If you happen to be stuck at the office this morning with nothing to do, you can watch President Obama sign the health care bill on this webpage (at 8:15am). And if you’re really bored at work today, you can stay on that page and at 11am it will be showing (not advertised, of course) Vice President Joe Biden, Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske, and others laying out for the first time the Obama Administration’s National Drug Control Strategy.
It may not be obvious from seeing my blogging, but there are a number of topics for which I could potentially find agreement with their strategy today (on greater funding for drug treatment, effective education programs for dangerous drugs, even smarter advertising campaigns aimed at warning children about the dangers of drugs like meth and heroin). Unfortunately, the religious adherence to complete prohibition as the only way to deal with certain drugs discredits them right out of the gate, and makes it far more difficult for them to get any of their more sensible initiatives taken seriously.
Biden is introducing. Still time for Puddy, Cynical et al to wrap their heads in Duct Tape to keep them intact.
Heh! Jay Inslee just got some facetime with the President.
Jim McDermott must be in the room too, but I didn’t happen to see him.
Now it’s law. Wall Street, the barometer of the “free market” reacts to the socialist takeover of 1/3 of our economy by a historic crash! Oh no, sorry, I meant it continues it’s slow upward creep, now at 10,822, the HIGHEST since Obama (and his secret Muslim Kenyan army) took over our government. LOL
How come Glen Beck, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh “know” this will destroy our economy, but Wall Street doesn’t seem to care. I’m beginning to think they might be…gulp…wrong! Golly, if this keeps up I might question whether or not Obama really IS a secret Muslim out to outlaw Christianity, ban Christmas and take our guns as part of a secret plot by Kenya to take over our nation. Golly, I don’t know WHAT to think now!
The ceremony brought tears to my eyes. Damn, it’s nice to have a government that works for the people. Damn, it’s nice to have a president with cojones. Damn, it’s nice to wallow in the wailing of wingnuttia.
I can’t wait for them Death Panels to start up! I also look forward to the ritualized, and government sponsored, pull-the-plug-on-wingnuts Obama Youth Corps campaigns.
Additionally, it will be fun watching the Republicans renew their focus on defeating job creation, filibustering attempts at regulating the psycopathic financial industry and denouncing middle east peace efforts!
I have a secret. I heard it from a caller on Hannity a minute ago. “This Obaination is a dictator.” (Don’t tell anyone, he may be listening.)
I can’t recall the nutters in such a lather in my lifetime. Even Rose Bird didn’t get them this apoplectic.
McCain proclaimed that the R’s strategy henceforth will be obstructionism. How original, inspiriational and politically savy…just what the country needs right now.
Obstructionism is a risky strategy, even if successful. It is a hollow and pointless strategy if unsuccessful. As David Frum said (Bush’s speechwriter), the Rs played for all the marbles and now they don’t have any marbles to play with. The Ds, for once, have shown a spine. A few more wins like this against Republican obstructionism and I think we can play Taps for the old GOP.