Of course this is the standard Democratic deflection placed by Lee. Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage. I think Matt has a real hard-on for Jake. Because a real journalist would look at the political contributions of these AIG pukes. Why isn’t Matt asking Dodd and Obama and other Democratics to hand back their AIG political contributions so AIG can return that money too?
Also why hasn’t Matt Taibbi asked why preznit Obama why he created all this manufactured rage over something his crony’s knew last fall. Geithner and the Federal Reserve knew of the bonuses last fall. Geithner told Obama about the AIG bonuses before the AIG bonuses were let. Now we see the senate is letting the 90% tax bill die since many people returned the bonuses. Did Joe I give mostly to Democratics Cassano give any back Matt? Hmmm…? Such biased reporting from a Democratic Fool at Alternet.
Where is Matt’s outrage over the smoky backroom “deal” on the Porkulus plan where this amendment was inserted and approved by Geithner, Rahmbo, Reid, Pelosi and the other Democratic “adults” on February 10, with no Republicans present? This is on your watch Democratics. HAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha
The New York Times told everyone in their article AIG never would’ve paid the bonuses without Treasury and Fed approval. Did you miss that Lee?
There was this rapper called Notorious BIG. Obama and his gang were trying to make it Notorious AIG.
One last thing… What are Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd doing as leaders of their banking committees? Seems they were steamrolled by the “adults”. Great job Bawney. Great job Chwis.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The KLOWNS cannot possibly fathom the corruption of 2 of their own…Dodd & Fwank.
Dodd even took over $108,000 from AIG IN 2008!
The guy has zero conscience and is in huge trouble in 2010.
Republican Target #1.
Another TJspews:
Why is it that our sad little trolls can’t even read the linked articles before commenting on them?
Better trolls, please.
@1 Talk about deflection. You were there by your second sentence. The rest was just wingnut bullshit. You are refuted by the mere fact that you spewed it. Worse, it’s the same old tired rant, delivered without wit, humor and utterly lacking in charm.
@2 The only thing stranger than you having your head up Puddy’s ass is the way he gets off on it.
“Better trolls”?? Isn’t that kind of like “high-quality monkey poop”?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I’ve been asking for better trolls for years but it hasn’t done any good; we’re still stuck with the same old stupid ones.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 The trolls we have aren’t even interesting; they merely stink.
Daddy Lovespews:
Yes, quite clearly, ANY campaign contributions are corrupting. BAN THEM ALL!
Daddy Lovespews:
Now, back to the point: mat’s right. it’s all bullshit out of these guys mouths. Cry me fucking river, you rich arrogant financial lawbreaking bastards.
It’s a hard rain that’s gonna fall…
And you know what? If a Democrat is in the pocket of financial interests, it’s just as bad as if a Republican is. But Pud and Cyn won’t complain about the giveaways of 1994-2006, will they? Of course not.
@1 Of course this is the standard Democratic deflection placed by Lee. Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage.
So the people who are upset that AIG employees were able to keep million dollar bonuses after their division’s actions brought down the financial system are just being whipped up by a “manufactured outrage”?
Are you required to wear a bicycle helmet at all times?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Man, that’s a rant for the ages! And does that Jake deSantis jerk ever have it coming! This should be framed and hung in every office in America.
Reading articles like this make me wonder if ya’ll aren’t pining for Communism. The way you trash fine capitalists like Jake DeSantis.
Daddy Lovespews:
And while we’re at it, boo-fucking-hoo too for the Republicans who have 41 unsteady votes in teh Senate, from which we can pick off votes any time we want (um, from Red Senators in Blue States) to pass our Unholy Socialist Agenda of health care, education, green energy, and worker rights.
Gosh, won’t it be awful when workers don’t have to fear losing their jobs because health care is portable, and when they receive their fair share of corporate profits.
Amount of profits when no workers are working? ZERO.
Daddy Lovespews:
13 C
Oh, come on. You can make a stronger argument than that. Show us how he’s right.
Or at least try. Your ad hominem crap is weak.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Speaking of Obama tanking…did you read the recent comments of his Commerce Secretary nominee, Judd Gregg?
Judd Gregg countered each of Obama’s policy principles:
— “It is the individual American who creates prosperity and good jobs, not the government.”
— “We believe that you create energy independence not by sticking Americans with a brand new national sales tax on everyone’s electric bill, but by expanding the production of American energy … while also conserving more.”
–“We also believe you improve everyone’s health care not by nationalizing the health care system and putting the government between you and your doctor, but by assuring that every American has access to quality health insurance and choices in health care.”
He said the United States “has an exceptional history of one generation passing on to the next generation a more prosperous and stronger country, but that tradition is being put at risk.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to Wikipedia, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a subagency of the National Institute of Health, which is part of the federal Department of Health and Human Services, funds “more than 85 percent of the world’s research about the health aspects of drug abuse and addiction.” NIDA’s budget is slightly over $1 billion a year.
The director (since 2003) of NIDA is Dr. Nora D. Volkow, a Mexican-born, U.S.-trained research psychiatrist who formerly worked for Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Dr. Volkow’s official biography on NIDA’s website does not mention that she is the great-granddaughter of Leon Trotsky, or that she grew up in the Mexico City house where Trotsky was murdered.
As the late Paul Harvey would have said, “And now you know the rest of the story.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Oh c’mon, Lee, he’s obviously being satirical.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I had no fucking idea until tonight that the brilliant psychiatrist who runs the federal government’s drug abuse research programs is Trotsky’s great-granddaughter. She’s not only smart, she’s hot! Much better looking than Ann (Dan?) Coulter, whom I’ve always suspected of being a possible transsexual.
@16 – “It is the individual American who creates prosperity and good jobs, not the government.”
It’s both, and it’s been that way since the beginning of the country.
– “We believe that you create energy independence not by sticking Americans with a brand new national sales tax on everyone’s electric bill, but by expanding the production of American energy … while also conserving more.”
Exactly, which needs to be done by government if it’s not being done by market forces (which it’s not). How sad is it that the second quote you post proves the inaccuracy of the first quote?
–”We also believe you improve everyone’s health care not by nationalizing the health care system and putting the government between you and your doctor, but by assuring that every American has access to quality health insurance and choices in health care.”
Right now, we have more obstacles between us and our doctors than just about any first world country. Insurance companies are a far greater impediment to quality health care than government. The only way to ensure that every America has access to our health care system is to have a public system that competes with the private one.
He said the United States “has an exceptional history of one generation passing on to the next generation a more prosperous and stronger country, but that tradition is being put at risk.”
Yes, and it’s being put at risk by morons who think that government doesn’t play a role in continually adding to America’s prosperity.
I think you’re right, I deleted my own comment… :)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dr. Volkow, who is often described by people who work with her as the smartest person they’ve ever met, revolutionized medical science’s understanding of drug addiction. In 2006, MSNBC reported,
“She first achieved acclaim by discovering that cocaine was neurotoxic, a radical notion in the early 1980s. Since then, Volkow … has systematically probed alcohol, nicotine, heroin, methamphetamine, even overeating … to uncover the brain circuitry that underpins addiction.
“[D]irecting the government’s $1 billion anti-drug research program, Volkow is … determining exactly how the brains of addicts and those who never get hooked differ — so scientists can develop better ways to prevent and treat drug abuse. …
“Volkow is showing that addiction ‘has to be seen as a health issue as well as a criminal or social justice issue,’ says Alan Leshner, chief of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and her predecessor at NIDA. ‘She has definitely moved neuroscience forward.’ Adds Fowler: ‘If you can conceptualize it (addiction) as a brain disease rather than a moral weakness or lack of willpower, you can more easily bring resources to bear.'”
@16 Customers create jobs, and workers create prosperity for the businesses that fulfill customers’ demands. Yet, under Republican economic philosophy and political rule, America’s workers have received less and less even as the American economy has produced more and more. Economic and social conditions now approximate those of the pre-crash 1920s, when wealth was concentrated in few hands, and a surfeit of capital and lack of consumer purchasing power led to a stock market bubble followed by the worst economic depression in American history.
During the first year of his time in the White House, AWOL Bush allowed the worst attack on US soil in history – 9.11 happened on Bush’s watch. During the last year of his time in the White House, AWOL Bush allowed the stock market to crash 37%. The depression started on Bush’s watch. History will record this coke-snorting idiot as the worst President in history and those who supported him as the biggest dick-sucking fools on the planet.
George Bush was the worst President ever…
Until the middle of last month.
Welcome to Jimmy Carter’s Second term. All of the rich tasty incompetence Carter was famous for, without the ethics getting in the way.
In 68 days our glorious PRESIDENT OBAMA has taken valiant steps to undo the Bush regime’s attack on our Constitution. PRESIDENT OBAMA has rescued us from the Bush depression and restored confidence in the US around the world. In the first 68 days he was in the White House, AWOL Bush spent 61 on vacation.
Obama will go down as the WORST President ever, easily.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Lee Farted with Lumps:
So the people who are upset that AIG employees were able to keep million dollar bonuses after their division’s actions brought down the financial system are just being whipped up by a “manufactured outrage”?
Are you required to wear a bicycle helmet at all times?
So the people who are upset
Yes the people who are upset are whom Lee? Obama manufacturers a crisis after he knows of the payments. Geithner told Obama this before the payments were made. Geithner knew this last year. The proof is out and Geithner admitted to it. This is all bluster because in the negotiation process Treasury put in the stupid provision February 10, 2009 for the payments, approved by Democratic lawmakers. Can’t blame this on Bush, Boehner or McConnell. There were no Republicans in the room. There was Rahmbo though. This is your sewer and the ‘Rats don’t like the smell.
Where is Matt’s attack on Joe Cassano? Cry me a river. Joe Cassano made $280 million on this AIG fiasco. He gives big time to Democratic. We already know Dodd and Obama received over $100K from the AIG gang. Whoops can’t touch Cassano. He’s one of the Democratics. He supports Democratics. Did you know Cassano was given a $34 million severance payment. Cassano was allowed to stay on making a million dollars a month after being forced out as the failed division’s chief. But Nooooooooooooo he’s a big time Democratic, gotta protect him. What is curious is after Geithner bails out AIG last fall. Cassano is still working at AIG. Where is the outrage Matt? And he’s now living in London. So Joe Cassano made almost $300 million and Cassano isn’t even living in the US. So all that bluster from Fwank and Dodd and Obama over returning bonuses and they can’t touch Cassano and he EFFIN MADE ALMOST 300 MILLION on this crap and Matt the buffoon is picking on Jake DeSantis over 742,009.
And you Lee are a fool for not knowing these facts. And Lee, Puddy only wears a bicycle helmet when he rides his mountain bike on the hills fool!
I looked in Taibbi’s article for any actual responses to DeSantis’ points. He didn’t, as expected. Instead, it was just red herring fallacies and denial.
It’s telling that the best the left can do with DeSantis is try to attack him personally and call him a liar (without any actual justification for the claims), since they can’t touch his actual points.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 His actual points are what? That he should make millions for working for a failing enterprise that cost taxpayers a trillion?
People who don’t think that individuals deserve bonuses (let alone million dollar bonuses) when they are part of a work group that helps create a global financial crisis.
Obama manufacturers a crisis after he knows of the payments.
Obama had nothing to do with the outrage. The outrage happened because people were outraged. It wasn’t “manufactured by Obama.” That’s moronic (and extremely paranoid).
Geithner told Obama this before the payments were made. Geithner knew this last year.
No shit. And Geither deserves a TON of blame for this.
Where is Matt’s attack on Joe Cassano? Cry me a river. Joe Cassano made $280 million on this AIG fiasco. He gives big time to Democratic.
First of all, Joe Cassano gave to members of both parties, as did nearly all of the people who got us into this mess. For you, or anyone else to try to paint this as a Democrat-only corruption issue is as idiotic as humanly possible. If you’ll notice, the words “Democrat” or “Republican” do not appear anywhere in Matt’s post, nor did they appear in my post linking to his post.
The only person here who thinks that I posted this as some kind of partisan slam is you. And the more times you reveal that, the more of a moron you prove yourself to be.
Matt Taibbi will be the first to tell you (and I’ll be the second) that BOTH Democrats and Republicans are in the back pocket of big business. For you to think that only Democrats are makes you a moron. For you to insinuate that I (or others) think that only Republicans are makes you an asshole.
@29 I looked in Taibbi’s article for any actual responses to DeSantis’ points. He didn’t, as expected. Instead, it was just red herring fallacies and denial.
What? Evidently, you missed this:
Ask yourself this question: If your company made that much money, and the boss of the unit made almost $280 million in just a few years, exactly how likely is it that you wouldn’t know where that money was coming from?
Are we supposed to believe that Jake DeSantis knew nothing about Joe Cassano’s CDS deals? If your boss and the top guys in your firm were all making a killing selling anything at all — whether it was rubber kayaks, generic Levitra or credit default swaps — you really wouldn’t bother to find out what that thing they were selling was? You’d really just mind your own business, sit at your cubicle and put your faith in the guys up top to fill you in if there was something you needed to know?
And this:
Also, there’s this: let’s just say, Jake, that you’re telling the truth, that you don’t know anything about this toxic portfolio. If that’s the case, then why the fuck does anyone need to retain you at an exorbitant salary to help unwind that very portfolio? If these transactions aren’t and never were your expertise, then where the hell is your value here?
And this:
Then there’s the matter of Jake’s other job offers. About that: It was apparent as early as last February that Cassano had basically destroyed not only the unit but perhaps AIG itself. The company announced over $11 billion in losses around that time.
If I’m Jake DeSantis, and I’m really innocent, I’m looking for a job that very instant. And I’m taking the first good job anyone offers me. Because by then I’d have realized that I was working for the latest version of Enron. That the man I’ve been working for the last six or seven years has turned out to be one of the most irresponsible Wall Street villains of all time, a man who single-handedly destroyed the 18th-largest company in the world. If I’m Jake DeSantis, I’m quitting out of moral disgust, because I don’t want to be associated with this kind of behavior.
And that’s just the first half of the article. Pudge, just calling something a red herring doesn’t make it a red herring. Each of those three responses make very clear sense to anyone with a functioning brain and cut right to core of why no one should have any sympathy for DeSantis.
It’s telling that the best the left can do with DeSantis is try to attack him personally and call him a liar (without any actual justification for the claims), since they can’t touch his actual points.
How is this an attack from the “left”? This is an attack on a person who doesn’t grasp the concept of personal responsibility. This is an attack on a person who believes that he was entitled to money that should only have been paid out in the event of a job well done. That has nothing to do with “left” or “right,” it has to do with common sense.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Lee, you are a moron
Obama had nothing to do with the outrage.
Hell yes he did. Stupido, here is the original statement from Obama Monday March 16th – “This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed. Under these circumstances, it’s hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay. “How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?” People listen the (ahhhhh music sound) “messiah”.
So we all know Obama knew of this BEFORE they were paid out. Now it seems it was around March 3rd.
First of all, Joe Cassano gave to members of both parties, as did nearly all of the people who got us into this mess.
Yeah Cassano gave $2500 to a Republican and a whole mess of money to the Democratics. AIG leaned so far Democratic a 100 foot keel couldn’t keep the Notorious AIG schooler from listing leftward.
If you’ll notice, the words “Democrat” or “Republican” do not appear anywhere in Matt’s post, nor did they appear in my post linking to his post.
Matt’s post is attacking Jake DeSantis; over what $742,009, when Joe Cassano leaves with almost $300 Million? Yeah just like “journalists” who never put a Democratic after scumbags or place their party affiliation near the end of an article but will say in the first sentence somebody was a Republican in an article. Maybe you should teach your “technique” to Jon DeVore. His Allen Stanford blog thread comes to mind!
The only person here who thinks that I posted this as some kind of partisan slam is you.
That’s because all HA lefties goosestep together.
Matt Taibbi will be the first to tell you (and I’ll be the second) that BOTH Democrats and Republicans are in the back pocket of big business.
That’s not the point here. When each fiasco was presented by Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat! Bloggers it was Puddy who dug out the truth and posted it here. Just yesterday Don Joe tried to slide one in saying the conservative decisions that made the crisis happen until Puddy dug out the New York Times article refuting his claim. Puddy was the first one who said it was both sides before you even ventured there Lee. It was Puddy who first delivered the YouTube video with the 2004 words of Maxine, Bawney, Artur, Mike and many more Democratics claiming it was a witchhunt, racist attacks, etc. HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaha
For you to think that only Democrats are makes you a moron.
Lee you are the moron because Puddy never said that. Show me where Puddy said it was only Democratics. You’ll have to jack off something taken out of context
REST OF LEE’s RANT WORTHLESS DRIBBLE. But you are right Lee. You are an ASSHole.
@33 Hell yes he did. Stupido, here is the original statement from Obama Monday March 16th – “This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed. Under these circumstances, it’s hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay. “How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?” People listen the (ahhhhh music sound) “messiah”.
So we all know Obama knew of this BEFORE they were paid out. Now it seems it was around March 3rd.
Exactly! So if he was so interested in whipping up outrage over this, why did he wait until after the media starting making a big deal of it to say something?
Yeah Cassano gave $2500 to a Republican and a whole mess of money to the Democratics. AIG leaned so far Democratic a 100 foot keel couldn’t keep the Notorious AIG schooler from listing leftward.
That’s bullshit and you know it. This article from the Wall Street Journal shows that AIG and its PAC donated to both Republicans and Democrats. They’ve donated more to Democrats recently (primarily because the GOP is a sinking ship), but it’s very clear that what I said above is true – both Democrats and Republicans are in the back pockets of these companies.
Yeah just like “journalists” who never put a Democratic after scumbags or place their party affiliation near the end of an article but will say in the first sentence somebody was a Republican in an article.
Then why didn’t he do it here? If he was so interested in the partisan aspect of Jake DeSantis’ letter, then how come he didn’t do it?
Do you think about your comments before you type them, or is that just too hard for you?
That’s because all HA lefties goosestep together.
Only in your mind. Just because you’re crazy doesn’t mean that everyone else needs to go along with your crazy. Everyone who posts at this site is an individual who thinks for himself.
That’s not the point here.
Yes it is! I posted this! Are you trying to tell me that you know what the point of my post was more than I do? Are you really that much of a fucking retard?!?
Just yesterday Don Joe tried to slide one in saying the conservative decisions that made the crisis happen until Puddy dug out the New York Times article refuting his claim.
It was conservative decision that led to this crisis. And some of those conservative decisions were made by Democrats. The failure that happened recently in our country was a failure of increased de-regulation in our financial sector. That’s a conservative failure. Just because Democrats took part in that does not mean that it wasn’t a conservative failure.
Lee you are the moron because Puddy never said that. Show me where Puddy said it was only Democratics.
You said it right here jackass!
Joe Cassano made $280 million on this AIG fiasco. He gives big time to Democratic. We already know Dodd and Obama received over $100K from the AIG gang. Whoops can’t touch Cassano. He’s one of the Democratics. He supports Democratics. Did you know Cassano was given a $34 million severance payment. Cassano was allowed to stay on making a million dollars a month after being forced out as the failed division’s chief. But Nooooooooooooo he’s a big time Democratic, gotta protect him.
I don’t see anything in that psychotic ramblings where you say that Cassano supported Republicans too.
REST OF LEE’s RANT WORTHLESS DRIBBLE. But you are right Lee. You are an ASSHole.
Did I just hear your lame comeback get blown to smithereens? Ah, yes, I did.
By the way, Puddy, if you’re gonna actually try to argue with me, fucking try harder. Your comment at #33 was just embarrassing. At this point, there’s nothing left but to feel sorry for you. Knowing that you’re in these comment threads far more than I am just makes the whole situation sadder.
Get a life for crying out loud.
Real Americanspews:
WOW… Another night and there is Pubbydub, with a stupid look on his face, holding his own ass that was just freshly handed to him.
Now That is entertainment!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
You said it right here jackass!
NOPE! You are delusional. Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
NOWHERE ASSHole. Good try though. Hell of an effort fool.
From Lee’s article “The senior government official, who was not authorized to speak on the record, said the administration was outraged.” So Lee who is the head of the administration? OBAMA. And the administration knew of these bonuses March 3rd meetings? Why didn’t Geithner mention this outrage during the March 3rd? You need to see the YouTube on those Congressional hearings Lee? This is what Puddy asked above which you glossed over trying to make another insipid point!
Are you trying to tell me that you know what the point of my post was more than I do?
What’s wrong Lee, you do it to people’s responses all you want and when called on it you go into a rage. Toooooooooooooooo
Funnnnnnnnnnnnnny, your rages on HA.
All HA lefties goosestep together. You see all the sniveling yes’m bossman Lee, yes’m bossman Goldy, yes’m bossman Jon leftist commentary everyday! Sure you see a critical post once in a blue moon, and we know how often blue moons appear.
Holy Shit Batman lookie here from Lee on 3/28/2009 a first:
It was conservative decision that led to this crisis. And some of those conservative decisions were made by Democrats.
An admission from Lee. Better watch that Lee, you’re leaving the reservation for a few seconds.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
My rant was worthless? When Puddy taught the Moonbat!s how to use Open Secrets and Newsmeat to determine who gives what? When Dodd and Obama got big time bucks from AIG? Why ain’t Matt asking Obama and Dodd to return their AIG fundings?
Who you fooling except yourself fool?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Oh and one more thing Lee… Rahmbo Obama’s the chief of staff was in the final Porkulus February 10 meetings so Obama had to know of this back then. Treasury added the bonus approval language to the Porkulus bill. No one in their right mind thinks Geithner acted alone when Rahmbo was in the meeting too!
Why no outrage then?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Damn Puddy knew he had read this somewhere:
“Obama’s sharp comments were a reversal from this weekend, when administration officials said they had carefully reviewed AIG’s contracts and determined they could not block the bonuses. They had expected that the bonuses would be paid by Sunday to employees in the company’s controversial Financial Products division, and Cuomo said AIG officials told him the payments were made on Friday.”
@37 NOPE! You are delusional. Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
You said it right there! I copied and pasted the text from your comment right there for everyone to see!
From Lee’s article “The senior government official, who was not authorized to speak on the record, said the administration was outraged.” So Lee who is the head of the administration? OBAMA. And the administration knew of these bonuses March 3rd meetings? Why didn’t Geithner mention this outrage during the March 3rd?
Because they weren’t outraged! Are you following this discussion at all? I don’t think you are. You don’t seem to grasp what I’m arguing. You keep pretending that I’m trying to defend the Obama Administration. I’m not! I think the way they handled this was pisspoor. What I’m pointing out is that the suggestion that the Obama Administration whipped up the anger over AIG is retarded. The anger was whipped up by average citizens reacting to the bonuses, then the Obama Administration pretended to be outraged too.
What’s wrong Lee, you do it to people’s responses all you want and when called on it you go into a rage.
What the fuck are you talking about? Why don’t you post one example of when I did exactly what you did here (take a completely non-partisan point and try to insinuate that it was done for partisan reasons)?
All HA lefties goosestep together. You see all the sniveling yes’m bossman Lee, yes’m bossman Goldy, yes’m bossman Jon leftist commentary everyday! Sure you see a critical post once in a blue moon, and we know how often blue moons appear.
Are you kidding? I’ve criticized the Obama Administration far more than I’ve praised them at this blog. Do you even read the posts at the top before you come down here and make a fool of yourself?
An admission from Lee. Better watch that Lee, you’re leaving the reservation for a few seconds.
What reservation? I’ve been saying stuff like that for years. Where’ve you been?
And another idiotic comment from Puddybud gets blown up.
@41 Except Lee didn’t hand my ASS to me fool! Good try though!
Except that you just spent the last 4 posts attacking a strawman rather than what I’ve actually been saying – see the post above, especially this part:
Because they weren’t outraged! Are you following this discussion at all? I don’t think you are. You don’t seem to grasp what I’m arguing. You keep pretending that I’m trying to defend the Obama Administration. I’m not! I think the way they handled this was pisspoor. What I’m pointing out is that the suggestion that the Obama Administration whipped up the anger over AIG is retarded. The anger was whipped up by average citizens reacting to the bonuses, then the Obama Administration pretended to be outraged too.
How much longer are you going to keep embarrassing yourself here, Puddy?
Real Americanspews:
How much longer are you going to keep embarrassing yourself here, Puddy?
Until he has the whole wall of his den lined with Golden Goats.
Puddy, I’m going to ask you something that cuts to the heart of what’s happening here:
Do you think I come to this blog and write things because I have some desire to faithfully defend the Obama Administration?
If so, you are the single dumbest motherfucker on the face of the Earth.
Do you really think that I posted this very short post because I’m somehow trying to help Obama in some way? Do you really think that every action I take, and every word I write is crafted in a way to make Obama look good?
I haven’t written a positive thing about the Obama Administration in about two weeks (primarily because they’ve made some pretty big screw-ups recently), yet you’re here acting as if I’m on his staff.
Really, man, what the fuck is wrong with you? Can’t you afford to see a therapist or something? Aren’t there medications you can take for that? Don’t you even get the slightest bit embarrassed by putting your stupidity so prominently on display when you do this?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Lee the moron try again:
Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
Where have you been critical of Obama’s administration? I’ll be like your moronic friends here and demand you post a previous link!
The anger was whipped up by average citizens reacting to the bonuses, then the Obama Administration pretended to be outraged too.
The only outrage was from Bawney Fwank and Chris Dodd and other “lawmakers” joining the fray. Andrew Cuomo was making a big stink. Then the public reacted. These bonuses were known way back to February 10, 2009. There was no public or lawmaker outrage then. There was no Obama outrage then. As Puddy said in the first post “Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage.” and I stand by my statement.
Why don’t you post one example of when I did exactly what you did here (take a completely non-partisan point and try to insinuate that it was done for partisan reasons)?
First, where did Puddy turn a non-partisan post into a partisan post? As Puddy said in the first post “Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage.” Democratic lawmakers rushed in and voted and approved the Porkulus bill, therefore they approved the amendment language, so all this “outrage” is manufactured. Ohhhhh you mean Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd and all the other yes’m Democratics who voted yes and like fools didn’t read the Porkulus bill before they voted for it? Puddy stands by Puddy’s manufactured outrage statement.
Second, you are trying to insinuate something above which ain’t true! As Puddy stated, the Democratics approved the Porkulus bill so they knew the amendment for the bonuses was there approved by Geithner and Rahmbo, Pelosi and Reed among others.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Lee, You posted that short post because you agree with Matt’s attack on Jake. Why did Jake write his open letter to the New York Times? Because Jake was attacking the faux outrage from the Obama administration over the bonuses they approved on February 10, 2009. And Jake was attacking Geithner who knew of the bonuese when he gave AIG $85 Billion last September. Otherwise, you’d let the post fly away. Tacit approval!
Where is Puddy acting like you are on Obama’s staff? Ohhhhh when you don’t come out and attack your brother posters for their positive Obama comments on this blog.
Your silence is very “telling” on these matters.
And I need psycho help? Sadly I don’t see your voice saying your brother posters are wrong when they throw up their posts.
Beyond pathetic.
Pubbydub's Momspews:
Pubbydub! Stop your whining! Come here and get your diaper changed!
This is a tempest in a toilet and Stupes is the tidybowl man.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
rulax or is it exlax? An HA bottom dweller and stuck on stupid recipient. Yes Puddy agrees you are pathetic.
surreal, no whining just the truth. Show Puddy where he’s wrong. Puddy dares you.
clueless wonder nothing new from HAs other bottom dweller. What? Nothing from a left-wing kook-aid site?
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 33
Just yesterday Don Joe tried to slide one in saying the conservative decisions that made the crisis happen until Puddy dug out the New York Times article refuting his claim.
Nope. Don Joe pointed out that the financial crisis was the result of conservative policies, not decisions. Yours is not a simple misrepresentation, either. For quite some time, now, I’ve pointed out that the current economic crisis is a damning condemnation of conservative philosophy.
Pointing out that Robert Rubin opposed the regulation of derivative securities doesn’t magically transform that opposition into an expression of liberal or progressive philosophy. Deregulation is the heart and core of conservative economic philosophy.
So, rather than refute my claim, Puddy actually confirms it. Puddy, of course, is too stupid to figure this out, but that doesn’t surprise anyone.
It’s worth noting that, to date, Puddy, along with every other wingnut troll that chooses to grace our presence, has refused to discuss the philosophical underpinnings of the policy decisions that precipitated the current crisis. Puddy doesn’t give a shit about trying to figure out which policies might or might not make sense as we move forward. Puddy only cares about figuring out whom to blame.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Conservative philosophy Don Joe? What are you smoking? When Conservatives tried to regulate and Bill Clinton joined them, Bill Clinton was slapped back by his own party over banking reform and that was conservative philosophy!
You are a crack addled moron too.
Here is a load of Pellets if Puddy ever saw them
It’s worth noting that, to date, Puddy, along with every other wingnut troll that chooses to grace our presence, has refused to discuss the philosophical underpinnings of the policy decisions that precipitated the current crisis.
You need to see the YouTube videos again fool? Your own party was against conservative philosophy in 2004 and 2005 for bank regulation. “It wasn’t needed”; “It’s a racist witchhunt”; “There is no crisis”, the Democratics on the House and Senate banking committees told the world.
You are so steeped in moronic blame on it’s the Republican party only thought you missed what Barry Ritholtz said. 60% Republican 40% Democrat. The reason it’s 60% Republican was because Bush was president. He should have screamed louder than he did back in 2004-2005 for the reforms.
What a fooltard.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
More for Don Joe: Puddy didn’t support you claim at all. Puddy was the original one to deliver the words of the Democratics.
If Robert Rubin was such a great financial mind why did he and Larry Summers parade all over the world the Phil Gramm bill was the most needed and necessary thing? Yet you lump this as “conservative thought”. These two are the same people who spawned Tim Geithner today. Seems that Geithner is walking down similar paths of your “conservative philosophy”. What a fooltard.
Of course your bloodshot eyes which hates anything right of 3000 miles of left field will call that conservative philosophy while overlooking the attempts to twice regulate by Republicans and publicly rebuked by Democratics. Even Bill Clinton went public about his own party and their ain’t nuthing wrong with the status quo philosophy. Yet you come on here blaming only one party when the evidence shows the Democratics had much to do with our problems today.
Why is that Don Joe?
Why are you so blatantly biased?
Why can’t you process facts Don Joe?
Why do you repeatedly place lies about Puddy here?
Why do you ignore the words of Bawney Fwank Chwis Dodd Maxine Waters and other Democratics and their disdain for banking reform in 2004-2005?
@51 “Puddy only cares about figuring out whom to blame.”
In truth, Puddy is only interested in figuring out how to blame Democrats for anything and everything.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 52 & 53
Why do you insist on continuing to talk about who is to blame? That’s a serious question, because as long as you keep talking about who, then you’re not addressing anything having to do with my central argument.
Do Democratic policy proposals and actions always represent liberal and progressive philosophy? No. Do Republican policy proposals and actions always represent conservative ideals and philosophy? No.
To quote you, Puddy, epic fail!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe, your core argument was conservative philosophy was to blame. Puddy disagrees
That’s your EPIC FAIL fool!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Steve of Steve’s Stupid Solution.
The blame game is the prominent thread of this blog. Don Joe is throwing a worthless canard @55 with his
Why do you insist on continuing to talk about who is to blame?
while trying to slide in his
I’ve pointed out that the current economic crisis is a damning condemnation of conservative philosophy.
You can’t have it both ways fool. You can’t blame “conservative philosophy” and then ask why is someone playing the blame game.
But in your Stupid Solution aided mind that’s okay with you.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Do Democratic policy proposals and actions always represent liberal and progressive philosophy? No
Wrong. When liberals are in charge it’s liberal policies. We see the outcome of liberal Democratic policies now. Liberals always push liberal policies. That’s why liberalism is a mental disorder. The European Socialists and the Chinese Communists are tell the US liberals they can’t spend their way out of a recession.
Nancy Pelosi froze out the Republicans February 10, 2009 on the Porkulus Bill. She wouldn’t entertain any Republican counter proposals. AIG bonuses were approved by Treasury and Rahmbo. All liberal actions Don Joe.
@45 Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
I’ve already copied and pasted the comment. Since I had not made a statement about Cassano at all, the fact that you were only pointing out that he gives to Democrats was a very clear indication that you believed that he only gave to Democrats. Otherwise, you would have made it clear that he gave to people of both parties. It makes no sense for you to have done otherwise.
Where have you been critical of Obama’s administration? I’ll be like your moronic friends here and demand you post a previous link!
The only outrage was from Bawney Fwank and Chris Dodd and other “lawmakers” joining the fray. Andrew Cuomo was making a big stink. Then the public reacted. These bonuses were known way back to February 10, 2009. There was no public or lawmaker outrage then.
No one in the media had written about it back then. The public outrage occurred as soon as it became known to the general public. Of course certain lawmakers knew about it before then. Do you have a point here or are you just trying to reinforce the fact that you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about?
As Puddy said in the first post “Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage.” and I stand by my statement.
Your statement is still moronic. When the news of these bonuses became public, there was widespread outrage. It wasn’t “manufactured” any more than any other reaction to a news story is. Just because you’re not capable of thinking for yourself does not mean that most other Americans have the same affliction as well. Most of us read the news and draw our own conclusions from it.
First, where did Puddy turn a non-partisan post into a partisan post?
You did it right here! This is a non-partisan post! And in your first comment, you wrote:
Of course this is the standard Democratic deflection placed by Lee.
Again, how fucking retarded are you?
Democratic lawmakers rushed in and voted and approved the Porkulus bill, therefore they approved the amendment language, so all this “outrage” is manufactured.
What the hell are you talking about!?! That doesn’t make any sense at all. The outrage is over specific people (who caused the financial crisis) getting rewarded with bonuses. That had very little to do with the stimulus bill (which a majority of Americans support). There’s nothing contradictory about supporting the stimulus bill but being angry about the bonuses.
Ohhhhh you mean Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd and all the other yes’m Democratics who voted yes and like fools didn’t read the Porkulus bill before they voted for it? Puddy stands by Puddy’s manufactured outrage statement.
And Puddy’s manufactured outrage statement is still moronic. Americans want the stimulus money to go towards things that help create jobs. When that doesn’t happen, we don’t care if it was a Democrat or a Republican who failed us. We need better politicians in DC, who have the courage to stand up to the finance industry for the sake of average Americans. That’s not manufactured outrage. That’s real. And if you can’t figure that out, you truly are a breathtakingly stupid individual.
Second, you are trying to insinuate something above which ain’t true! As Puddy stated, the Democratics approved the Porkulus bill so they knew the amendment for the bonuses was there approved by Geithner and Rahmbo, Pelosi and Reed among others.
I never insinuated otherwise. In fact, I’ll pay you $10,000 if you can show where I said otherwise! You imagined that I said that and started attacking me. You need to see a mental health specialist. Pronto.
@57 You are utterly incapable of openly discussing your party’s failures. Don Joe is quite capable of discussing Democratic party failures. One of you has his head (or Mr. Klynical’s) up his ass, the other doesn’t. I see no point in Don Joe’s conversing with you. He’s wasting his time on you, although it’s his time to waste.
@46 Lee, You posted that short post because you agree with Matt’s attack on Jake.
I do.
Why did Jake write his open letter to the New York Times?
Because he believed that he was entitled to the bonus money.
Because Jake was attacking the faux outrage from the Obama administration over the bonuses they approved on February 10, 2009.
No, he was attacking the real outrage from American citizens who recognized how outrageous it was that people like Jake were getting million dollar bonuses. Do you really not understand that the public anger over this is real? Do you really not understand why people might be angry over a person who gets a million dollar bonus for being part of a screw-up that destroys our financial service sector? Really? Are you really that fucking stupid?
And Jake was attacking Geithner who knew of the bonuese when he gave AIG $85 Billion last September. Otherwise, you’d let the post fly away. Tacit approval!
Wait a second! So you’re saying that Jake was attacking Geithner? For what? For doing exactly what AIG wanted? Oh my god! You’re the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the Earth! Holy shit!
Where is Puddy acting like you are on Obama’s staff? Ohhhhh when you don’t come out and attack your brother posters for their positive Obama comments on this blog.
Hahahahaha! I’ve certainly seen pro-Obama sentiments on this blog that I disagree with, but no one anywhere in these comment threads brings a level of stupid comparable to you. Not a one. You are far and away the dumbest person in these comment threads. You have a level of derangement that is unparalleled.
Your silence is very “telling” on these matters.
Hahahahaha! Wow, you’re a moron. I’ve given you two links from just the past week on where I’ve criticized Obama (and I had absolutely no comments from either post challenging me on that criticism). If the commenters here are so reflexively pro-Obama, how did that happen, shit-for-brains? Hahahaha!
And I need psycho help? Sadly I don’t see your voice saying your brother posters are wrong when they throw up their posts.
Yes, you do need psycho help. And I certainly tell other posters when they’re wrong. But the difference between them and you is that they don’t accuse me of doing things I didn’t do, or saying things that I didn’t say (except for SeattleJew of course). You’ve done that several times in this thread, accusing me of posting this as a partisan shot (it was not) and accusing me of never criticizing the Obama Administration (laughable).
Uh-oh, was that the sound of another Puddybud post getting blown to bit?
@52 You need to see the YouTube videos again fool? Your own party was against conservative philosophy in 2004 and 2005 for bank regulation. “It wasn’t needed”; “It’s a racist witchhunt”; “There is no crisis”, the Democratics on the House and Senate banking committees told the world.
In what world is greater bank regulation a conservative philosophy? Are you even reading what you write before you write it?
@58 Wrong. When liberals are in charge it’s liberal policies.
Spoken by a truly world-class dumbass. Well done, Puddy. You’ve made every Special Olympian proud with what you’ve been able to achieve.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 58
Wrong. When liberals are in charge it’s liberal policies. We see the outcome of liberal Democratic policies now. Liberals always push liberal policies.
So, when Robert Rubin argued against regulating derivative securities, he was acting on a liberal philosophy?
And you still haven’t answered my original question. Why do you insist on playing this game of affixing blame to people instead of having a substantive debate about the actual policies involved?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Wow Lee is back at it again:
Since I had not made a statement about Cassano at all, the fact that you were only pointing out that he gives to Democrats was a very clear indication that you believed that he only gave to Democrats.
Fool. Go back and reread statement #1. Puddy posted his political givings for all to see Puddy didn’t hide it. Puddy added this before your lie above:
Yeah Cassano gave $2500 to a Republican and a whole mess of money to the Democratics. AIG leaned so far Democratic a 100 foot keel couldn’t keep the Notorious AIG schooler from listing leftward.
Yet you continue to lie Lee.
Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
Next Lee delivers his whopper:
You did it right here! This is a non-partisan post! And in your first comment, you wrote:
Lee Lee Lee, You posted that short post because you agree with Matt’s attack on Jake. Why did Jake write his open letter to the New York Times? Because Jake was attacking the faux outrage from the Obama administration over the bonuses they approved on February 10, 2009. And Jake was attacking Geithner who knew of the bonuese when he gave AIG $85 Billion last September. Otherwise, you’d let the post fly away. Tacit approval!
Next this whopper:
Your statement is still moronic. When the news of these bonuses became public, there was widespread outrage. It wasn’t “manufactured” any more than any other reaction to a news story is.
WTF? The bonuses were known back in September 2008 when Geithner gave the first $85 Billion to Notorious AIG. The Notorious AIG bonuses were discussed on Feb 10 2009 by Rhambo and Geithner. Democratics rushed to pass the bill so the “knew” of the bonuses because the voted YES on the Porkulus Bill. The Notorious AIG bonuses were discussed on March 3 in Congressional Committees. There was no outrage then.
From the Chicago Tribune: “Obama’s sharp comments were a reversal from this weekend, when administration officials said they had carefully reviewed AIG’s contracts and determined they could not block the bonuses. They had expected that the bonuses would be paid by Sunday to employees in the company’s controversial Financial Products division, and Cuomo said AIG officials told him the payments were made on Friday.” It was outrage when the bonuses were let. Manufactured outrage way after the fact. What a moron you are Lee.
Next whopper
The outrage is over specific people (who caused the financial crisis) getting rewarded with bonuses.
Yeah it’s all after the fact and your moronic stance is very telling. Puddy just delivered a chronological timeline of who knew what when and there was no outrage until the public got wind of the bonuses and some manufactured outrage by lawmakers who already knew and approved the amendment. You are so blinded with the hemp smoke you can’t process facts fool.
Lee’s next
Americans want the stimulus money to go towards things that help create jobs.
Puddy actually agrees with this. So why isn’t Dodd and Obama and others giving back their AIG and other bank political contributions.
Lee forgets his original comment:
What the fuck are you talking about? Why don’t you post one example of when I did exactly what you did here (take a completely non-partisan point and try to insinuate that it was done for partisan reasons)?
The Puddy response was:
Second, you are trying to insinuate something above which ain’t true! As Puddy stated, the Democratics approved the Porkulus bill so they knew the amendment for the bonuses was there approved by Geithner and Rahmbo, Pelosi and Reed among others.
The partisan point is Matt Taibbi is attacking Jake over his comments on the Notorious AIG bonuses. You decided to post Matt’s attack. You approve of Matt’s attack.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Lee said:
I’ve given you two links from just the past week on where I’ve criticized Obama
You gave two links above on your disagreements with DRUG POLICY. Whooop de dooo! Where is the HA outrage on Obama’s fiscal policy on the real issues like his Porkulus Spending?
@61 “And I certainly tell other posters when they’re wrong”
Absolutely true. We’ve disagreed on a number of subjects and you always let me know why you think I’m wrong. You do so respectfully and without injecting any insipid “KABLAMMMMMMO” sound effects or namecalling.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 65
Where is the HA outrage on Obama’s fiscal policy on the real issues like his Porkulus Spending?
Well, perhaps it’s because none of us agrees with the right-wing characterization of the stimulus package.
And, I’m more than happy to have a debate with you about the advisability of the stimulus package, but you seem completely unwilling to engage in an actual policy debate.
Speaking of LOOOOOSERS (No not you Puffybutt) The Evergreen ANTI-Freedom Foundation is publishing a list of things they think need to be cut from the state budget as waste. Since the right wing traitors like budget cuts – here are some that I am calling for.
1. Stop exempting churches from B&O tax. Why should I have to underwrite these organizations? They’re nothing more than businesses. They take in lots of cash and pay no tax. It’s a scam that costs the state millions. Lets fix it.
2. Stop putting people in prison for victimless crimes. If Puffybutt wants to go pay a gay hooker to fuck him in the ass – let him. No reason to criminalize sex – even if it’s the deviant kind practiced by chief Oreo Puffybutt.
Again – we’d save millions if we did this.
3. Stop the stupid 3-strikes bullshit. It costs millions of dollars to put people in prison for life for something as stupid as stealing a pizza. That will save millions if we do away with it.
4. Cut the budget for law enforcement. If we do some of the things I talked about above, we don’t need as many cops. I’m tired of paying to support badge-heavy cops who are more interested in proving their tough than they are justice. Cut that budget and again, save millions.
So if the Publicans are truly interested in budget cutting, they should agree with and support these cuts!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe:
So, when Robert Rubin argued against regulating derivative securities, he was acting on a liberal philosophy?
Your question ignores the fact Jim Leach (R) in 1994 tried to regulate derivative securities and was slapped by by the Democratics.
Your question ignores Arthur Leavitt saying it wasn’t needed. When Clinton’s SEC chairman Arthur Leavitt on May 18 1994 said: “additional regulation of derivatives is not necessary at this point. I’m not prepared to go out and call for more government regulation today.” Levitt was speaking at a Investment Company Institute conference. Now who did Arthur Leavitt politically support back then?
@64 Fool. Go back and reread statement #1. Puddy posted his political givings for all to see Puddy didn’t hide it. Puddy added this before your lie above:
Bullshit!! You didn’t post that until comment #33. The comment I was referring to was #28. You posted what you did in #33 because I caught you lying!
Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
Again, you said it in comment #28. You were not responding in any way to someone saying that Cassano only gave to Republicans, so you had no reason to respond that way. It’s very clear from the conversation that you didn’t realize that Cassano gave to both parties until I called you on it. If you understand that Cassano gave to both parties when you left comment #28, then how come you didn’t say it? There was absolutely no reason on Earth not to.
WTF? The bonuses were known back in September 2008 when Geithner gave the first $85 Billion to Notorious AIG. The Notorious AIG bonuses were discussed on Feb 10 2009 by Rhambo and Geithner. Democratics rushed to pass the bill so the “knew” of the bonuses because the voted YES on the Porkulus Bill. The Notorious AIG bonuses were discussed on March 3 in Congressional Committees. There was no outrage then.
It wasn’t known to the general public yet, dumbfuck! The outrage didn’t occur until it was known to the average American. That’s why your notion that this was a manufactured outrage is idiotic. Again, are you really that fucking retarded that you can’t figure that out?!?
From the Chicago Tribune: “Obama’s sharp comments were a reversal from this weekend, when administration officials said they had carefully reviewed AIG’s contracts and determined they could not block the bonuses. They had expected that the bonuses would be paid by Sunday to employees in the company’s controversial Financial Products division, and Cuomo said AIG officials told him the payments were made on Friday.” It was outrage when the bonuses were let. Manufactured outrage way after the fact.
No, it’s not manufactured outrage. The outrage from the American public was real. The outrage from the Obama Administration was a reaction (and it’s certainly not very genuine). You’re seeing this as a situation where the fake outrage of the Obama Administration is driving the real outrage from the people. That’s not correct. It’s the other way around.
Yeah it’s all after the fact and your moronic stance is very telling. Puddy just delivered a chronological timeline of who knew what when and there was no outrage until the public got wind of the bonuses and some manufactured outrage by lawmakers who already knew and approved the amendment. You are so blinded with the hemp smoke you can’t process facts fool.
What the hell are you talking about?!? Do you not know what the word “manufactured” means? I am not, in any way, defending the way Congress has handled this. Nor is Taibbi. The fact that you’ve somehow convinced yourself otherwise is a clear indication that you have a very severe mental problem you need to deal with.
Puddy actually agrees with this. So why isn’t Dodd and Obama and others giving back their AIG and other bank political contributions.
Because they’re politicians, you fucking moron!!!
The partisan point is Matt Taibbi is attacking Jake over his comments on the Notorious AIG bonuses. You decided to post Matt’s attack. You approve of Matt’s attack.
I do!! And Matt’s attack wasn’t partisan either! It was an attack on a individual who happens to be a massively clueless douchebag. You’re the one who keeps injecting politics into this where it was never intended. As I’ve already pointed out, there’s no mention anywhere in Matt’s piece about political affiliation. It was an attack on a mindset of entitlement.
You’re the one who has been trying to inject some kind of political angle into this post, and for trying to do so, you’re an obnoxious asshole who doesn’t understand anything about how independent voters like Matt (and myself) think.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 69
Your question ignores the fact Jim Leach (R) in 1994 tried to regulate derivative securities and was slapped by by the Democratics.
So? The question has nothing to do with whether or not Republicans or Democrats were in favor of the policy.
Again, you have failed to answer my original question: Why do you insist on talking about who was involved while completely avoiding any discussion of the actual philosophical underpinnings of these policies?
@65 You gave two links above on your disagreements with DRUG POLICY.
So, that’s what I write about here!!
Whooop de dooo! Where is the HA outrage on Obama’s fiscal policy on the real issues like his Porkulus Spending?
Um, the post from Wednesday WAS a criticism of his stimulus spending! It was criticizing the fact that the stimulus package contained increased funding for drug task forces. You and I both know the kind of damage that these drug task forces have done to minority communities across the U.S. (Tulia, etc).
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
More Leeisms:
Wait a second! So you’re saying that Jake was attacking Geithner? For what? For doing exactly what AIG wanted? Oh my god! You’re the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the Earth! Holy shit!
Who’s the “the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the Earth” Lee?
Did Puddy put a shiv to your back and tell Lee to put the Matt Taibbi comment on HA?
So why did Matt write his piece? The two main points of Matt’s attack
1) I had nothing to do with my boss Joe Cassano’s toxic credit default swaps portfolio, and only a handful of people in our unit did – Matt claims bullshit
2) I didn’t even know anything about them – Matt claims bullshit
Jake wrote the letter to Ed Liddy. Jake wrote:”But you also are aware that most of the employees of your financial products unit had nothing to do with the large losses. And I am disappointed and frustrated over your lack of support for us. I and many others in the unit feel betrayed that you failed to stand up for us in the face of untrue and unfair accusations from certain members of Congress last Wednesday and from the press over our retention payments, and that you didn’t defend us against the baseless and reckless comments made by the attorneys general of New York and Connecticut.”
Yet Matt who is an outsider attacks Jake on his veracity. And Lee laps it up.
NUFF SAID Lee. See ya later got some shopping to do for my end of break college bound son.
Great smackdowns of the silly and sadly paranoid Stupes.
Waaaaah!!! Waaaaaaaah!!!
It’s Bill Clinton’s fault!!! Waaaaah! It’s Obama’s fault!!!! Waaaaaaaaaah!!!
The Chimpanzee rules!!!! Waaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!
Note to the silly one: Lee has been the most critical of Obama here.
Most of us are just plain relieved that there’s a guy with a brain in the White House but there’s no illusions that he won’t kowtow occasionally to forces we don’t care much for.
Politics is the art of the possible O silly and angry one.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe: You continue to focus on one canard.
Who slapped back derivative regulations? Democratics. It has everything to do with it. You BLAME this on conservatives. Your own words above and other threads have told us this over and over.
It’s also telling how Arthur Leavitt is skipped on your response. More Don Joe’s Partial Punditry Attack? Of course it is. Don Joe only looks for those issues he can make an insipid point over while hoping others will skip over the PuddyFacts.
You come here on this thread all pompous (your normal commentary) trying to tie this to conservative thought when conservatives have been slapped back since 1994 on trying to regulate them. So Phil Gramm writes a bill fully supported by Rubin and Summers and he says well if you can’t beat them join them.
So until you drop your conservative blame game Puddy will not engage in a one sided discussion of blame conservatives for the derivative mess. Your party decided regulating derivative securities wasn’t necessary and Puddy proved it since 1994.
Yet Matt who is an outsider attacks Jake on his veracity. And Lee laps it up.
Matt, a journalist and a something of an average joe like the rest of us attacks a Gordon Gecko type:
If you are not inside you are outside…
Thanks for confirming what I always knew Stupes. You worship the inside, i.e. $$$$$$$$$ and you’ll go to bat for it every time.
@73 Did Puddy put a shiv to your back and tell Lee to put the Matt Taibbi comment on HA?
Holy crap, you have completely lost touch with reality.
So why did Matt write his piece?
Because Jake DeSantis was displaying a certain attitude that most Americans recognize to be an incredibly obnoxious form of entitlement.
Was there a point to this comment? You basically took about 20-25 comments just to arrive at a comment that was only as stupid as the one Pudge left at #29.
I’m certain that DeSantis believes what he says, and I’m certain that he feels cheated by AIG. But Taibbi explains quite sufficiently why DeSantis is either:
1) Lying about not knowing what was going on in his division
2) Too stupid to be worth that much to AIG to keep around.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Wow the clueless wonder appears and does his lookie here let me get into the spotlight but adds absolutely nuthin to the conversation.
Note to the silly one: Lee has been the most critical of Obama here.
Well post the links fool. Bring some facts for a change!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder, I disgust you. A tax paying charity supporting God fearing person who disgusts you.
Moron @ 75
It’s funny you’ve quoted Democrats from 2002-2006 when chimp politics were riding at their highest.
If the chimp-lovers wanted to regulate finance they could have just like they wanted to buy votes with a Medicare drug benefit. But why didn’t they?
Easy – no votes to be gained from it.
I’ve said this many times and you ignore it.
So Phil Gramm writes a bill fully supported by Rubin and Summers and he says well if you can’t beat them join them.
Wait a minute Stupes. I thought conservatives don’t do that. Holier than thou and all that..
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder what a piece a work.
Obama just got the biggest campaign contribution haul from Gordon Gekko Wall Street types in world history and this point is lost on your chimp brain. You are the knuckle dragger or HA, FOOL!
The New York Times reported in September 2008 securities and investment industry individuals had given $9.9 million to the Obama campaign, $7.4 million to the Hillary Clinton campaign and only $6.9 million to the McCain campaign. Puddy delivered these facts. That’s 2.5:1! Yet this fact is lost on the clueless wonder.
Federal Election Commission records posted by Puddy over and over and over by the Center for Responsive Politics (Pork Busters for the moronic class), demonstrate the top three corporate employers of donors to Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Rahm Emanuel were Citigroup Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan. Now who gave the Gordon Gekko big bucks to the Democratics again clueless wonder?
Here’s the telling point Gordon Gekko types gave $37.6 million to Obama, compared to $32.1 million to McCain. McCain’s receiving totals started in 1998 which included two presidential runs. Obama’s Gordon Gekko values hit the BIG TIME in four years.
Your favorite magazine The Nation, had David Corn on MSNBC’s hardball. 3/23/09 Corn said: “Remember, what was it? A year or two back when there was talk about taxing hedge fund managers at the rate that the rest of us pay? Who intervened in that? Chuck Schumer.” Yes Chucky Schumer… friend of the Gordon Gekko types.
Why not ask Rahmbo why is he a Gordon Gekko type? Rahm Emanuel made $18 Million working for Wasserstein Perella as an investment banker Gordon Gekko type for 2.5 years.
If you brought facts to the table clueless wonder your HA friends would support you. Not only are you factless but you are clueless.
@79 “I disgust you. A tax paying charity supporting God fearing person who disgusts you.”
My, that’s exactly what the Republican judge who used a penis pump while his court was in session had to say about himself. He had no clue either.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder factless attack number 1,003,209:
It’s funny you’ve quoted Democrats from 2002-2006 when chimp politics were riding at their highest.
Fool, I went back to 1994 when Democratics were against regulating derivative securities back then. Another fact lost on your simian mind.
See this Gordon Gekko type and look at who he worked for and what amounts he gave to the Democratic.
Factless clueless fooltard.
82 – Just too funny.
Big bad Matt from the emmesssemmmm attacking poor widdle Jake..
You’re such a generous soul Stupes. Sticking up for the weakest amongst us.
5 million dollar spread between giving to R’s and D’s on Wall Street. Wow Stupes that’s quite a convincing find there.. Gee the poor R’s would have to make up the difference somehow.. How could they possibly do that?
Call you of course. You know it all.
He who failed to produce his so-called “five links of truth” and then lied about it now has the nerve to request a link from me? You never cease to amuse. Google “Republican judge penis pump” and produce your own damned link.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe more food against your foolish thoughts
In the 90’s the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) sought to exert regulatory control over financial derivatives> Guess who killed it? Strong opposition from Robert Rubin and Fed Chair Alan Greenspan kill it.
Now Obama hires these same Wall Street Gordon Gekko types who are the financial sector morons who said in yesteryear don’t mess with “financial innovation.”
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Steve, Puddy gave you the five links through the Google search just like Puddy told you about my positions on Republican lawmakers and headless lucy racism. You always cry incessantly over my postings, and then have to eat a pile of Pelletizer pellets when proven wrong. Puddy gave the search to you and Puddy is not going there again.
Drink some more Stupid Solution.
Of course it might take you some time to find the quote. If you Google “Republican judge penis pump” you’ll come up with over 10,000 hits.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
again clueless wonder is a brick short of a empty load when it comes to math. We see the elevator doesn’t make it to the top.
“17.3 – 6.9” is 5 million dollar spread
Or is it $37.6 million to Obama in 4 years (at 9.4 million a year), compared to $32.1 million in 10 years (3.21 million at year) is a 5 million spread.
What a moron!
@90 You’re not “going there” because there’s no “there” to go to. You lied and that’s that. KABLAMMMMMMO
Did you Google “Republican judge penis pump” yet? I doubt that you’re “going there” either. I know. Try Googling “Republican Richard Curtis male prostitute”. That’s a good one. You’ll learn of a Republican who’s whining sounds remarkably like your own.
92 – Wall Street knows a winner when it sees one Stupes.
You yourself didn’t care much for McSame.
Nice try. Now go back to bat for Jake against that evil emmessemm you’re so paranoid about.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 89
Don Joe more food against your foolish thoughts
Puddy, you can’t claim to be addressing my allegedly “foolish” thoughts by completely ignoring the one question I keep asking you.
By the way, I’ve also extended an open invitation to you to debate the policy merits of the stimulus package. You’ve also avoided any discussion there as well.
Clearly you don’t want to have an actual policy debate. Why?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder you leveled the Gordon Gekko was a Republican attack. You can’t change the subject now fool!
“Until you drop your conservative blame game Puddy will not engage in a one sided discussion of blame conservatives for the derivative mess. Your party decided regulating derivative securities wasn’t necessary and Puddy proved it since 1994.”
Your question ignores Arthur Leavitt saying it wasn’t needed. When Clinton’s SEC chairman Arthur Leavitt on May 18 1994 said: “additional regulation of derivatives is not necessary at this point. I’m not prepared to go out and call for more government regulation today.”
See ya.
96 – You were sticking up for a Wall Streeter who you say as a group gives more to Democrats. Why do you do that fool?
Oh the greater evil is a journalist who has the temerity to call out right wing bullshit once in a while. I get it.
I’m done with you for today. Your paranoid bullshit boooooorrresss me.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Steve, I gave you the links. You chose as you did with my response to Republicans and headless lucy to ignore.
You ignore at your own peril. You had to eat the “pellets”, not me.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Puddy–
We have 4″ of snow the past 3 hours and it’s still coming down and blowing.
Glad we got those trees cut yesterday.
Good day to make those ugly KLOWNheads spin around in circles, huh?
Hell, every day is a good day for that!
They have truly met their match with you Puddy.
Intellect, recall ala photographic memory, well-read, no drugs or alcohol vs.
pot-smoking LEFTIST PINHEADED BLOG regurgitators.
Puddy has been kicking your drug & alcohol saturated PINHEADS all around the block for years.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 97
Apparently you can’t read too well.
I read quite well, thank you. I read you continuing to talk about who wanted or didn’t want which policies all the while avoiding a discussion of the actual philosophical underpinnings of those policies.
The really funny part is the extent to which you keep tying yourself into knots while trying to, somehow, prove that increased regulation of financial markets is really a reflection of conservative philosophy.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Once again when clueless wonder meets facts they bore him. What a fooltard.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe, wrong again; faulty analysis. Now you run away from your “blame conservatives for the derivative mess horse manure.” It was your argument all over this blog. Instead you are a victim to faulty memory. You heroes stopped reform and naturally your RDS blinds you to truths. You are as stupid as the clueless wonder.
Sorry fool it doesn’t wash.
@100 Well, that was as disgusting a display of self-loathing troll love as I’ve seen all week. Is it mating season for you freaks or something?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder said:
Oh the greater evil is a journalist who has the temerity to call out right wing bullshit once in a while. I get it.
Did you forget what Lee said above clueless wonder?
This is a non-partisan post!
You lose clueless wonder. Even Lee disagrees with you fool!
Puddy has been kicking your drug & alcohol saturated PINHEADS all around the block for years.
Really? Then why do we keep winning?
The scorecard:
1) 2005 WA election contest: no contest, Goldy vindicated, Minnow humiliated.
2) I-912. People give some progress a chance. Cynical’s petitions shredded.
3) Mama-beater Irons defeated. King County dodges an ugly bullet.
4) Heckuva job Brownie fired by Goldy’s sharp posting of an inside tip on Daily Kos.
5) Nov 2006. Meltdown I of right wing Republican governance motivated by hypocrisy (Craig, Vitter, Foley), corruption (Abramoff, Ney, others) and outright insanity (Schiavo). Yet progress is held up by a working conservative majority on contentious issues.
6) Nov 2008. Meltdown II of the right wing. First African American elected to the White House and he is a Democrat!
It’s been nothing but losing for right wing fools since 2004.
106 – I was speaking for myself. I’m familiar with Matt Taibbi’s work.
You just proved (again) you can’t read and you can’t think.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder@108: Changing and dancing again huh fool? Where did you say
I’m familiar with Matt Taibbi’s work.
Keep shucking and jiving fool.
You leveled the Gordon Gekko was a Republican attack. You can’t change the subject now fool!
You can’t run and you can’t hide.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder go back and reread your drivel @77 fool!
109 – Woohoo! You’re losin’ it fool.
Go on fool, stick up for Jake from big bad Matt, the “outsider”.
It’s all a liberal conspiracy right?
Such an idiot.
I remember in grade school we went on a field trip. It was soooooo cool. We got to ride on those shiny yellow buses with no seatbelts and visit the outrage factory.
It was amazing, before then I always thought people would be upset for a reason. Then I saw firsthand how outrage is made.
Changed my life. I don’t spend anytime worrying about other people’s behavior ’cause I know if I were to get upset then I would be undermining the capitalist system. You see, If I make my own outrage for free, how will all those folks with outrage investments make profit?
The outrage industry has mostly been shipped to Tonga and Trinidad and Manitoba to save labor costs but there’s one U.S. manufacturer left just outside of Yelm. Check it out. I speak the truth.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
@111: Keep shucking and jiving fool.
You leveled the Gordon Gekko was a Republican attack. You can’t change the subject now fool!
You can’t run and you can’t hide.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 104
Good grief. First you misrepresent my views, and then you accuse me of running away from the misrepresentation.
The only one running away from anything is you, Puddy. You’re the one who refuses to have any substantive policy debate.
You leveled the Gordon Gekko was a Republican attack
Yawn… Never said that. If I implied anything it was that the typical greedy Wall Streeter in the news is a Gordon Gekko.
And you want to defend that kind of guy from a journalist (who you’re paranoid about unless they work for someone like Murdoch) with paranoid conspiracy theories.
Hide? You’ve always been in denial of your lunacy and always will be.
He’s getting more psycho by the minute.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe@114: You’ve misrepresented Puddy for years fool. Now you whine like the beeeeeeeeeeeeyotch rulax is.
116. Rujax! spews:
He’s getting more psycho by the minute.
03/29/2009 AT 5:54 PM
More projection.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder loves to spin his shit stains into silk. Sorry little man it doesn’t work.
Matt, a journalist and a something of an average joe like the rest of us attacks a Gordon Gecko type:
who wrote the comment fool. clueless wonder!
And you want to defend that kind of guy from a journalist (who you’re paranoid about unless they work for someone like Murdoch) with paranoid conspiracy theories.
I defend someone who was asked to work for $1 signed a contract, fulfilled that contract and then because of some bitching from Democratics over a Feb 10, 2009 approved action renege on the contract. If you can’t understand contract law, you are a clueless wonder.
Puddy signs a contract to perform a task. Some tasks are small, others are huge. Upon the successful end of the task Puddy expects to be paid. Once the bits fly across the optics Puddy gets paid. This is the same of Jake DeSantis. He signed a contract, fulfilled it and then Bawney Fwank wants to steal it away cuz others didn’t tell Bawney about the amendment slipped in by TurboTax Tim and Rahmbo on Feb 10, 2009?
Since you clueless wonder post all the time on HA how do you earn a living fool? Puddy bet’s you’ve never signed anything worthwhile in your life and I don’t mean a summons for being one lazy shit on HA.
Enjoy your latest shit stain.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Cynical rulax replaces blew john in the final eight.
Awwww. Stupes defends poor widdle Jake from big bad Matt. Here’s my thumb and forefinger playing the world’s tiniest violin for Jake.
So sad you’re so angry Stupes. It’s all caving in on you fool.
Four long years of losing and no end in sight.
Man it sucks to be your silly ass.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 117
You’ve misrepresented Puddy for years fool.
And you’re still not debating policy issues. Run Puddy. Run.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe, Puddy stated the debate terms above. Can you meet the terms. It means a change of attitude of Don Joe. If Don Joe can’t meet the debate terms then it seems Don Joe ain’t all he seems.
End of story fool!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
You betcha clueless wonder. Knowing you’ve never worked hard in your life it’s easy to support a person who worked hard for a $1 salary. You have never worked on a contractual basis. It’s apparent from your stupid attacks.
You are such a moronic fool. It is very apparent you ain’t anything you told us here fool.
Show up on a Tuesday night and place your W2 for display. Just the bottom line fool. Do you use Turbo Tax? Puddy uses H&R.
See ya monomaniacal one!
124 – No interest whatsoever in being within spitting distance of a name-calling, I’m better than you, holier than thou, Limbaugh-loving, Faux News watching, Murdoch ass-kissing, mammon worshiping, right wing
proud leftistspews:
Holy shit, you check into a thread and expect some thoughtful commentary, and, whoa, what do you get? Pud–completely unraveled. He appears to have spent his whole day here spewing, despite his beautiful wife, and life, and, had he looked out the window (perhaps there is no window in his mother’s basement), a sunny day for once. PudBaby, you made no sense all day long, then just kept digging, despite your hole getting deeper. Damn, Pud, your lead for this week’s Goat is almost insurmountable, and it’s only Sunday.
As ATJ says, we need better trolls.
Real American .spews:
That is what it will say on Pubbydub’s tombstone:
Here lies Pubbydub*
He spent all his days on HA
Getting his ass handed to him
And his blood pressure up.
He spewed nonsense ad nauseum
Neglected his wife and home
and now his time is up
*pun intended.
Real Americanspews:
That is what it will say on Pubbydub’s tombstone:
Here lies Pubbydub*
He spent all his days on HA
Getting his ass handed to him
And his blood pressure up.
He spewed nonsense ad nauseum
Neglected his wife and home
and now his time is up
*pun intended.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
proud loony, If Puddy is unraveled then you are crazy.
Your choice.
Yes, proud loony is crazy []
No, proud loony not crazy []
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder, you use that excuse all the time fool. It’s because in a court of your peers more will come to the same conclusion of how you are doubtless one of the most faceless, baseless, useless, deedless, ambitionless, worthless, feckless, aimless, aweless, womanless, companionless, brainless blobs of protoplasm on this earth.
Anagram of aweless – weasels
Definitely one of HA’s bottom feeding weasels. And a Goldy simian too. Run chimp run, just like you always do when confronted. Don’t hurt your knuckles as you drag them across the path.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
surreal amerikkkan, on your tombstone it will be empty. It will be an small insignificant piece of slate.
Why empty?
You brought nothing of significance in God’s World.
You did nothing of significance in God’s World.
And when you die it will be insignificant; no one will notice in God’s World.
See ya moron!
LMAO!! You are a fool whose day in the sun peaked way before Nov 2004 when Goldy was just getting started here.
Been downhill ever since..
And like the most dim-witted of fools you’ll deny the reality of being mired in the gutter of insanity and delusions till your final days..
That’s the bottom line and it’s too damn pathetic.
@130 “You brought nothing of significance in God’s World. You did nothing of significance in God’s World. And when you die…”
And so saith Puddybud, who now speaks for God and casts judgement in God’s place.
Matthew 7, anybody?
It never ceases to amuse me how so-called “Christian” wingnuts like Puddy and Mr. Klynical so readily remove Christ’s own teachings from their version of Christianity in order to advance their extremist right-wing political agenda.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Oh Steve, inventor of Steve’s Stupid Solution…Where is my response to surreal amerikkkan anything but the truth? The Ninth Commandment says “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” So how can Puddy say anything other than the truth? Show me something of significance from surreal amerikkkan? You can’t fool! Jesus said “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. ” If Puddy lies how can Puddy be pure in heart?
Truth cuts like a knife dude. That’s my answer to surreal amerikkkan. Funny huh?
It’s doubtless you’re a cheerleader of surreal amerikkkan.
It’s doubtless you’re a cheerleader of stillbentover.
It’s doubtless you’re a cheerleader of headless lucy.
See ya.
What does that say about you? EPIC FAIL!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
broken record@131: Nothing new again. Just like a TV re-run, clueless and lacking wonder.
LMAO!! Hey Stupes this is too good. Here’s one of your favorite right wing sicko-phants, “bong-boy”:
Breitbart on his worst day makes you an aweless piker everyday fool!
Anagram of aweless – weasels
Definitely one of HA’s bottom feeding weasels. And a Goldy simian too. Run chimp run, just like you always do when confronted. Don’t hurt your knuckles as you drag them across the path.
If it’s Murdoch-connected, Stupes reaches for his crotch.
@133 Good grief! Puddy now declares himself to be “pure of heart”. It’s now OK for him to toss Christ from the church and to cast God’s judgement on Puddy’s political enemies.
Puddy is God’s gift, alright, just not in the way that he imagines.
Puddy, seriously.
Look out for your health. From 4pm on Saturday to late Saturday night, you were reading and responding here. Then you got up the next morning and unless you rise really early on a Sunday, the first thing you did was read and respond. All freaking day. And you’re back at it at 6:54am today. Are you obsessed? OCD maybe? Been diagnosed? Seen a mental health professional?
I’m actually saying this for your own good. Yesterday was beautiful, there was the NCAA tournament to watch. Tiger Woods came from 5 shots back to win. There was a whole world outside that was kind of sunny at least where I live.
Is HA and the internet really all you have? Grow some flowers, take a nice walk, find a hobby. You are not right. If I were equally obsessed and took the time to look at your posting habbits over the last 30 days, I’m terrified, for your own sake, what I would find.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Steve, purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution…
Where did Puddy declares himself to be “pure of heart”?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
All freaking day.
Part of my job requires Internet work. So Puddy can work and play at the same time.
“often due to guilt over masturbation or frequenting prostitutes, while concerned about his sexual performance”
Which tools do you use clueless wonder: “the individual may use mechanical devices to keep the penis from retracting, including cords, chopsticks, clamps, or small weights”
Anagram of aweless – weasels
Definitely one of HA’s bottom feeding weasels. And a Goldy simian too. Run chimp run, just like you always do when confronted. Don’t hurt your knuckles as you drag them across the path.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Wow clueless wonder found a web site and now going ape-shit over it.
What a loser!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Here is a story discussing a big Democratic Loser…
Drew Johnson, the president of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, drove by Al Gorebasm’s in Nashville mansion at 8:48 p.m. This was the “Earth Hour” weasels. How many HA weasels turned off their lights last Saturday night. Probably none!
“I pulled up to Al’s house, located in the posh Belle Meade section of Nashville, at 8:48 p.m. – right in the middle of Earth Hour. I found that the main spotlights that usually illuminate his 9,000 square foot mansion were dark, but several of the lights inside the house were on. The kicker, though, were the dozen or so floodlights grandly highlighting several trees and illuminating the driveway entrance of Gore’s mansion. I [kid] you not, my friends, the savior of the environment couldn’t be bothered to turn off the gaudy lights that show off his goofy trees.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Puddy–
Notice how Yelling Loser Boy is now fixated on “Climate Change”
So YLB, what happened to “Global Warming”??
Seems it was a Convenient Lie!!
Puddy, Google on HA “YLB” “Global Warming”
273 HITS!
Too Damn Funny!
148 – What is this? Did I touch a sensitive nerve?
Everyone here knows you self-orgasm over right wing bullshit.
Murdoch is a businessman. He panders to fools like you.
In his eyes, you’re an underserved market.
And of course, you be a sucka!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Poor YLB–
He is one of Gore-Obama’s Useful Idiots and still doesn’t see it.
He’s stuck on Stupid.
151 – I get 2320 hits on “stupes moron”
what else?
LOL! I get 17,000 for “stupes fool”.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
@152 – the moronic clueless wonder,
NOT at all weasel. You reminded me of our Koro discussion. So Puddy whipped put the description of your disease for all to view again.
151 – I get 2320 hits on “stupes moron” what else? LOL! I get 17,000 for “stupes fool”.
And they are all your weasel postings on HA.
17,000 posts who knew?
The lights were out at my house from 5pm-midnight for Earth 7 hours. I was at the Washington Cask Ale Festival. I was having a life. Give it a try.
I also took the bus.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 123
Don Joe, Puddy stated the debate terms above.
Apparently you haven’t noticed that I’ve rejected your “terms” of the debate. Your “terms” require me to:
a) Accept your blatant mischaracterization of my position; and
b) Pretend that I’m a member of the Democratic party when, as I have repeatedly stated here, I’m an independent voter.
There is no legitimate justification for your “terms” of debating, which means that you’ve set up for yourself a lame excuse for not actually engaging in a policy debate.
See Puddy. See Puddy run. Run, Puddy, Run.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Wow, you actually rode the bus once.
You remind me of a song..
Actually czechsaaz, this song was probably written about YOU!
(parody of Queen’s Another One Bites the Dust)
Riding in the bus down the boulevard
And the place was pretty packed (Yeah!)
Couldn’t find a seat so I had to stand
With the perverts in the back
It was smelling like a locker room
There was junk all over the floor
We’re already packed in like sardines
But we’re stopping to pick up more, look out
Another one rides the bus
Another one rides the bus
Another comes on and another comes on
Another one rides the bus
Hey, who’s gonna sit by you
Another one rides the bus
There’s a suitcase poking me in the ribs
There’s an elbow in my ear
There’s a smelly old bum standing next to me
Hasn’t showered in a year
I think I’m missing a contact lens
I think my wallet’s gone
And I think this bus is stopping again
To let a couple more freaks get on look out
(cool sound effects)
Another one rides the bus
Another one rides the bus ow
Another one rides the bus hey hey
Another one rides the bus hey-ey-ey-ey ey ey eyyyyyy
The window doesn’t open and the fan is broke
And my face is turning blue (Yeah)
I haven’t been in a crowd like this
Since I went to see the Who
Well I should’ve got off a couple miles ago
But I couldn’t get to the door
There isn’t any room for me to breathe
And now we’re gonna pick up more yeaaah
Real Americanspews:
Pubbydub, filled with the kind of crazy usually reserved for “end is near” sandwich board wearing street lunatics, spewed (amongst other hysterical ramblings) @ 133
If Puddy lies how can Puddy be pure in heart?
A: Pubby can’t, and Pubby ain’t.
proud leftistspews:
I’m starting to worry about our friend, Puddy. In the past, his rants didn’t stray much from the run-of-the-mill wingnut nonsense. Lately, however, the quality and quantity of his rants has grown exponentially. He’s starting to sound like he truly believes he is a Prophet of God. That’s dangerous territory. I’d reach out to help him, but, that would mean I don’t get to watch a trainwreck and I really like watching trainwrecks.
@161 “A: Pubby can’t, and Pubby ain’t.”
This “holier than thou” crap coming out of Puddy and Mr. Klynical these days is a hoot! The irony, of course, is that they’ve thrown Jesus under the Bloated Bloviator-driven bus along with everybody else.
@162 “trainwreck”
If Puddy’s the locomotive, then Mr, Klynical, with his head deep up Puddy’s ass, must be the caboose.
proud leftistspews:
Actually, I think they like to change roles, sometimes Mr. C is the engine and Puddy the caboose, and sometimes it’s the other way around. Of course, sometimes they enlist some other wingnuts and pull a train.
Real Americanspews:
@ 162 and his current fixation with comic book superhero language is equally disturbing
There is some deep down dark things happening inside Pubby’s skull that are coming to the surface. I hope his family is keeping a close eye on him, He might just show up on the 11 o’clock news wearing a cape with “Super Jesus” stenciled on the front and throwing television sets from a downtown city roof on the heads of the “heathens” on the street below.
proud leftistspews:
I can’t say I really want to know what’s going on his head, but I share your hope that Puddy’s family is offering him its support. It’s always sad when a good troll goes bad.
@165 “sometimes Mr. C is the engine and Puddy the caboose”
I just thank God that they can’t reproduce.
You’ll notice that his little caboose, Mr. Klynical, is doing that too.
Don Joespews:
Steve, PL and RA,
You guys have to understand the Manichaean world view that permeates the thinking of our resident wingnut trolls, particularly Puddy and Cynical. Theirs is a dualistic world populated by Good People(TM) and Bad People(TM). Good people can’t ever be wrong. Bad people can’t ever be correct.
They see themselves as “Good People,” because they firmly believe that they’re, somehow, connected to the Holy Spirit–that the Holy Spirit guides them and protects them from ever committing any kind of error. No amount of reality is capable of supplanting this belief. Indeed, all of reality gets filtered through this belief.
You can see this manifested in nearly every exchange that Puddy and I have had over the past several years. Puddy will say something absolutely absurd, like:
When liberals are in charge it’s liberal policies. We see the outcome of liberal Democratic policies now. Liberals always push liberal policies.
(Puddy at comment 59 above). I can point out that several liberals (Boyd Dorgan, Russ Feingold and Bernie Sanders to name just three) opposed the 1999 modifications to Glass/Stiegel, but that will never change Puddy’s view.
Ever since Puddy made that comment, Puddy’s responses to me have been some of the most contorted and twisted bits of logic you’ll ever hope to see.
This is one instance of a pattern that has repeated itself over and over again. I’ll make a statement that’s eminently defensible and cuts to the very heart of Puddy’s argument. However, because I’m a Bad Guy(TM), that statement can’t possibly be correct. So, Puddy will latch on to that statement, contradict it in some contorted way, and, then, spend the rest of his comments dancing around the fact that he’s just stuck is foot into a very large bucket of shinola.
Given all of this, we shouldn’t be at all surprised that Puddy has taken to prolific usage of onomatopoeia. His underlying world view has reduced his rhetorical style to the comic-strip level of discourse.
proud leftistspews:
Your analysis would seem to be correct. What is curious to me is why Puddy and Cynical see any need to attend church. Christ came to save sinners, yet neither of them is capable of sin. Accordingly, attending services would seem to be a terrible waste of their time.
Real Americanspews:
Don Joe, I know you couldn’t care less, but your use of the “(TM)” device makes you a sockpuppet of headless lucy.
When I used the same device, Pubbydub spent several hours in enraged discourse saying this usage was the sole property of headless, therefore, I must be headless.
It is just another demonstration of the black/white world that Pubby inhabits.
@169 “onomatopoeia”
I had to look that one up. Spot on, DJ. POW!
@171 “When I used the same device, Pubbydub spent several hours in enraged discourse saying this usage was the sole property of headless, therefore, I must be headless.”
I recall the “(TM)” thread. I was calling him “Sherlock”. He said he was dealing with “facts”. Too weird.
The Truthspews:
“Christ came to save sinners, yet neither of them is capable of sin. Accordingly, attending services would seem to be a terrible waste of their time.”
PL, If you don’t have any idea what you talking about
This is a good liberal site to spew.
Become Right ans see the glory.
Don Joespews:
Steven and RA
Yes, Puddy does have a way of showing his ignorance of such things. The use of the “(TM)” artifact goes way back to the halcyon days of USENET. It’s almost certain that my own usage here goes back to some of my earliest comments. I’ve used it before HA ever existed.
‘Course, if Puddy wants to put his inane insanity in further display, who am I to stop him?
proud leftistspews:
You don’t get sarcasm at all, do you? Moreover, your suggestion that Christians should have rightwing political views indicates you haven’t the vaguest understanding of what the Gospel teaches. Go home and cradle your Goat.
Don Joe dances all over this board with his ignorance of 1994 actions of the Democratics. He claims “I’m an Independent” Big Phooooey. Puddy is registered as to vote as a Democratic. So what? Big Whooooooop!
You Don Joe can’t accept anything which pricks your mindless rants. You ignore the 1994 attempt of Republicans to add regulations. And we all know why. Blows your worthless argument apart.
You see Don Joe, your continual epithet spewed conservative philosophy attack falls apart with the 1994 actions of Rubin, Greenspan and others. This happened before the Republicans took power in 1995. This is why Puddy rejects your moronic positions. So keep on dancing Don Joe. Your putrid fart filled dancing makes Puddy run away. Puddy will watch your destruction under the capable hands of CJS and Jane.
Don Joespews:
TT @ 174
When you post comments here, do you believe you’re doing God’s work?
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 177
You see Don Joe, your continual epithet spewed conservative philosophy attack falls apart with the 1994 actions of Rubin, Greenspan and others.
For several reasons, this is complete bullshit, not the least of which is the point I’d made earlier about neither Republicans nor Democrats being complete ideological purists.
But, riddle me this, Puddy. If Republicans really wanted to increase banking regulations, then why didn’t they do so over the objections of Democrats after they gained power in 1995?
The only place where any of this blows my argument out of the water is in the vast vacuous space that spans Puddybud’s ears.
@177 “I can’t accept anything which pricks my mindless rants.”
There, I fixed it for you.
The Truthspews:
How to make a lib happy…
Lol, feel better?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Oh yes the (TM). Since the HA weasels decided to investigate the use of (TM) on headless and Pelletizer used it. Pelletizer is a known copy cat… notice Pelletizer’s “goat attacks” started after Steve introduced them to HA. They were ID’d by Puddy Saturday night.
Puddy told Goldy Puddy’d leave for one month if he posts all of Headless Lucy’s sock puppets. Puddy told the world he would apologize to surreal if he ain’t a headless sockpuppet. Goldy hasn’t taken Puddy up on either of these actions.
So why hasn’t surreal continued to push Goldy for this Puddy reprieve?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe:
But, riddle me this, Puddy. If Republicans really wanted to increase banking regulations, then why didn’t they do so over the objections of Democrats after they gained power in 1995?
Man this Don Joe is a 100% MORON! Turn off the vacancy lights flashing in your eyes dude.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
176. proud leftist spews:
You don’t get sarcasm at all, do you?
proud loony delivered sarcasm? When? Where?
Don Joespews:
@ 183
So, when did Rubin, Greenspan and Levitt acquire veto power over laws passed by the US legislature?
Oh, by the way, Greenspan epitomizes Republican economic philosophy. Not sure how that one undercuts my case at all.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Nope. Take another swig of the Stupid Solution.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Proud Looney
attending services would seem to be a terrible waste of their time.
03/30/2009 at 2:29 pm”
Spoken from the fingers of the son of a Lutheran minister??
You are a phoney.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe@185: There you go again. The facts are above in this thread. Rubin and Greenspan as well as the quotes of Leavitt all of 1994. Too bad dude. Spin shuck and jive on that Greenspan crapola.
So hard to debate you when you are so blinded by BDS RDS CDS etc.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Puddy wrote: If Puddy lies how can Puddy be pure in heart?
surreal answered Pubby can’t, and Pubby ain’t.
Yes, Puddy can’t lie and Puddy ain’t having an impure heart.
Thanks surreal for agreeing. You’re an almost american.
Don Joespews:
I think Puddy’s head has just exploded.
Recap: I asked Puddy why, if the Republicans really wanted to increase regulation on banking, didn’t they do so after 1995 when they were in power. Puddy responded by shouting that three people who have no veto power were opposed to it. I pointed out that these three people have no veto power, and added an aside about Greenspan. Puddy responds to the aside about Greenspan, and completely avoids any discussion of the fact that none of Rubin, Levitt or Greenspan had the ability to stop any post-1995 Republican legislation to regulate banks.
All of Puddy’s recent comments are exactly as I have described above @ 169: extensive logical contortions all in an effort to avoid conceding that Republican/conservative Economic philosophy calls for less regulation, not more.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
proud loony
Lately, however, the quality and quantity of his rants has grown exponentially.
Thanks for agreeing about the improved level of Puddy’s rants. They are much more fact filled and direct.
Thanks for agreeing about the larger quantity of Puddy’s rants. I’ve found even more material to post and pizz off the libtards.
Thanks again proud loony. Being a minister’s son you understand the elevation of one’s “game”.
@182 “notice Pelletizer’s “goat attacks” started after Steve introduced them to HA.”
Nice try. It was you, Puddy, he of the amazing, never-failing photographic memory, who informed me of who it was that actually started the “goat” thing back in 2005, three years before I even showed up here. But lying has never bothered you before so have at it. BAM!! POW!! ZING!!
proud leftistspews:
Cynical @ 187
Man, you don’t get sarcasm, either, do you? No wonder you guys are so vile. You have no humor in your lives.
@191 “fact filled”
Yeah, like your “fact filled” posts accusing everybody here of being a Headless (TM) sockpuppet.
@191 “pizz off the libtards”
We laugh at you because we’re pizzed off? What a raving lunatic you are!! LMFAO!!
It’s amazing how the term intellectual honesty just means shit to the cowardly Publicans. When they had control of the White House and the US Congress how was that budget deficit? What? What’s that you say? It was the highest in history even though President Clinton left them a surplus? Since they controlled the entire federal government couldn’t they have reigned in spending? What? Oh and that doesn’t even count the trillion bucks they pissed away in Iraq??? How convenient these scum-sucking cunts are all of a sudden interested in managing deficits. Yeah – like ANYONE is going to fall for that shit!
@189 “Yes, Puddy can’t lie and Puddy ain’t having an impure heart.”
You will have an impure heart at least until you backtrack from your lie @182. But you lie all the time so I don’t expect anything from you other than more lies. Besides, at this point in the thread you’re lying to God, not me. So much for your self-described purity.
The Truthspews:
that’s the truth.
This video is a nice illustration of the mentality of fools like Stupes and his peeps:
The video isn’t what’s funny here ylb it’s your comment which is short on substance and has no worthy meaning of truth only hate which you have plenty of. God will forgive you.
@199 That’s fucking insane. So are our trolls.
200 – LOL @ “The Fool”
All the words in that video were taken verbatim from fundie forum websites, fool.
“The truth” hurts doesn’t it?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder is always short on substance. He has no substance. He’s an abuser of other people’s money. He’s the monomaniacal one.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Awwww Poor Steve, Puddy won’t break bread with him and he’s pizzed. GOOD!
Don Joe, you remember Richard Breeden? He was Bush the Elder’s SEC Chairman. In 1994 Breeden warned of the $12 Trillion derivatives issue. He was ignored by Arthur Leavitt and Alan Greenspan.
Don Joe, do you remember the early 1994 hearings on Mellon-Dreyfus merger where John Dingell asks the OCC and Leavitt’s SEC are the derivative rules guidelines or mandatory rules. OCC and SEC said they were guidelines. Jim leach submits his 1994 bill.
In May 1994 The GAO releases it’s derivative study http://archive.gao.gov/t2pbat3/151647.pdf including specific regulatory gaps, antiquated accounting practices and uncontrolled risk management. Leavitt told Congress he opposed the GAO study as did most of Clinton’s federal regulators. So Jim Leach (R) argued the derivatives were off the balance sheet. So what happened Don Joe? JP Morgan goes around Leach to persuade other members over Leach to kill his bill. Guess what the Democratics did Don Joe? The Democratics killed it.
Don Joe ever heard of the ISDA? Read what they said about the GAO study, besides their argument it would “introduce artificial volatility into the financial statements of commercial and industrial companies.”
Now it’s August 1994 Don Joe. Arthur Leavitt was the one proposing the derivative dealers to form the “Derivatives Policy Group”. They would be the group leading the self-regulating of derivatives by Wall Street. Well we see what these decisions did today right Don Joe? So much for your conservative (Republican) argument Don Joe.
Now it’s 1995 Don Joe. The loser Democratics and their proxies in the libtard press (remember Peter Jennings rant of electorate temper tantrum), started crying about the “cuts” in school lunch programs, cuts in other programs when it was a cut in the spending growth. This was the big argument. Meanwhile Jim Leach did resubmit his bill in 1995 fool. Arthur Leavitt went to Congress and again said he was against the bill.
November 1995 Clinton shutdown the government. This issue dies.
Also at this time Clinton was more interested in the regulatory reform of stock options. Do you remember the executive pay arguments of the Dummocratics back in 1994-1995?
And this fool Don Joe not only forgets this.
I can’t help your memory issues Don Joe. Only you can fix that!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Let’s recap what happened in 1994-5 timeframe because Don Joe has no historical remembrances. http : // boards . kusports . com / showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=1357453&Main=1357264
Don Joe, you remember Richard Breeden? He was Bush the Elder’s SEC Chairman. In 1994 Breeden warned of the $12 Trillion derivatives issue. He was ignored by Arthur Leavitt and Alan Greenspan.
Don Joe, do you remember the early 1994 hearings on Mellon-Dreyfus merger where John Dingell asks the OCC and Leavitt’s SEC are the derivative rules guidelines or mandatory rules. OCC and SEC said they were guidelines. Jim leach submits his 1994 bill.
In May 1994 The GAO releases it’s derivative study http : // archive . gao . gov /t2pbat3/151647.pdf including specific regulatory gaps, antiquated accounting practices and uncontrolled risk management. Leavitt told Congress he opposed the GAO study as did most of Clinton’s federal regulators. So Jim Leach (R) argued the derivatives were off the balance sheet. So what happened Don Joe? JP Morgan goes around Leach to persuade other members over Leach to kill his bill. Guess what the Democratics did Don Joe? The Democratics killed it.
Don Joe ever heard of the ISDA? Read what they said about the GAO study, besides their argument it would “introduce artificial volatility into the financial statements of commercial and industrial companies.”
Now it’s August 1994 Don Joe. Arthur Leavitt was the one proposing the derivative dealers to form the “Derivatives Policy Group”. They would be the group leading the self-regulating of derivatives by Wall Street. Well we see what these decisions did today right Don Joe? So much for your conservative (Republican) argument Don Joe.
Now it’s 1995 Don Joe. The loser Democratics and their proxies in the libtard press (remember Peter Jennings rant of electorate temper tantrum), started crying about the “cuts” in school lunch programs, cuts in other programs when it was a cut in the spending growth. This was the big argument. Meanwhile Jim Leach did resubmit his bill in 1995 fool. Arthur Leavitt went to Congress and again said he was against the bill.
November 1995 Clinton shutdown the government. This issue dies.
Also at this time Clinton was more interested in the regulatory reform of stock options. Do you remember the executive pay arguments of the Dummocratics back in 1994-1995?
And this fool Don Joe not only forgets this, he continues to rant it’s a conservative issue and he won’t waver.
I can’t help your memory issues Don Joe. Only you can fix that!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Hey Steve, you are right. Pelletizer did the goat act first. You brought it to a new level. Pelletizer copied your new goat lover level. You tried that crap on Puddy until Puddy slapped you back. That’s what Puddy should have said. Thanks for reminding me to clarify it.
proud leftistspews:
YLB @ 199
Come on, that’s parody, right?
@204 “Awwww Poor Steve, Puddy won’t break bread with him and he’s pizzed. GOOD!”
Oh shoot, and I so looked forward to telling you about the time I crashed a Black Panther party back in the summer of ’69. Talk about dour people! By comparison, Republicans come off as rabid party animals.
@206 “Pelletizer did the goat act first”
You mentioned somebody else by name but it wasn’t Roger. However, I could have picked it up from Roger. I had previously called you guys “mulefuckers” because of the infamous wingnut Neal Horsely’s sexual escapades but “goatfuckers” rolls off the tongue so much easier, don’t you think?
proud leftistspews:
Mule fucking, goat fucking, sheep fucking–when will it end with our rightwing friends? Is there not a single barnyard animal free of their affection?
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 205
November 1995 Clinton shutdown the government. This issue dies.
Thank your for the lovely, if not almost completely irrelevant, historical rant. Now, would you mind answering my actual question?
For 12 years, from 1995 through 2007, the Republicans controlled Congress. For six of those years, Republicans controlled the White House. During that time, Republicans had all the power they needed to pass legislation regulating derivatives. Why didn’t they?
It’s not my memory that’s out of whack, Puddy. It’s your ability to craft a cogent argument that’s completely off kilter.
The Truthspews:
“All the words in that video were taken verbatim from fundie forum websites”
Well you almost copy well. LOL!
You must spend all your waking hours searching the web as to why you don’t believe in God.
@210 “Is there not a single barnyard animal free of their affection?”
For the sake of America’s chickens and ducks, let’s hope so.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe, Ahhhh yes my rant on the truth is not relevant based on your mindless rant.
History proves truth. You can’t hide from truth. Sure the Republicans could have redone the Leach law. So could have Dummocratics. But they didn’t did they Don Joe? So much for that “cogent” argument of Don Joe! Falls apart again…
It wasn’t Puddy who blamed the derivative problem as a conservative issue.
It wasn’t Puddy who claimed the Freddie and Fannie derivative problem as a conservative issue.
Hmmm… who said dat Don Joe?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
proud loony, how are those goatsm mules and sheep?
212 – Your remarks about hate are pretty laughable as well considering that’s what you do every time you come here.
How sad to spend one’s last days mired in such enmity towards those whose only offense os to want the best for their country and their kids – only just a bit differently than you.
You can’t hide from truth.
You’ve made a complete life of it.
The truth is that right wing bullshit sucks and yet as time goes on you subscribe to it ever more strongly.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder, your truths of left-wing whackoff sites are correct?
Yeah more than 85% of Puddy’s sites are not right-wing fool. 98% of your crap is left-wing whack offs. Probably higher but I’m being nice.
The Truthspews:
The sad part about you liberals is when you speak you think it’s compassion the words that come out are full of resentment and hate towards God and fellow humans. What country do you actually like ( a no answer is likely)
Yeah more than 85% of Puddy’s sites are not right-wing fool
That’s bullshit. Almost every msm link you use is probably pointed to first from a right wing bullshit website. You just repeat their bullshit arguments.
As for me, I skewered your silly lying ass the other day about Sarah Palin.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Oh yeah, you skewered nuthin, except in your dreams. Puddy dragged your ass all over Gordon Gekko libtards.
Prove @220. You are pizzed because you tried to bring a Christian Science Monitor web site when we all know you are a big time atheist and would never visit that site. You were BUSTED big time fool. It really hurt didn’t it? Made you look more foolish (how can that happen). Puddy looks at daily kooks, DUmmys, stinky progressives.
Smacked it all over.
The Truthspews:
you equate politics and the love for God the same? Your memory bank is low or you don’t give a damm about my request to you.
I’ll bet on both.
221 – Nope you tried to imply that I concluded that Sarah Palin was a lousy executive from sites like Kos then I came right back with two links from the New York Times which laid out the facts.
You’re a liar. You lie here all the time.
And you accomplished nothing with the Gordon Gekko remarks. In fact you made yourself look silly by defending an AIG exec.
Not the most popular company right now with the American taxpayer. You lose fool!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
And those NY Times links were smacked back with the truth about Palin had the right to fire the person. Speaking of looking silly the NY Times article Serge wrote mysteriously left out that fact fool. But as always Puddy delivers facts. You are a liar and a clueless wonder. You are monomaniacal. Puddy didn’t say that. HA lefties did. Correctly too!
You brought up Gordon Gekko. You got smacked back when Puddy delivered all the $$$ given to Obama. You can’t even subtract correctly. Smacked on that too. You haven’t worked under a contract and probably haven’t worked ever fool.
That’s why you run like a chicken when confronted. Come on show HA your “tax return” fool! Prove to everyone you’s a maaaaaaaaan!
The sad part about you liberals is when you speak you think it’s compassion the words that come out are full of resentment and hate towards God and fellow humans. What country do you actually like ( a no answer is likely)
And you (a conservative I presume) bear no resentment towards others?
Is Barack Obama a human being? You seem to have an awful lot of resentment towards him.
What country do I like? Are you serious?
The country I was referring to in comment 216 is the United States of America. The country of which I was born a citizen. This is MY country too.
And many liberals believe in God. A few comment here. I bear them no ill will. They’re not sanctimonious or hypocritical.
Is Barack Obama a human being? You seem to have an awful lot of resentment towards him.
Is George W. Bush a human being? You loved to call him chimp.
And many liberals believe in God.
Yeah, but you don’t. We know. Simians don’t know about God. Drag dem knuckles on outta here!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder said
Gotta go pick up my kid
NUFF SAID on that comment!
How many believe him?
proud leftistspews:
The Truth,
You do not understand the Gospel message at all. Read Matthew 25. You are a hopeless, hapless, piece of shit.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 214
Sure the Republicans could have redone the Leach law.
Thank you.
So could have Dummocratics. But they didn’t did they Don Joe?
No, they didn’t, though, as I’ve pointed out, more than a few Democrats advance a largely conservative Economic agenda. Most of them are members of the Democratic Leadership Council.
The DLC was a response to the Reagan Presidency, and, Economically, they espouse a largely conservative agenda that includes things like welfare reform and reduced regulation.
The point of all of this is to show that we cannot simply use the party affiliation of those who advance a particular policy idea to decide whether or not that policy idea represents conservative or liberal philosophies.
So, perhaps a different tack will drive the point home. Milton Friedman is generally regarded as the father of modern conservative Economics. His monetarist school is considered the theoretical counterpart to the Keynesian school that was the underpinning of the New Deal.
[Friedman’s] views of monetary policy, taxation, privatization and deregulation informed the policy of governments around the globe, especially the administrations of Margaret Thatcher in Britain, Ronald Reagan in the US, Brian Mulroney in Canada, Roger Douglas in New Zealand, Davíð Oddsson in Iceland, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, and (after 1989) in many Eastern European countries.
The only real question is whether or not Puddy is going to continue to advance this absurd notion that increased regulation of the banking and finance industry represents conservative Economic philosophy. I’m guessing he will. His Manichaean world view won’t allow him to admit that he has been wrong in any way.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
@227 let’s see the report again fool.
From CNN – Alaska’s Personnel Board concluded Monday that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin did not violate ethics law by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from the state police, contradicting an earlier investigation’s findings.
Anchorage Daily News – But the new report says the Legislature’s investigator was wrong to conclude that Palin abused her power by allowing aides and her husband, Todd, to pressure Monegan and others to dismiss her ex-brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten. Palin was accused of firing Monegan after Wooten stayed on the job.
From the report missed by HAs clueless wonder:
– There is no cause to believe Palin violated the state ethics law in deciding to dismiss Monegan as public safety commissioner.
– There is no cause to believe Palin violated the state ethics law in connection with Wooten.
– There is no cause to believe any other state official violated the ethics act.
– There’s no basis to conduct a hearing to “address reputational harm,” as requested by Monegan.
– The state needs to address the issue of using private e-mails for government work and to examine how records are kept in the governor’s office. Palin used her Yahoo e-mail account for state business until it was hacked.
But as always clueless wonder reads worthless lefty moron sites.
The Truthspews:
I have no no resentment towards others I couldn’t say that 40 years ago.
Obama what a dumb question to ask.
I could have voted for him until I saw what he stood for. The guy lied to us, and made promises to our kids just to get elected. I have no respect for him I don’t hate him!
I know of no one that wishes him ill. I can’t say that about President G.W. Bush and reading your posts and others.
We have more followers then you Thank God.
You attacks on God and us shows your politics failed you again and you needed to change subjects and attack.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Keep digging Don Joe. Some day you may hit fools gold. By implication of “conservative agenda” you are attacking Republicans and conservatives. So how do you provide the argument
The point of all of this is to show that we cannot simply use the party affiliation of those who advance a particular policy idea to decide whether or not that policy idea represents conservative or liberal philosophies.
Do you really think you are gonna persuade your libtard weasel HA brothers and sisters? They have to live on their RDS CDS PDS BDS to survive!
Why do you continue to do this Don Joe?
Why are you so disingenuous Don Joe?
Why do you hate conservatives so much Don Joe?
Why do you give Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd a pass Don Joe? Barry Ritholtz doesn’t.
Why are so blind to historical facts Don Joe?
Why do you shift your argument Don Joe? Milton Friedman?
Why are you classifying Arthur Leavitt as a conservative Don Joe?
Why do you think you can twist what Puddy wrote Don Joe and not expect Puddy to catch it?
Why are you so moronic Don Joe?
Puddy will leave you to CJS and Jane.
207 – That’s a enactment of actual fundie statements made in on-line forums.
224 – I don’t take orders from a miserable liar like you.
229 – I admit it. I resent that election stealing, phony ranch owning, brush clearing for the camera, codpiece strutting, law-breaking, torturing, rich man tax-cutting, spendthrift, corruption enabling, war-mongering chimp-face you voted for twice. Anyone sane would resent someone like that.
230 – I’m back. I could give a flying f*ck what you believe.
234 – Tell us how Obama lied.
I’m sure you voted for Bush and he lied like crazy. He painted himself as a “compassionate conservative” who would conduct a much more moderate foreign policy than Clinton.
Turned out to be a far right ideologue and he ran the country into the ground.
Don Joespews:
Puddy @ 235
By implication of “conservative agenda” you are attacking Republicans and conservatives.
How so? If the conservative agenda is based on a flawed philosophy, then Republicans and conservatives should adopt a different philosophy. The only way this can become an attack on Republicans and conservatives is if they allow their ideology to trump reality.
Why do you continue to do this Don Joe?
Because I’d like to get down to debating policies, Puddy. Spending all this time trying to figure out who caused the current economic crisis gives us absolutely zero insights into what caused the current economic crisis and, more importantly, what policies we can put in place to prevent this from happening again.
So, are you now ready to concede that deregulation is a significant pillar in the Republican/conservative economic philosophy? If not, perhaps Alan Greenspan’s mea culpa will convince you?
Puddy will leave you to CJS and Jane.
Neither of them are here, Puddy. Make good on that claim, and everyone here will know that you’ve simply run away from a debate you know you can’t win.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder forgets the prescription drug benefit with libtard Democratics, the education bill with Ted Kennedy were mythical happenings in his crack enabled mind.
let’s see the report again fool
The report says she knowingly “permitted Todd Palin to use the governor’s office and the resources of the governor’s office, including access to state employees, to continue to contact subordinate state employees in an effort to find some way to get Trooper Wooten fired.”
Further, it says, she “knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda.”
But I’m repeating myself. You bullshitted about me getting stuff like this from Kos and other sites you hate and I proved you wrong.
I take back my claim about Palin being censured. That’s a formal action that hasn’t happened yet and is unlikely to happen. Condemned? Yep and by members of her own party in the legislature.
243 – Your chimp signed those into law. If they were so bad he could have vetoed them.
You’re such a fool.
The Truthspews:
Unlike you and your kind I find it boring going over the same stuff daily. Of course you have nothing to defend loser boy with other than lies and more lies or needing to bring up ancient history. Wait a while history will show President G.W. Bush had some major screw ups however, he saved the nation from external and internal takeover.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Hey genius moron clueless wonder you forget the second report which clears her fool.
“Anchorage: Guv Sarah Palin violated no ethics laws when she fired her public safety commissioner, the state personnel board concluded in a report released on Monday. “There is no probable cause to believe that the governor, or any other state official, violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with these matters,” the report says. ”
If Puddy is a ugly liar then you are a rocket scientist. Since you are a monomaniacal fool (from an HA leftist) I am not an UGLY LIAR.
Thanks for playing…
The Truthspews:
ylb, Had to leave to find the other stooges so they can get tomorrows marching orders faxed.
Liberals are mindless sheep.
@246 “he saved the nation from external and internal takeover”
LMFAO!! Those stinkin’ commie-fascists!!
The Truthspews:
Yeah but we stopped the pricks.
Until obama sneaked in fooled you too.
Don Joespews:
TT @ 246
[H]istory will show President G.W. Bush had some major screw ups however, he saved the nation from external and internal takeover.
If this was the case loser boys would be worst off then he is today.
It takes about 40 years to sort the the truth and reality out.
The time is about rip for the real John Kennedy to be displayed.
@252 Haven’t you guys pumped enough bullets into ol’ JFK yet? Oh, that’s right, you’re still ragging on FDR too. Both are known commie-fascists, right?
The Truthspews:
So what your saying is stop the JFK,TK and RK research so if there is a stink it will be hidden from public view, sounds like a liberal cover up.
You can’t run away from truth as one who let a girl die in his sinking car even this will come to light however being s Democrat will keep you from the noose.
247 – Bullshit! The first report cleared her on Monegan too but said she abused her office when she let her husband use state resources to carry out a vendetta!
You’re such an idiot!
Her own party saw fit to investigate her conduct. Not only that but they concluded she abused her office.
But that’s ok with a moron like you! She’s just a terrific Guv in your eyes.
@254 Did you know that Ronald Reagan fucked human skulls by the light of the full moon? Research that!
proud leftistspews:
Don Joe
You are doing yeoman’s work showing what an idiot Puddy is. Kudos, man. Puddy is shameless, isn’t he, with regard to acknowledging when he’s wrong?
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 256
I hear he did use some sort of lube, however. Still, that seems kind of sick.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
clueless wonder wrong again. You live on left-wing bullshit, eating and sucking it up. Palin didn’t appoint these people fool. All three members of the Personnel Board are Murkowski appointees. Strike One for clueless wonder.
“The new report says the Legislature’s investigator was wrong to conclude that Palin abused her power by allowing aides and her husband, Todd, to pressure Monegan and others to dismiss her ex-brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten. Palin was accused of firing Monegan after Wooten stayed on the job.” Strike two for clueless wonder.
Anchorage lawyer Timothy Petumenos was hired as independent counsel for the Personnel Board to examine several complaints against Palin.
Timothy Petumenos wrote the Legislature’s special counsel, former state prosecutor Steve Branchflower, used the wrong state law as the basis for his conclusions and also misconstrued the evidence. Strike three for clueless wonder.
Don Joespews:
PL @ 257
Puddy is shameless, isn’t he, with regard to acknowledging when he’s wrong?
You’re forgetting Puddy’s Manichaean world view. He can’t admit that he’s been wrong, because doing so would force him to admit to himself that he’s not being guided by the Holy Spirit.
The Truthspews:
No, I do know your by your postings that’s you been eating shrimp bait far too long.
proud leftistspews:
Dick Cheney’s criticisms of our president, which are becoming more frequent and more pronounced, are beyond the pale. Dick Cheney, that horrible piece of shit who has caused so much harm to this nation, really should return to his cave and never show his face in public again. If Al Gore, two months after GWB had taken over, had gone on the airwaves to criticize GWB, Puddy, Cyn, and the other wingnuts would have been all over him. Now, all we hear is silence when Cheney spews. Nothing. Cheney should be tried as a war criminal. And, he needs to shut his goddamned mouth. He should have been aborted.
The Truthspews:
proud leftist
You should know it was your skull he used.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Kountry Klubber steve feared his Life-Partner and ButtBuddy YLB wasn’t hearing as well as he used to and he thought YLB might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach YLB, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.
The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test Steve could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.
Here’s what you do,” said the Doctor, “stand about 40 feet away from him, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if he hears you.
If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.”
That evening, YLB is in the kitchen with his favorite apron on and his ass hanging out cooking dinner, and Kountry Klubber steve was in the den. He says to himself, “I’m about 40 feet away, let’s see what happens.” Then in a normal tone he asks, ‘Honey, what’s for dinner?”
No response.
So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his Life Partner and repeats, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”
Still no response.
Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from YLB and asks, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”
Again he gets no response.
So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. “Honey, what’s for dinner?”
Again there is no response.
So he walks right up behind him. “Honey, what’s for dinner?”
“Kountry Klub Steve, for the FIFTH time, CHICKEN!”
The Truthspews:
Go back to Ronald Reagan your due for another one!
proud leftistspews:
You truly are off your rocker. I can diagnose such shit. You need to consult a qualified mental health therapist. A psychologist, Puddy, not your pastor. Good luck, my friend.
@261 Speaking of shrimp, did you hear about that weird thing Nancy Reagan used to do with two shrimp and a lobster? Now that’s some kinky shit, man. Maybe you should research that one too.
The Truthspews:
No, I do believe proud leftist and you have allot more in common than politics both of you like that un manly stuff.
@266 I bet Puddy and Mr. Klynical qualify for a group therapy discount, that is, if they include all their sockpuppets.
The Truthspews:
Correction :
No, I do believe proud leftist and you have allot more in common than politics both of you like that un manly stuff Proud LEFTIST plays both Reagan’s.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
proud loony, No he isn’t and welcome you MADE IN THE FINAL FOUR!
All Don Joe has done is cry about the conservative agenda. When shown leftist pinheads such as Rubin, Leavitt, Greenspan and others were against people creating laws to control the proliferation of derivatives and their reckless use he calls it conservative mindset.
That’s the problem with Don Joe. He hates conservative mindset BIG TIME. He introduced Barry Ritholtz to HA and told Puddy read his material. Well Puddy did. When Puddy said Barry calls it 60/40-Republicans/Democrats, all of a sudden Barry Ritholtz is now a pariah in Don Joe’s eyes. When Don Joe tried to deliver another lie about it being all conservatives, Puddy delivers another NY Times article to refute Don Joe’s position. First Don Joe throws this pellet:
Don Joe pointed out that the financial crisis was the result of conservative policies
To Don Joe, either you 100% agree with his worthless position or you are a conservative.
Next Don Joe throws this pellet:
So, when Robert Rubin argued against regulating derivative securities, he was acting on a liberal philosophy?
He was acting on someone’s philosophy but it wasn’t conservative.
Yet to the legal dead beagle proud loony supporter of that Kitsap county prosecuting fool he can see the historical significance of Rubin’s, Leavitt’s and Greenspan’s decision along with other Clinton federal prosecutors. Then Don Joe puts up a YouTube video where Greenspan is doing a big cover my ass for historical records where his own words said there was no derivative crisis just like the Congressional fools said there was no Fannie or Freddie crisis.
Puddy going back to watching 24!
@270 That Reagan shit ain’t nothin’. I’ve seen Mr. Klynical’s mama do things with a watermelon that would blow your fucking mind.
proud leftistspews:
Did I really make the Final Four? Shit, Cynical didn’t even have me in the Sweet Sixteen. Thank you, Puddy Buddy. Is it because I can sink the 3-ball? Or, because I’m steady at the foul line? I know my defense is flawless, so I know you factored that in. Whatever, I just have to tell you how much I appreciate the ranking you’ve given me.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
proud loony, Puddy was giving you the benefit of the doubt in post #271. Prove me right fool. Look at the historical record Puddy placed above which Don Joe discounts because it KABLAMMMMMO’s his conservative argument. These fools were no conservatives but for Don Joe to live and breathe his hate he has to keep dope alive.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
proud loony you didn’t make the final four based on offense even though you are very offensive. No you made the final four because you are like Shawn Bradley, tall, skinny and a slug on the HA floor and we need to token slug.
clueless wonder is really shooting for another spot. Can he make it?
Don Joespews:
PL @ 257
If Puddy’s comment @ 271 isn’t a complete affirmation of what I’ve said about his inability to admit that he’s been wrong, I don’t know what is.
Puddy @ 271 spews:
When Puddy said Barry calls it 60/40-Republicans/Democrats, all of a sudden Barry Ritholtz is now a pariah in Don Joe’s eyes.
False. I merely pointed out that Ritholtz blames Republican Economic philosophy 100%. Not once have I said that anyone should completely disregard Ritholtz. In fact, I still read Ritholtz. Moreover, I’ve said, on many occasions, that there are times when I disagree with Ritholtz (and I have personal correspondence with Ritholtz to prove that fact).
So pervasive is Puddy’s Manichaean world view that he is completely incapable of imagining anyone functioning in any different way. As such, according to Puddy’s world view, I must either completely accept everything that Barry Ritholtz says or I must completely reject everything that Barry Ritholtz says.
When Don Joe tried to deliver another lie about it being all conservatives, Puddy delivers another NY Times article to refute Don Joe’s position.
Again, false. Puddy completely misrepresented my remarks, and then proceeded to argue against that misrepresentation. Puddy refused to discuss the ideological and philosophical underpinnings of Republican/conservative economic policies.
Puddy also claims:
To Don Joe, either you 100% agree with his worthless position or you are a conservative.
First, it’s interesting that Puddy would characterize my position as “worthless”. No justification is made for that conclusion, it’s just tossed out there. Yet, as I’ve pointed out before, the whole point of discussing the philosophical and ideological underpinnings of the policies that precipitated the current crisis is to figure out how we might prevent such a crisis from happening again.
To Puddy, this goal is “worthless”. For reasons Puddy has yet to explain, despite my repeated questions to this effect, Puddy thinks that assigning blame to people is not worthless, even though spending time assigning blame for past actions gives us absolutely no insights into future policy directions.
Second, again, we see Puddy’s dualistic world view. He refuses to even conduct the debate to test the validity of my position on any grounds. In the process, he ends up completely misrepresenting my position. I’m perfectly willing to accept anyone disagreeing with that proposition, but that disagreement has to involve a cogent line of reasoning based on generally accepted reality. Puddy seems to think that his bald assertions based entirely on a reality that exists only in Puddy’s own mind ought to be sufficient.
Puddy then quotes me:
So, when Robert Rubin argued against regulating derivative securities, he was acting on a liberal philosophy?
And responds with:
He was acting on someone’s philosophy but it wasn’t conservative.
With this, Puddy’s denial of the facts is complete. Not only does Puddy have to lump Alan Greenspan (of all people) under the rubric of “leftist pinhead”, he has to deny the obvious fact, as my reference to Milton Friedman above proves, that deregulation is part and parcel of conservative Economic philosophy.
Does Puddy offer one iota of evidence, other than Robert Rubin’s party affiliation, to show that deregulation is not a pillar of conservative Economic philosophy? Has Puddy gone out and found anyone who has stated outright that increased regulation is a conservative value?
The mountains of evidence that Puddy has to ignore in order to assert that, “[Robert Rubin] was acting on someone’s philosophy but it wasn’t conservative,” is staggering. Ronald Reagan’s famous statement about the most frightening words in the English language? Meaningless. Constant conservative calls for less government? Apparently in everything except the one piece of regulation that might have averted the present crisis. In that one instance, if we are to believe Puddy, Republican philosophy would have called for more government intrusion in Economic affairs.
Puddy’s comment at 271 is a complete affirmation of what I said @ 260. Puddy cannot admit that he is wrong on this. To do so would force him to admit that he is not being guided by the Holy Spirit.
I wonder who else made the final four? I was talked up as a top seed early on although I surely slipped while I was being nice to Puddy. Now I’m hoping to come back by getting down on the Reagans (that’s always a good one)as well as sharing with the gang Mr. Klynical’s mama’s strange ways of amusing me. I also throw in an occasional request of Puddy to post these five links he’s been lying (that word always gets him, I reel him in like a cod every time) about. If that doesn’t do it then my game just ain’t good enough.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Fear Not Don Joe. Puddy is a Sabbath Keeping Orthodox Christian. Jesus is coming again. Seems to Puddy you are the Manichaean fool from your other posts in thread 14556. Puddy does believe you are weird. So if Puddy is Manichaean, then Puddy has to be anti-matter since Manichaeans believe matter is bad. We all see your mind is not intrinsically good.
Here is the chronological history:
I merely pointed out that Ritholtz blames Republican Economic philosophy 100%.
This is when Puddy whipped out the Ritholtz NY Times article refuting Don Joe. Then Don Joe said this
Don Joe pointed out that the financial crisis was the result of conservative policies
Next whopper:
Puddy completely misrepresented my remarks, and then proceeded to argue against that misrepresentation.
Yeah right, I used your words fool. Misrepresenting his own words is:
Funnnnnnnnnnnnny. Oh my Puddy why? Don Joe you are such a crying fool. No, Puddy catches you twisting my original words and Puddy asks:
Why do you continue to do this Don Joe?
Why are you so disingenuous Don Joe?
Why do you hate conservatives so much Don Joe?
Why do you give Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd a pass Don Joe? Barry Ritholtz doesn’t.
Why are so blind to historical facts Don Joe?
Why do you shift your argument Don Joe? Milton Friedman? You whip him out because your original argument was weak sauce and you realized it too late!
Why are you classifying Arthur Leavitt as a conservative Don Joe?
Why are you classifying Alan Greenspan as a conservative Don Joe?
Why are you classifying Robert Rubin as a conservative Don Joe?
Why do you think you can twist what Puddy wrote Don Joe and not expect Puddy to catch it?
Why are you so moronic Don Joe?
Next whopper up to bat:
With this, Puddy’s denial of the facts is complete. Not only does Puddy have to lump Alan Greenspan (of all people) under the rubric of “leftist pinhead”
– Again Don Joe forgets or purposely ignores what Greenspan and Leavitt said in 1994. Why do you do that Don Joe? Why do you always discount what someone says that doesn’t agree with your “fugitive” thoughts and then claim Puddy does the same? Seems to me this is a sign of confusion. Historical facts are confusing Don Joe. He ignores Leavitts call for self-regulation and the agreement of Greenspan to this position. That’s conservative thought he claims. Yeah right Don Joe. Starbucks is calling.
Next whopper:
Does Puddy offer one iota of evidence, other than Robert Rubin’s party affiliation, to show that deregulation is not a pillar of conservative Economic philosophy?
Why does Puddy have to do anything Don Joe. Puddy places their words, deeds, and actions for all to read and see.
Don Joe uses Reagan’s calls for less government as his canard for Rubin’s, Greenspan’s, and Leavitt’s positions on derivative securities when Jim Leach the conservative wanted to pass legislation to control the derivatives. Somehow that’s Don Joe’s continual use of convoluted logic. The conservative is a liberal to Don Joe while the liberals are conservatives.
Don’t worry Don Joe I’ll read your latest liquid fart in the morning.
You live on left-wing bullshit, eating and sucking it up.
What? The New York Times? I thought it was Kos or Firedoglake like you accused me the other day. I guess you do as well because you’ve quoted it here in the past. Wow you’ve covered all the bases in what passes for your miserable life.
Palin didn’t appoint these people fool.
Oh really. That’s really interesting. Did I say she did?
All three members of the Personnel Board are Murkowski appointees.
Wow. Fascinating. So freaking what? A Republican appoints three more Republicans.
“The new report says the Legislature’s investigator was wrong to conclude that Palin abused her power by allowing aides and her husband, Todd, to pressure Monegan and others to dismiss her ex-brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten. Palin was accused of firing Monegan after Wooten stayed on the job.”
Opinions like assholes. Everyone’s got one.
Anchorage lawyer Timothy Petumenos was hired as independent counsel for the Personnel Board to examine several complaints against Palin.
Timothy Petumenos wrote the Legislature’s special counsel, former state prosecutor Steve Branchflower, used the wrong state law as the basis for his conclusions and also misconstrued the evidence.
So the first lawyer is a former state prosecutor and the second guy is a former state prosecutor turned defense lawyer.
So fool, while we’re into opinions let’s look at the newspaper’s opinion (yeah the one you quote):
Petumenos interpreted the law and his evidence in a way highly favorable to Gov. Palin; Branchflower was far less inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt.
In fact, Petumenos’ analysis reads as if it could have been written by the governor’s own defense lawyer. His exoneration of Palin was conveniently released just a day before voters nationwide decided on her bid for the vice-presidency….
Not until page 54 of his exoneration does Petumenos mention that the most likely source of such evidence is gone. Gov. Palin routinely used her private e-mail account to conduct state business, and those e-mails, Petumenos reports, are irretrievably deleted from her e-mail service.
Petumenos acknowledges that Gov. Palin’s use of private e-mail for state business violates the state’s record retention policy. She claims she was told her e-mail arrangements complied with the policy, but Petumenos presents no evidence showing who gave her the advice, or confirming what that advice was. He accepts the governor’s claim at face value, even while he says her interpretation was flatly wrong.
At this point, a truly independent investigator might be curious about whether Gov. Palin or anybody else obstructed justice by eliminating e-mail evidence. But Petumenos blithely refused to admit such a trail might exist, let alone follow it….
Petumenos’ report is so obviously tilted in favor of Gov. Palin that it fails to put the Troopergate matter to rest. The Legislature would do Alaskans a service by holding a forum where both investigators argue against each other, so Alaskans can make up their own minds.
Yep, Sarah and Todd are real sharp, above board operators. That e-mail strategy could have been lifted from a Karl Rove seminar. You failed fool…
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Puddy forgot to add Jim Leach (R) wanted to create a Federal Derivatives Commission and was shot down by Clinton’s peeps as unnecessary.
proud leftistspews:
Don Joe,
I’m sorry if I’ve aced you out to make it to the Final Four. I hope your feelings aren’t crushed. Any chance I could tell you where you went wrong? I have had this discussion at work (where I do all the hiring to ensure a workforce that is both productive and thinks correctly). You have to decide between pursuing your instinct, which involves trying to persuade the other side of your position, or just bashing the hell out of them because they are idiots. (Them, of course, means the pathologically ideologically braindead like Puddy, Cheney, Michael Steele or anyone else affiliated with the GOP.) I have decided that trying to persuade them is a relic of Enlightment-like thinking. They don’t think. We can’t persuade them. So, our job is simply to bash them. Hence, the Golden Goat Award. I have given up, despite all the philosophy classes I took in college, trying to convince them they are wrong. Simply, now, we must bash them. But, nonetheless, I must commend you for your Sysyphian effort to persuade, despite the odds.
Puddy going back to watching 24!
LMAO!!! You told me once you didn’t watch 24.
Bad slip Stupes – YOU LOVE TORTURE PORN!!!
Does it make you pine for Duck! Cheney and the chimp?
LOL! What a fool…
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Wrongo clueless wonder@279… you scream “I don’t read the Opinion Journal because it’s right-wing bullshit”.
So using an opinion is an opinion.
How do you live with yourself clueless wonder. Split personality reigns supreme in you!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Yeah clueless wonder I didn’t watch 24 then. But tonight after House it was on. So I watch it tonight.
The Truthspews:
“trying to persuade the other side of your position”
We need the exact date and time of this fairy tale.
You win for the least viewed postings.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
proud loony, you are EPICALLY FAILING with that Golden Goat award.
See ya fool.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Yeah HA does get less traffic.
283 – Apples and oranges, fool. OpinionJournal is WSJ Editorial Page and right wing bullshit. Always has been.
I quoted ADN just like you – fair game.
The ADN opinion piece pointed out the Personnel board lawyer’s flawed argument. As relevant to the matter as the first thing you used.
The Truthspews:
Looks like we have only 5 or so liberals on this board apparently the rest are clones.
No wonder it’s copy and paste fairytale stories to each other.Things they have in common boring, and a fetish for animal stories.
I thought it was just jokes until I came here.
We should have a contest of who is who in the liberal world of hate. PL,notright,myleft foot and a new guy with a funny name….. all one.
daddy and rabbit one which one is the dog show judge? Ylb one of a kind.
Sorry right wing fools. Obama’s support by the people holding strong at over 60 percent:
This is false. Puddy’s misrepresentation of my position is in his comment at 33 is where he said:
Just yesterday Don Joe tried to slide one in saying the conservative decisions
Puddy won’t own up to the mistake he made @ 33, and has since quoted my response to his mistake whenever I’ve pointed out his misrepresentation of my position. Again, Puddy can’t admit that he’s been wrong. Everyone here now knows why.
Puddy then bellows (with emphasis):
Again Don Joe forgets or purposely ignores what Greenspan and Leavitt said in 1994. Why do you do that Don Joe?
He now runs himself in circles. First of all, I’ve not ignored those facts. I’ve pointed out, with evidence, why the party affiliation of the politicians who have advanced particular policy positions does not provide a reliable indicator of the philosophy that underlies those policies.
Second, Puddy could well ask himself the same question. Why are the comments of two Democrats and one Republican (Alan Greenspan is not, as Puddy suggests, a “leftist pinhead”) regarding a single policy issue in 1994 the only germane facts to be considered here? Why does Puddy ignore the mountains of evidence that shows, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that deregulation is very much a pillar of Republican/conservative Economic philosophy?
Puddy invokes “history,” but ignores the vast majority of the history of Economic thought, from the Keynesians to Friedman and the Monetarists to J.K. Galbraith to the Supply-Siders of Reaganomics to F. A. Hayek and the Austrian School all the way on up to today. Is Puddy completely ignorant of the term “laissez-faire” and it’s relationship to Republican/conservative Economic philosophy?
Oh, Puddy will likely say something about how “laissez-faire” is some kind of canard that I’m throwing up to obscure the truth, but the question is whether he can make that claim with any real authority or not.
To answer that question, consider Puddy’s reference to Jim Leach. This is the same Jim Leach who co-sponsored the Graham-Leach-Bliley act–and act that reduced regulation on banks and financial institutions, and is largely regarded as one of the key pieces of legislation that made the present crisis possible.
Was Jim Leach acting on the Republican/conservative philosophy when he proposed legislation that would have increased regulation on the banking and finance industry, or was he acting on Republican/conservative philosophy when he cosponsored legislation that reduced regulation on the banking and finance industry? If we’re to follow Puddy’s reasoning, we’d have to believe both.
You see, this is the conundrum in which Puddy finds himself. He will blame me for the conundrum. He’ll call me the fool, and suggest that my logic is convoluted, but Puddy’s is the only argument here that requires us to believe that a proposition and the negation of that proposition are both true.
All of this so that Puddy can avoid having to admit that he has been wrong. Puddy has passed well through the realm of denial of inconvenient facts, and has gone completely into the realm of actual incoherence.
Don Joespews:
PL @ 283
I’m sorry if I’ve aced you [Don Joe] out to make it to the Final Four. I hope your feelings aren’t crushed.
No problem. I’m not attached.
As for the bashing thing, there’s direct bashing and indirect bashing. I trust you know what I mean by that.
The Truthspews:
For our loser to understand you, you will need to play out direct and indirect bashing. Any thought processing for him is self destruction of his memory chip. He has never encountered this opportunity before should be interesting to see how it plays out. :)
Don Joespews:
@ 295
For our loser to understand you, you will need to play out direct and indirect bashing. Any thought processing for him is self destruction of his memory chip.
I sense hatred in your remarks.
The Truthspews:
Absolutely not. This is liberal compassion.
No one has more humor than pl.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Golly Don Joe: You are as moronic 24×7 the same way headless hates blacks 24×7.
First whopper was not using my whole quote. Don Joe Puddy don’t play dat…
Don Joe tried to slide one in saying the conservative decisions that made the crisis happen until Puddy dug out the New York Times article refuting his claim.
You forgot to use the bolded material FOOL!
Why do you continually do that Don Joe?
Why do you argue disingenuously Don Joe?
Why do you try and spin what Puddy says Don Joe?
Why is your argument such weak sauce Don Joe?
Second whopper:
I’ve pointed out, with evidence, why the party affiliation of the politicians who have advanced particular policy positions does not provide a reliable indicator of the philosophy that underlies those policies.
Well Don Joe, why didn’t you stand up be a man and grow some brass marbuls when rhp6033, NutRight, proud loony and others parade their insipid positions that this is all the Republicans fault. You continue to claim it’s not a party issue yet you are mute when they post foolish crap you just wrote above you totally disagree with fool? This is why Puddy discounts your horseshit on HA. You are the southbound end of a northbound horse. You let their comments slide. Puddy understands why you wouldn’t comment on clueless wonder or stillbentover, two who never make any sense.
Puddy has NEVER said Republicans are not part of this issue. And Puddy dares Don Joe to prove and produce evidence otherwise. Show Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s where Puddy EVER said it was Democratic fault only? Show Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s where Puddy EVER said it wasn’t Republican fault only?
Puddy takes on all cummers who cum here and jerkoff their useless thoughts this is all a conservative issue. This includes your sorry ASS. And you want to debate Puddy. Sorry bud, you don’t stand up to your own HA weasels so why should Puddy give you the time of day. Puddy has said liberals were right there. And we know why. Show me da money.
Now Don Joe will call this running away. Call it what you want Don Joe. Being disingenuous in your position will have you spin this as you please. Puddy will not debate someone who allows their own peeps to make erroneous commentary and not call them on it.
Yes Puddy invokes history. I don’t need to post your economic historian heroes to demonstrate your position is a bunch of crap. You throw up all these deflections all the time Don Joe. Puddy used the liberal politicians own words and positions. You call this conservative thought. More on that later. Puddy can’t help you when you throw up weak sauce arguments on HA and then shout “Look at me I got Puddy again”. proud loony is such a fool because he hasn’t looked at the historical record. He’s relying on the “great” Don Joe. Well Don Joe, until you attack your HA loons for their fallacious positions, cry me a river dude!
You claim anyone liberal who didn’t want to control derivatives is a conservative in thought. Wow and stillbentover has a backdoor landing location waiting for you Don Joe.
Jim Leach is the middle name in the Graham-Leach-Bliley act http://banking.senate.gov/conf/grmleach.htm which has the provisions outlined in the link Puddy provided. It passed Senate 90-8-1. Such luminaries as Daniel Akaka, Max Baucus, Evan Bayh, Joseph Biden, Jeff Bingaman, John Breaux, Robert Byrd, Max Cleland, Kent Conrad, Tom Daschle, Christopher Dodd, Dick Durbin, John Edwards, Dianne Feinstein, Bob Graham, Fritz Hollings, Daniel Inouye, Tim Johnson, Edward Kennedy, Bob Kerrey, John Kerry, Herb Kohl, Mary Landrieu, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joseph Lieberman, Blanche Lincoln, Daniel Moynihan, Patty Murray, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Robb, Jay Rockefeller, Paul Sarbanes, Chuck Schumer, Bob Torricelli, Ron Wyden all said YES. Yep, all these liberal progressives were turned conservative per Don Joe. John McCain didn’t vote. This Commodity Futures Modernization Act, a 262-page measure allowed banks and investment houses to merge. It was an outcome of the Citibank merger with Travelers Group in 1998 and who was the recent chief of Citigroup? Robert Rubin. NUFF SAID Sucka.
Well Don Joe Jim Leach was fighting against these derivatives being off the books back in 1994. Jim Leach tried twice to reign them in. Democratics were against it. Now Don Joe throws up the 1999 Act as some grandiose point for his argument. Robert Rubin and his protege Lawrence Summers had been acting this way all through the Clinton Years. Where were the “liberal” politicians on this act? Why did Clinton sign the bill? So you used the DLC as another canard for “conservative positions of these Democratics. Again Don Joe it doesn’t wash. So when Congress gives them what they want Don Joe blames Republican conservative thought. To Don Joe Rubin, Summers, Greenspan, and Leavitt was driven to be conservative when it came to derivative securities. Yes, someone drugged these big time known liberals to be conservative on derivative securities but liberal on every other banking position during those years. It doesn’t wash Don Joe and for you to continue to prime your pump with this garbage is lunacy.
Don Joe continually discounts the hearings in 1994 on the Mellon-Dreyfus merger and how the OCC and SEC weren’t interested in tracking derivative securities back then. Again this is another of Don Joe “put on the blinders” to the facts and let me throw up other useless info and see if Puddy can decipher it. Stay on point Don Joe. Dummocratics didn’t want to reign in derivative securities and they were the most liberal progressive fools in Congress.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe there is no conundrum on Puddy’s side. You are in the conundrum because you won’t denounce your fellow HA weasels for taking a political position when you claim it isn’t one.
Funny how that works…
Don Joespews:
Well, we’re up to 300 comments in this thread. I wonder if Puddy will take it all the way up to 350.
Puddy spews:
First whopper was not using my whole quote.
This is absolutely hilarious. Not only is it my fault that Puddy managed to misrepresent my position, I’m also culpable for failing to acknowledge Puddy’s expert decapitation of the straw man he created. I’ve often said that Puddy couldn’t construct a coherent argument if the lives of his children depended on it. Do we need better evidence than this?
Puddy also whines:
Puddy has NEVER said Republicans are not part of this issue.
And I have never said that Puddy doesn’t blame Republicans. I’ve been talking about the underlying philosophy. How many times to I have to say that I’m not interested in blaming anyone before Puddy figures that out?
Puddy then spews:
Well Don Joe, why didn’t you stand up be a man and grow some brass marbuls when rhp6033, NutRight, proud loony and others parade their insipid positions that this is all the Republicans fault.
Does Puddy grow a pair of brass cojones whenever wingnuts spew their bullshit all over the place? Nope. Puddy invokes the old double standard. He can’t be wrong, because I don’t take everyone to task for their errors. Poor Puddy.
But, that’s not the best of this. Puddy further spews:
To Don Joe Rubin, Summers, Greenspan, and Leavitt was driven to be conservative when it came to derivative securities. Yes, someone drugged these big time known liberals to be conservative on derivative securities but liberal on every other banking position during those years. It doesn’t wash Don Joe and for you to continue to prime your pump with this garbage is lunacy.
Let’s recall that it was Puddy that claimed liberals always advance a liberal agenda, that Robert Rubin was not advancing a conservative agenda when he argued against regulation of the banking and finance industry, and, by implication, that Republicans always advance a Republican agenda. I’ve argued:
[T]hat we cannot simply use the party affiliation of those who advance a particular policy idea to decide whether or not that policy idea represents conservative or liberal philosophies.
So, what does Puddy do when faced with the incoherence of his own argument? He tries to attribute his argument to me. Puddy is absolutely correct in claiming that his attempt to try to determine the underlying philosophy of a policy action “doesn’t wash.” Puddy is woefully incorrect in attributing his argument to me.
Puddy then closes by claiming that I continually discount certain facts that he wants to highlight. But, isn’t it Puddy who wants to highlight some facts to the exclusion of others? Puddy points to all the Democrats who voted in favor of Gramm-Leach-Bliley, but fails to mention that of the 53 Republicans in the Senate who voted on the bill, 52 voted in favor of it. Puddy fails to point out that, of the 212 House Republicans who voted on the bill, 207 voted in favor of it. A full 88 percent of the “nay” votes in the Senate and 89 percent of the “nay” votes in the House were cast by Democrats.
None of this has any meaning in Puddy’s world. The Democrats who voted in favor of Gramm-Leach-Bliley were, in Puddy’s world, just being liberals. But, wasn’t it Puddy who said that liberals always advance a liberal agenda? If that’s the case, how does Puddy explain the “nay” votes on Gramm-Leach-Bliley?
As I have said before, Puddy cannot bring himself to admit his error. With baited breath, I await Puddy’s next attempt to avoid having to admit that his argument is woefully flawed. The humor value increases exponentially with every attempt that Puddy makes.
The title of this thread is “Losers”.
And the losers are the right wing fools who desperately cling to their bankrupt ideology.
Real Americanspews:
@ 301, and you will notice that when the clarion call went out for “losers”, Pubbydub was right there first to answer that call.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Wow Don Joe, got back from my meeting at there you go again.
Don Joe doesn’t use my full quote
Not only is it my fault that Puddy managed to misrepresent my position, I’m also culpable for failing to acknowledge Puddy’s expert decapitation of the straw man he created.
And it’s my strawman? What a crock of Steve’s Stupid Solution we just read. Don Joe you are so convoluted you can’t remember what you write from thread to thread. Why did Puddy whip out Ritholtz article from the NY Times? Because it was chronologically after your “straw man” conservative thought comment by the same Barry Ritholtz. He clarified the position you threw up here and that just sucked didn’t it? So now Don Joe calls it
Puddy’s misrepresentation of Don Joe’s position.
Puddy’s straw man
Puddy’s incoherent statement
Puddy’s convoluted argument
Don Joe you do this all the time in your arguments. When Puddy shoots holes into your weak sauce argument, “Puddy’s is misrepresenting me”. How can Puddy misrepresent your position? All Puddy id doing it showing the world how convoluted and wrong it is. Dude, how is using an updated quote from your Barry Ritholtz anything but using his words fool? It destroys your argument and it becomes weak sauce. You are thick as spent uranium armor on an Abrams M2-A2 tank and dense as spent uranium.
And yet he claims Puddy calls it a political argument. And Puddy will continue until Don Joe takes his own side to the woodshed. They call it a political argument. It’s only Bush’s fault when the facts show otherwise. When corrected by Puddy with fact after fact after fact, Don Joe call it a misrepresentation of his position. Sorry dude doesn’t wash.
Don I don’t have to discuss the Republican position on any bill. This is a liberal blog. By definition the Republican position is known. By definition, HA libtards already have determined the Republican position to be diametrically opposed to their progressive position. Puddy and others of us whom think right choose to identify the Dummocraptic position.
If that’s the case, how does Puddy explain the “nay” votes on Gramm-Leach-Bliley?
Puddy don’t have to explain anything.
Don Joe can’t see the conundrum he is in and I guess Don Joe is more stupid than I gave him credit for.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
For those morons lost by Don Joe’s continual stretching the truth, Barry Ritholtz rephrased his position and said it was 60% Republican – 40% Democrat. He makes no mention of a conservative position in his later article. He said he hold Bush more responsible because He was president. Puddy agreed with Ritholtz. Don Joe continues to ignore this an other later Ritholtz comments because his original conservative position was corrected by his hero Ritholtz. And
Puddy is absolutely correct in claiming that his attempt to try to determine the underlying philosophy of a policy action “doesn’t wash.”
Is a misrepresentation of what Puddy said above. Yet Don Joe accuses me of doing it while giving a pass to himself. That bird don’t fly Don Joe. You can pull that crap with stillbentover or clueless wonder but not Puddy.
Why do you continually do that Don Joe?
Why do you argue disingenuously Don Joe?
Why do you try and spin what Puddy says Don Joe?
Why is your argument such weak sauce Don Joe?
See ya. Back to bidness…
Real Americanspews:
Pubbydub, there ain’t no one reading this thread three days after it was originally posted except for those of us who already know what a demented lying fool you are.
But, windbag away! At least it keeps you off the roof of that building in your “Super Jesus” leotard costume.
Don Joespews:
Well, I had expected Puddy’s response to my latest comment to be amusing, and Puddy didn’t let me down. Before I get started in on what Puddy actually says in his latest comments, I should point out that Puddy doesn’t address Jim Leach, Gramm-Leach-Bliley or any of the other facts that pertain to the relationship between specific policy decisions and the underlying economic philosophy that animates the general policies of conservatives and liberals. It would seem that, having failed in trying to push his argument on me, he’s given up entirely on that effort.
He’s left with this:
And it’s my strawman? What a crock of Steve’s Stupid Solution we just read. Don Joe you are so convoluted you can’t remember what you write from thread to thread. Why did Puddy whip out Ritholtz article from the NY Times? Because it was chronologically after your “straw man” conservative thought comment by the same Barry Ritholtz. He clarified the position you threw up here and that just sucked didn’t it?
I have, for quite some time even prior to Puddy’s mention of Ritholtz’ 60/40 blame on Republicans vs. Democrats, upheld a very strong distinction between economic philosophies and specific policy decisions. You can find me upholding this distinction in this comment I posted back in October.
So, when Puddy used the word “decisions” in reference to my comment about Ritholtz, he was clearly misstating my position–a misstatement made even more culpable by the fact that the comment linked above is a direct response to a comment Puddy had made about Ritholtz.
Which brings me to the second point. Puddy keeps blathering on about how, supposedly, his constant reference to Ritholtz’ 60/40 blame refutes my point. But, does it really? In that comment, I linked to this article by Ritholtz, and we can look at this article as well.
The latter is particularly instructive on this question of philosophy:
If you were to ask me to reveal the prime causative factor for the Housing boom, I would point you to Fed Chairman Greenspan taking rates to 1%, and then leaving them there for a year….
The root legislative cause of the credit crisis was excessive deregulation.
If it’s not at all apparent to Puddy, it should be apparent to everyone else that deregulation is very much a cornerstone of Republican economic philosophy.
Which leaves us with Alan Greenspan whom Puddy has labelled as a “leftist pinhead.” Puddy provides no justification for this despite the fact that I’ve contested this characterization on purely factual grounds. In fact, Alan Greenspan has been the one most conservative voice in any position of economic authority over the past 20 years.
If Puddy really does believe that Alan Greenspan is a “leftist pinhead,” then perhaps Puddy can find someone else who shares this opinion? I doubt it. Puddy merely uses that epithet because it’s convenient to the conclusion he wants to reach.
Which leaves us where? Well, the two primary policy causes that Ritholtz cites are both steeped deeply in Republican/conservative economic philosophy. At this point, Puddy has nowhere to turn but to rehash and repeat the same thing he’s been saying in the past several comments.
The question is, will Puddy do it again? Will Puddy still disavow his misrepresentation of my statement about philosophy vs decisions?
I don’t think so. Puddy’s now cornered. He’ll lash out at me with some other manufactured slight. But, he will still refuse to acknowledge that he’s been wrong at any point in this entire discussion.
Consider, for example:
And Puddy is absolutely correct in claiming that his attempt to try to determine the underlying philosophy of a policy action “doesn’t wash.”
Is a misrepresentation of what Puddy said above.
Note that Puddy doesn’t correct what I said about his argument. He offers no alternative understanding of what he’s been saying. Only the bald-faced assertion that I’ve misrepresented his argument.
But, if I have misrepresented Puddy’s argument, then why doesn’t Puddy go through any effort to correct exactly where my restatement of his argument is wrong? The answer is that Puddy can’t point out where my restatement of his position misrepresents his argument.
Well, it might, now, be a misrepresentation of his current argument, because it would seem that Puddy has abandoned any attempt to connect the underlying philosophy of specific policy proposals to the party affiliation of the person making the proposal. But he cannot convincingly deny that statements like “liberals always advance a liberal agenda” does just what I’ve attributed to him.
To recap: did Puddy misstate my position? Yes. Puddy used the word “decisions” where I have consistently used the word “philosophy”. Does Ritholtz blame Republican philosophy for the current economic crisis? Yes, as the two links I’ve provided above show. Is Puddy guilty of emphasizing some facts to the detriment of others? In too many instances for me to enumerate them all in a reasonable amount of time, yes. He is guilty as charged.
At this point, about the only thing left for Puddy to do is engage in a bit of projection and personal insults. He has nothing more. He’s run out of ammunition, and about the only thing he can do now is throw his figurative gun at me.
The one thing Puddy will never do is admit that he has been wrong at any point in this thread.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You have made mince-meat out of the 2 fools, Don Joe and YLB.
We need to decide soon on the Final 4 of Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS.
It will be tough..so many of the Elite 8 are deserving of a shot at the Rusty Pinhead.
But, we must move forward.
Unless Puddy, we take a page from the non-competitive LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN handbook and declare an 8-way tie!
That way none of them will have what little is left of their self-esteem damaged. And we will be extending a bi-partisan hand by showing them we can acknowledge their “NO WINNERS & NO LOSERS” approach to life.
But heck, if we’re gonna do that, we might as well add back the others and declare a 16 way tie.
So many tough decisions Puddy.
What shall we do?
Don Joespews:
@ 307
So many tough decisions Puddy.
What shall we do?
Well, you could simply declare yourselves winners, and go have dinner together.
Or you, Cynical, could address the take-down of your call for reduced capital gains tax that I posted to the open thread earlier today.
Yes. What a tough decision that must be for you.
307 – Only in your right wing hallucinatory fantasies, Mr. Klynical.
We’re not going to stop opposing and laughing at wrong-headed, right wing foolishness.
Never, ever, ever.
Mr Klynical – stock market is up today.
For the month, the best performance in 7 years.
Was it something some right winger did to lift investor’s spirits? Sean Insanity? Flush Limpblows? The Chimp? Duck! Cheney?
Of course this is the standard Democratic deflection placed by Lee. Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage. I think Matt has a real hard-on for Jake. Because a real journalist would look at the political contributions of these AIG pukes. Why isn’t Matt asking Dodd and Obama and other Democratics to hand back their AIG political contributions so AIG can return that money too?
The big cheese Joe Cassano’s political contributions tell an interesting story. http://www.newsmeat.com/fec/by.....rst=Joseph
Also why hasn’t Matt Taibbi asked why preznit Obama why he created all this manufactured rage over something his crony’s knew last fall. Geithner and the Federal Reserve knew of the bonuses last fall. Geithner told Obama about the AIG bonuses before the AIG bonuses were let. Now we see the senate is letting the 90% tax bill die since many people returned the bonuses. Did Joe I give mostly to Democratics Cassano give any back Matt? Hmmm…? Such biased reporting from a Democratic Fool at Alternet.
Where is Matt’s outrage over the smoky backroom “deal” on the Porkulus plan where this amendment was inserted and approved by Geithner, Rahmbo, Reid, Pelosi and the other Democratic “adults” on February 10, with no Republicans present? This is on your watch Democratics. HAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha
The New York Times told everyone in their article AIG never would’ve paid the bonuses without Treasury and Fed approval. Did you miss that Lee?
There was this rapper called Notorious BIG. Obama and his gang were trying to make it Notorious AIG.
One last thing… What are Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd doing as leaders of their banking committees? Seems they were steamrolled by the “adults”. Great job Bawney. Great job Chwis.
The KLOWNS cannot possibly fathom the corruption of 2 of their own…Dodd & Fwank.
Dodd even took over $108,000 from AIG IN 2008!
The guy has zero conscience and is in huge trouble in 2010.
Republican Target #1.
Why is it that our sad little trolls can’t even read the linked articles before commenting on them?
Better trolls, please.
@1 Talk about deflection. You were there by your second sentence. The rest was just wingnut bullshit. You are refuted by the mere fact that you spewed it. Worse, it’s the same old tired rant, delivered without wit, humor and utterly lacking in charm.
@2 The only thing stranger than you having your head up Puddy’s ass is the way he gets off on it.
“Better trolls”?? Isn’t that kind of like “high-quality monkey poop”?
@3 I’ve been asking for better trolls for years but it hasn’t done any good; we’re still stuck with the same old stupid ones.
@6 The trolls we have aren’t even interesting; they merely stink.
Yes, quite clearly, ANY campaign contributions are corrupting. BAN THEM ALL!
Now, back to the point: mat’s right. it’s all bullshit out of these guys mouths. Cry me fucking river, you rich arrogant financial lawbreaking bastards.
It’s a hard rain that’s gonna fall…
And you know what? If a Democrat is in the pocket of financial interests, it’s just as bad as if a Republican is. But Pud and Cyn won’t complain about the giveaways of 1994-2006, will they? Of course not.
Of course this is the standard Democratic deflection placed by Lee. Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage.
So the people who are upset that AIG employees were able to keep million dollar bonuses after their division’s actions brought down the financial system are just being whipped up by a “manufactured outrage”?
Are you required to wear a bicycle helmet at all times?
Man, that’s a rant for the ages! And does that Jake deSantis jerk ever have it coming! This should be framed and hung in every office in America.
Reading articles like this make me wonder if ya’ll aren’t pining for Communism. The way you trash fine capitalists like Jake DeSantis.
And while we’re at it, boo-fucking-hoo too for the Republicans who have 41 unsteady votes in teh Senate, from which we can pick off votes any time we want (um, from Red Senators in Blue States) to pass our Unholy Socialist Agenda of health care, education, green energy, and worker rights.
Gosh, won’t it be awful when workers don’t have to fear losing their jobs because health care is portable, and when they receive their fair share of corporate profits.
Amount of profits when no workers are working? ZERO.
13 C
Oh, come on. You can make a stronger argument than that. Show us how he’s right.
Or at least try. Your ad hominem crap is weak.
Speaking of Obama tanking…did you read the recent comments of his Commerce Secretary nominee, Judd Gregg?
Judd Gregg countered each of Obama’s policy principles:
— “It is the individual American who creates prosperity and good jobs, not the government.”
— “We believe that you create energy independence not by sticking Americans with a brand new national sales tax on everyone’s electric bill, but by expanding the production of American energy … while also conserving more.”
–“We also believe you improve everyone’s health care not by nationalizing the health care system and putting the government between you and your doctor, but by assuring that every American has access to quality health insurance and choices in health care.”
He said the United States “has an exceptional history of one generation passing on to the next generation a more prosperous and stronger country, but that tradition is being put at risk.”
According to Wikipedia, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a subagency of the National Institute of Health, which is part of the federal Department of Health and Human Services, funds “more than 85 percent of the world’s research about the health aspects of drug abuse and addiction.” NIDA’s budget is slightly over $1 billion a year.
The director (since 2003) of NIDA is Dr. Nora D. Volkow, a Mexican-born, U.S.-trained research psychiatrist who formerly worked for Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Dr. Volkow’s official biography on NIDA’s website does not mention that she is the great-granddaughter of Leon Trotsky, or that she grew up in the Mexico City house where Trotsky was murdered.
As the late Paul Harvey would have said, “And now you know the rest of the story.”
@17 Oh c’mon, Lee, he’s obviously being satirical.
I had no fucking idea until tonight that the brilliant psychiatrist who runs the federal government’s drug abuse research programs is Trotsky’s great-granddaughter. She’s not only smart, she’s hot! Much better looking than Ann (Dan?) Coulter, whom I’ve always suspected of being a possible transsexual.
Here’s Nora: http://tinyurl.com/dzhske
– “It is the individual American who creates prosperity and good jobs, not the government.”
It’s both, and it’s been that way since the beginning of the country.
– “We believe that you create energy independence not by sticking Americans with a brand new national sales tax on everyone’s electric bill, but by expanding the production of American energy … while also conserving more.”
Exactly, which needs to be done by government if it’s not being done by market forces (which it’s not). How sad is it that the second quote you post proves the inaccuracy of the first quote?
–”We also believe you improve everyone’s health care not by nationalizing the health care system and putting the government between you and your doctor, but by assuring that every American has access to quality health insurance and choices in health care.”
Right now, we have more obstacles between us and our doctors than just about any first world country. Insurance companies are a far greater impediment to quality health care than government. The only way to ensure that every America has access to our health care system is to have a public system that competes with the private one.
He said the United States “has an exceptional history of one generation passing on to the next generation a more prosperous and stronger country, but that tradition is being put at risk.”
Yes, and it’s being put at risk by morons who think that government doesn’t play a role in continually adding to America’s prosperity.
I think you’re right, I deleted my own comment… :)
Dr. Volkow, who is often described by people who work with her as the smartest person they’ve ever met, revolutionized medical science’s understanding of drug addiction. In 2006, MSNBC reported,
“She first achieved acclaim by discovering that cocaine was neurotoxic, a radical notion in the early 1980s. Since then, Volkow … has systematically probed alcohol, nicotine, heroin, methamphetamine, even overeating … to uncover the brain circuitry that underpins addiction.
“[D]irecting the government’s $1 billion anti-drug research program, Volkow is … determining exactly how the brains of addicts and those who never get hooked differ — so scientists can develop better ways to prevent and treat drug abuse. …
“Volkow is showing that addiction ‘has to be seen as a health issue as well as a criminal or social justice issue,’ says Alan Leshner, chief of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and her predecessor at NIDA. ‘She has definitely moved neuroscience forward.’ Adds Fowler: ‘If you can conceptualize it (addiction) as a brain disease rather than a moral weakness or lack of willpower, you can more easily bring resources to bear.'”
(Quoted from MSNBC under fair use.)
@16 Customers create jobs, and workers create prosperity for the businesses that fulfill customers’ demands. Yet, under Republican economic philosophy and political rule, America’s workers have received less and less even as the American economy has produced more and more. Economic and social conditions now approximate those of the pre-crash 1920s, when wealth was concentrated in few hands, and a surfeit of capital and lack of consumer purchasing power led to a stock market bubble followed by the worst economic depression in American history.
During the first year of his time in the White House, AWOL Bush allowed the worst attack on US soil in history – 9.11 happened on Bush’s watch. During the last year of his time in the White House, AWOL Bush allowed the stock market to crash 37%. The depression started on Bush’s watch. History will record this coke-snorting idiot as the worst President in history and those who supported him as the biggest dick-sucking fools on the planet.
George Bush was the worst President ever…
Until the middle of last month.
Welcome to Jimmy Carter’s Second term. All of the rich tasty incompetence Carter was famous for, without the ethics getting in the way.
In 68 days our glorious PRESIDENT OBAMA has taken valiant steps to undo the Bush regime’s attack on our Constitution. PRESIDENT OBAMA has rescued us from the Bush depression and restored confidence in the US around the world. In the first 68 days he was in the White House, AWOL Bush spent 61 on vacation.
Obama will go down as the WORST President ever, easily.
Lee Farted with Lumps:
So the people who are upset
Yes the people who are upset are whom Lee? Obama manufacturers a crisis after he knows of the payments. Geithner told Obama this before the payments were made. Geithner knew this last year. The proof is out and Geithner admitted to it. This is all bluster because in the negotiation process Treasury put in the stupid provision February 10, 2009 for the payments, approved by Democratic lawmakers. Can’t blame this on Bush, Boehner or McConnell. There were no Republicans in the room. There was Rahmbo though. This is your sewer and the ‘Rats don’t like the smell.
Where is Matt’s attack on Joe Cassano? Cry me a river. Joe Cassano made $280 million on this AIG fiasco. He gives big time to Democratic. We already know Dodd and Obama received over $100K from the AIG gang. Whoops can’t touch Cassano. He’s one of the Democratics. He supports Democratics. Did you know Cassano was given a $34 million severance payment. Cassano was allowed to stay on making a million dollars a month after being forced out as the failed division’s chief. But Nooooooooooooo he’s a big time Democratic, gotta protect him. What is curious is after Geithner bails out AIG last fall. Cassano is still working at AIG. Where is the outrage Matt? And he’s now living in London. So Joe Cassano made almost $300 million and Cassano isn’t even living in the US. So all that bluster from Fwank and Dodd and Obama over returning bonuses and they can’t touch Cassano and he EFFIN MADE ALMOST 300 MILLION on this crap and Matt the buffoon is picking on Jake DeSantis over 742,009.
And you Lee are a fool for not knowing these facts. And Lee, Puddy only wears a bicycle helmet when he rides his mountain bike on the hills fool!
I looked in Taibbi’s article for any actual responses to DeSantis’ points. He didn’t, as expected. Instead, it was just red herring fallacies and denial.
It’s telling that the best the left can do with DeSantis is try to attack him personally and call him a liar (without any actual justification for the claims), since they can’t touch his actual points.
@29 His actual points are what? That he should make millions for working for a failing enterprise that cost taxpayers a trillion?
Yes the people who are upset are whom Lee?
People who don’t think that individuals deserve bonuses (let alone million dollar bonuses) when they are part of a work group that helps create a global financial crisis.
Obama manufacturers a crisis after he knows of the payments.
Obama had nothing to do with the outrage. The outrage happened because people were outraged. It wasn’t “manufactured by Obama.” That’s moronic (and extremely paranoid).
Geithner told Obama this before the payments were made. Geithner knew this last year.
No shit. And Geither deserves a TON of blame for this.
Where is Matt’s attack on Joe Cassano? Cry me a river. Joe Cassano made $280 million on this AIG fiasco. He gives big time to Democratic.
First of all, Joe Cassano gave to members of both parties, as did nearly all of the people who got us into this mess. For you, or anyone else to try to paint this as a Democrat-only corruption issue is as idiotic as humanly possible. If you’ll notice, the words “Democrat” or “Republican” do not appear anywhere in Matt’s post, nor did they appear in my post linking to his post.
The only person here who thinks that I posted this as some kind of partisan slam is you. And the more times you reveal that, the more of a moron you prove yourself to be.
Matt Taibbi will be the first to tell you (and I’ll be the second) that BOTH Democrats and Republicans are in the back pocket of big business. For you to think that only Democrats are makes you a moron. For you to insinuate that I (or others) think that only Republicans are makes you an asshole.
I looked in Taibbi’s article for any actual responses to DeSantis’ points. He didn’t, as expected. Instead, it was just red herring fallacies and denial.
What? Evidently, you missed this:
And this:
And this:
And that’s just the first half of the article. Pudge, just calling something a red herring doesn’t make it a red herring. Each of those three responses make very clear sense to anyone with a functioning brain and cut right to core of why no one should have any sympathy for DeSantis.
It’s telling that the best the left can do with DeSantis is try to attack him personally and call him a liar (without any actual justification for the claims), since they can’t touch his actual points.
How is this an attack from the “left”? This is an attack on a person who doesn’t grasp the concept of personal responsibility. This is an attack on a person who believes that he was entitled to money that should only have been paid out in the event of a job well done. That has nothing to do with “left” or “right,” it has to do with common sense.
Lee, you are a moron
Obama had nothing to do with the outrage.
Hell yes he did. Stupido, here is the original statement from Obama Monday March 16th – “This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed. Under these circumstances, it’s hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay. “How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?” People listen the (ahhhhh music sound) “messiah”.
So we all know Obama knew of this BEFORE they were paid out. Now it seems it was around March 3rd.
First of all, Joe Cassano gave to members of both parties, as did nearly all of the people who got us into this mess.
Yeah Cassano gave $2500 to a Republican and a whole mess of money to the Democratics. AIG leaned so far Democratic a 100 foot keel couldn’t keep the Notorious AIG schooler from listing leftward.
If you’ll notice, the words “Democrat” or “Republican” do not appear anywhere in Matt’s post, nor did they appear in my post linking to his post.
Matt’s post is attacking Jake DeSantis; over what $742,009, when Joe Cassano leaves with almost $300 Million? Yeah just like “journalists” who never put a Democratic after scumbags or place their party affiliation near the end of an article but will say in the first sentence somebody was a Republican in an article. Maybe you should teach your “technique” to Jon DeVore. His Allen Stanford blog thread comes to mind!
The only person here who thinks that I posted this as some kind of partisan slam is you.
That’s because all HA lefties goosestep together.
Matt Taibbi will be the first to tell you (and I’ll be the second) that BOTH Democrats and Republicans are in the back pocket of big business.
That’s not the point here. When each fiasco was presented by Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat! Bloggers it was Puddy who dug out the truth and posted it here. Just yesterday Don Joe tried to slide one in saying the conservative decisions that made the crisis happen until Puddy dug out the New York Times article refuting his claim. Puddy was the first one who said it was both sides before you even ventured there Lee. It was Puddy who first delivered the YouTube video with the 2004 words of Maxine, Bawney, Artur, Mike and many more Democratics claiming it was a witchhunt, racist attacks, etc. HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaha
For you to think that only Democrats are makes you a moron.
Lee you are the moron because Puddy never said that. Show me where Puddy said it was only Democratics. You’ll have to jack off something taken out of context
REST OF LEE’s RANT WORTHLESS DRIBBLE. But you are right Lee. You are an ASSHole.
Hell yes he did. Stupido, here is the original statement from Obama Monday March 16th – “This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed. Under these circumstances, it’s hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay. “How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?” People listen the (ahhhhh music sound) “messiah”.
Um, no, dumbass. He was REACTING to the outrage.
In fact, here’s the New York Times article TWO DAYS BEFORE Obama said that.
So we all know Obama knew of this BEFORE they were paid out. Now it seems it was around March 3rd.
Exactly! So if he was so interested in whipping up outrage over this, why did he wait until after the media starting making a big deal of it to say something?
Yeah Cassano gave $2500 to a Republican and a whole mess of money to the Democratics. AIG leaned so far Democratic a 100 foot keel couldn’t keep the Notorious AIG schooler from listing leftward.
That’s bullshit and you know it. This article from the Wall Street Journal shows that AIG and its PAC donated to both Republicans and Democrats. They’ve donated more to Democrats recently (primarily because the GOP is a sinking ship), but it’s very clear that what I said above is true – both Democrats and Republicans are in the back pockets of these companies.
Yeah just like “journalists” who never put a Democratic after scumbags or place their party affiliation near the end of an article but will say in the first sentence somebody was a Republican in an article.
Then why didn’t he do it here? If he was so interested in the partisan aspect of Jake DeSantis’ letter, then how come he didn’t do it?
Do you think about your comments before you type them, or is that just too hard for you?
That’s because all HA lefties goosestep together.
Only in your mind. Just because you’re crazy doesn’t mean that everyone else needs to go along with your crazy. Everyone who posts at this site is an individual who thinks for himself.
That’s not the point here.
Yes it is! I posted this! Are you trying to tell me that you know what the point of my post was more than I do? Are you really that much of a fucking retard?!?
Just yesterday Don Joe tried to slide one in saying the conservative decisions that made the crisis happen until Puddy dug out the New York Times article refuting his claim.
It was conservative decision that led to this crisis. And some of those conservative decisions were made by Democrats. The failure that happened recently in our country was a failure of increased de-regulation in our financial sector. That’s a conservative failure. Just because Democrats took part in that does not mean that it wasn’t a conservative failure.
Lee you are the moron because Puddy never said that. Show me where Puddy said it was only Democratics.
You said it right here jackass!
I don’t see anything in that psychotic ramblings where you say that Cassano supported Republicans too.
REST OF LEE’s RANT WORTHLESS DRIBBLE. But you are right Lee. You are an ASSHole.
Did I just hear your lame comeback get blown to smithereens? Ah, yes, I did.
By the way, Puddy, if you’re gonna actually try to argue with me, fucking try harder. Your comment at #33 was just embarrassing. At this point, there’s nothing left but to feel sorry for you. Knowing that you’re in these comment threads far more than I am just makes the whole situation sadder.
Get a life for crying out loud.
WOW… Another night and there is Pubbydub, with a stupid look on his face, holding his own ass that was just freshly handed to him.
Now That is entertainment!
NOPE! You are delusional. Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
NOWHERE ASSHole. Good try though. Hell of an effort fool.
From Lee’s article “The senior government official, who was not authorized to speak on the record, said the administration was outraged.” So Lee who is the head of the administration? OBAMA. And the administration knew of these bonuses March 3rd meetings? Why didn’t Geithner mention this outrage during the March 3rd? You need to see the YouTube on those Congressional hearings Lee? This is what Puddy asked above which you glossed over trying to make another insipid point!
Are you trying to tell me that you know what the point of my post was more than I do?
What’s wrong Lee, you do it to people’s responses all you want and when called on it you go into a rage. Toooooooooooooooo
Funnnnnnnnnnnnnny, your rages on HA.
All HA lefties goosestep together. You see all the sniveling yes’m bossman Lee, yes’m bossman Goldy, yes’m bossman Jon leftist commentary everyday! Sure you see a critical post once in a blue moon, and we know how often blue moons appear.
Holy Shit Batman lookie here from Lee on 3/28/2009 a first:
An admission from Lee. Better watch that Lee, you’re leaving the reservation for a few seconds.
My rant was worthless? When Puddy taught the Moonbat!s how to use Open Secrets and Newsmeat to determine who gives what? When Dodd and Obama got big time bucks from AIG? Why ain’t Matt asking Obama and Dodd to return their AIG fundings?
Who you fooling except yourself fool?
Oh and one more thing Lee… Rahmbo Obama’s the chief of staff was in the final Porkulus February 10 meetings so Obama had to know of this back then. Treasury added the bonus approval language to the Porkulus bill. No one in their right mind thinks Geithner acted alone when Rahmbo was in the meeting too!
Why no outrage then?
Damn Puddy knew he had read this somewhere:
“Obama’s sharp comments were a reversal from this weekend, when administration officials said they had carefully reviewed AIG’s contracts and determined they could not block the bonuses. They had expected that the bonuses would be paid by Sunday to employees in the company’s controversial Financial Products division, and Cuomo said AIG officials told him the payments were made on Friday.”
surreal@36: Yeah you cum around when you think you can make a point.
Except Lee didn’t hand my ASS to me fool! Good try though!
NOPE! You are delusional. Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
You said it right there! I copied and pasted the text from your comment right there for everyone to see!
From Lee’s article “The senior government official, who was not authorized to speak on the record, said the administration was outraged.” So Lee who is the head of the administration? OBAMA. And the administration knew of these bonuses March 3rd meetings? Why didn’t Geithner mention this outrage during the March 3rd?
Because they weren’t outraged! Are you following this discussion at all? I don’t think you are. You don’t seem to grasp what I’m arguing. You keep pretending that I’m trying to defend the Obama Administration. I’m not! I think the way they handled this was pisspoor. What I’m pointing out is that the suggestion that the Obama Administration whipped up the anger over AIG is retarded. The anger was whipped up by average citizens reacting to the bonuses, then the Obama Administration pretended to be outraged too.
What’s wrong Lee, you do it to people’s responses all you want and when called on it you go into a rage.
What the fuck are you talking about? Why don’t you post one example of when I did exactly what you did here (take a completely non-partisan point and try to insinuate that it was done for partisan reasons)?
All HA lefties goosestep together. You see all the sniveling yes’m bossman Lee, yes’m bossman Goldy, yes’m bossman Jon leftist commentary everyday! Sure you see a critical post once in a blue moon, and we know how often blue moons appear.
Are you kidding? I’ve criticized the Obama Administration far more than I’ve praised them at this blog. Do you even read the posts at the top before you come down here and make a fool of yourself?
An admission from Lee. Better watch that Lee, you’re leaving the reservation for a few seconds.
What reservation? I’ve been saying stuff like that for years. Where’ve you been?
And another idiotic comment from Puddybud gets blown up.
Except Lee didn’t hand my ASS to me fool! Good try though!
Except that you just spent the last 4 posts attacking a strawman rather than what I’ve actually been saying – see the post above, especially this part:
How much longer are you going to keep embarrassing yourself here, Puddy?
Until he has the whole wall of his den lined with Golden Goats.
Pubby’s just here for the goats!
Puddy, I’m going to ask you something that cuts to the heart of what’s happening here:
Do you think I come to this blog and write things because I have some desire to faithfully defend the Obama Administration?
If so, you are the single dumbest motherfucker on the face of the Earth.
Do you really think that I posted this very short post because I’m somehow trying to help Obama in some way? Do you really think that every action I take, and every word I write is crafted in a way to make Obama look good?
I haven’t written a positive thing about the Obama Administration in about two weeks (primarily because they’ve made some pretty big screw-ups recently), yet you’re here acting as if I’m on his staff.
Really, man, what the fuck is wrong with you? Can’t you afford to see a therapist or something? Aren’t there medications you can take for that? Don’t you even get the slightest bit embarrassed by putting your stupidity so prominently on display when you do this?
Lee the moron try again:
Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
Where have you been critical of Obama’s administration? I’ll be like your moronic friends here and demand you post a previous link!
The anger was whipped up by average citizens reacting to the bonuses, then the Obama Administration pretended to be outraged too.
The only outrage was from Bawney Fwank and Chris Dodd and other “lawmakers” joining the fray. Andrew Cuomo was making a big stink. Then the public reacted. These bonuses were known way back to February 10, 2009. There was no public or lawmaker outrage then. There was no Obama outrage then. As Puddy said in the first post “Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage.” and I stand by my statement.
Why don’t you post one example of when I did exactly what you did here (take a completely non-partisan point and try to insinuate that it was done for partisan reasons)?
First, where did Puddy turn a non-partisan post into a partisan post? As Puddy said in the first post “Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage.” Democratic lawmakers rushed in and voted and approved the Porkulus bill, therefore they approved the amendment language, so all this “outrage” is manufactured. Ohhhhh you mean Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd and all the other yes’m Democratics who voted yes and like fools didn’t read the Porkulus bill before they voted for it? Puddy stands by Puddy’s manufactured outrage statement.
Second, you are trying to insinuate something above which ain’t true! As Puddy stated, the Democratics approved the Porkulus bill so they knew the amendment for the bonuses was there approved by Geithner and Rahmbo, Pelosi and Reed among others.
Lee, You posted that short post because you agree with Matt’s attack on Jake. Why did Jake write his open letter to the New York Times? Because Jake was attacking the faux outrage from the Obama administration over the bonuses they approved on February 10, 2009. And Jake was attacking Geithner who knew of the bonuese when he gave AIG $85 Billion last September. Otherwise, you’d let the post fly away. Tacit approval!
Where is Puddy acting like you are on Obama’s staff? Ohhhhh when you don’t come out and attack your brother posters for their positive Obama comments on this blog.
Your silence is very “telling” on these matters.
And I need psycho help? Sadly I don’t see your voice saying your brother posters are wrong when they throw up their posts.
Beyond pathetic.
Pubbydub! Stop your whining! Come here and get your diaper changed!
This is a tempest in a toilet and Stupes is the tidybowl man.
rulax or is it exlax? An HA bottom dweller and stuck on stupid recipient. Yes Puddy agrees you are pathetic.
surreal, no whining just the truth. Show Puddy where he’s wrong. Puddy dares you.
clueless wonder nothing new from HAs other bottom dweller. What? Nothing from a left-wing kook-aid site?
Puddy @ 33
Just yesterday Don Joe tried to slide one in saying the conservative decisions that made the crisis happen until Puddy dug out the New York Times article refuting his claim.
Nope. Don Joe pointed out that the financial crisis was the result of conservative policies, not decisions. Yours is not a simple misrepresentation, either. For quite some time, now, I’ve pointed out that the current economic crisis is a damning condemnation of conservative philosophy.
Pointing out that Robert Rubin opposed the regulation of derivative securities doesn’t magically transform that opposition into an expression of liberal or progressive philosophy. Deregulation is the heart and core of conservative economic philosophy.
So, rather than refute my claim, Puddy actually confirms it. Puddy, of course, is too stupid to figure this out, but that doesn’t surprise anyone.
It’s worth noting that, to date, Puddy, along with every other wingnut troll that chooses to grace our presence, has refused to discuss the philosophical underpinnings of the policy decisions that precipitated the current crisis. Puddy doesn’t give a shit about trying to figure out which policies might or might not make sense as we move forward. Puddy only cares about figuring out whom to blame.
Conservative philosophy Don Joe? What are you smoking? When Conservatives tried to regulate and Bill Clinton joined them, Bill Clinton was slapped back by his own party over banking reform and that was conservative philosophy!
You are a crack addled moron too.
Here is a load of Pellets if Puddy ever saw them
You need to see the YouTube videos again fool? Your own party was against conservative philosophy in 2004 and 2005 for bank regulation. “It wasn’t needed”; “It’s a racist witchhunt”; “There is no crisis”, the Democratics on the House and Senate banking committees told the world.
You are so steeped in moronic blame on it’s the Republican party only thought you missed what Barry Ritholtz said. 60% Republican 40% Democrat. The reason it’s 60% Republican was because Bush was president. He should have screamed louder than he did back in 2004-2005 for the reforms.
What a fooltard.
More for Don Joe: Puddy didn’t support you claim at all. Puddy was the original one to deliver the words of the Democratics.
If Robert Rubin was such a great financial mind why did he and Larry Summers parade all over the world the Phil Gramm bill was the most needed and necessary thing? Yet you lump this as “conservative thought”. These two are the same people who spawned Tim Geithner today. Seems that Geithner is walking down similar paths of your “conservative philosophy”. What a fooltard.
Of course your bloodshot eyes which hates anything right of 3000 miles of left field will call that conservative philosophy while overlooking the attempts to twice regulate by Republicans and publicly rebuked by Democratics. Even Bill Clinton went public about his own party and their ain’t nuthing wrong with the status quo philosophy. Yet you come on here blaming only one party when the evidence shows the Democratics had much to do with our problems today.
Why is that Don Joe?
Why are you so blatantly biased?
Why can’t you process facts Don Joe?
Why do you repeatedly place lies about Puddy here?
Why do you ignore the words of Bawney Fwank Chwis Dodd Maxine Waters and other Democratics and their disdain for banking reform in 2004-2005?
@51 “Puddy only cares about figuring out whom to blame.”
In truth, Puddy is only interested in figuring out how to blame Democrats for anything and everything.
Puddy @ 52 & 53
Why do you insist on continuing to talk about who is to blame? That’s a serious question, because as long as you keep talking about who, then you’re not addressing anything having to do with my central argument.
Do Democratic policy proposals and actions always represent liberal and progressive philosophy? No. Do Republican policy proposals and actions always represent conservative ideals and philosophy? No.
To quote you, Puddy, epic fail!
Don Joe, your core argument was conservative philosophy was to blame. Puddy disagrees
That’s your EPIC FAIL fool!
Steve of Steve’s Stupid Solution.
The blame game is the prominent thread of this blog. Don Joe is throwing a worthless canard @55 with his
while trying to slide in his
You can’t have it both ways fool. You can’t blame “conservative philosophy” and then ask why is someone playing the blame game.
But in your Stupid Solution aided mind that’s okay with you.
Wrong. When liberals are in charge it’s liberal policies. We see the outcome of liberal Democratic policies now. Liberals always push liberal policies. That’s why liberalism is a mental disorder. The European Socialists and the Chinese Communists are tell the US liberals they can’t spend their way out of a recession.
Nancy Pelosi froze out the Republicans February 10, 2009 on the Porkulus Bill. She wouldn’t entertain any Republican counter proposals. AIG bonuses were approved by Treasury and Rahmbo. All liberal actions Don Joe.
Nuff SAID!
Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
I’ve already copied and pasted the comment. Since I had not made a statement about Cassano at all, the fact that you were only pointing out that he gives to Democrats was a very clear indication that you believed that he only gave to Democrats. Otherwise, you would have made it clear that he gave to people of both parties. It makes no sense for you to have done otherwise.
Where have you been critical of Obama’s administration? I’ll be like your moronic friends here and demand you post a previous link!
That was just from this past week, you moron.
The only outrage was from Bawney Fwank and Chris Dodd and other “lawmakers” joining the fray. Andrew Cuomo was making a big stink. Then the public reacted. These bonuses were known way back to February 10, 2009. There was no public or lawmaker outrage then.
No one in the media had written about it back then. The public outrage occurred as soon as it became known to the general public. Of course certain lawmakers knew about it before then. Do you have a point here or are you just trying to reinforce the fact that you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about?
As Puddy said in the first post “Seems to me this is more manufactured outrage.” and I stand by my statement.
Your statement is still moronic. When the news of these bonuses became public, there was widespread outrage. It wasn’t “manufactured” any more than any other reaction to a news story is. Just because you’re not capable of thinking for yourself does not mean that most other Americans have the same affliction as well. Most of us read the news and draw our own conclusions from it.
First, where did Puddy turn a non-partisan post into a partisan post?
You did it right here! This is a non-partisan post! And in your first comment, you wrote:
Again, how fucking retarded are you?
Democratic lawmakers rushed in and voted and approved the Porkulus bill, therefore they approved the amendment language, so all this “outrage” is manufactured.
What the hell are you talking about!?! That doesn’t make any sense at all. The outrage is over specific people (who caused the financial crisis) getting rewarded with bonuses. That had very little to do with the stimulus bill (which a majority of Americans support). There’s nothing contradictory about supporting the stimulus bill but being angry about the bonuses.
Ohhhhh you mean Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd and all the other yes’m Democratics who voted yes and like fools didn’t read the Porkulus bill before they voted for it? Puddy stands by Puddy’s manufactured outrage statement.
And Puddy’s manufactured outrage statement is still moronic. Americans want the stimulus money to go towards things that help create jobs. When that doesn’t happen, we don’t care if it was a Democrat or a Republican who failed us. We need better politicians in DC, who have the courage to stand up to the finance industry for the sake of average Americans. That’s not manufactured outrage. That’s real. And if you can’t figure that out, you truly are a breathtakingly stupid individual.
Second, you are trying to insinuate something above which ain’t true! As Puddy stated, the Democratics approved the Porkulus bill so they knew the amendment for the bonuses was there approved by Geithner and Rahmbo, Pelosi and Reed among others.
I never insinuated otherwise. In fact, I’ll pay you $10,000 if you can show where I said otherwise! You imagined that I said that and started attacking me. You need to see a mental health specialist. Pronto.
@57 You are utterly incapable of openly discussing your party’s failures. Don Joe is quite capable of discussing Democratic party failures. One of you has his head (or Mr. Klynical’s) up his ass, the other doesn’t. I see no point in Don Joe’s conversing with you. He’s wasting his time on you, although it’s his time to waste.
Lee, You posted that short post because you agree with Matt’s attack on Jake.
I do.
Why did Jake write his open letter to the New York Times?
Because he believed that he was entitled to the bonus money.
Because Jake was attacking the faux outrage from the Obama administration over the bonuses they approved on February 10, 2009.
No, he was attacking the real outrage from American citizens who recognized how outrageous it was that people like Jake were getting million dollar bonuses. Do you really not understand that the public anger over this is real? Do you really not understand why people might be angry over a person who gets a million dollar bonus for being part of a screw-up that destroys our financial service sector? Really? Are you really that fucking stupid?
And Jake was attacking Geithner who knew of the bonuese when he gave AIG $85 Billion last September. Otherwise, you’d let the post fly away. Tacit approval!
Wait a second! So you’re saying that Jake was attacking Geithner? For what? For doing exactly what AIG wanted? Oh my god! You’re the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the Earth! Holy shit!
Where is Puddy acting like you are on Obama’s staff? Ohhhhh when you don’t come out and attack your brother posters for their positive Obama comments on this blog.
Hahahahaha! I’ve certainly seen pro-Obama sentiments on this blog that I disagree with, but no one anywhere in these comment threads brings a level of stupid comparable to you. Not a one. You are far and away the dumbest person in these comment threads. You have a level of derangement that is unparalleled.
Your silence is very “telling” on these matters.
Hahahahaha! Wow, you’re a moron. I’ve given you two links from just the past week on where I’ve criticized Obama (and I had absolutely no comments from either post challenging me on that criticism). If the commenters here are so reflexively pro-Obama, how did that happen, shit-for-brains? Hahahaha!
And I need psycho help? Sadly I don’t see your voice saying your brother posters are wrong when they throw up their posts.
Yes, you do need psycho help. And I certainly tell other posters when they’re wrong. But the difference between them and you is that they don’t accuse me of doing things I didn’t do, or saying things that I didn’t say (except for SeattleJew of course). You’ve done that several times in this thread, accusing me of posting this as a partisan shot (it was not) and accusing me of never criticizing the Obama Administration (laughable).
Uh-oh, was that the sound of another Puddybud post getting blown to bit?
Yes it was.
You need to see the YouTube videos again fool? Your own party was against conservative philosophy in 2004 and 2005 for bank regulation. “It wasn’t needed”; “It’s a racist witchhunt”; “There is no crisis”, the Democratics on the House and Senate banking committees told the world.
In what world is greater bank regulation a conservative philosophy? Are you even reading what you write before you write it?
Wrong. When liberals are in charge it’s liberal policies.
Spoken by a truly world-class dumbass. Well done, Puddy. You’ve made every Special Olympian proud with what you’ve been able to achieve.
Puddy @ 58
Wrong. When liberals are in charge it’s liberal policies. We see the outcome of liberal Democratic policies now. Liberals always push liberal policies.
So, when Robert Rubin argued against regulating derivative securities, he was acting on a liberal philosophy?
And you still haven’t answered my original question. Why do you insist on playing this game of affixing blame to people instead of having a substantive debate about the actual policies involved?
Wow Lee is back at it again:
Fool. Go back and reread statement #1. Puddy posted his political givings for all to see Puddy didn’t hide it. Puddy added this before your lie above:
Yet you continue to lie Lee.
Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
Next Lee delivers his whopper:
Lee Lee Lee, You posted that short post because you agree with Matt’s attack on Jake. Why did Jake write his open letter to the New York Times? Because Jake was attacking the faux outrage from the Obama administration over the bonuses they approved on February 10, 2009. And Jake was attacking Geithner who knew of the bonuese when he gave AIG $85 Billion last September. Otherwise, you’d let the post fly away. Tacit approval!
Next this whopper:
WTF? The bonuses were known back in September 2008 when Geithner gave the first $85 Billion to Notorious AIG. The Notorious AIG bonuses were discussed on Feb 10 2009 by Rhambo and Geithner. Democratics rushed to pass the bill so the “knew” of the bonuses because the voted YES on the Porkulus Bill. The Notorious AIG bonuses were discussed on March 3 in Congressional Committees. There was no outrage then.
From the Chicago Tribune: “Obama’s sharp comments were a reversal from this weekend, when administration officials said they had carefully reviewed AIG’s contracts and determined they could not block the bonuses. They had expected that the bonuses would be paid by Sunday to employees in the company’s controversial Financial Products division, and Cuomo said AIG officials told him the payments were made on Friday.” It was outrage when the bonuses were let. Manufactured outrage way after the fact. What a moron you are Lee.
Next whopper
Yeah it’s all after the fact and your moronic stance is very telling. Puddy just delivered a chronological timeline of who knew what when and there was no outrage until the public got wind of the bonuses and some manufactured outrage by lawmakers who already knew and approved the amendment. You are so blinded with the hemp smoke you can’t process facts fool.
Lee’s next
Puddy actually agrees with this. So why isn’t Dodd and Obama and others giving back their AIG and other bank political contributions.
Lee forgets his original comment:
The Puddy response was:
The partisan point is Matt Taibbi is attacking Jake over his comments on the Notorious AIG bonuses. You decided to post Matt’s attack. You approve of Matt’s attack.
Lee said:
You gave two links above on your disagreements with DRUG POLICY. Whooop de dooo! Where is the HA outrage on Obama’s fiscal policy on the real issues like his Porkulus Spending?
@61 “And I certainly tell other posters when they’re wrong”
Absolutely true. We’ve disagreed on a number of subjects and you always let me know why you think I’m wrong. You do so respectfully and without injecting any insipid “KABLAMMMMMMO” sound effects or namecalling.
Puddy @ 65
Where is the HA outrage on Obama’s fiscal policy on the real issues like his Porkulus Spending?
Well, perhaps it’s because none of us agrees with the right-wing characterization of the stimulus package.
And, I’m more than happy to have a debate with you about the advisability of the stimulus package, but you seem completely unwilling to engage in an actual policy debate.
Speaking of LOOOOOSERS (No not you Puffybutt) The Evergreen ANTI-Freedom Foundation is publishing a list of things they think need to be cut from the state budget as waste. Since the right wing traitors like budget cuts – here are some that I am calling for.
1. Stop exempting churches from B&O tax. Why should I have to underwrite these organizations? They’re nothing more than businesses. They take in lots of cash and pay no tax. It’s a scam that costs the state millions. Lets fix it.
2. Stop putting people in prison for victimless crimes. If Puffybutt wants to go pay a gay hooker to fuck him in the ass – let him. No reason to criminalize sex – even if it’s the deviant kind practiced by chief Oreo Puffybutt.
Again – we’d save millions if we did this.
3. Stop the stupid 3-strikes bullshit. It costs millions of dollars to put people in prison for life for something as stupid as stealing a pizza. That will save millions if we do away with it.
4. Cut the budget for law enforcement. If we do some of the things I talked about above, we don’t need as many cops. I’m tired of paying to support badge-heavy cops who are more interested in proving their tough than they are justice. Cut that budget and again, save millions.
So if the Publicans are truly interested in budget cutting, they should agree with and support these cuts!
Don Joe:
Your question ignores the fact Jim Leach (R) in 1994 tried to regulate derivative securities and was slapped by by the Democratics.
Your question ignores Arthur Leavitt saying it wasn’t needed. When Clinton’s SEC chairman Arthur Leavitt on May 18 1994 said: “additional regulation of derivatives is not necessary at this point. I’m not prepared to go out and call for more government regulation today.” Levitt was speaking at a Investment Company Institute conference. Now who did Arthur Leavitt politically support back then?
Fool. Go back and reread statement #1. Puddy posted his political givings for all to see Puddy didn’t hide it. Puddy added this before your lie above:
Bullshit!! You didn’t post that until comment #33. The comment I was referring to was #28. You posted what you did in #33 because I caught you lying!
Where did Puddy say Cassano only gives to Democratics?
Again, you said it in comment #28. You were not responding in any way to someone saying that Cassano only gave to Republicans, so you had no reason to respond that way. It’s very clear from the conversation that you didn’t realize that Cassano gave to both parties until I called you on it. If you understand that Cassano gave to both parties when you left comment #28, then how come you didn’t say it? There was absolutely no reason on Earth not to.
WTF? The bonuses were known back in September 2008 when Geithner gave the first $85 Billion to Notorious AIG. The Notorious AIG bonuses were discussed on Feb 10 2009 by Rhambo and Geithner. Democratics rushed to pass the bill so the “knew” of the bonuses because the voted YES on the Porkulus Bill. The Notorious AIG bonuses were discussed on March 3 in Congressional Committees. There was no outrage then.
It wasn’t known to the general public yet, dumbfuck! The outrage didn’t occur until it was known to the average American. That’s why your notion that this was a manufactured outrage is idiotic. Again, are you really that fucking retarded that you can’t figure that out?!?
From the Chicago Tribune: “Obama’s sharp comments were a reversal from this weekend, when administration officials said they had carefully reviewed AIG’s contracts and determined they could not block the bonuses. They had expected that the bonuses would be paid by Sunday to employees in the company’s controversial Financial Products division, and Cuomo said AIG officials told him the payments were made on Friday.” It was outrage when the bonuses were let. Manufactured outrage way after the fact.
No, it’s not manufactured outrage. The outrage from the American public was real. The outrage from the Obama Administration was a reaction (and it’s certainly not very genuine). You’re seeing this as a situation where the fake outrage of the Obama Administration is driving the real outrage from the people. That’s not correct. It’s the other way around.
Yeah it’s all after the fact and your moronic stance is very telling. Puddy just delivered a chronological timeline of who knew what when and there was no outrage until the public got wind of the bonuses and some manufactured outrage by lawmakers who already knew and approved the amendment. You are so blinded with the hemp smoke you can’t process facts fool.
What the hell are you talking about?!? Do you not know what the word “manufactured” means? I am not, in any way, defending the way Congress has handled this. Nor is Taibbi. The fact that you’ve somehow convinced yourself otherwise is a clear indication that you have a very severe mental problem you need to deal with.
Puddy actually agrees with this. So why isn’t Dodd and Obama and others giving back their AIG and other bank political contributions.
Because they’re politicians, you fucking moron!!!
The partisan point is Matt Taibbi is attacking Jake over his comments on the Notorious AIG bonuses. You decided to post Matt’s attack. You approve of Matt’s attack.
I do!! And Matt’s attack wasn’t partisan either! It was an attack on a individual who happens to be a massively clueless douchebag. You’re the one who keeps injecting politics into this where it was never intended. As I’ve already pointed out, there’s no mention anywhere in Matt’s piece about political affiliation. It was an attack on a mindset of entitlement.
You’re the one who has been trying to inject some kind of political angle into this post, and for trying to do so, you’re an obnoxious asshole who doesn’t understand anything about how independent voters like Matt (and myself) think.
Puddy @ 69
Your question ignores the fact Jim Leach (R) in 1994 tried to regulate derivative securities and was slapped by by the Democratics.
So? The question has nothing to do with whether or not Republicans or Democrats were in favor of the policy.
Again, you have failed to answer my original question: Why do you insist on talking about who was involved while completely avoiding any discussion of the actual philosophical underpinnings of these policies?
You gave two links above on your disagreements with DRUG POLICY.
So, that’s what I write about here!!
Whooop de dooo! Where is the HA outrage on Obama’s fiscal policy on the real issues like his Porkulus Spending?
Um, the post from Wednesday WAS a criticism of his stimulus spending! It was criticizing the fact that the stimulus package contained increased funding for drug task forces. You and I both know the kind of damage that these drug task forces have done to minority communities across the U.S. (Tulia, etc).
More Leeisms:
Who’s the “the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the Earth” Lee?
Did Puddy put a shiv to your back and tell Lee to put the Matt Taibbi comment on HA?
So why did Matt write his piece? The two main points of Matt’s attack
1) I had nothing to do with my boss Joe Cassano’s toxic credit default swaps portfolio, and only a handful of people in our unit did – Matt claims bullshit
2) I didn’t even know anything about them – Matt claims bullshit
Jake wrote the letter to Ed Liddy. Jake wrote:”But you also are aware that most of the employees of your financial products unit had nothing to do with the large losses. And I am disappointed and frustrated over your lack of support for us. I and many others in the unit feel betrayed that you failed to stand up for us in the face of untrue and unfair accusations from certain members of Congress last Wednesday and from the press over our retention payments, and that you didn’t defend us against the baseless and reckless comments made by the attorneys general of New York and Connecticut.”
Yet Matt who is an outsider attacks Jake on his veracity. And Lee laps it up.
NUFF SAID Lee. See ya later got some shopping to do for my end of break college bound son.
Great smackdowns of the silly and sadly paranoid Stupes.
Waaaaah!!! Waaaaaaaah!!!
It’s Bill Clinton’s fault!!! Waaaaah! It’s Obama’s fault!!!! Waaaaaaaaaah!!!
The Chimpanzee rules!!!! Waaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!
Note to the silly one: Lee has been the most critical of Obama here.
Most of us are just plain relieved that there’s a guy with a brain in the White House but there’s no illusions that he won’t kowtow occasionally to forces we don’t care much for.
Politics is the art of the possible O silly and angry one.
Don Joe: You continue to focus on one canard.
Who slapped back derivative regulations? Democratics. It has everything to do with it. You BLAME this on conservatives. Your own words above and other threads have told us this over and over.
It’s also telling how Arthur Leavitt is skipped on your response. More Don Joe’s Partial Punditry Attack? Of course it is. Don Joe only looks for those issues he can make an insipid point over while hoping others will skip over the PuddyFacts.
You come here on this thread all pompous (your normal commentary) trying to tie this to conservative thought when conservatives have been slapped back since 1994 on trying to regulate them. So Phil Gramm writes a bill fully supported by Rubin and Summers and he says well if you can’t beat them join them.
So until you drop your conservative blame game Puddy will not engage in a one sided discussion of blame conservatives for the derivative mess. Your party decided regulating derivative securities wasn’t necessary and Puddy proved it since 1994.
Matt, a journalist and a something of an average joe like the rest of us attacks a Gordon Gecko type:
Thanks for confirming what I always knew Stupes. You worship the inside, i.e. $$$$$$$$$ and you’ll go to bat for it every time.
You disgust me.
Did Puddy put a shiv to your back and tell Lee to put the Matt Taibbi comment on HA?
Holy crap, you have completely lost touch with reality.
So why did Matt write his piece?
Because Jake DeSantis was displaying a certain attitude that most Americans recognize to be an incredibly obnoxious form of entitlement.
Was there a point to this comment? You basically took about 20-25 comments just to arrive at a comment that was only as stupid as the one Pudge left at #29.
I’m certain that DeSantis believes what he says, and I’m certain that he feels cheated by AIG. But Taibbi explains quite sufficiently why DeSantis is either:
1) Lying about not knowing what was going on in his division
2) Too stupid to be worth that much to AIG to keep around.
Wow the clueless wonder appears and does his lookie here let me get into the spotlight but adds absolutely nuthin to the conversation.
Well post the links fool. Bring some facts for a change!
clueless wonder, I disgust you. A tax paying charity supporting God fearing person who disgusts you.
Moron @ 75
It’s funny you’ve quoted Democrats from 2002-2006 when chimp politics were riding at their highest.
If the chimp-lovers wanted to regulate finance they could have just like they wanted to buy votes with a Medicare drug benefit. But why didn’t they?
Easy – no votes to be gained from it.
I’ve said this many times and you ignore it.
Wait a minute Stupes. I thought conservatives don’t do that. Holier than thou and all that..
clueless wonder what a piece a work.
Obama just got the biggest campaign contribution haul from Gordon Gekko Wall Street types in world history and this point is lost on your chimp brain. You are the knuckle dragger or HA, FOOL!
The New York Times reported in September 2008 securities and investment industry individuals had given $9.9 million to the Obama campaign, $7.4 million to the Hillary Clinton campaign and only $6.9 million to the McCain campaign. Puddy delivered these facts. That’s 2.5:1! Yet this fact is lost on the clueless wonder.
Federal Election Commission records posted by Puddy over and over and over by the Center for Responsive Politics (Pork Busters for the moronic class), demonstrate the top three corporate employers of donors to Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Rahm Emanuel were Citigroup Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan. Now who gave the Gordon Gekko big bucks to the Democratics again clueless wonder?
Here’s the telling point Gordon Gekko types gave $37.6 million to Obama, compared to $32.1 million to McCain. McCain’s receiving totals started in 1998 which included two presidential runs. Obama’s Gordon Gekko values hit the BIG TIME in four years.
Your favorite magazine The Nation, had David Corn on MSNBC’s hardball. 3/23/09 Corn said: “Remember, what was it? A year or two back when there was talk about taxing hedge fund managers at the rate that the rest of us pay? Who intervened in that? Chuck Schumer.” Yes Chucky Schumer… friend of the Gordon Gekko types.
Why not ask Rahmbo why is he a Gordon Gekko type? Rahm Emanuel made $18 Million working for Wasserstein Perella as an investment banker Gordon Gekko type for 2.5 years.
If you brought facts to the table clueless wonder your HA friends would support you. Not only are you factless but you are clueless.
@79 “I disgust you. A tax paying charity supporting God fearing person who disgusts you.”
My, that’s exactly what the Republican judge who used a penis pump while his court was in session had to say about himself. He had no clue either.
clueless wonder factless attack number 1,003,209:
Fool, I went back to 1994 when Democratics were against regulating derivative securities back then. Another fact lost on your simian mind.
Steve@83: link?
clueless wonder look up http://www.newsmeat.com/fec/by.....st=Michael
See this Gordon Gekko type and look at who he worked for and what amounts he gave to the Democratic.
Factless clueless fooltard.
82 – Just too funny.
Big bad Matt from the emmesssemmmm attacking poor widdle Jake..
You’re such a generous soul Stupes. Sticking up for the weakest amongst us.
5 million dollar spread between giving to R’s and D’s on Wall Street. Wow Stupes that’s quite a convincing find there.. Gee the poor R’s would have to make up the difference somehow.. How could they possibly do that?
Call you of course. You know it all.
He who failed to produce his so-called “five links of truth” and then lied about it now has the nerve to request a link from me? You never cease to amuse. Google “Republican judge penis pump” and produce your own damned link.
Don Joe more food against your foolish thoughts
In the 90’s the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) sought to exert regulatory control over financial derivatives> Guess who killed it? Strong opposition from Robert Rubin and Fed Chair Alan Greenspan kill it.
Now Obama hires these same Wall Street Gordon Gekko types who are the financial sector morons who said in yesteryear don’t mess with “financial innovation.”
Steve, Puddy gave you the five links through the Google search just like Puddy told you about my positions on Republican lawmakers and headless lucy racism. You always cry incessantly over my postings, and then have to eat a pile of Pelletizer pellets when proven wrong. Puddy gave the search to you and Puddy is not going there again.
Drink some more Stupid Solution.
Of course it might take you some time to find the quote. If you Google “Republican judge penis pump” you’ll come up with over 10,000 hits.
again clueless wonder is a brick short of a empty load when it comes to math. We see the elevator doesn’t make it to the top.
“17.3 – 6.9” is 5 million dollar spread
Or is it $37.6 million to Obama in 4 years (at 9.4 million a year), compared to $32.1 million in 10 years (3.21 million at year) is a 5 million spread.
What a moron!
@90 You’re not “going there” because there’s no “there” to go to. You lied and that’s that. KABLAMMMMMMO
Did you Google “Republican judge penis pump” yet? I doubt that you’re “going there” either. I know. Try Googling “Republican Richard Curtis male prostitute”. That’s a good one. You’ll learn of a Republican who’s whining sounds remarkably like your own.
92 – Wall Street knows a winner when it sees one Stupes.
You yourself didn’t care much for McSame.
Nice try. Now go back to bat for Jake against that evil emmessemm you’re so paranoid about.
Puddy @ 89
Don Joe more food against your foolish thoughts
Puddy, you can’t claim to be addressing my allegedly “foolish” thoughts by completely ignoring the one question I keep asking you.
By the way, I’ve also extended an open invitation to you to debate the policy merits of the stimulus package. You’ve also avoided any discussion there as well.
Clearly you don’t want to have an actual policy debate. Why?
clueless wonder you leveled the Gordon Gekko was a Republican attack. You can’t change the subject now fool!
Don Joe@95: Apparently you can’t read too well.
“Until you drop your conservative blame game Puddy will not engage in a one sided discussion of blame conservatives for the derivative mess. Your party decided regulating derivative securities wasn’t necessary and Puddy proved it since 1994.”
Your question ignores Arthur Leavitt saying it wasn’t needed. When Clinton’s SEC chairman Arthur Leavitt on May 18 1994 said: “additional regulation of derivatives is not necessary at this point. I’m not prepared to go out and call for more government regulation today.”
See ya.
96 – You were sticking up for a Wall Streeter who you say as a group gives more to Democrats. Why do you do that fool?
Oh the greater evil is a journalist who has the temerity to call out right wing bullshit once in a while. I get it.
I’m done with you for today. Your paranoid bullshit boooooorrresss me.
Steve, I gave you the links. You chose as you did with my response to Republicans and headless lucy to ignore.
You ignore at your own peril. You had to eat the “pellets”, not me.
Hey Puddy–
We have 4″ of snow the past 3 hours and it’s still coming down and blowing.
Glad we got those trees cut yesterday.
Good day to make those ugly KLOWNheads spin around in circles, huh?
Hell, every day is a good day for that!
They have truly met their match with you Puddy.
Intellect, recall ala photographic memory, well-read, no drugs or alcohol vs.
pot-smoking LEFTIST PINHEADED BLOG regurgitators.
Puddy has been kicking your drug & alcohol saturated PINHEADS all around the block for years.
Puddy @ 97
Apparently you can’t read too well.
I read quite well, thank you. I read you continuing to talk about who wanted or didn’t want which policies all the while avoiding a discussion of the actual philosophical underpinnings of those policies.
The really funny part is the extent to which you keep tying yourself into knots while trying to, somehow, prove that increased regulation of financial markets is really a reflection of conservative philosophy.
Once again when clueless wonder meets facts they bore him. What a fooltard.
Don Joe, wrong again; faulty analysis. Now you run away from your “blame conservatives for the derivative mess horse manure.” It was your argument all over this blog. Instead you are a victim to faulty memory. You heroes stopped reform and naturally your RDS blinds you to truths. You are as stupid as the clueless wonder.
Sorry fool it doesn’t wash.
@100 Well, that was as disgusting a display of self-loathing troll love as I’ve seen all week. Is it mating season for you freaks or something?
clueless wonder said:
Did you forget what Lee said above clueless wonder?
You lose clueless wonder. Even Lee disagrees with you fool!
Really? Then why do we keep winning?
The scorecard:
1) 2005 WA election contest: no contest, Goldy vindicated, Minnow humiliated.
2) I-912. People give some progress a chance. Cynical’s petitions shredded.
3) Mama-beater Irons defeated. King County dodges an ugly bullet.
4) Heckuva job Brownie fired by Goldy’s sharp posting of an inside tip on Daily Kos.
5) Nov 2006. Meltdown I of right wing Republican governance motivated by hypocrisy (Craig, Vitter, Foley), corruption (Abramoff, Ney, others) and outright insanity (Schiavo). Yet progress is held up by a working conservative majority on contentious issues.
6) Nov 2008. Meltdown II of the right wing. First African American elected to the White House and he is a Democrat!
It’s been nothing but losing for right wing fools since 2004.
106 – I was speaking for myself. I’m familiar with Matt Taibbi’s work.
You just proved (again) you can’t read and you can’t think.
clueless wonder@108: Changing and dancing again huh fool? Where did you say
Keep shucking and jiving fool.
You leveled the Gordon Gekko was a Republican attack. You can’t change the subject now fool!
You can’t run and you can’t hide.
clueless wonder go back and reread your drivel @77 fool!
109 – Woohoo! You’re losin’ it fool.
Go on fool, stick up for Jake from big bad Matt, the “outsider”.
It’s all a liberal conspiracy right?
Such an idiot.
I remember in grade school we went on a field trip. It was soooooo cool. We got to ride on those shiny yellow buses with no seatbelts and visit the outrage factory.
It was amazing, before then I always thought people would be upset for a reason. Then I saw firsthand how outrage is made.
Changed my life. I don’t spend anytime worrying about other people’s behavior ’cause I know if I were to get upset then I would be undermining the capitalist system. You see, If I make my own outrage for free, how will all those folks with outrage investments make profit?
The outrage industry has mostly been shipped to Tonga and Trinidad and Manitoba to save labor costs but there’s one U.S. manufacturer left just outside of Yelm. Check it out. I speak the truth.
@111: Keep shucking and jiving fool.
You leveled the Gordon Gekko was a Republican attack. You can’t change the subject now fool!
You can’t run and you can’t hide.
Puddy @ 104
Good grief. First you misrepresent my views, and then you accuse me of running away from the misrepresentation.
The only one running away from anything is you, Puddy. You’re the one who refuses to have any substantive policy debate.
Yawn… Never said that. If I implied anything it was that the typical greedy Wall Streeter in the news is a Gordon Gekko.
And you want to defend that kind of guy from a journalist (who you’re paranoid about unless they work for someone like Murdoch) with paranoid conspiracy theories.
Hide? You’ve always been in denial of your lunacy and always will be.
He’s getting more psycho by the minute.
Don Joe@114: You’ve misrepresented Puddy for years fool. Now you whine like the beeeeeeeeeeeeyotch rulax is.
More projection.
clueless wonder loves to spin his shit stains into silk. Sorry little man it doesn’t work.
who wrote the comment fool. clueless wonder!
I defend someone who was asked to work for $1 signed a contract, fulfilled that contract and then because of some bitching from Democratics over a Feb 10, 2009 approved action renege on the contract. If you can’t understand contract law, you are a clueless wonder.
Puddy signs a contract to perform a task. Some tasks are small, others are huge. Upon the successful end of the task Puddy expects to be paid. Once the bits fly across the optics Puddy gets paid. This is the same of Jake DeSantis. He signed a contract, fulfilled it and then Bawney Fwank wants to steal it away cuz others didn’t tell Bawney about the amendment slipped in by TurboTax Tim and Rahmbo on Feb 10, 2009?
Since you clueless wonder post all the time on HA how do you earn a living fool? Puddy bet’s you’ve never signed anything worthwhile in your life and I don’t mean a summons for being one lazy shit on HA.
Enjoy your latest shit stain.
Cynical rulax replaces blew john in the final eight.
Awwww. Stupes defends poor widdle Jake from big bad Matt. Here’s my thumb and forefinger playing the world’s tiniest violin for Jake.
So sad you’re so angry Stupes. It’s all caving in on you fool.
Four long years of losing and no end in sight.
Man it sucks to be your silly ass.
Puddy @ 117
You’ve misrepresented Puddy for years fool.
And you’re still not debating policy issues. Run Puddy. Run.
Don Joe, Puddy stated the debate terms above. Can you meet the terms. It means a change of attitude of Don Joe. If Don Joe can’t meet the debate terms then it seems Don Joe ain’t all he seems.
End of story fool!
You betcha clueless wonder. Knowing you’ve never worked hard in your life it’s easy to support a person who worked hard for a $1 salary. You have never worked on a contractual basis. It’s apparent from your stupid attacks.
You are such a moronic fool. It is very apparent you ain’t anything you told us here fool.
Show up on a Tuesday night and place your W2 for display. Just the bottom line fool. Do you use Turbo Tax? Puddy uses H&R.
See ya monomaniacal one!
124 – No interest whatsoever in being within spitting distance of a name-calling, I’m better than you, holier than thou, Limbaugh-loving, Faux News watching, Murdoch ass-kissing, mammon worshiping, right wing
Holy shit, you check into a thread and expect some thoughtful commentary, and, whoa, what do you get? Pud–completely unraveled. He appears to have spent his whole day here spewing, despite his beautiful wife, and life, and, had he looked out the window (perhaps there is no window in his mother’s basement), a sunny day for once. PudBaby, you made no sense all day long, then just kept digging, despite your hole getting deeper. Damn, Pud, your lead for this week’s Goat is almost insurmountable, and it’s only Sunday.
As ATJ says, we need better trolls.
That is what it will say on Pubbydub’s tombstone:
Here lies Pubbydub*
He spent all his days on HA
Getting his ass handed to him
And his blood pressure up.
He spewed nonsense ad nauseum
Neglected his wife and home
and now his time is up
*pun intended.
That is what it will say on Pubbydub’s tombstone:
Here lies Pubbydub*
He spent all his days on HA
Getting his ass handed to him
And his blood pressure up.
He spewed nonsense ad nauseum
Neglected his wife and home
and now his time is up
*pun intended.
proud loony, If Puddy is unraveled then you are crazy.
Your choice.
Yes, proud loony is crazy []
No, proud loony not crazy []
clueless wonder, you use that excuse all the time fool. It’s because in a court of your peers more will come to the same conclusion of how you are doubtless one of the most faceless, baseless, useless, deedless, ambitionless, worthless, feckless, aimless, aweless, womanless, companionless, brainless blobs of protoplasm on this earth.
Anagram of aweless – weasels
Definitely one of HA’s bottom feeding weasels. And a Goldy simian too. Run chimp run, just like you always do when confronted. Don’t hurt your knuckles as you drag them across the path.
surreal amerikkkan, on your tombstone it will be empty. It will be an small insignificant piece of slate.
Why empty?
You brought nothing of significance in God’s World.
You did nothing of significance in God’s World.
And when you die it will be insignificant; no one will notice in God’s World.
See ya moron!
LMAO!! You are a fool whose day in the sun peaked way before Nov 2004 when Goldy was just getting started here.
Been downhill ever since..
And like the most dim-witted of fools you’ll deny the reality of being mired in the gutter of insanity and delusions till your final days..
That’s the bottom line and it’s too damn pathetic.
@130 “You brought nothing of significance in God’s World. You did nothing of significance in God’s World. And when you die…”
And so saith Puddybud, who now speaks for God and casts judgement in God’s place.
Matthew 7, anybody?
It never ceases to amuse me how so-called “Christian” wingnuts like Puddy and Mr. Klynical so readily remove Christ’s own teachings from their version of Christianity in order to advance their extremist right-wing political agenda.
Oh Steve, inventor of Steve’s Stupid Solution…Where is my response to surreal amerikkkan anything but the truth? The Ninth Commandment says “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” So how can Puddy say anything other than the truth? Show me something of significance from surreal amerikkkan? You can’t fool! Jesus said “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. ” If Puddy lies how can Puddy be pure in heart?
Truth cuts like a knife dude. That’s my answer to surreal amerikkkan. Funny huh?
It’s doubtless you’re a cheerleader of surreal amerikkkan.
It’s doubtless you’re a cheerleader of stillbentover.
It’s doubtless you’re a cheerleader of headless lucy.
See ya.
What does that say about you? EPIC FAIL!
broken record@131: Nothing new again. Just like a TV re-run, clueless and lacking wonder.
LMAO!! Hey Stupes this is too good. Here’s one of your favorite right wing sicko-phants, “bong-boy”:
You are such a fool.
clueless wonder@135,
Breitbart on his worst day makes you an aweless piker everyday fool!
Anagram of aweless – weasels
Definitely one of HA’s bottom feeding weasels. And a Goldy simian too. Run chimp run, just like you always do when confronted. Don’t hurt your knuckles as you drag them across the path.
What does that say about you? EPIC FAIL!
Why are right wingers so freaking ugly?
Hey Stupes, here’s another right wing favorite:
Doughy Pantload
Yo Stupes, here’s a pseudo-liberal after your own heart.
The photoshop with his goat is priceless. That ought to warm your heart.
Here’s a cool shot of one of Murdoch’s “Sith Lords”.
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran..
If it’s Murdoch-connected, Stupes reaches for his crotch.
@133 Good grief! Puddy now declares himself to be “pure of heart”. It’s now OK for him to toss Christ from the church and to cast God’s judgement on Puddy’s political enemies.
Puddy is God’s gift, alright, just not in the way that he imagines.
Puddy, seriously.
Look out for your health. From 4pm on Saturday to late Saturday night, you were reading and responding here. Then you got up the next morning and unless you rise really early on a Sunday, the first thing you did was read and respond. All freaking day. And you’re back at it at 6:54am today. Are you obsessed? OCD maybe? Been diagnosed? Seen a mental health professional?
I’m actually saying this for your own good. Yesterday was beautiful, there was the NCAA tournament to watch. Tiger Woods came from 5 shots back to win. There was a whole world outside that was kind of sunny at least where I live.
Is HA and the internet really all you have? Grow some flowers, take a nice walk, find a hobby. You are not right. If I were equally obsessed and took the time to look at your posting habbits over the last 30 days, I’m terrified, for your own sake, what I would find.
Steve, purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution…
Where did Puddy declares himself to be “pure of heart”?
Part of my job requires Internet work. So Puddy can work and play at the same time.
Thanks for looking out for Puddy.
But we have Obama wasting carbon credits all over the place…http://www.guardian.co.uk/worl.....sit-uk-g20
Hey Stupes,
Here’s some paranoid bullshit about climate change that I predict you’ll be dropping links from in no time flat:
I like this one. A symphony of right wing bullshit:
Aggregated Shorter Bobo Brooks, Sour Krauthammer, Doughy Pantload, and Fecal Steyn
Fecal Steyn! That has to be the best!
clueless wonder:
Another aweless post. Why fool? Puddy is black, Puddy don’t need to check. It’s obvious you still have Koro disease and you are still jealous.
Here, let Puddy remind you of your talents. http://www.nigeriavillagesquar.....ostcount=6
“often due to guilt over masturbation or frequenting prostitutes, while concerned about his sexual performance”
Which tools do you use clueless wonder: “the individual may use mechanical devices to keep the penis from retracting, including cords, chopsticks, clamps, or small weights”
Anagram of aweless – weasels
Definitely one of HA’s bottom feeding weasels. And a Goldy simian too. Run chimp run, just like you always do when confronted. Don’t hurt your knuckles as you drag them across the path.
Wow clueless wonder found a web site and now going ape-shit over it.
What a loser!
Here is a story discussing a big Democratic Loser…
Drew Johnson, the president of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, drove by Al Gorebasm’s in Nashville mansion at 8:48 p.m. This was the “Earth Hour” weasels. How many HA weasels turned off their lights last Saturday night. Probably none!
“I pulled up to Al’s house, located in the posh Belle Meade section of Nashville, at 8:48 p.m. – right in the middle of Earth Hour. I found that the main spotlights that usually illuminate his 9,000 square foot mansion were dark, but several of the lights inside the house were on. The kicker, though, were the dozen or so floodlights grandly highlighting several trees and illuminating the driveway entrance of Gore’s mansion. I [kid] you not, my friends, the savior of the environment couldn’t be bothered to turn off the gaudy lights that show off his goofy trees.”
Hey Puddy–
Notice how Yelling Loser Boy is now fixated on “Climate Change”
So YLB, what happened to “Global Warming”??
Seems it was a Convenient Lie!!
Puddy, Google on HA “YLB” “Global Warming”
273 HITS!
Too Damn Funny!
148 – What is this? Did I touch a sensitive nerve?
Everyone here knows you self-orgasm over right wing bullshit.
Murdoch is a businessman. He panders to fools like you.
In his eyes, you’re an underserved market.
And of course, you be a sucka!
Poor YLB–
He is one of Gore-Obama’s Useful Idiots and still doesn’t see it.
He’s stuck on Stupid.
151 – I get 2320 hits on “stupes moron”
what else?
LOL! I get 17,000 for “stupes fool”.
@152 – the moronic clueless wonder,
NOT at all weasel. You reminded me of our Koro discussion. So Puddy whipped put the description of your disease for all to view again.
156 – Oh I see your word of the day is “weasel”.
Just like you weaseled out of your bet with ATJ.
“My word is my bond.”
Such worthless bullshit.
moronic clueless wonder@154:
And they are all your weasel postings on HA.
17,000 posts who knew?
The lights were out at my house from 5pm-midnight for Earth 7 hours. I was at the Washington Cask Ale Festival. I was having a life. Give it a try.
I also took the bus.
Puddy @ 123
Don Joe, Puddy stated the debate terms above.
Apparently you haven’t noticed that I’ve rejected your “terms” of the debate. Your “terms” require me to:
a) Accept your blatant mischaracterization of my position; and
b) Pretend that I’m a member of the Democratic party when, as I have repeatedly stated here, I’m an independent voter.
There is no legitimate justification for your “terms” of debating, which means that you’ve set up for yourself a lame excuse for not actually engaging in a policy debate.
See Puddy. See Puddy run. Run, Puddy, Run.
Wow, you actually rode the bus once.
You remind me of a song..
Actually czechsaaz, this song was probably written about YOU!
(parody of Queen’s Another One Bites the Dust)
Pubbydub, filled with the kind of crazy usually reserved for “end is near” sandwich board wearing street lunatics, spewed (amongst other hysterical ramblings) @ 133
A: Pubby can’t, and Pubby ain’t.
I’m starting to worry about our friend, Puddy. In the past, his rants didn’t stray much from the run-of-the-mill wingnut nonsense. Lately, however, the quality and quantity of his rants has grown exponentially. He’s starting to sound like he truly believes he is a Prophet of God. That’s dangerous territory. I’d reach out to help him, but, that would mean I don’t get to watch a trainwreck and I really like watching trainwrecks.
@161 “A: Pubby can’t, and Pubby ain’t.”
This “holier than thou” crap coming out of Puddy and Mr. Klynical these days is a hoot! The irony, of course, is that they’ve thrown Jesus under the Bloated Bloviator-driven bus along with everybody else.
@162 “trainwreck”
If Puddy’s the locomotive, then Mr, Klynical, with his head deep up Puddy’s ass, must be the caboose.
Actually, I think they like to change roles, sometimes Mr. C is the engine and Puddy the caboose, and sometimes it’s the other way around. Of course, sometimes they enlist some other wingnuts and pull a train.
@ 162 and his current fixation with comic book superhero language is equally disturbing
There is some deep down dark things happening inside Pubby’s skull that are coming to the surface. I hope his family is keeping a close eye on him, He might just show up on the 11 o’clock news wearing a cape with “Super Jesus” stenciled on the front and throwing television sets from a downtown city roof on the heads of the “heathens” on the street below.
I can’t say I really want to know what’s going on his head, but I share your hope that Puddy’s family is offering him its support. It’s always sad when a good troll goes bad.
@165 “sometimes Mr. C is the engine and Puddy the caboose”
I just thank God that they can’t reproduce.
You’ll notice that his little caboose, Mr. Klynical, is doing that too.
Steve, PL and RA,
You guys have to understand the Manichaean world view that permeates the thinking of our resident wingnut trolls, particularly Puddy and Cynical. Theirs is a dualistic world populated by Good People(TM) and Bad People(TM). Good people can’t ever be wrong. Bad people can’t ever be correct.
They see themselves as “Good People,” because they firmly believe that they’re, somehow, connected to the Holy Spirit–that the Holy Spirit guides them and protects them from ever committing any kind of error. No amount of reality is capable of supplanting this belief. Indeed, all of reality gets filtered through this belief.
You can see this manifested in nearly every exchange that Puddy and I have had over the past several years. Puddy will say something absolutely absurd, like:
(Puddy at comment 59 above). I can point out that several liberals (Boyd Dorgan, Russ Feingold and Bernie Sanders to name just three) opposed the 1999 modifications to Glass/Stiegel, but that will never change Puddy’s view.
Ever since Puddy made that comment, Puddy’s responses to me have been some of the most contorted and twisted bits of logic you’ll ever hope to see.
This is one instance of a pattern that has repeated itself over and over again. I’ll make a statement that’s eminently defensible and cuts to the very heart of Puddy’s argument. However, because I’m a Bad Guy(TM), that statement can’t possibly be correct. So, Puddy will latch on to that statement, contradict it in some contorted way, and, then, spend the rest of his comments dancing around the fact that he’s just stuck is foot into a very large bucket of shinola.
Given all of this, we shouldn’t be at all surprised that Puddy has taken to prolific usage of onomatopoeia. His underlying world view has reduced his rhetorical style to the comic-strip level of discourse.
Your analysis would seem to be correct. What is curious to me is why Puddy and Cynical see any need to attend church. Christ came to save sinners, yet neither of them is capable of sin. Accordingly, attending services would seem to be a terrible waste of their time.
Don Joe, I know you couldn’t care less, but your use of the “(TM)” device makes you a sockpuppet of headless lucy.
When I used the same device, Pubbydub spent several hours in enraged discourse saying this usage was the sole property of headless, therefore, I must be headless.
It is just another demonstration of the black/white world that Pubby inhabits.
@169 “onomatopoeia”
I had to look that one up. Spot on, DJ. POW!
@171 “When I used the same device, Pubbydub spent several hours in enraged discourse saying this usage was the sole property of headless, therefore, I must be headless.”
I recall the “(TM)” thread. I was calling him “Sherlock”. He said he was dealing with “facts”. Too weird.
“Christ came to save sinners, yet neither of them is capable of sin. Accordingly, attending services would seem to be a terrible waste of their time.”
PL, If you don’t have any idea what you talking about
This is a good liberal site to spew.
Become Right ans see the glory.
Steven and RA
Yes, Puddy does have a way of showing his ignorance of such things. The use of the “(TM)” artifact goes way back to the halcyon days of USENET. It’s almost certain that my own usage here goes back to some of my earliest comments. I’ve used it before HA ever existed.
‘Course, if Puddy wants to put his inane insanity in further display, who am I to stop him?
You don’t get sarcasm at all, do you? Moreover, your suggestion that Christians should have rightwing political views indicates you haven’t the vaguest understanding of what the Gospel teaches. Go home and cradle your Goat.
Don Joe dances all over this board with his ignorance of 1994 actions of the Democratics. He claims “I’m an Independent” Big Phooooey. Puddy is registered as to vote as a Democratic. So what? Big Whooooooop!
You Don Joe can’t accept anything which pricks your mindless rants. You ignore the 1994 attempt of Republicans to add regulations. And we all know why. Blows your worthless argument apart.
You see Don Joe, your continual epithet spewed conservative philosophy attack falls apart with the 1994 actions of Rubin, Greenspan and others. This happened before the Republicans took power in 1995. This is why Puddy rejects your moronic positions. So keep on dancing Don Joe. Your putrid fart filled dancing makes Puddy run away. Puddy will watch your destruction under the capable hands of CJS and Jane.
TT @ 174
When you post comments here, do you believe you’re doing God’s work?
Puddy @ 177
You see Don Joe, your continual epithet spewed conservative philosophy attack falls apart with the 1994 actions of Rubin, Greenspan and others.
For several reasons, this is complete bullshit, not the least of which is the point I’d made earlier about neither Republicans nor Democrats being complete ideological purists.
But, riddle me this, Puddy. If Republicans really wanted to increase banking regulations, then why didn’t they do so over the objections of Democrats after they gained power in 1995?
The only place where any of this blows my argument out of the water is in the vast vacuous space that spans Puddybud’s ears.
@177 “I can’t accept anything which pricks my mindless rants.”
There, I fixed it for you.
How to make a lib happy…
Lol, feel better?
Oh yes the (TM). Since the HA weasels decided to investigate the use of (TM) on headless and Pelletizer used it. Pelletizer is a known copy cat… notice Pelletizer’s “goat attacks” started after Steve introduced them to HA. They were ID’d by Puddy Saturday night.
Puddy told Goldy Puddy’d leave for one month if he posts all of Headless Lucy’s sock puppets. Puddy told the world he would apologize to surreal if he ain’t a headless sockpuppet. Goldy hasn’t taken Puddy up on either of these actions.
So why hasn’t surreal continued to push Goldy for this Puddy reprieve?
Don Joe:
Man this Don Joe is a 100% MORON! Turn off the vacancy lights flashing in your eyes dude.
176. proud leftist spews:
proud loony delivered sarcasm? When? Where?
@ 183
So, when did Rubin, Greenspan and Levitt acquire veto power over laws passed by the US legislature?
Oh, by the way, Greenspan epitomizes Republican economic philosophy. Not sure how that one undercuts my case at all.
Nope. Take another swig of the Stupid Solution.
Proud Looney
Don Joe@185: There you go again. The facts are above in this thread. Rubin and Greenspan as well as the quotes of Leavitt all of 1994. Too bad dude. Spin shuck and jive on that Greenspan crapola.
So hard to debate you when you are so blinded by BDS RDS CDS etc.
Puddy wrote: If Puddy lies how can Puddy be pure in heart?
surreal answered Pubby can’t, and Pubby ain’t.
Yes, Puddy can’t lie and Puddy ain’t having an impure heart.
Thanks surreal for agreeing. You’re an almost american.
I think Puddy’s head has just exploded.
Recap: I asked Puddy why, if the Republicans really wanted to increase regulation on banking, didn’t they do so after 1995 when they were in power. Puddy responded by shouting that three people who have no veto power were opposed to it. I pointed out that these three people have no veto power, and added an aside about Greenspan. Puddy responds to the aside about Greenspan, and completely avoids any discussion of the fact that none of Rubin, Levitt or Greenspan had the ability to stop any post-1995 Republican legislation to regulate banks.
All of Puddy’s recent comments are exactly as I have described above @ 169: extensive logical contortions all in an effort to avoid conceding that Republican/conservative Economic philosophy calls for less regulation, not more.
proud loony
Thanks for agreeing about the improved level of Puddy’s rants. They are much more fact filled and direct.
Thanks for agreeing about the larger quantity of Puddy’s rants. I’ve found even more material to post and pizz off the libtards.
Thanks again proud loony. Being a minister’s son you understand the elevation of one’s “game”.
@182 “notice Pelletizer’s “goat attacks” started after Steve introduced them to HA.”
Nice try. It was you, Puddy, he of the amazing, never-failing photographic memory, who informed me of who it was that actually started the “goat” thing back in 2005, three years before I even showed up here. But lying has never bothered you before so have at it. BAM!! POW!! ZING!!
Cynical @ 187
Man, you don’t get sarcasm, either, do you? No wonder you guys are so vile. You have no humor in your lives.
@191 “fact filled”
Yeah, like your “fact filled” posts accusing everybody here of being a Headless (TM) sockpuppet.
@191 “pizz off the libtards”
We laugh at you because we’re pizzed off? What a raving lunatic you are!! LMFAO!!
It’s amazing how the term intellectual honesty just means shit to the cowardly Publicans. When they had control of the White House and the US Congress how was that budget deficit? What? What’s that you say? It was the highest in history even though President Clinton left them a surplus? Since they controlled the entire federal government couldn’t they have reigned in spending? What? Oh and that doesn’t even count the trillion bucks they pissed away in Iraq??? How convenient these scum-sucking cunts are all of a sudden interested in managing deficits. Yeah – like ANYONE is going to fall for that shit!
@189 “Yes, Puddy can’t lie and Puddy ain’t having an impure heart.”
You will have an impure heart at least until you backtrack from your lie @182. But you lie all the time so I don’t expect anything from you other than more lies. Besides, at this point in the thread you’re lying to God, not me. So much for your self-described purity.
that’s the truth.
This video is a nice illustration of the mentality of fools like Stupes and his peeps:
Funniest damn thing I’ve seen in weeks.
The video isn’t what’s funny here ylb it’s your comment which is short on substance and has no worthy meaning of truth only hate which you have plenty of. God will forgive you.
@199 That’s fucking insane. So are our trolls.
200 – LOL @ “The Fool”
All the words in that video were taken verbatim from fundie forum websites, fool.
“The truth” hurts doesn’t it?
clueless wonder is always short on substance. He has no substance. He’s an abuser of other people’s money. He’s the monomaniacal one.
Awwww Poor Steve, Puddy won’t break bread with him and he’s pizzed. GOOD!
Let’s recap what happened in 1994-5 timeframe because Don Joe has no historical remembrances. http://boards.kusports.com/sho.....in=1357264
Don Joe, you remember Richard Breeden? He was Bush the Elder’s SEC Chairman. In 1994 Breeden warned of the $12 Trillion derivatives issue. He was ignored by Arthur Leavitt and Alan Greenspan.
Don Joe, do you remember the early 1994 hearings on Mellon-Dreyfus merger where John Dingell asks the OCC and Leavitt’s SEC are the derivative rules guidelines or mandatory rules. OCC and SEC said they were guidelines. Jim leach submits his 1994 bill.
In May 1994 The GAO releases it’s derivative study http://archive.gao.gov/t2pbat3/151647.pdf including specific regulatory gaps, antiquated accounting practices and uncontrolled risk management. Leavitt told Congress he opposed the GAO study as did most of Clinton’s federal regulators. So Jim Leach (R) argued the derivatives were off the balance sheet. So what happened Don Joe? JP Morgan goes around Leach to persuade other members over Leach to kill his bill. Guess what the Democratics did Don Joe? The Democratics killed it.
Don Joe ever heard of the ISDA? Read what they said about the GAO study, besides their argument it would “introduce artificial volatility into the financial statements of commercial and industrial companies.”
Now it’s August 1994 Don Joe. Arthur Leavitt was the one proposing the derivative dealers to form the “Derivatives Policy Group”. They would be the group leading the self-regulating of derivatives by Wall Street. Well we see what these decisions did today right Don Joe? So much for your conservative (Republican) argument Don Joe.
Now it’s 1995 Don Joe. The loser Democratics and their proxies in the libtard press (remember Peter Jennings rant of electorate temper tantrum), started crying about the “cuts” in school lunch programs, cuts in other programs when it was a cut in the spending growth. This was the big argument. Meanwhile Jim Leach did resubmit his bill in 1995 fool. Arthur Leavitt went to Congress and again said he was against the bill.
November 1995 Clinton shutdown the government. This issue dies.
Also at this time Clinton was more interested in the regulatory reform of stock options. Do you remember the executive pay arguments of the Dummocratics back in 1994-1995?
And this fool Don Joe not only forgets this.
I can’t help your memory issues Don Joe. Only you can fix that!
Let’s recap what happened in 1994-5 timeframe because Don Joe has no historical remembrances. http : // boards . kusports . com / showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=1357453&Main=1357264
Don Joe, you remember Richard Breeden? He was Bush the Elder’s SEC Chairman. In 1994 Breeden warned of the $12 Trillion derivatives issue. He was ignored by Arthur Leavitt and Alan Greenspan.
Don Joe, do you remember the early 1994 hearings on Mellon-Dreyfus merger where John Dingell asks the OCC and Leavitt’s SEC are the derivative rules guidelines or mandatory rules. OCC and SEC said they were guidelines. Jim leach submits his 1994 bill.
In May 1994 The GAO releases it’s derivative study http : // archive . gao . gov /t2pbat3/151647.pdf including specific regulatory gaps, antiquated accounting practices and uncontrolled risk management. Leavitt told Congress he opposed the GAO study as did most of Clinton’s federal regulators. So Jim Leach (R) argued the derivatives were off the balance sheet. So what happened Don Joe? JP Morgan goes around Leach to persuade other members over Leach to kill his bill. Guess what the Democratics did Don Joe? The Democratics killed it.
Don Joe ever heard of the ISDA? Read what they said about the GAO study, besides their argument it would “introduce artificial volatility into the financial statements of commercial and industrial companies.”
Now it’s August 1994 Don Joe. Arthur Leavitt was the one proposing the derivative dealers to form the “Derivatives Policy Group”. They would be the group leading the self-regulating of derivatives by Wall Street. Well we see what these decisions did today right Don Joe? So much for your conservative (Republican) argument Don Joe.
Now it’s 1995 Don Joe. The loser Democratics and their proxies in the libtard press (remember Peter Jennings rant of electorate temper tantrum), started crying about the “cuts” in school lunch programs, cuts in other programs when it was a cut in the spending growth. This was the big argument. Meanwhile Jim Leach did resubmit his bill in 1995 fool. Arthur Leavitt went to Congress and again said he was against the bill.
November 1995 Clinton shutdown the government. This issue dies.
Also at this time Clinton was more interested in the regulatory reform of stock options. Do you remember the executive pay arguments of the Dummocratics back in 1994-1995?
And this fool Don Joe not only forgets this, he continues to rant it’s a conservative issue and he won’t waver.
I can’t help your memory issues Don Joe. Only you can fix that!
Hey Steve, you are right. Pelletizer did the goat act first. You brought it to a new level. Pelletizer copied your new goat lover level. You tried that crap on Puddy until Puddy slapped you back. That’s what Puddy should have said. Thanks for reminding me to clarify it.
YLB @ 199
Come on, that’s parody, right?
@204 “Awwww Poor Steve, Puddy won’t break bread with him and he’s pizzed. GOOD!”
Oh shoot, and I so looked forward to telling you about the time I crashed a Black Panther party back in the summer of ’69. Talk about dour people! By comparison, Republicans come off as rabid party animals.
@206 “Pelletizer did the goat act first”
You mentioned somebody else by name but it wasn’t Roger. However, I could have picked it up from Roger. I had previously called you guys “mulefuckers” because of the infamous wingnut Neal Horsely’s sexual escapades but “goatfuckers” rolls off the tongue so much easier, don’t you think?
Mule fucking, goat fucking, sheep fucking–when will it end with our rightwing friends? Is there not a single barnyard animal free of their affection?
Puddy @ 205
November 1995 Clinton shutdown the government. This issue dies.
Thank your for the lovely, if not almost completely irrelevant, historical rant. Now, would you mind answering my actual question?
For 12 years, from 1995 through 2007, the Republicans controlled Congress. For six of those years, Republicans controlled the White House. During that time, Republicans had all the power they needed to pass legislation regulating derivatives. Why didn’t they?
It’s not my memory that’s out of whack, Puddy. It’s your ability to craft a cogent argument that’s completely off kilter.
“All the words in that video were taken verbatim from fundie forum websites”
Well you almost copy well. LOL!
You must spend all your waking hours searching the web as to why you don’t believe in God.
@210 “Is there not a single barnyard animal free of their affection?”
For the sake of America’s chickens and ducks, let’s hope so.
Don Joe, Ahhhh yes my rant on the truth is not relevant based on your mindless rant.
History proves truth. You can’t hide from truth. Sure the Republicans could have redone the Leach law. So could have Dummocratics. But they didn’t did they Don Joe? So much for that “cogent” argument of Don Joe! Falls apart again…
It wasn’t Puddy who blamed the derivative problem as a conservative issue.
It wasn’t Puddy who claimed the Freddie and Fannie derivative problem as a conservative issue.
Hmmm… who said dat Don Joe?
proud loony, how are those goatsm mules and sheep?
212 – Your remarks about hate are pretty laughable as well considering that’s what you do every time you come here.
How sad to spend one’s last days mired in such enmity towards those whose only offense os to want the best for their country and their kids – only just a bit differently than you.
You’ve made a complete life of it.
The truth is that right wing bullshit sucks and yet as time goes on you subscribe to it ever more strongly.
clueless wonder, your truths of left-wing whackoff sites are correct?
Yeah more than 85% of Puddy’s sites are not right-wing fool. 98% of your crap is left-wing whack offs. Probably higher but I’m being nice.
The sad part about you liberals is when you speak you think it’s compassion the words that come out are full of resentment and hate towards God and fellow humans. What country do you actually like ( a no answer is likely)
That’s bullshit. Almost every msm link you use is probably pointed to first from a right wing bullshit website. You just repeat their bullshit arguments.
As for me, I skewered your silly lying ass the other day about Sarah Palin.
Oh yeah, you skewered nuthin, except in your dreams. Puddy dragged your ass all over Gordon Gekko libtards.
Prove @220. You are pizzed because you tried to bring a Christian Science Monitor web site when we all know you are a big time atheist and would never visit that site. You were BUSTED big time fool. It really hurt didn’t it? Made you look more foolish (how can that happen). Puddy looks at daily kooks, DUmmys, stinky progressives.
Smacked it all over.
you equate politics and the love for God the same? Your memory bank is low or you don’t give a damm about my request to you.
I’ll bet on both.
221 – Nope you tried to imply that I concluded that Sarah Palin was a lousy executive from sites like Kos then I came right back with two links from the New York Times which laid out the facts.
You’re a liar. You lie here all the time.
And you accomplished nothing with the Gordon Gekko remarks. In fact you made yourself look silly by defending an AIG exec.
Not the most popular company right now with the American taxpayer. You lose fool!
And those NY Times links were smacked back with the truth about Palin had the right to fire the person. Speaking of looking silly the NY Times article Serge wrote mysteriously left out that fact fool. But as always Puddy delivers facts. You are a liar and a clueless wonder. You are monomaniacal. Puddy didn’t say that. HA lefties did. Correctly too!
You brought up Gordon Gekko. You got smacked back when Puddy delivered all the $$$ given to Obama. You can’t even subtract correctly. Smacked on that too. You haven’t worked under a contract and probably haven’t worked ever fool.
That’s why you run like a chicken when confronted. Come on show HA your “tax return” fool! Prove to everyone you’s a maaaaaaaaan!
And you (a conservative I presume) bear no resentment towards others?
Is Barack Obama a human being? You seem to have an awful lot of resentment towards him.
What country do I like? Are you serious?
The country I was referring to in comment 216 is the United States of America. The country of which I was born a citizen. This is MY country too.
And many liberals believe in God. A few comment here. I bear them no ill will. They’re not sanctimonious or hypocritical.
Oh look it’s Joe Cassano asking for Dodd donations. http://www.washingtontimes.com.....e-to-dodd/
“”Given his seniority in the Senate, he will also play a key role in the Democratic Majority’s leadership,” Mr. Cassano wrote in the message”
Yes, Joe he allowed you to leave with almost $300 Million and live in London
Oh wait, clueless wonder will cry it’s from a Moon Newspaper although Dodd’s people acknowledge the story is correct.
224 – More bullshit. Sarah Palin was censured by the Alaska State legislature (highly Republican by the way) for abuse of power.
Go ahead and tell everyone here that’s the mark of a good governor.
And that’s only scratching the surface.
Gotta go pick up my kid.
Believe me I’ll be back.
Is George W. Bush a human being? You loved to call him chimp.
Yeah, but you don’t. We know. Simians don’t know about God. Drag dem knuckles on outta here!
clueless wonder said
NUFF SAID on that comment!
How many believe him?
The Truth,
You do not understand the Gospel message at all. Read Matthew 25. You are a hopeless, hapless, piece of shit.
Puddy @ 214
Sure the Republicans could have redone the Leach law.
Thank you.
So could have Dummocratics. But they didn’t did they Don Joe?
No, they didn’t, though, as I’ve pointed out, more than a few Democrats advance a largely conservative Economic agenda. Most of them are members of the Democratic Leadership Council.
The DLC was a response to the Reagan Presidency, and, Economically, they espouse a largely conservative agenda that includes things like welfare reform and reduced regulation.
The point of all of this is to show that we cannot simply use the party affiliation of those who advance a particular policy idea to decide whether or not that policy idea represents conservative or liberal philosophies.
So, perhaps a different tack will drive the point home. Milton Friedman is generally regarded as the father of modern conservative Economics. His monetarist school is considered the theoretical counterpart to the Keynesian school that was the underpinning of the New Deal.
As wikipedia notes:
The only real question is whether or not Puddy is going to continue to advance this absurd notion that increased regulation of the banking and finance industry represents conservative Economic philosophy. I’m guessing he will. His Manichaean world view won’t allow him to admit that he has been wrong in any way.
@227 let’s see the report again fool.
From CNN – Alaska’s Personnel Board concluded Monday that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin did not violate ethics law by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from the state police, contradicting an earlier investigation’s findings.
Anchorage Daily News – But the new report says the Legislature’s investigator was wrong to conclude that Palin abused her power by allowing aides and her husband, Todd, to pressure Monegan and others to dismiss her ex-brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten. Palin was accused of firing Monegan after Wooten stayed on the job.
From the report missed by HAs clueless wonder:
– There is no cause to believe Palin violated the state ethics law in deciding to dismiss Monegan as public safety commissioner.
– There is no cause to believe Palin violated the state ethics law in connection with Wooten.
– There is no cause to believe any other state official violated the ethics act.
– There’s no basis to conduct a hearing to “address reputational harm,” as requested by Monegan.
– The state needs to address the issue of using private e-mails for government work and to examine how records are kept in the governor’s office. Palin used her Yahoo e-mail account for state business until it was hacked.
But as always clueless wonder reads worthless lefty moron sites.
I have no no resentment towards others I couldn’t say that 40 years ago.
Obama what a dumb question to ask.
I could have voted for him until I saw what he stood for. The guy lied to us, and made promises to our kids just to get elected. I have no respect for him I don’t hate him!
I know of no one that wishes him ill. I can’t say that about President G.W. Bush and reading your posts and others.
We have more followers then you Thank God.
You attacks on God and us shows your politics failed you again and you needed to change subjects and attack.
Keep digging Don Joe. Some day you may hit fools gold. By implication of “conservative agenda” you are attacking Republicans and conservatives. So how do you provide the argument
Do you really think you are gonna persuade your libtard weasel HA brothers and sisters? They have to live on their RDS CDS PDS BDS to survive!
Why do you continue to do this Don Joe?
Why are you so disingenuous Don Joe?
Why do you hate conservatives so much Don Joe?
Why do you give Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd a pass Don Joe? Barry Ritholtz doesn’t.
Why are so blind to historical facts Don Joe?
Why do you shift your argument Don Joe? Milton Friedman?
Why are you classifying Arthur Leavitt as a conservative Don Joe?
Why do you think you can twist what Puddy wrote Don Joe and not expect Puddy to catch it?
Why are you so moronic Don Joe?
Puddy will leave you to CJS and Jane.
207 – That’s a enactment of actual fundie statements made in on-line forums.
No joke.
Your ending words says it all brother.
A hateful angry liberal
224 – I don’t take orders from a miserable liar like you.
229 – I admit it. I resent that election stealing, phony ranch owning, brush clearing for the camera, codpiece strutting, law-breaking, torturing, rich man tax-cutting, spendthrift, corruption enabling, war-mongering chimp-face you voted for twice. Anyone sane would resent someone like that.
230 – I’m back. I could give a flying f*ck what you believe.
234 – Tell us how Obama lied.
I’m sure you voted for Bush and he lied like crazy. He painted himself as a “compassionate conservative” who would conduct a much more moderate foreign policy than Clinton.
Turned out to be a far right ideologue and he ran the country into the ground.
Puddy @ 235
By implication of “conservative agenda” you are attacking Republicans and conservatives.
How so? If the conservative agenda is based on a flawed philosophy, then Republicans and conservatives should adopt a different philosophy. The only way this can become an attack on Republicans and conservatives is if they allow their ideology to trump reality.
Why do you continue to do this Don Joe?
Because I’d like to get down to debating policies, Puddy. Spending all this time trying to figure out who caused the current economic crisis gives us absolutely zero insights into what caused the current economic crisis and, more importantly, what policies we can put in place to prevent this from happening again.
So, are you now ready to concede that deregulation is a significant pillar in the Republican/conservative economic philosophy? If not, perhaps Alan Greenspan’s mea culpa will convince you?
Puddy will leave you to CJS and Jane.
Neither of them are here, Puddy. Make good on that claim, and everyone here will know that you’ve simply run away from a debate you know you can’t win.
clueless wonder forgets the prescription drug benefit with libtard Democratics, the education bill with Ted Kennedy were mythical happenings in his crack enabled mind.
But I’m repeating myself. You bullshitted about me getting stuff like this from Kos and other sites you hate and I proved you wrong.
I take back my claim about Palin being censured. That’s a formal action that hasn’t happened yet and is unlikely to happen. Condemned? Yep and by members of her own party in the legislature.
243 – Your chimp signed those into law. If they were so bad he could have vetoed them.
You’re such a fool.
Unlike you and your kind I find it boring going over the same stuff daily. Of course you have nothing to defend loser boy with other than lies and more lies or needing to bring up ancient history. Wait a while history will show President G.W. Bush had some major screw ups however, he saved the nation from external and internal takeover.
Hey genius moron clueless wonder you forget the second report which clears her fool.
“Anchorage: Guv Sarah Palin violated no ethics laws when she fired her public safety commissioner, the state personnel board concluded in a report released on Monday. “There is no probable cause to believe that the governor, or any other state official, violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with these matters,” the report says. ”
If Puddy is a ugly liar then you are a rocket scientist. Since you are a monomaniacal fool (from an HA leftist) I am not an UGLY LIAR.
Thanks for playing…
ylb, Had to leave to find the other stooges so they can get tomorrows marching orders faxed.
Liberals are mindless sheep.
@246 “he saved the nation from external and internal takeover”
LMFAO!! Those stinkin’ commie-fascists!!
Yeah but we stopped the pricks.
Until obama sneaked in fooled you too.
TT @ 246
[H]istory will show President G.W. Bush had some major screw ups however, he saved the nation from external and internal takeover.
I think history is already weighing in, and the verdict isn’t favorable.
If this was the case loser boys would be worst off then he is today.
It takes about 40 years to sort the the truth and reality out.
The time is about rip for the real John Kennedy to be displayed.
@252 Haven’t you guys pumped enough bullets into ol’ JFK yet? Oh, that’s right, you’re still ragging on FDR too. Both are known commie-fascists, right?
So what your saying is stop the JFK,TK and RK research so if there is a stink it will be hidden from public view, sounds like a liberal cover up.
You can’t run away from truth as one who let a girl die in his sinking car even this will come to light however being s Democrat will keep you from the noose.
247 – Bullshit! The first report cleared her on Monegan too but said she abused her office when she let her husband use state resources to carry out a vendetta!
You’re such an idiot!
Her own party saw fit to investigate her conduct. Not only that but they concluded she abused her office.
But that’s ok with a moron like you! She’s just a terrific Guv in your eyes.
@254 Did you know that Ronald Reagan fucked human skulls by the light of the full moon? Research that!
Don Joe
You are doing yeoman’s work showing what an idiot Puddy is. Kudos, man. Puddy is shameless, isn’t he, with regard to acknowledging when he’s wrong?
Steve @ 256
I hear he did use some sort of lube, however. Still, that seems kind of sick.
clueless wonder wrong again. You live on left-wing bullshit, eating and sucking it up. Palin didn’t appoint these people fool. All three members of the Personnel Board are Murkowski appointees. Strike One for clueless wonder.
“The new report says the Legislature’s investigator was wrong to conclude that Palin abused her power by allowing aides and her husband, Todd, to pressure Monegan and others to dismiss her ex-brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten. Palin was accused of firing Monegan after Wooten stayed on the job.” Strike two for clueless wonder.
Anchorage lawyer Timothy Petumenos was hired as independent counsel for the Personnel Board to examine several complaints against Palin.
Timothy Petumenos wrote the Legislature’s special counsel, former state prosecutor Steve Branchflower, used the wrong state law as the basis for his conclusions and also misconstrued the evidence. Strike three for clueless wonder.
PL @ 257
Puddy is shameless, isn’t he, with regard to acknowledging when he’s wrong?
You’re forgetting Puddy’s Manichaean world view. He can’t admit that he’s been wrong, because doing so would force him to admit to himself that he’s not being guided by the Holy Spirit.
No, I do know your by your postings that’s you been eating shrimp bait far too long.
Dick Cheney’s criticisms of our president, which are becoming more frequent and more pronounced, are beyond the pale. Dick Cheney, that horrible piece of shit who has caused so much harm to this nation, really should return to his cave and never show his face in public again. If Al Gore, two months after GWB had taken over, had gone on the airwaves to criticize GWB, Puddy, Cyn, and the other wingnuts would have been all over him. Now, all we hear is silence when Cheney spews. Nothing. Cheney should be tried as a war criminal. And, he needs to shut his goddamned mouth. He should have been aborted.
proud leftist
You should know it was your skull he used.
Kountry Klubber steve feared his Life-Partner and ButtBuddy YLB wasn’t hearing as well as he used to and he thought YLB might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach YLB, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.
The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test Steve could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.
Here’s what you do,” said the Doctor, “stand about 40 feet away from him, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if he hears you.
If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.”
That evening, YLB is in the kitchen with his favorite apron on and his ass hanging out cooking dinner, and Kountry Klubber steve was in the den. He says to himself, “I’m about 40 feet away, let’s see what happens.” Then in a normal tone he asks, ‘Honey, what’s for dinner?”
No response.
So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his Life Partner and repeats, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”
Still no response.
Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from YLB and asks, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”
Again he gets no response.
So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. “Honey, what’s for dinner?”
Again there is no response.
So he walks right up behind him. “Honey, what’s for dinner?”
“Kountry Klub Steve, for the FIFTH time, CHICKEN!”
Go back to Ronald Reagan your due for another one!
You truly are off your rocker. I can diagnose such shit. You need to consult a qualified mental health therapist. A psychologist, Puddy, not your pastor. Good luck, my friend.
@261 Speaking of shrimp, did you hear about that weird thing Nancy Reagan used to do with two shrimp and a lobster? Now that’s some kinky shit, man. Maybe you should research that one too.
No, I do believe proud leftist and you have allot more in common than politics both of you like that un manly stuff.
@266 I bet Puddy and Mr. Klynical qualify for a group therapy discount, that is, if they include all their sockpuppets.
Correction :
No, I do believe proud leftist and you have allot more in common than politics both of you like that un manly stuff Proud LEFTIST plays both Reagan’s.
proud loony, No he isn’t and welcome you MADE IN THE FINAL FOUR!
All Don Joe has done is cry about the conservative agenda. When shown leftist pinheads such as Rubin, Leavitt, Greenspan and others were against people creating laws to control the proliferation of derivatives and their reckless use he calls it conservative mindset.
That’s the problem with Don Joe. He hates conservative mindset BIG TIME. He introduced Barry Ritholtz to HA and told Puddy read his material. Well Puddy did. When Puddy said Barry calls it 60/40-Republicans/Democrats, all of a sudden Barry Ritholtz is now a pariah in Don Joe’s eyes. When Don Joe tried to deliver another lie about it being all conservatives, Puddy delivers another NY Times article to refute Don Joe’s position. First Don Joe throws this pellet:
To Don Joe, either you 100% agree with his worthless position or you are a conservative.
Next Don Joe throws this pellet:
He was acting on someone’s philosophy but it wasn’t conservative.
Yet to the legal dead beagle proud loony supporter of that Kitsap county prosecuting fool he can see the historical significance of Rubin’s, Leavitt’s and Greenspan’s decision along with other Clinton federal prosecutors. Then Don Joe puts up a YouTube video where Greenspan is doing a big cover my ass for historical records where his own words said there was no derivative crisis just like the Congressional fools said there was no Fannie or Freddie crisis.
Puddy going back to watching 24!
@270 That Reagan shit ain’t nothin’. I’ve seen Mr. Klynical’s mama do things with a watermelon that would blow your fucking mind.
Did I really make the Final Four? Shit, Cynical didn’t even have me in the Sweet Sixteen. Thank you, Puddy Buddy. Is it because I can sink the 3-ball? Or, because I’m steady at the foul line? I know my defense is flawless, so I know you factored that in. Whatever, I just have to tell you how much I appreciate the ranking you’ve given me.
proud loony, Puddy was giving you the benefit of the doubt in post #271. Prove me right fool. Look at the historical record Puddy placed above which Don Joe discounts because it KABLAMMMMMO’s his conservative argument. These fools were no conservatives but for Don Joe to live and breathe his hate he has to keep dope alive.
proud loony you didn’t make the final four based on offense even though you are very offensive. No you made the final four because you are like Shawn Bradley, tall, skinny and a slug on the HA floor and we need to token slug.
clueless wonder is really shooting for another spot. Can he make it?
PL @ 257
If Puddy’s comment @ 271 isn’t a complete affirmation of what I’ve said about his inability to admit that he’s been wrong, I don’t know what is.
Puddy @ 271 spews:
When Puddy said Barry calls it 60/40-Republicans/Democrats, all of a sudden Barry Ritholtz is now a pariah in Don Joe’s eyes.
False. I merely pointed out that Ritholtz blames Republican Economic philosophy 100%. Not once have I said that anyone should completely disregard Ritholtz. In fact, I still read Ritholtz. Moreover, I’ve said, on many occasions, that there are times when I disagree with Ritholtz (and I have personal correspondence with Ritholtz to prove that fact).
So pervasive is Puddy’s Manichaean world view that he is completely incapable of imagining anyone functioning in any different way. As such, according to Puddy’s world view, I must either completely accept everything that Barry Ritholtz says or I must completely reject everything that Barry Ritholtz says.
When Don Joe tried to deliver another lie about it being all conservatives, Puddy delivers another NY Times article to refute Don Joe’s position.
Again, false. Puddy completely misrepresented my remarks, and then proceeded to argue against that misrepresentation. Puddy refused to discuss the ideological and philosophical underpinnings of Republican/conservative economic policies.
Puddy also claims:
To Don Joe, either you 100% agree with his worthless position or you are a conservative.
First, it’s interesting that Puddy would characterize my position as “worthless”. No justification is made for that conclusion, it’s just tossed out there. Yet, as I’ve pointed out before, the whole point of discussing the philosophical and ideological underpinnings of the policies that precipitated the current crisis is to figure out how we might prevent such a crisis from happening again.
To Puddy, this goal is “worthless”. For reasons Puddy has yet to explain, despite my repeated questions to this effect, Puddy thinks that assigning blame to people is not worthless, even though spending time assigning blame for past actions gives us absolutely no insights into future policy directions.
Second, again, we see Puddy’s dualistic world view. He refuses to even conduct the debate to test the validity of my position on any grounds. In the process, he ends up completely misrepresenting my position. I’m perfectly willing to accept anyone disagreeing with that proposition, but that disagreement has to involve a cogent line of reasoning based on generally accepted reality. Puddy seems to think that his bald assertions based entirely on a reality that exists only in Puddy’s own mind ought to be sufficient.
Puddy then quotes me:
So, when Robert Rubin argued against regulating derivative securities, he was acting on a liberal philosophy?
And responds with:
He was acting on someone’s philosophy but it wasn’t conservative.
With this, Puddy’s denial of the facts is complete. Not only does Puddy have to lump Alan Greenspan (of all people) under the rubric of “leftist pinhead”, he has to deny the obvious fact, as my reference to Milton Friedman above proves, that deregulation is part and parcel of conservative Economic philosophy.
Does Puddy offer one iota of evidence, other than Robert Rubin’s party affiliation, to show that deregulation is not a pillar of conservative Economic philosophy? Has Puddy gone out and found anyone who has stated outright that increased regulation is a conservative value?
The mountains of evidence that Puddy has to ignore in order to assert that, “[Robert Rubin] was acting on someone’s philosophy but it wasn’t conservative,” is staggering. Ronald Reagan’s famous statement about the most frightening words in the English language? Meaningless. Constant conservative calls for less government? Apparently in everything except the one piece of regulation that might have averted the present crisis. In that one instance, if we are to believe Puddy, Republican philosophy would have called for more government intrusion in Economic affairs.
Puddy’s comment at 271 is a complete affirmation of what I said @ 260. Puddy cannot admit that he is wrong on this. To do so would force him to admit that he is not being guided by the Holy Spirit.
I wonder who else made the final four? I was talked up as a top seed early on although I surely slipped while I was being nice to Puddy. Now I’m hoping to come back by getting down on the Reagans (that’s always a good one)as well as sharing with the gang Mr. Klynical’s mama’s strange ways of amusing me. I also throw in an occasional request of Puddy to post these five links he’s been lying (that word always gets him, I reel him in like a cod every time) about. If that doesn’t do it then my game just ain’t good enough.
Fear Not Don Joe. Puddy is a Sabbath Keeping Orthodox Christian. Jesus is coming again. Seems to Puddy you are the Manichaean fool from your other posts in thread 14556. Puddy does believe you are weird. So if Puddy is Manichaean, then Puddy has to be anti-matter since Manichaeans believe matter is bad. We all see your mind is not intrinsically good.
Here is the chronological history:
This is when Puddy whipped out the Ritholtz NY Times article refuting Don Joe. Then Don Joe said this
Next whopper:
Yeah right, I used your words fool. Misrepresenting his own words is:
Funnnnnnnnnnnnny. Oh my Puddy why? Don Joe you are such a crying fool. No, Puddy catches you twisting my original words and Puddy asks:
Why do you continue to do this Don Joe?
Why are you so disingenuous Don Joe?
Why do you hate conservatives so much Don Joe?
Why do you give Bawney Fwank and Chwis Dodd a pass Don Joe? Barry Ritholtz doesn’t.
Why are so blind to historical facts Don Joe?
Why do you shift your argument Don Joe? Milton Friedman? You whip him out because your original argument was weak sauce and you realized it too late!
Why are you classifying Arthur Leavitt as a conservative Don Joe?
Why are you classifying Alan Greenspan as a conservative Don Joe?
Why are you classifying Robert Rubin as a conservative Don Joe?
Why do you think you can twist what Puddy wrote Don Joe and not expect Puddy to catch it?
Why are you so moronic Don Joe?
Next whopper up to bat:
– Again Don Joe forgets or purposely ignores what Greenspan and Leavitt said in 1994. Why do you do that Don Joe? Why do you always discount what someone says that doesn’t agree with your “fugitive” thoughts and then claim Puddy does the same? Seems to me this is a sign of confusion. Historical facts are confusing Don Joe. He ignores Leavitts call for self-regulation and the agreement of Greenspan to this position. That’s conservative thought he claims. Yeah right Don Joe. Starbucks is calling.
Next whopper:
Why does Puddy have to do anything Don Joe. Puddy places their words, deeds, and actions for all to read and see.
Don Joe uses Reagan’s calls for less government as his canard for Rubin’s, Greenspan’s, and Leavitt’s positions on derivative securities when Jim Leach the conservative wanted to pass legislation to control the derivatives. Somehow that’s Don Joe’s continual use of convoluted logic. The conservative is a liberal to Don Joe while the liberals are conservatives.
Don’t worry Don Joe I’ll read your latest liquid fart in the morning.
What? The New York Times? I thought it was Kos or Firedoglake like you accused me the other day. I guess you do as well because you’ve quoted it here in the past. Wow you’ve covered all the bases in what passes for your miserable life.
Oh really. That’s really interesting. Did I say she did?
Wow. Fascinating. So freaking what? A Republican appoints three more Republicans.
Opinions like assholes. Everyone’s got one.
So the first lawyer is a former state prosecutor and the second guy is a former state prosecutor turned defense lawyer.
So fool, while we’re into opinions let’s look at the newspaper’s opinion (yeah the one you quote):
Yep, Sarah and Todd are real sharp, above board operators. That e-mail strategy could have been lifted from a Karl Rove seminar. You failed fool…
Puddy forgot to add Jim Leach (R) wanted to create a Federal Derivatives Commission and was shot down by Clinton’s peeps as unnecessary.
Don Joe,
I’m sorry if I’ve aced you out to make it to the Final Four. I hope your feelings aren’t crushed. Any chance I could tell you where you went wrong? I have had this discussion at work (where I do all the hiring to ensure a workforce that is both productive and thinks correctly). You have to decide between pursuing your instinct, which involves trying to persuade the other side of your position, or just bashing the hell out of them because they are idiots. (Them, of course, means the pathologically ideologically braindead like Puddy, Cheney, Michael Steele or anyone else affiliated with the GOP.) I have decided that trying to persuade them is a relic of Enlightment-like thinking. They don’t think. We can’t persuade them. So, our job is simply to bash them. Hence, the Golden Goat Award. I have given up, despite all the philosophy classes I took in college, trying to convince them they are wrong. Simply, now, we must bash them. But, nonetheless, I must commend you for your Sysyphian effort to persuade, despite the odds.
LMAO!!! You told me once you didn’t watch 24.
Bad slip Stupes – YOU LOVE TORTURE PORN!!!
Does it make you pine for Duck! Cheney and the chimp?
LOL! What a fool…
Wrongo clueless wonder@279… you scream “I don’t read the Opinion Journal because it’s right-wing bullshit”.
So using an opinion is an opinion.
How do you live with yourself clueless wonder. Split personality reigns supreme in you!
Yeah clueless wonder I didn’t watch 24 then. But tonight after House it was on. So I watch it tonight.
“trying to persuade the other side of your position”
We need the exact date and time of this fairy tale.
You win for the least viewed postings.
proud loony, you are EPICALLY FAILING with that Golden Goat award.
See ya fool.
Yeah HA does get less traffic.
283 – Apples and oranges, fool. OpinionJournal is WSJ Editorial Page and right wing bullshit. Always has been.
I quoted ADN just like you – fair game.
The ADN opinion piece pointed out the Personnel board lawyer’s flawed argument. As relevant to the matter as the first thing you used.
Looks like we have only 5 or so liberals on this board apparently the rest are clones.
No wonder it’s copy and paste fairytale stories to each other.Things they have in common boring, and a fetish for animal stories.
I thought it was just jokes until I came here.
We should have a contest of who is who in the liberal world of hate. PL,notright,myleft foot and a new guy with a funny name….. all one.
daddy and rabbit one which one is the dog show judge? Ylb one of a kind.
Sorry right wing fools. Obama’s support by the people holding strong at over 60 percent:
Turn up the Sean Insanity and cry in your beer.
At 278, Puddy spews:
Yeah right, I used your words fool.
This is false. Puddy’s misrepresentation of my position is in his comment at 33 is where he said:
Puddy won’t own up to the mistake he made @ 33, and has since quoted my response to his mistake whenever I’ve pointed out his misrepresentation of my position. Again, Puddy can’t admit that he’s been wrong. Everyone here now knows why.
Puddy then bellows (with emphasis):
Again Don Joe forgets or purposely ignores what Greenspan and Leavitt said in 1994. Why do you do that Don Joe?
He now runs himself in circles. First of all, I’ve not ignored those facts. I’ve pointed out, with evidence, why the party affiliation of the politicians who have advanced particular policy positions does not provide a reliable indicator of the philosophy that underlies those policies.
Second, Puddy could well ask himself the same question. Why are the comments of two Democrats and one Republican (Alan Greenspan is not, as Puddy suggests, a “leftist pinhead”) regarding a single policy issue in 1994 the only germane facts to be considered here? Why does Puddy ignore the mountains of evidence that shows, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that deregulation is very much a pillar of Republican/conservative Economic philosophy?
Puddy invokes “history,” but ignores the vast majority of the history of Economic thought, from the Keynesians to Friedman and the Monetarists to J.K. Galbraith to the Supply-Siders of Reaganomics to F. A. Hayek and the Austrian School all the way on up to today. Is Puddy completely ignorant of the term “laissez-faire” and it’s relationship to Republican/conservative Economic philosophy?
Oh, Puddy will likely say something about how “laissez-faire” is some kind of canard that I’m throwing up to obscure the truth, but the question is whether he can make that claim with any real authority or not.
To answer that question, consider Puddy’s reference to Jim Leach. This is the same Jim Leach who co-sponsored the Graham-Leach-Bliley act–and act that reduced regulation on banks and financial institutions, and is largely regarded as one of the key pieces of legislation that made the present crisis possible.
Was Jim Leach acting on the Republican/conservative philosophy when he proposed legislation that would have increased regulation on the banking and finance industry, or was he acting on Republican/conservative philosophy when he cosponsored legislation that reduced regulation on the banking and finance industry? If we’re to follow Puddy’s reasoning, we’d have to believe both.
You see, this is the conundrum in which Puddy finds himself. He will blame me for the conundrum. He’ll call me the fool, and suggest that my logic is convoluted, but Puddy’s is the only argument here that requires us to believe that a proposition and the negation of that proposition are both true.
All of this so that Puddy can avoid having to admit that he has been wrong. Puddy has passed well through the realm of denial of inconvenient facts, and has gone completely into the realm of actual incoherence.
PL @ 283
I’m sorry if I’ve aced you [Don Joe] out to make it to the Final Four. I hope your feelings aren’t crushed.
No problem. I’m not attached.
As for the bashing thing, there’s direct bashing and indirect bashing. I trust you know what I mean by that.
For our loser to understand you, you will need to play out direct and indirect bashing. Any thought processing for him is self destruction of his memory chip. He has never encountered this opportunity before should be interesting to see how it plays out. :)
@ 295
For our loser to understand you, you will need to play out direct and indirect bashing. Any thought processing for him is self destruction of his memory chip.
I sense hatred in your remarks.
Absolutely not. This is liberal compassion.
No one has more humor than pl.
Golly Don Joe: You are as moronic 24×7 the same way headless hates blacks 24×7.
First whopper was not using my whole quote. Don Joe Puddy don’t play dat…
You forgot to use the bolded material FOOL!
Why do you continually do that Don Joe?
Why do you argue disingenuously Don Joe?
Why do you try and spin what Puddy says Don Joe?
Why is your argument such weak sauce Don Joe?
Second whopper:
Well Don Joe, why didn’t you stand up be a man and grow some brass marbuls when rhp6033, NutRight, proud loony and others parade their insipid positions that this is all the Republicans fault. You continue to claim it’s not a party issue yet you are mute when they post foolish crap you just wrote above you totally disagree with fool? This is why Puddy discounts your horseshit on HA. You are the southbound end of a northbound horse. You let their comments slide. Puddy understands why you wouldn’t comment on clueless wonder or stillbentover, two who never make any sense.
Puddy has NEVER said Republicans are not part of this issue. And Puddy dares Don Joe to prove and produce evidence otherwise. Show Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s where Puddy EVER said it was Democratic fault only? Show Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s where Puddy EVER said it wasn’t Republican fault only?
Puddy takes on all cummers who cum here and jerkoff their useless thoughts this is all a conservative issue. This includes your sorry ASS. And you want to debate Puddy. Sorry bud, you don’t stand up to your own HA weasels so why should Puddy give you the time of day. Puddy has said liberals were right there. And we know why. Show me da money.
Now Don Joe will call this running away. Call it what you want Don Joe. Being disingenuous in your position will have you spin this as you please. Puddy will not debate someone who allows their own peeps to make erroneous commentary and not call them on it.
Yes Puddy invokes history. I don’t need to post your economic historian heroes to demonstrate your position is a bunch of crap. You throw up all these deflections all the time Don Joe. Puddy used the liberal politicians own words and positions. You call this conservative thought. More on that later. Puddy can’t help you when you throw up weak sauce arguments on HA and then shout “Look at me I got Puddy again”. proud loony is such a fool because he hasn’t looked at the historical record. He’s relying on the “great” Don Joe. Well Don Joe, until you attack your HA loons for their fallacious positions, cry me a river dude!
You claim anyone liberal who didn’t want to control derivatives is a conservative in thought. Wow and stillbentover has a backdoor landing location waiting for you Don Joe.
Jim Leach is the middle name in the Graham-Leach-Bliley act http://banking.senate.gov/conf/grmleach.htm which has the provisions outlined in the link Puddy provided. It passed Senate 90-8-1. Such luminaries as Daniel Akaka, Max Baucus, Evan Bayh, Joseph Biden, Jeff Bingaman, John Breaux, Robert Byrd, Max Cleland, Kent Conrad, Tom Daschle, Christopher Dodd, Dick Durbin, John Edwards, Dianne Feinstein, Bob Graham, Fritz Hollings, Daniel Inouye, Tim Johnson, Edward Kennedy, Bob Kerrey, John Kerry, Herb Kohl, Mary Landrieu, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joseph Lieberman, Blanche Lincoln, Daniel Moynihan, Patty Murray, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Robb, Jay Rockefeller, Paul Sarbanes, Chuck Schumer, Bob Torricelli, Ron Wyden all said YES. Yep, all these liberal progressives were turned conservative per Don Joe. John McCain didn’t vote. This Commodity Futures Modernization Act, a 262-page measure allowed banks and investment houses to merge. It was an outcome of the Citibank merger with Travelers Group in 1998 and who was the recent chief of Citigroup? Robert Rubin. NUFF SAID Sucka.
Well Don Joe Jim Leach was fighting against these derivatives being off the books back in 1994. Jim Leach tried twice to reign them in. Democratics were against it. Now Don Joe throws up the 1999 Act as some grandiose point for his argument. Robert Rubin and his protege Lawrence Summers had been acting this way all through the Clinton Years. Where were the “liberal” politicians on this act? Why did Clinton sign the bill? So you used the DLC as another canard for “conservative positions of these Democratics. Again Don Joe it doesn’t wash. So when Congress gives them what they want Don Joe blames Republican conservative thought. To Don Joe Rubin, Summers, Greenspan, and Leavitt was driven to be conservative when it came to derivative securities. Yes, someone drugged these big time known liberals to be conservative on derivative securities but liberal on every other banking position during those years. It doesn’t wash Don Joe and for you to continue to prime your pump with this garbage is lunacy.
Don Joe continually discounts the hearings in 1994 on the Mellon-Dreyfus merger and how the OCC and SEC weren’t interested in tracking derivative securities back then. Again this is another of Don Joe “put on the blinders” to the facts and let me throw up other useless info and see if Puddy can decipher it. Stay on point Don Joe. Dummocratics didn’t want to reign in derivative securities and they were the most liberal progressive fools in Congress.
Don Joe there is no conundrum on Puddy’s side. You are in the conundrum because you won’t denounce your fellow HA weasels for taking a political position when you claim it isn’t one.
Funny how that works…
Well, we’re up to 300 comments in this thread. I wonder if Puddy will take it all the way up to 350.
Puddy spews:
First whopper was not using my whole quote.
This is absolutely hilarious. Not only is it my fault that Puddy managed to misrepresent my position, I’m also culpable for failing to acknowledge Puddy’s expert decapitation of the straw man he created. I’ve often said that Puddy couldn’t construct a coherent argument if the lives of his children depended on it. Do we need better evidence than this?
Puddy also whines:
Puddy has NEVER said Republicans are not part of this issue.
And I have never said that Puddy doesn’t blame Republicans. I’ve been talking about the underlying philosophy. How many times to I have to say that I’m not interested in blaming anyone before Puddy figures that out?
Puddy then spews:
Well Don Joe, why didn’t you stand up be a man and grow some brass marbuls when rhp6033, NutRight, proud loony and others parade their insipid positions that this is all the Republicans fault.
Does Puddy grow a pair of brass cojones whenever wingnuts spew their bullshit all over the place? Nope. Puddy invokes the old double standard. He can’t be wrong, because I don’t take everyone to task for their errors. Poor Puddy.
But, that’s not the best of this. Puddy further spews:
To Don Joe Rubin, Summers, Greenspan, and Leavitt was driven to be conservative when it came to derivative securities. Yes, someone drugged these big time known liberals to be conservative on derivative securities but liberal on every other banking position during those years. It doesn’t wash Don Joe and for you to continue to prime your pump with this garbage is lunacy.
Let’s recall that it was Puddy that claimed liberals always advance a liberal agenda, that Robert Rubin was not advancing a conservative agenda when he argued against regulation of the banking and finance industry, and, by implication, that Republicans always advance a Republican agenda. I’ve argued:
So, what does Puddy do when faced with the incoherence of his own argument? He tries to attribute his argument to me. Puddy is absolutely correct in claiming that his attempt to try to determine the underlying philosophy of a policy action “doesn’t wash.” Puddy is woefully incorrect in attributing his argument to me.
Puddy then closes by claiming that I continually discount certain facts that he wants to highlight. But, isn’t it Puddy who wants to highlight some facts to the exclusion of others? Puddy points to all the Democrats who voted in favor of Gramm-Leach-Bliley, but fails to mention that of the 53 Republicans in the Senate who voted on the bill, 52 voted in favor of it. Puddy fails to point out that, of the 212 House Republicans who voted on the bill, 207 voted in favor of it. A full 88 percent of the “nay” votes in the Senate and 89 percent of the “nay” votes in the House were cast by Democrats.
None of this has any meaning in Puddy’s world. The Democrats who voted in favor of Gramm-Leach-Bliley were, in Puddy’s world, just being liberals. But, wasn’t it Puddy who said that liberals always advance a liberal agenda? If that’s the case, how does Puddy explain the “nay” votes on Gramm-Leach-Bliley?
As I have said before, Puddy cannot bring himself to admit his error. With baited breath, I await Puddy’s next attempt to avoid having to admit that his argument is woefully flawed. The humor value increases exponentially with every attempt that Puddy makes.
The title of this thread is “Losers”.
And the losers are the right wing fools who desperately cling to their bankrupt ideology.
@ 301, and you will notice that when the clarion call went out for “losers”, Pubbydub was right there first to answer that call.
Wow Don Joe, got back from my meeting at there you go again.
Don Joe doesn’t use my full quote
And it’s my strawman? What a crock of Steve’s Stupid Solution we just read. Don Joe you are so convoluted you can’t remember what you write from thread to thread. Why did Puddy whip out Ritholtz article from the NY Times? Because it was chronologically after your “straw man” conservative thought comment by the same Barry Ritholtz. He clarified the position you threw up here and that just sucked didn’t it? So now Don Joe calls it
Don Joe you do this all the time in your arguments. When Puddy shoots holes into your weak sauce argument, “Puddy’s is misrepresenting me”. How can Puddy misrepresent your position? All Puddy id doing it showing the world how convoluted and wrong it is. Dude, how is using an updated quote from your Barry Ritholtz anything but using his words fool? It destroys your argument and it becomes weak sauce. You are thick as spent uranium armor on an Abrams M2-A2 tank and dense as spent uranium.
And yet he claims Puddy calls it a political argument. And Puddy will continue until Don Joe takes his own side to the woodshed. They call it a political argument. It’s only Bush’s fault when the facts show otherwise. When corrected by Puddy with fact after fact after fact, Don Joe call it a misrepresentation of his position. Sorry dude doesn’t wash.
Don I don’t have to discuss the Republican position on any bill. This is a liberal blog. By definition the Republican position is known. By definition, HA libtards already have determined the Republican position to be diametrically opposed to their progressive position. Puddy and others of us whom think right choose to identify the Dummocraptic position.
Puddy don’t have to explain anything.
Don Joe can’t see the conundrum he is in and I guess Don Joe is more stupid than I gave him credit for.
For those morons lost by Don Joe’s continual stretching the truth, Barry Ritholtz rephrased his position and said it was 60% Republican – 40% Democrat. He makes no mention of a conservative position in his later article. He said he hold Bush more responsible because He was president. Puddy agreed with Ritholtz. Don Joe continues to ignore this an other later Ritholtz comments because his original conservative position was corrected by his hero Ritholtz. And
Is a misrepresentation of what Puddy said above. Yet Don Joe accuses me of doing it while giving a pass to himself. That bird don’t fly Don Joe. You can pull that crap with stillbentover or clueless wonder but not Puddy.
Why do you continually do that Don Joe?
Why do you argue disingenuously Don Joe?
Why do you try and spin what Puddy says Don Joe?
Why is your argument such weak sauce Don Joe?
See ya. Back to bidness…
Pubbydub, there ain’t no one reading this thread three days after it was originally posted except for those of us who already know what a demented lying fool you are.
But, windbag away! At least it keeps you off the roof of that building in your “Super Jesus” leotard costume.
Well, I had expected Puddy’s response to my latest comment to be amusing, and Puddy didn’t let me down. Before I get started in on what Puddy actually says in his latest comments, I should point out that Puddy doesn’t address Jim Leach, Gramm-Leach-Bliley or any of the other facts that pertain to the relationship between specific policy decisions and the underlying economic philosophy that animates the general policies of conservatives and liberals. It would seem that, having failed in trying to push his argument on me, he’s given up entirely on that effort.
He’s left with this:
And it’s my strawman? What a crock of Steve’s Stupid Solution we just read. Don Joe you are so convoluted you can’t remember what you write from thread to thread. Why did Puddy whip out Ritholtz article from the NY Times? Because it was chronologically after your “straw man” conservative thought comment by the same Barry Ritholtz. He clarified the position you threw up here and that just sucked didn’t it?
I have, for quite some time even prior to Puddy’s mention of Ritholtz’ 60/40 blame on Republicans vs. Democrats, upheld a very strong distinction between economic philosophies and specific policy decisions. You can find me upholding this distinction in this comment I posted back in October.
So, when Puddy used the word “decisions” in reference to my comment about Ritholtz, he was clearly misstating my position–a misstatement made even more culpable by the fact that the comment linked above is a direct response to a comment Puddy had made about Ritholtz.
Which brings me to the second point. Puddy keeps blathering on about how, supposedly, his constant reference to Ritholtz’ 60/40 blame refutes my point. But, does it really? In that comment, I linked to this article by Ritholtz, and we can look at this article as well.
The latter is particularly instructive on this question of philosophy:
If it’s not at all apparent to Puddy, it should be apparent to everyone else that deregulation is very much a cornerstone of Republican economic philosophy.
Which leaves us with Alan Greenspan whom Puddy has labelled as a “leftist pinhead.” Puddy provides no justification for this despite the fact that I’ve contested this characterization on purely factual grounds. In fact, Alan Greenspan has been the one most conservative voice in any position of economic authority over the past 20 years.
If Puddy really does believe that Alan Greenspan is a “leftist pinhead,” then perhaps Puddy can find someone else who shares this opinion? I doubt it. Puddy merely uses that epithet because it’s convenient to the conclusion he wants to reach.
Which leaves us where? Well, the two primary policy causes that Ritholtz cites are both steeped deeply in Republican/conservative economic philosophy. At this point, Puddy has nowhere to turn but to rehash and repeat the same thing he’s been saying in the past several comments.
The question is, will Puddy do it again? Will Puddy still disavow his misrepresentation of my statement about philosophy vs decisions?
I don’t think so. Puddy’s now cornered. He’ll lash out at me with some other manufactured slight. But, he will still refuse to acknowledge that he’s been wrong at any point in this entire discussion.
Consider, for example:
Note that Puddy doesn’t correct what I said about his argument. He offers no alternative understanding of what he’s been saying. Only the bald-faced assertion that I’ve misrepresented his argument.
But, if I have misrepresented Puddy’s argument, then why doesn’t Puddy go through any effort to correct exactly where my restatement of his argument is wrong? The answer is that Puddy can’t point out where my restatement of his position misrepresents his argument.
Well, it might, now, be a misrepresentation of his current argument, because it would seem that Puddy has abandoned any attempt to connect the underlying philosophy of specific policy proposals to the party affiliation of the person making the proposal. But he cannot convincingly deny that statements like “liberals always advance a liberal agenda” does just what I’ve attributed to him.
To recap: did Puddy misstate my position? Yes. Puddy used the word “decisions” where I have consistently used the word “philosophy”. Does Ritholtz blame Republican philosophy for the current economic crisis? Yes, as the two links I’ve provided above show. Is Puddy guilty of emphasizing some facts to the detriment of others? In too many instances for me to enumerate them all in a reasonable amount of time, yes. He is guilty as charged.
At this point, about the only thing left for Puddy to do is engage in a bit of projection and personal insults. He has nothing more. He’s run out of ammunition, and about the only thing he can do now is throw his figurative gun at me.
The one thing Puddy will never do is admit that he has been wrong at any point in this thread.
You have made mince-meat out of the 2 fools, Don Joe and YLB.
We need to decide soon on the Final 4 of Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS.
It will be tough..so many of the Elite 8 are deserving of a shot at the Rusty Pinhead.
But, we must move forward.
Unless Puddy, we take a page from the non-competitive LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN handbook and declare an 8-way tie!
That way none of them will have what little is left of their self-esteem damaged. And we will be extending a bi-partisan hand by showing them we can acknowledge their “NO WINNERS & NO LOSERS” approach to life.
But heck, if we’re gonna do that, we might as well add back the others and declare a 16 way tie.
So many tough decisions Puddy.
What shall we do?
@ 307
So many tough decisions Puddy.
What shall we do?
Well, you could simply declare yourselves winners, and go have dinner together.
Or you, Cynical, could address the take-down of your call for reduced capital gains tax that I posted to the open thread earlier today.
Yes. What a tough decision that must be for you.
307 – Only in your right wing hallucinatory fantasies, Mr. Klynical.
We’re not going to stop opposing and laughing at wrong-headed, right wing foolishness.
Never, ever, ever.
Mr Klynical – stock market is up today.
For the month, the best performance in 7 years.
Was it something some right winger did to lift investor’s spirits? Sean Insanity? Flush Limpblows? The Chimp? Duck! Cheney?
Wow, 310 comments of Puddy getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Awesome.
@306 “If Puddy really does believe that Alan Greenspan is a “leftist pinhead,” then perhaps Puddy can find someone else who shares this opinion?”
That’s likely the wrong question to ask a lock-stepping Republican these days.
David Brooks – “leftist pinhead”
Kathleen Parker – “leftist pinhead”
Colin Powell – “leftist pinhead”
Michael Steele – “leftist pinhead”
Teddy Roosevelt – “leftist pinhead”
John McCain – “leftist pinhead”
Meghan McCain – “leftist pinhead”
David Frum – “leftist pinhead”
Jesus Christ – “leftist pinhead”
All these and more have been thrown under the Republican bus.