If you want to know why this state’s Republican Congressmen (and Congresswoman) can’t just laugh off the conspiracy theories surrounding Obama’s citizenship status, take a look at the comment threads of Sound Politics.
UPDATE: More insanity from our trolls:
Its so neat you tards have a cute little name to cover up for a guy born in Kenya. Even the Ambassador himself said his birthplace in “KENYA” was an national attraction for their citizens.
I love this conspiracy theory. There’s simply no lie too outrageous for these clowns to believe. It’s a remarkable study in willful ignorance.
Unless they deny that Obama’s mother was a citizen, it really doesn’t matter where he was born.
It’s wise not to give an inch to these crazies. I’m tired of the lowest common denominator being used to divide the citizenry and deflect us from our course.
Sound Politics:
The sewage pipe and the garbage heap of conservative rumblings.
Rightwingnuts focused on their navels.
The yahoo corner for the birthers and the ignorant, racist Obama haters club.
The Bush cheerleading section for the mentally impaired.
There are a few comentators that have some class on there – but the majority of the gallery is truly mindless, tasteless and classless.
Off topic comments have been deleted
Do a large degree this isn’t surprising. Anytime one party wins an election, a small % fringe group of the other party always denied it happened, or denies it was valid. Bush won in a technical electoral victory. While he didn’t have the popular vote, he DID win. But the voting fraud conspiracies and such dogged him. Lots of Democrats didn’t think W. was “really” the President.
That’s understandable in the passionate if not nutty ends of the spectrum. The only time it gets odd is if the official elected leaders kiss ass TOO much to these folks and actually start repeating the crazy themselves. The main stream elected Republicans need to shut the hell up and keep out of the crazy bin and just let the loonies have their say…they will anyway.
re 2: How much ‘class’ does it take to know that most of your constituency is a bunch of retards that you manipulate?
There is a difference between those who doubted the legitimacy of Bush’s election and those who question Obama’s birthplace. Like Al Gore, when the Supreme Court ruled in Bush v. Gore, I accepted the result. That is because I respect the rule of law, and, ultimately, the Supreme Court decides such issues.
With regard to those questioning Obama’s citizenship? Trust me, they will never get a hearing in front of a Supreme Court that is stuffed with Republicans. Those who questioned Bush’s legitimacy in 2000 were reasonable people. Those who question Obama’s birthplace in 2009 are not. They are simply whackjobs. (I am, however, very grateful for them, as they show us where the contemporary GOP is.)
re 4: “While he didn’t have the popular vote, he DID win.”
Just like the Seahawks won the Superbowl? How do you feel about Kennedy’s win over Nixon?
Its so neat you tards have a cute little name to cover up for a guy born in Kenya. Even the Ambassador himself said his birthplace in “KENYA” was an national attraction for their citizens. Ooooooppppppppssss!
NATIONAL ATTRACTION, ooooooppppppssssss!
When you sit on the shitter, remember that you should wipe after, not before, you shit. I suspect that a guy like you needs to be reminded of such basic information quite often.
You are a sorry bunch of horses asses. I have two horses and this website resembles what is in the pasture.
It is so f’ing awesome that Mark the Redneck is a Birther freak.
Funny thing that Goldy’s right wing trolls pretend some form of rational legitimacy on occassion.
The Birther movement is perfect litmus test for these klowns!
No wonder the other trolls suddenly went silent.
Mark is just too g’damn stupid and drunck to figure out he just dug his own grave. Lovin’ it!!!!
You must be new here. Allow me to introduce you to our resident greeter, Roger…..
(drum roll – and a damn long one…..)
Birthers are just the flip side of the truthers, the Rosie O’Donnells.
C’mon now birthers. If there were anything to this stuff Hillary would have dislodged it and used it, and be president today.
You know, “crazy mark” and his attempt to place an unsourced comment over the State of Hawaii’s official pronouncements aside, the birther insistence on “long form” is quite transparently beating a most assuredly dead horse.
Ooh, Obama got all of the state officlas of Hawaii to put their careers and sacred honor on the line for him! He spent $1 million (never supported as to stuff like “on what” or “to whom” or “and here’s the receipt”) covering this up! I never understood what the “this” is that it costs a million bucks to cover up, since all he has to do to keep the long form out of the public is to merely decline to request it.
Republicans will believe absolutely anything except a fact.
Republican illogic:
Obama spends a million bucks on a nefarious, complicated, and successful plot to cover up his birth but never talks to the AMBASSADOR FROM KENYA. Uh-huh.
Oh noes! Obama and his $$$ got to him. Ambassador from Kenya says that his interview was selectively edited and he was talking about Obama’s FATHER’S birthplace. Surely this could not really be the case.
All they have to do to prove it is release the original tape. Why won’t they release the tape? What are they trying to hide? Joseph Farah has spent $1 million to keep this tape secret!
Seriously, Mark, get some help. It is no longer humorous when it is evident that you have lost even incidental contact with reality and fact.
The “banned travel to Pakistan” is my favorite bit. (Look up state department travel advisory Birthers. “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.”)
There is one in place right now for Kenya. But for $3,100 I can roll down to SeaTac tomorrow and get on a flight to Nairobi.
There is one in place right now for Pakistan. $1700 will get you to Karachi in time for dinner on Thursday. (I for one am somewhat stunned that it is nearly half as much to fly to a potential war zone than it is to go on Safari.)
There is one in place for Columbia. Flight to Bogata…$900.
It’s so cute that the Birthers are so willing to beleive a whole bunch of elements of the story that are patently and provably false to arrive at a false conclusion.
That’s the best argument to use against birthers I’ve seen.
#7 – No Bush won in 2000 because we have an antiquated and odd system of election for President (the electoral college). It’s not always fair, but it IS possible for someone to lose the popular vote and win the Presidency. That ALWAYS pisses off the other side (whoever it is) but it’s just the way the system is designed. I think the electoral college needs to go, but that’s another issue. Yes Florida was, and folks ‘assume’ if the Court ruled differently Gore might have won. Maybe (personally wish he ha). But regardless of how the Supreme Court ruled, it was a CLOSE election and someone was going to be pissed (like our last Gov race, or Al Franken vs Coleman). When it’s crazy close, the looser will always bitch.
In Obama’s case, it’s harder for them because it wasn’t close. It was nearly (on technical term) a landslide. A clear popular choice. So win they lost on popular vote, and electoral vote, by a wide margin, no choice than to make up some crazy. And they did…
But McCain doesn’t dispute Obama’s birth. Neither did Hillary. Neither did ANY of the other Presidential candidates. All of them have looked at the official documents certified by a Republican governor. For f**ks sake there were TWO birth announcements in local papers. Hard to insert from Kenya. Unless it was a LONG term conspiracy! LOL
Even his own grandmother spilled the beans. Either way, Obama is shaping up to be the WORST president in history. The honeymoon is over. I thought it would take longer but he is so retarded and it shows more and more every day. Funny as hell but man is it costing US alot.
22 – You mean you’re not one of birthers? Why not? That crap is totally consistent with everything else you’ve brought to the table here.
You must be getting soft.
24 m
Even his own grandmother spilled the beans.
Another “edited tape” lie. Conservatives conveniently snipped off the part where the family realizes the mistake in translation and repeatedly insist to the interviewer that he was born in Hawaii. Listen to it for yourself.
Err, selective editing is the ONLY way you can make a drunk right winger like Mark make sense.
Notice how HA’s usual drooling right wing trolls skip these Birther threads – they’re too scared to be pinned against the wall on this conservative litmus test question!!!
Mark not tOo sMarT. Mark not noTicE tHat thiS conSpIraCy theOry wilL hAuNt hiM 4evEr on thESe tHrReads.
Here’s the perfect irony: mentally ill right wing Birthers adopted this idiotic conspiracy from the Hillary Clinton Campaign!
YLB @ 25: smart conservatives know how to keep their mouths shut at the right times. Marvin is just a good liar.
If you’re a conservative, and wish to survive politically, most of the stuff that pops into your head has to stay there. Especially all the racist and xenophobic stuff…you know, the Southern Strategy stuff which has kept the Republican Party viable nationally since 1968.
which troll hasn’t “denounced” the birther rumor?
Is it true the rumor was started by philip berg, long time democrat, a lawyer that filed a suit against bush and a staunch hillary backer/supporter during the primaries?
Just asking.
I must be.
Did you see what that unwashed hippie left-wingnut communist socialist My Left Foot said about me yesterday?
Downright offensive.
Marvin, it is true about Philip Berg. HA’s clueless wondermoron can look up that Puddyism delivered last year on HA. clueless wondermoron has all the HA Puddyisms “cached”, or so he claims.
If you are axking clueless wondermoron to remember something from yesterday, you are wasting your breath!
Marvin as you wrote yesterday, clueless wondermoron agrees with Ann Coulter. Unfortunately for clueless wondermoron, Ann Coulter is way more intelligent than clueless wondermoron!
I believe O-blah-blah was born in Hawaii…and he is full of shit too!
A quart low??
I regret the joke because O-blah-blah is actually OVERFLOWING with his own bullshit.
The public has clearly caught on to this Marixst KLOWN….
How much damage can O-blah-blah do in the next 3 years??
Not much if the Blue Dog Dems stay together and the Conservative Democrat Senators stick to their core beliefs.
And let’s not forget, employed.
Hey ylb, if you send some links of your comments to ann she might pay you to let her include them in her next book.
Just a suggestion, trying to help my fellow human ylb.
Two problems I have with YLB’s claim to have been “between jobs” the last 5 years. It presumes:
1) YLB ever actually had a job
2) YLB will ever actually get a future job.
FYI…Hard to be “between jobs” YLB.
You need to have jobs to be between!!
Let’s get the Tip Jar goin’ for YLB!
LOL! Hey other right wing fools whadya think of that one?
Does Marv know what MLF has done in his lifetime?
LOL! You guys going on and on about Anne Coulter says a lot more about you than it ever can say about me..
Send the proceeds to EFF in my name if you’d like. The Pooper needs his wingnut welfare.
YLB @37——-
This is too damn funny.
Your simple comment YLB, encapsulates the difference between Conservatives and Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS.
You want me to send a contribution IN YOUR NAME…just like you KLOWNS want me to pay taxes to fund your healthcare and other free guv’mint handouts.
Send your own contribution asswipe…and get a friggin’ job so you can support yourself like a REAL MAN!
38 – Hey you brought it up. What else do you pass a tip jar for if you’re not in the giving mood?
And EFF? Why do you hate right wing stink tanks Klynical?
I gave you a choice even. No class…
I hear you Klyn.. Just look at these “layabouts”..
Gee if only they didn’t turn up their collective noses at working for Wal-Mart.
This is the gift that just keeps on giving. I hope they combine another Teabagger rally with a Birther movement.
This fantasy only appeals to the hardcore 20% or so that still identifies themselves as a Republican. The “Palin 2012” crowd.
Moderate Republicans, conservative independents, and moderates in the center consider this the unhinged, out of step, out of touch with mainstream American issues crowd.
To honestly believe that some foreign national could simply forge a birth certificate and become the President of the United States of America, Commander in Chief of our armed services, the person who could give the order to launch nuclear missiles, the single most powerful person on the planet is simply foolish at best.
No one who’s concerned about their jobs, keeping their homes, planning for retirement, paying medical bills is going to interested in voting for the party of BAD ideas and retarded constituency. Period.
The “Birthers” are to the 2010 elections what Mark Foley was to the 2006 elections and McCain saying “The fundamentals of the economy are strong” in 2008.
Please, please, please, please keep up the Teabagger / Birther movement. Please.
For once, your unfounded gibberish is helping America solve its problems.
Thank you.
I believe the “other right wing fools” would find the humor in it.
Do you see the humor now?
It’s symbolic, but Democrats have scored a victory [of sorts] over nine House Republicans who signed on to the so-called “Birther” bill — getting them on the record in support of a resolution that explicitly states that President Obama was born in Hawaii.
So how did the vote go?
waxman did not vote.
What do you mean Waxman didn’t vote? The l’il global warming general didn’t vote?
I believe the dnc brought all of this on themselves, they started the birth certificate issue with John Mccain.
It is funny how an american citizen can attend school on a Fulbright scholarship,since they are intended for foriegn students.