I guess can kicking budget is better than no budget. And the legislature passed a can-kicking-no-new-taxes budget. There will surely come a point when the legislature’s being in contempt for failing to do their job will actually make them act, right? Right?
Republicans continue to pretend that government doesn’t cost anything and you can have schools, roads, fight forest fires, etc., without paying taxes.
The rationale for this nonsense is that you can’t have public services and jobs at the time same. I’m sure looking forward to Republicans running against Obama’s economic record this fall.
“Private companies are continuing to add jobs, with 200,000 new positions created in March, according to the latest count from payrolls processor ADP and Moody’s Analytics. …
“‘The job market continues on its amazing streak. The March job gain of 200,000 is consistent with average monthly job growth of the past more than four years,’ Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s, said in a statement. ‘All indications are that the job machine will remain in high gear.'”
Hmmm, yeah, but that depends on Democrats remaining in charge, because any honest statistician will tell you that job creation is much higher under Democrats than Republicans. So why would anyone even think of voting Republican?
Another terrible day for market timers and shorts: The Dow is up 130 points, S&P and Nasdaq even more! My stocks have a positive return of around $12,500 this year, an average of over $4,000 a month. You know what? I’ll take that over working a lousy backbreaking $15/hr. job any day! And if Bickle threatens to replace me with a robot, I’ll reply, “bring on the robots!” Cuz I’m gonna own the robots. That’s what capitalists do, we own the means of production, so we don’t have to work! All I do is sit on my fat rabbit ass posting on HA and cashing dividend checks as they roll in. I assume Bickle does the same thing because he spends all his time here ranting about the evils of paying low-wage workers enough to live on and doesn’t appear to be doing any productive work.
Trump rallies are turning into “Cabaret” movie sets:
“A teenage girl was allegedly sexually assaulted and pepper-sprayed outside of a Donald Trump campaign rally in Janesville, Wisconsin on Tuesday, according to the Janesville Police Department. In a statement, the police department said: ‘A 15 year [old] girl from Janesville was peppered sprayed in the crowd by a non-law enforcement person … A male in the (crowd) groped the 15 year [old] girl, when she pushed him away; another person in the (crowd) sprayed her. We are currently looking for two suspects, one for the sexual assault and one for the pepper spray.’ A 19-year-old woman from Madison, Wisconsin also received ‘2nd hand spray,’ the police said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yep, Trump supporters make fine little Nazis. Imagine what’ll happen to your sisters if they get into power. Especially if you’re Muslim or Hispanic.
Here’s what Washington is getting for the $8.7 billion of tax breaks the legislature doled out to Boeing.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Boeing stock and personally profits from this outrage. In fact, Boeing has never been more profitable than it is right now, and last year I got a nifty 25% dividend increase while workers got pink slips and taxpayers got the shaft! Hey, I didn’t create this system, I only live in it. Somebody’s gonna get rich from it, so that might as well be me. I’ll still keep voting for progressives no matter how filthy greedy rich I become from dirty rotten corrupt corporate socialism masquerading as “capitalism.” I simply believe it’s better to be on the receiving end than the paying end, that’s all.)
@1 kind of like the way white trash takes care of their mobile homes or tiny little homes….you ever go thru a southern white trash neighborhood, where they are using a temporary tarp instead of shingles for roofing, only it’s not temporary and it is the tarp remains in place for years….that’s kind of what they Republican politicians think the rest of American, other than their little personal villas, should look like.
Hey Rog – you keeping a watchful eye on Puffy’s 7 indices of his investment plan? Maybe he’ll wait till the Dow is at 19,000 to put his pinkie toes in the water….or maybe he’ll wait till Crud is President?
You beat me to it @3
@4 G-Money must have decided to go to Wisconsin instead of Maine to try impregnate the womenz.
“Imagine what’ll happen to your sisters if they get into power. Especially if you’re Muslim or Hispanic.”
Pussy galore!
@7 All I know is, if he’s still out of the market, he’s making zero. That may help explain why he still has a day job instead of lounging around all day like me.
Brought to you by the people keeping the minimum wage at $7.25 an hour:
“A budget plan being considered in the U.S. House of Representatives would slash spending on the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) by more than $150 billion over the next decade.
“That would have a devastating impact on the nation’s poorest and most vulnerable citizens, according to a report from the left-leaning Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP).
“The plan approved by the House Budget Committee this month would cut funding for SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, by more than 20 percent. It includes three major reductions that would take food assistance benefits away from about 3 million low-income people including working families, senior citizens and adults and children with disabilities.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s no such thing as a compassionate conservative. They’re all Social Darwinists who favor Stalinist labor policies and mass starvation as a means of social control.
“CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article incorrectly said that Clinton used two different email addresses, sometimes interchangeably, as secretary of state. She used only hdr22@clintonemail.com as secretary of state. Also, an earlier version of this article reported that 147 FBI agents had been detailed to the investigation, according to a lawmaker briefed by FBI Director James B. Comey. Two U.S. law enforcement officials have since told The Washington Post that figure is too high. The FBI will not provide an exact figure, but the officials say the number of FBI personnel involved is fewer than 50.”
Rake. Let me introduce you to stupid fucking idiot’s face. I think you’ll be spending a lot of time together.
I don’t understand why the WA Supreme Court doesn’t put our legislatures in jail until they come up with a budget that satisfies the state constitution. The Republicans in the Senate will never compromise on tax increases, and McCleary will never be funded. The only way is to either put them in jail or fine them personally. Fining the state is a joke. It doesn’t mean anything and it doesn’t get the nutjobs to budge.
I’m not sure if throwing cult members into jail at what is clearly the peak of their crisis of cult belief would produce progress either.
Perhaps the answer lies in helping the cult members produce a revised version of their collective delusion that moves the ball toward the goal line. Some version of a budget, with significantly increased funding for public education from new revenues, that the cult believers can make fit into a moderately revised cult orthodoxy. Putting cult leaders in jail, at a time when the cult is in the midst of an internal crisis, may only harden their devotion to the failed belief system.
For the sake of kids, Washington voters have to face the reality that they are married to a crazy person. Separation and divorce will take some time. Meanwhile, the crazy spouse is experiencing dangerously florid bouts of PTSD. I hear there is a board certified psychiatrist in Seattle with extensive experience treating PTSD, and decades of government budgetary experience in Congress retiring at the end of this year. Something to think about.
Why is it I never hear the left use the term “religious fanatics”?
@15 do you mean the right? Because when the self righteous use that word they aren’t including themselves just dem moooslims
“Why is it I never hear the left use the term “religious fanatics”?”
I use it often enough when I talk about right-wing extremist Christians. With approximately 2.2 billion Christians in the world, most of them good and decent people just going about living their lives, causing no problems, it’s a shame to let the fire-breathing, hate-filled extremists like our loon tar all of Christianity. Same goes for Islam.
So apparently it’s not 147, it’s fewer.
However, headlines like this:
There are dozens of FBI agents involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation
are the result. Does that really sound less bad than “There are 147 FBI agents…?”, DR? Really?
And lefty-friendly pieces like this:
The private server was also controversial because Clinton and her lawyers tried to “wipe” it before turning it over to the FBI, forcing the agency to employ forensic techniques to retrieve the data. The LA Times writes that the FBI has recovered “most, if not all” of the emails that Clinton and her lawyers deleted from the server before turning it over to the FBI in August.
are penned as a result.
It’s still out there. She’s cratering and Bernie’s rising. At some point Bernie may end up saying he regrets what he said about her emails during the first debate, because had he taken her to task for it, he’d be in better shape and she’d be in worse shape.
Only in the world of HA libbies is it a crowning achievement that they get to point out that their likely presidential nominee is being investigated by dozens of FBI agents, instead of more than a hundred.
Well done, DR. Well done.
Shorter version of what I just wrote:
John McQuaid
Politico source says Washington Post source is wrong that 147 FBI agents are checking into Hillary’s email. So … ? http://politi.co/22IS1u6
YLB’s gonna be doing some shopping this weekend, I see.
Mind that rake, Forrest!
“Fewer than 50”
You idiots have lost 101 FBI agents! Where’d they go, Forrest? What the fuck did you do?
Leave ’em in your other pants?
And it could be more! Since “fewer than 50” includes zero. Obviously not likely. But then again, since your operating thesis is that Lynch is in the bag, and that somehow they are “influencing” Comey, who really knows? Not you. And certainly not Trey Gowdy, who after all has now been caught red-handed just making the shit up. Making it up, as in lying.
So you pass along lies. What’s that make you again?
Oh, right.
So where do you clowns go from here? What happens if there is no indictment? What’s the end game? Gowdy and his staff are feeding bullshit to Chris Cillizza, that he dutifully passes along as “well sourced”. Which feeds nicely into your conspiratorial delusions. But beyond that, how does any of this manufactured political theater help you redeem your entire fucking political philosophy which, in case you haven’t noticed, is augering in as I write this. Your nominee just hours ago announced that he will jail women who seek abortions. I’m amazed he finds the time, as busy as he must be defending his staff from assault charges. And the day’s not over yet. Are you missing this shit?
So next year, your plan is to go into the wilderness, take off your shirts, beat drums, and complain about “the fix being in” to keep the pant-suited femi-nazi out of handcuffs? Where does that lead? A series of “show trial” hearings in The House? Just the sort of inspiring agenda to bring the tribes together.
What the fuck happened to you fools? Used to be, even if you clowns couldn’t govern for shit, you still managed to do the politics rather well. Now look at yourselves. Holy fuck! It’s embarrassing to watch. Fun, sure. But embarrassing still.
Well done, indeed. Whoops, I’m outa popcorn.
Fewer than 50 includes zero. Except that the FBI has acknowledged an investigation exists and is active.
Items 15 and 23.
Oh. Your anonymous source stating fewer than 50 is contradicting another anonymous source who provided WaPo with the 147 figure. But whatever.
@ 20
Now look at yourselves. Holy fuck! It’s embarrassing to watch. Fun, sure. But embarrassing still.
In pretty much full agreement with you there.
@18 “She’s cratering and Bernie’s rising.”
That’s okay with me. I’d rather have a socialist than another Wall Street butt-kisser in the White House anyway. I’m willing to pay taxes on my Wall Street loot. After all, I don’t do anything to earn it. My take today was $1,600. That works out to $200/hr for doing nothing. Meanwhile, you sit here bitching about paying $15/hr to people who actually work and produce something. What did you produce today, Boob?
“Fewer than 50 includes zero. Except that the FBI has acknowledged an investigation exists and is active.”
Quick review of @20 gives us:
“Since “fewer than 50” includes zero. Obviously not likely. ”
Forgive me for not fully stating the obvious. I forget sometimes how deliberately obtuse “conservatives” can be.
“Oh. Your anonymous source stating fewer than 50 is contradicting another anonymous source who provided WaPo with the 147 figure. But whatever.”
150 source: anonymous lawmaker briefed by Comey. That’d be Gowdy, who was indeed briefed by Comey prior to the original reporting. Political agenda much? This is the guy who already admitted that the purpose of his Committee hearing was to damage Clinton politically.
Fewer than 50 source: Two U.S. law enforcement officials from the FBI. The guys running the investigation. Same guys who’ve been dealing with Gowdy’s misinformation and rumor peddling from the start. Career civil servants who are trying to stay out of Gowdy’s political circus while keeping the record honest. They’ve got their work cut out for them. Especially since even in the last hour dildonista rantroids have continued to report Gowdy’s inflated number, despite the correction.
Another Republican Mission Accomplished!
Stirs up the rubes. But to what end? Romney won, what, 65% of white people? Fat lot ‘o good it did him. This Clinton Conspiracy Saga plays well with older white men. So does Home Depot. So with this strategy you idiots can win the election for President of Home Depot. Whoopeee!
Unregulated capitalism, Texas style:
“The owner of a Dallas-area hospice ordered nurses to increase drug dosages for patients to speed their deaths and maximize profits, according to an FBI affidavit.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if he stole their gold teeth, too? Well, that’s free enterprise for you.
This must be what the dildonista mean when they keep talking about “cuckservatives”.
Now I get it.
There are Dozens. “Does that really sound less bad than “There are 147 FBI agents…?”, DR? Really?”
I don’t know, I guess it depends if you count the two pinky toes.
Let’s see previous headline said 147 (did it?) and it was wrong? Now headline says Dozens. So is dozens right now? And how many dozens? Ten Dozens? Two dozens?
Ok let’s ask the question again, here goes – Does that really sound less bad than “There are 147 FBI agents…?”, DR? Really?
I still don’t know. Not sure if I should include my thumbs this time.
Does the FBI trump the CIA or Pentagon or State Department?
Honest question. Does FBI have authority to all classified information?
“Only in the world of HA libbies is it a crowning achievement that they get to point out that their likely presidential nominee is being investigated by dozens of FBI agents, instead of more than a hundred.”
No – I think the crowning achievement is that I will not be voting for one of two Nazis or any other fucking moron Republican.
@26 was it you who had use the term ballgag in the comment thread? I never heard of that, so I had to google it.
Then two hours ago a friend called me and he two used the word. It must be going around, probably because of the current political climate, so let’s thank Republicans for giving ballgag a greater awareness.
My friend asked me if I ever saw some movie. But I didn’t see the movie. It’s a popular movie that I recognized when he said it but it escapes me now – I’m not s big movie buff or goer.
“What the fuck happened to you fools? Used to be, even if you clowns couldn’t govern for shit, you still managed to do the politics rather well. Now look at yourselves. Holy fuck! It’s embarrassing to watch. Fun, sure. But embarrassing still.”
MSNBC, Chris Mathews had a town hall with Drump. I was watching the one with Kasich right before it. As soon as the one with Kasich was over and they announced the Drumpf one I picked up the remote and hit off.
Not sure how msnbc could even entertain having the pig on. Obama was right. They could do a lot of reporting of who Drumpf is without giving him any air time. They obviously need some ratings.
“my amazing wife of nearly 20 years, a loving and dedicated mom, a sweet compassionate daughter, a gifted 27-year communications professional, and friend.”
Sounds like he might be having sex with the Governor too – a three way. Maybe even others involved and there is a gang bang going on here. Maybe she even has a ballgag. Or the Govrnor or the hubby wears it.
Poor Drumpf, can’t even figure out how to pander
Of course he doesn’t really mean much of what he says
@25 one less person in TexASS the better.
@33 I’m with you I don’t believe he believes anything he says. He’s got them all fooled. And to beat that, everything he says is what The other Republican candidates would like to say but can’t. Why? Ironically, because of the political correctness that they hate, or at least what they deem to be political correctness.
Republicans deem political correctness as not being able to say fag, nigger, spic, towel head, etc…, not being able to be down right fuckheads.
Instead of what political correctness really is.
Thanks for the “updates” on the latest Clinton “investigation”.
I find Clinton investigations hilarious!
Remember that Arkansas real estate scandal investigation that uncovered a blow job? Shocking!
PS. What’s going on with fast and furious?
Not that any of this should surprise us. But this is telling:
Regarding Trump’s domination of the GOP primary and the network’s reaction to it, Senior Fox Host Gutfeld says this:
“On any given day, we have tension over this nomination, over this candidate. You can look at our network as a whole, which is — don’t look at me — but you can look at this network, where we are having issues within a family of anchors over this stuff.”
My question is this: Why the fuck should it matter? If you were actual, for-realsies journalists it wouldn’t. It’s news. You cover it. If a cult-like political party of old white men is having an existential crisis you cover it as news. You don’t react to it emotionally and experience “strife” or “issues”. What the fuck does the implosion of The Republican Party have to do with your “family” of news anchors? This is ridiculous.
We can all stop pretending, or even agreeing to let others pretend, that FOX News is anything other than a Republican party communication organ. I know it’s been obvious for a long time. But these idiots aren’t supposed to admit it to the point of whinging about it. Now FOX viewers have to pretend that he never said this in order to maintain their pretense of being “informed” – instead of what they really are: Fleeced.
@37 “Now FOX viewers have to pretend that he never said this in order to maintain their pretense of being ‘informed’ – instead of what they really are: Duped.”
“I find Clinton investigations hilarious!”
Don’t forget profitable. Books, audio tapes, DVDs, and millions and millions of column inches of news print.
As I see it, what’s missing is graphic novels and coloring books. Could earn millions, considering the average cognitive capacity and the short attention span of Teapublican Birfers. Maybe something in the style of Classics Illustrated. They’d sell themselves.
Too bad I can’t draw for shit.
Thank you, Drumpf!
“It’s one of the most controversial things to say on Capitol Hill, sparking looks of shock and disbelief: The House majority is in play this fall.”
Seems to be some job openings for Puffy.
This guy should be the next President!
Mass shooting at Greyhound bus station in Richmond, Virginia. Details are sketchy, but apparently state police were conducting a training exercise there when a civilian opened fire on them. ABC News reports 3 injured and shooter in custody. CBS News indicates up to 6 people were shot, including a woman in critical condition, and the shooter may be dead.
AOL News says 6 people were shot, and a state trooper and the suspect are dead. NBC News says 4 people were shot, and the trooper is “severely injured” with life-threatening injuries, but is not dead.
A Seventh-Day-Adventist Church school Principal has been arrested and charged with multiple counts of Child Molestation after at least two pre-teenage girls have accused him of raping them.
Hell, isn’t that the basic purpose of Religion in the first place? These little girls should be thankful that God selected them to provide sexual pleasure to a 55 year old leader of their Church.
Of course, now the real possibility that their homes will be firebombed and their families run out of town for denouncing a “good and honest and Godly man”. Not to mention the fact that they are now probably pariahs in their Church community and their School. Their Church leadership will be calling them whores and sluts and probably try to excommunicate them for being such wanton harlots that refused to control themselves.
@45 those slutty bitches, they obviously weren’t following the teaching of the church.
They need to say two Our Fathers and four Hail Marys. What’s wrong with this fuckng world.
“A Seventh-Day-Adventist Church school Principal has been arrested and charged with multiple counts of Child Molestation”
The loon’s cult. Figures.
@37 “Why the fuck should it matter? If you were actual, for-realsies journalists it wouldn’t.”
Well, they’re not, unless we as a society have agreed on a novel definition of the term.
Thanks GE. Don’t let the door hit you in your ass. Maybe we’ll do better without you. See you you you assholes.
Fairfield University, Developer Have Plans For GE Site http://cour.at/1MFeXmG
Oh snap!
I think this might put that troll down for the 10 count.
What’s next? Carson whoring himself to a white supremacist?
Oh. Right.
So QPPS, Mormonism isn’t Christianity? With all the horse manure you incessantly post… Must be you are an atheist.
Thanks for clarifying that QPPS
What is lost on the Oregon moron is you used the WA Post for the 147 FBI agents, a libtard e-rag. If Fox News was used, then maybe just maybe the Oregon moron could rag on about the conservative news org being wrong. The Wa Post is a libtard source, hence his commentary is just more of the standard south of the border BULLSHITTIUM!
@45 Sounds a lot like Pakistan.
Nope Carl there is a reason why they call doing the budget sausage making. You may not want to know all the ingredients and how long some spent on the floor being stepped on.
@1 This is also known as the Jesus effect. Jesus or God will provide. Of course Jesus is really the guy in the field or dairy farm or picking up trash, putting on a roof and although he may be here illegally Jesus does pay taxes.
Yes being a politician requires a belief in unicorns and rainbows. Which maybe why many politicians enjoy a bit of whatever is in the drinking gourd. (Warning to some the liquid in the drinking gourd is not water and will burn all the way down.)
@3 Capitalist rabbit! Rabbit Warbucks! Adopting any orphans?
Workers unite! Power to the workers! Hmmm more and more automation. Same problem Marx and Engels looked at. Never expected that Ford to pay his workers high enough wages to buy his automobile. Still put the buggy whip companies out of work, and a lot of companies building cars for the rich.
@13 The short answer is they can’t. The governor would have to order their arrest on behalf of the court. The actual folks who need to something are the voters who should some democrats or republicans out of office resolving the impasse. Will we do that?
@15 Because the left is worldly and not bucolic.
@21 ect Hey are all these confidential sources sharing classified information? The smoking man is alive and well. I’m calling Mulder and Scully. Ahh the pitter patter or the Washington rumor dance. If the Democrats loose Clinton gets a get out of jail card, if they win the dance continues. Watch Bill dance to the Taco Cats he has got the moves! Will there be hot White House interns or will Bill be spending most of his time at the alternative executive digs in New York?
@28 If they have a need to know.
No missing FBI agents hiding under my cushions. I was hoping for a cute one. Do FBI agents know what ball gags are? They do if they watch Archer. I bet they watch, but would never admit it. No missing FBI agent to ask.
Notice idiots like the Oregon moron and QPPS don’t want to dwell on the email facts that Clinton is under a REAL investigation!
Oh and Heilary’s Benghazi “it was a video” lie to the four parents and families is going to be front and center too!
See ya!
I see that the loon woke up spewing incoherent hate again. Must suck to live that way.
must suck to have to read it. I see the timestamps, etc. And they are rather alarming.
But I’m sure there’s a perfectly innocent reason that troll is up so early in the morning.
Meeting in the north end so came home to the comedy twins of QPPS and Oregon moron running away from Puddy…
… spewing coherent FACTS again!
Meeting in the north end so came home to the comedy twins of QPPS and Oregon moron running away from Puddy…
… spewing coherent FACTS again!