I was on the phone with Darryl from Hominid Views and we were looking over state Sen. Luke Esser’s PDC filings, when a curious anomaly jumped out at us: Esser’s campaign seemed to have incurred an inordinately large expense in “bank charges.”
So we looked at Esser’s expenditure reports in greater detail, and this is what we found for “bank charges” over the life of his current campaign:
BANK OF AMERICA | 06/06/2005 | $16.00 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 11/07/2005 | $1,471.17 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 11/07/2005 | $5.00 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 05/24/2006 | $100.00 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 05/24/2006 | $5.00 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 05/30/2006 | $16.75 | BANK CHARGE |
AMERICAN EXPRESS | 06/19/2006 | $32.50 | BANK CHARGE |
AMERICAN EXPRESS | 06/26/2006 | $17.55 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 07/03/2006 | $446.04 | BANK CHARGE |
AMERICAN EXPRESS | 07/11/2006 | $9.75 | BANK CHARGE |
AMERICAN EXPRESS | 07/26/2006 | $1.63 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 08/01/2006 | $43.34 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 09/01/2006 | $48.40 | BANK CHARGE |
COMPLETE CAMPAIGNS | 09/22/2006 | $52.50 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 10/02/2006 | $38.54 | BANK CHARGE |
COMPLETE CAMPAIGNS | 10/03/2006 | $7.50 | BANK CHARGE |
COMPLETE CAMPAIGNS | 10/11/2006 | $15.00 | BANK CHARGE |
COMPLETE CAMPAIGNS | 10/20/2006 | $39.38 | BANK CHARGE |
COMPLETE CAMPAIGNS | 10/27/2006 | $30.00 | BANK CHARGE |
BANK OF AMERICA | 10/30/2006 | $4.25 | BANK CHARGE |
Total Expenditures for this report: $2,400.30 |
Hmm. Notice something unusual? We sure did.
Over the past two years Esser reports bank charges of between $4.25 and $52.50, except in November of 2005 and July of 2006 when he reports astonishingly high charges of $1,471.17 and $446.04 respectively.
For the most part the report makes sense. It seems quite clear that the charges you see are either monthly service fees or transaction costs incurred taking contributions via credit card. But the $1,471.17 charge in particular is almost entirely inexplicable as a normal cost of doing business.
In fact, assuming this expense was properly reported as a “bank charge,” the only thing I can imagine that could possibly account for such high costs would be interest and penalties on an outstanding credit card or line of credit debt. And yet during this same period Esser’s campaign reports no liabilities whatsoever.
Now, I don’t actually like to engage in speculation, but I’m more than willing to do so when given no other choice, and since Esser’s campaign has not returned my emails or phone calls, here’s my guess at one plausible explanation: the $1,471.17 charge represents interest and penalties incurred on a campaign credit card that Esser used to cover his personal obligations. Esser eventually paid off the principal, but billed the finance charges and penalties to the campaign.
And keep in mind that this hypothesis was not developed in a vacuum. As was widely reported, Esser recently avoided an October court date with credit-card giant MBNA (a division of Bank of America) by paying off an outstanding $6,556.15 debt.
Darryl did manage to reach Esser’s campaign manager, and while he refused to comment on these specific charges, he suggested that perhaps these were credit card transaction fees.
Uh-huh. But that’s not possible. Even at a usurious 4 percent transaction fee rate, $1,471.17 would represent over $36,000 worth of contributions, whereas Esser only raised a few thousand dollars during this period, mostly in the form of big checks from PACs. And besides, Bank of America charges a monthly fee for “merchant services” regardless of the number of credit card transactions — the lack of other bank charges prior to May of 2006 strongly suggests that Esser’s campaign was not equipped to accept contributions via credit card at that time.
Of course there are other possible explanations — perhaps the $1,471.17 represents wire-transfer fees on illegal drug-money Esser was laundering through his campaign? Or perhaps Esser merely ordered some really expensive checks. But again, assuming this expenditure was correctly reported as a “bank charge” (and Esser actually amended the return on June 8, so you know they’ve reviewed it,) I still think that my hypothesis is the most plausible.
Darryl is scheduled to meet with Esser’s campaign manager Monday morning, and he will be given every opportunity explain these unusual bank charges. I suppose I could have waited to post until then, but that would just reward the campaign for delaying their response until the day before the election, when it would be too late for other members of the media to follow up.
So there you have it. If the Esser campaign can explain these bank charges, they know how to get ahold of me, and I suggest they do so now. Otherwise, I’ll just continue to speculate until they provide evidence to the contrary.
Turns out, the expenditure wasn’t correctly reported as a “bank charge.” It was a check he had deposited in his account that didn’t clear. Darryl has the details.
Excellent bit of sleuthing, Goldie. PDC reports have a lot of damning information in them – takes a keen eye and a bit of knowledge to go combing thru them. Thanks for that bit of info – did you mention this to Postman? Maybe Esser’s campaign will return HIS phone calls…
Goldy: “Now, I don’t actually like to engage in speculation…”
But you do anyway and call it “citizen journalism.” Yes, even a blind pig finds a truffle now and then, but your true intent is to find anything even slightly out of the ordinary and smear, smear, smear.
Now, as a self-described partisan, you put up a Nuremberg Defense for your actions, but I’m wondering if you also use the Charles Barkley Defense (“I am not a role model!”) when it comes to your daughter. Or are you going to tell me that the venom coursing through your veins is a healthy thing to pass onto an innocent child?
Venom? I didn’t see him passing along any venom! I DID see that maybe he taught her to review PDC reports intelligently…
Surreal Mark – that’s a really surreal remark. Were your nine/ten year old kids interested in the fine points of campaign finance and bank charges or anything having to do with the political arguments adults have with one another?
I am sure that our stallwart protector of truth and justice Steffy the Shark will now want to investigate this since Steffy is ALWAYS interested in the truth of such matters. Right?
Meanwhile over at USP…
Gee our politicians shouldn’t have to answer to the public for their campaign support? It’s just so unseemly to ask!
Tough. Explain it Luke. The sooner the better.
Nuremberg Defense
You mean Goldy’s just following orders? From who Surreal Mark? Moveon.org? George Soros?
And Luke Esser? He wouldn’t be following orders by any chance from the BIAW or Karl Rove or Scaife or that Perry guy in Texas or that taxpayer bill of rights jerk in New York would he?
Real Mark — Esser can clear this up with 1 phone call. Why hasn’t he made that call? He’s asking us to entrust him with (a) who is taxed, (b) how we’re taxed, (c) how much we’re taxed, (d) how our taxes are spent.
No, he doesn’t OWE anyone an explanation. But no one OWES him their vote, either. Running for public office is a voluntary activity on his part. Voting for him is a voluntary activity on the our part.
Comprende? Any questions?
Esser shouldn’t wait until Monday. He should contact Goldy TODAY. Prolonged silence will make it appear he’s tried to think of a cover story. Telling the truth doesn’t require a lot of thought, merely a little bit of memory.
Roger as an attorney, I hope you will be doing SOMETHING to keep the righties from stealing the election Tue. I am a poll watcher in my district. I plan to keep a sharp eye out.
I can’t wait for the hearings to investigate LiarFuckingCantwell for giving taxpayer money to her fuck buddy.
Democrats are campaigning AGAINST:
1) Stock market at record high
2) Unemployment at record low
3) Home ownership at all time high
4) Interest rates near historical lows
5) Global warming solved
6) Record high treasury receipts
7) No attacks since 911
How the fuck do you campaign against peace and prosperity?
Pay the fucking gambling debt you owe to Goldy.
We have hearings on THAT chickenshit hypocrisy every day!
Mrs. Rabbit and I will be pollworkers on Tuesday. It’s a tough job. Stefan couldn’t last one day.
I’m also in contact with the Democratic lawyers’ group and volunteered my services as an observer if there are any recounts or other post-election concerns.
The verdict: MTR is a chickenshit, lying, morally and intellectually bankrupt coward.
All he has to do to redeem himself just a little bit is PAY THE FUCKING GAMBLING DEBT HE OWES TO GOLDY.
Be patient, Redneck. After all, Goldy’s been patient waiting for you to pay the bet you owe him. If you welshed a mob bookie you’d have gone swimming with cement flippers long ago.
Only 3 more days, Redneck. Just 3 days. Patience.
I can hardly wait myself!
This deserves to be reposte:
The Great Divider
Published: November 2, 2006
As President Bush throws himself into the final days of a particularly nasty campaign season, he’s settled into a familiar pattern of ugly behavior. Since he can’t defend the real world created by his policies and his decisions, Mr. Bush is inventing a fantasy world in which to campaign on phony issues against fake enemies.
In Mr. Bush’s world, America is making real progress in Iraq. In the real world, as Michael Gordon reported in yesterday’s Times, the index that generals use to track developments shows an inexorable slide toward chaos. In Mr. Bush’s world, his administration is marching arm in arm with Iraqi officials committed to democracy and to staving off civil war. In the real world, the prime minister of Iraq orders the removal of American checkpoints in Baghdad and abets the sectarian militias that are slicing and dicing their country.
In Mr. Bush’s world, there are only two kinds of Americans: those who are against terrorism, and those who somehow are all right with it. Some Americans want to win in Iraq and some don’t. There are Americans who support the troops and Americans who don’t support the troops. And at the root of it all is the hideously damaging fantasy that there is a gulf between Americans who love their country and those who question his leadership.
Mr. Bush has been pushing these divisive themes all over the nation, offering up the ludicrous notion the other day that if Democrats manage to control even one house of Congress, America will lose and the terrorists will win. But he hit a particularly creepy low when he decided to distort a lame joke lamely delivered by Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts. Mr. Kerry warned college students that the punishment for not learning your lessons was to “get stuck in Iraq.” In context, it was obviously an attempt to disparage Mr. Bush’s intelligence. That’s impolitic and impolite, but it’s not as bad as Mr. Bush’s response.
Knowing full well what Mr. Kerry meant, the president and his team cried out that the senator was disparaging the troops. It was a depressing replay of the way the Bush campaign Swift-boated Americans in 2004 into believing that Mr. Kerry, who went to war, was a coward and Mr. Bush, who stayed home, was a hero.
It’s not the least bit surprising or objectionable that Mr. Bush would hit the trail hard at this point, trying to salvage his party’s control of Congress and, by extension, his last two years in office. And we’re not naïve enough to believe that either party has been running a positive campaign that focuses on the issues.
But when candidates for lower office make their opponents out to be friends of Osama bin Laden, or try to turn a minor gaffe into a near felony, that’s just depressing. When the president of the United States gleefully bathes in the muck to divide Americans into those who love their country and those who don’t, it is destructive to the fabric of the nation he is supposed to be leading.
This is hardly the first time that Mr. Bush has played the politics of fear, anger and division; if he’s ever missed a chance to wave the bloody flag of 9/11, we can’t think of when. But Mr. Bush’s latest outbursts go way beyond that. They leave us wondering whether this president will ever be willing or able to make room for bipartisanship, compromise and statesmanship in the two years he has left in office.
(Quoted under Fair Use)
Mike?! McGavick doesn’t want voters to know he’s a Republican.
Mike?! McGavick wants voters to believe he’ll buck his own party.
Mike?! McGavick tells you he thinks for himself.
Why doesn’t he just vote for Cantwell?
Cantwell isn’t a Republican.
Cantwell bucks the GOP.
Cantwell doesn’t follow Rove’s orders.
Who needs Mike?! McGavick?
Mike?! McGavick — he’s the problem, not the solution.
Real Mark, “anything even slightly out of the ordinary” if you are not a fucking idiot then you are just trying to downplay the importance of a large wrongly reported campaign payment to Esser’s personal credit card. Which is it. At the very least this is a PDC violation.
McGavick lied about Social Security. After beating around the bush (pun intended), he admitted he’s for “private accounts.” Yet he says he’s against “privatizing” Social Security. What he means is the Social Security Administration will remain a federal agency. Only its money will be privatized.
Mike?! please explain where the money for “private accounts” will come from. When pressed by journalists, you admitted your idea is the same as Bush’s. It will come from existing FICA taxes, i.e., it will come out of the Social Security Trust Fund.
Mike?! please explain whether your “plan” is to raise taxes or cut benefits to cover the $2 trillion withdrawal from SSTF to fund “private accounts.” Let me guess. You’ve already said you’re against taxes. So that leaves … cutting SS benefits of senior citizens like me.
Mike?! please explain whooooo will benefit from “private accounts.” Not senior citizens whose SS benefits are cut. Not taxpayers whose taxes are raised. Not individual citizens whose “private acconts” lose money on bad investments. But Wall Street brokers and investment companies will do very, very well. You know — the people who already are rich and powerful like you, taking more money from the working class.
Mike?! you suck! You’re the problem, not the solution.
Is this anything like the MONEY maria paisd to hide her whoring?
just asking.
People make errors on their PDC reports all the time. Usually, the PDC doesn’t make much of them, unless it is something really flagrant that prejudices the rights of the public or the other candidates.
I have no idea what Luke Esser paid the Bank of America for. But I have seen a lot of PDC reports where candidates have payments on varying dates and varying amounts to a financial institution. Usually, these represent personal credit card charges for items that the candidate says were related to their campaign.
If that is the case, it would be appropriate for the campaign to list the financial institution whose credit card was used as the “vendor” — i.e. party receiving payment. However, such payment would have to be followed by a listing which details the name, address, amount and purpose of each item included in the credit card payment.
The thing about “private accounts” is Wall Street makes money even if citizens lose their shirts on bad investments. The brokers take a percentage off the top when you buy stocks, and take another percentage off the top when you sell stocks. They get paid at both ends. Even if you lose 100% of your capital.
How is this a good deal for workers, taxpayers, and retirees? You know damn well what will happen. These “private accounts” will be looted, and there’ll be a taxpayer bailout of the citizens who lost their Social Security retirement funds to Wall Street sharks.
You know … the guys who pay themselves $100 million salaries, cook the books, and use your money to throw $2 million birthday parties.
This is what Mike?! McGavick wants to do with your Social Security.
That’s why Mike?! McGavick is the problem, not the solution.
Richard, if the numbers on Esser’s PDC report are wrong, he can clear it up with 1 phone all to Goldy. He doesn’t have to wait until Monday. It’s to his advantage to nip these questions in the bud because many people will fill out their absentee ballots this weekend.
Richard Pope-
What you describe does happen and isn’t unusual.
But Esser is not the usual candidate–he has a credit debt problem. Which raises red flags all over the place.
Just a reminder that I voted for your OPPONENT because he is more qualified than you to run a court. There’s more to being a District Court judge than legal stuff. You’re also responsible for the court’s budget, administration, and supervising the court employees. LaSalata only lost his house; you can’t even run a law practice! Sorry, Richard. I like your concern for defendants’ rights — at least you talk a good game by saying the right things. But you’re just not ready for prime time. My suggestion is start with something a little smaller, show us you can succeed at it, and gradually work your way up to bigger responsibilities. Ask your kids to let you manage their allowances for a while, and let’s see how that works out.
a concerned rabbit
someone post Geoff Simpsons credit problems… marriage problems… abuse problems… temper problems… being a complete and total asshole problems…
Also, the list doesn’t say “reimbursement”–it says bank charge.
Very different. So for your theory Esser has to be lying about what the payment was for. More plausible that it was a bank charge and Monday people will know what it was for.
Proudofherfatlyingcheatingthreateningass @ 25
I guess you are just jealous that you can’t laid. Not even your own husband will touch you. Have another glass of E & J Chablis and shut the fuck up, bitch!
OOPS. post 32 was in reply to post 24. Sorry. I just get kind of worked up when I get to swear at Proudofherfatlyingcheatingthreateningass. It is a good weekend to be a LIBERAL, DEMOCRAT, JEW.
We are taking our damn country back!!!!
Fuck all the Republicans. Payback is gonna be a motherfucker.
Proudofherfatlyingcheatingthreateningirrelevantass @ 30:
Fuck you! No one cares. You are the queen of tit for tat. By the way, anything untoward ever happen to your imaginary “children”? Just asking.
Clueless @ 5
For one, the answer to your question is a qualified “yes.”
Two, in order to spout and spin and smear like Goldy does every single day, that anger must permeate his day-to-day life and interactions with the people around him.
Rabbit @ 30
Let’s see — it is a big deal for a State Senator (and licensed attorney) making over $100K to tarry in paying a $6,556.15 credit card debt, and finally pay up in full shortly after being served with a lawsuit. And also to fail to itemize what his credit card payment was used for on his PDC expenditure reports (which are not sworn to under penalty of perjury)?
However, it is perfectly okay for a “full time substitute judge” (and licensed attorney) making over $100K to stop making payments on a $495,000 mortgage and let his home be sold at foreclosure? Especially after borrowing another $405,000 against his home’s “equity” subsequent to purchasing the house? And then “sell” an apparently worthless easement to his neighbor’s for $12,000 (without mortgage company approval) on the eve of foreclosure? And then attempt to conceal all of this by conveniently omitting the foreclosure sale from his PDC personal financial disclosure statement (which IS SWORN TO under penalty of perjury)?
On Tuesday, when the Big Blue Wave of Victory has washed the shitbirds out to sea, I am looking forward to reading the whiney, crying babble that will surely rise up from our WingNuts friends.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo, in advance of that:
SHUT THE FUCK UP and deal with it. It is our turn now. All you closeted gay Conservatives can now come out without having to worry about the political fallout…..because…..drum roll……THERE WILL NOT BE ANY. You will be out of power. Enjoy!!!!
Funny how that works.
re 2: The blind pig remark is great. Here’s another saying you can use ’til you kill it.
When feigning mock surprise you can say: “Well, twist my neck and call me SCREWY!!!” You’ll always get a laugh the first 999 times you use it.
BunnyBoy @ 27
And Esser should trust that Goldy will present a fair and honest account of any contact? Goldy admits he’s a staunch partisan.
So… Esser contacts Goldy. Goldy twists the response to suit his purposes. Maybe the MSM picks up on the controversy on Monday. Esser has no chance to correct it.
Yeah… Esser is going to hand Goldy a “freebie.” Think not.
BTW, isn’t it quite the coincidence that it is all coming up on the weekend before the election? Didn’t anybody do their homework earlier?
What about the PDC problems Rolfes (D) has in Kitsap County? Maybe Esser also had an “inexperienced campaign volunteer” handling the books.
Ya Mark, you tool. And mayby Esser just left his personal credit card bill laying around and this inexperienced volunteer just paid the bill for him out of the campaign account and sent in the PDC form without candidate review. Sorry, this is just not how things work. The treasurer is one of a campaigns most important players and ANYTHING that is not obvious is ALWAYS run past the candidate. No what this represents is an intentional effort to mask expenses or an intentional effort to pay Esser directly for personal costs that cannot be leagally paid for.
The Real Mark @ 39
Luke Esser’s campaign treasurer is Mark Esser. Based on their ages, I would assume that Mark is Luke’s older brother.
And another thing. ANY citizen can contact the campaign and demand an opportunity to examine the books. The campaign must comply and must provide a set time and place for such examination. Win or Lose, Esser should have his books closely inspected by at least 10 CPA’s. Sign up early and remember to bring your digital camera.
Surreal Mark – Republican governance these days shouldn’t give anyone anything to be a little “miffed” about. Hey taxes are low – just hand the final bill to the kids.. Hey no terrorists attacks here at home since 9/11, just incubate more terrorists in Iraq and let the kids deal with the blowback… Hey just gut the land use and environmental laws to keep the developers happy/rich and the contractors working and let everything special about this state wither on the vine – we’ll get over it.
Yeah right…
Surreal Mark…
I chase down cold leads all the time, and end up dropping stories when the facts don’t pan out the way I want them to. The last thing I want is to be embarrassed by getting something wrong.
If Esser’s campaign had given me a reasonable explanation, I wouldn’t have posted. But at this late stage, I wasn’t about to reward them for delaying their response. But I sure wish I had this a few weeks ago, when it could have had more impact. If Darryl and I have stumbled on something, 80 percent of the district will have voted before it hits the mainstream media.
Surreal Mark – I’ve met Goldy. Goldy’s all right. Is he passionate about politics and a fervent advocate for his point of view? You bet. Is he bitter and angry? Hardly. It’s counterproductive.
Show up at a DL like a few other righties have done and judge for yourself.
Maybe he spent the money on male prositutes and meth and decided “Bank Charge” would look better on the PDC report then “Crack and Hoes.”
So much for the party of personal responabilty.
Mark the Cowardly Redneck couldn’t be bothered to answer this thread today. He’s on his way to Colorado Springs for a massage.
My Left Foot @37: I sure hope you were not implying that Luke Esser is just another closeted Gay elected official. If that were true then it would be crossing the line to even bring the subject up.
Hold on a minute!
Luke…Luke Esser…Is this the same guy who has taken every hate based anti gay rights vote since he was first elected? Is this the same Luke who used his leadership position more than once last session to try to pull anti gay rights bills to the senate floor? And, are you saying that Luke Esser like Jim West before him is a hypocrite of mammoth proportions?
Particle Man @ 48:
Um, yup. I am.
(If he sues me, someone remind him he is a public figure and I can say what I please. And it does please me to cast a cloud of doubt on his sexuality, or, lack thereof).
Funny how that works!
Well, even if he were not an elected official, you would win that lawsuit. The mood amoung the gay community in Olympia is that while they will not out him, they also will not come to his defense. And the fact that he once told Josh Felt no when asked means nothing.
Do Republicans secretly hate themselves? Gays pushing for anti-gay legislation, credit-card debtors pushing for more stringent bankruptcy legislation…
Notice that around 1993-1994 H. Ross Perot came up with United We Stand, Paul Tsongas released “A Call to Economic Arms,” but the GOP are going with “if you don’t accept higher bank fees, stagnant wages, inflated costs of gas, education and healthcare, you hate America and don’t deserve to live.”
Accept Jesus, Accept Others, Accept Yourself. Accept J.O.Y. Vote something other than Republican November 7.
Goldy @ 44: “I… end up dropping stories when the facts don’t pan out the way I want them to.”
Truer words were never spoken. Show me a single mea culpa that you didn’t bury or explain away with “…well he didn’t do it THIS time, but I’m sure he did some other time…” If you’re truly a “citizen journalist,” then shouldn’t you post retractions, too?
Particle @ 40: Exactly. So explain to me how Christine Rolfes (D) in the 23rd — whose campaign has gotten a lot of backroom support from the Dem Party — got away with an “inexperienced campaign volunteer” doing treasurer work.
Mark, lets see, Esser is a member of the Bar, is employed by the attorney generals office and hes brother is his treasurer, and he has violated PDC reporting at the very least and you want to talk about some shit in the 23rd. Nice try.
Particle @ 53
I was simply agreeing with your comment that the treasurer’s job is not something to be taken lightly. Rolfes is currently under PDC investigation and the “inexperienced volunteer” comment was her defense.
And just because Esser is an attorney, doesn’t make him an accountant. Both Esser and Rolfes appear to have PDC reporting violations and both are running for state-level office. Seems pretty similar to me — except for the pesky “party” thing which really seems to get in the way of the truth on HA.
So Mark, then you agree that Luke should come clean about his false PDC reports and not just hide out till after the election. Why he is at it, perhaps he will open the closet and explain why he has been a leader against his fellow people of same sex orientation. Or perhaps he will explane why he opposes transportation/roads funding for the people of his district.
Way to go goldy. Way to stoop to the this level.
It can never be about the issues, can it? Maybe you aren’t that different from the republicans that you despise so much.
Particle @ 56: “…you agree that Luke should come clean about his false PDC reports and not just hide out till after the election.”
Your comment is EXACTLY what is wrong with politics today. There may be a QUESTION about what the filing means, but there is no PROOF that anything is wrong. You don’t want an explanation, you want a blog headline.
If you want accountability, you ask it of ALL candidates and officeholders — regardless of party. Instead, you and Goldy and other anti-Righties (since you’re not really “pro” anything) sling and slime and hope that something sticks.
Mark my thick headed friend, Esser made false PDC reports. Sorry, its just a fact. He may try to tell us that it was a simple oversite. But, he has not come forward to tell us anything. You and I buth know a $1,500 charge shown as a bank fee was false.
Particle @ 58: “Esser made false PDC reports”
And your hard PROOF of this is ____? You have SPECULATION, not facts. You have something that APPEARS improper or mistaken, but that’s all you’ve got.
As for responding to Goldy, I addressed that earlier. I would not put it past Goldy to take an Esser comment out of context and make a mountain out of what might be a molehill. Esser would have no chance to properly respond before Tuesday and that’d be it. Since you’re not planning to vote for him anyway, why should he care what you or Goldy think?
Another simple explanation: Those were NSF fees.
Those charges are from taking care of yo’ Mama!
What a load of horseshit. If this is the best you have on the eve of the election then Rodney Tom is in worse shape than I thought.