Obama continues to flounder in the muck his arrogance and chronic lying has created for him: Friday, August 21, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 31% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends).
Of the priorities outlined by the President earlier this year, 40% of voters say cutting the deficit is most important. Twenty-one percent (21%) believe health care should be the top objective. While deficit reduction is seen as the most important, 67% say it is the least likely to be achieved.
Obama keeps telling us about 47 million uninsured. He doesn’t tell us that 10 million of those are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Should we be giving free Health Insurance to ILLEGAL ALIENS?? I don’t think the American people even remotely believe so. These numbers come from the Left-wing sell-out group AMA…who has seen their membership plummet to 17% of the Doctors and dropping!!
Now you see itspews:
Priceless! This is what happens when we let computers take over TOO much.
And as usual, @1 proves why 95% of all comedians are liberal, Republicans have no humor.
LAUGH boy! It’s a JOKE! God. Politics is fun to argue over, but take a break from the crazy train every now and then and lighten up.
P.S. The polling problem for Obama (since you need someone to explain basic things to you) is that the liberals are pissed at Obama for not going far and fast ENOUGH. The Republicans are pissed at Obama because, well, he’s a Democrat. He’s stuck in between trying to find some middle way, but discovering there doesn’t seem to be one. So no one likes what he’s been doing. Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
Why do you bother?
Is it fun being irritating?
While you fart here, the conservative movement is dieing. The only conservatives actually working to get their agenda done are .. the Blue Dog Demicans.
Assuming McKenna is a rational conservative he can only run on the Republican ticket if he plays the role of a radical rightie …. global warming is a hoax, birther, gays-are-evil,Obama-is-Hitler, ..is a rahole bizzaro agenda.
And you, Puddy, Troll .. the whole passel of folks who treat HA as if it were a boy’s room? What do you think you achieve?
@4 Those ads are the closest our trolls get to sex.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Great, the SeattleJew Sockpuppet rose then set just as quick. What “comedy” above…
the whole passel of folks who treat HA as if it were a boy’s room?
Rick D – called Ricky Dumbass
RUFUS – called Doofus
Piper – called Pooper
Puddybut – called buttputty pudpacker, etc
Cynical – Klynical
It’s your side, the “progressives” who start the name calling and when we call these HA Libtardo “great minds” names back it’s us who make this blog a “boys room”.
That’s why Puddy has special names for the fools here. Didya ever notice Puddy calls some by their nom de plumes?
We on the right give examples of left-wing hypocrisy. PERIOD. It’s so easy to find.
Regarding Obama is Hitler – you need to see all the posters and t-shirts and goosetepping videos for Bushitler? Need to see the links How about headless and others claiming we’ll be frog-marched? You hang with these loathsome “creatures” SeattleJew. While Republicans allowed power to go to their heads and abused it, we see Democrats have never changed.
Norman Thomas was so right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 The difference is Bush behaved like Hitler and Obama doesn’t.
Bush = warmonger
Bush = torturer
Bush = liar
Bush = fearmonger
Bush = demagogue
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Poor poodlehead is a lapdog for rich rascists. Consumer Warning: They won’t reward your service and loyalty, poodle. Really. They won’t. Whether you know it or not, you’re giving yourself to them for free.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Typo correction @9: “fascists” not “racists”
(Goldy’s edit function not only isn’t working this morning, it’s not even there.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Therefore #9 should read:
Poor poodlehead is a lapdog for rich fascists. Consumer Warning: They won’t reward your service and loyalty, poodle. Really. They won’t. Whether you know it or not, you’re giving yourself to them for free.
@5 This may in fact do what rising energy costs almost did a few years ago and would otherwise do in the not-too-distant future.
Instead of making stuff here because it would cost too much to ship it from halfway around the planet, we’ll have to start making our own stuff instead of buying it from other countries because nobody else will accept IOU’s with pictures of dead presidents on them.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Progressive Bowel Movement is in shambles.
Nickels loses in the Primary.
Obama is tanking faster than a ship with a massive hole in the bow.
Puddy…I figured it would take these dimwits at least a year to pinch their l’il dicks off.
They continue to amaze with their ineptness at actual “governing”!!
How I know homeless and jobless people have the best health care in America, and why we don’t need health care reform … that guy … Edward Lightheart/John Doe, that guy who claims to have amnesia who woke up in Discovery Park … he is now staying at Swedish Hospital, and being treated by some of the best doctors and neurologists in the country.
This case is proof we do not need health care reform. The homeless, uninsured, and mentally ill receive, free of charge, some of the best health care on earth.
“This case is proof we do not need health care reform. The homeless, uninsured, and mentally ill receive, free of charge, some of the best health care on earth.”
Nope…this is just proof that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
I doubt your mommy can explain this one to you.
Oh…wait…you’re a Troll…your were saying something idiotic on purpose. Damn it, I was fooled again.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
Your analogy is poor.
1. Show me the liberal equivalent of Palin (death panels), Limbaugh (nazis, feminazis), Beck (too many examples), Grassley (death panels), deLey (Birthers), Hannity (too many examples) …….
2. Bush and co. actually DID most of the specific acts they are charged with .. Bush was absent without leave, his wife DID kill a boyfriend, Chaney and Bush did lie about Iraq, they did blow a vast amount of money with no plans for paying for it, … how much more do you want?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@7 Poor poodlehead is a lapdog for rich rascists.
Pelletizer the poster boy for retired guvmint cheeze lawyers who claim they are a feral animal and claims to enjoy sex with them.
Sam Adamsspews:
The server is wee weed up
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
9/11 Truthers, Bill Burkett/Dan Rathergate files, ALF, ELF, Code Pink, Daily Kos, TPM, GLA, GLAAD immediately come to mind SeattleJew.
What did Laura Bush accidentally killing her boyfriend on a dark road have to do with anything political SeattleJew? Are you entering into the NutsTooTight zone now?
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
@ 20. Puddybud
9/11 Truthers, Bill Burkett/Dan Rathergate files, ALF, ELF, Code Pink, Daily Kos, TPM, GLA, GLAAD immediately come to mind SeattleJew.
You are comparing a hodgepodge of blogs and organizations with the Republican party, its leaders and a major news network. If that is your standard, then you need to add to the other side the Aryan Nation, Eyman, National Review, etc.
What did Laura Bush accidentally killing her boyfriend on a dark road have to do with anything political SeattleJew? Are you entering into the NutsTooTight zone now?
No, I certainly would not want this issue being made into a political football. But that sort of crap is NORMAL from the right.
Dan Rathergate
Rather was correct. Bush was absent with out leave, the letter was NOT forged because it was typed on a Selectric ( as a LCDR in the USN, I actually used a military issued version of the same typewriter the right claimed the military did not have at the time), and Bush did receive special favors because of who id dad was. As a Vietnam vet who lost friends in airplanes over Nam, I resent Bush’s cowardice greatly. What DID happen si that a massive effort by a smear machine manhed to spin Bush’s horrible service record into an attack on Rather.
So no, I am hardly a wingnut or anything of tyhe sort. What I would like to see is some rational discourse from the conservative side other than the only real conservatives we seem to now have .. that is Obama, the blue dogs, and VERY rare repubs.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
Puddy ctd,
let me do YOUR job for you.
There are some nuts on the left too, though they are far fewer in number and certainly nowhere near the levers of power in the Democratic party.
We saw this in the I-1000, Death with Dignity, campaign where there were unconscionable attacks on the medical profession and on devout Christians.
We see this new in the peace movement that thinks we should leave Israel to the mercies of Iran and excuses the terrorism of Hamas.
We see this in labor unions that block school reform and think we should close free trade to “protect” American workers.
This is not a problem I take likely. Hitler came to power in Germany in some part because the left had becomes so radicalized as to lo0se credibility. Labor extremism has largely decimated England as an industrial competitor. Ideological rightists perpetuated Franco so long that some folks still ask if he is dead yet. Rightie rhetoric delayed the healing Dr, King tried to bring to tghe South for at leats a generation.
The problem with your side is that there you have lost your place at the table of rational discussants.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
@15 Troll
Tell me, tell all ..
WHO do YOU suppose is paying those bills at Swedish? or do you think the money is coming from some magical mystery source.
Swedish, like almost all American hospitals is mandated to pay that bill. TGhe mandate, however does nto include a source of funds. In effect YOUR insurance is paying that bill.
A major reason conservatives SHOULD support the public option is that its tops this sort of stupid and inefficient cost shifting by making each patient accountable for her or his costs.
Is that too hard for you to understand?
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
just for fun, lets assume we do get the public option and despite the righties cutting themselves out of the deal, it is written so the government actually assumes the costs of mandated care.
The interesting consequence would be that for the first time we would actually know as a public how much we ARE paying for healthcare for those aliens, welfare moms, injuns, and other neer do wells that worry you so much.
A) Do you believe this jobless man is receiving some of the finest health care in the nation? I say yes.
B) In your estimation, 10 years from now, how much do you think he will have spent total out of his own pocket for his treatment at Swedish? I say zero.
Was downtown today. Saw some Linden Larouche supporters being victimized by a mob of liberals. All the Larouchers were doing was holding big posters of Obama with a Hitler mustache, and liberals were walking by screaming hate speech at them. It was really a scary how liberals responded to this peaceful gather with such hate and anger.
A) Do you believe this jobless man is receiving some of the finest health care in the nation? I say yes.
Yes, so?
I do not think your insurance should be paying for his healthcare, do you?
B) In your estimation, 10 years from now, how much do you think he will have spent total out of his own pocket for his treatment at Swedish? I say zero.
Yes, .. isn’t that why we need a logical system that ACCOUNTS FOR WHAT HAS BEEN SPENT ON HIS CARE?
You seem to want to demnize this guy and say he should nto get care. I am not sure what that has to do with the discussion of who does pay for the care we as a society decide to provide for all.
If oyu are opposed ,as I would guess you are, to unoversal care, then say so. Otherwise, what is your point?
My point? I’m saying bums, the homeless, the mentally ill, the jobless, and the unemployed already receive the finest health care this country has to offer.
Why does Goldy allow people to use the word nigger on his blog?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew and his Sockputtet
You are comparing a hodgepodge of blogs and organizations with the Republican party, its leaders and a major news network. If that is your standard, then you need to add to the other side the Aryan Nation, Eyman, National Review, etc.
You betcha. Where does Goldy, Lee, Darryl, Jon, Will, etc. get their information from? Why would Puddy bring Nancy Swastika Viewing Pelosi who is one of the vile ones? Why would Puddy bring up Chucky Steal Social Security Numbers Schumer another of the vile ones? You mean Puddy should have included PMSNBC, who Puddy just destroyed the Rachel Maddow fake news tape yesterday? Or the official mouthpiece NBC? How about CNN, ABC and CBS? Or wondermoron’s favrits KooksTV or HuffPo?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew discussed
Dan Rathergate…Authentic documents?
What are you talking about good buddy? Oh yeah right SeattleJew. The DUmmys on Democratic Underground questioned their authenticity. CBS could not prove the chain of custody SeattleJew.
Puddy isn’t disagreeing with the probability of Bush getting out early.
Laura Bush’s fatal accident and the trumped-up articles is the
sort of crap is NORMAL from the right.
There were HA Libtardo fools on this blog who kept reminding us about this fact. What are you talking about good buddy? Did you get into Lee’s stash? That made me laugh very hard.
What DID happen si that a massive effort by a smear machine manhed to spin Bush’s horrible service record into an attack on Rather.
Apparently SeattleJew you haven’t read or you forgot stuff…See pages 130 & 131 in the report SeattleJew. Somehow Dan and Mary chose not to use that data.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
We see this new in the peace movement that thinks we should leave Israel to the mercies of Iran and excuses the terrorism of Hamas.
We see this in labor unions that block school reform and think we should close free trade to “protect” American workers.
And Puddy has discussed these activities many times SeattleJew. Contact wondermoron as he claims to archive all the PuddyMissives.
We now see your side and the libtardo media in perfect harmony. They enjoy calling Democrats and Republicans swastika bearing rabble rousers.
And you postulate your side brings a levelheaded approach to the discussion?
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
@31 NOT OK.
And you obviously know that.
There is no left equivalent to Fox, no Democrat member of Congress to compare with Jeff Sessions’ treatment of Sotomayor or Michelle Bachman’s bizarre world. Madow IS vocal but she is not crazy, does not incite violence as O’Reilly and Beck do.
Look, try taking a positive POV instead of comparing brands. On the left I am happy and proud to name several smart folks who I feel express my views. I will start with the President. You do not have to like him but tell me who YOU respect amongst the Repubs?
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
33 Puddy YOY arfe making MY point.
President Obama has taken stands in opposition to the unions and there are certainloy many great dems, inlcuding the President, who speak against Iran.
If we take these as conservative issues, tell me who are the impressive concervative spokespeople on either issue? On schools? On Israel? On Iran?
Any semblance of debate fromn that side is so contaminated by nut cases, not very different in reality from your own act here, that no one takes them seriously.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
Puddy …
again, you hold out HA bloggers against thre official Republiocan spokes peop;e. Yeh folks here can be extreme, but compare how the media treated Mrs Bush’s record (BTW, the files are still hidden, presumablyt to protect her teen aged persona) from the bizarre comments that get made about Mrs.’s thesis at Princeton.
FWIW, from what I have heard of those days at Princeton from jewish friends the place WAS very racist!
As for Rather, I am nto a fan of his BUT, the fact of Bush’s being absent from his assigned duties was true and remains true today. If rather ios a less than fully cometent journalist, how does that change the irreposibility of the Republoican party in dealing with the incompetence of the man they elected?
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
@29 Troll
so I take it you think taxing your insurance to pay for hi8s healthcare with all the inefficiencies implicit in cost shifting is OK?
Somehow I think you are walking around with no pants and your genitalia are not looking so good.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
There is no left equivalent to Fox, no Democrat member of Congress to compare with Jeff Sessions’ treatment of Sotomayor
Oh so you condoned Chucky Steal Social Security Numbers Schumer attack on Sam Alito’s Italian heritage? Sotomayor said those things SeattleJew from her own mouth and pen. If you came out and said what Sotomayor said you would be attacked and you know it.
does not incite violence as O’Reilly and Beck do.
WTF are you saying? O’Reilly has been standing up for “the messiah” when others on his show attack “the messiah”. And if you are talking about O’Reilly inciting someone to off Tiller the Baby Killer, then your side incited someone to off the recruiting soldier and wound another in Arkansas the next day with all the anti-military talking libtardo MSM heads and blogs from your side.
Regarding Glenn Beck, Puddy didn’t agree with his comment on “the messiah”, but all else he’s identifying is/has come true already.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Look, try taking a positive POV instead of comparing brands.
On this HA Libtardo station?
Steve and wondermoron ignore the pervs in your party to throw up pervs in the Republican party.
Steve and others call us who think right goatfuckers. Yeah that’s the ticket.
Everyone here ignores the graft and theft in your party to throw up graft and theft in the Republican party.
Ain’t gonna happen for a long while SeattleJew.
Puddy, we have to throw the goatfucking, graft and corruption of Republicans in your face. If we didn’t, you’d just fucking ignore it and rag on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how Armitage, Paulson, Greenspan, Osama Bin Laden, Stalin, Hitler, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, The Romulans, Lyndon LaRouche and the Devil are all Democrats. You see, we’re just trying to help steer you get off that insipid, one-track line of utter bullshit you spew here.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, what a moron.
Puddy acknowledged many Republican foibles and you know it. You even admitted it.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
@38 Puddy
Jeff Sessions’ treatment of Sotomayor vs. Schumer attack on Sam Alito’s Italian heritage?
Put up or shut up. You show me where Sen Shumer condescended to Alito the way Sessions did to Sotomayor.
Sotomayor said those things SeattleJew from her own mouth and pen.
AND .. Alito himself has a;lso talked about his heritage. There is nothing wrong in her being proud of being a NeoRican.
If you came out and said what Sotomayor said you would be attacked and you know it.
Bull. I have and do say I am proud of my heritage.
WTF are you saying? O’Reilly has been standing up for “the messiah” when others on his show attack “the messiah”.
O’Reilly advocated the hatred that led to death of a doctor and never expresed guilt for that behavior. As for your own comment, I challenge ypou to show me where Dr. Tiller has taken a life of any “baby.” Abortions done in the third trimester for medical reasons are rare and, when done are done to protect the mother.
your side incited someone to off the recruiting soldier and wound another in Arkansas the next day with all the anti-military talking libtardo MSM heads and blogs from your side.
Baloney. Yu show me a SINGLE MSM or major blog that has advocated hatred toward our soldiers.
Regarding Glenn Beck, Puddy didn’t agree with his comment on “the messiah”, but all else he’s identifying is/has come true already.
Bull shit. The men is an outspoken hate monger. His ilk are killing any hope we have for the GOP ever returning to part as a rational opposition.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
@43 Puddy, the gamne is over. Its boring.
None of the serious posters here want to ploay this game. I would not either iof I did not now how much more there was that you could say.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew attacks. Puddy can’t place too many links in a thread cuz akismet will go bonkers.
Put up or shut up. You show me where Sen Shumer condescended to Alito the way Sessions did to Sotomayor.
Ya ready SeattleJew? Google “schumer attacks alito supreme court”. You don’t remember when Sam Alito’s wife leaves the hearings in tears from Ol Chucky and his buds? Here’s one Puddy thought was interesting at the time…Enjoy the reading.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew attacks. Puddy can’t place too many links in a thread cuz akismet will go bonkers.
AND .. Alito himself has a;lso talked about his heritage. There is nothing wrong in her being proud of being a NeoRican.
Until you say you are better than others because of it.
Let’s say Lee tells you he’s wise man, with the richness of his experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion to all his arguments with you? Would you accept it SeattleJew? Basically that’s what Sotomayor said. “I would hope that a wise woman with the richness of her experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion.””
So…Did Alito tell anyone his Italian heritage makes him better qualified than the average whitey? Did Alito say he’s a wise Paisan and he can make better judgments? Hmmm…?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew attacks
I challenge ypou to show me where Dr. Tiller has taken a life of any “baby.”
Baby? Good try SeattleJew. They are all babies when a man delivers his sperm to the woman’s egg. Why did God tell the Israelites to utterly destroy their enemies? The pregnant women were carrying babies. George Tiller performed many not few late term abortions. Direct from HuffPo SeattleJew…”WICHITA, Kan. — One of the nation’s few late-term abortion providers” Abortion rights activists claim they know of at least 459 second and third term abortions done by Tiller.
Tiller’s own words on his late term abortion experience.
“We have some experience with late terminations: about 10,000 patients between 24 and 36 weeks and something like 800 fetal anomalies between 26 and 36 weeks in the past 5 years.” – George R. Tiller, April 2-4, 1995 in New Orleans, LA at the National Abortion Federation Annual Meeting
Wow SeattleJew that’s a lot of experience.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew attacks
Baloney. Yu show me a SINGLE MSM or major blog that has advocated hatred toward our soldiers.
Gosh SeattleJew, that’s really easy… General Betray-Us! from your bestus friends at MoveOn.Org. Also from your pals at DUmmys (democratic underground). It only took “the messiah” 10 months to find his cojones to attack Move.On on it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Then SeattleJew your bud Frank Rich penned this…
Will the Democrats Betray Us? By FRANK RICH
Published: September 16, 2007
“It’s time for the Democratic presidential candidates to stop bickering about who has the faster timeline for withdrawal from Iraq.” Hey Frank where’s your voice now?
And how about the support for the ad from your “senators”
SeattleJew, how many times did Democrats threaten to withhold war funds using the soldiers as pawns?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy sees you really really like Glenn Beck!
@41 “Steve, what a moron”
Puddy, what a bore you’ve become.
@46 You come here now advocating for the murder of abortion doctors? When will you call for the murder of the women who had the doctor kill their children? After all, it’s not like Dr. Tiller snatched women off the street to murder their babies. These women went to the doctor to have their little babies murdered. When is your sword of righteousness going to fall on them? When are you going to get around to delivering God’s terrible wrath upon women who want their children to die in an abortion clinic?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, still enjoying abusing goats? Remember Mark Foley? David Vitter? Puddy took a stand. You say it and admitted it.
@46 You come here now advocating for the murder of abortion doctors?
Where did Puddy say that? You are twisting sentences into something never mentioned by Puddy!
When will you call for the murder of the women who had the doctor kill their children?
When you become a Republican Steve. Since you will never be a Republican, Puddy will never call for the extermination of the women who have abortions. See how stupid your sentence is?
After all, it’s not like Dr. Tiller snatched women off the street to murder their babies. These women went to the doctor to have their little babies murdered.
SeattleJew said
Abortions done in the third trimester for medical reasons are rare and, when done are done to protect the mother.
All Puddy did was deliver facts, right out of the mouth of Dr George Tiller. Even pro-abortion people admitted he did some.
When is your sword of righteousness going to fall on them? When are you going to get around to delivering God’s terrible wrath upon women who want their children to die in an abortion clinic?
If you paid attention at all to what Puddy has written, Puddy is very sad my people have taken up donkoinfanticide.
Why Steve? Let Puddy help you. Because one of those eradicated black babies could have been a great mind. A doctor who may have cured many types of cancer. A doctor who cured AIDS. A doctor who may have cured Alzheimer’s. A doctor who may have cured Parkinsons, Hodgkins, etc. Think Ben Carson Steve. Inner city boy from Deeeeeeeeeetroit now a world renown pediatric neurosurgeon. How about a black billionaire who creates jobs like Robert Johnson? Notice Puddy didn’t say another great sports hero?
Puddy hasn’t advocated ever the incarceration of women who get abortions fool! Ask wondermoron if Puddy has ever advocated that. Puddy has NEVER EVER seen any leftist black person on HA Libtardos mention anything about inner city blacks stopping the abortion of their unbord babies. To Puddy that’s very telling about their mindset.
And Steve…, man you are strange, all the time now!
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
This is boring,.
@44 the link yu cite says nothing about Schumer dissing Alito’s heritage.
As for Mr. Alito he has, like many Justices before him, certainly talked about the contribution his heirtage makes to his decisions.
@46 embryoes as babies
You are just blowing stem and know better. Every woman spontaneous ly aborts about 1/3 of the fertilized eggs. If you think these are precious babies than raise money to save their lives.
As for late term abortion, you have not cited a single case where Dr. Teller took a life other than to save a life. At worst, he aborted late term fetuses who had horrid defects that would have made them unable to function as people.
Again, if you really believed in this, you would raise funds to support some kind of facility to care for such “kids.” How is it it that the pro life crews are so much about Dr. Teller but do so little to help the severely disabled progeny they insist are babies?
@47 MOve on is neither the MSM nor a blog. Moreover, criticizing Gen Petraeus is haredly the same as inciting hatred to ward soldiers and marines.
FWIW, the Genreral himself has tried to explain that under military law he is subject to whoever commands him. If Bush betrayed the country that puts this ad in a different light.
@49 “threaten to withhold funds using soldiers as pawns?” Show me one instance of a Democrat saying he or she was willing to sacrifice American lives to make his political point.
@50 Glen Beck .. look at the SJ entry on this bigot. I am an American, I hate bigots.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
As for late term abortion, you have not cited a single case where Dr. Teller took a life other than to save a life. At worst, he aborted late term fetuses who had horrid defects that would have made them unable to function as people.
And how would Puddy get those medical records? What a useless canard. Puddy used Dt Tiller’s own words and SeattleJew postulates everyone of them was due to mother’s health or deformity. Let Puddy help you again SeattleJew…
10,000 patients between 24 and 36 weeks and something like 800 fetal anomalies between 26 and 36 weeks in the past 5 years
So it seems 9200 abortions were for what SeattleJew? Please tell us!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew is funny
MOve on is neither the MSM nor a blog. Moreover, criticizing Gen Petraeus is haredly the same as inciting hatred to ward soldiers and marines.
Yet they caused 25 American senators to agree with them.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So SeattleJew when Harry Reid said and it was reported in the WAPO “Bush will not get more money to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this year unless he accepts a plan to complete troop withdrawals by the end of next year.” doesn’t count as using the soldiers as pawns?
Hmmm… Puddy needs to call Mrs SeattleJew. Something not right.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew, Puddy forgot the comments of John Murtha and John Kerry about our troops.
Obama continues to flounder in the muck his arrogance and chronic lying has created for him:
Friday, August 21, 2009
Obama keeps telling us about 47 million uninsured. He doesn’t tell us that 10 million of those are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Should we be giving free Health Insurance to ILLEGAL ALIENS?? I don’t think the American people even remotely believe so. These numbers come from the Left-wing sell-out group AMA…who has seen their membership plummet to 17% of the Doctors and dropping!!
Priceless! This is what happens when we let computers take over TOO much.
And as usual, @1 proves why 95% of all comedians are liberal, Republicans have no humor.
LAUGH boy! It’s a JOKE! God. Politics is fun to argue over, but take a break from the crazy train every now and then and lighten up.
P.S. The polling problem for Obama (since you need someone to explain basic things to you) is that the liberals are pissed at Obama for not going far and fast ENOUGH. The Republicans are pissed at Obama because, well, he’s a Democrat. He’s stuck in between trying to find some middle way, but discovering there doesn’t seem to be one. So no one likes what he’s been doing. Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.
Why do you bother?
Is it fun being irritating?
While you fart here, the conservative movement is dieing. The only conservatives actually working to get their agenda done are .. the Blue Dog Demicans.
Assuming McKenna is a rational conservative he can only run on the Republican ticket if he plays the role of a radical rightie …. global warming is a hoax, birther, gays-are-evil,Obama-is-Hitler, ..is a rahole bizzaro agenda.
And you, Puddy, Troll .. the whole passel of folks who treat HA as if it were a boy’s room? What do you think you achieve?
Back to ignoring you.
I’ll never play Evony, but their ads sure do perk up my morning browsing.
What happens if China decides it doesn’t need the U.S. anymore? Where will Wal-Mart be then? http://www.newsweek.com/id/212143
@4 Those ads are the closest our trolls get to sex.
Great, the SeattleJew Sockpuppet rose then set just as quick. What “comedy” above…
Rick D – called Ricky Dumbass
RUFUS – called Doofus
Piper – called Pooper
Puddybut – called buttputty pudpacker, etc
Cynical – Klynical
It’s your side, the “progressives” who start the name calling and when we call these HA Libtardo “great minds” names back it’s us who make this blog a “boys room”.
That’s why Puddy has special names for the fools here. Didya ever notice Puddy calls some by their nom de plumes?
We on the right give examples of left-wing hypocrisy. PERIOD. It’s so easy to find.
Regarding Obama is Hitler – you need to see all the posters and t-shirts and goosetepping videos for Bushitler? Need to see the links How about headless and others claiming we’ll be frog-marched? You hang with these loathsome “creatures” SeattleJew. While Republicans allowed power to go to their heads and abused it, we see Democrats have never changed.
Norman Thomas was so right.
@7 The difference is Bush behaved like Hitler and Obama doesn’t.
Bush = warmonger
Bush = torturer
Bush = liar
Bush = fearmonger
Bush = demagogue
@7 Poor poodlehead is a lapdog for rich rascists. Consumer Warning: They won’t reward your service and loyalty, poodle. Really. They won’t. Whether you know it or not, you’re giving yourself to them for free.
Typo correction @9: “fascists” not “racists”
(Goldy’s edit function not only isn’t working this morning, it’s not even there.)
Therefore #9 should read:
Poor poodlehead is a lapdog for rich fascists. Consumer Warning: They won’t reward your service and loyalty, poodle. Really. They won’t. Whether you know it or not, you’re giving yourself to them for free.
“Obama Expands Missile Strikes Inside Pakistan.”
And with that, I believe I just won this debate.
@5 This may in fact do what rising energy costs almost did a few years ago and would otherwise do in the not-too-distant future.
Instead of making stuff here because it would cost too much to ship it from halfway around the planet, we’ll have to start making our own stuff instead of buying it from other countries because nobody else will accept IOU’s with pictures of dead presidents on them.
The Progressive Bowel Movement is in shambles.
Nickels loses in the Primary.
Obama is tanking faster than a ship with a massive hole in the bow.
Puddy…I figured it would take these dimwits at least a year to pinch their l’il dicks off.
They continue to amaze with their ineptness at actual “governing”!!
How I know homeless and jobless people have the best health care in America, and why we don’t need health care reform … that guy … Edward Lightheart/John Doe, that guy who claims to have amnesia who woke up in Discovery Park … he is now staying at Swedish Hospital, and being treated by some of the best doctors and neurologists in the country.
This case is proof we do not need health care reform. The homeless, uninsured, and mentally ill receive, free of charge, some of the best health care on earth.
Troll @ 15,
“This case is proof we do not need health care reform. The homeless, uninsured, and mentally ill receive, free of charge, some of the best health care on earth.”
Nope…this is just proof that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
I doubt your mommy can explain this one to you.
Oh…wait…you’re a Troll…your were saying something idiotic on purpose. Damn it, I was fooled again.
Your analogy is poor.
1. Show me the liberal equivalent of Palin (death panels), Limbaugh (nazis, feminazis), Beck (too many examples), Grassley (death panels), deLey (Birthers), Hannity (too many examples) …….
2. Bush and co. actually DID most of the specific acts they are charged with .. Bush was absent without leave, his wife DID kill a boyfriend, Chaney and Bush did lie about Iraq, they did blow a vast amount of money with no plans for paying for it, … how much more do you want?
Pelletizer the poster boy for retired guvmint cheeze lawyers who claim they are a feral animal and claims to enjoy sex with them.
The server is wee weed up
9/11 Truthers, Bill Burkett/Dan Rathergate files, ALF, ELF, Code Pink, Daily Kos, TPM, GLA, GLAAD immediately come to mind SeattleJew.
What did Laura Bush accidentally killing her boyfriend on a dark road have to do with anything political SeattleJew? Are you entering into the NutsTooTight zone now?
@ 20. Puddybud
You are comparing a hodgepodge of blogs and organizations with the Republican party, its leaders and a major news network. If that is your standard, then you need to add to the other side the Aryan Nation, Eyman, National Review, etc.
No, I certainly would not want this issue being made into a political football. But that sort of crap is NORMAL from the right.
Rather was correct. Bush was absent with out leave, the letter was NOT forged because it was typed on a Selectric ( as a LCDR in the USN, I actually used a military issued version of the same typewriter the right claimed the military did not have at the time), and Bush did receive special favors because of who id dad was. As a Vietnam vet who lost friends in airplanes over Nam, I resent Bush’s cowardice greatly. What DID happen si that a massive effort by a smear machine manhed to spin Bush’s horrible service record into an attack on Rather.
So no, I am hardly a wingnut or anything of tyhe sort. What I would like to see is some rational discourse from the conservative side other than the only real conservatives we seem to now have .. that is Obama, the blue dogs, and VERY rare repubs.
Puddy ctd,
let me do YOUR job for you.
There are some nuts on the left too, though they are far fewer in number and certainly nowhere near the levers of power in the Democratic party.
We saw this in the I-1000, Death with Dignity, campaign where there were unconscionable attacks on the medical profession and on devout Christians.
We see this new in the peace movement that thinks we should leave Israel to the mercies of Iran and excuses the terrorism of Hamas.
We see this in labor unions that block school reform and think we should close free trade to “protect” American workers.
This is not a problem I take likely. Hitler came to power in Germany in some part because the left had becomes so radicalized as to lo0se credibility. Labor extremism has largely decimated England as an industrial competitor. Ideological rightists perpetuated Franco so long that some folks still ask if he is dead yet. Rightie rhetoric delayed the healing Dr, King tried to bring to tghe South for at leats a generation.
The problem with your side is that there you have lost your place at the table of rational discussants.
@15 Troll
Tell me, tell all ..
WHO do YOU suppose is paying those bills at Swedish? or do you think the money is coming from some magical mystery source.
Swedish, like almost all American hospitals is mandated to pay that bill. TGhe mandate, however does nto include a source of funds. In effect YOUR insurance is paying that bill.
A major reason conservatives SHOULD support the public option is that its tops this sort of stupid and inefficient cost shifting by making each patient accountable for her or his costs.
Is that too hard for you to understand?
just for fun, lets assume we do get the public option and despite the righties cutting themselves out of the deal, it is written so the government actually assumes the costs of mandated care.
The interesting consequence would be that for the first time we would actually know as a public how much we ARE paying for healthcare for those aliens, welfare moms, injuns, and other neer do wells that worry you so much.
Seems to me that is a GOOD CONSERVATIVE goal?
Answer my questions:
A) Do you believe this jobless man is receiving some of the finest health care in the nation? I say yes.
B) In your estimation, 10 years from now, how much do you think he will have spent total out of his own pocket for his treatment at Swedish? I say zero.
Was downtown today. Saw some Linden Larouche supporters being victimized by a mob of liberals. All the Larouchers were doing was holding big posters of Obama with a Hitler mustache, and liberals were walking by screaming hate speech at them. It was really a scary how liberals responded to this peaceful gather with such hate and anger.
Seattle Times, was it a nigger that killed her?
@23 Troll
Yes, so?
I do not think your insurance should be paying for his healthcare, do you?
Yes, .. isn’t that why we need a logical system that ACCOUNTS FOR WHAT HAS BEEN SPENT ON HIS CARE?
You seem to want to demnize this guy and say he should nto get care. I am not sure what that has to do with the discussion of who does pay for the care we as a society decide to provide for all.
If oyu are opposed ,as I would guess you are, to unoversal care, then say so. Otherwise, what is your point?
My point? I’m saying bums, the homeless, the mentally ill, the jobless, and the unemployed already receive the finest health care this country has to offer.
This case proves my theory.
Why does Goldy allow people to use the word nigger on his blog?
SeattleJew and his Sockputtet
You betcha. Where does Goldy, Lee, Darryl, Jon, Will, etc. get their information from? Why would Puddy bring Nancy Swastika Viewing Pelosi who is one of the vile ones? Why would Puddy bring up Chucky Steal Social Security Numbers Schumer another of the vile ones? You mean Puddy should have included PMSNBC, who Puddy just destroyed the Rachel Maddow fake news tape yesterday? Or the official mouthpiece NBC? How about CNN, ABC and CBS? Or wondermoron’s favrits KooksTV or HuffPo?
SeattleJew discussed
What are you talking about good buddy? Oh yeah right SeattleJew. The DUmmys on Democratic Underground questioned their authenticity. CBS could not prove the chain of custody SeattleJew.
Puddy isn’t disagreeing with the probability of Bush getting out early.
Laura Bush’s fatal accident and the trumped-up articles is the
There were HA Libtardo fools on this blog who kept reminding us about this fact. What are you talking about good buddy? Did you get into Lee’s stash? That made me laugh very hard.
Apparently SeattleJew you haven’t read or you forgot stuff…See pages 130 & 131 in the report SeattleJew. Somehow Dan and Mary chose not to use that data.
And Puddy has discussed these activities many times SeattleJew. Contact wondermoron as he claims to archive all the PuddyMissives.
We now see your side and the libtardo media in perfect harmony. They enjoy calling Democrats and Republicans swastika bearing rabble rousers.
And you postulate your side brings a levelheaded approach to the discussion?
@31 NOT OK.
And you obviously know that.
There is no left equivalent to Fox, no Democrat member of Congress to compare with Jeff Sessions’ treatment of Sotomayor or Michelle Bachman’s bizarre world. Madow IS vocal but she is not crazy, does not incite violence as O’Reilly and Beck do.
Look, try taking a positive POV instead of comparing brands. On the left I am happy and proud to name several smart folks who I feel express my views. I will start with the President. You do not have to like him but tell me who YOU respect amongst the Repubs?
33 Puddy YOY arfe making MY point.
President Obama has taken stands in opposition to the unions and there are certainloy many great dems, inlcuding the President, who speak against Iran.
If we take these as conservative issues, tell me who are the impressive concervative spokespeople on either issue? On schools? On Israel? On Iran?
Any semblance of debate fromn that side is so contaminated by nut cases, not very different in reality from your own act here, that no one takes them seriously.
Puddy …
again, you hold out HA bloggers against thre official Republiocan spokes peop;e. Yeh folks here can be extreme, but compare how the media treated Mrs Bush’s record (BTW, the files are still hidden, presumablyt to protect her teen aged persona) from the bizarre comments that get made about Mrs.’s thesis at Princeton.
FWIW, from what I have heard of those days at Princeton from jewish friends the place WAS very racist!
As for Rather, I am nto a fan of his BUT, the fact of Bush’s being absent from his assigned duties was true and remains true today. If rather ios a less than fully cometent journalist, how does that change the irreposibility of the Republoican party in dealing with the incompetence of the man they elected?
@29 Troll
so I take it you think taxing your insurance to pay for hi8s healthcare with all the inefficiencies implicit in cost shifting is OK?
Somehow I think you are walking around with no pants and your genitalia are not looking so good.
Oh so you condoned Chucky Steal Social Security Numbers Schumer attack on Sam Alito’s Italian heritage? Sotomayor said those things SeattleJew from her own mouth and pen. If you came out and said what Sotomayor said you would be attacked and you know it.
WTF are you saying? O’Reilly has been standing up for “the messiah” when others on his show attack “the messiah”. And if you are talking about O’Reilly inciting someone to off Tiller the Baby Killer, then your side incited someone to off the recruiting soldier and wound another in Arkansas the next day with all the anti-military talking libtardo MSM heads and blogs from your side.
Regarding Glenn Beck, Puddy didn’t agree with his comment on “the messiah”, but all else he’s identifying is/has come true already.
On this HA Libtardo station?
Steve and wondermoron ignore the pervs in your party to throw up pervs in the Republican party.
Steve and others call us who think right goatfuckers. Yeah that’s the ticket.
Everyone here ignores the graft and theft in your party to throw up graft and theft in the Republican party.
Ain’t gonna happen for a long while SeattleJew.
Puddy, we have to throw the goatfucking, graft and corruption of Republicans in your face. If we didn’t, you’d just fucking ignore it and rag on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how Armitage, Paulson, Greenspan, Osama Bin Laden, Stalin, Hitler, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, The Romulans, Lyndon LaRouche and the Devil are all Democrats. You see, we’re just trying to help steer you get off that insipid, one-track line of utter bullshit you spew here.
Steve, what a moron.
Puddy acknowledged many Republican foibles and you know it. You even admitted it.
@38 Puddy
Put up or shut up. You show me where Sen Shumer condescended to Alito the way Sessions did to Sotomayor.
AND .. Alito himself has a;lso talked about his heritage. There is nothing wrong in her being proud of being a NeoRican.
Bull. I have and do say I am proud of my heritage.
O’Reilly advocated the hatred that led to death of a doctor and never expresed guilt for that behavior. As for your own comment, I challenge ypou to show me where Dr. Tiller has taken a life of any “baby.” Abortions done in the third trimester for medical reasons are rare and, when done are done to protect the mother.
Baloney. Yu show me a SINGLE MSM or major blog that has advocated hatred toward our soldiers.
Bull shit. The men is an outspoken hate monger. His ilk are killing any hope we have for the GOP ever returning to part as a rational opposition.
@43 Puddy, the gamne is over. Its boring.
None of the serious posters here want to ploay this game. I would not either iof I did not now how much more there was that you could say.
SeattleJew attacks. Puddy can’t place too many links in a thread cuz akismet will go bonkers.
Ya ready SeattleJew? Google “schumer attacks alito supreme court”. You don’t remember when Sam Alito’s wife leaves the hearings in tears from Ol Chucky and his buds? Here’s one Puddy thought was interesting at the time…Enjoy the reading.
SeattleJew attacks. Puddy can’t place too many links in a thread cuz akismet will go bonkers.
Until you say you are better than others because of it.
Let’s say Lee tells you he’s wise man, with the richness of his experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion to all his arguments with you? Would you accept it SeattleJew? Basically that’s what Sotomayor said. “I would hope that a wise woman with the richness of her experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion.””
So…Did Alito tell anyone his Italian heritage makes him better qualified than the average whitey? Did Alito say he’s a wise Paisan and he can make better judgments? Hmmm…?
SeattleJew attacks
Baby? Good try SeattleJew. They are all babies when a man delivers his sperm to the woman’s egg. Why did God tell the Israelites to utterly destroy their enemies? The pregnant women were carrying babies. George Tiller performed many not few late term abortions. Direct from HuffPo SeattleJew…”WICHITA, Kan. — One of the nation’s few late-term abortion providers” Abortion rights activists claim they know of at least 459 second and third term abortions done by Tiller.
Tiller’s own words on his late term abortion experience.
“We have some experience with late terminations: about 10,000 patients between 24 and 36 weeks and something like 800 fetal anomalies between 26 and 36 weeks in the past 5 years.” – George R. Tiller, April 2-4, 1995 in New Orleans, LA at the National Abortion Federation Annual Meeting
Wow SeattleJew that’s a lot of experience.
SeattleJew attacks
Gosh SeattleJew, that’s really easy… General Betray-Us! from your bestus friends at MoveOn.Org. Also from your pals at DUmmys (democratic underground). It only took “the messiah” 10 months to find his cojones to attack Move.On on it.
Then SeattleJew your bud Frank Rich penned this…
Will the Democrats Betray Us? By FRANK RICH
Published: September 16, 2007
“It’s time for the Democratic presidential candidates to stop bickering about who has the faster timeline for withdrawal from Iraq.” Hey Frank where’s your voice now?
And how about the support for the ad from your “senators”
Akaka (D-HI), Bingaman (D-NM), Boxer (D-CA), Brown (D-OH), Byrd (D-WV), Clinton (D-NY), Dodd (D-CT), Durbin (D-IL), Feingold (D-WI), Harkin (D-IA), Inouye (D-HI), Kennedy (D-MA), Kerry (D-MA), Lautenberg (D-NJ), Levin (D-MI), Menendez (D-NJ), Murray (D-WA), Reed (D-RI), Reid (D-NV), Rockefeller (D-WV), Sanders (I-VT), Schumer (D-NY), Stabenow (D-MI), Whitehouse (D-RI), Wyden (D-OR)
SeattleJew, how many times did Democrats threaten to withhold war funds using the soldiers as pawns?
Puddy sees you really really like Glenn Beck!
@41 “Steve, what a moron”
Puddy, what a bore you’ve become.
@46 You come here now advocating for the murder of abortion doctors? When will you call for the murder of the women who had the doctor kill their children? After all, it’s not like Dr. Tiller snatched women off the street to murder their babies. These women went to the doctor to have their little babies murdered. When is your sword of righteousness going to fall on them? When are you going to get around to delivering God’s terrible wrath upon women who want their children to die in an abortion clinic?
Steve, still enjoying abusing goats? Remember Mark Foley? David Vitter? Puddy took a stand. You say it and admitted it.
Where did Puddy say that? You are twisting sentences into something never mentioned by Puddy!
When you become a Republican Steve. Since you will never be a Republican, Puddy will never call for the extermination of the women who have abortions. See how stupid your sentence is?
SeattleJew said
All Puddy did was deliver facts, right out of the mouth of Dr George Tiller. Even pro-abortion people admitted he did some.
If you paid attention at all to what Puddy has written, Puddy is very sad my people have taken up donkoinfanticide.
Why Steve? Let Puddy help you. Because one of those eradicated black babies could have been a great mind. A doctor who may have cured many types of cancer. A doctor who cured AIDS. A doctor who may have cured Alzheimer’s. A doctor who may have cured Parkinsons, Hodgkins, etc. Think Ben Carson Steve. Inner city boy from Deeeeeeeeeetroit now a world renown pediatric neurosurgeon. How about a black billionaire who creates jobs like Robert Johnson? Notice Puddy didn’t say another great sports hero?
Puddy hasn’t advocated ever the incarceration of women who get abortions fool! Ask wondermoron if Puddy has ever advocated that. Puddy has NEVER EVER seen any leftist black person on HA Libtardos mention anything about inner city blacks stopping the abortion of their unbord babies. To Puddy that’s very telling about their mindset.
And Steve…, man you are strange, all the time now!
This is boring,.
@44 the link yu cite says nothing about Schumer dissing Alito’s heritage.
As for Mr. Alito he has, like many Justices before him, certainly talked about the contribution his heirtage makes to his decisions.
@46 embryoes as babies
You are just blowing stem and know better. Every woman spontaneous ly aborts about 1/3 of the fertilized eggs. If you think these are precious babies than raise money to save their lives.
As for late term abortion, you have not cited a single case where Dr. Teller took a life other than to save a life. At worst, he aborted late term fetuses who had horrid defects that would have made them unable to function as people.
Again, if you really believed in this, you would raise funds to support some kind of facility to care for such “kids.” How is it it that the pro life crews are so much about Dr. Teller but do so little to help the severely disabled progeny they insist are babies?
@47 MOve on is neither the MSM nor a blog. Moreover, criticizing Gen Petraeus is haredly the same as inciting hatred to ward soldiers and marines.
FWIW, the Genreral himself has tried to explain that under military law he is subject to whoever commands him. If Bush betrayed the country that puts this ad in a different light.
@49 “threaten to withhold funds using soldiers as pawns?” Show me one instance of a Democrat saying he or she was willing to sacrifice American lives to make his political point.
@50 Glen Beck .. look at the SJ entry on this bigot. I am an American, I hate bigots.
And how would Puddy get those medical records? What a useless canard. Puddy used Dt Tiller’s own words and SeattleJew postulates everyone of them was due to mother’s health or deformity. Let Puddy help you again SeattleJew…
So it seems 9200 abortions were for what SeattleJew? Please tell us!
SeattleJew is funny
Yet they caused 25 American senators to agree with them.
So SeattleJew when Harry Reid said and it was reported in the WAPO “Bush will not get more money to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this year unless he accepts a plan to complete troop withdrawals by the end of next year.” doesn’t count as using the soldiers as pawns?
Hmmm… Puddy needs to call Mrs SeattleJew. Something not right.
SeattleJew, Puddy forgot the comments of John Murtha and John Kerry about our troops.