I cannot express how annoyed I am at the fact that it looks like the legislature is going to punt on transit in the special session.* I mean, Boeing — like everyone else — needs decent transportation around the state. And King County should be able to fund Metro, goddammit.
Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom, a Democrat from Medina who leads the predominantly Republican Majority Coalition Caucus, also said that the transportation package was never tied to the overall aerospace package.
There was some discussion of this in the Open Thread yesterday. I don’t even with this guy. I mean for him to act flat footed on the thing that everyone expected there to be a session on is just, gah. I don’t even have words for it, just incoherence. Either he didn’t do his homework, or he’s pretending to keep the caucus together.
And who knows? Things are fluid, and the GOP districts need infrastructure as much as the rest of the state so maybe we actually will get a transit package. I wouldn’t hold my breath, but stranger things have happened.
That said, at a certain point, King County should really just figure out a way to go it alone on Metro if the state can’t get it together. There always seems to be a next horizon to find. Oh, we’ll push for it in the session. Then they didn’t pass something. Oh we can just wait for the special session. If, as it’s looking like there’s nothing, I’m sure we’ll hear to just wait until the regular session come January. Etc. Etc. But we need to not have cuts.
* I don’t know why the Modesto Bee is running this local AP story, but when I did a search for it, they were the paper that had it in Google news. I’m sure by the time I finish writing this piece, Washington State papers/TV stations will have it, but first come, first served and all that.
I know where to find $135 million of King County gas taxes currently going to red counties …
I mean, really, how long must Seattleites continue being nice to Republican assholes?
@1 What are you talking about. That’s OUR money. Are you some sort of Muslim atheist Communist? Glenn Beck and Rush said that’s our money, gimmme, gimmie, gimmie!
Okanagon County just voted for a sales tax to fund Public Transportation, but I was wondering, will .4% be able to raise enough locally to fund it? Rural Public Transportation does not come cheap. Island Transit has it’s Sales Tax rate at .9%, and fare free. Might be dependent on State(if they are any), and Federal grants. Could be something there guys in Olympia should be looking for a compromise.
A few details on the OCTA, hub and spoke system, not much service, will connect with Wenatchee’s LINK Transit. Fares would be nominal, if charged at all.