A couple years ago Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels rankled a few folks by suggesting that the Frank Colacurcio Sr. might be involved in organized crime:
“The clubs don’t make their money off of Pepsi (and …) they’re not allowed to serve alcohol,” Nickels said during his monthly appearance on a call-in television show on Seattle’s government affairs cable channel, called Seattle Channel. “I believe that there is organized crime involved in at least that club and perhaps others.”
Yeah, sure… the Colacurcio’s had a long history of gambling, vice, and suspected mob involvement, but to suggest that a family is connected to organized crime, simply because they have a very Italian sounding name (and own a string of shady strip clubs… and were suspected in a series of execution style killings)… well, that’s just offensive.
Where’s the proof, critic’s asked? Apologies were demanded. Nickels refused.
Well, since truth-defenders like Erica are such sticklers for apologies, I’m guessing they’ll be sending a few “I’m sorries” Nickels’ way, now that his charges appear to be backed up by a five-year federal investigation.
Erica’s probably very busy right now healing from Hillary’s defeat.
Erica’s probably very busy healing from Hillary’s defeat.
Actually, I thought the local newspaper articles about the recent investigations DID go a little to far with respect to printing decades-old but unproven allegations as if they were established facts. If I were an editor, I would have done a lot of work on those articles. You don’t accuse somebody of involvement in homicides lightly.
The unindicted co-conspirator in this whole thing is the Seattle City Council and the Mayor’s office which, through their 17-year long “temporary” moratorium, allowed old Frank to have an exclusive on the skin trade in Seattle.
More nanny state goodness and the law of unintended consequences. How they can be as stupidly liberal and yet so bluenosed, boogles the mind.
The Colacurcio’s have been dirty since before the beginning of time. Nearly 40-years ago, my late mother sat on a jury in a Colacurcio-related corruption trial in federal court in Seattle.
This story, in one real sense, is so old it qualifies for landmark status like the Ballard Denny’s.
And newspapers and investigative journalism aren’t held to the same standards as criminal trials – no need to prove anything “beyond a resonable doubt.” It’s enough that The Times told a story that most anyone who’s been around these parts for more than a week already knows.
The Piper
unindicted co-conspirator
Pfffft. In your most frenzied wet-dreams.
Are you saying people with “very italian sounding” names are connected to organized crime…
There are a few on this board with a “italian name”…yikes, I had no idea :-)
Geeze, there is enough dirt on the Colacurcio family already, an no need to pull that crap with “Italian sounding names”. Didn’ we have that discussion a while ago ?
If we go by name…heck, maybe Barack Obama is a Muslim afterall…right ? :-)
After seeing our system of justice, and government over the last seven years, I think I will wait for the FUCKING EVIDENCE. The only crime I know of that Rick’s strip club is guilty of is false promises. It was the last place I ever expected to see intercourse performed. So I will just wait for the evidence, thankyouverymuch.
You guys are such suckers. You believe this line of shit because the govenment says its true? If it is so true, and they have such overwhelming evidence, why are they trying to gather evidence from employees showing up for work? Eh, Columbo? If they have proof of violent crime, why aren’t they releasing it? We all know the government loves to taint the jury pool by releasing saucy details to the press. Where is it? I haven’t heard boo. When are people going to wake up to our governments same old song and dance?
Oh, and BTW, five years takes us back to 2003. Let’s see, do you think maybe the FBI had anything of a higher priority to do in 2003, than using the new PATRIOT act to hunt down strippers? I know they were working OT to put a cloak over the statue of a nude woman holding the scales of justice at the Justice Dept. What else, what else…..terrorist alert on “black monday” setting back in 2003.
Bush was so afraid of those Iraqi WMD filled balsa wood gliders that he sent a crack team of agents to Seattle to investigate who was getting booty crack at Rick’s.
Are these guys dirty? Yeah, probably a bit. But I fear the Frankie C’s of the world way less than our wiretapping, torturing, and rendering Federal government.
Just more government bullshit. Same bull, different day. Wake up, suckers!
@8 “But I fear the Frankie C’s of the world way less than our wiretapping, torturing, and rendering Federal government.”
Damned straight, Mike.
Who said Italian? Who said Mob? Who said Mafia? (well, OK, that article said Mafia)
If the Colacurcios are anything, it’s organized.
So, I’d like to know when the FBI is going to investigate the Bush organized crime family?
11: They are no, remember, you need an italian name according to the “expert” above
Saying someone is connected to organized crime, without proof, is wrong.
It’s an unsupported smear.
It doesn’t matter if your proof turns up later — you gotta give the proof when you say it.