I don’t see the Union label at your DL events, the car you admit is foreign made, or any of your jobs. Why is it that liberals who DON’T pay Union dues, are always the first to tell us that DO pay Union dues the benefits of OUR contributions? Tell you what Goldy, instead of holding your DL at a non-union establishment, why don’t, for 1 night only you hold it at a Union establishment, and invite ONLY people that drive UNION MADE AUTOS! Entry will require an ACTIVE or retired UNION card (only Union members allowed to attend) Oh wait, that would mean most of you who attend regularly wouldn’t be able to attend. I forgot about your hypocrisy. My Union sticker is on the back of my UNION made auto, how many Union stickers do you see next to a democrat bumper sticker on a FOREIGN auto?
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
Well, since Republicans have spent the past 3 decades busting unions, all that may be a little hard to find.
But you know that. You are not an idiot — just an asshole.
Oh, ignore “Fireman.” He’s a fraud. Probably just some BIAW intern paid to troll liberal blogs.
Daddy Lovespews:
Go union!
Fireman: name the union taverns in Seattle.
Oh, and:
– Do you wear only union-made clothing? Shoes?
– Do you eat only union-picked, union-processed meats and produce?
– Do you complain about the NEA?
change in timespews:
I work around union firefighters all the time, and can not believe the number of them who swallow the kool-aid spewed by right-wing nut-jobs.
1 Your remark about bumper stickers reminds me of the one I saw years ago that said “SAVE THE WHALES! BOYCOTT JAPANESE GOODS!!!!” It was on a Datsun.
Tell ya what, man. Please direct us to a union establishment of eating and drinking–preferably one where the staff really gets union wages rather than filling out boiler-plate paperwork and accepting less. (That sort of stuff has gone on in the hospitality industry forever.) We’ll crank up our old Mercury (union-made, albeit like all those Crown Vic cop cars, in Canada) and I’m afraid I don’t belong to a union but maybe you’ll be so kind as to honor my wife’s WSNA card.
Maybe, depending on where it is, we’ll come in a union-built bus with a union driver.
Libertarian Guyspews:
Union or otherwise no sailor should ever give up his ship without a fight
IAFF Firemanspews:
MaMa Hate,
The WESTIN is a SEIU UNION hotel with a lounge area.
It is telling though, how you seem to be able to make excuses about why you CAN’T hold a DL at a Union establishment, instead of just admitting your hypocrisy or just plain making it happen.
And no, I don’t buy 100% Union. But then again, I am not the one posting on a Blog the benefits of belonging to one (without ever having paid Union Dues), or claiming to a friend of the Union (and driving a foreign made auto and giving business to Non-Union establishments.). No, that is Goldy and the rest of you libs that want everyone else to do what you aren’t willing to.
You think WE drink the kool-aide? The IAFF gives somewhere in the area of 35% of it’s policitcal contributions to Republicans, because not all dems are good for labor, and certainly aren’t always good for our issues. The only person drinking any kool aide sounds like you.
Art Fart and everyone else… why won’t Goldy hold a Union Members only DL (besides the fact that he has never belonged to a Union and works as a scab in teh radio industry)? Why not show your support for the AMERICAN UNION WORKER!!! How about this, why doesn’t Goldy offer to give the Seattle Area average SEIU union dues per month for the next 24 months, to the SEIU union?
Piper Scottspews:
For the SEIU to pirate what one of the crewman of the Maersk Alabama said is a total crock! That seaman is employed in the PRIVATE sector, and belongs to a union that supports a strong national defense and the capitalist system.
The SEIU, on the other hand – and I speak as a former SEIU business agent and organizer – is the biggest brigand around when it comes to raising your taxes, spending government money, and seeking to own and operate politicians.
The SEIU’s primary purpose is in amassing the largest pot of union dues that it can then spend to get its cronies elected to office so that they can do the union’s bidding…all at the expense of Washington taxpayers.
The SEIU wants to kill jobs and the ability of family members to care for loved ones by its promotion of current legislation in Olympia.
The SEIU is anti-democratic and anti-secret ballot by its support of card check, which, as a former organizer, I can tell you will result in bullying, intimidation, falsification of representation cards, and much more. It’s the most un-American piece of legislation Congress has considered since the Alien & Sedition Act.
And the SEIU would no doubt be first in line to cut funding for military special operations such as Navy Seals…You remember them, don’t you? The experts who popped three bullets into three heads of three pirates resulting in the liberation of Capt. Richard Phillips?
The SEIU is so organizationally impotent that it has to buy new members by leveraging muscle in the legislature to force people into membership.
It’s the SEIU who are today’s pirates.
The Piper
“It’s the SEIU who are today’s pirates.”
You’ve got the demonization thang down, now are you going to follow through and kill them all? Or will you wash your hands of guilt when those you hope to incite to violence do it for you?
Piper Scottspews:
@10…Steve (an original Know-Nothing)…
Do you write your own material, or do you pay someone to do it for you? Either way, it remains cliche-driven…and pathetic. It also comes from a king of demonization, so tagging me thus is the pot calling the kettle black.
When I call a shovel a shovel…I have evidence to support it. You do it because of an absence of factual or intellectual argument – yours is knee-jerk sophistry.
The basic fact remains that the SEIU harked what the crewman said for its own purposes. On the front end of the whole incident, the SEIU is fundamentally on the other side. Are you?
The Piper
More namecalling. Is that all you have? You know what they say about that, don’t you?
Other side? The other side of you, most definitely. I do write my own material, though I do owe some credit to those on the right for serving as willing punch lines.
You’ve equated the SEIU “pirates” a week after pirates were shot dead. I call a spade a spade. Your equating the SEIU to pirates is no different than all the times I’ve read of liberals being equated to terrorists, Godless heathens, and traitors. And that’s just the book titles. Your game is to spew eliminationist rhetoric. In doing so, you play a dangerous game. Dangerous for our nation. Dangerous for you. It just might come back to bite you in the ass.
Piper Scottspews:
@12…Steve (rapidly moving up the Know-Nothing food chain)…
Your tough-guy talk is a yawner…
And the “incitement-to-violence” mumbo jumbo is stale and, again, cliched garbage. Just what have you got against the First Amendment?
The facts are the facts: in Olympia and politically, the SEIU are pirates – they’re seeking to wrest control of state funds for their own purposes. Any claim of theirs that they act in the interests of the people at large is hogwash.
Again…this from a former SEIU business agent and organizer. I speak from experience having seen it on the inside. It’s a power grab.
You have yet to cite any evidence to the contrary, while I’ve cited beaucoup evidence in support of my assertion.
Dump the strawman garbage and stick to the issues. Or can you?
The Piper
More namecalling from Piper. Tough guy talk by me? I call you out for your eliminationist rhetoric and that’s what you come up with? You say that “the “incitement-to-violence” mumbo jumbo is stale and, again, cliched garbage.” Tell that to those gunned down in their church while the perp wrote of killing every liberal on Goldberg’s list of 100 American enemies. How about you telling the families of the dead that their loved one’s death is nothing to you but “cliched garbage” and “mumbo jumbo”. Those deaths were recent. Those deaths were very real. Those deaths were the direct result of right-wing incitements to commit violence against liberals.
You still call the SEIU pirates. You do so knowing full well that pirates are in the news and that they’ve been killed. Your eliminationist message is clear. You’re hoping to incite violence against the SEIU. Apparently you haven’t the stomach to do the deed yourself. More likely you’re hoping that manoftruth or watchmanonthewall will do it for you?
Beaucoup evidence? WTF? You’ve brought nothing here except hate and namecalling. And you say were an attorney? Good grief, man! Or was that a headhunter? Hmm. Or maybe a union organizer? What? A journalist? Jack of all trades, master of none.
Straw man garbage? Stick to the issues? Piper, do you really not understand? The issue at hand is your message of hate and your attempt to incite violence against the SEIU.
Go ahead, call me more names. Hate and namecalling. That’s all you’ve got.
I don’t see the Union label at your DL events, the car you admit is foreign made, or any of your jobs. Why is it that liberals who DON’T pay Union dues, are always the first to tell us that DO pay Union dues the benefits of OUR contributions? Tell you what Goldy, instead of holding your DL at a non-union establishment, why don’t, for 1 night only you hold it at a Union establishment, and invite ONLY people that drive UNION MADE AUTOS! Entry will require an ACTIVE or retired UNION card (only Union members allowed to attend) Oh wait, that would mean most of you who attend regularly wouldn’t be able to attend. I forgot about your hypocrisy. My Union sticker is on the back of my UNION made auto, how many Union stickers do you see next to a democrat bumper sticker on a FOREIGN auto?
Well, since Republicans have spent the past 3 decades busting unions, all that may be a little hard to find.
But you know that. You are not an idiot — just an asshole.
Winkydink @2,
Oh, ignore “Fireman.” He’s a fraud. Probably just some BIAW intern paid to troll liberal blogs.
Go union!
Fireman: name the union taverns in Seattle.
Oh, and:
– Do you wear only union-made clothing? Shoes?
– Do you eat only union-picked, union-processed meats and produce?
– Do you complain about the NEA?
I work around union firefighters all the time, and can not believe the number of them who swallow the kool-aid spewed by right-wing nut-jobs.
1 Your remark about bumper stickers reminds me of the one I saw years ago that said “SAVE THE WHALES! BOYCOTT JAPANESE GOODS!!!!” It was on a Datsun.
Tell ya what, man. Please direct us to a union establishment of eating and drinking–preferably one where the staff really gets union wages rather than filling out boiler-plate paperwork and accepting less. (That sort of stuff has gone on in the hospitality industry forever.) We’ll crank up our old Mercury (union-made, albeit like all those Crown Vic cop cars, in Canada) and I’m afraid I don’t belong to a union but maybe you’ll be so kind as to honor my wife’s WSNA card.
Maybe, depending on where it is, we’ll come in a union-built bus with a union driver.
Union or otherwise no sailor should ever give up his ship without a fight
MaMa Hate,
The WESTIN is a SEIU UNION hotel with a lounge area.
It is telling though, how you seem to be able to make excuses about why you CAN’T hold a DL at a Union establishment, instead of just admitting your hypocrisy or just plain making it happen.
And no, I don’t buy 100% Union. But then again, I am not the one posting on a Blog the benefits of belonging to one (without ever having paid Union Dues), or claiming to a friend of the Union (and driving a foreign made auto and giving business to Non-Union establishments.). No, that is Goldy and the rest of you libs that want everyone else to do what you aren’t willing to.
You think WE drink the kool-aide? The IAFF gives somewhere in the area of 35% of it’s policitcal contributions to Republicans, because not all dems are good for labor, and certainly aren’t always good for our issues. The only person drinking any kool aide sounds like you.
Art Fart and everyone else… why won’t Goldy hold a Union Members only DL (besides the fact that he has never belonged to a Union and works as a scab in teh radio industry)? Why not show your support for the AMERICAN UNION WORKER!!! How about this, why doesn’t Goldy offer to give the Seattle Area average SEIU union dues per month for the next 24 months, to the SEIU union?
For the SEIU to pirate what one of the crewman of the Maersk Alabama said is a total crock! That seaman is employed in the PRIVATE sector, and belongs to a union that supports a strong national defense and the capitalist system.
The SEIU, on the other hand – and I speak as a former SEIU business agent and organizer – is the biggest brigand around when it comes to raising your taxes, spending government money, and seeking to own and operate politicians.
The SEIU’s primary purpose is in amassing the largest pot of union dues that it can then spend to get its cronies elected to office so that they can do the union’s bidding…all at the expense of Washington taxpayers.
The SEIU wants to kill jobs and the ability of family members to care for loved ones by its promotion of current legislation in Olympia.
The SEIU is anti-democratic and anti-secret ballot by its support of card check, which, as a former organizer, I can tell you will result in bullying, intimidation, falsification of representation cards, and much more. It’s the most un-American piece of legislation Congress has considered since the Alien & Sedition Act.
And the SEIU would no doubt be first in line to cut funding for military special operations such as Navy Seals…You remember them, don’t you? The experts who popped three bullets into three heads of three pirates resulting in the liberation of Capt. Richard Phillips?
The SEIU is so organizationally impotent that it has to buy new members by leveraging muscle in the legislature to force people into membership.
It’s the SEIU who are today’s pirates.
The Piper
“It’s the SEIU who are today’s pirates.”
You’ve got the demonization thang down, now are you going to follow through and kill them all? Or will you wash your hands of guilt when those you hope to incite to violence do it for you?
@10…Steve (an original Know-Nothing)…
Do you write your own material, or do you pay someone to do it for you? Either way, it remains cliche-driven…and pathetic. It also comes from a king of demonization, so tagging me thus is the pot calling the kettle black.
When I call a shovel a shovel…I have evidence to support it. You do it because of an absence of factual or intellectual argument – yours is knee-jerk sophistry.
The basic fact remains that the SEIU harked what the crewman said for its own purposes. On the front end of the whole incident, the SEIU is fundamentally on the other side. Are you?
The Piper
More namecalling. Is that all you have? You know what they say about that, don’t you?
Other side? The other side of you, most definitely. I do write my own material, though I do owe some credit to those on the right for serving as willing punch lines.
You’ve equated the SEIU “pirates” a week after pirates were shot dead. I call a spade a spade. Your equating the SEIU to pirates is no different than all the times I’ve read of liberals being equated to terrorists, Godless heathens, and traitors. And that’s just the book titles. Your game is to spew eliminationist rhetoric. In doing so, you play a dangerous game. Dangerous for our nation. Dangerous for you. It just might come back to bite you in the ass.
@12…Steve (rapidly moving up the Know-Nothing food chain)…
Your tough-guy talk is a yawner…
And the “incitement-to-violence” mumbo jumbo is stale and, again, cliched garbage. Just what have you got against the First Amendment?
The facts are the facts: in Olympia and politically, the SEIU are pirates – they’re seeking to wrest control of state funds for their own purposes. Any claim of theirs that they act in the interests of the people at large is hogwash.
Again…this from a former SEIU business agent and organizer. I speak from experience having seen it on the inside. It’s a power grab.
You have yet to cite any evidence to the contrary, while I’ve cited beaucoup evidence in support of my assertion.
Dump the strawman garbage and stick to the issues. Or can you?
The Piper
More namecalling from Piper. Tough guy talk by me? I call you out for your eliminationist rhetoric and that’s what you come up with? You say that “the “incitement-to-violence” mumbo jumbo is stale and, again, cliched garbage.” Tell that to those gunned down in their church while the perp wrote of killing every liberal on Goldberg’s list of 100 American enemies. How about you telling the families of the dead that their loved one’s death is nothing to you but “cliched garbage” and “mumbo jumbo”. Those deaths were recent. Those deaths were very real. Those deaths were the direct result of right-wing incitements to commit violence against liberals.
You still call the SEIU pirates. You do so knowing full well that pirates are in the news and that they’ve been killed. Your eliminationist message is clear. You’re hoping to incite violence against the SEIU. Apparently you haven’t the stomach to do the deed yourself. More likely you’re hoping that manoftruth or watchmanonthewall will do it for you?
Beaucoup evidence? WTF? You’ve brought nothing here except hate and namecalling. And you say were an attorney? Good grief, man! Or was that a headhunter? Hmm. Or maybe a union organizer? What? A journalist? Jack of all trades, master of none.
Straw man garbage? Stick to the issues? Piper, do you really not understand? The issue at hand is your message of hate and your attempt to incite violence against the SEIU.
Go ahead, call me more names. Hate and namecalling. That’s all you’ve got.