Here are a few thoughts/reactions to the recent violence in the medical marijuana community:
– The major tragedy of the week wasn’t just the murder of Mike Howard, but the lingering questions about why this terrifying act of violence took nearly a week to be reported in the media. It’s hard to believe that an individual who was beaten to within an inch of his life with a crowbar while trying to defend his property wasn’t the top story that evening on Seattle news stations. The answer may lie in the actions of Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies, who – if this account is accurate – didn’t seem very motivated to help the gravely wounded Howard, but instead were more concerned with finding his plants.
– Steve Sarich, the homeowner in Monday morning’s incident, is a bit off. When I first starting following the story of the legislature’s attempts to revamp the medical marijuana law, I had a long, rambling phone conversation with him that lasted about an hour. He was angry, but I couldn’t pin down any specifics on what he was angry about. When it was all said and done, very little of what he said was backed up by anything I could find in the bills online. There were leaps of logic being made that didn’t quite match up with what I was able to find out on my own. Since that time, I’ve kept him at arm’s length, and take the things he says with a grain of salt.
Sarich is definitely the most controversial and polarizing figure in the medical marijuana community. People generally see him as either a hero or a villain. He’s often accused of working with the police to spur raids on other medical marijuana patients who cross him, but he’s also one of the most outspoken critics of law enforcement as well. As curious as I’ve been to know what the reality of that dude is, he’s still mostly an enigma to me.
– I wasn’t too surprised that police found as many plants as they did in Sarich’s house, but I would definitely be surprised if they were all full-grown plants. My understanding of what his CannaCare operation does is that it creates starter plants for other patients to take home and finish growing themselves. That may or may not still be true, but that’s what I’ve been told by several folks who are familiar with it. Is it illegal according to the state law? Probably. Should it be? Absolutely not. This was a profound failure by our legislature not to allow for operations like this to exist openly. By refusing to allow dispensaries, the legislature created this problem. To the extent that Sarich’s neighbors were upset about having this kind of an operation happening on a residential street, they can blame both Frank Chopp and Governor Gregoire, neither of whom took this issue seriously back in 2007 and 2008 when the law was being revised.
– Despite the accusations being thrown at the Pierce County deputies for how they treated a seriously wounded Mike Howard, and at the King County deputies who apparently ransacked Sarich’s residence after the shooting, the statements of both King County Sheriff Sgt. John Urquhart and King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg show that some folks in law enforcement do get it that Sarich and Howard are treated as criminals only because the laws are inadequate.
“By forcing this production to remain underground,” Mr. Satterberg said, “you increase the risk of violence for everybody and you disburse that violence to residential neighborhoods and put everybody at risk.”
This is a lesson that we need the legislature to learn – and learn quickly.
Ummmmmmmm, didn’t Sarich have 3-4 POUNDS of pot at the time of the “invasion”??
One of the side-effects of pot is personality disorders like you describe. Mood swings.
Thanks for giving a great anecdotal example of why NOT to legalize pot.
You are not alone, and many people have found that questioning his interpretation of pretty much anything results in an aggressive overbearing response.
There’s no doubt that he does much good for many WA mmj patients, but I personally find him to be too offensive and hostile to want much to do with him, and his politics have pretty much forced me to apply my activist efforts within other groups.
Having said all that, I am angry to hear about what happened to him, and how it was treated by the media and law enforcement fills me with incredible rage. I wish I were a healthier person, able to do more to advocate for the cause so that I could try to do more to end bullshit like this.
As for what happened to Mike Howard, that is a tragedy that should never have happened, and how the Pierce County LEO handled the situation needs to be fully investigated and accountability enforced. I doubt that will happen, but I am thankful you and others are getting the story out when the mainstream media is mysteriously reluctant to do so.
“As curious as I’ve been to know what the reality of that dude is, he’s still mostly an enigma to me.”
What’s enigmatic about it? It’s obvious what this guy is all about. He’s a self-serving opportunist.
What a drug dealer was killed over his crop? Now way? Crazy.
Kidding aside, it is sad and my condolences to his family. I also think it strange that if he was a “normal” drug dealer there would have been more coverage. Maybe it’s a cover up by the media to not draw attention to the fact that mmj isn’t as safe as folks think.
The King County media is just that, very King County centric (hell, HA doesn’t have a Tacoma blogger). It takes a lot to get them to report on little old Pierce County. It doesn’t surprise me at all that they’ve, largely, skipped over Mike Howard’s case.
Um… I’m not sure that corrupt would be the right word to describe the Pierce County Sheriffs Department, but they do have a social pecking order and I doubt they really give a shit about what happens to a “pot smoking trouble maker” like Mike Howard. They probably think Howard’s killing sets a good example.
As for the good old Tacoma News Tribune, see the previous paragraph. Plus, I think they only have a handful of reporters left and most of them cover lifestyle stuff. Most of the hard news comes from wire services.
Mr Cyclical is all for freedom, unless he disagrees with it.
Just like every other closed minded ditto head.
I mean, really, do are there people who think that not legalizing marijuana will make people stop using it? Guess what Dipshit-ical? Watching your favorite sports team lose causes anger and frustration. So should sports be illegal? No. THAT would be stupid. Using your analogy about pot, sports should be illegal, if you use logic, which you never do.
All marijuana prohibition does is increase criminal activity brought about by the stupid posturing of the Mr. Cyclicals of the world.
Well, it also increases the stupid posturing by the marijuana culture crowd (try living in Olympia, it gets old quick). I would take the wind out of their sails if pot came from The Man instead of it being an (lame) act of defiance of The Man.
“Well, it also increases the stupid posturing by the marijuana culture crowd (try living in Olympia, it gets old quick). I would take the wind out of their sails if pot came from The Man instead of it being an (lame) act of defiance of The Man.”
Which is, of course, part of the reason why it should be relegalized; ‘forbidden fruit’ apparently tastes sweeter than the legally available kind.
But another reason would be the cost savings to the taxpayer, who would no longer be left holding the bag for attempting the impossible (successfully achieving cannabis prohibition).
But then, a lot of LE organizations have become dependent upon those tax revenues for their fiscal ‘fix’, just like a drug addict with something truly addictive, (i.e. heroin),
Needless to say, they are not overjoyed at the prospect of relegalization happening, despite the fact the present economic circumstances are beginning to resemble the same ones that prompted the end of alcohol Prohibition.
So, what’s it gonna be? Unemployment Insurance and housing assistance and job creation for the former members of the Middle Class who desperately need it…or more toys and prisons for the DrugWarriors? We can’t afford to ‘burn the candle at both ends’, anymore…
They’d rather carry national stories on feckless Nancy Pelosi quotes… “We Have to Pass Our Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It”
Isn’t Pierce County another DUMMOCRAPT haven? They even have MSNBC links there.
WTF? Frank Chopp and Governor Gregoire are at fault? What planet you from Lee? Laughable, oh so laughable. You think pot legalization will change things? So Sanich’s personal responsibility to his neighbors and their well being “be damned” because the ends justify the means? So if a stray bullet hit and injured or killed a neighbor, it’s okay with you Lee because Sanich is providing a “needed service”? How “progressive” of you Lee.
Just checking…
WTF? Frank Chopp and Governor Gregoire are at fault? What planet you from Lee? Laughable, oh so laughable. You think pot legalization will change things?
Yes, of course I do. If pot were legalized, people wouldn’t be growing so much of it in residential neighborhoods. Duh!
Puddy, I don’t how many times this has to be explained to you. If you’re not smart enough to understand the topic being discussed, stay out of the conversation. Listen, Puddy, I like you personally, but you’re a profoundly stupid individual. You don’t have the mental chops to make sense of the world around you, and hucksters and charlatans are constantly able to take advantage of that fact.
Please, for the love of god, find another hobby other than political debate. You are horrendously bad at this. You’re not a very smart person. Please, take up badminton, or bocce, or surfing, or something else that doesn’t rely on your very limited critical thinking skills.
Lee queefs
Lebowski said it well earlier this week. Legalization will not change things. People will still grow their own pot. And… people will still try to steal other people’s pot if they think they can get away with it and not pay the higher legal pot cost and taxes. So how many neighborhoods have pot growing operations in them Lee? Puddy knows his doesn’t. Why? Well let’s say being on Puddy’s Homeowners Board has it’s advantages.
So why Lee do you think people break into homes and steal things? If you are prone to do the crime legalization will not stop you, one iota!
You “progressives” live in a strange reservation! Regarding the rest of your rant… go pound some salt since you gave marijuana up. 3/4 of the libtardo rants here are useless. Butt they get a pass from Lee.
Lebowski said it well earlier this week. Legalization will not change things. People will still grow their own pot.
Yes, they might still grow pot for themselves, but they won’t be running larger scale distribution outlets from their home. It will be the same dynamic as with home brews. Do you ever see lots of customer traffic going in and out of a person’s home who’s brewing their own beer? No, of course not, because the vast majority of people don’t buy their beer from people who brew at home. The same thing will be true for marijuana once it’s legal. A large scale producer can make it for a fraction of the current price, so even with taxes, buying it over the counter will be cheaper than it is now.
And… people will still try to steal other people’s pot if they think they can get away with it and not pay the higher legal pot cost and taxes.
Absolutely not. People don’t steal pot for their own consumption. They steal it to make money re-selling it. And in a legalized environment, criminals won’t be able to make money this way. How often do beer distributors get robbed by people who then go stand on a street corner and sell the cases themselves? Duh!
So why Lee do you think people break into homes and steal things?
Usually to find valuable things that they can re-sell or to fund their expensive drug habits. Drug legalization would actually reduce break-ins on both fronts!
Once again, this cannot be stressed enough. If you’re not smart enough to understand these things, find a more productive hobby for your time.
Where’s the data for that? By some estimates, there are about 800 marijuana dispensaries open for business in LA, and people are still growing it BIG TIME in California residential neighborhoods; some for personal consumption, some to sell. Why not call it a “dietary supplement” and sell it at GNC?
Oh so burglars and robbers steal to feed “drug habits”? Who knew all those caught thieves were really drug addicts? Did you personally interview them at Monroe or Walla Walla Lee?
And you have the temerity to complain about my commentary.
March Madness?
screw the potheads…GO ZAGS!
Where’s the data for that?
Look at how alcohol distribution works, dummy.
By some estimates, there are about 800 marijuana dispensaries open for business in LA, and people are still growing it BIG TIME in California residential neighborhoods
Of course they do! Because there are no regulations for growing it commercially yet, you buffoon! Is this seriously your attempt to prove to everyone that you’re smart enough to get involved in these debates?
Oh so burglars and robbers steal to feed “drug habits”?
Many of them do, yes. Are you actually questioning that?
Who knew all those caught thieves were really drug addicts?
Not every burglar is, but many are. My god, you really are a moron.
And you have the temerity to complain about my commentary.
Once again, you are not smart enough to engage in these debates. You can keep trying – over and over again – and every single time, you’ll just be embarrassing yourself even more.
As I said before, please try to find a hobby that more aptly suits your skill set – maybe fly fishing or model cars or dog grooming. You simply aren’t smart enough to engage in these discussions. Everyone knows it – except you. At this point, I just feel sorry for you. You’re not a bad person. You’re just dumb. Deal with it.
Quick note to Puddy, off-topic comments will be removed. You can either debate the current topic, or find something else to do. I don’t have time to re-hash old debates that you already lost.
Yet Lee later farts when confronted about people growing MJ in their neightborhoods for distribution…
Let the reader decide!
Where’s the rebuttal here?
Are you going to try to argue any of my points, or have you entered the complete meltdown phase of your attempts to embarrass yourself today?
As I’ve had to say repeatedly, if you don’t understand the arguments I’m making, it may be time for you to find something more productive to do with your time.
And then
So what is it fool? Do people still grow Pot in neighborhoods for large scale distribution or not when it’s available in medical dispensaries? Of course they do. You haven’t proven anything to refute Puddy’s charge. It’s all standard Lee bluster. There are still drug wars in CA over neighborhood growing and distribution.
Wow, now Lee is personally editing Puddy posts. Puddy sees how Lee operates when caught! They are still in the Puddy cache!
NUFF SAID Sucka! Gotta go!
So what is it fool? Do people still grow Pot in neighborhoods for large scale distribution or not when it’s available in medical dispensaries?
It’s not fully legal yet in California. Dispensaries are legal, but the way to supply the dispensaries is not defined yet. And if it’s done commercially, the DEA can more easily go after it. That’s why it’s still being grown in many residential areas.
Once again, I don’t know how many times I have to say this. If you’re not smart enough to understand this stuff, please find something else to do. Stop wasting people’s time in these comment threads.
Wow, now Lee is personally editing Puddy posts. Puddy sees how Lee operates when caught! They are still in the Puddy cache!
I’ve only removed things that are off-topic. You will not be allowed to change the subject just because you embarrassed yourself again. Either you can leave this comment thread right now, or you will have to explain why you’ve been making a thoroughly nonsensical argument throughout the thread.
Puddy came back to remind everyone of Lee’s first comment above…
Yet here’s is Lee’s poor attempt to answer
Embarrassed over what? You made an assertion and had no proof. The pictures you supplied in the link made your argument even worse. No proof at all so you erase the evidence of your lack of proof!
P R I C E L E S S!
Um, if it’s legal, the DEA can’t go after it.
Seriously, are you trying to prove that you’re the stupidest fucking person on the face of the earth? If so, you’re succeeding with amazing ease.
Once again, we can do this all day. I can continually point out how stupid you are, and you can continually make nonsensical arguments. But why? I only take the time to do this for you about 2-3 times a year. But you’re in here making an ass of yourself every day.
Why do you do it? What’s so important to you about being seen as one of Seattle’s stupidest residents? Why is that so valuable to you? What benefit do you gain from having large numbers of people know that you’re intellectually challenged? You clearly aren’t making any money for it. You clearly shouldn’t be proud of it. What’s the motivation? Are you trying to win some kind of contest for stupidity? Is there a record you’re going after?
Puddy’s back. You have thrown so much shit up it’s tedious to list.
Really? Compassionate Use Act, AKA Prop 215 was passed 1996 and law was amended in 2003 to allow collectives to grow marijuana as well. How does Puddy know all of this? My brother-in-law has cancer.
1) Who is discussing commercial growers except you? Puddy is discussing gang bangers in LA. They are growing MJ in neighborhoods and involved in the continual drug gang wars around their selling turf. So Steve Sadich is a commercially registered grower?
2) Since the Odumba Administration announced last October they will not seek arrests for peeps following state laws why are they going to prosecute as you claim? You and your circular logic reminds Puddy of how Don Joe argues here.
For example dipshit Lee where it’s legal – Marin County allows up to six mature plants, and/or a half-pound dried marijuana. Sonoma County permits possession of three pounds of marijuana, and allows up to 99 plants. So are these peeps commercial growers per your feckless argument above? Or are they growing it for their personal use? Who knows. Sonoma County set the rules. You are the stupidest drug warrior known to man! Butt look at LA County where the gang bangers congregate.
Then Puddy asked
Yet when challenged on your generalization you “amended” your comment to
Where are the statistics on the total number of burglars and robbers vs the number of them drug addicts? All Puddy sees is conjecture.People break into home to steal things for their personal use and sell them for cash. Of course Puddy won’t see statistics.
Nah he lives in Everett. But he loves health care and education in Seattle for some strange reason.
Strange because it conflicts with his dumbass political views.
Excellent Puddy post @25. Final proof that Lee’s March Madness is Lee’s reefer madness.
(Starvation Army has a good 6-month treatment program, Lee. 4th Ave. Check it, as they say, out.)
be easy on Lee…he’s stoned.
Weed fucks with neurotransmitters, permanently altering the chemistry of the brain.
Aggression and psychosis are a result of marijuana addiction.
Marijuana is addictive.
There have been more than 6,000 studies to the health benefits of marijuana and none has recommended smoking weed for medical purposes.
There are more carcinogens in a joint than in a tobacco cigarette.
The use of marijuana has a negative affect on fertility.
Smoking weed harms the heart and lungs.
Marijuana addiction is the number one reason adolescents are admitted into drug treatment programs.
The concept of first-time marijuana offenders clogging the judicial system and filling prisons is a myth.
Smoking weed is a passive activity, establishes a pattern towards drug/alcohol abuse as the natural need to alter one’s consciousness is fulfilled through non-active means…
@ 29
One of the wonders provided by the Internet is the almost instant ability to provide links to studies cited in comments used to justify positions. Do you have any such links? I really would like to see them, as I strongly doubt all your premises.
If you can’t provide them, don’t expect anyone with an above-room-temperature IQ to believe you. As they used to tell me in the Signal Corps, “The burden of communication is upon the communicator.”
They also used to tell me about ‘signal-to-noise’ ratio; right now, on the drug prohibitionist side, it appears to be almost all (emotional) noise, not much (factual) signal. Which is why so many otherwise neutral people are tuning it out, and considering voting for measures leading to relegalization.
Because here’s only so much insult to intellect anyone will tolerate, and the drug prohibitionists have reached the public’s limit. It’s ‘raise or call’. Let’s see those ‘cards’…
Don’t have time to link the sources you request, research it for yourself and utilize journal articles and reliable databases rather than all the bullshit pothead stoner websites. Here’s a start:
You have time to talk about things you don’t have time to offer links about? Sorry, not going to do your legwork for you.
If you can’t back up your statements, don’t make them. The link you offer is for an article that’s so full of weasel-wording that it doesn’t dare make any definitive statements (such as ‘cannabis WILL cause psychotic behavior!’) but instead remains safely ambiguous…as does most prohibitionist-leaning organizations are wont to do when they try to bamboozle the public. (And the sampling left a lot to be desired, as it only looked at people with an average age of 20 years.)
It’s still raise or call, and you still haven’t shown your cards.