It’s obviously not huge news (I heard it on KUOW yesterday morning, but I don’t see it on their website, and there isn’t anything more current than the link below in a Google Search) but I’m surprised there isn’t more coverage of the legislature’s plan to kick McCleary down the road. Or, more formally: to start a task force.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad there’s even a tiny amount of forward motion. But the decision was 2012. The contempt was 2014. It’s 2016 now. We’re past task force time.
Interesting piece by Team Volokh regarding the open/closed primary scheduling on the GOP side.
…why does this matter? Because so far the primary calendar has been heavily tilted toward open primaries. But there have been four closed elections: the Iowa caucus, the Nevada caucus, and Super Tuesday’s Oklahoma primary and Alaska caucus. Ted Cruz won three of those four closed elections.
If one considers that Dem primary turnout has been down and GOP turnout has been quite high, crossovers or other dilution of the GOP electorate in open contests to date seems to be a reasonable suspicion.
OK was a closed primary. It’s also next to TX, so hard to interpret due to proximity to Cruz country. But OK didn’t go to Trump.
We’re past task force time.
Perhaps so. But we’re approaching election time again, aren’t we?
So retake the state senate.
Look everbuddy! Boob’s got hisself anuther Rubes theory of the big comeback! Boob calls Sheeeeeenanigans on the GOP open primaries. Drumpf’s victories are all part of yet another one of Boob’s grand diabolical conspiracies of dirty pot smoking hippies.
Once we eliminate the hippie influence Rubes will sail onward to glory and fanfare!!!!
“For the good of the state, it’s time for Christie to do his long-neglected constituents a favor and resign as governor,” says an editorial published by half a dozen New Jersey newspapers.
@1 So you’re suggesting Dems are crossing over to feed Trump to Hillary for lunch? This is a free country, dude. har har har
So I guess it is ok to moderate comments and close to banning a white guy for stating opinion or making a comment that heterosexuals are more violent prone than gay people, but then it is argued that a black can go ahead and threaten people here and it is all fine and good.
Sounds to me like Boob is perpetuating playing the race card – who would have thought – the guy that likes to see black people gunned down by police officers.
No wonder why everything he ever says is wrong.
@ 3
Cruz, not Rubio, was the point of the piece. They pointed out that Cruz won 3 of 4 closed GOP contests. Did you not read that, or do you fail to comprehend basic concepts?
It was a conservative group prominent enough to be featured in WaPo. All I did was repost it here. I don’t recall anyone else on HA pointing out increased GOP turnout and decreased Dem turnout in the early contests, do you?
Boob is now cheerleading for Crud… long before he abandons Crud and then cheerleads for Kasich?
How long before they run out of M&M colors?
Looks like Rethugs are about to harvest the crop they’ve so lovingly nurtured for 8 years.
Why doesn’t loon Republicans ever post about this?
Or Boob – look at this. Nice Graphs.
I thought Republicans were good for business? Apparently not.
hedging strategeeeeyyy……….
Shit Boob, whadda ya ‘fraid of? You actually want to preserve your option to support Drumpf? Is that really it? Or are you one of the dupes laying the groundwork for brokering the nomination in Cleveland? We hippies don’t care! I honestly hope that happens. It’ll be damn fun to watch. Either way you guys lose. Just an outsider theory that by kicking Drumpf off the ticket you don’t lose quite so many Senate seats. Meh. I for one am doubtful. If you guys rig the thing for Rubes I think Drumpf’s supporters will be looking for payback any way they can get it.
Pretty obvious from your comment history that you’d like to see Rubes win the nomination. You can admit it. You’re in safe company here. We’ll still mock you regardless.
A Democrat would be a better President than a Republican, says a Republican. You don’t say.
“If you guys rig the thing for Rubes I think Drumpf’s supporters will be looking for payback any way they can get it.” And that is what I call being Teabagged Again. And Again, and Again, and Again.
@ 13
I think both DNC and RNC conventions this year will be far, far more interesting than most conventions past. Think RNC 1976, DNC 1968.
Philly is going to be a yawnfest. Stage managed glittering extravaganza of optimistic patriotism and glamour. If there’s anything to speculate about, it would be precisely how the writers and producers decide to best showcase the GOP crazy train. Since only a small percentage of viewers ever watch these things live, look for carefully crafted, delicious soundbites that can be easily re-blogged and re-tweeted – very much like late night television.
Sam Brownback’s right wing economic miracle in Kansas continues it’s way down the toilet. But it’s Kansas, so stupid is the state motto.
Looks like Carson can’t even figure out how to suspend his campaign properly. No big surprise either way. Too bad, though. It was fun watching him fuck up while it lasted. No more Jesus rode a dinosaur. We’ll just have to settle for The Cuban-Canadian speaking directly to Jesus.
@ 17
Since only a small percentage of viewers ever watch these things live, look for carefully crafted, delicious soundbites that can be easily re-blogged and re-tweeted – very much like late night television.
“The whole world is watching.”
Dunno whether viewers saw that live, or later.
Pretty fucking delicious soundbite nonetheless.
#BLM is coming.
yeah. I think we watched a film strip about that in seventh grade civics or something. Right before we started the SRA unit on the Works Progress Administration which was some thing they did back in the olden days to put old white guys to work building hunting lodges or something, I guess. I like history too. Yup.
Who’s on board?
I can think of a few ways I’d like to see them settle this!
Boy Drumpf really fucked this up….the nomination was pretty much his, and still might be, but it isn’t looking good anymore. This guy could have run away with it, but his non-presidential characteristics have seem to run their course to a slow death now.
Christie sure knows how to pick a winner. Fat fuck is probably kicking his kids at this moment. Slob thought he could be Vice President and sucked up to the Donald like it was a steak or hamburger.
@16 Feeling nostalgia for the 1968 Chicago police riot against protesters, are you?
Looks like the slimeball behind Chesapeake Energy (until he was thrown out) committed suicide.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably was afraid he’d get Cliven Bundy as a roommate.
About time Carson called it quits. Looks like he still wants to keep milking the cash cow a while longer, though.
Next step for Drumpf is to probably actually shoot someone on 5th avenue – ohhh that Grand Old Party.
More RepubliKKKlan family values:
wasn’t that guy also mixed up with stealing the Sonics?
Gosh. That’s a darned shame.
wow! No skid marks. No swerve. Straight into a wall at very high speed.
Clinton did it.
Meanwhile, somewhere warm and sunny, John Boehner is lining up his approach shot while Dick Lugar watches from the cart.
“wasn’t that guy also mixed up with stealing the Sonics?”
Yup, he was one of the asshole owners who stole the team.
Trump is crushing Rubio in the latest Florida polls.
Without a Florida win, there’s no way forward for Rubio.
@27 Cursed One isn’t the only guy trying to milk it longer. I’m still getting emails from the Grand Puke Paul Campaing asking for monetary support. Didn’t he drop out like a month ago? Maybe he over spent (unlike a conservative, ohhh but he is a libertarian….) or he’s looking for cash four 2020, thinking that Drump would no way survive 8 years.
With a name like Aubrey, I think I would have driven into a bridge abutment myself.
@ 29 ID
I think that if someone were to run some basic numbers and names, there would be an almost 1 to 1 correlation between Trumpf and Cruz fanatics, and the People of Wal-Mart dot com.
@ 37
Well ‘froggy, you’ve apparently got plenty of free time to do that. Keep us posted.
Rubio is having a bad day.
“Fox News chief Roger Ailes says network is ‘finished with Rubio’: report”
now, now. We have to give a shout out to Aubrey Davis. A great mayor of M.I., one of the founders of Group Health, and a heckuva state transportation commissioner. His accomplishments are simply too many to list here. He did Washington and the name Aubrey very proud indeed.
Word is Carson is holding off until Friday to announce that he’s quitting. Makes sense to wait. If all you’re really trying to do is raise money and sell books. To be sure, his campaign staff have all turned in their phones and gone home. And none of his vendors are accepting any more orders. But the “DONATE” and “ORDER NOW” buttons are still chugging along unattended. So that fuckin’ idiot troll had better hurry up. Time is running out for him to piss away his family’s inheritance on this hustle.
GOP Statisticians Develop New Branch Of Math To Formulate Scenarios In Which Trump Doesn’t Win Nomination
Clearly this is BS. Everybody knows Republicans would never resort to sciencey solutions. The GOP is working hard to pray the Drumpf away.
Alturnatively, there’s always the draft Mittens movement.
Aubrey McClendon dead?
Woooo hooooo! One less klownservatic grifter in this world!
Disney Workers Forced to Train Their Foreign Replacements
Perrero then addressed why he is supporting Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential race.
“Trump has been the most vocal about this, he’s publicly stated that Disney should hire everybody back that was replaced by the foreign worker, he is the most vocal about it, Cruz has also brought it up as well, so this is an issue that is coming to the presidential level and gaining more and more attention.”
And that for me, is why Trump (and Cruz) are popular, why he can say anything else, he’s the only republican who is adamant for working Americans.
@44 The guy who brings in foreign workers for his companies is the defender of American workers? Some people will believe anything
Drumpf supporters have nothing to be ashamed of or nor do they need to explain anything or apologize. Crud and Drubio are nothing more than Drumpf in a Closet.
Georgia passing discrimination laws. That both Crud and Drubio and Trump would support, im sure. How are they any different? The only thing different is that they try to come across as snakey mother fuckers.
Long live Ireland – real home of the Free and the Brave.
@ 44
Donald Trump is the personification of Corporate Lie, Better.
It’s really time you start getting a handle on some of this.
@44 Disney Workers Forced to Train Their Foreign Replacements
That’s always a morale booster. This shit didn’t happen when we had strong unions. The most self-destructive thing workers ever did was fall for the GOP’s siren songs. Worse than drugs.
@ 48
This shit didn’t happen when we had strong unions.
Didn’t happen much before computers, either.
No one forced Disney workers to do anything. They could have quit at any time and found a different job.
@49 “No one forced Disney workers to do anything. They could have quit at any time and found a different job.”
Sure, if they own the company and don’t need a job. But for everyone else, a system like this doesn’t work, so why have such a system? As citizens, we have the right to vote in people who will revise the rules.
@ 50
If a Bernie Sanders can’t get the job done, then there’s always another Lenin waiting in the wings.
Yeah, Bill shoulda married that other chick, Marla Crider, instead of Hillary.
These two articles may blow a couple of Bickle’s fuses:
“If you have a full-time job, you should be able to afford groceries.” (But if not, we can always tax rich doctors to pay for food stamps — RR)
“No amount of hard work is going to pull people up if they don’t get paid for working hard.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, this has always been the Big Lie of the American labor system: “Work hard and you’ll get ahead.” No, it doesn’t work that way, and never has. Without strong unions, it works this way: “Work hard so your boss can put another SUV in his six-car garage.” Sure glad I don’t have to do that. Now that I own stock and collect dividends from three dozen companies, I can flip off the bosses of the world. Let ’em do their own damn work, ‘cuz I’m not gonna lift a finger for ’em. Work ethic? I’ll get a work ethic when they get a wage ethic. Until then, I’m permanently on strike.
@51 #50 doesn’t say that.
Looks like Mitt doesn’t likes Trump very much. And I’m sure that within a couple of hours we’ll see that the feeling is mutual.
@ 52
You mean groceries like this, RR?
@54 Talk doesn’t mean a damn thing. I don’t see how Romney’s bloviating will change anything. He indicated he was going to say something important. So I wondered if he was getting in the race. For all his shortcomings, Rmoney is better than anyone in this GOP field (except Kasich, who has a snowball’s chance). But no, this is put-up-or-shut-up time, and all Rmoney has is talk. Makes me glad all over again that he’ll never be president, but that doesn’t solve the country’s KKKTrump problem.
@ 56
I don’t see anything in Romney’s bloviating that will do any good.
And despite the same thing having been pointed out about you on numerous occasions, you’re still here.
@57 CNBC just agreed with me:
“A lot of people are asking a very obvious question about Mitt Romney’s big speech today blasting Donald Trump and warning all voters that he is simply not fit to be president. They’re asking why he did it. Because it seems like Romney’s efforts will only help the Trump cause.”
“And despite the same thing having been pointed out about you on numerous occasions …”
By who, you? Narcissitic much? Unlike you, I have loyal readers and fans. You’re only here to be a dartboard.
@55 Hold the phone, everyone! The well-to-do guy is telling us what it’s like to be poor!
@59 In Bickle’s Alice-in-Wonderland logic, the less workers are paid, the more overfed they are.
The GOP’s November strategy emerges:
“The strategy has three main stages:
“1. Lay a groundwork for major party donors and leaders to refuse to support Trump even if he wins a majority of the delegates.
“2. Get behind one of the remaining GOP candidates, and give him the financial support and enough political cover to run even as a third candidate in the November race.
“3. Play Electoral College math and hope that no one wins the required 270 electoral votes in November. That throws the election into the heavily GOP-controlled House and gives the presidency to the establishment-blessed Republican.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And if they’re successful they’ll end up with a president about as legitimate as Maine’s governor.
@ 59
Charcuterie poor, maybe.
She shoulda dumped her social media before going public.
Romney going for the brokered convention. I wonder /sarc why.
“If the other candidates can find common ground, I believe we can nominate a person who can win the general election and who will represent the values and policies of conservatism. Given the current delegate selection process, this means that I would vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, for John Kasich in Ohio, and for Ted Cruz or whichever one of the other two contenders has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state.“
didn’t realize you were one of those open borders conservatives.
That’s gotta make this election tough for you. But that would explain your preference for Rubes.
@ 64
I think Rubio would make a far better vice president than Julian Castro, yes.
That plan looks more to me like an effort to keep the established conservative professional political campaign industry gainfully employed through November in spite of Trump winning the nom. Force feeding Rubes to non-affiliated swing state voters isn’t going to work. He’s too new. He’s too untested. And he’s been forced waaaay too far to the right during the GOP scorched earth primary. Trump’s excesses have made Romney and many other Clownservative elders lose sight of the middle. The kinds of extremist rhetoric that Romney had to reserve for private, closed-door events have been front and center during the debates and will be featured at the podium in Cleveland. To build his brand Trump killed theirs. A tiny flag and a frilly toothpick won’t change the fact that it’s a shit sandwich. And most American voters don’t want to take a bite.
Amnesty? Pathway? Dreamers? Or other?
@67 addendum:
“Other” being code for “keep ’em in the dark where we can more easily exploit ’em”.
My stocks are up another $1,000 today while Puffybutt pays a bank to store his cash for him. Only fools and babies try to “time” markets.
Here’s a little something. Telling Trumps supporters he will destroy America is like telling a group of children they can have free ice cream for life.
I don’t know if Drumpf will destroy America. But they (his supporters) sure as hell will if they ever get the chance. They’re already destroying the Republican party. Have you looked into these people?
Seeeriously racist, white supremacist, nut jobs. It’s not just that Drumpf is playing footsie with the KKK. He’s built his base of support on a resurgent tide of angry white racists who openly promote a white nationalist ideology. And they are out maneuvering establishment Republicans to seize control of their party. The only responsible thing for sensible conservatives to do is to disavow the party. But they won’t. They’ll allow the party and it’s credibility to be hijacked by these vile people. They’re already doing it. One by one the dominoes are falling. Drumpf and his white supremacist hoards will run the convention in Cleveland, and they’ll go on to run the party.
@71 The RepubliKKKlan party has always, in my lifetime, been a racist, misogynist, homophobic, bigoted party. The spectacular implosion of their failed ideology combined with a success of liberal policies is leaving them feeling their power to oppress and exploit is slipping away. And they would rather see the country go under.
@ 70
Here’s a little something. Telling Trumps supporters he will destroy America is like telling a group of children they can have free ice cream for life.
And somehow telling young adults they can have “free” college is different.
How many years does it take to eat $40,000 worth of ice cream?
HHTL farts – a black can go ahead and threaten people here and it is all fine and good.
Where did that happen hanging human teabag licker?
Actual threat?
@73 “And somehow telling young adults they can have “free” college is different.”
Yes, it’s different, but you’re too dense to figure out why. Short answer: In the 19th century, universal free public education turned America into an industrial power. After WW2, free college tuition under the GI Bill for millions turned America into a superpower. Unlike ice cream, which is something you consume and then it’s gone, expanded educational opportunity makes our country richer, stronger, and more prosperous. Education is investment, not consumption. Why now universal free college education? Because the world and economy have changed, and high school is no longer enough. Gawd, Bickle, you’re dumb. We don’t do this just for the students, we do it for ourselves, too. But Republicans not only don’t want to pay for free college tuition, they don’t want other taxpayers to pay for it, either. Why? Because they and their kids are too dumb to get in college, so they don’t want anyone else to go to college, either. They want to drag everyone else down to their level because it’s the only way they can compete. What a bunch of jackasses.
After WW2, free college tuition under the GI Bill for millions turned America into a superpower.
Didn’t the worlds best soldiers receive that as a benefit for putting their lives on the line R senile? What are today’s free loading students doing to acquire that free benefit R senile?
Gawd, R senile, you’re dumber than the crazed databaze deala! And, that’s really dumb!
Wait for it…
Here’s a great hashtag #NeverHillary
Trending BIG TIME!
Another bomb thrower gone from PMSNBC…
Here’s the information on Walt Disney…
Seems they really like the DUMMOCRETINS way more!
Here’s the information on Walt Disney…
Seems they really like the DUMMOCRETINS way more!
So these emails were classified before she sent them?
Looks like they were marked classified before they arrived! BUtt the Oregon moron will never know this FACT!
Seems the FBI is now comparing timestamps on these classified emails between Heilary’s personal cabal!
@76 “What are today’s free loading students doing to acquire that free benefit R senile?”
It’s not what they do today that matters, it’s what they’ll contribute in the future, dumbass. All you gotta do is look at today’s GOP voters to understand how much education is worth and what lack of education costs us.
In the interest of keeping the facts straight …
“The IT specialist who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server has turned over security logs to the FBI that show no evidence of any foreign hacks into Clinton’s email, a source close to the investigation confirmed to CBS News. …
“In compliance with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, the State Department has publicly released tens of thousands of Clinton’s emails — the last batch was released this past Monday. None of the emails in Clinton’s account were marked as classified at the time they were received or sent, but thousands were later re-evaluated and marked ‘top secret.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now kick back, much some popcorn, and wait for Puffy’s next head explosion.
Heilary claimed the poorly educated supports her R senile. That’s why Trump said what he said about loving the poorly educated! Trump realizes Heilary is an empty orange pant suit!
Gawd, R senile, you’re dumber than the crazed databaze deala! And, that’s really dumb!
None of the emails in Clinton’s account were marked as classified at the time they were received or sent, but thousands were later re-evaluated and marked ‘top secret.’”
No matter what the CBS report says, per the IG appointed by Obummer R senile they were classified BEFORE they arrived. And more than 22 are super duper secret R senile!
Puddy wonders if the being a black in libtard rich Redmond is bad for your health?
Kam is bad news? Guess so!
“After WW2, free college tuition under the GI Bill for millions… “
Except African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans. Soon as the Civil Rights Act caught up to the GI Bill we canceled it.
Looks like Rubes spent this evening trashing whatever gauzey thread of electability he had left.
Penis jokes. Yes. That’s correct. The man who would control the launch codes made fun of the size of Drumpf’s “hands” all night.
And remember this kids: he’s the “establishment” conservative.
@86 “No matter what the CBS report says,” Puffy will believe whatever the dittoheads say, truth be damned.
Good try R senile. the IG is an Obummer appointment!
FACTS just scramble that Alzheimer brain!
@89 I thought I was watching a Saturday morning cartoon show. You know, Roadrunner and Coyote, with cliffs. You stupid humans are doomed, and after your species implodes, we rabbits are gonna own this rock.
@91 Yawn. Stretch. Phoot.
Seems the Oregon Moron got it wrong again on the GI bill…
Except African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans. Soon as the Civil Rights Act caught up to the GI Bill we canceled it.
Obummer sadministration canceled it in 2013. Well maybe not. The We is DUMMOCRETINS!
Wanna know how “conservatives” will “Make America Great Again”?
Watch the movie Idiocracy
See what FACTS does to a senile moron @93?
Sad and so typical!
@7 I recently pointed out the energized Republicans and Democrats down about a third.
@4 They also know Christie has a thick skin and it’s not happening unless he’s moving to DC.
@61 No this is Obama’s ultimate strategy to get Biden into the Presidency. The kicker if the House has to vote in the event no candidate gets a majority is voting is by state. Yes Republican’s control the most states. Democrats only control 14 states an 4 states are split. It’s not likely all the Republican states would go for the anti Trump candidate. Some may go for Trump. If after 4 days the house can’t decide then the Vice President becomes President. So this is all a conspiracy by President Obama to draft Biden as President and keep his legacy alive.
All bets are off if Bloomberg runs.
@75 We in Whatcom County are for happy cows. It could be some of the owners of those happy cows tend to be Republicans. We must have our public in happy cows. If we send young to collage they may figure out the cows are not happy, or are just mightly relieved twice a day to be milked, or cows don’t care. And we gotta keep a few kids down on the farm, oddly these kids these tend to speak Spanish and often are no longer kids.
@76 Well if the wonderful Dictator in North Korea makes good on his threats some of todays young American’s will deserve a GI bill from a grateful nation. Still don’t those young Americans deserve an education that will get them a job if not a career?
Bad Washington State Legislature. No soup for you.
Will some McCleary personal fines be dessert for lawmakers?
@81 And most Americans eyes glazed over and started looking for the coffee before reading the Italians have a carrier battle group…they do must be a highly closely held Italian secret hidden in secret caves in Sicily.
@88 If they served honorably al service members got the GI bill no matter their race. The problem was that schools were segregated and some of the cases for equal rights in education were the direct result of the GI bill.
@91 Yes but he was an United States Assistant Attorney from 1994 to 2006 in Virginia and California and then worked in DOJ. While appointed by Obama this guy doesn’t look like a political hack, but a professional a President from either party might appoint to that position. He may even be a Republican as a Republican Senator gushed over his appointment to a position with a 1900 day vacancy.
Not a political hack.
@92 The non cartoon coyotes think they will own the rock after humans. Go talk to the coyotes about your claims to the rock. I’m sure they are reasonable fellows and not the tricksters of tribal lore.
The shameful history of racially selective denial of New Deal, GI Bill, and Square Deal benefits is now very well documented, if not taught in school. And you are correct that much of the restriction of benefits was secondary e. g. highly qualified applicants denied admission to college and trade schools, denied mortgages, denied small business assistance, etc. While white counterparts were pushed to the front of the line. The fact remains that until the late 1960s it was an apartheid system that almost exclusively benefited whites. These programs created and sustained a legendary middle class economic prosperity in America. But it was a whites-only prosperity. And when the laws were finally changed to level the playing field we began rolling back and cancelling the programs.
Meanwhile, I woke up this morning to discover the Conservative primary contest was still all about Drumpf!