From Media Matters:
Fox’s Carlson offers no criticism of guest’s suggestion Pelosi is a Nazi
Fox guest at town hall: “If Nancy Pelosi wants to find a swastika, maybe the first place she should look is the sleeve of her own arm.” Fox & Friends hosted David Hedrick, who at a town hall for Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA), stated:
HEDRICK: I also heard you say that you’re going to let us keep our health insurance. Well, thank you. It’s not your right to decide whether or not I keep my current plan or not. That’s my decision. Now, I’ve heard recently in the media you and some other people on the political stage call us brownshirts because we opposed —
BAIRD: No, I did not. No, I did not. What I said was — and I’ve apologized for it, sir.
HEDRICK: OK, well, thanks for apologizing. But let — I won’t speak to you, then. I’ll speak to others. But I’ll remind you — a little history lesson. The Nazis did not — the Nazis were the National Socialist Party. They were leftists. They were — they took over the finance. They took over the car industry. They took over health care in that country. If Nancy Pelosi wants to find a swastika, maybe the first place she should look is the sleeve of her own arm.
Now, what I want to know is, you’ve done a lot of things that violate your constitutional oath, as you know. What I want to know is, as a Marine, as a disabled veteran that served this country, I have kept my oath. Do you ever intend to keep yours?
Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson aired a clip of Hedrick comparing Pelosi a Nazi, but did not condemn his remarks or criticize Hedrick for them. Indeed, at no point in the interview did Carlson address Hedrick’s comment. Instead, Carlson introduced Hedrick as “the Marine vet who took the congressman to task” and said only that his remarks got “quite the response.” [Fox & Friends, 8/24/09]
And just for the record, only a person completely ignorant of 20th Century history would make the ridiculous claim that because the Nazis had the term “socialist” in their name that they were “leftists.” For example:
The directive ordered that SA and SS men were to be employed in the planned .’ occupation of trade union properties and for the taking into protective custody of personalities who come into question.” At the conclusion of the action the official NSDAP press service reported that the National Socialist Factory Cells Organisation had “eliminated the old leadership of Free Trade Unions” and taken over the leadership them selves. Similarly, on the 3rd May, 1933, the NSDAP press service announced that the Christian trade unions ” have unconditionally subordinated themselves to the leadership of Adolf Hitler.” In place of the trade unions the Nazi Government set up a German Labour Front (DAF), controlled by the NSDAP, and which, in practice, all workers in Germany were compelled to join. The chairmen of the unions were taken into custody and were subjected to ill-treatment, ranging from assault and battery to murder.
So the Nazis were such “leftists” that they took over the trade unions and murdered their leaders. Yeah, um, okay.
But since we’re living in a post-fact, post-reality era, I guess history doesn’t really matter much either. It’s just a collection of invective to be hurled as the situation arises; one day it’s socialism, another day it’s Naziism, another day it’s Scientology, whatever. If they feel it, it’s true, because others in the tribe say it’s true. Feelings are true, facts are not true.
Pretty soon they’ll call us Vikings and accuse us of invading England. Well, they won’t do that, because that would involve actual knowledge of history, but you know what I mean.
There is no meaning, Winston thought, as he drained the last of the Victory Gin.*
*May not be an actual literary quote, it’s more of a feeling
So this is what it has come down to, the degree to which Brian Baird is/is not like a Nazi?
Is there any support in the American Nazi movement for Obama? Could someone name one Nazi that supports Obama.
I heard on Bill Maher that Glenn Beck is coming out with a new book called: “Painting with Poop: It’s fun and easy!”
This is “debate” in America?
It wasnt so long ago that those on the left were calling Bush “hitler” and “nazi”… how things seem to come full circle.
It would suck if this kinda reaction is what they wanted, since it would totally derail the conversation.
@4 So you are in favor of comparing mainstream American poltical figures to Hitler. Do I have that right?, you have it wrong.
I think people who use the “hitler” card or “nazi” card are fucking idiots…on both sides.
Very akin to those who always the race card.
DeVore is back again…
Where was your condemnation for Pelosi saying “They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.” Jonny? Puddy is still waiting for Pelosi to produce that swastika she claims she saw.
Gee, if Hedrick is a disabled vet, then isn’t his “current plan” V.A. health care ?
So he’s accusing Pelosi of trying to take away his V.A. medical care? I think he’s confusing her with somebody else.
Anyway, Mr. Hedrick, thank you for your service and welcome home!
I used to think Republicans running the country was pretty awful, but now I think some folks deserve to have Republicans run the country.
Pelosi is a witch….god knows why anyone would vote for that self promoting scam artist.
Does anybody really think that her priority is what is best for the nation? hahahah, fools…she is a politician, and her priority is what is best for her re-election.
Fuck ’em. There’s no reasoning with these people. Just pass a progressive health care reform bill and make ’em eat shit.
@4 The difference is you Republicans behaved like Nazis when you were in power, and you still behave like Nazis when you’re out of power.
Calling Republicans “Nazis” isn’t name-calling, it’s just stating facts.
“tribe” is right. This is all about tribalism. I used to say Republicans are still living in the 19th century. Boy was I ever wrong! They never made it out of the Stone Age.
@13..LMFAO…..ahhhh, here we go with the “your a republican” and “you act like a nazi” stuff.
You really are a pathetic, bitter old man Roger. I am neither a nazi or republican – I am an American.
People like you are the problem. Just die already so we can put this nation back together again…we dont need your type of divisiveness – and take all the piece of shit party R and D lemmings with you.
@14…..thank you for proving my point.
@16 Got a problem with my behavior? Why? I used to be a Republican and learned this stuff from you guys, you know.
Limbaugh comparing a symbol for the Obama program to a Nazi symbol, repeated use of posters with a “Hitler moustasche” added, get real Pud. The comparison to Hitler has been repeatedly made.
and there’s this:
Fox News Radio’s Tom Sullivan aired “side-by-side comparison” of speeches by Hitler and Obama
And 904,000 others on Google
@18..I really dont care about your mindless behavior. Your an old fool who was once a R lemming who is now a D lemming.
Pretty pathetic if you asked me. Your wife and kids must be real proud…NOT.
Time magazine reports that President Obama will announce tomorrow he will reappoint Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve Chief.
Re 18″
Not really got a problem silly rabbit. You aren’t relevant enough to have a problem with.
By the by, the reason for being annoyed by the admittedly impolite and unhelpful people disrupting town halls and the like is the same as that for being annoyed with Bush 1. He lied about raising taxes and that probably scotched his re-election campaign. This was because people expected republicans to be honest. Billy Joe Jim Bob Clinton lies, obstructs justice, perjures himself and makes a general sorry and embarrassing mess of the White House and no-one had a problem. Why? Because it was expected that the man was a dishonest corrupt bastard.
The problem with republicans, if such they are, being uncivil is that it’s so out of character. Generally the rude impolite and disruptive behavior comes from the left.
So who is THIS dumbfuck?
K…I agree, its pretty lame….yet no less lame than the “bush is hitler” froth and spittle that was hurled over the last few years.
Funny thing is, all these people comparing obama/bush to hitler and the nazis, dont really have a clue about hitler or the nazis.
These types of people(like roger the rodent) operate off of keywords and catch-phrases – not facts or history. Very one dimensional and their rhetoric is only skin deep.
@25..are you yet another party lemming? Let me guess, you kiss the feet of D politicians – tool.
@22 “who is now a D lemming”
You got that right! I’m a Democratic Party hack and liberal propagandist. I’ve never pretended to be anything else.
@25 Dunno. Some fool who gets his panties in a twist over the squeakings of an insignificant little rabbit.
Is it just me, or are the trolls getting more stupid by the second.
@27 And you’re what? An independent who thinks for himself? We have a lot of trolls around here who try to pretend they’re independent thinkers. A few even claim to be Democrats! Oldest trick in the book and doesn’t fool anyone. If you voted Republican at any time in the last 10 years, you’re exactly what I am — a party hack, a lemming, a tool. Because no thinking person could possibly vote Republican. Not that I’ve got anything against that; the more, the merrier! =:-D<
@28…which is why you(and the R’s opposite you) are the problem with US politics and govt in general.
You dont give 3 fucks about this nation – you are party first, nation second – and whats even more pathetic, is that you berate those on the other side for doing the same as you do.
If that isnt fucking pathetic and self-loathing, then I dont know what is.
@30…no, its just you.
@30 It’s not your imagination. It’s easy to suck them in. Just read the last dozen comments and you’ll see what I mean.
more self loathing roger?
HINT: go screw your wife, you will feel better.
I rest my case.
I guess we got some kind of troll attack happening here.
@32 No, actually, I put nation first. I enlisted in the Army and served my country in Vietnam. After the war, I spent my career in public service. And now, in retirement, I’m devoting my time and energy to saving America from Republicans.
Now maybe you think that last statement is some kind of smartass remark. But look at the record of the last 8 years.
Republicans started a war against a country that neither attacked nor threatened us, and which did not have a viable nuclear weapons program. Granted, Saddam was an odious dictator and the world is better off without him, but is that a good enough reason to take 4,000 young Americans’ lives away from them? To tell them sorry, but they don’t get to live their lives, don’t get to have families, don’t get to grow old bouncing grandkids on their knees? I think a little more thought should have gone into this decision before asking that of sacrifice of them.
Republicans kidnapped, tortured, and killed innocent people. Now, I don’t give a damn what they did to the bastards who attacked us on 9/11. I was as moved as everyone else by those awful images of people jumping out of the burning Twin Towers. I’ve always said — I’ve consistently said on this blog — that you can do whatever you want to those motherfuckers and I’ll look the other way. What I’m talking about is the dozens, or hundreds, of innocent Iraqis who were seized, imprisoned, tortured, and in some cases killed by the Bush administration. Simply out of clumsiness. The International Red Cross estimated that 90% of the people held in Abu Ghraib ended up there because they simply in the wrong place at the time wrong. Literally hundreds of detainees were released from Guantanamo back to their native countries by the Bush administration without charges or trials. It’s obvious they wouldn’t have been released if there was any evidence they were complicit in terrorist activities or were dangerous. These people were innocent.
In a couple of cases involving American citizens, Bush held those people for years without charge or trial, or access to lawyers. That’s flat-out unconstitutional. Granted, Jose Padilla is no Boy Scout, but he’s an American citizen and we don’t give our political leaders the authority to decide who has constitutional rights and who doesn’t, nor does that depend on how likeable the person is, or even on what they’ve done. If you’re an American citizen, your government can’t imprison you indefinitely without charge or trial. That’s unconstitutional.
And then there’s the crass politicization of our federal law enforcement system. Just a week or so ago, we received confirmation of what we knew all along, that Karl Rove was “deeply involved” in the firings of the U.S. Attorneys. Those were political firings. And Bush put young and inexperienced political hacks in these very important jobs based solely on their party loyalty. He put loyalty to party above loyalty to nation.
In at least one case, a totally innocent person was railroaded to prison by one of Bush’s partisan hack prosecutors. Here in Washington, a decent and respected man, John McKay, was fired because he refused to file bogus charges in the 2004 election controversy. McKay presided over a very thorough investigation that involved his best staff attorneys and four crack FBI agents, and they found no evidence of a crime, so he refused to file any charges. And was fired for that. How can anyone have confidence in a law enforcement system run like that?
There’s so much more — the horrible mismanagement of the Katrina disaster, the disastrous mismanagement of the economy, the corruption and no-bid crony contracts — it’s endless.
I love my country. I have no respect for Republicans because they deserve none. Respect has to be earned. Our country, today, is in grave danger from the extremist right. Back in the fifties, they wanted to launch a pre-emptive nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. Today, they’re brandishing guns, talking about using violence to overthrow the government that the people elected, and talking about exterminating liberals. That speaks for itself.
And if you ally yourself with people like that, or defend them, or act as an apologist for them, that speaks for itself, too.
@37 He must be a newbie to this blog.
Which reminds me — it’s so rare to get a new troll here that sometimes I forget — as HA’s ex officio greeter it’s my job to inform new trolls of the ad hoc HA posting rules. So, here we go:
(1) This is a liberal blog.
(2) Anyone can post here (except JCH).
(3) There is no censorship.
(4) As liberals our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of wingnut traitors.
(5) No mercy for wingnuts!
(6) Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
(7) klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
@37 Yeah, these newbies come on this blog and think they’re gonna set us liberals straight for God and Country, or some shit like that. Well, the Wehrmacht’s soldiers thought God was on their side, too — they even had belt buckles inscribed “Gott Mitt Uns.” Nazis, wingnuts, it’s all the same — we chew ’em up and spit ’em up, and life goes on as normal on HA. Trolls come and go. Some go pretty fast, like that chickenshit John MacDonald who lasted here only 2 weeks before fleeing back to Stefan’s pathetic little blog.
@40 Trials? Must we?
Hey wingnut trolls! We don’t want you to leave! We love to play with you, as a cat does with a mouse.
@42 It’s a lot of work, but yes, we want the world to know exactly what the Republicans did. It’s for the historical record.
Re-education camps man (wink, wink)…
Is Cheap Trick still here? Or has he fled already? He hasn’t posted for over 40 minutes. I think he’s gone. Wow, that one didn’t last long. The GOP isn’t making trolls like they used to. Probably outsourced that work to China. You get what you pay for.
Cheap Trick was weak anyway.
(Oops, wrong thread)
@44 Well, seeing as how we already know that they’re guilty, then I reckon we can go along with the trials.
heh- Just kidding, trolls. Wingnut-style humor. Don’t worry, us commie-fascist, death panel lovin’, grandma and baby blastocyst murdering Nazis will sooner or later get a handle on that trial thing. heh-
Way to chase off Cheap Trick. The rightwing blowhards always run when challenged. I’d sure never want to be in battle with any of those bastards on my side.
oh yeah, i cant wait for the revolution and we put rahm emanuel on trial. “north american mossad chief, how do you plead to the pillaging of american wealth via the federal reserve?”. GUILTY, COMRADE.
…aahhhh, the voice of reason.
Welcome, you wretched piece of shit. It is so nice to see you on a night when the trolls are out in force. You are the worst of the trolls, sweetheart, so all of us have missed you so much.
proud lefty, what do you expect, for me to take this site seriously when this post starts with criticism of fox for not challenging a nazi charge against pelosi , who FUCKING MADE THE NAZI CHARGE AGAINST AMERICANS WHO PROTESTED……YOU GODDAM IDIOT>>>AM I SCREAMING LOUD ENOUGH FOR YOU???ARE YOU FUCKING DEAF?? PELOSI MADE THE NAZI CHARGE!!!!!!!MORONS
@23 Shit.
Well, it could be worse. He could have nominated Hank Paulson instead.
(Note to trollfucks: See, we actually sometimes criticize our guys because we don’t like what they’re doing. You merely let yours fuck everything up, then suck their cocks and blame our guys while you wipe your chins.)
Until the last few months, the only time I’d ever heard someone confuse Nazis with Communists was my grandmother, when she was well into senility.
Thers covered this ground rather well.
Boycott Beck!
@57, thanks for the link.
You go, Mr. Rabbit! This Rabbit kills fascists!
(Zotz: USAF 72-76)
boycott disney when they celebrate gay pride. you only like boycotts when it suits you. for a smart guy, you’re very hypocritical.
[Deleted —see HA Comment Policy and this may help]
I think Obama playing golf in Elitistville (Martha’s Vineyard) at a time of economic turmoil and the announcement that the 10-year Deficit Projection went up 30% from $7 to $9 TRILLION will really hurt the Head KLOWN even more.
It shows a lack of sensitivity to the unemployed & struggling in our Country AND a lack of disregard for the DEFICIT the vast majority of Americans think OBAMA will make much worse!
Gee you KLOWNS so desperately wanted to be in charge…and look at the mess you have created.
You beat everything, you know that KLOWNS.
You beat everything!!
12. Roger Rabbit spews:
And what is stopping your guys & gals Rog???
Could it be they know doing so is political suicide in 2010??
Seems like you are munching on the shitburger my friend. How does it taste??
35. Mike Damone has Cheap Trick tickets for sale spews:
Bad idea. Mrs. Rabbit is all dried out and sandpaper-y. Do that would make Rog even more angry and unreasonable!
Obama is such a phoney KLOWN.
He is throwing out high-ball deficit numbers now so he can revise them downward later and take political credit for DECREASING THE DEFICIT FROM HIS PREVIOUS OVERSTATEMENT!!
Obama simply cannot transition from politickin’ to governing!!
Governing requires honesty.
Obama is in love with the art of BULLSHIT!!
Cyniklown might be tweakin’…he and the poodlehead BOTH sound like they’ve been up for three days.
@54 Woman of falsehood
Hello! Pelosi simply pointed out that the protesters were carrying posters of Obama looking like Hitler…that is not a Nazi charge…that is a fact.
Now we have idiots who claim that the Nazis were left wing….maybe they forgot their entire history of WWII. WE fought FACISM during WWII not socialism…we were allied with the Russia (the socialist cuntry) and England (who later got socialized medicine).
Wow, some idiots know so little about history they make it up …..
@49 Yep, we’ll eventually get a handle on it, but let’s practice on them first.*
* Ha ha ha! Wingnut joke.
@55 “See, we actually sometimes criticize our guys”
Actually, Bernanke was one of Bush’s guys, and Obama is merely letting him stay on.
@59 Nah, I just kick ’em where it hurts. We don’t want to kill them, because they won’t feel any pain if they’re dead.*
* Ha ha ha! Wingnut joke!
And let’s never forget about the 10s of thousands of Iraqis who have perished due to the turmoil brought about by the invasion and occupation. The total body count is between 92,000 and 655,000 or even higher. This is a catastrophe. Did we learn nothing from Vietnam?
Millions have been displaced and have left Iraq altogether.
Remember, before Bush invaded Iraq there was no al Qaeda in Iraq. Bush and his criminal gang did not care one whit about unintended consequences.
They were lusting after the oil.
@63 Obviously you haven’t been reading any news lately. The Democratic leaders of Congress said they’d give GOPers until September to cooperate on putting together a bipartisan health care reform bill. After that, Democrats will go it alone. So what’s “stopping” them? Well, they’re keeping their word. Also, Congress isn’t in session right now. But — as it’s now clear that GOPers won’t participate in health care reform legislative — in a few weeks you’ll see the Democratic leadership moving a bill forward. Make no mistake, goatfucker, Congress will pass a health care reform bill this fall. And the toddlers on your side of the aisle will kick and scream and threaten a military coup and all that, but the only thing that will happen is President Obama will sign the bill and it will become the law of the land and all the little boys and girls who have been throwing temper tantrums will eat shit, just like I said above.
So what are you gonna do about it, hey?
@71 “They were lusting after the oil.”
Well, oil is an interesting problem, because at $73 a barrel there isn’t enough of it. Just this morning, I read in the news about a prediction that “it won’t take much to push oil over $100 a barrel.” I agree with that.
You see, the world’s major sources of cheap-to-extract oil have been in production for 50 to 75 years, and are getting old and tired. Also, demand has grown to the point where those sources can’t fill all the demand. So, what we have now is a global oil market consisting of a mix of cheap oil (e.g., Saudi Arabia, where oil costs $2.50/bbl. to extract) and expensive oil from the arctic, deep sea, and tar sands. For example, the huge new offshore finds in Brazil are economically viable only when oil is above $80 a barrel.
The bottom line is that oil isn’t going to stay at $73. It probably won’t stay under $100. Gas prices above $4 will become the norm. I’m just sayin’, be ready for that, everyone …
correcttoright. you probably dont watch fox, and i dont watch the other channels, so we’re watching two different versions. but i saw the same interview with pelosi about 6 times when she specifiaclly said “nazis and those carrying swazstikas are attending those rallies” c’mon, she said it. i saw it.
if saddam sold us oil, and now iraq sells us oil, just how in the world did that change/benefit cheney/bush?
its a dumb arguement.
@74 Right. He’s watching the news version and you’re watching the Goebbels version.
@74 mot ..
yes, and the policies these folks are pushing are very similar to those pushed by the Brown Shirts before them.
What else do you call anti-democratic, jingoistic, gun totin, corporate lovin radicals ?????
@75 It’s a beyond-dumb question because both Bush’s and Cheney’s personal fortunes are based on the oil industry and they both benefitted financially from the huge run-up of energy costs that followed Cheney’s secret meeting with energy industry executives that led to systematic price gouging in energy markets.
But hey, don’t let me stop you from filling up your gas guzzling SUV with $4.50 gas …
The Mr. Cynical Quotewatch ….an SJ service for those wanting to be sure not to miss Mr C.
“you probably dont watch fox, and i dont watch the other channels, so we’re watching two different versions. but i saw the same interview with pelosi about 6 times when she specifiaclly said “nazis and those carrying swazstikas are attending those rallies” c’mon, she said it. i saw it.”
Then it was the alcohol talking. You IMAGINE you did, but you didn’t.
Here is the clip to which you refer…on FOX News (specifically on the Bill-O the Clown show), posted by an Obama hater.
No mention of Nazis there, Squirt.
Perhaps you own everyone here an apology.
More of the SJ Mr C quote service:
just trying to help out.
she does NOT use the word nazi in that clip. but…we all equate swazstikas with are you saying all those people attending town halls are nazis? because thats what she implies. do you want to start painting entire groups of people with the same brush?
manoftruth @ 82,
“she does NOT use the word nazi in that clip.”
Hold up there a minute, Squirt, you had a little hissy fit @ 54:
To which correctnotright calmly pointed out @ 67:
your retort @ 74 was
So, it seems your claim that “PELOSI MADE THE NAZI CHARGE” is either a fiction of your own psychoses, or you flat out lied. Which is it, Squirt?
“we all equate swazstikas with are you saying all those people attending town halls are nazis?”
No, I am not saying that “all the people attending town halls are Nazis.” That would be retarded and, objectively, false.
“because thats what she implies.”
No she doesn’t, ya fucking retard. She factually pointed out that, “they’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting.” That is true.
Furthermore she doesn’t even say the folks carrying those symbols are Nazis. She specifically refers to them as “astroturf.” That is a fact.
@82: Yes, christianist, cracker, neo-con and combinations thereof, fascists; fat, little-dick, entitled, ruddy-faced fascists. And some folks who have been scared by the lies of fascist, brownshirt pices of shit.
“…fascism will come to America bearing a flag and a cross…”
Fucking fascist moron…
This whole “the Nazis were leftists because their party was the National Socialist party” idea is not new. It has been a theme re-iterated over and over for several years on right wing radio. It’s only now making its way to the mainstream media. Idiotic or not, they’ve had years to indoctrinate their believers with this idea.
Roger, YLB, Darryl, SeattleJew’s Sockpuppet, Zotz, TJ, Another TJ, correctnotright, proud leftist, Steve…et al.-
You guys DO understand that arguing with these morons is minutes to hours of your lives that you won’t get back…
“You guys DO understand that arguing with these morons is minutes to hours of your lives that you won’t get back…”
So is watching TV. But troll-smacking can be much more entertaining than most of the drivel found on TV.
8 Pud
I “produced” them for you….twice.
…good point. I guess I’ve had a decent amount of fun at their expense. Sometimes I wish they were smarter, though.
You guys DO understand that arguing with these morons is minutes to hours of your lives that you won’t get back…
Well, if you don’t have a time machine it is.
@86 “You guys DO understand that arguing with these morons”
The weirder they get, and they’re starting to act very weird, the less I feel like arguing with them. Darryl carries on, but I find Puddy to have become just about unreadable.
Yes, Klyn and Stupes, the tag team formed and cemented at Scott’s in Edmonds have now fully descended to the depths of some wingnut hell, a realm where reality has no place, populated by birthers, deathers, tea-baggers “gone galt”, weekend militia-men in cammies and fiends who “protest” with metal appendages strapped to their hips, thighs and backs.
Still fun to poke a stick at them once in a while.
The New York Times notes that Lyndon LaRouche is terribly put out that he’s not getting the credit he deserves for injecting the “Obama is a Nazi” meme into town hall meetings. I can confirm that the LaRouchies on the University of Washington campus have been peddling their loony ideas for months now with the visual aid of Obama-with-a-Hitler-moustache posters, so we might as well give credit where credit is due.
Of course, when LaRouche’s conspiracy theories are the focus of our political discourse—hell, when they’re getting any mainstream attention at all—it’s time to step back, take a deep breath, have a good laugh, and look for some rational people to talk to instead. I think we can all agree that when you encounter a LaRouche supporter, the best thing you can do is ignore them. (Taunting may look like fun but generally doesn’t give much satisfaction, and by arguing with a fool you run the risk of being mistaken for one.)
And when Republicans adopt LaRouchies’ talking points, ignore them too.
and so the HA circle-jerk keeps a going….
the only question now is when will rujax remove his tongue from roger’s chocolate starfish.
LMAO @ chased off…I actually have a life – and the pretty blonde was far more enticing last nigh than dealing with you retards…
I hope Mike D’umbfuck isn’t looking…
…Bun E. Carlos is about to jam a drumstick up D’umbfuck’s ass…this oughta be good.
For the record, I wuv a cute, fuzzy widdo wabbit…only nasty motherfuckers like D’umbfuck here don’t like ’em.
Now I’ve heard…SOME SAY, that D’umbfuck here likes goats. He just may be another goatfucking troll.
I’ve heard tell…
Yup, D’umbfuck is another one for the G.(oatfuckers) O.(n) P.(arade) Party…uhhhhh Party.
Oh well…party on.
(how Do they stand the BLEATING????? sick assholes they are)
Sayyyyyyy…does his “pretty blonde” know he does goats? Oh yeah…she’s a blonde.
I’ll be here all week.