One of the more amusing/infuriating moments from last week’s public hearing on the Space Needle’s proposed annexation of the Fun Forest, was the well-heeled supporter who fretted how his wife and young children are afraid to visit the Seattle Center in its current scary state. Really. And this is the kinda suburban dandy who we should be looking to for advice on how to redevelop an urban park at the center of our city?
Indeed, the project’s backers appear to be tremendously out of touch with the wants and needs of the typical Seattle resident, as evidenced by their lack of preparation for (and apparent disbelief of) the overwhelming public opposition their proposal has faced. But why should they be in touch with Seattle residents, when the proposal’s main architects don’t even live in Seattle.
Of course I’m referring to Space Needle Board Chair Jeffrey Wright and Space Needle CEO Ron Sevart, who commute to work from Hunts Point and Issaquah respectively.
Now I don’t expect wealthy, out-of-city purveyors of mushy, $17 crab cakes to fully appreciate the way us common folks use the Seattle Center. But I don’t expect them to deign to tell us what to do with it either.
So let me get this straight:
Goldy cries like a girl because people “outside of seattle” are making decisions about the Fun Forest.
Thats funny, I didn’t hear you use that reasoning when you tards in Seattle forced the CAO on us landowners in rural king county.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
There was an article Sightline a while back about how Seattle’s doing a good job of retaining families. Can’t seem to find it at the moment.
But I did find this:;emc=rss
And this:
King Counties CAO is set by ALL members of King County. The city of Seattle’s agenda should be set by folks in Seattle.
Besides, the Sierra Club has about a zillion members in Rural King County. The idea that all of rural King County opposes the GMA and CAO is a myth.
@3….CAO was pushed by the elitists in seattle on the rest of us…..believe it.
CAO’s exist all over the state and have a wide degree of support from people all over the state. Plus, there’s all sorts of lefty-eco-freaks in rural King County and there are far more working class regular joe’s in Seattle than there are elitists.
I hadn’t yet weighed in on this issue. Mainly because I’m one of those people from outside of Seattle… but I have to tell you that you are dead on in opposing this project.
I was born in Seattle, and other than four years of college in So. Cal., have lived in the area all 44 years of my life. I have seen the Seattle Center go through different stages… It needs more family friendly venues.
A glass museum in the Fun Forest location would be a big mistake… as you pointed out it really would only become a high end location for catered events. It’s just an extension of the Space Needle as a venue. If they would just approach it as such perhaps there could be other pads in the complex or across the street that would be good fit. To place it in the location of where the fun forest once stood removes that land from the heart of the center.
Hey Goldy,
I went to FB to join a “KickAss Playground” group that I had imagined you had already started (a la “opt out of McKenna’s lawsuit”). So I was shocked that I couldn’t find one yet!
Somebody has started a “Stop the Chihuly Museum” page, but it’s kind of a hater page, which I don’t want to join.
Can you get one of your minions to start one?
All Seattlers are crazy. Mold on the brain or something. Now just listen up. The Fun Forest isn’t just the worst name for a video arcade ever. Nope. The building is also pretty god damn ugly and stupider than shit. Looks like a warehouse. Wow. Who the hell designed it? Some moron? South side looks like where the trash gets taken out and repels people like a mountain of dog crap. The roadway between it and Center House makes people nervous as if they could get hit by speeding traffic, cuz it’s a god damn road, duh. This piece of crap ugly building obliterates awareness of the amphitheater on the west side, always a surprise to discover it there, trees, lawn, people doing stuff, a forbidden onclave, hidden, weird. Key Twilight Zone theme song.
Now get this. Seattle’s fat cat geniouses want to keep the building and make it bigger. How dumb is that? Why the fuck shouldn’t it have a smaller foundation and be taller, 3 or 4 stories with a basement? Put glass gallery on the top floor. Forget the fucking glass workshop, bullshit. The other floors put a video game hall, cafe, restaurant, shops, shit like that, you know, fun stuff. Save the best antique rides and install them in grand style. Put in a fucking god damn freakin Bubbleator. Bubble. Bubble. Bubble. Bubble. Ator.
Why not do something like that? Answer: The Wrights got the market on panoramic views and charge like a whore for the priviledge. Fuck you Seattlers. You’re all fucking crazy. The Deep-boor Tunnel is an evil motherfucker of all time. Have a nice weekend. Shut up. Fuck you too, assholes.
Do Seattleites ever use the Space Needle?
Probably about as often as we visit the Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe or go on the Underground Seattle Tour.
Fuck these guys. Would we let the operator of Ride the Ducks tell us how to develop our public spaces? Every city on earth has its share of tourist trap operations. And let’s face it. That’s what the Needle is. It may be iconic and historic. But it is still nothing more than a tourist facility. Tourism is fine. Tourism facilities have their place. But a real city is more than that.
Another neighborhood meeting on this proposal set for Tuesday evening at the Neighborhood Service Center for the QA/Magnolia District Council. Location is just east of parking lot entrance for Met Market on lower QA.