While the hard-right response to liberal dissent was basically “STFU, you commie traitors,” the progressive response to hard-right dissent seems to be “please keep talking.”
I sincerely hope each and every teabagger gets quoted by a traditional media outlet. While we just had elections last fall, the mid-terms are next year! Let the American people judge.
LOL. True. Remember that EVERY time someone criticized George W. Bush we were reminded (especially by Fox ‘News’) that “we’re at war”…”it’s a time of war”…”we’re a war time nation”. So to all the anti-Obama “traitors”…we’re at war and you’re attacking the Commander in Chief, so you’re all anti-American traitors who want our enemies to win! (see how stupid that argument sounds when you’re on the other end)
Schmudget has the goods on the federal estate tax:
And it looks like it’s time for Larry Summers to find the door…
Here’s just one of many articles:
“My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks,” President Obama told the CEOs of the biggest banks when he took them to the woodshed recently. As public anger builds against the Goldman Sachs rat pack he has welcomed into the White House, the president might also reflect on his own popularity being the only thing standing between the pitchforks and some of his most prominent appointees.
The focus of public displeasure seems to swing between Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers, director of the National Economic Council. This is the same Summers who was run out of the presidency of Harvard University by pitchfork-wielding academics.
Suspicion and anger jumped up a peg when it was disclosed that Goldman Sachs, the bête noire of the politically disgruntled left and right, had paid Summers $135,000 to give a speech. Because Summers is always sounding off for free, the Goldman people may have dropped coins in his cup against the possibility that he might get such a job as he has gotten in the Obama White House.
“Let the American people judge.”
-Sounds fair to me.
federal estate tax
-OK, if you’ve got to have it, let it be 10% on any amount in excess of $1,000,000,000 and index tahat amount for inflation. That should definitely exclude the mom and pop operations.
@4: If you read the post and looked at the link – the current proposal would only affect 100 farms and small businesses and those are the upper end of the spectrum with most paying minimal amounts.
As to the “tea parties” …what a great joke.
No taxation without representation! Ooops, we just had an election…oh, well.
No deficit spending!(except for the trillion dollars we wasted in Iraq that no one said anything about!).
No deficit spending! The economy is doing greeeeat, Tony! Let private industry (currently laying everyone off) pick up the economy.
What did you say? Private industry is not hiring and is making the depression worse? Well, we can’t compromise our “principles” for peoples jobs (except if we deficit spend for Iraq).
Santelli! I am all for a pompous idiot day-trader television hack leading a revolution for the common millionaire to prevent the economy from recovering from the Bush depression. Go Rick! Tell us how you have a plan for recovery! What? You don’t have any plan and didn’t mind wasting a trillion in Iraq?
Say it ain’t so Rick!
#2 & #6
Why are we discussing the Federal Estate Tax? We had a Republican President for 8 years (with a Republican Congress for 6). Obviously the estate tax was repealed (they always said it was unfair), right? And the IRS was eliminated. The Dept of Education was downsized or closed. The Republicans got what they wanted for 6-8 years, and Obama hasn’t overturned anything major yet (just been in office for a few weeks), so what’s the complaint?
Oh wait…there IS still a Federal Estate tax? Huh. Would any Republicans like to explain why George W. Bush did not eliminate it? He had total control over the Executive and Legislative branch for 6 years. What was the reason for LEAVING the tax in place and hurting all of these small businesses? I believe it dropped from 50% to 45%, which is nice, but why not just drop it?
Keep dreamin’ Jon.
From today’s Rasmussen (THE LOWEST YET!!)
Obama continues to tank despite his voice & face everywhere. He and the world are suffering from “OBAMA FATIGUE”.
The guy is really in love with hearing himself yap.
You KLOWNS are still dreaming Obama has a mandate to support your off-the-wall, Marxist Atheist Progressive agenda.
Good luck with that…ain’t gonna happen.
Looks like the right wing assholes aren’t getting off to such a good start with their whole TEABAGGING thing.
The Huffington Post??
ByeBye is such a fool.
How has your KLOWN-like existence changed the past 3 months ByeBye?
You and YLB still “between jobs”??
Just as I thought.
You were poor & stupid before…and remain the same.
It’s been beautiful in Arizona.
84 degrees the past 3 days.
Glad you aren’t here.
Oh and Arizona schools are cutting all the fat out of Education. In one area, 64 Asst. Principals are getting the ax. Can hire a few more actual teachers and cut class sizes.
So CYNCYN you saying they DID have a permit? What part of the story is false? You stupid fuck, nobody believes you but keep lying. It’s what you do best.
Hey we uncovered the source behind the so-called “non-partisan” teabagging deal – it’s the guy who funds and builds all the GOP web sites -http://taxdayteaparty.com/ what a surprise!
And lastly – if CYNCYN quotes Rasmussen – the Faux News run polling service, bet your bottom line that the legitimate polls are much different. Oh yeah and that includes the last one that counted on Nov 4 when we kicked the shit out of you cowardly traitors on the right! HEHE!
@4 I think we should eliminate the estate tax altogether. Making dead people pay taxes just isn’t fair! Kicking the bucket should get you out of taxes. Let’s treat inheritances as ordinary income of the heirs and tax it the same as wages, with the same exemptions and deductions. Inherited property wouldn’t be taxed until it was sold, so no one would lose a family farm or small business because of taxes. This is very fair.
Mr. Sin-ickle,
Seems you were posting similar “polls” last fall before the November elections.
How’d that work out for you, “pardner?” (you have to say it like Big Worm from the movie “Fridays”.
As usual I ran that bitch CYNCYN off this thread as I’ve done a hundred times. The cunt can’t hang when presented with facts. Which is why he’s stupid enough to vote against his own interests.
Speaking of liars, the reports of “thousands” gathered in Tacoma were so fucking untrue as to think it would make even Faux News blush. About 40 people by my count.
LOL The right wing can’t even run a tea-party right let alone the Publican party.