problem. Rather, it was that he clogged up open threads with high volumes of comments that were unrelated to any conversation, and unlikely to lead to any discussion. In other words, he was simply spamming that threads.
I hope that helps you move on….
Where did Puddy infer that Darryl?
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
“Where did Puddy infer that Darryl?”
@ 22 Marvin wasn’t banned for the sources he linked to in that thread.
Nor did I focus on this. My comment @18 had solely to do with Goldy’s claim:
who appeared to be spamming the open threads with links to right-wing sites
and the evidence to support the right-wing angle. The list provided from the thread Goldy referenced is thin, very thin.
Incidentally, he may well have been spamming, but his broad selection of links in the highlighted thread doesn’t support that claim IMO. I have no idea what his post history is, and maybe that tells a different story.
Hey ivan,
Puddy just reviewed some of your recent comments (wading through much spam). The only crap that didn’t smell was your recent attack on Goldy over his ‘Seattle Times’ hatred last week. Usually you are a standard babbling libtardo jockstrap.
Exactly Darryl.
Marvin identified those goat loving HA libtardos through their own written words not by calling them goat lovers.
Big difference Darryl. Seems that is lost on you today!
jon @ 25,
“Nor did I focus on [“sources he linked to in that thread”].”
Huh? You went through the thread and compiled a list of “sources he linked to”. That sure seem like you were “focusing” on sources he linked to in that thread”.
“My comment @18 had solely to do with Goldy’s claim:”
Right. And my comment was that you were obsessing on part of the post that isn’t particularly relevant to why Marvin was banned.
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
Sorry, Chump. I’m uninterested in “debating” someone engaged in dishonest role-playing.
Because Darryl you can’t back up your claim on Marvin’s goat comments. He linked his comments to their (HA libtardo) original thought.
You lose!
so darryl, tell me, since i now know you’re a professor, and i’m laughing me balls off about what a joke that is, are you teaching your students with a balanced unbiased view? or are you teaching them with your extremist left wing views?
So let’s get this straight then. MS was banned because, in your words:
he clogged up open threads with high volumes of comments that were unrelated to any conversation, and unlikely to lead to any discussion.
and NOT because:
he appeared to be spamming the open threads with links to right-wing sites
In other words, the nature of the sites he was linking to was irrelevant to the decision is what you’re saying.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 30,
“can’t back up your claim on Marvin’s goat comments.”
I made no “claim on Marvin’s goat comments”. What I did say was that….
This is a factually true statement.
It’s hard to tell if your character is being a (1) dishonest asswipe or (2) a total idiot.
Or both?
Jon @ 32,
“In other words, the nature of the sites he was linking to was irrelevant to the decision is what you’re saying.”
Yep…. Let’s look at this as a hypothetical. If Stamn had bombarded the comment threads with high volumes of Scientology stuff (regardless of whether the links went to MSM articles or scientology web sites, we would have shut him down long ago for spam.
Because Stamn’s comments were politically oriented, we were reluctant to ban him, even as he ramped-up the volume of comments in recent months. That he admitted to being a paid propagandist made the decision much easier.
Darryl this is from your own hands…
Puddy commented on how come goat sex writers and racists are not banned too. Butt, they are leftists.
Went right over your thick skulled head.
manoftruth @ 31,
“or are you teaching them with your extremist left wing views?”
Of course I am.
We start each class with the pledge of allegiance to Chairman Mao, and then offer a prayer to the devil. Next we set up a little manger scene with the baby Jesus in a tiny cradle all wrapped in swaddling clothes, and a figurine of the Virgin Mary that bears a striking resemblance to Sarah Palin—and we douse it with lighter fluid and burn it along with an American flag. All this while someone recites passages from Marx.
Then we move on to the really left-wing stuff….
To the Person Playing Puddybud @ 35,
“Puddy commented on how come goat sex writers and racists are not banned too.”
Right…I completely caught the meaning of your character’s question, even though I had to break out the PuddyWorld™ secret decoder ring with the phrasing:
You, apparently, did not comprehend my plain-English explanation that:
(1) Marvin was not banned for writing about goats or for his racist statements.
(2) If we banned people for teasing others or for hate speech, your hate-filled lying character would have been banned long ago.
manoftruth @ 31,
“or are you teaching them with your extremist left wing views?”
Of course I am.
We start each class with the pledge of allegiance to Chairman Mao, and then offer a prayer to the devil. Next we set up a little manger scene with the baby Jesus in a tiny cradle all wrapped in swaddling clothes, and a figurine of the Virgin Mary that bears a striking resemblance to Sarah Palin—and we douse it with lighter fluid and burn it along with an American flag. All this while someone recites passages from Marx.
Then we move on to the really left-wing stuff….
well, at least you’re honest
@36: Good grief. Aren’t the flags kindling enough?
I can assure you that none of us who are always right and love Christ lose sleep over’s decisions to edit or ban.
You know what CHRISTmas means Darryl?
It means God in your arms.
As a self-proclaimed intellectual Atheist Progressive, it probably means nothing to you.
And that’s fine….it’s a choice too.
God gave us free will to make daily decisions…good and bad.
He gave us free will to accept, reject or spew vile viatribes about his Son.
But I ask you to ponder this with all your intellect and heart–
Colossians 1:15-20 (New International Version)
The Supremacy of Christ
Look Darryl, knowing what Christ did for us and what he offers us…… bans & edits mean nothing. It is merely a reflection or your intolerance and hatred…you are worse than what you claim to abhor.
Merry Christmas Puddy and rhp!
Could you guys hold up for a minute…
I ran out of popcorn.
Merry Christmas back at you Cynical.
Cynical… visit Buy and watch the video. Shows the perfectness of God and His universe.
Ahh yes Darryl displaying chronological moronic behavior again. Puddy only started the hatred back at libtardos after the HA Libtardos decisively displayed their progressive nature against Puddy. Of course being a moronic memory midget Puddy doesn’t expect you to remember this.
i was just thinking, do his students know he posts here and is not only a moron but also an extemist?
Only Marvin has been banned, not his other sockpuppets.
May I suggest that the former Marvin Stamn, trumpet player, morph that character into Pete Pedersen of the Harmonicats.
re 44: A true moron would be incapable of being a left wing extremist as the leftist political philosophy would be beyond their ken.
Even Merv Griffin was fond of pointing out that not all consrvatives are stupid, but all stupid people are conservative.
I’ll buy a vowel.
Puddy @ 42–
This is something those with an empty heart ought to read—
Thanks Puddy.
You know what really matters.
God Bless you and your family.
@12 I bet you’ll be next.
@13 All you have to do is submit sworn affidavits from your goats that you’re not fucking them. You sure look like a goatfucker, though.
No way. He cvan’t have that moniker.
@14 “Can’t say I know what the guy’s been posting”
Need you ask? If you’ve seen one troll spammer, you’ve seen ’em all.
@17 “goldstien, you have so much class”
You, by contrast, have none.
@19 I was banned from Freep the first time I posted there. I lasted all of 45 seconds. Their e-mail explaining my banning accused me of being a “troll.” In other words, if you don’t agree with their conservative viewpoint you’re outta there.
By the way, what sent me to Free Republic in the first place was my search on a water law issue came up with a hit on a Freep posting in which the rightwing poster stated if an inspector from the Washington Department of Ecology came on his property to do an inspection he would kill him.
You righties have some real nice folks over there in eastern Washington, and Freep counts some real upstanding citizenry among its audience! Some of them have attitudes toward governmental authority reminiscent of Maurice Clemmons. Referring to them as what they are will get you banned from Freep, trust me on this.
@22 The righwing noise machine pays people to troll on HA? Gosh, who would have suspected?! The worst part is when you call out their chesting-beating they never show up to confront you.
@35 The goat sex is allegorical, stupid. Does that help?
@38 See #55.
The trouble with being educated is you can’t communicate with the Illiterati anymore.
It’s not that big a trouble, though. I mean, who would want to?
@40 “always right and love Christ”
This is why I keep coming back. When you get right down to it, you trolls are funny!
Heh.. The fool went so far as to admit it..
Good riddance..
Shorter Pud:
“Yeah, well, they did it first!”
40 CYn
Why should we pay any attention to what Paul thought God was like? I am sure I could find a site that exposes not only Paul’s logical and factual contradictions but also his mysogyny and other exmples of his general idiocy. You picked a poor messsenger.
47 Cyn
I read that site. What a load of the kind of bilge you apparently adore.
In the first paragraph the author reveals that he does not believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, but then prceeds to build his leaky boat of “logic” around a conditional of which does not bother to establish the truth. Begin first-paragraph fisk:
No citation. Do you always believe whatever someone says if they start the sentence with “The Bible says?” But accroding to this fellow, stars can carry messages, ut he does not say that they must, or that they always do, or how a “message” from a star is transmitted to a human. My takeaway is that sometimes the stars carry messages and sometimes they don’t. I guess our job is not to delude ourselves into thinking they have a message for us when they really don’t.
But if that is NOT true, then what is the “fundamental meaning” that we should take away from that? This whole page depends on the truth of this premise, but the author can’t be bothered to write a single sentence supporting this ridiculous-sounding idea. I mean, you DO know that stars are huge balls of gas that are hot and bright because of hydrogen fusion, and that the hydrogen that fuels them was formed in the Big Bang, and that their behaviors conform to the laws of physics, right? I mean, you DO know that, right? So how is God manipulating these things into “sending us messages” (if the Bible is true, which we don’t know) without physicists noticing supernatural behaviors? You got an answer for that, bunky?
So I guess an allegorical tale from 1800 years ago that MIGHT be true IF the Bible is correct (which apparently we don’t know) should supercede our knowledge of the universe gleaned from the last five centuries of advanced mathematics and rapidly improving observational tools and techniques. Or something.
But at least my heart isn’t so empty now. It’s been partially filled with bullshit.
My favorite logical conundrum is “The Bible is true because the Bible says so.”
Daddy Love, You got a short pud?
Other than that your commentary is useless as usual!
Daddy Love,
As Puddy always says… if Puddy is wrong so be it… But if Puddy is right eventually you’ll be saying on bended knee “Jesus Christ is Lord”. So how is your father, Satan, treating you today Daddy Love?
Ahhh some bilge reappeared @59.
And you were one of the first fool! Hater from 2004 as Clueless as ever!
Awwww.. The compassionate conservative @ 2 reaches out to the unhinged right wing spammer..
You haven’t seen the last of Marvin tool. He desperately wanted to date you.
I’ve read the spammer luvs sushi.. How romantic.
Enjoy your right wing assignation…
Y’know, I can’t for the life of me figure out why someone would want to be a troll. Sure, they’re not the only people in the world whose goal is to be annoying; but don’t they get that the other 99% are under the age of 13? So, does that mean that trolls tend to be adults with personalities of tweens? Do they giggle when they see a tampon commercial? Do they go “ewwwww” when they see adults kissing in the movies?
At the very least, they must have a severe lack of self-awareness. How can they not know that they sound like conservative Beavises when they use words like “libtard”? (I can just hear them going “he he he” as they type the word.)
Seriously, someone should do a study on trolls, to find out what kind of personal issues would drive someone to spend so much time pursuing the solitary goal of being annoying.
@68 Seriously, someone should do a study on trolls
Why don’t you be that “someone”?
doggril @ 68,
“Y’know, I can’t for the life of me figure out why someone would want to be a troll. “
Here are four hypotheses for four trolls:
— Marvin apparently did it for the money, which would explain why someone in LA would spend hours a day on a Washington state regional blog writing stuff that had almost no chance of initiating a discussion/debate.
— Cynical? He is one of Goldy’s earliest commenters. He is a conservative true believer. I suspect he doesn’t believe half the bullshit he spews; he knows it is propaganda. He’s harmless and sometimes amusing.
— Puddybud? I strongly suspect mental illness. But by role-playing this character, it affords him an outlet to behave in ways strongly contrary to his faith and principles that are off-limits in his real life.
— Manoftruth? He saw Goldy on Bill-O the Clown’s show and decided to come to this blog, even though he lives on the east coast. Now HA gives him an outlet for his self-loathing. He hates the fact that he is part Jewish–you know, in the same way Hitler did.
“……if Puddy is wrong so be it…” Just a minute there Craftsman Tool, not so fast. If you’re wrong, you spent a good deal if not nearly all of the ONLY life you’ll ever have, a unique, precious, beautiful experience, being a DELUSIONAL FUCKING IDIOT!
But then again, in the long run, nobody nor no “being” will really give a shit. A few immediate survivors may snicker a bit, but that’s all.
@44: Tell me the story about the international jewish bankers’ conspiracy again, Mr. truthie. Please, please, pretty please.
Manoftruth? He saw Goldy on Bill-O the Clown’s show and decided to come to this blog, even though he lives on the east coast. Now HA gives him an outlet for his self-loathing. He hates the fact that he is part Jewish–you know, in the same way Hitler did.
ok darryl, now you’re confusing me. my understanding was that jews/zionists/liberals would not admit hitler was part jewish. because there are many authors, most of whom are jewish, who have written extensivley about the implications of that. wont go into it now. so you acknowledge that?
“He hates the fact that he is part Jewish–you know, in the same way Hitler did.”
Aha! I knew it! His real name is Truthstein, isn’t it? Probably circumcised too.
“my understanding was….” Well. Got the ‘was’ part right anyway.
And and Buttheads as well…
Mr. Klynical and Stupes (aka Puddybud) are the Beavis and Butthead of the comment threads.
49. Roger Rabbit spews:
You have become such a pitiful old man.
With you respiratory problems and self-proclaimed intellect….I would pray that you get your spiritual life in order.
Your end is near.
Eternal life….or death.
It’s your choice.
Darryl is sooooooo excited about Marvin getting ax’d.
Darryl must really enjoy your endless stream of profanity and nonsense.
Darryl is a bonehead.
“ok darryl, now you’re confusing me….”
A trivial exercise, to be sure.
DarrylKKKynical Clown is a bonehead.There. Fixed.
manoftruth @ 73,
“ok darryl, now you’re confusing me. my understanding was that jews/zionists/liberals would not admit hitler was part jewish. because there are many authors, most of whom are jewish, who have written extensivley about the implications of that. wont go into it now. so you acknowledge that?”
I have no idea what you are babbling about; I’ve never heard that “that jews/zionists/liberals would not admit hitler was part jewish”.
It sounds to me like you’ve been listening to some Wingdingy AM talk radio.
Again, when you realize Puddy is right it’ll be too late for your stupid ASS. How will you face your Maker?
“Well you see Jesus, I just didn’t believe you were real. I believed Darwin. Satan was my hero.”
Re 81: Better grow up before you are on your death bed and realize that you believed in a phantasy your whole life.
“Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look there.” — B’rer Rabbit
“Congrats Goldy,”
The sad thing is that HA has no useful writers who can criticize from the right.
Taher we have an assortment of people, or perhaps impersonations, who seem more cartoonish than real:
Stamm and Scott: paid agents of smerch?
MOT Archie Bunker sans humor?
Puddy a character from Red Dwarf mixed with an Andy Kaufman impersonation of Oral Roberts
Mr C .. Poorly written right wing Eliza?
I seriously doubt that Marvin was paid to troll. And even if he admitted as much, why would Darryl believe him? It seems far more likely that Marvin was just pulling Darryl’s chain.
It takes all types to make this cesspool what it is. Like him or not, Marvin was part of our community. To ban Marvin while the “nigger” spewing Troll, the “jigaboo” spewing Mark, and the Jew-hate spewing manoftruth still post here just makes no sense to me.
I say reconsider, Goldy, remove the ban, and allow Marvin to continue to post here.
Wow Steve, you only identify people on the right side of the aisle.
What a pitiful person!
STFU, you fucking freak.
It takes all types to make this cesspool what it is. Like him or not, Marvin was part of our community. To ban Marvin while the “nigger” spewing Troll, the “jigaboo” spewing Mark, and the Jew-hate spewing manoftruth still post here just makes no sense to me.
steve, you miss the point. marvin was making money off goldstien. thats why he was banned. why would goldstien ban people just because they make rude and disgusting comments, he’s making money from all our clicks, and you know what they say about a jew and his money.
@87 I seriously doubt that Marvin was making money off of Goldy (if that’s possible, where the fuck do I sign up?). Further, that Marvin “appeared to be spamming” is truly weak shit. I read most of Marvin’s comments and he mostly linked to progressive sites and added commentary to tweak us. What was wrong with that? As for his admission to being a paid troll, just when the fuck did Darryl decide to start believing anything a troll has to say? Good fucking grief!
Goldy and Darryl, ban whoever the fuck you want, but please spare me the BS excuses you’re using here.
84. Steve spews:
Exactly steve.
I laughed so hard when Darryl appeared to swallow the Paid Troll scenario.
Think about it…
Who in their right mind would actually pay someone to post on
I think Darryl and Goldy are losing their collective minds…lost in arrogance and befuddlement as the Progressive Movement tanks.
It was an excuse to quiet a voice who actually made substantive comments and provided support for his positions….even if you disagreed with him.
He was certainly not as vulgar as ylb, rujax and headless under their multiple-monikors.
And how about Roger Rabbit.
Even you are kind of a potty mouth steve.
I think the vulgarity destroys the substance here.
About 15 people MAX> read the posts here.
How much is that worth?
I’m sure more read Goldy, Darryl, Lee & Jon’s threads….but that’s where it ends.
Look, the Progressive Movement is based on sinking sand. There is no firm foundation to support it.
You primarily needle people you disagree with.
You constantly insult their intelligence.
You cry for reasonable debate and are usually the first one to turn to insults.
Yet, when all is said and done…look at yourself.
You are a hideously, over-weight, angry Leftist. Blogging not to engage in debate, but to vent the deep-seated anger over your obesity.
your body is a temple.
Are you doing all you can to care for it and heal it??
You are a posterboy for why the Public Option is ridiculous.
Why should I pay for your obesity?
Stop eating, get off your fatass and exercise before you die!
I care about you sj.
pfffft.. It’s done all the time.. It doesn’t pay very well but I’m surprised at what people will do to put some chump change in their pockets.
Who in their right mind would buy pallets of right wing trash like Regnery and Coulter books so they make the NY Times Bestseller lists?
Who in their right mind would fund a hack like the Pooper to write the silly bilge he writes?
Right wing rich people with more money than sense – insane people yes!
Marv was tolerable when he talked about music..
Marv was an idiot when he copied and pasted the latest trash from right wing sites..
Just noise like JCH was…
@88 I read most of Marvin’s comments and he mostly linked to progressive sites and added commentary to tweak us. What was wrong with that? As for his admission to being a paid troll, just when the fuck did Darryl decide to start believing anything a troll has to say? Good fucking grief!
Goldy’s claim:
“Marvin Stamn, who appeared to be spamming the open threads with links to right-wing sites”
had very little basis if you checked the thread he referenced AND the open thread before that. See @18 for a list of the sites MS visited in the thread Goldy referenced. Very few “right wing” sites appear on the list. Spam is all about posting for paying advertisers, and it’s very difficult to discern from the list who they would have been. The Washington Post, MSBNC, the New York Times? Hardly.
But, according to Darryl the real game change was MS’s statement:
“I’m making a couple extra bucks propagandizing today”
That SINGLE statement could have been smack talk for all Goldy knows, aside from the fact the charge of spamming is on very thin ice based on the thread Goldy provided.
So in the end, what was the actual proof of spamming?
1. A list of right wing sites MS was linking to: Very few showed up in MS’s posts, contrary to Goldy’s claim.
2. A list of advertisers identified by Goldy for paying MS for spamming: No advertiser let alone a list of advertisers was provided, and it would be very difficult to identify anyone from MS’s links.
The fact of the matter is, other than MS’s single statement, there was no evidence of spamming.
Finally this:
So Stamn, who has apparently been making more money off my blog than I have, has joined the execrable JCH as only the second commenter to be permanently banned, and we’re prepared to ban anybody else who routinely violates the letter or spirit of our comment policy.
To which, I suppose, I should add the following explicit addendum: no spam.
An explicit policy of no spam was only just established? If they had suspected MS of spamming for months, wouldn’t they have updated their policy prior to this and issued a general heads up to the HA community which would have doubled as an implicit warning to MS?
You took the low road, Goldy. You were looking for any reason to get rid of MS, and you took it. Like you said, it’s your blog and you can do as you please.
And you did.
i’m making money posting here too
So that’s the way it’s going to be, huh?
Well, here’s wishing Marvin happiness and success.
Damn Puddy. Looks like I’m the winner by default.
A dick sucking, piece of shit, useful idiot for al Qeada got banned.
No surprise there. He was an unqualifed liar, too.
This is known as the “catch all clause”: And if that policy strikes some as unfairly subjective… well… it’s my blog, so fuck you.
If you don’t like ask for a refund.
If you can’t get a refund, don’t come back.
People act like Goldy makes it a compulsory exercise to post on his blog.
OMG the HA arschloch axked (Jesse Jackson pronunciation)
It seems you are upset the leftist trash doesn’t sell. Why? Peeps see that shit all day on the news.
What a retard. Just noise ylb arschloch is… Is Goldy paying you to be his backup server fool?
GBS really?
Puddy @ 99:
Hopefully Puddy will be the third. Fuck You Marvin.
Once again, my post will take 4 hours to post because Darryl is asleep at the wheel. Doesn’t surprise me that Darryl was the cause of Marvy’s demise.
Like anything that doesn’t tow the Limbaugh line like oh.. NY Times, WAPO, etc???
And by “selling” you mean right wing outfits funded by right wing moneybags buying out the printing???
What a losing moron!
The king of leftwing douchebags ylb arschloch farts again…
Whatamoron, it’s been previously established here the NY Times Best Seller list is a retail sold count. Wholesale book sales don’t count fool! You can easily find that on Wikipedia, you know, the well known leftist outfit. It’s been established here Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Borders had Palin’s, Beck’s, Coulter’s, and O’Reilly’s books at #1, #2 or #3 on their best seller lists for a long time.
Call all your buds in the SEIU. Go make a massive buy of Pelosi or Schumer or some other leftist fool’s book fool!
Stay stupid… you do that so well. Did you find a yob yet jlb arschloch?
Facts, something ylb arschloch finds hard to fathom!
ylb also believe in little green men.
He has waaaaaay too much time on his hands.
I haven’t bought Palin’s book…..yet.
In fact, I never bought O’Reilly’s or Beck’s either.
ylb will waste his life looking under his crib…convinced a vast right-wing conspiracy is out to get him.
Just like he is convinced people are paid to post on
ylb is certified nuts.
ylb arschloch provides instant comedy just like Daddy Love.
Here’s another comedian..
The far-left loon from Florida–
Why is it that Democrats hate Free Speech so much??
This is sooooooooooo amusing–
The real question here is: Why do conservatives hate America so much that they either refuse to learn about and understand the Constitution, choose to not follow the Constitution, or both?
Does Mr. C actually believe the al Qeada like swill he bolded in this quote?
Does Rep. Reichert represent every American, or just those living in Washington’s 8th CD?
Total Dumb asses. Conservatives: bin Laden’s useful idiots.
The terrorists could never in their wettest cave dreams do more harm to America then uneducated, unpatriotic Conservatives.
Not all conservatives are stupid, but all stupid people are conservative. Like the poster who was banned from HA.
Hmmmm. Right trash sells well indeed..
Darryl I want to thank you for making my comments as ineffective as they can be. Can’t we get past this moderation thing – I haven’t caused any problems over the last 3 weeks and more. Or fix this Blog so that my comments appear at the end of the thread after being moderated on, please. Happy Hanuka.
..and what are the odds that Marvin was making a dime off of linking to those sites? What an incredibly ignorant conclusion to draw. Goldy can link to whatever shit-eating, hate-filled left site, but any links to those that lean right are “banned”. Nothing like hating free speech and free thinking, but then, that is the ahem, “
progressiveRegressive thinking” of todays left.Facts are inconvenient things, and liberals shall not be bothered with anything that challenges their pre-conceived notions of the truth.
Good by Marvin – I ma sorry to see you go. You were so damn stupid that you were an easy target.
My favorite Stamnisms:
Not knowing a darn thing about Washington, but commenting on the local politics here.
Linking to sites that disproved what he was trying to say.
non-sequitor arguments
skin-deep assessments
Just plain wrong logic – like how he defended Bush saying that bin Laden did not matter.
Sorry to see him go though, even though he admitted to being a shill for money. I will miss making fun of him.
Klynical has even less intelligence. Hey Klynical, tell us again how Obama made the stock market go down.