I didn’t go to the University of Washington, but because I went to a school with no athletic department to speak of, I tend to root for them in college athletic competition. I mean, I mostly ignore college athletics. But when I get drawn into a game, they’re at the top of who I root for. That’s to say, holy cats, what a game from the UW Women’s basketball team yesterday. They got an early lead and never fell behind after that. It has been quite a run, and now they’re in the final 4, where they face Syracuse.
The Berniebros were all smug on Saturday. I remember when kids pushed their icons Bill and Hillary from obscurity to the top of the democratic ticket in ’92. The next year, they abandoned them, and we got the contract on America. The next generation brought Obama to the top of the ticket from nowhere. The next year, we got the TeaParty congress. Those of us that were out for Her, pointed out that they will have to commit to voting every 2 years if they hope to accomplish anything. We were given a two thumbs up and a “we got this” full of all the smugness you can imagine. But we’ve seen this before.
@1 That’s always been the Democrats’ problem. Their supporters think they can win elections without bothering to vote. And Republicans are always happy to help Democrats not vote. Especially black Democrats living in the South, although why any black person would stay in the South any longer than it takes to pack a suitcase is beyond me.
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal may be a Republican, but he’s not totally stupid like the rest of his party, and decided he’d rather piss off his party’s bigots than lose a lot of business. He vetoed his Republican legislature’s attempt to pass a law legalizing discrimination against LGBT people.
@1 maybe that’s because Clinton signed NAFTA, the ’94 crime bill, and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell — all in swift succession? Hard to keep the base psyched for the midterm with that track record. And Obama The Candidate only appeared once every four years, then turned around and started droning Americans to death without trial? Both of our last two Democratic presidents have been members of the “Please Don’t Make Me Compromise Too Hard” club to boot. The real problem is that a lot of the young idealists have a mental picture of a candidate who doesn’t exist, so they get excited when the rhetoric comes out, then apathetic when instead of the leftward shift they expected, there’s still a shift to the right… only a bit more slowly than if a Republican were in office.
Your language is full of tells. It’s not “smug” to celebrate one victory after being piled on by the Milquetoast Left insisting that Sanders should drop out (because having a discussion of the direction of the party would be baaad!) and the Media insisting the contest is over because nuance and research makes their jobs difficult. Or the way that you imply that (capital-“H”) Her turn has come, as if that’s a compelling reason to elect anybody ever. Why won’t those damned kids get off your lawn, anyway? Maybe because they’re tired of the same old Center-Right Blahs that the Democrats have been pushing since the early ’90s?
Not much has changed in China. They’re still a gang of communist thugs.
“A Chinese dissident writer said Monday that police in his hometown are holding three of his siblings in retaliation for an article he wrote condemning the detention of a fellow writer linked to the investigation of an anonymous letter online calling for the Chinese president’s resignation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Which reminds me … one of the current U.S. presidential contenders said he’ll kill the families of terrorists. Does anyone expect this guy to dispute with the Chinese? Nah, he’ll have drinks with them. They think too much alike to fight.
Trump University is only the tip of the iceberg. The Donald has been sued literally hundreds of times.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t buy a condo from this man. You may be left holding an empty lot.
If they get past Syracuse, they will not get past UCONN!
No wonder Boob disappeared – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....3a9b489425
Headline du jour:
147 FBI agents involved in Clinton email probe
Remember, the Fox News pieces have to do with the emails she DIDN’T delete.
FBI likely has the ones she once thought she deleted. Like, with a cloth.
This isn’t Fox News.
@9 HAHAHAHAHAHA look who’s baaaack!!!
Meanwhile, Republicons are grifting vulnerable elderly people.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If a siding salesman did this, he’d go to jail.
down from the tree and his psych hold expired.
We should expect another relapse just as soon as Trump wins Wisconsin.
Hey Boob!
Are you going to sign the petition?
C’mon now. You know as well as Wayne LaPierre that a “Gun Free Zone” is the most dangerous place on earth. And that sending children to school in a “Gun Free Zone” is like sending them to be slaughtered. So why would it be okay to send the RNC delegates into a “Gun Free Zone” death trap?
Sign the petition now, Boob. Do it for FREEDOM!
Which conveys a stronger message of peace through strength? Open carry at RNC? Or having James Taylor sing after Paris?
according to your NRA it’s about safety. Not about “open carry”. Ohio is already an open carry state. Your arena is a “Gun Free Zone”. The most dangerous place on earth.
The RNC is asking delegates, ticket holders, and their families to run a deadly urban gauntlet unarmed in order to attend their nominating convention. This isn’t about symbolism. It’s about saving lives!
Knowing that the arena is a politically correct “Gun Free Zone”, BernieBots, #BLMthugs, ISIS, as well as a random assortment of aggrieved radicals and roving bands of urban criminals will descend on the arena neighborhood to feed on the vulnerable convention goers. Thanks to your cringing political correctness these decent, wholesome, patriotic, “conservatives” will have no means of protecting themselves.
Back in the 1980s, in New York City, there was a landlord from hell and his name was Donald J. Trump.
@14 So now Republicans are the peace party? You do have a sense of humor, Boob. In a manner of speaking …
Mrs. Rabbit just pointed out that Trump’s colossal accomplishment of this campaign is to make Cruz look desirable by comparison.
@2 Of course you are leaving out the whole subject of gerrymandering that both parties take part in at the state and local levels. Both parties like safe non competitive districts. Once in office politicians are pretty safe these days unless their district is eliminated.
There are blacks in the south who are wealthy or are land owners and some of those are Republicans for the same reasons white rich folks are. It can be tough to leave family, church, community, moon pies, and RC cola to join the diaspora. After all Syrians didn’t start leaving in droves until sometime after the shooting started, and the neighborhood got all shot up.
@4 Yep it’s a good thing the kids are still on the Democratic lawn. Please give them a few port of johns.
Then there are John Kerry’s comments today. I like Mr. Kerry but his commenting on the ugliness of the Republican primaries is not needed. They are not his parties primaries. As ugly as the Republican primaries are he should be concerned they are generating excitement on the Republican side that can only be sidelined if the party splits. It’s some good old fashioned politics. Something that Abe Lincoln did participate in particularly when the convention happened.
Mr. Kerry as Secretary of State has a job to remind those foreign dignitaries that this is American politics and that a debate is happening in the Republican party. The fact of the matter foreign countries and dignitaries have problems with American politics because every 4 years a sea change can happen. That makes America less reliable in their eyes. Since Presidents tend to rely on their own political friends and allies to be ambassadors rather than the folks at state who have years of experience this continuously gives the US a black eye. So yes I do think Mr. Kerry is being disingenuous and few other nations Secretary of State would have said such a thing publicly, and he needs to be having some serious chats with those folks who have expressed their concerns after all that is the job of Secretary of State….after all there will be a new President in the White House come next year, and even if it’s Hilary Clinton some will have those concerns he has expressed.
@3 Could be he read Georgia’s constitution and decided the law is unconstitutional. I always find it amazing when legislators pass something that is patently unconstitutional and yet can say with straight faces it’s constitutional. While in some cases a state highest court will call it, but usually that court will punt and then it takes several years before the law finds its way in front of the court again. Or even goes to the US Supreme Court where there will be a comment if only the State Courts would enforce their states constitution.
I think college athletics are important and that intercollegiate sports have their place. Still many universities sports programs have too much influence and power, and detract from a universities purpose. Nothing says that more when couches make more than the university president or any professor, and some are the highest paid state employee in a state.
With some exceptions where the schools basketball or football program actually does bring in the dough students at most schools make up the difference and pay a significantly higher student fee to the university, and this adds to their college debt, and just by attending the university they have to pay.
@15 Those Republican delegates looking forward to slumming it in Cleveland are likely to be disappointed as the city may actually have to use the 3000 sets of riot gear. Yep it’s going to be hard to get to any place in Cleveland that serves some good collard greens. Or other things that family values Republicans would rather not mention.
@14 The photo of the USS Kentucky I posted a link to a few days ago.
@15 Well make the arena and the surrounding area a clothes free zone and the problem is totally solved.
@17 Well Richard Nixon must of had a sense of humor in 1968 as the Republicans were the peace party of the time.
@18 Could be a lack of a desirable candidate. Sometimes the Prince does not show up. So you have choose one of the frogs.
The Secret Service has just said a very loud fuck no and called tis whole open carry thing at the Republican convention a bullshit wet dream that is not happening.
The frogs are on the DUMMOCRETIN side. Witness what comes out of their wide mouth and long tongue of freebies!
Seems your candidate has more email problems… http://www.latimes.com/nation/.....story.html
Looks like the email recovery phase is almost complete. They were looking at those confidential, secret, top secret and SCI emails. Time stamps, etc. Remember Clinton claims she never sent “classified” emails. Emails are not classified! That’s her definition of “IS” is!
DUMMOCRETINS need to get out the popcorn bags!
@29 Seems both Democratic candidates are desirable. If either becomes the candidate the Princess is ready to kiss them.
@30 Clearly if your speaking of Mr. Snowden you would be correct. Still when it’s the classification authority doing the e-mailing and the underlying politics are they classified? Not like any Presidents have ever released classified information during an interview or speech.
I find this story to be interesting.
Still there were only about 10,000 gun related deaths in the last few years. There were 11 civil war battles with at least 19,000 deaths. Using the number 620,000 total civil war deaths diving it by three to exclude deaths to disease and dividing by four I get 51,666 deaths. Of course 1861 things were just getting started and there were fewer battles and fewer battle deaths and the war ended in Aril of 1865. The bloodiest years were 1863 to 1864. Of course thes numbers don’t include civilians who were killed. other edeaths like Abraham Lincoln’s and other killed in armed robberies, ect.
While gun deaths are horrible in this country they are not comparable to the annual numbers of people killed by gunshot dring the Civil War, and would have to be about at least 5 times more than the current rate to match.
One can only hope that the earthquake is strong enough to separate Oklahoma, taking Texas with it, from the rest of the Country. Hopefully the ground quakes for days.
Not sure how millions of stupid people were not able to find that the movie Forest Gumpp was anything but a story about themselves.
Animal…..Family Values approved.
If this were a gay guy and he did the same to a 1 year old boy, there would be some, or many, who would call every gay guy a name in the book…..how about the same for all heteros?
One of this Countries hell bent religious fanatic terrorists.
Why not – when you worked for a looser entity and you loose that job you only can work at the next looser entity that will accept you – is this what they refer to as a grifter?
Hmmm – interesting……..Was Hiilary a whore? Or do you think one of the guys couldn’t keep their dicks in their pants? Drumpf? Crud?
Soon Boob could be smoking cigars.
Is Boob still fake tweeting?
@21 “Could be he read Georgia’s constitution and decided the law is unconstitutional.”
That’s never stopped a governor from signing bad legislation. Governors usually veto the other party’s bills. When their own party passes a piece of crap, they can sign it knowing the courts will knock it down, and this shifts the onus of vetoing it from him to a bunch of judges he doesn’t like. What forces a Republican governor to veto a Republican legislature’s crap legislation is big business threatening to leave the state. That’s what happened here.
@26 I assure you that in 1968 nobody thought Nixon was a peacenik.
R senile,
Snowden? – Well you can hope!
There is no such thing as classified. Puddy realizes that senile brain can’t figger that out! Reread the post. The answer is right there! Butt then again you are senile!
@29 “The frogs are on the DUMMOCRETIN side.”
Nice to see you agreeing that “frogs” is not an adequate description of the candidates on the Republican side. The GOP is having its Chernobyl moment.
@30 I could live with the emails knocking Hillary out of the race. I’m very comfortable with the idea of Bernie being president.
The DUMMOCRETIN will never allow Crazy Bernie to be president! They will field another character from their cast of characters and the Bernie peeps will sit this one out!
Well lookee here, the idiot troll who habitually accuses me of senility can’t keep HA posters straight. See #30 and #32 above, then compare my brain function on my worst days with his brain function @41 above.
@44 The idiot troll can’t keep his political parties straight, either.
Guy who pulled a gun at the Capitol building today is a $15/hr minimum wage dude with a bankruptcy history.
Dawson, who had previously advocated for a $15 minimum wage, filed for bankruptcy in 2011, according to court documents.
@47 He’s also a religious nut who thinks the government’s laws don’t apply to him. Sound familiar? It should, because that describes a large slice of the GOP base.
The Dildonista are everywhere.
@48 and being a black pastor he’s probably a bigot, one of the GOP types.
Crazy Bernie is now a Republican R senile? Really? You forgot about this article which lays out the sideline player who will come the DUMMOCRETIN rescue! http://dailycaller.com/2016/01.....ma-legacy/
Wow that senility is getting way worse! It really sux to be sliding the memory mountain faster and faster!
Here is a story the HHTL fool from the east coast will love. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sport.....spartandhp
The coach is black. Uuuhhh ooohhh!
Political correctness in Belgium and people died. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/.....spartandhp
Here’s something for the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS can munch on with another of those monomaniacal blatherings the fool has been offering here on HA DUMMOCRETINS since it was a Catholic! Maybe some of its crazy friends were there!
Hmmm… Can this be true? http://www.theamericanmirror.c.....over-says/
Referring to Clinton again, Miller tells The American Mirror, “She is a Gloria Steinem kind of feminist. If you’ve ever seen picture or heard Gloria Steinem, just a cold, conniving bitch. That’s just it.
Hmmm… Can this be true? http://www.theamericanmirror.c.....over-says/
Referring to Clinton again, Miller tells The American Mirror, “She is a Gloria Steinem kind of feminist. If you’ve ever seen picture or heard Gloria Steinem, just a cold, conniving bitch. That’s just it.
Capitol Police shot a black man?
Where are the #blacklivesmatter gang?
Where is Jesse HiJackson?
Where is Al NotSoSharpton?
Where is John Can’t Speak English Well Lewis?
@55 “Hmmm… Can this be true?”
Considering the source, no.
Hey Piddles, you still haven’t explained how you managed to confuse me with Mark Adams. Are you suffering from early-onset Alzheimers? Or were you merely drunk last night? I hope you weren’t driving.
@53 – your reading comprehension is shit. or you’re a liar.
nowhere in the article does it mention the PC boogeyman that you trumpy-trolls love to trot out these days.
it is an article about the failings of the belgian security services due to long standing, cultural and language divisions in the country.
or to put it in words you (won’t) understand —
Political correctness in the U.S. and people died. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_Ladin_Determined_To_Strike_in_US
i’ve always want to quote the great MC Paul Barman on this topic, so here goes::
“If someone uses a non-offensive vocabulary then that person is considerate, not PC
If someone has a heavy-handed agenda, that person is narrow-minded, not PC
Unless you mean Providence College PC is. . . meaningless”
@4 I wouldn’t pass your purity tests either.
@34 These earthquakes have nothing to do with plate tectonics Texas will remain there. Now you and I will probably get to provide Peggy Sue relief when the fracking causes a lot of shaking. Not wall strerrt, not the oil companies nope it will be us to save them Oakies and Texans. They may come here like they did during the dust storms. We going to treat them like we did then? Only if they got the dough ray mi? No Oakies or Texan signs at the border. Wonder if we look in the mirror and see a little of the Donald?
@51 The democrats are ok with Bernie getting the nomination. Heck we may force him and Hilliary to flip a coin loser runs as VP.
I think you Republicans just don’t want a President who is going to not be a get along politician and is going to work to establish policies that will help the workers, Who doesn’t look down his nose at what you Republicans call the 47 percent or white trash.
You all will hate him more than Bill Clinton who republican you all at your own game, and passed some major bills you all needed a Democratic President to go along with. Well old Bill has gifted you one Donald Trump.
Well maybe by August the elites will start to get a clue hat so far they haven’t gotten it. Nah probably not until November the 5th.
@53 Perhaps enforcing the EU’s laws about racism and equal rights to ensure all citizens have equal opportunity. Seems young men with names like Jamal, Mohammad just can’t get interviews when they have a similar skills and education to Pierre or Peter.
@59 Could it be he was playing poker with Richard Nixon. I agree Nixon wasn’t a peacenik, still he was running to get us out of Vietnam and peace through strength.
What was kept secret was how good a poker player he was. When WWII ended he’d served in the Pacific theatre. Well when he got out he had a pretty good nest egg from poker bought himself a house. So Puddy would have lost his shirt.