It’s something you did. At times it actually was about peace and love, although it may seem strange now.
Then some people did bad things before you were born, and therefore you are all Marxists. Sins of the father you know.
If NRO, the Doughy Pantload and Eric Earling should last for a thousand years, people on the right will still babble: you are all dirty fucking hippies.
Luckily our finest hour is very nearly upon us. Never before have so many contributed to the defeat of so few.
This guy voted Rossi.
Thank you automated BIAW commenter. Truly amazing.
It’s hard for me to believe that anyone connected with BIAW could be respectable.
Whatever happened to “latte-drinking, Volvo-driving freaks”?
I remember when young ‘hep-cats’ like Dylan walked the earth unfettered, advising McGeorge Bundy to change his name!
Sadly, Dylan has only regurgitated the talking points rhetoric that Obama’s campaign puts out. Obama hasn’t redefined jack- In his short tenure, he’s taken nearly a billion in earmarks (pork), run negative ads on his opponent while decrying the use of ‘negative ads’ used against himself, reneged on promises he’s made to his challenger and the public(taking public financing) and cowardly refused to have ‘town hall’ meeting type debates where American’s had access to the questions asked of their potential president, which McCain welcomed him to join him in.
Add to this that the Chi-Town Assclown is the product of the wholly corrupt Chicago political machine and you don’t have a ‘redefined politician’, you have the same old cookie cutter jackass that’ll say and do anything to get elected. Dylan’s drunk the kool-aid just like the other Obamabots enamored with his golden (yet forked) tongue and faeiry tale promises.
Only a gullible sot would label this clown Obama as a “redefined politician”.
re 6: …and he’s winning.
re 7: …so was Gore and Kerry back in 2000 & 2004.
Those that don’t learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.
add rickeeedeee to the pudddybitch marko and cyniklown dead-ender club
@ 6 and 8: Little Rick D.(a small mind and a whining wimp)
Here is a small grammer lesson you should have learned last year in third grade:
So WERE Gore and Kerry, not so WAS
Thanks for showing what a fool you are.
Your exagerated claims and lies about Obama are de rigour for republicans.
We have had 8 years of mind-numbing stupidity, unnecessary wars, tax breaks for big corporations and the rich, record budget deficits and corruption like we have never seen with Abramoff, DeLay, Duke Cunningham, Doolittle, Stevens, Young and Palin.
Yet you choose to parrot the same old republican lies. Obama takes NO PAC money – so muc for the corruption attacks. Obama has no 527’s – unlike McCain and the republicans – who funnel unlimited corporate money into negative ads.
The billion in earmarks is a flat out lie – it has been disproved over and over. You may have heard it on right wing talk radio – but here is a big clue for you – they lie.
The town hall meetings is a sad little whine – your guy lost the debate and has no policies for America’s future. He is reduced to yelling “socialist” against a tax policy HE voted against and that only restores taxes to the rich that used to be there.
McCain and the republicans have shown themselves to have no plans for the future and to reuse old and tired and meaningless attacks.
Your post is emblematic of the lack of any facts, of the reuse of lies and the pathetic tenor and level of thought of the republicans.
Thanks for being so stupid!
Another lie from little Ricky Dumbass: Obama rose in Chicago politics almost completely apart from the machine. The machine generally supported Obama’s opponents and only threw their support to Obama when it had to.
Poor little Ricky Dumbass – one of the true Bush-loving dead enders, lying like a slavish fool.
Here is the latest in republican good news – this is why John McCain said the fundamentals of the economy were strong (over and over) until last month.
Exxan has posted record profits – once again (the third time now in the last two years) thanks to Bush – Exxon has posted profits that exceed what any corporation has EVER made.
And John McCain wants to give them MORE tax breaks while our government has record budget deficits.
Republicans: Making sure the greedy can eat all they want while the rest of us starve.
Little Ricky D
I would suggest you get a prescription for some tranquilizers before November 4. That will be a very hard day for you. And, take it seriously when your doctor tells you not to wash down the pills with your usual daily bottle of Monarch vodka.
Ford owns Volvo, so the Volvo drivers are really just driving Fords.
From the Goldmark campaign:
Between Hairspray and The Groper we’ve made the righties blow through quite a bit of their war chest. Keep up the good work.
re 8: I guess that means you are going to try and steal the election again.
How did that work out for you in 2006?
Tell me about learning what from history? I guess people who get hi-jacked by criminals pretending to be patriots just aren’t good history students.
Remember yesterday I was musing about whether the Fed might consider reducing the interest rate it charges to loan money to banks from one percent to zero? Well, today the financial press (Reuters, etc.) is openly discussing the idea. That’s right…zero percent…they’ll be giving the Wall Street biggies money for free
So, you can’t help but ask…if they can give away our money to a bunch of well-dressed crooks….why do the rest of us have to pay to borrow our own money back?
I see none of the usual assclowns assembled here couldn’t dissect my argument made @ 6 over 12 hours ago. Just as advertised, there is no intelligent life here on Planet Goldy. The turd @ 10 tries to, but cites no sources to counter my facts (like or, you know credible sources and not the DailyKos and Huffington post.
Thanks for making my point for me, kiddies.
You failed to make a single valid argument @6 for us to dissect.
You may want to brush up.
@ 20 ~ linking to wiki? I knew Goldy’s barnyard inbreds were stupid, but you kiddies are proving even worse than I had imagined. I’ll let you try again to counter the post @ 6 in your own words and backed with facts provided with sources other than the usual hate sites you visit like DailyKos and HuffingtonPost.
Up for it, princess?
You’re correct in saying that I can not counter what you’ve said in post #6. I’ll refer you back to post #20 as to why.
The information in the Wiki page and the other link I posted are, unlike your screed, perfectly valid.
Right. Thanks for playing.