“It takes more than a few bucks and a slap on the back to run a Senate campaign,” Mark Wilson told me Friday afternoon, expressing frustration at charges that he was somehow “bought out” by Sen. Maria Cantwell.
“Maria didn’t need to offer me a job to get out of the race,” he bluntly explained. “I was done. The only thing missing was the funeral.”
Wilson said he sank about $20,000 of his own money into the race, but more significantly had sacrificed about $80,000 of income over the past 16 months. He had also begun to question whether his quixotic campaign was doing more harm than good, and he did not want to play a role in helping Republicans cement their Senate majority with a McGavick victory.
“That would be a tragedy,” Wilson told me, arguing that Democrats need to keep their eyes on the “big prize.” Wilson said he went into the race with eyes wide open, never expecting to have much of a chance of defeating Cantwell, and always publicly promising to enthusiastically endorse the Democratic nominee. A year and a half ago he thought he’d stick it out through the primary, but in recent months he started to fear that his campaign had not only become electorally futile, but counterproductive towards his larger goals.
And if lightening struck and he somehow won the nomination? Well, Wilson said, “that would have been a disaster” too. For as vocal as some of Cantwell’s critics have been they simply haven’t put their money where their mouth is. After 16 months of campaigning Wilson said he would be surprised if he had raised more than $40,000 total.
“That’s gas money,” a clearly exasperated Wilson exclaimed. “I didn’t raise enough money to run for City Council.”
For all the words of encouragement and slaps on the back he got throughout his campaign, Wilson exited the race with zero cash and almost no organization. With only 6 weeks between the primary and the general election, Wilson recognized that a victory over Cantwell would have been Pyrrhic, virtually guaranteeing a win by a well-oiled, well-heeled McGavick campaign. Likewise, a bitter and divisive primary battle would have left little time for Democrats to come together before the November election.
Thus his decision to support Cantwell now, rather than later. These are dire times Wilson warned, and progressive voters simply do not have the luxury of taking “the high road to Hell.”
Wilson is thankful for all the support he did get, and says he comes away with “no regrets” from this “enriching and enlightening experience.” But he does think that some progressives are simply unrealistic about what it takes to have a real impact on the political process, saying that if progressives wanted a nominee that more closely reflected their values they should have started organizing in earnest two years ago. He feels privileged to have had so many people open their hearts to him, but considering how few opened their wallets he seems somewhat taken aback by the vehemence with which a handful of former “supporters” have turned on him in recent days.
“I was out of resources. If people wanted me to keep going they should have put money into it… I wasn’t going to take any more food off my family’s table.”
As for the $8,000 salary, Wilson said there was no premeditation and no negotiating. He went into his meeting with Cantwell aware that his campaign was all but over, but came out an enthusiastic supporter. “What can I do to help you win?” he asked her at the end, to which Cantwell replied “Come work for me.”
A few moments later, after Cantwell had left the room, a top aide asked Wilson what it would take to bring him on board full time, and Wilson said he couldn’t afford to continue neglecting his business and his personal finances. The aide asked how much Wilson earned from his business. Wilson said $2000.00 a week. The aide said “done.”
Is he worth the money? Wilson says he has a mature business with lots of longtime customers, and generally works only 30 hours a week to earn his two grand, whereas he expects to put the same 70-hour weeks into Cantwell’s campaign that he had been putting into his own. As for Cantwell, she has consultants who earn a helluva lot more for doing a helluva lot less, so Wilson comes across as a relative bargain considering all he brings to the table.
And if you ask me, it’s also a pretty good deal for Cantwell’s Democratic critics, for the biggest thing Wilson brings to the table is himself. The “peace and justice” folks now have the ear of somebody who has Cantwell’s ear, and in that respect I suppose you could say that Wilson’s candidacy was a huge success.
For his part, Wilson says that he is grateful to have the opportunity to finish the job. Whether his former supporters choose to take advantage of this opportunity is up to them.
Congrats for deleting the above troll comment(s).
The most humorous aspect of the Wilson campaign run (in my opinion, granted) was the fact that there were more Wilson signs than Cantwell among the 100 or so protestors who showed up to greet Bush in Bellevue a few weeks ago.
Doesn’t matter. Race is statistical dead heat.
Season isn’t really even started yet, and the “lead” she had is gone. There’s hope now of getting an adult to represent us now.
And with Dean Logan gone, she’s gotta be worried about who can find enough mystery ballots for her to “win” like she did last time.
McGavick is polling no better than George Nethercutt did this time 2 years ago. McGavick has consistantly polled 40%, just like Nethercutt did his whole campaign. He hasn’t gained any traction.
There’s no indication that any undecideds are coming over to McGavick, just lots of weakness in Cantwell’s base, a problem that should be rectified in the next couple months.
Hey Goldy – Didja make any progress on yer first billion today? Are you even started? Do you think you’ll ever get to the level that Eyman is?
Why didn’t Cantwell address the state American Legion convention?
“Cantwell also was invited to address the convention but had a scheduling conflict, according to Vince Schmitt, department commander.”
Cantwell is NOT a people person.
I’m sick and tired of democrats like her who continue to bankrupt our country. And support the disaster in Iraq.
Delete away, Goldysteinberg, but no Democrat ever wants to get a tax PAYING job in the “risky” private sector. You libs need the “security” of a public sector “guvment” job. Otherwise you would starve.
9, cont………………Kalifornia: Democrat “Baja Norte”. Lots of new Democrat tax receivers [imcoming] as the Republican tax payers [outgoing] leave. Atlas has Shrugged. Don’t believe me? Go visit South Cebtral LA.
Another undocumented totally-blew-it-out-of-my-ass report from RPKKK! now back to studio . . .
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 7/15/06@
Commentby Skagit— 7/15/06@ 1:50 pm […………………………………………..Skagit……..You need to take your family on a weekend visit to Oakland, South Central, and Chula Vista, Ca. Keep the kids out late! Meet the locals!! Not a Republican around for miles to ruin your Democrat vacation!]
Bitch slap me, [JCH]. Bitch slap me [JCH], uh oh. Bith slap me [JCH], uuhhh, oh, oh, oh. Bitch slap me some more, [JCH], uhgggggg….uhggggg…..uhggggggg. OH, when you SHRUG, ATLAS[JCH], I am dizzy with FANTASICAL VISIONS of your RIGHTEOUS MEMBER OF CONSERVATIVVVVVE WRATH. Bitch, bitch, BITCHBITCHBITCHBITCH….ough, ough, ough….You are indeed a TOWER of redemption when you SHRUG [JCH], SHRUGGAH SHRUGGAH, [JCH]…AH! AH! AH! Rama-bama-ringAH DING DONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bitch slap me some more [JCH] and, as always, continue to send me money. My lawyers insist.
Come to me [JCH]. Come. Come, come COME, [JCH]. Keep COMMMING, COMMIING, COMING, [JCH]. MY ATLAS, COME, COME COME!!!!!!! I shall be imprisoned soon, and the LOOOOOORRRDDD! Is my Shepherd, and you, [JCH] will be MaaaHHHYYY BAR OF SOAP. Oh [JCH]!!! You BITCH SCHLLLAPPPING FOOL , you. You are my hero, ATLAS!!!!
Raise the SHAFT of your all powerful LOONLY individualism, AND SHRUG, [JCH]!! SHRUGGAH, SHRUGGAH….SHRUG!!! eeeeeeeyyyyyooooooooooooooooowwwwhoooooo!!!! Oh, [JCH]…MY ATLAS!!! You truly are an island. Oh, oh, oh, oh …..oh ohohohoh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Send money, Atlas. Send until it drops with righteous exhaustion, but send. It is your destiny, my little soap bar.
BREAKING NEWS – Public Schools Are as Good or Better than Private
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………………………………………………………..This is why the Clintons sent their only daughter to public schools!!!! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Oh, wait. Never mind. Rossana Rosanandana [SNL]
TommieDeLayMeLayMeLayMe, Aim your Glock up your nose and be brave!! Pull that trigger!! Show us that you are not a Goldy pussy!!!
Are you going to give Hong Tran a bit of time now, or are you going to function as an arm of the Cantwell campaign. That is, are you a Democrat or are you just a Cantwell staff member?
10, cont,………… Take another rock of crack, and do the job!!!!! Show me that a lib Democrat isn’t a pussy!
Newsflash, number 6 azzrocket troll: King George has increased the size of the fed government ABOVE and BEYOND what the democrats ever did.
TommieDeLayMeLayMeLayMe, Smoke that last rock, and pull the trigger!!!!
Have to admit the Mark dance is odd. . . even if he was out of money and I do respect him a lot, can’t quite see how this all adds up. Think Maria needs to get out and sell herself.
I’m a liberal but not necessarily a dem. I’m an independent which means I can look down on all of you! Who do I see first – dems cause they’re at least close to the top rung of that “values” ladder and who do I see that are fallin’ cause they’re being pulled in the other direction . . . why, it’s the trolls of course and their tightie rightie anal-itie playmates.
Here’s an example of your “Family Values Party,” little man.
Ex-Bush Aide Fatally Shoots Son, Himself
Gunfire at McLean Home Followed Fight With Wife
By Tom Jackman and Stephanie McCrummen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, July 15, 2006; B01
A former Bush administration official, after arguing violently with his wife Thursday night, shot and killed his 12-year-old son inside their McLean home, then turned a shotgun on himself and committed suicide, Fairfax County police said.
William H. Lash III, 45, was an assistant secretary of commerce from 2001 until last year, then returned to teach at George Mason University Law School in Arlington, where he had begun as a professor in 1994. His wife, Sharon K. Zackula, fled the house before the shootings, and police said yesterday they were not sure what ignited the murder-suicide in a first-floor bedroom.
Must have been all that bible-readin’ that “triggered” his decision to meet his maker. He must have had a powerful lot of religion to take his son with him.
It’s so disgusting how you libruls love to comment on family tragedies.
Mark the Thieving Redneck,
Shouldn’t you be donating $100 to Maria Cantwell about now? I mean, you did make a bet that you agreed you lost. Why won’t you make good on your word?
#18 – a tragedy? One less rethuglican? A tragedy? Where’d you get that?
DJ – Glad you’re here. Bend over while I do this:
Since the only gig you could get is teaching undergrads at Bong U, you may not have the background to take me on. We’ll see…
You think chi squared analysis of solar warming is the wrong approach, yet you fail to suggest an alternative methodology. You make vague reference to time series analysis, but never get down to specifics.
I suggest chi squared because you guys are the ones saying that something changed all of a sudden (in a geological time sense). All I’m suggesting is to take the (flakey) data going back a few thousand years and compare it to the current data. So it’s just comparing the normal variation within one population of data (a historical time period) with the population of data in the current time period. What we’ll find of course is that there is no “signal” and that it’s all “noise” thereby validating the null hypothesis.
So if you’re so fucking smart, tell me the specific time series analysis that you would use. C’mon… show us all how fucking smart you are. Or not…
I think it is pretty easy to see how it all adds up, my bretheren in the peace and justice wing like to holler and raise hell, but aren’t very quick to put up the money to keep a candidacy alive. There were 16 months to convince others that he should be on the November ballot, and it didn’t get done.
DJ – Let me give you some of my superior intellect which you obviously need.
The way contract law works is that if one side makes a proposal to the other side, and the other side makes a counter proposal, then the original offer is null and void. So yes, I made a proposal. But you conviently left out that Goldy countered with an objection to pay Tim. At that point, I said “fuck it” and dropped it.
As a Kennedy family member, I hereby dismiss this entire issue.
Therefore, there was no agreement, and no debt is owed.
I have a moral obligation to future generations (the children) to ensure that we have adults in charge. Sen. Cantwell has clearly shown that she is not up to the task of representing the good people and the future generations of FUWA. I cannot therefore in good conscience provide money to her, nor am I under any obligation to do so.
As a token however, I mentioned here that her website was fucked up. According to you kool aid drinkers, it has since been fixed. That alone is worth way more than any pittance I might put into her losing effort to get reelected.
Harry, Maria’s got big money behind her. Mark was going after small money . . . but there’s only so much of that to go around. That’s why it shouldn’t be about money – we should have a cap on spending. Did you send him money?
Also, I don’t think Mark got himself out there like he thinks he did. Sorry . . . just like someone posted about Dave Ross a long time ago . . . Mark didn’t shake enough hands. If you don’t have the money, you gotta spend a whole lotta time and energy walking the streets.
Mark isn’t the only dem running for Senate. Do you know about Hong Tran? What do you think of her?
DJ 21 – C’mon… dazzle us with your intellect. Show us all that current temps are in the range where we have to wreck our economy. Pick any method you want. C’,mon… show us dumass.
Or are you full of shit?????????
Where are the rest of you algore kool aid drinkers? Don’t you also want to know if the current situation is so dire… so serious that you need to rip up your lifestyle?
C’mon DJ… show us…
“Faux Redneck” & now “Faux Brain”:
POWERFUL evidence for global warming has been discovered by scientists funded by the US Government, demolishing the chief argument of sceptics who deny that the phenomenon is real.
A new analysis of satellite data has revealed that temperatures in a critical part of the atmosphere are rising much faster than previously thought, strengthening the scientific consensus that the world is warming at an unnatural rate.”
“The findings, details of which are published today in the journal Nature, provide one of the final pieces of proof that global warming is taking place, and that it is a human-induced phenomenon.”
This article is for the lay person so I’m ass-u-ming that you will be able to understand it.
Don’t worry Mark we here in washington are use to our Male democratic politicians not having the intestinal fortitude to go all the way. We 9 times out of 10 have to look to a strong woman with true liberal principles to carry the ball forward and score. I personally have no problem with this, I think 1 woman is usually worth 2 men any day of the week and I think we have an even better chance to on seat Middle of the road Marie now we have a true strong progressive candidate to form up behind. I plan on volunteering and donating money to help my champion forward.
If any other real LIBERAL’S would like to join me you can do so at her web page at http://www.hongtran.com/
We can still win this thing!!! The primary is a long ways away yet ( insert EVIL LAUGH here ) ok VIVA HOMG :-)
28, Great! She can run as a third party socialist!!! Where do I donate?? Hehe, JCH
Perhaps Janet S would be more believable if she asked her fellow inbred righties what their sick issue was with blacks, Mexicans, the Clintons, etc. She only expects high minded debate when it suits her.
As for dogs and cats, I leave that to your husband Janet S who would no doubt much rather fuck a dog or a cat than you.
Commentby LeftTurn […………………………………………………………………………..Note the “love” and “understanding” in today’s young socialists!! Democrats: parasites]
The Detroit NAACP and several other groups have filed legal briefs with the Michigan Supreme Court urging the justices to not require people to present photo identification in order to vote next month. **SNIP** “This photo identification law would add to that climate of intimidation and signal that it is open season on harassing voters at the polls.”
I don’t get it…if your legal and can vote…why be scared of having to show ID. Just the illegal Democrat cheaters and fakes should run like the devil when they are asked for one.
The Dems know very well they are trying to cheat at the polls. Just like Marxists, they will do absolutely anything to win. No morals at all. I’ll bet they are very up front about their real goals during meetings. Just like that would be Congresswoman in San Diego who came right out and told an Hispanic audience that they didn’t have to be citizens to vote and that her campaign workers would show them just how to do it. And the liberals’ willing accomplices in the media would not report what had happened, but thank God, conservative talk show hosts got a hold of the tape of her saying what she said and played the tape on their radio shows. These people should all be in jail.
I’m really suprised that blacks have not picked up on this line of thinking. What they are implying here is that most blacks are criminals and shouldn’t be forced to show ID to vote. If I were black I’d be offended by that. But then they are still on the plantation and whatever the Mass’as want to say is fine by them.
“In 1970, six percent of all births in the United States were to illegal aliens. In 2002, that figure was 23 percent.”
~~ Mona Charen [Welcome, anchor baby Democrats!!!!]
Progressives have plenty of enthusiasm but little money. Unfortunately, in this world, it takes gobs of money to run a political race.
I am on your side socialist!! Please keep on using this blog to spread the word.
Should people use the above link to donate or is there a quicker way?
Hollywood stars are being forced to take pay cuts as the major studios are pulling the plug on big-budget projects.
With last year’s box office takings down 5.2 per cent and the cost of making movies ballooning because of added expenses for digital enhancement and global marketing, studios are refusing to meet stars’ financial demands. In addition, several high-profile films due to go into production have suddenly disappeared from view. […………………………………….This is sooooooooooooooooo unfair!! These Hollywood libs’ demands are NOT being met!!! Roger Rabbit, what about “low wage evil capitalism”!! What are we going to do??]
I don’t think the progressive unhappiness with Cantwell will be “rectified in the next couple months,” but I do think progressives will, in the end, vote for Cantwell — unless they’re irrational. It’s impossible to see how electing another pro-war and anti-labor CEO to the U.S. Senate will improve things for progressives. They might stay home or vote for a write-in candidate if they have a death wish.
“It’s so disgusting how you libruls love to comment on family tragedies.” Commentby Puddybud Michael Kennedy— 7/15/06@ 6:08 pm
What would you call Clinton’s sexual dalliances, Puddingbrains? A public policy issue? Hypocrite.
WASHINGTON – It took a dose of political hardball in Congress nearly two decades ago to launch Boston’s Big Dig. The Massachusetts congressional delegation intensely lobbied colleagues to overturn a presidential veto by a single vote in the Senate in 1987, prying open the federal money spigot for the project.
There are only a few words needed to describe the MASS REP Tip O’Neil, DEMOCRAT, “Big Dig”: Democrat graft, Democrat corruption, Democrat crooked politicians, Democrat mafia bribes, Democrat unions, and Democrat payoffs.
Goldy, you sank a popular Cantwell talking point with this post. Wilson didn’t have much of an organization (as you said above) so then what the hell makes him worth $8,000 a month?
I think he’s going to be doing some heavy campaigning for Cantwell; his new position allows him to tell Cantwell’s base what they’ve been wanting to hear: she’s turned against the war. Except she hasn’t, but with Wilson’s anti-war credentials, they’ll believe him, right?
It doesn’t surprise me that you’d want to gloss over all of this; I’m wondering if you like Josh Feit at The Stranger, are now just auditioning for an $8k/month of your own? That’s essentially what Wilson’s campaign was all about, wasn’t it? Just one long job interview?
“The way contract law works is that if one side makes a proposal to the other side, and the other side makes a counter proposal, then the original offer is null and void.”
No Mark, that’s not how contract law works, and you really should stick to things you know something about, lest you look like an ignoramus.
A mere offer is not binding. A contract is not created until there is (a) an offer, (b) an acceptance, and (c) consideration.
There are some additional requirements, such as compliance with any legally required form, legal capacity to contract, meeting of minds, etc.
Detrimental reliance on a promise or representation may give rise to the legal remedy of equitable estoppel, but does not form a contract.
23 (continued)
Your reliance on the law as an excuse for not paying your gambling debt to Goldy is completely misplaced. Gambling debts are not enforceable at law. They are normally enforced by breaking fingers, breaking an arm, or (in egregious cases) encasing the welsher’s feet in cement and throwing him into the ocean. You made a bet. You lost. You didn’t pay. You’re a fucking welsher. Fuck you.
No one is going to vote for a republican . And if Marie wins the primary I will form up behind her. I would just like a more Liberal candidate. And I would like Maria to think twice maybe even three times before she votes for cafta or an Alitoite. I want her to stand tall for liberal values and stop running around looking for the Mythical middle :-)
And yes I wish there was a Socialist canidate to vote for :-(
Before I forget — Mark the Welsher said I-912 would PASS BY FIFTEEN POINTS.
Votes in favor of I-912: 823,366 (45.3755%)
Votes opposed to I-912: 991,196 (54.6245%)
Hey Redneck … got any 2006 predictions?!
I hate to say this but I predict the republicans will steal the election agen. Because they can’t afford to loose 1/2 of them would go to jail. :-(
I want my rights back. I want to sit on my home computer and gamble away money playing online video poker. It’s a Class C felony here in Washinton state and the other Washington is trying to outlaw it too. Their bill would require internet providers to BLOCK online video poker web sites…..
Damn, I thought they only did that crap in China.
What websites will they ban next?
Republicans have never stolen an election!
Republicans have never not stolen an election
All gambling should be illegal how does that grab yeah
I would find that a typical statement from a socialist. I dislike people who try to control what I do in my home……..
Republicans have never not stolen an election
Commentby The Socialist— 7/15/06@ 9:09 pm
You can say that again!!! Remember just because your an illegal alien doesnt mean you can’t vot…. I mean help.
So, do you believe that Democrats steal election too? Or only the big bad Republicans?
Dean Logan is in LA……….
I know demercrats don’t steal election. I mean please give me a break. It’s majer bad karma dude!!!
Why are you assuming that I am a dude?
sorry I know all republicans are basically pussy’s
Know offense
Homeland Security agents took to Ohio streets the past week, arresting 154 undocumented immigrants.
The agents from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices in Boston, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Detroit came heavily armed and loaded with files and warrants for deportation.
They took in immigrants from 30 countries and every continent save Antarctica. Among those arrested, 82 were from Mexico, followed by 19 from El Salvador and seven from Mauritania.
The men and women had been caught entering the country illegally and were ordered to court but never showed or had been ordered deported but never left, authorities said. Twenty had been charged with crimes. One was a reputed member of the Mexican street gang MS13. [………………………………….Could be less illegal aliens voting Democrat in Ohio!! Unless, of course, no ID is required and they vote anyway!!]
I will be fair and take the guy at his word, but people are going to take the opposite approach and wonder if the 96k salary was a factor.
So this means your moma’s not going to be able to vote?
Rabbit 40 – You are correct. Goldy failed at (b). Dun.
Socialist – Were you raised by a single mother? ARE YOU a single mother?
Thought so…
Hey Rabbit – Tell us again how you gave up the big bucks that real lawyers get so you could serve humanity. Could it be that you didn’t have what it takes to be a rainmaker?
WHere’s DJ with his time series analysis. Howcum he’s not here strutting his stuff to show me I’m wrong?
COuld it be all this is beyond him?
Those are fighting words and I would bet that I can pound you!
Just being a pain in the ass isn’t the point for me. If you don’t represent a population that wants to be represented, there is no point. You are just one, of many, complainers.
So what exactly is Mark Wilson’s “business”? And if he is making over $100K per year, why doesn’t he own a home?
Banging in the Nails
Hey, Socialist . . . check out 24 . . .
57 RPKKK: Homeland Security agents took to Ohio streets the past week, arresting 154 undocumented immigrants.
Can’t imagine why they picked OHIO, can you? Wonder if it had anything to do with not wanting to have to resort to STEALING the state a second time? Now that people are on to Ken’t-help-stealing-elections Blackwell, they gotta do something. . .
Also, when are they going to arrest the employers? Hmmmm?
And Goldy’s claim that Mark Wilson “sank about $20,000 of his own money into the race” appears to be a gross misrepresentation.
As of March 31, 2006, Wilson had contributed nothing to his campaign, but had loaned his campaign precisely $2,118.92: (look at Lines 11(d) & 13(a))
It is possible Wilson put more of his own money into his campaign since April 1, 2006, but not likely.
Barnyard Filth
Just skimmed the thread, so much BS. Let’s start with MTR. I love that a guy who advocates lying, or at least sees nothing wrong with Eyeman lying, lectures us on character.
And his rightous attack on climate change. Why don’t you respond on your repuvlican government’s position on CFC’s?
QAnd REP Pat, when the ones most directly responsible for the Big Dig are a republican contractor, Bechtel, why do you blame the Democratrs? Bechtel was paid to ensure the job was done properly. It is not their fault it failed?
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 21
“You think chi squared analysis of solar warming is the wrong approach, yet you fail to suggest an alternative methodology. You make vague reference to time series analysis, but never get down to specifics.”
I know it is the wrong method. And, I will be happy to discuss the correct method, after you make good on your bet.
“I suggest chi squared because you guys are the ones saying that something changed all of a sudden (in a geological time sense). All I’m suggesting is to take the (flakey) data going back a few thousand years and compare it to the current data. So it’s just comparing the normal variation within one population of data (a historical time period) with the population of data in the current time period. What we’ll find of course is that there is no “signal” and that it’s all “noise” thereby validating the null hypothesis.”
Of course the problem is that the analytical method (a chi-squared analysis) you propose is entire inappropriate for the data.
“So if you’re so fucking smart, tell me the specific time series analysis that you would use. C’mon… show us all how fucking smart you are. Or not…”
Pay the fuck up, Thief, and I will be happy to say so. I mean, I get paid to teach graduate-level applied statistics, so you would be getting a real bargain here for just paying money you have stolen from Goldy.
Anybody want to entertain a bet on how much income Mark Wilson reported making on his campaign finance disclosure forms?
Copies of this form can be obtained from:
Office of Public Records
232 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-7116
(202) 224-0758
Somehow, I would seriously imagine that Wilson reported making far less than $100k in annual income.
MTR is a guy who thinks that increased radiation due to ozone depletion in the Antarctic should increase skin cancer, as if there’s much exposed skin there. The liklihood of him making any intelligent response beyond his talking points is quite low.
If the timescale we are considering is extended to the age of the earth, which MTR probably doesn’t agree with anyway, nothing is outside of statistical norms for C02 levels. If taken to astrological time scales, who the fuck cares, anyway.
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 23
“The way contract law works is that if one side makes a proposal to the other side, and the other side makes a counter proposal, then the original offer is null and void.”
Goldy accepted your proposal and made a separate counterproposal. I mean you even admitted it, you fucking moron! (See here.)
“So yes, I made a proposal. But you conviently left out that Goldy countered with an objection to pay Tim. At that point, I said “fuck it” and dropped it.”
No…Goldy accepted your proposal as you made it. He also suggested, if you agreed to it, slightly different payoff terms, however that does not nullify his acceptance of the original terms.
“Therefore, there was no agreement, and no debt is owed.”
Sorry, dipshit, you already admitted that there was a bet and that you lost! (See here.)
“I have a moral obligation to future generations (the children) to ensure that we have adults in charge. Sen. Cantwell has clearly shown that she is not up to the task of representing the good people and the future generations of FUWA. I cannot therefore in good conscience provide money to her, nor am I under any obligation to do so.”
You offered a bet on your payoff terms and Goldy accepted. Pay up, asshole!
“As a token however, I mentioned here that her website was fucked up.”
Within a day of you claiming that her web site was fucked up, I successfully made a donation via the web site. It would appear that you are either lying or you were too stupid to figure out a simple web form. What is it, Thief? Lying? Stupidity? In any case, there is no reason you could not have sent the donation in via snail mail.
“That alone is worth way more than any pittance I might put into her losing effort to get reelected.”
Sorry…learning that you are too stupid to properly use Cantwell’s donation form ain’t worth a fucking penny.
Geez…Redneck, its only $100 dollars. You should have thought about the realities of making good on the bet BEFORE you offered Goldy the bet, asswipe.
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 25
“C’mon… dazzle us with your intellect. Show us all that current temps are in the range where we have to wreck our economy. Pick any method you want. C’,mon… show us dumass.”
I’d be happy to, once you have made good on your bet with Goldy.
“Or are you full of shit?????????”
There is only one way to find out, Thief…make good on your bet! Then we can have a full debate on the issue.
So tell me, MTR, since you berate us to comply with the Bible along with your specious statistical hoops, if we are to have dominions over the Earth, what should we be doing if the demise of our life source is foreseeable?
Does God expect us to trust in Him to save us, or are we to use the intelligence He gave us to preserve it?
It’s amazing to me how much “power” MTR has on these threads. All he has to do is repeat one of his tired chi squared quips and everyone responds . . . which is, of course, exactly what he wants. Because the more we fixate on responding to his spin, the less time spent talking about reality.
A most effective strategy, no?
It is comforting to know that the dem challenger, Wilson, can be bought. I’m sure he would have campaigned for free, given that his job takes so little of his time. But he just had to take the money! Maria made him a deal he couldn’t refuse!
You know, Janet, republicans sure oughta know about takin’ money. That should be a sore subject with you conservatives right now. Jefferson notwithstanding, you got a boatload of problems on your side.
So Janet, you can read Mark Wilson’s mind now?
As Dan Akroyd said: you ignorant slut
Can MTR settle the bet by buying $100.00 worth of “services” from Mark Wilson, now that Wilson is “working” for the Cantwell campaign?
I’m just interpretting what he said! Heck, who am I to challenge a guy being offered big bucks to stop hurting himself, by his own admission?
That’s a stupid comment Richard Poop.
85 Well, I guess your integrity isn’t what you thought it was – is it? Throwing out bemused irrelevant comments seems to be the best you can do? And you called the rest of these guys names? BTW, you’re right. Who are you to challenge anybody including Wilson.
At least as stupid as when Richard intimated that Darcy Burner was incapable of getting good grades at the UW Law School.
How’d that work out for you Richard?
Gee, I always thought good lawyers were taught to never ask a question in cross that they did not already know the answer to. . . . . .
Gosh, Skagit, I thought you thought well of me. I guess not. Anyway, just because I think that Mark cashed in while the cashing – how does that reflect on my integrity?
Speaking of irrelevant – see 86.
86 was relevant as far as I’m concerned. You seem to think you can do the thinking for everyone. Thinking well of a person can change. Your disingenuous, unsupported and flippant attacks are no better than the rest of the conservatives on this blog.
Rest assured, Janet, I do not think well of you You are a partisan hack. You support a criminal and incompetent regime in the House of Representatives.
Also, Janet, you do what you said you didn’t like; you throw out meaningless comments and barbs but never anything substantial. Nor do you address anything of substance that is brought to you. You are, as killatroll declares, a party hack and unable to think outside that box of party talking points.
Sorry guys, I was just responding to what I read. Mark said he was out of money and out of ideas, so the windfall from Maria sounded pretty good. I’d have taken the same deal, if I were him. Not sure why you are so defensive.
Actually, Richard’s comment in 84 that Skagit referred to in 86 was kind of stupid. No offense, Richard.
Janet: “It is comforting to know that the dem challenger, Wilson, can be bought.”
But, you would do the same thing? Well. isn’t it nice to know we can agree that both dems and republicans can be bought.
So KOS thinks Israel isn’t really a country. Um, hmmmm.
What’s up with all the raging anti-semitism on the left??????
Like what?
And I learned that my 24-hour water-only fasts weren’t real fasts. Apparently, when you fast (especially those ‘rolling’ leftists fasts going on right now), you’re supposed to drink blended fruit Jamba juice and ice cream. I feel so silly for thinking fasting meant water only.
Make some sense, will ya? You musta voted for Reichert.
Looked over the whole thread and didn’t see any anti-semitic remarks. . . maybe another thread?
Goldy, you’ve got three posters here than are impressed with Hong Tran . . . do you even know her? She’s good. And a primary is where you weed the garden. I’m unimpressed that you think the dems are such an exclusive club that no one will be let in if they’re knocking on the door. Hell, let ’em in and see what they have to offer. We’ll vote dem when the time comes. You are reflective of what’s wrong with the party now.
What MTR has proven is that if he makes a bet, he will require you to pay it if he loses, but he will try to argue that it was never finalized when he loses.
Well it’s NOT comforting to me to know that Alaska’s Senatorial Candidate Mikey McGavick can be bought – this guy has already got a list of people who own him a mile long. He’s in debt to big oil and big insurance and to Alaska’s Ted Stevens and you can bet he’s already been given his orders from the ministry of confusion run by that traitor Rove. So which is the bigger story? A guy runs against Cantwell, realizes he’s going to lose, decides it makes more sense to change from within and goes to work for his own team? Or a big insurance executive takes bribes from big oil and big insurance even before he’s elected in the hope he’ll win and run from his obligation to represent Washington and instead run to his obligation to pay back his fat-cat donor friends who bought and paid for him before the election?
Mark Postman’s column today (Sunday) in the Times:
Newt Gingrich, in his visit to Washington State to support Republican incumbent Reichart, equated the current Israeli/Hezbollah conflict in Gaza and Lebanon with the U.S conflicts in Iraq and Afganistan. He aregued that we are “already in WWIII”, and we should go ahead and declare war.
Gingrich said in the coming days he plans to speak out publicly and to the administration from his seat on the Defense Policy Board about the need to recognize that America is in World War III….
He said European leaders and some in the Bush administration who are urging a restrained response from Israel are falling short of what needs to be done “because they haven’t crossed the bridge of realizing this is a war.”….
Once that’s accepted, he said, “Israel wouldn’t leave southern Lebanon as long as there was a single missile there. I would go in and clean them all out….
Of course, Gingrich, who is now trying to get the U.S. directly involved in a war between Israel and the Palestenians, something every U.S. president has wisely avoided for the past half-century. And, of course, when he refers to “I would go in and clean them out…” he is referring entirely to someone else, because he himself avoided military service during the Vietnam War by marrying his teacher shortly after graduation from High School. In other words, he is a typical chickenhawk – quick to send others to fight, but unwilling to have himself or his sons or daughters serve their country in the military.
Of course, Newt’s ideas are purely political. As people have become wary (and weary) of Bush’s “war against terrorism”, Newt’s idea is to replace it – with a much bigger war, against Islam in general.
“There is a political element to his talk of World War III. Gingrich said that public opinion can change “the minute you use the language” of World War III. The message then, he said, is, “OK, if we’re in the third world war, which side do you think should win?”
Hmmm. If we declare that we are at war, the same way we declared war in WWII, that allows us to impose censorship, use relocation camps, declare critics of our foreign policy to be traitors, etc…?
It seems that Newt is making his bid to be the new leader of the Republican Party by declaring himself to be a reformer and war-leader. At least he isn’t trumpeting the “family values” he previously talked a lot about, while divorcing his wife while she is in the hospital recovering from cancr surgery so he could marry a younger and prettier aid, and then divorcing her so he could marry yet another aid, all the while criticizing Clinton.
That sound you hear is Janet S changing the subject since she’s had her ass kicked for the 8,938,292th time here at HA!
Skagit @ 99:
I hear what you’re saying. The party is in need of reform, and what better way to do it than send a message in the primary?
I guess it comes down to your perception of the political situation. If you think that Cantwell will be safely re-elected, then giving Tran visibility could be a good thing.
At this point I’m worried about Cantwell’s situation. As such, I’d rather send a message in some other way besides through this race. Tran may be very good, but in politics timing is everything, and right now we really don’t need an internal split regarding a critical U.S. Senate seat.
Once again, dj fails to deliver even a shred of statistical evidence to “prove” his religion of global warming. He says chi squared is wrong, but for the umpteenth time fails to even suggest an alternative, or provide any data.
Look, if you want to believe in global warming, go ahead. But at least admit that it’s a faith based religion and not science. You’re certainly free to worship any way you want; that’s the Murkan way.
Seems like we’ve established pretty clearly here that there’s nothing unusual about current temperatures. Since that’s the case, what do you guys base your faith on?
Mark you still don’t believe global warming is real? sheesh I bet you still think the world flat to like your head HAHAHAHAHAHA.
MTR is trying to “dumb down” the debate. That’s the only way that Republicans can win. He’s Lucy with the football. Anyone want to try kicking it again?
Goldy and Gang your Jewish friend has an interesting point about Gay marriage and a new book about “F.U.B.A.R.” what say you on the subject matter. DO you all have a secret life like Roger Rabbit and don’t want to talk about it to anyone and everyone? Bob form Boeing is this what you have in mind about your secret sexual desires and why you support the Socialist Democrats? We all know that Roger lust after all those other little bunnies that why the large population boom in Green Lake, so how does Ms Rabbit feel about behavior? What’s next polygnmy, homosexuality, and Zoosexuality and the law? How do the Christians keep the perverts from going to purgatory?
Honoring instinct or self control? As I see it
Michael Medved’s radio talk show is broadcast every weekday from noon to 3 p.m. on AM 770 KTTH in Seattle. He lives on the Eastside. Readers can contact him through his Web site: http://www.michaelmedved.com.
“The outrageous new book “F.U.B.A.R.” describes “America’s Right Wing Nightmare,” calling religious conservatives “The American Taliban.” Among many bizarre charges, the authors claim that most of those who oppose homosexual marriage are, in fact, secretly gay — and they say that such conservatives will only achieve happiness if they embrace homosexuality.
There is no way to answer this smear— how can anyone publicly prove that he doesn’t lead a hidden life? But the very nature of the attack shows the danger at the heart of the left wing agenda. Would we really be better off if married men gave up on their family commitments and gave in to their sexual desires? Surely, more husbands are tempted by lust for young women than those who long for gay relationships. If giving in to temptation and instinct is the right thing for the individual and society, then the whole idea of marriage is outdated.”
“I hate to say this but I predict the republicans will steal the election agen. Because they can’t afford to loose 1/2 of them would go to jail.” Commentby The Socialist— 7/15/06@ 8:36 pm
Frankly, I worry about that too, and wonder what we can do about it. We can’t assassinate them, because we’re liberals and against murder. After long and deep thought on this problem, I’ve concluded we need to set aside our inhibitions and steal elections back.
“Damn, I thought they only did that crap in China.
What websites will they ban next?” Commentby sgmmac— 7/15/06@ 8:59 pm
This one seems to inexplicably crash a lot.
HorsesAss.org goes down because of:
[ ] 1. Lightning;
[ ] 2. The fighting in Beirut;
[ ] 3. FBI wiretapping;
[ ] 4. Trollfuck operator error;
[ ] 5. Republican hackers;
[ ] 6. Roger Rabbit’s popularity;
[ ] 7. All of the above.
“So, do you believe that Democrats steal election too? Or only the big bad Republicans?” Commentby sgmmac— 7/15/06@ 9:17 pm
I certainly hope so. The Republicans do it, so we have to do it too. But the 2004 governor’s election was not stolen. Rossilost because his paid hackers fucked up and didn’t steal enough votes in Snohomish County.
I agree with RR – we should try to steal them. Since the inbred righties will accuse us of it anyway, and since they’ve stolen every election they “won” since 2000, why not level the playing field. Nothing less than the safety of our republic is at stake so we should do whatever it takes to get the GOP out of power. Otherwise, they’ll blow up America and the world.
Hope all the right wing troll fucks who gave money to this witch think it’s okay for her to remodel her home with campaign contributions.
Ed Evans really does not understand anything about WMD’s and there life span and how dangerous they can be at any age level. How these weapons are stored or disposed of could be dangerous to everybody at any age. Check out the below web site about one such storage place in Umatilla, Oregon and how it impacts this area. Now you will understand how loonies from the far left can get on the subject of WMD.
Umatilla Chemical Depot (UMCD) is a 19,728-acre military facility located in northeastern Oregon, on the border of Morrow and Umatilla counties. It was established as an Army ordnance depot in 1941. Activities at the facility have included the disassembly, analysis, modification, reassembly, repacking, and storage of conventional munitions, and the storage of chemical-filled munitions and containerized chemical agents. The UCD facility is currently slated for realignment under the Department of Defense Base Realignment and Closure program. When the Army eventually vacates the sites, the facility could be released to private interests for either light industrial or residential use. Retention of the Ammunition Demolition Area (ADA) under Government control for use in military training is also being considered.
The U.S. Army began storing chemical munitions at the facility in 1962. Conventional (explosive) ordnance is no longer stored at UMCD. Chemical weapons are stored at a separate facility within the boundaries of the depot. These weapons are scheduled to be destroyed by 2004. No transfer of land will be made until the chemical weapons stored within the facility are neutralized.
WMDs? Not quite
Could someone please pour a bucket of cold water on Republican Senator Rick Santorum and Sean Hannity of fair-and-balanced Fox News. The recent report that WMDs have been found in Iraq is just another desperate attempt by the right wing to justify this war. This wasn’t a stock pile, but a junk pile. This story has far more holes in it than Dan Rather’s report on President Bush’s military record.
The WMDs that were found were 15-18 years old and at the worst could cause a rash on your backside if you came in contact with them. Is this what over 2,500 of our soldiers died for? Not to mention the tens of thousands maimed and injured.
This war is so unpopular that republicans and Fox News have stooped to a new level. What’s next? Stock piles of sling-shots and spit-balls. This war will go down as one of the biggest military blunders in the history of the world. Our soldiers have completed their mission, let’s bring them home.
President Bush said “we will leave when Iraq asks us to leave.” The new Iraqi government asked President Bush for a timeline to leave on his last visit. He wouldn’t give him one.
Staying the course is not a plan but a continuation of this debacle.
Ed Evans
THumb 107 – Just trying to boil it down to the essentials. The fact of the matter is that there is nothing unusual about current temps. Do you have data otherwise?
Didn’t think so…
I certainly hope so. The Republicans do it, so we have to do it too. But the 2004 governor’s election was not stolen. Rossilost because his paid hackers fucked up and didn’t steal enough votes in Snohomish County.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/16/06@ 9:43 am
Dean Logan fixed that problem in King County by stuffing the balliot boxs. Right funnie little rabbit!
Yes, it does…….. Something about server busy and then your comment that you typed for 10 minutes goes poof!
Dean Logan was too hard to beat at the stealing votes games. He is a master at it. No wonder LA wants him, they have a Republican governor!
Since you guys are so big on separation of church and state, don’t you think that it should be illegal to teach global warming in gummint schools?
You guys can have your religion, but it certainly doesn’t belong in the schools…
So MTR, where did you get your psych-op training?
“It’s so disgusting how you libruls love to comment on family tragedies.” Commentby Puddybud Michael Kennedy— 7/15/06@ 6:08 pm
What would you call Clinton’s sexual dalliances, Puddingbrains? A public policy issue? Hypocrite.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/15/06@ 8:05 pm
You comparing family death to a hummer outside of marriage? You comparing family death to a fuck outside of marriage? What a simpleton!
“On April 7, 2005, Paul Lehto and John Wells filed a lawsuit in King County Superior Court against Sequoia Voting Systems, Inc. and Snohomish County, Washington. …
“Wells and Lehto, as citizens and voters, object to provisions of the contract between Snohomish County and Sequoia Voting Systems, Inc. attempting to shield from public view and verification the means by which votes are recorded, counted, tabulated, and reported … (and) contend … the contract ought … to be set aside based upon contractual, statutory, Constitutional and public policy grounds.
“This case implicates questions concerning … the danger that lack of transparent, accurate, and verifiable elections could … lead to rule by self-perpetuating incumbents ….
“Access to Sequoia Voting Systems, Inc. information is essential to insure the transparency and verifiability of elections … and the essential legitimacy of government ….
“This action seeks to vindicate the proposition that no contract, public or private, shall be permitted to undermine Article I, Section 1 of the Washington Constitution: ‘all political power is inherent in the people’. …”
In May 2005, Sequoia attempted to move the case from King County Superior Court to federal court, where the rules on state immunity are different and Sequoia would have a better chance of winning dismissal of the lawsuit, but in August the federal judge found his court lacked jurisdiction and remanded the case back to state court, where Sequoia filed its motion to dismiss in January 2006.
An appendix to the plaintiff’s complaint details numerous irregularities that occurred with Snohomish County’s touch-screen voting machines in the 2004 election, including switching votes for Gregoire to Rossi. There are many anecdotal stories from voters of Sequoia machines functioning bizarrely, and there are significant statistical anomolies between voting patterns in paper absentee ballots, and poll votes via Sequoia touch screen machines. In general, Rossi inexplicably got a much higher percentage of poll votes than absentee votes in the same precincts, and there was a pronounced pattern of “problem” voting machines favoring Rossi even more heavily — which led the plaintiffs to allege outright voting fraud in their complaint.
The appendix states, among other things:
Numerous voters complained the touch screen machines appeared to be pre-voted or switched their votes to Rossi;
Problems of vote switching or voting machines freezing up were reported at 50 of the county’s 148 polling locations;
“Statistical analysis shows high correlations between reported voting irregularities and high Republican voting results”;
In other nearby counties, election day voting favored Gregoire or only slightly favored Rossi (compared to absentee ballots), but in Snohomish County the poll voting heavily favored Rossi, even though he lost in Snohomish County’s absentee voting;
Sequoia machines with recent repair histories or reported for malfunctioning on election day gave Rossi a higher percentage of the vote than his average poll vote in 46 of 58 cases, and gave him a higher percentage of the vote than the absentee vote from the same precint in 56 of 58 cases.
In summary, reading this appendix will leave an objective observer with no doubt that Snohomish County experienced widespread voting machine problems in the 2004 election, and the numerous machine malfunctions heavily and uniformly favored Rossi — which strongly suggests the machines were rigged to favor the Republican candidate. There is a strong likelihood that Rossi received several thousand illegitimate votes as a result of cheating in Snohomish County.
Unfortunately for the Republican election stealers, only two counties used touch screen machines in 2004 (Yakima County being the other), so they were not able to implement voting machine hacking throughout the state, and Gregoire won by a large enough margin statewide to defeat Rossi despite the apparent Republican voting fraud in Snohomish County.
To read the entire appendix, see http://www.votersunite.org/inf.....gation.pdf
Pellet sez: They are normally enforced by breaking fingers, breaking an arm, or (in egregious cases) encasing the welsher’s feet in cement and throwing him into the ocean.
Now we know. Rabbit Pellet was lawyer to scum criminals.
“Could it be that you didn’t have what it takes to be a rainmaker?” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 7/15/06@ 9:42 pm
That’s exactly it, Mark. I don’t have it in me to be a brown-noser, suck-up, bootlicker, gofer, and lackey for corporate barons and rich clients.
“Also, when are they going to arrest the employers? Hmmmm?” Commentby Skagit— 7/15/06@ 10:01 pm
Been wondering the same thing myself.
Can anyone explain to me why the righties rail against illegals, but have nothing to say about the people who employ them (often under the table, to evade payroll taxes)?
And Goldy’s claim that Mark Wilson “sank about $20,000 of his own money into the race” appears to be a gross misrepresentation.
As of March 31, 2006, Wilson had contributed nothing to his campaign, but had loaned his campaign precisely $2,118.92: (look at Lines 11(d) & 13(a))
It is possible Wilson put more of his own money into his campaign since April 1, 2006, but not likely.
Commentby Richard Pope— 7/15/06@ 10:07 pm
Richard, stop picking on Goldy. He can’t help himself. He received his marching orders and printed the “correct” version per Maria!
I guess to a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE anything employers do is fine. They’re only against the workers.
Surely one of human nature’s deeper ironies is the hatred those who live on capital have for the very workers whose labor makes them rich.
QAnd REP Pat, when the ones most directly responsible for the Big Dig are a republican contractor, Bechtel, why do you blame the Democratrs? Bechtel was paid to ensure the job was done properly. It is not their fault it failed?
Commentby K— 7/15/06@ 10:14 pm
WTF “K”? You telling me you liked when Clinton paid Hallibruton to do the Balkan job right? Tell me it ain’t so.
The big guns of the donko party TIP O’Neill, JF Kerry, Uncle Teddy, Mike Dukakis, etc. all pushed for Bechtel. Give me a break. ROTFLMAO!!!!
“Rabbit Pellet was lawyer to scum criminals.” Commentby Puddybud Michael Kennedy— 7/16/06@ 10:37 am
Yes, it’s true that during my long state career, I did work for some Republican politicians.
Mac, since you claim Logan stole the election, I say prove it. You can’t, of course, because he didn’t; you drank too much of the GOP koolaid, and now you’re blowing smoke out of your ass.
130 – No, it’s the hatred that some workers have for the people who pay them. Now that’s really weird…
125 – Oooo…. that’a good one wabbit. So making big money was beneath you…. LMAO…
But you’d still like somebody else to pick up your medical bills right?
Come on, Pud. Bechtel clearly has strong links to the Republican Party. They were a key player on the project. I’m asking what responsibility they should have? If it were designed and CM provided by government employees, you’d be screaming for their heads.
“During the 17 years it has managed the Big Dig, Bechtel has neglected to perform basic work called for in its contracts
Construction on virtually all of the Big Dig’s major contracts began with incomplete and error-filled designs, which led to nearly $750 million in other construction cost overruns, records reveal. Bechtel created the basic design for the entire Big Dig, set the design schedule, and signed off on all the final design drawings.
Bechtel failed to detect or call attention to serious flaws in construction work, leading to tens of millions of dollars in repair and delay costs. ”
Leftturdy sez:
That sound you hear is Janet S changing the subject since she’s had her ass kicked for the 8,938,292th time here at HA!
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/16/06@ 7:41 am
She still is a vigintillion behind you turdyboy.
I suppose we need to remind everyone this day the words of turdy boy. I have to remind the ASSes here of their good friend and Goldy mouthpiece. Remember Goldy wants to clean this blog and make it respectable. I say give them some turdy:
Limbaugh pees in a cup
Bush twins are drunken whores
Bush twins pull a train
Laura Bush killed a guy.
Ann Coulter is a guy
North Korea is GWB’s fault
Looks like the world’s biggest crack addict and transvestite has never written an original word in her miserable cowardly life.
Ralph Reed is a bitch
We’re knuckle-dragging, baby-raping right wingers
Bunch of fucking crooks. They should be hanged for treason. Today!
Republicans are cowards.
He fucked my “daughter”. – Don’t have any daughters!
He fucked my wife. – She isn’t interested in having to use the Hubble Telescope on full mag to find his dick!
Ordered the outing of a CIA agent – If so Fitz didn’t say it. Lie
Lied 40000 times about the war in Iraq – Oh really? Repeated the 1998 Donko lies you mean?
Created the biggest trade deficit in history – Debatable
Let Osama get away a month before 9.11 and then let Osama’s family get away after 9.11 Lie – Richard CLarke did
Tried to turn our ports over to Arab control – Mistake, he took Bill Clinton’s suggestion
Screwed up the immigration situation
And my personal favorite, got down on all fours, stuck his ass in the air and invited N. Korea to collectively fuck him in the ass because he’s afraid to fight any country that ACTUALLY DOES HAVE WMD!
And his latest piece of shit: “The Bush Twins were in public school until their ninth arrest for illegal substance consumption and that train they pulled on the football team. Then they were sent to a school for troubled girls who’s parents were DUI recipients. ”
Keep up the good work leftturdy!
Yes, it does…….. Something about server busy and then your comment that you typed for 10 minutes goes poof!
Commentby sgmmac— 7/16/06@ 9:54 am
Try using Firefox. It caches the entry and when you hit back it’s still there. Pud D. Bud
K, use that IVY League bred intellect. If you are the general contractor YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE!!! Plain and simple!
Sorry Puddybutt I can’t hear you over the screams of pleasure coming from your wife and sister as they visit my love house!
Logan stole the election by incompetence and bad policy decisions. Half of the people in Washington State believe that Bush stole the elections in 2000 and 2004 and the other half believe that Gregoire stole the election in 2004……
what can I say about the state of Washington’s politics? We are more and more divided and the upcoming election won’t be any different. We will have close races and half of us will be pissed after the recounts are over.
The 2008 election will be worse and if the legislature does what I think they are going to do this next year, the Democrats will lose their absolute power here in Washington State.
@138, I use MSN……..
Mark the Thieving Redneck,
“Once again, dj fails to deliver even a shred of statistical evidence to “prove” his religion of global warming. He says chi squared is wrong, but for the umpteenth time fails to even suggest an alternative, or provide any data.”
He, he, he…MTTR, besides not really knowing statistics, you demonstrate a profound misunderstanding of how science works.
Make good on your bet, Thief, and I suppose I would also be obligated to also educate you on how science works.
“Seems like we’ve established pretty clearly here that there’s nothing unusual about current temperatures.”
Really, Thief? You mean you undertook an inappropriate statistical analysis and came to a conclusion that contradicts a consensus built out of thousands of peer reviewed scientific publications investigating dozens of independent corroborating lines of inquiry?
I missed your analysis, Thief. Where did you publish it, in The Journal of Irreproducible Results? Or the Journal of Wingnut Pseudoscience? Or maybe in the official journal of the Earth-Centered Universe Society?
Hey…Redneck…pay off your $100 bet with Goldy, please. I think the debate will be lots of fun for everyone.
“Now that’s really weird…” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 7/16/06@ 10:54 am
Not so weird when you consider …
a) low pay
b) abusive supervisors
c) dangerous and/or disagreeable working conditions
But then, you wouldn’t know anything about working at a REAL job, Mark.
Mac — that isn’t proof, it’s polemics.
141 (continued)
The fact Bush convinced 3/4ths of the American public that Iraq was behind 9/11 doesn’t make it true.
The fact the GOPers convinced 1/2 of Washington residents that Logan stole the election doesn’t make it true.
In fact, if a Republican says something, that just about guarantees it ISN’T true!
Leftturdy sez: Sorry Puddybutt I can’t hear you over the screams of pleasure coming from your wife and sister as they visit my love house!
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/16/06@ 11:15 am
You mean the pictures of Halle Berry and Vivica A. Fox you jackoff to each night?
Delusional again!
MTR Kennedy: Please pay someone $100 to shut the fuck up these moonbat leftists so we can read their “intelligence quotients” responses. All they do is rail on you about the bet. Send the $100 to Goldy. Just buy a cashiers check so ther mofos can’t claim you wrote a bounced check. I truly want to read their pithy responses!!!
“But you’d still like somebody else to pick up your medical bills right?” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 7/16/06@ 10:56 am
Why not? You expect somebody else to pick up your wars, corporate welfare, bailouts, corruption, toxic cleanups, and what have you.
Is killing foreigners who didn’t do anything to us a better use of public funds than providing health care to our own citizens? You seem to think so.
Your whole fucking problem is you’re all about money, money, money. You’re one-dimensional, and without an ounce of humanity in you. Before you lecture other people about sponging, pay your fucking gambling debt … welsher.
rph6033 at 102:
“There is a political element to his talk of World War III. Gingrich said that public opinion can change “the minute you use the language” of World War III. The message then, he said, is, “OK, if we’re in the third world war, which side do you think should win?”
Newt is nothing more than an idea man and in the truest sense of the carny barker. He was responsible for the Contract for America that never got anything more done than a bunch of do-nothing republicans elected. And the American public seems to buy it hook,line and sinker.
But, I think most Americans are fatigued by the Iraq war and hopefully will not join his one-man choir this time. But, one should never underestimate the ignorance or herd mentality of this electorate.
Also, what a trivialization of WW2 to think the current situation constitutes WW3.
At this point I’m worried about Cantwell’s situation. As such, I’d rather send a message in some other way besides through this race. Tran may be very good, but in politics timing is everything, and right now we really don’t need an internal split regarding a critical U.S. Senate seat.
Commentby Green Thumb— 7/16/06@ 7:48 am
If the party is in that much trouble, they probably aren’t going to win anyway. If people continue to vote for republicans, they deserve what they get. I will not be bribed or scared into desparation. The best chance we have to get liberals back on track is to find the best and elect them. The worst chance we have is to let the republican threat determine our moves.
Do you think Israel has a right to defend itself agains tthe Hamas agression with all means possible?
Do you think the Hamas group likes you?
Do you think one moment a burqa covered mother will send her son to die to kill an infidel (you – you jackass)?
Do you think Hollywood decadence is one of Al Qaeda’s reasons for hating us?
Do you think it was strange that Mohammad Atta went to a Las Vegas brothel before he crashed a plane into the WTC Tower 1?
When you decide the “correct” answer maybe, maybe, you’ll see we are in another world war after all!!!
“The outrageous new book “F.U.B.A.R.” describes “America’s Right Wing Nightmare,” calling religious conservatives “The American Taliban.” Among many bizarre charges, the authors claim that most of those who oppose homosexual marriage are, in fact, secretly gay — and they say that such conservatives will only achieve happiness if they embrace homosexuality.
Would we really be better off if married men gave up on their family commitments and gave in to their sexual desires?
Commentby klake— 7/16/06@ 9:28 am
The only thing you have to fear is fear itself, Klaky. Sounds like a fearful rant to me!
Also, regarding these married men and their family commitments: have you looked at the divorce rates lately? Esp. you red staters? It might inform your discourse.
Don’t worry For the Cluesless, I didn’t read those questions from ANY site. I don’t need to visit any web site to get my walking papers like most moonbats here!
Once again, dj fails to deliver even a shred of statistical evidence to “prove” his religion of global warming. He says chi squared is wrong, but for the umpteenth time fails to even suggest an alternative, or provide any data.
Seems like we’ve established pretty clearly here that there’s nothing unusual about current temperatures. Since that’s the case, what do you guys base your faith on?
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 7/16/06@ 8:32 am
Also, regarding these married men and their family commitments: have you looked at the divorce rates lately? Esp. you red staters? It might inform your discourse.
Commentby Skagit— 7/16/06@ 11:53 am
So the red staters are approaching those levels of the blue states? That has you worried Skagit? Maybe the red staters are copying the stupidity of the blue staters. I would want to determine the underlying reasons vs. blogging some flippant comment to try and make a point. I bet you “independents” already reached the blue state level.
115:Ed Evans really does not understand anything about WMD’s and there life span and how dangerous they can be at any age level. How these weapons are stored or disposed of could be dangerous to everybody at any age. Check out the below web site about one such storage place in Umatilla, Oregon and how it impacts this area. Now you will understand how loonies from the far left can get on the subject of WMD.
Commentby klake— 7/16/06@ 9:52 am
Mark the Thieving Redneck,
Did you see that? Your fellow wingnutburger Puddybud @ 149 wrote
“MTR Kennedy: Please pay someone $100 to shut the fuck up these moonbat leftists so we can read their “intelligence quotients” responses. All they do is rail on you about the bet. Send the $100 to Goldy. Just buy a cashiers check so ther mofos can’t claim you wrote a bounced check. I truly want to read their pithy responses!!!”
Yes, indeed, Thief! Everyone wants you to exhibit just the tiniest bit of honor by you making a good-faith attempt to honor your bet with Goldy!
(Of course, Puddy acknowledges that there is strong evidence for the global warming hypothesis; even so, I am sure everyone would like the debate!)
157 So the red staters are approaching those levels of the blue states? That has you worried Skagit? Maybe the red staters are copying the stupidity of the blue staters. I would want to determine the underlying reasons vs. blogging some flippant comment to try and make a point. I bet you “independents” already reached the blue state level.
Puddinhead, if this made any sense, I’d try to rebut it. But it doesn’t. “nuf said.
Skagit: Made perfect sense. Many of us red state people are happily married way over 20 years with the SAME woman! So if the youngsters are the “MTV” generation and getting divorced early study the problem.
That’s nuff said!
Perfessor DJ hunted and pecked out: “Did you see that? Your fellow wingnutburger Puddybud @ 149 wrote”
An “independent” librul loony moonbat of the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats calling me a Wingnutburger? QUAINT!
DJ — people who advocate genocide are usually short on honor, so I wouldn’t expect too much.
“So if the youngsters are the “MTV” generation and getting divorced early study the problem”
Study it yourself, puddin’head. I could care less what you “reds” do.
Pud – remind us of the great and timeless accomplishments of conservatism as a political philosophy if you would. I’d be really interested to hear how conservatism figured in the inception of American democracy, as opposed to, say, Enlightenment philosophy. It’s possible to do so, but you’re probably not going to like to uncover the details.
Skagit @ 152: “If the party is in that much trouble, they probably aren’t going to win anyway. If people continue to vote for republicans, they deserve what they get. I will not be bribed or scared into desparation. The best chance we have to get liberals back on track is to find the best and elect them. The worst chance we have is to let the republican threat determine our moves.”
First, I’m not trying to convince you of anything; am just saying how I think. I’ve spent a fair amount of time involved in electoral politics, particularly at the local level. I gravitate ideologically to the renegade lefty candidates who challenge the mainline Democratic establishment, but my involvement in campaigns has been pragmatic.
When I assess a race, I don’t just look at the qualities of the candidate. I look at the caliber of their campaign organization. I support Lamont’s challenge to Leiberman partly because he has a highly experienced campaign staff. Without such a staff, Lamont would have no hope of winning (and I would ignore that race).
I also look at what seems realistic for a given race. For example, the demographics of Thurston County (where I live) are such that it has been virtually impossible to elect a true progressive to the county commission. So I have supported more moderate candidates even though I may disagree with them — sometimes strongly — on individual issues. Sometimes it IS better to elect a moderate than a neanderthal conservative.
At the same time, I have also supported younger progressives to run for lower-level office with the idea that in time they could potentially build the political base needed to run for a county-wide seat.
I bring the same philosophy to state races. The simple fact of the matter is that Tran has no hope of getting more than 35 percent of the vote. So why spend much time and energy on that campaign when we could be focusing on those where the potential for a progressive victory may be much higher?
I don’t see this as letting the Republican threat determine our moves. It’s more like baseball, where winning the World Series is a long-term strategy that begins with building good farm teams. This is my basic beef with the Greens — they don’t seem to think this step is necessary. That’s a fatal mistake.
I agree that I’m more idealistic than pragmatic. Also, I agree about the greens and that sometimes I experience a degree of angst over their poor choices.
But, I think I’m world weary. This blog is evidence of a bankrupt mentality on the conservative side. I don’t know if I have it in me to wait for the long run when it seems to be the emergency is now.
I appreciate your thoughtful and reasonable posts.. Still, I do think that the primary season show be our opportunity to showcase our diffrences, diversity and out-of-the box thinking. I disagree that it harms us in the long run.
BTW, Green Thumb, did you read the NYT editorial “The Real Agenda?”
Also this from Frank Rich: (I’m pasting cuz I don’t know if you subscribe and it is unavailable without the select subscription)
“The Bush doctrine was a doctrine in name only, a sales strategy contrived to dress up the single mission of regime change in Iraq with philosophical grandiosity worthy of F.D.R. There was never any serious intention of militarily pre-empting either Iran or North Korea, whose nuclear ambitions were as naked then as they are now, or of striking the countries that unlike Iraq were major enablers of Islamic terrorism. Axis of Evil was merely a clever brand name from the same sloganeering folks who gave us “compassionate conservatism” and “a uniter, not a divider” — so clever that the wife of a presidential speechwriter, David Frum, sent e-mails around Washington boasting that her husband was the “Axis of Evil” author. (Actually, only “axis” was his.)
Since then, the administration has fiddled in Iraq while Islamic radicalism has burned brighter and the rest of the Axis of Evil, not to mention Afghanistan and the Middle East, have grown into just the gathering threat that Saddam was not. And there’s still no policy. As Ivo Daalder of the Brookings Institution writes on his foreign-affairs blog, Mr. Bush isn’t pursuing diplomacy in his post-cowboy phase so much as “a foreign policy of empty gestures” consisting of “strong words here; a soothing telephone call and hasty meetings there.” The ambition is not to control events but “to kick the proverbial can down the road — far enough so the next president can deal with it.” There is no plan for victory in Iraq, only a wish and a prayer that the apocalypse won’t arrive before Mr. Bush retires to his ranch.”
E 165 – Conservatism has worked EVERY time it has been applied. Socialism fails EVERY time.
E 165 – Conservatism has worked EVERY time it has been applied . . .
Yeah, like Mussollini, Louis XVI, Nazi Germany.
Dr E asked: “Pud – remind us of the great and timeless accomplishments of conservatism as a political philosophy if you would. I’d be really interested to hear how conservatism figured in the inception of American democracy, as opposed to, say, Enlightenment philosophy. It’s possible to do so, but you’re probably not going to like to uncover the details.
Commentby Dr. E— 7/16/06@ 12:29 pm
Hmmm Dr. E. I haven’t studied early American history in a long time. When I entered into computers I dedicated myself to learning how to make things better and faster.
Puritans and Pilgrims – Yes they were so liberal weren’t they.
Amish and the Mennonites – They too are so liberal right Dr. E?
American Democracy: Hmmm… “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – I suppose those are liberal terms Dr E.
Don’t worry Skagit,
The Republicans in Thurston county have the same problem as the Democrats in other areas, we can’t seem to find anyone qualified to run against idiots like Brenden Williams and Sam Hunt. A replacement for Frasier would be great too!
That’s my point exactly. Most wingers haven’t the faintest clue what Conservatism really is: horrendously anti-democratic, regressive, elitist, etc. (I could go on).
Pud @ 139- Soyou agree with my point, that the contractor bears the lion’s share of the blame.
What did you think I was getting at?
Skagit – Yo have mistakenly tried to apply an incorrect definition to extremists such as Nazism, Fascism, and Louis XVI. Surely you can do better than that.
Like we really depend upon th NYTs to provide any reality in their reporting.
Extremes on both the left and right are evil and dangerous.
Pud, you really do need to study a bit of history. The establishment of American democracy did not occur thanks to a movement of Puritans, Pilgrims, etc. That’s not an argument, but rather a statement of ignorance. It would be very informative, for instance, to read a history like Zinn’s “A People’s of the United States”, which, I might add, can be very informative in beginning to understand commonly overlooked issues like race relations and elitist power structures in both the pre-Revolution and early post-Revolution years. (You don’t have to trust Zinn’s interpretation, of course, but you could rather do some reading into the source materials.)
You also need to come to an understanding of the term “Creator” as Jefferson used it. He almost certainly was not referring to the concept of “God” in the Christian sense.
Rewriting history is usually dangerous and Wiki lets you do it for free.
Now, why is it that the Washington State Democratic Party is stalking Mike McGavick? Everywhere he goes, there they are with their little yellow shirts on and a videographer in tow – taping everything McGavick says and does????????
175 “Skagit – Yo have mistakenly tried to apply an incorrect definition to extremists such as Nazism, Fascism, and Louis XVI. Surely you can do better than that.”
Commentby sillyguy— 7/16/06@ 2:16 pm
And so it goes with these ignorant, unread, uneducated and naive republicans. Why not instruct, oh wise one? What is the correct definition, omniscient one?
Now, why is it that the Washington State Democratic Party is stalking Mike McGavick? Everywhere he goes, there they are with their little yellow shirts on and a videographer in tow – taping everything McGavick says and does???
Because, smeg, McGavick’s already shown a proclivity to skew the truth so we’re getting on tape. You worried about it?
Dr E. Why did the Pilgrims, Amish, Mennonites and Puritans leave England leave Europe?
Why did the DOI framers write it?
The answer to both was taxation and overbearing laws. The democracy came about from their ideals passed down to their progeny and the other people arriving for the freedom ideal.
For instance Federalist Paper #2 two powerful paragraphs:
“Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers. It is well worthy of consideration therefore, whether it would conduce more to the interest of the people of America that they should, to all general purposes, be one nation, under one federal government, or that they should divide themselves into separate confederacies, and give to the head of each the same kind of powers which they are advised to place in one national government.” – Did you read that moonbats? You have to give up some natural rights for federal actions.
“This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence, that an inheritance so proper and convenient for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties, should never be split into a number of unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties.”
Federalist Paper #9 paragraph: “But it is not to be denied that the portraits they have sketched of republican government were too just copies of the originals from which they were taken. If it had been found impracticable to have devised models of a more perfect structure, the enlightened friends to liberty would have been obliged to abandon the cause of that species of government as indefensible. The science of politics, however, like most other sciences, has received great improvement. The efficacy of various principles is now well understood, which were either not known at all, or imperfectly known to the ancients. The regular distribution of power into distinct departments; the introduction of legislative balances and checks; the institution of courts composed of judges holding their offices during good behavior; the representation of the people in the legislature by deputies of their own election: these are wholly new discoveries, or have made their principal progress towards perfection in modern times. They are means, and powerful means, by which the excellences of republican government may be retained and its imperfections lessened or avoided. To this catalogue of circumstances that tend to the amelioration of popular systems of civil government, I shall venture, however novel it may appear to some, to add one more, on a principle which has been made the foundation of an objection to the new Constitution; I mean the ENLARGEMENT of the ORBIT within which such systems are to revolve, either in respect to the dimensions of a single State or to the consolidation of several smaller States into one great Confederacy. The latter is that which immediately concerns the object under consideration. It will, however, be of use to examine the principle in its application to a single State, which shall be attended to in another place.” – Did you read that moonbats. Not judges legislating from the bench!
So Dr E. Shall we begin the debate. Have all the Federalist Papers available. Unfortunately my sprinkler system needs some work and I had to pop two heads off and they need replacing so I’ll be gone a while.
Pud D. Bud
Skagit @ 167:
Yes, we face a political crisis that requires rapid responses. Yet the left doesn’t have the “infrastructure” to fully rise to the occasion. So we must either take the long view toward organizing or cut devil’s bargains with the Democratic establishment.
I’m not arguing that we have any easy choices. Different people will come to different conclusions. A united front is unlikely and arguably dangerous anyway.
All I’d like to see is for folks to be able to debate these issues without turning potential allies into enemies. The left and the Democratic establishment NEED each other.
So, yes, if you think it is useful to campaign energetically for Tran in the primary, more power to you. Let’s just all make sure we keep talking and not let bad blood spill into the general election. McGavick’s changes depend heavily on driving a wedge between the anti-war movement and Cantwell.
Green Thumb, I’m almost convinced that this country will have to fail seriously, experience some real hardships before we get back on track. You see, I also think the dems are in the pockets of big business. I don’t see them as the good guys anymore.
Do you know the Eisenhower quote about the Stupid Texas Oilmen and how they’d never be in power? Well, time has proven him wrong. II think fascism is on the rise and just like in prewar Germany, right-wing America is not only tolerating it but feeding it.
Do I sound cynical? Yes, I am.
I am so sorry about it all.
Oh, and also . . . Ronald Reagan started a new political narrative for this country and it is going to continue until people feel a whole lot more pain than they currently do. I don’t think there is any logic to it; I don’t believe we can change it. Gut-level greed, intolerance and self-interest has replaced common sense, charity and freedom.
No, Gidget, I am not worried about the Dems stalking and taping him. On the Kiro video, Mike actually did very well. It appears that he is talking issues and what his beliefs are, not what Cantwell’s are or arn’t. It is interesting though.
Skagit, your concern about fascism makes sense. The question is what to do about it. As a case in point, one might argue that Hitler was able to come to power because of two key factors: 1) a deep national crisis that delegitimized more moderate political parties, and 2) dysfunctional divisions among the left and center.
Am I suggesting that Nader shouldn’t have run for president in 2000 and 2004? No, not necessarily. The problem is that these types of divisions between the left and mainline Democrats tend to lead to a dysfunctional level of bad blood. Both sides have contributed to that bad blood in recent years.
Studying history gives me both hope and “realism.” My hope that fascism will not succeed on American soil comes from the recognition that our system of government has an unusually decentralized structure that makes it very difficult for any one faction to maintain dominance for long. If the Republicans succeed in achieving permanent, one-party government, that will only be because they managed to perform the equivalent of a coup. Yes, the danger is very real, but it is not at all an easy task given the checks and balances built into our constitution (and culture).
At the same time, I try to not get my hopes up about the potential for a truly progressive era (at least at the federal level). For example, the term progressive comes from a time when the most interesting policy innovation occurred at the local and state levels. Whatever good things one could say about Teddy Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson, they would hardly be considered “leftists” in any contemporary sense.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that activists will always be disappointed. Social change is fraught with perils, and rarely complete or permanent. So every activist at one point or another faces an existential crisis that can be summarized by the question: Why do I continue to do this?
We each have different answers. That’s as it should be.
Smeg at 187: o, Gidget, I am not worried about the Dems stalking and taping him. On the Kiro video, Mike actually did very well. It appears that he is talking issues and what his beliefs are, not what Cantwell’s are or arn’t. It is interesting though.
Thanks. That’s so nice of you. Did you ever see the original Gidget movie? She was a powerhouse. Great movie.
That’s good that he’s speak for himself. If you look at Postman’s blog, you’ll see several examples of his speaking incorrectly for Cantwell. Perhaps having a camera on him will keep him on the straight and narrow. Hopefully so.
E 165 – Conservatism has worked EVERY time it has been applied . . .
Yeah, like Mussollini, Louis XVI, Nazi Germany.
Commentby Skagit— 7/16/06@ 1:23 pm
Actually nazism has much more in common with liberalism than conservatism. Hitler disallowed the people to own guns and freedom of speech/religion was squelched. Liberals would do the same thing if they could. Hilter was a “greeny” and Joe Kennedy idolized him. And we all know the left hate Isreal. The list goes on and on.
Green Thumb, you do give me hope.
“comes from the recognition that our system of government has an unusually decentralized structure that makes it very difficult for any one faction to maintain dominance for long.”
This is what is worrying me. The signing statements, the current proposal by Arlen Specter to agree on a handshake deal that he will legislate away oversight if Bush promises not to use it, the packing of the Court, precedents being set that could change history. You seem very knowledgable . . . can you tell me of a time in more-or-less recent history where the Constitution has come under such attack in such insidious ways? Besides a time of major way, I mean …
Brother Rufus:
You are so right about the National Socialist Party and today’s Democratic Socialist Party… uhhh moonbats.
Fascism Party and Democratic Party are similar in their ideals too.
Communist Party and the Democratic Party of screw the rich everyone get something free is quite similar too.
“Liberals would do the same thing if they could. ”
Don’t tell us what we would do cause you don’t know.
Also, you knowledge if history is sadly lacking. You confuse your terms. Common mistake among you righties.
Skagit @ 91, I have an elderly journalism friend who likes to talk about how much of what seems “new” is in fact a reiteration of past trends. Our country has seen a number of “red scares,” surrounding a war. Each saw a spike in right-wing oppression against the left, e.g., Wilson’s rounding up of labor leaders after WWI, McCarthy’s black listing of “communists” after WWII, and Nixon’s domestic “counter-insurgency” efforts during the Vietnam era.
I don’t mean to suggest that everything Bush & Co. are doing has been tried before. They ARE pushing the envelope in a number of areas, e.g., regarding electronic spying. (I agree that Specter’s “deal” is truly frightening.) However, in other areas things still haven’t gotten as bad as in past spasms of right-wing oppression.
It’s funny to read Puddy compare the Democrats with the Nazis, because the rhetoric he uses is very much like what Nixon or McCarthy once used. It’s the big lie, but it seems to work with those who are less educated or inclined toward simplistic, good-and-evil thinking.
This is why the Gingrich comment about WWIII is so interesting. He recognizes that the Republicans can only revive their fortunes if they scare the living daylights out of people. If they succeed, you can bet that we will see another full-fledged red scare. All the wet dreams of the wingers will be within reach, e.g., loyalty oaths, Star Chambers, black lists.
This is why the Democrats simply must gain ground in the 2006 Congressional elections. As wimpy as many of them may be, they represent our last, best hope of turning the tide.
“Actually nazism has much more in common with liberalism than conservatism. Hitler disallowed the people to own guns and freedom of speech/religion was squelched. Liberals would do the same thing if they could. Hilter was a “greeny” and Joe Kennedy idolized him. And we all know the left hate Isreal. The list goes on and on.”
Hooo boy. Where to begin. First, the Nazis under Hitler were a totalitarian fascist regime. Insofar as they were concerned with “racial purity” and certain bizarre aesthetic issues (like eugenics) they were anything but a liberal, progressive organization. Their intolerance of “alien” religions, as well as their suppression of dissent bear the hallmarks of fascist conservatism.
Second, a statement such as “we all know the left…” is utterly meaningless. As I said elsewhere, you could just as well rewrite the sentence “we all know that ham sandwiches hate Israel” and it would be exactly as meaningless, because (among other things) absolutely no supporting evidence is given.
Puddy @ 192
“You are so right about the National Socialist Party and today’s Democratic Socialist Party…”
Are your really that ignorant Puddy? Or has ideology so taken you over that honesty is no longer important to you?
149 – Thanks Puddybud! A rare offering of sound advice!
Redneck – pay attention to Puddybud and settle the bet that YOU LOST TO GOLDY!
After YOU settle the bet that YOU LOST, DJ will HAND YOUR ASS TO YOU in a debate on global warming.
Please fulfill your obligation so we can see you DOUBLY HUMILIATED!
I think you won’t though because 1) you have no honor or character and 2) you’re frightened like a deer in the headlights.
Cantwell is so out of touch with the people of Washington State! Check her voting records on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and where her campaign money is REALLY coming from and vote for your future! SHE EVEN VOTED TO GIVE YOUR HARD EARNED SOCIAL SECURITY DOLLARS TO ILLEGALS!!!! It’s time to put her in her place – BACK HOME IN WASHINGTON STATE!
bMHgDcMtOHGl YisHi681Z7b9w 0dXydFcSr3K
I’m not a political animal, but I’ll never vote for Cantwell, NEVER. Cantwell for me represents everything that has gone horribly
wrong in congress. Her continued support of the war despite a constituency opposed to it is arrogance at it’s height. Should she lose what is the worse that can happen? It already has with her blessing.
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