@2 That’s why Montana has a Democratic governor, two Democratic U.S. senators, and a Democratic state senate. Eventually every office in the state will be held by a Democrat because there’s fewer Republicans after every hanging.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In a state with more guns than people, and damned few of the latter, why do Montanans need a judge to give them permission to kill themselves? If they can’t get a horse to throw them, all they have to do is pull the trigger. (This advice is for Republicans only.)*
* Hey, just kidding! Republicans are too stupid to kill themselves with a gun. They’d jerk the trigger and only knock a few teeth out. Have you noticed how many Montana Republicans are missing their front teeth? It has nothing to do with a shortage of dentists.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Montana Republicans are stuck in the 19th century. They’re still stealing horses instead of cars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Poor little Rickie Dumbass sure opened himself up on that one! Thanks for giving me great material to work with this morning, dickhead. I couldn’t have done it by myself. You’re an asset to liberal propagandists everywhere. But especially here on HA.
Rick D.spews:
2. Roger Rabbit spews:
@2 That’s why Montana has a Democratic governor…
Roadkill @ 2…you’re proof that rabbits can multiply , but sadly, can’t count. I was post #1 dumbass. Thanks for playing though , son.
Rick D.spews:
Roger is proof that rabbits shit their brains out one pellet at a time….
In the meantime, England has a program called NICE that determines which terminal care shall and shall not be approved based on cost in effect they trade off the number of months extra life a therapy offers a terminally patient vs. its cost.
With several 100,000s more Americans w/o health insurance, only a naive person would believe that I-1000 will not be used to save money.
I hope Lee and other supporters will now watch out for how this badly written legislation is used by the cost conscious health care system.
NICE indeed.
@8 SJ:
The Canadian medical care system lacks on providing opportune treatments. i.e. Their system limits care because of availability. People needing medical care in Canada are dying because the care available is limited by the government because of cost
If we are to provide universal health care in the United States, we need to be able to take that problem along with many others. Hopefully, whatever program is initiated has been fully vetted against all other National systems to get the best of all for US.
Hopefully, NICE will not be included!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dickless Rickie @6: Typos happen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 One dump is all you need to shit out your 1-pellet brain.
Conservative Cyclistspews:
Kill helpless babies with abortion, kill elderly and this party insists on calling themselves the compassionates.
Rick D.spews:
Kill helpless babies with abortion, kill elderly and this party insists on calling themselves the compassionates. ~Conservative cyclist
…and “progressives” as well. I guess they’re kinda right in the sense they represent a type of progressive cancer on the body politic.
Proud to be SeattleJew Todayspews:
@9 me spews
The issue of rationing in any healthcare system is real and complex .. we do it now. Frankly, I do not know how to deal woth this as we move to Obamacare.
BUT, the issue here is the role I-1000 plays in such a mix. At $50. the death cocktail is lots cheaper than any terminal care can be.
How small a step will it be from $25k is too much to $50 is enough? The lack of understanding of this issue by the I-1000 supporters may be a tragic error.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rickie Dickless is proof that you can hybridize humans and goats without tinkering with the DNA.
Proud to be SeattleJew Todayspews:
@6 Roger …
Is roadkill your son?
Rick D.spews:
Rabbit Raping Rod-jerk projecting his goatfucking experiences onto others…now that is amusing.
I can’t beleive people want the government to handle anything.Look at social security look at abortion and you actually think government should handle our medical care ha ha.They are allowing people to kill our future tax payers.For years we have supported social security and for our social security we will see nothing.There will be no one to bill for it.So we might as well get ready to start doing away with the elderly,handicapped,and sick people also,because there will be no money to help take care of them.I guess Montana is just the first to find out about it. Those in power don’t want their blood on their hands,can’t win votes like that.Looks a little like germany to me.Any kind of socialistic medicine will support both abortion and mercy killings.Get It Hope So
So is hanging for horse stealing…
@2 That’s why Montana has a Democratic governor, two Democratic U.S. senators, and a Democratic state senate. Eventually every office in the state will be held by a Democrat because there’s fewer Republicans after every hanging.
In a state with more guns than people, and damned few of the latter, why do Montanans need a judge to give them permission to kill themselves? If they can’t get a horse to throw them, all they have to do is pull the trigger. (This advice is for Republicans only.)*
* Hey, just kidding! Republicans are too stupid to kill themselves with a gun. They’d jerk the trigger and only knock a few teeth out. Have you noticed how many Montana Republicans are missing their front teeth? It has nothing to do with a shortage of dentists.
Montana Republicans are stuck in the 19th century. They’re still stealing horses instead of cars.
Poor little Rickie Dumbass sure opened himself up on that one! Thanks for giving me great material to work with this morning, dickhead. I couldn’t have done it by myself. You’re an asset to liberal propagandists everywhere. But especially here on HA.
Roadkill @ 2…you’re proof that rabbits can multiply , but sadly, can’t count. I was post #1 dumbass. Thanks for playing though , son.
Roger is proof that rabbits shit their brains out one pellet at a time….
In the meantime, England has a program called NICE that determines which terminal care shall and shall not be approved based on cost in effect they trade off the number of months extra life a therapy offers a terminally patient vs. its cost.
With several 100,000s more Americans w/o health insurance, only a naive person would believe that I-1000 will not be used to save money.
I hope Lee and other supporters will now watch out for how this badly written legislation is used by the cost conscious health care system.
NICE indeed.
@8 SJ:
The Canadian medical care system lacks on providing opportune treatments. i.e. Their system limits care because of availability. People needing medical care in Canada are dying because the care available is limited by the government because of cost
If we are to provide universal health care in the United States, we need to be able to take that problem along with many others. Hopefully, whatever program is initiated has been fully vetted against all other National systems to get the best of all for US.
Hopefully, NICE will not be included!
Dickless Rickie @6: Typos happen.
@7 One dump is all you need to shit out your 1-pellet brain.
Kill helpless babies with abortion, kill elderly and this party insists on calling themselves the compassionates.
…and “progressives” as well. I guess they’re kinda right in the sense they represent a type of progressive cancer on the body politic.
@9 me spews
The issue of rationing in any healthcare system is real and complex .. we do it now. Frankly, I do not know how to deal woth this as we move to Obamacare.
BUT, the issue here is the role I-1000 plays in such a mix. At $50. the death cocktail is lots cheaper than any terminal care can be.
How small a step will it be from $25k is too much to $50 is enough? The lack of understanding of this issue by the I-1000 supporters may be a tragic error.
Rickie Dickless is proof that you can hybridize humans and goats without tinkering with the DNA.
@6 Roger …
Is roadkill your son?
Rabbit Raping Rod-jerk projecting his goatfucking experiences onto others…now that is amusing.
I can’t beleive people want the government to handle anything.Look at social security look at abortion and you actually think government should handle our medical care ha ha.They are allowing people to kill our future tax payers.For years we have supported social security and for our social security we will see nothing.There will be no one to bill for it.So we might as well get ready to start doing away with the elderly,handicapped,and sick people also,because there will be no money to help take care of them.I guess Montana is just the first to find out about it. Those in power don’t want their blood on their hands,can’t win votes like that.Looks a little like germany to me.Any kind of socialistic medicine will support both abortion and mercy killings.Get It Hope So