Hmm. According to PoliticalMoneyLine, as of the end of August, Darcy Burner had actually outraised Dave Reichert in contributions from individuals, $1,084,864 to $1,083,538. And I’m not just talking about the last three quarters… I’m talking over the entire campaign.
That means Reichert’s fundraising advantage comes almost entirely from PACs… and I just think that says something about which candidate has the most grassroots support, and who the candidates might be beholden to: business interests (Reichert) or the people (Burner).
And according to Evergreen Politics and Cool Aqua, the disparity in popular support between the two campaigns as evidenced by the willingness of ordinary people to open their checkbooks has only grown in recent weeks. FEC reports suggest that Reichert may have raised only $3000.00 from GOP evil-mastermind Karl Rove’s recent visit. While part of that poor showing may be due to reporting errata or the fact that most people attending the event had already maxed out, it’s unlikely he came close to raising the $156,000 Burner brought in during a 10-day special fundraising drive promoted to offset Rove’s presence, or even the $43,000 an email from Sen. Maria Cantwell raised in only a few hours.
It’s not that congressional campaigns are simply about the money, or that dollars raised is ever a reliable predictor of ballots cast… but the relative easy in which Burner has raised money from individuals can certainly be read as an indicator of a growing Burner surge.
I just checked my ActBlue page, and Darcy Burner is sitting there at a total of $99,941.32 raised… and it’s just killing me. Somebody… quick.. make a $60.00 donation and put Darcy over the $100,000 mark.
The biggest threat to the American way of life is elected politicians selling their souls to bussiness interests. The second biggest threat is selling themselves to the Christian Fanatics like Fallwell, Dobson, et al. Vote for freedom, vote for our future, vote for the Democrats and help repair the shame of the current faux regime.
The shooting of a Houston police officer has sparked a new battle over immigration. Juan Leonardo Quintero, an illegal immigrant, has been charged with killing a Houston police officer last week after a routine traffic stop. Police Chief Harold Hurtt blamed the federal government for failing to secure U.S. borders. Quintero allegedly shot Officer Rodney Johnson four times in the head while in handcuffs in the back seat of his patrol car. […….It’s OK for illegal alien Mexicans to kill cops as long as they vote Democrat. 20 million illegals: lots of Democrat votes. Too bad for the cop.]
“There ya go again, Jimmy…”
taht’s not much difference
Say goodnight, Davey.
Thomas Trainwinder @ 4
That’s the whole point. When a relative unknown outraises the incumbent, who has been a political figure in the district for decades….it says a lot.
“By the way, just a side note, you are again threatening me.
Go fuck yourself you miserable hag.”
Commentby My Left Foot— [………………….Sue, Carl, Sue!!! File those papers!! Scheduled those depositions! Call Silverstein, Loeb, Grossmanstein, and Lowenstein, ESQ!]
Gee, I hadn’t looked at the updated primary returns on the SecState’s site. It seems that Darcy received 46917 votes (51.05%) and Dave Riechert received 44973 votes (48.9%). Not good for Dave. Not good at all.
Actually, David, you and Political Hotline got it wrong. The $1.083+ million you have for Reichert excludes the roughly $239,000 he netted from individuals at the Bush event in Medina. It was reported on a separate FEC disclosure, so a careless analysis would overlook it …
Should be PoliticalMoneyLine(not Hotline) above. They still got it wrong.
It wouldn’t be so bad for Reichert if he didn’t vote against the American People every time.
Tort reform, bankruptcy reform, enerty policy that only helps energy companies etc.
Much less not speaking up about Bush’s incompetence, Rumsfelds, or any other factors.
Don’t mention he is the figurehead of the 9-11 commission reccomendations not being implemented.
Boy I fell safer now.
“You are going to put yourself in a position of liability…….”
Commentby My Left Foot [………………………………………………………………………………………….Sue, Carl, Sue!! Take his “deposition”!! Typical Democrat Jew………Sue!!!]
You know, I gave Darcy another $20 today.
I am trying to raise $1,000 for Darcy, and $1,000 for Peter Goldmark.
Help me out.
“When I am bested, I admit it.”
Commentby My Left Foot [……….”I did not have sex with that women!” hehe, JCH]
Commentby Doctor
It takes a big man to admit defeat ‘carl’ Clearly you can’t.
That’s ok.
You know what “carl’ I can be the bigger man. You are so right ‘carl’. You win! I didn’t find out your wifes name, her WA Bar number, the ‘fortune 500′ company for whom she works that’s withnin 30 minles of your home, her work phone number, the value of your house or the names of your 2 closest neighbors. You win.
You seem to believe, ‘carl’ that I am a woman.
I just have to wonder, given that belief of yours, how does it make you feel to have a woman (oh gee, let’s remember all those sweet names you called me: proudofherfatlyingthreateningass; cunt; whore; miserable..) how does it feel to have THAT woman be a bigger man than you, ‘carl’.
Cha, cha, cha sweetcheeks.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— [……….Carl, It seems as if howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS has taken you to the cleaners. Perhaps you can sue him for making you look like a fool?]
A HREF=”″>Gregoire: Mansion political dinner is off
OLYMPIA, Wash. Governor Gregoire says a political dinner at the governor’s mansion is off. At a news conference at the Capitol today, she heatedly defended her decision to auction off a dinner at the governor’s mansion to raise thousands for congressional challenger Darcy Burner. But she said she’s moved the dinner to a restaurant after an ethics complaint was filed.
In her words, “The place isn’t up for rent. The place isn’t up for sale.”
Two backers of the Eighth District Democratic challenger paid winning bids of 35 hundred dollarss apiece for the right to break bread with the governor at the mansion in Olympia. A former foe of Gregoire’s, judicial candidate Richard Pope, filed an ethics complaint. He said it’s a misuse of a taxpayer-supported facility.
darn, I sure screwed up that link…
Gregoire: Mansion political dinner is off
I wonder, since I now I admitted TWO mistakes, does that make me TWICE the bigger man than ‘carl’?
sheesh… screwed up again!
3X the bigger man??
How much bigger a man could I be??
this is too long — talk to me – skim my website (still cluttered) —
“” — “It’s about the economy, ——!”
I am the Independent US Senate cadidate. Just now emerging — still keeping a very
low profile — working from zip budget and a handful of those who understand what I’m here to do : committee chair (viriginia wyman), fellow helping me to begin a blog (Jeremy January), a dozen others. First piority: to get me on the ballot. DONE.
Now I am beginning to speak — your is the first group — after I visited Drinking
Liberally 13 days ago. For you to hear me you must give up some “comfort food”
thinking and use the good brains I was meeting. The economy is very close to
implosion. I have been working for nearly 3 years — and corresponding with some
others — in ferreting out a Sub-Economy now dominating the Classic Economy.
I have degree in POlitical Philosophy and Economics at Claremont, mentored by Martin Diamond — one of the Chicago Group with Milton Friedman (Scripps College). I am a first class theortician — out of work in the 1960’s. 70’s, 80’s…beginning to re-deploy in the past decade! In the good times I raised a family and learned how to run about anything…community, gov’t liason, writing , working in the trenches. I’m a pretty blond grandmother : who knew ?
When Congress passed the Medicare Rx Bill I had enough! My protest: I reread economics: Adam Smith (1776) thru Mandlebrott’s new fractal theory work. Guess what : we do not have a Classic Economy! 40 years ago we had an imperfect but recognizable one. Now, for some reason there isn’t enough money circulating to support growing commerce, people. Easy enough for a Westerner to recognise: Eastcoasters don’t see it. Where is the money? I found it tracing interest rate changes. I began to watch money move; able to show its passage “freeeze time” on standard supply and demand business graphs as “imbalances” … I began to connect the dots between inflation, money flow — and hardest to “prove” interest rates which are being “spontaneously” reset. AND ALL OF THIS MAJOR ALTERATION UNNOTICED by econmists and “money people”, unaccounted for, untaxed, not used by the Federal Reserve…AND ALL OF IT CAUSING AN INCREDIBLE DISTORTION OF THE WHOLE ECONOMY , ONE WHICH WILL DESTROY IT. I’ve watdhed it waxing and waning — 1929 USA, 1991 USSR; ancient and medieval and modern times IT IS TOTALLY MAN-MADE WHEN PEOPLE ALTER THE ECONOMY WITHOUT RESETTING THE BALANCE. (I’ve got criteria, characteristics , at least 17 completely different methods documented by others’ work. I can show the Model Unified…outstanding!) THIS IS NOT PARTISAN : WHO EVER IS IN CHARGE IN GOVERNMENT DOES IT AND THE “LOYAL OPPOSITION” IS RIGHT IN THERE, TOO. its about money. And 2/3of what I’ve found is going to Government “Voids”, not Private ones. Neither party understands what is happening ! My God-Son came up to me at a party and said : “Mom said I have to hear about your new theory.” (He’s a budding Bio Chemist just home from Iraqi Marine 2nd tour). When I was through he said: “It’s got some John Nash in it. But what you have done is take things peole think they understand and rearranged understanding them!” Before addressing the Whole Distortion the emergency has to be stopped:– the lack of money in circulation. This has taken us from a “growing” economy to a “flat” economy, to an “contracting” one. The full implosion could be in October.
>>The process is so Regressive that the leadership of the Parties, cut off from any day to day living and from everyday friends,–in some cases isolated by great wealth — hasn’t yet felt the NON-LIQUITY.
>>The indicators used by the Fed and others do not measure the flow of money I have traced. And Congress people from BOTH PARTIES grew up in “business economics” — but never learned to distinguish an “earned” from an “unearned” profit. New deal economics cannot work in a contracting economy: Tax and Spend only works in a growing economy. Ross Perot traced one part of it — some gov’t spending– and he was accurate…but we are ‘way passed cost cutting and good accounting to reverse the Sub-Economy. Why doesn’t the Gov’t just “add money”like in 1934 ?
Because it won’t “stick” as long as the economy is still contracting : the added money is moved right out — just as the other money has been. It was a “pump”
I found myself uncovering (primped by bad Congressional laws, the power to force
the money to be moved by law and by the power to tax.). (Perot called it a great “sucking-noise” — how right he was!!)
(They are shut down about 4 years into a major Crash because they are tied to public and private institutions which eventually die in a major Depression taking the “Voids” with them–which is the last thing we want!)
My first question was : can the “pumps” still be shut down “peacefully” — and without that action destablizing the whole economy and crashing us any way ?
A “LAW OF INCREASING RETURNS”. I THINK WE CAN [[ See my Website sub-site
“Deatroying the Sub-Economy” — but understand these are only theory note lists,
and no more polished than this sysopsis. Site is “” still very
uneven : one day a book, now notes. Blog site up but not fully working: www.
good laws (create deflation; not take money out of circulation : no taxes, no “skimming”; dismantle or take out or replace part of the “pump”; not move too
fast — phase in law or parallel law…more on website sub-sites).[1] Make Social
Security profitable in 17 years using mney already in system or added without debt,fund of $7 trillion, 5%, $500 billion yield per year); [2] Parallel a “Peoples’
Insurance Indudstry” stock subscription, chartered to use spread risk, actuartial tables, assigned risk, premium funds. Will “compete out” current (cartel) Industry.
[3] allow The US Treasury the funds to hire the best lobbyists in Wa. D.C. to show
Congressmen how much the gov’t monopolies, gov’t contracts, bribes, shifted
tax burden, bad bankruptcy laws, cartel payout like the Medicare Rx Act all cost…
I’ve already taken too much
space here…contact me : [Also trained geology…global warming : see Sci American March 2005 = we are 8000 years into the next ice age:
there were no petroleum powered machines then! Keep “natural phenomena” and “pollution control” clearly sepersated in your mind. The real problem is refilling the aqifirs before we die of drought and the earth is a baked cinder. Cheerful!!RobinAdair,Independent, for US Senate, 2006, Washington State..
A New York judge on Monday dismissed a $10 million spousal abuse suit against Liza Minnelli filed by her estranged husband David Gest, who claimed the entertainer assaulted him in a drunken rage. [NY Jew suing NY Jew………Gee, what a fucking surprise!]
[NY Jew suing NY Jew………Gee, what a fucking surprise!]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/25/06@ 4:17 pm
I don’t think Liza Minelli is Jewish. Don’t know about her ex.
Yes, I’d say you have already taken up too much space.
Judy Garland’s parents were Episcopalians, and Judy was a baptized Episcopalian.
Vicente Minelli was Catholic.
But to JCH, everyone’s a Jew who’s not a “mofo” or a “Muuuuuslim”
A New York judge on Monday dismissed a $10 million spousal abuse suit against Liza Minnelli filed by her estranged husband David Gest, who claimed the entertainer assaulted him in a drunken rage. [………………………………………The New York version of Mr and Mrs Grossmanstein?]
JCH admits he is a gay hustler:
[……….”I did not have sex with that women!” hehe, JCH]
re 11: I’m happy to see that even Steve Sharansky ( the Shar ) knows where to go for free and unfettered blogosperic expression. What a twerp!
PersonDeviodofFacts@12: Again Left Turd you are wrong. I decided to use the well known Google Internet Inspection Method Today used many times on Blah Blah Blah: “Democrats vote against tort reform.”
Librul Web Site: American Prospect Online – ViewWebWhy are so many congressional Democrats voting against their own interests? … The Democrats who vote for tort reform should know better.” … – 32k – Cached – Similar pages
Senate fails to vote cloture on medical tort reform Human Events …’Senate fails to vote cloture on medical tort reform’ from Human Events in … DEMOCRATS AGAINST (45): Akaka, Baucus, Bayh, Biden, Bingaman, Boxer, Breaux, … – 28k – Cached – Similar pages
Blanton’s and Ashton’s – Article. II. Section. 4.: Make It Wonky …Make It Wonky: Tort Reform and Congressional Gifts to Insurance Industry … with 9 Republicans, 184 Democrats, and 1 Independent voting against it. … – 29k – Cached – Similar pages
[PDF] TORT REFORM VOTING IN THE US SENATE Economic theory of campaign …File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
money and voted in favor of tort reform. Among the 37 Democrats. who received ATLPAC money, 16 were subsequently elected; they. voted 13 to 3 against tort … – Similar pages
And your hero FindLaw’s Writ – Sebok: Issues of Civil Justice and Tort ReformLater, Kerry voted against the Common Sense Product Liability Reform Act of 1996 … Overview of the Candidates: Democrats Who See Some Need for Tort Reform … – 50k – Sep 24, 2006 – Cached – Similar pages
Need I say more?
Tort Reform? How can Silverstein, Loeb, Grossmanstein, Stein, and Lowenstein make a shit load of money without suing deep pocket companies? Jewish kids might have to go into the military instead of going to law school!!
Christine Gregoire made the right decision on the dinner auction at the Governor’s Mansion. Gregoire could have made this decision more gracefully, but she made the correct decision in any event — and that is the most important thing. There are plenty of other venues where Gregoire can go to raise political donations.
I wonder how much Darcy Burner will actually net from Gregoire’s impromptu fundraising efforts. Two people each bid $3,500 for dinner rights (and are also happy to have the dinner in a different venue). However, the maximum donation to Darcy Burner — if made before the primary, which would apply to the 09/14/2006 dinner auction — is $4,200. If the winning bidders had already maxed out this limit, or went over the top by donating another $3,500, Burner’s campaign will have to give the excess money back to these donors. Better yet, the donors should give any excess amount to an appropriate charity.
My observation is that Darcy Burner is doing pretty well in raising campaign money already. Gregoire should stick to campaigning for Burner, coordinate her efforts with Burner’s campaign, and not try any more impromptu spur-of-the-moment novel fundraising ideas.
JCH admits he is a gay hustler:
[……….”I did not have sex with that women!” hehe, JCH]
Commentby JDB [JDB, I believe that quote goes to the greatest Democrat liar in history. Here’s another Democrat quote. “Bill Clinton, He’s a very good liar.” [Sen Bob Kerry]
“Is torture an American value?” [Goldysteinburg]…………………..No, But using “nukes” to kick the shit out of our enemies to end a war is!!! It works EVERY time it is tried!!!!!
Commentby Doctor JCH
Care of a Sound Politics poster
“I did not have dinner with that contributor”
Thanks Christine, for finally getting a clue!
Take another trip this year on us, that will get you over it…
Proudofyourfatlyingthreateningass: (and your ignorant, raving lunatic friend who has had one too many hits of the Maui Wowie)
You have no information. None at all. If you wish to continue deluding yourself, so be it. Just like you NEVER said “anything untoward”. I debunked that, but you have not acknowledged that little fact, have you? I have handed you your ass on a platter here at least twice. You do not have Teresa’s work number, her WSBA number or anything else that you believe that you have. Does your driving distance include the ferry that she takes daily, you know, the one she walks on each morning when I drop her off, picks up her car on the other side and continues her commute? You like to make claims, none of which you have confirmed, and, can’t confirm. You don’t have her name. You fail to recognize that she is anonymous to you. You are guessing, and guessing badly. When you get a “fact” correct I will happily let you know. But so far, you are zero for forever.
Again, Teresa does not practice under her married name, I don’t know how much clearer this can be made to you, it is in no way associated with her career. Never has. Probably never will. She was well established before we met, by chance, at a Seattle Mariner game.
So you go on, be convinced that you know some big secret, because you don’t. I am not concerned, other than for the other poor fellow you are considering to disturb.
It is not about winning and losing. Though your words may make you feel better, there is no truth to them, thereby rendering them both meaningless and harmless.
But don’t pay any attention to me. Come, knock on the door you believe to ours. The only way you can learn the truth is to physically investigate your information.
As to whether you are female or male, it really does not matter to me. But the fact that you have “come out of the closet” tells me that I got to you. It also tells me that I am probably right. You are a little bitch. Male or female.
You have a nice evening, I am going to sit on the couch and watch the Saints return to New Orleans. Much more exciting than bantering endlessly, and, uselessly with you.
“You are a little bitch.”
Commentby My Left Foot [……….Carl, when you were in grade school, did little girls make fun of you?]
carl, carl carl, I let you ‘win’, I give you a way to back out and you STILL are an ungracious prick.
Speaks volumes sweetcheeks, speaks volumes.
Cha cha cha, sweetcheeks.
How is that Aurthor Murray, btw? I hear it’s all the rage with those high schoolers down there, lately.
carl, carl carl, I let you ‘win’, I give you a way to back out and you STILL are an ungracious prick.
Speaks volumes sweetcheeks, speaks volumes.
Cha cha cha, sweetcheeks.
How is that Aurthor Murray, btw? I hear it’s all the rage with those high schoolers down there, lately.
Commentby Anonymous— 9/25/06@ 7:09 pm
Darcy still gets the $4000 – looks like a Dem win to me! But conservative Dickey Lamar Pope, the guy who thinks we spend too much taxpayer money, just managed to make sure we spend some more in his waste of everyone’s time. What do you expect from a guy who says he’s against taxes and then tries to get a job where the taxpayers support him?
When you get a “fact” correct I will happily let you know.- Commentby My Left Foot— 9/25/06@ 6:11 pm
RIGHTO carl! We’ll be waiting.
Haha hoho… as if you could be trusted to tell the truth about anything mr quick-to-claim-then-quicker-to-disavow the heehaw hiney (nope, no typo, sweetcheeks) you’re married to.
When you get a “fact” correct I will happily let you know.- Commentby My Left Foot— 9/25/06@ 6:11 pm
OMG that’s the funniest thing you’ve ever written.
I’ll tell you what sweetcheeks, I’ll call your good neighbors Cheuk and Martin instead …. how’s that work for you? Or perhaps the esteemed Mrs Grossman at work. Make sure you tell the little woman to alert her secretary, sweetcheeks. … I’m sure Teresa’s superior will be so impressed with her little man’s internet foolishness and phony machismo.
It takes a big man to admit defeat ‘carl’. Clearly you can’t.
That’s ok.
You know what “carl’, I can be the bigger man. You are so right ‘carl’. You win! I didn’t find out your wifes name, her WA Bar number, the ‘fortune 500′ company for whom she works that’s withnin 30 minles of your home, her work phone number, the value of your house or the names of your 2 closest neighbors. You win.
You seem to believe, ‘carl’, that I am a woman.
I just have to wonder, given that belief of yours, how does it make you feel to have a woman (oh gee, let’s remember all those sweet names you called me: proudofherfatlyingthreateningass; cunt; whore; miserable..) how does it feel to have THAT woman be a bigger man than you, ‘carl’.
Cha, cha, cha sweetcheeks.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS
I gave you a way out, you icredible dumb ass and you were too damned stupid and arrogant to take it.
cha, cha, cha, sweetcheeks!
Arthur Murray, down there? There are many dance studios to choose from. How do you conjure up this stuff?
You really do have problems. Try addressing the posts. You just ignore the issue.
Let me help you. You have no info. You have no address. You have nothing but your private parts in your hand and the stupid look on your face. You also can’t remember what you type. You make wild accusations and then remain silent on them after you are proven wrong.
If you are a man, be man enough to post your name. Be man enough to face me man to man. There is nothing between us but opportunity and your fear. You have an extra large mouth that apparently your ass can’t back up. I find your childish posts amusing. Please, keep them coming.
Teresa would like you to call her at work tomorrow. Call from a pay phone or use *67 from any phone to hide the number. K, sweetie pie, she will be in all day. Waiting for your call. (snicker)
Challenge: Prove you have the right information and post it here. Call me. Call my wife. Send me a letter. Knock on the door. The dogs run free in the yard, they don’t bite (much) (snicker), but Teresa’s llamas are the animals you should steer clear of, they spit. They don’t like me and I feed them, so I can imagine how they will be with you. Their names are Bonnie and Clyde. The pups are Elvis Pupsley and Buddy Holly. Beautiful Golden Retrievers.
So, what do you say, care to PROVE your assertions?
I thought not.
Graceful way out? I don’t need a way out. I was never in the shit hole with you. It is you who needs a rope. Careful you don’t hang yourself with it.
How does it feel to be wrong all the time?
You know I keep finding new things in Proudofherass’s posts.
She has Teresa’s real name? Someone tell me how she did that knowing only Teresa? No hint of a first name or last name. No hint of where we live. No hint of the UNLISTED phone number. No hint of anything other than a middle name.
Is she using the same method that Republicans used to “know” there were WMD in Iraq? The same method of proof that Bush had tying Iraq to the terrorists?
Please, someone explain it to me.
“Teresa’s llamas are the animals you should steer clear of, they spit. They don’t like me……” [Carl Grossman] [Carl, Do they not like you because you are Jewish, or because you are an asshole?]
43, cont…….Carl, If the llamas are racist, perhaps you could send them to “sensitivity classes” so they won’t spit on you.
To gain some votes maybe Darcy can give some of her funds to HER local Public School District!!!
Darcy didn’t seem to find the time to vote her local school levies. She must have been busy preparing for the “Ames Lake Home Owners Assoc” Meetings. Priorities are important. I am glad she got her’s straight.
Final thought: Car’s animals do not like him. Most posters on HA.ORG don’t like him. I don’t like him, and Teresa spends as much time away from Carl as possible. Question: Who or what likes Carl Grossman, Proud Jew Democrat? Please post immediately!!!!!!
Darcy probably raised more with this donation than Dickey raised for his whole campaign. But to make sure Dickey is on the up and up, I am going through the public records relating to his campaign with a fine tooth comb. If you fucked up ANYTHING Dickey, ANYTHING at all. . . it’ll be in the press the next day. ANYTHING!
I bet Dickey is nervous since he has a documented history of making mistakes with legal papers and deadlines. Better not have made any this time Dickey. Or you won’t get to suck on that government tit you’re always complianing about. You might have to get a real job then. Would any lawfirm in this state hire you?
JCH at 46,
You know, JCH, you are personally responsible for 25% of the posts here at HA. Of those posts, hundreds really, you mention my husband in 95% of them. What is your fascination with him? How he must invade and control your thoughts. Just like with proudass.
You come here bragging about Doctor JCH, Lt. JCH, rich man JCH, driving a Vette JCH. (penis compensation car, by the way)
I think it is time you understood just a little about the man you are trying to aggravate, intimidate, denigrate harass and annoy, both personally and professionally.
The first thing you need to know is that you don’t succeed at any of the above. This mans character is absolutely unshakable. He considers this blog entertainment. His favorite part of this entertainment is using swear words and then sitting back waiting for the folks on your side of the political isle to go nuts. You never disappoint. You and proudass in particular focus on the cursing. Something he rarely does and never, ever in front of me. Always a gentleman in public and private. Some see him as a formidable adversary. You and others on this blog fit the latter category.
This man I married is humble, strong and honor bound. His character is unassailable. All of these qualities you seem to be, judging by your posts, missing.
Professionally he is/was a soldier. I come from what some would call privilege. My husband did not. Yet, in this marriage, I am the one who married up. College graduate, MBA, Army Ranger and Navy Seal team training. There is more training that he does not talk about. All of this as an officer, JCH. He volunteered for all of his assignments, never once did he refuse a request from his country. Never once did he beg off or back down from a challenge. Did you know that the Seal Team patch is the only insignia that can be worn cross-branch in the military?
He saw, what he calls combat theater and what I call killing, in Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq. Multiple times, JCH. He did not throw-up in his mask and quit. I see the scars on his legs, arms, back and chest. I see the man you don’t. The one you are not fit to stand next to. The one who would like to meet you, not to hurt you as you clearly fear, but in an effort to understand you, with open discussion and exchange. I see a man torn by not being with his men. I see a man who wants to change the world, still. He never thinks he has given enough or done enough. I love him more than life, JCH. You have a singular ability to traduce a lone sentence of a post. Have at it, JCH. Make fun of my devotion to him. Make fun of his swearing. Make fun of his animals. Make fun of what you don’t know, JCH. when you do this, you are only making fun of yourself, showing everyone here the truly depraved, tortured. addled soul with which you are blighted.
You can make mock us all you want, JCH. It is just petty jealousy. We live a fairy tale life. We are thankful for it. We give back, but it is always in the back of my mind that my husband has given enough for two lifetimes. I have made it my mission to convince his son to leave the military, this family has given enough. He is so much like his father. He calls me ma’am and mom. This man that I met when he was 18 and already in the Army, calls me mom. And you scoff at my defense of my husband. You are foolish, JCH.
The next time you want to attack his politics, try leaving the personal attacks out of it. You have no canon with which to base your attacks. You have no right to speak to anyone the way you do, let alone to one of this country’s heroes, indeed, my hero.
I am so happy and fortunate to have met my husband at that baseball game. My only regret is that I had not met my husband years sooner, to have even more time with him. I hope he feels the same.
So you see, JCH, no matter what you say here one thing never changes. No matter how much we wish it would, JCH, the truth never changes.
Enjoy your evening.
Wife, Friend, Partner and Proud
clap, clap, clap, teresa… you make me gag.
he may be a gentleman in front of you but I doubt it because he’s a such pig here.
it’s awfully darn hard to compartmentalize that particularly nasty brand of piggery as you claim he does and I would go so far to say that his behavior anonymously is a fairly good measure of his behavior publicly.
Until you can reconcile his words that you so courageously defend and blythely dismiss as “entertainment”, you have little room to condem someone as a “depraved, tortured. addled soul”.
“Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother let me pull the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast first the beam out of thine own eye, and then chalt thou see clearly to pull the mote that is in thy brother’s eye. Luke 6:42
The next time you want to attack his politics, try leaving the personal attacks out of it.
live what you preach lady:
You come here bragging about Doctor JCH, Lt. JCH, rich man JCH, driving a Vette JCH. (penis compensation car, by the way)
Do you honestly think that nasty man you call a husband is the only person here loved?
Do you honestly believe that the people he attacks and that YOU attack have no honorable history behind them, children, wives, husbands, parents that equally adore them? Do you not think those that love them aren’t even the tiniest bit hurt or offended by the words he’s used?
You need to grow up lady. And carl needs to get a thicker skin and stop sending you to carry his water.
22, From what I can find here, you are proudass.
A person who makes empty threats. A person who now quotes the Bible. This same person who tried to cast my husband as a child molester. (Again, this is road you do not want to go down with me). The same person who accused him of threatening her children. The same person who claimed to never have used the term “anything untoward”. The same person who just ignores the proof that you did use the term “anything untoward” and drops the subject when caught.
You are as full of sanctimony as anyone I have ever had the misfortune to interact with. In addition, you missed the entire point of my post. Your logic is flawed too.
Online, people can be anyone or anyway they want. It can be an extension of their true personality, or, it can be an alternative personality, wholly made up for your benefit and their enjoyment. You are fond of researching on the internet, maybe you could look up some of the psychological studies that address this subject. I assure you that the latter is case with my husband. I am educated, confident, self-aware and I would have nothing to do with a man who treated me as “less than”. I have the opposite difficulty with my husband. I find it unsettling to be upon the pedestal he has placed me.
I made no such allegation that others here are not loved. I merely expressed my love for my husband. I am tired of the way people on this blog constantly degrade each other, so I spoke up.(I know my husband has toned his posts down). If you are in a relationship where your partner is not able or willing to express publicly their love for you, that is your disappointment. Making it not my cross to carry.
JCH has no history, honorable or otherwise, behind him. You don’t know him anymore than you know my husband. You choose to defend him because his politics mimic yours.
I know that my husband called you some names. I would suggest he is not the one with the thin skin. Do you know the proverb about those living in glass houses should probably not cast stones? As for his skin, he did not ask me to answer for him, I am up late working and decided on my own to post. When he reads it in the morning he will be perturbed with me and my well known stubborn streak, but he will just shake his head and mutter “that’s Teresa”.
As for you having my name, employer, address, etc. etc… Please, do not make yourself giddy. You have incorrectly deduced, from limited and wrong information, a conclusion that you wanted to find. You did not allow the information to take you to a conclusion regardless of the outcome. Researchers need to be dispassionate, neutral seekers. You certainly don’t qualify.
As my husband said, you can’t play cards you don’t have.
By the way, how about posting the WSBA number you have for “me”. It would be my pleasure to let the attorney, whose info you published, know that you have done so and exactly where to find it.
Sorry, mrs sweetcheeks, I’m well known as a Catholic and Catholics are well know for knowing Catholicism rather than the studying the Bible. From what I can find here, you are proudass A person who makes empty threats. A person who now quotes the Bible.. Your proof poofed, sweetcheeks. Nice try.
Is it really so hard to imagine there are more than a few that consider your husband a vile ass?
It shouldn’t be.
Bad tags… so let me repreat…
Sorry, mrs sweetcheeks, I’m well known as a Catholic and Catholics are well know for knowing Catholicism rather than the studying the Bible. From what I can find here, you are proudass A person who makes empty threats. A person who now quotes the Bible..
Your proof poofed, sweetcheeks.
Nice try.
Is it really so hard to imagine there are more than a few that consider your husband a vile ass?
It shouldn’t be.