Stopped by the Snohomish County Republicans booth at the Evergreen State Fair for some quality time with my buddy Newt. Then went back to hanging with the non-cardboard cutouts down the aisle in the Democrats booth.
Yeah, Newt’s a fine posterboy for those clowns. Voters maybe unhappy with Democrats now, but they remain pissed at Republicans and that dynamic will play out in November.
Liberal Scientistspews:
What? Newt? Isn’t Dino good enough for the SnoCo Rethugs? Were there no cardboard cutouts of Dino available? That doesn’t seem very enthusiastic on their part…isn’t there supposed to be some sort of gap in that department, or something?
Get used to it, you’re gonna see a whole lot more of them come November…
Yeah, doing the perp walk on national TV.
“Since World War II, the House of Representatives has flipped parties on six occasions (1946, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1994, and 2006). Every time, the Senate flipped too, even when it had not been predicted to do so. These few examples do not create an iron law of politics, but they do suggest an electoral tendency.”
Plus pick up 8 governorships
Per Larry J. Sabato, Director, U.Va. Center for Politics September 2nd, 2010
Hows that Obamanomics going?
13.5 Trillion and counting
Continued Job Losses
Obamacare obamanation
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Look! 2 Dummies.
One cardboard dummy…with a job.
One real dummy…with no job.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Mark Centz @ 1
Voters maybe unhappy with Democrats now, but they remain pissed at Republicans and that dynamic will play out in November.
Like most Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS, you remain unjustifiably optimistic.
ImamObaMao is -16 in the Strong Approval Poll and Dems are in trouble everywhere.
ImamObaMao desperately wants R’s to control the House or Senate.
If that doesn’t happen, he will be Jimmy Carter II you fool.
Don’t you get it?
It’s ALL about ImamObaMao.
You KLOWNS have been duped!
That cut out make it look like the Newt has been Nutri-Fast.
There were 14.9 million unemployed Americans last month. But including people working part-time who would prefer full-time work and those who have given up looking for jobs, 26.2 million people were “underemployed.” The underemployment rate rose from 16.5 percent in July to 16.7 percent in August.
“Summer of Recovery” Not!
And Oh by the way, on your beloved Income tax, the Seattle Times has an article “Volatile income tax will be hard to contain”
During a boom, collections will be above the forecast, and state spending will float upward on a tide of smiles. Then it will end — and legislators will say they are so sorry, they don’t want to do this, they have no other choice but to impose the income tax on the middle class.
So their fetishism of the national idiot Gingrich shouldn’t be a shocker.
I saw john boehner on the tee-vee last night talking smack about how Obama wants to raise taxes on small businesses and how that’s back for America. Only problem being that that Obama wants a tax break for small businesses.
Obama is continuing to prod the Senate to pass a bill that calls for about $12 billion in tax breaks for small businesses, as well as the creation of a $30 billion fund to help unfreeze lending. Republicans have likened the bill to the unpopular bailout of the financial industry.
日本語, 日本語spews:
re 11: Boehner can’t let the facts get in the way of a good ten minute hate.
The only way to get out in front of these guys is with baseless accusations of our own. Now, if only we could find some that are baseless.
Politically Incorrectspews:
People need to stop voting for these Democrats and Republicans. Why do we have to have only 2 political parties? How about a little diversity (and term limits) in our political system?
@6 Cyn:
Seconded. But you forgot also “one with hair, one bald”. LOL.
Good weekend all, even to you Goldy tenderhands. :)
You could always start with laying off 400,000 temporary census workers, but is that really what you care about?
I am always fascinated by those who advocate for reducing taxes on the wealthy because they will then create jobs. I am not sure where this idiocy comes from, but since the vast majority of wealth in the US is generated by the exchange of financial instruments (and not with anything having to do with manufacturing or product development), i just can’t see the top 1% of the state or the nation really creating any jobs at all. Indeed, if the last twenty years are any measure of their use of their wealth, most of the actual working class jobs were outsourced while the tax shelters offshore increased (along with fraud). Keep in mind that those earning $250,000 and more in the state are less than 2% of the population. The very richest do zero work to increase their wealth, as their longterm investments continue to generally increase in value (really, you think they control the daily activities of their investments?). So in a sense, this income tax is predicated on generating revenues that have minimal (at best) effect on the wealth of those who pay, yet will actually create and sustain jobs for the “underemployed.”
They actually have the balls to have a cut-out of Newt?
let’s be clear here – she’s an out of touch elitist who will be a rubberstamp to the Obama administration
Dino talking about Murray? No, it’s some shill from the NRA stumping for Roy Blunt in MO talking about his opponent Robin Carnahan. Not that you can tell the difference, he probably gives the same speech in every state and just changes the names.
That’s all their doing, the R’s all have a script handed down from some political flack in DC and they all just fill in the blanks. Could be Dino talking, could be Roy Blunt, could be the NRA, could be Fox News, it’s all the same and it’s rarely anything true.
My Buddy Barry ImamObaMao is doing real good too– Saturday, September 04, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -21
Barry KNOWS if the R’s don’t win the House, Senate or Both….he is Jimmy Carter II!!
He’s doing his best to screw you guys.
The Rasmussen Polls show the Senate currently
48-45 for the Democrats with 7 toss-up States, including Washington.
Funny you KLOWNS want to win so badly…and Barry ImamObaMao wants to lose because after all, it’s all about Barry ImamObaMao’s legacy.
Comprende dumbasses?
Why is goldy hanging out in Monroe….?
We all know the urban liberals hate the rural types.
rather than showing your face in Monroe, shouldnt you be concentrating on the “fund drive” to keep HA(and your mortgage) paid up?
still waiting to hear if you are paying taxes on those “donations”.
kinda funny..someone who pays no taxes on his “donations” is constantly pontificating for others to pay more out of their pockets in taxes.
Pissed off taxpayer who is sick of supporting scam artists and lazy fucking losers.
Cardboard Cutouts Enthrall Snohomish County Republicans
Agreed. Perhaps the IRS should be looking into whether or not Goldy is following the tax laws with his little bullshit “fund drives”, AKA begging for money. Perhaps someone should check on that….
Actually, that cardboard cutout of Newt utters the most intellent comments’ I’ve ever heard from him:
“Better to remain silent and have people think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”.
Source: Benjamin Franklin (quoted from memory, actual wordage may vary slightly).
# 23, # 25: Figures. The one way to know for certain that you are making an impact is when the Republicans start trying to start investigations to harrass you.
In the early 1970’s it was Nixon and his “enemy’s list”, trying to get IRS audits of journalists, and break-in’s to psychologist’s offices to steal notes on their clients. Lots of other examples in between, including trying to get McDermot prosecuted (and eventually filing a civil suit seeking to bankrupt him) for turning over to journalists a tape recording that was passed to him which showed Newt and Republicans on the House Ethics Committee conspiring to break the law and avoid ethics sanctions imposed upon Newt. Now the wingnuts here want to start an IRS audit of Goldy.
Personally, I’m sure that Goldy has declared his income. But if you want Goldy audited, perhaps the professional wingnuts here should get audited as well. I can’t imagine they keep posting their drivel daily without being paid by someone to do so.
nobody else here is using donations to run a business or pay personal bills.
yes, and audit should be in order…has nothign to do with harrassment..has all to do with making sure people pay their taxes – especially those people who are wanting others to pay more taxes.
perhaps you do not see the irony of the whole thing.
Fuck, I know this much – I wish I could get $25g’s of apparently tax free income to pay my bills.
Yeah, Newt’s a fine posterboy for those clowns. Voters maybe unhappy with Democrats now, but they remain pissed at Republicans and that dynamic will play out in November.
What? Newt? Isn’t Dino good enough for the SnoCo Rethugs? Were there no cardboard cutouts of Dino available? That doesn’t seem very enthusiastic on their part…isn’t there supposed to be some sort of gap in that department, or something?
Get used to it, you’re gonna see a whole lot more of them come November…
Yeah, doing the perp walk on national TV.
“Since World War II, the House of Representatives has flipped parties on six occasions (1946, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1994, and 2006). Every time, the Senate flipped too, even when it had not been predicted to do so. These few examples do not create an iron law of politics, but they do suggest an electoral tendency.”
Plus pick up 8 governorships
Per Larry J. Sabato, Director, U.Va. Center for Politics September 2nd, 2010
Hows that Obamanomics going?
13.5 Trillion and counting
Continued Job Losses
Obamacare obamanation
Look! 2 Dummies.
One cardboard dummy…with a job.
One real dummy…with no job.
Mark Centz @ 1
Like most Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS, you remain unjustifiably optimistic.
ImamObaMao is -16 in the Strong Approval Poll and Dems are in trouble everywhere.
ImamObaMao desperately wants R’s to control the House or Senate.
If that doesn’t happen, he will be Jimmy Carter II you fool.
Don’t you get it?
It’s ALL about ImamObaMao.
You KLOWNS have been duped!
That cut out make it look like the Newt has been Nutri-Fast.
There were 14.9 million unemployed Americans last month. But including people working part-time who would prefer full-time work and those who have given up looking for jobs, 26.2 million people were “underemployed.” The underemployment rate rose from 16.5 percent in July to 16.7 percent in August.
“Summer of Recovery” Not!
And Oh by the way, on your beloved Income tax, the Seattle Times has an article “Volatile income tax will be hard to contain”
During a boom, collections will be above the forecast, and state spending will float upward on a tide of smiles. Then it will end — and legislators will say they are so sorry, they don’t want to do this, they have no other choice but to impose the income tax on the middle class.
We can see it as if it were happening now.
Republicans think Ron Wyden is the senator from Washington.
So their fetishism of the national idiot Gingrich shouldn’t be a shocker.
I saw john boehner on the tee-vee last night talking smack about how Obama wants to raise taxes on small businesses and how that’s back for America. Only problem being that that Obama wants a tax break for small businesses.
re 11: Boehner can’t let the facts get in the way of a good ten minute hate.
The only way to get out in front of these guys is with baseless accusations of our own. Now, if only we could find some that are baseless.
People need to stop voting for these Democrats and Republicans. Why do we have to have only 2 political parties? How about a little diversity (and term limits) in our political system?
@6 Cyn:
Seconded. But you forgot also “one with hair, one bald”. LOL.
Good weekend all, even to you Goldy tenderhands. :)
9 – yaaawwwnnn. Classic paranoid right wing fantasy..
Unhelpful, nihilist…
5 – Heh. Obama should have ginned up a war against Iran. Hell he could have brought Duck! Cheney out of retirement to run it.
Then the midterms wouldn’t have been a problem just like they weren’t for Bush..
Imagine a Sept/Oct Obama jingo tour!
Okay, so who is responsible for the job losses?
Okay, so who is responsible for the job losses?
You could always start with laying off 400,000 temporary census workers, but is that really what you care about?
I am always fascinated by those who advocate for reducing taxes on the wealthy because they will then create jobs. I am not sure where this idiocy comes from, but since the vast majority of wealth in the US is generated by the exchange of financial instruments (and not with anything having to do with manufacturing or product development), i just can’t see the top 1% of the state or the nation really creating any jobs at all. Indeed, if the last twenty years are any measure of their use of their wealth, most of the actual working class jobs were outsourced while the tax shelters offshore increased (along with fraud). Keep in mind that those earning $250,000 and more in the state are less than 2% of the population. The very richest do zero work to increase their wealth, as their longterm investments continue to generally increase in value (really, you think they control the daily activities of their investments?). So in a sense, this income tax is predicated on generating revenues that have minimal (at best) effect on the wealth of those who pay, yet will actually create and sustain jobs for the “underemployed.”
They actually have the balls to have a cut-out of Newt?
Dino talking about Murray? No, it’s some shill from the NRA stumping for Roy Blunt in MO talking about his opponent Robin Carnahan. Not that you can tell the difference, he probably gives the same speech in every state and just changes the names.
That’s all their doing, the R’s all have a script handed down from some political flack in DC and they all just fill in the blanks. Could be Dino talking, could be Roy Blunt, could be the NRA, could be Fox News, it’s all the same and it’s rarely anything true.
Checkout Carnahan’s latest ad:
My Buddy Barry ImamObaMao is doing real good too–
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Barry KNOWS if the R’s don’t win the House, Senate or Both….he is Jimmy Carter II!!
He’s doing his best to screw you guys.
The Rasmussen Polls show the Senate currently
48-45 for the Democrats with 7 toss-up States, including Washington.
Funny you KLOWNS want to win so badly…and Barry ImamObaMao wants to lose because after all, it’s all about Barry ImamObaMao’s legacy.
Comprende dumbasses?
Why is goldy hanging out in Monroe….?
We all know the urban liberals hate the rural types.
rather than showing your face in Monroe, shouldnt you be concentrating on the “fund drive” to keep HA(and your mortgage) paid up?
still waiting to hear if you are paying taxes on those “donations”.
kinda funny..someone who pays no taxes on his “donations” is constantly pontificating for others to pay more out of their pockets in taxes.
Pissed off taxpayer who is sick of supporting scam artists and lazy fucking losers.
Cardboard Cutouts Enthrall Snohomish County Republicans
Agreed. Perhaps the IRS should be looking into whether or not Goldy is following the tax laws with his little bullshit “fund drives”, AKA begging for money. Perhaps someone should check on that….
Speaking of cardboard cutouts: Dino Lamont
Actually, that cardboard cutout of Newt utters the most intellent comments’ I’ve ever heard from him:
“Better to remain silent and have people think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”.
Source: Benjamin Franklin (quoted from memory, actual wordage may vary slightly).
# 23, # 25: Figures. The one way to know for certain that you are making an impact is when the Republicans start trying to start investigations to harrass you.
In the early 1970’s it was Nixon and his “enemy’s list”, trying to get IRS audits of journalists, and break-in’s to psychologist’s offices to steal notes on their clients. Lots of other examples in between, including trying to get McDermot prosecuted (and eventually filing a civil suit seeking to bankrupt him) for turning over to journalists a tape recording that was passed to him which showed Newt and Republicans on the House Ethics Committee conspiring to break the law and avoid ethics sanctions imposed upon Newt. Now the wingnuts here want to start an IRS audit of Goldy.
Personally, I’m sure that Goldy has declared his income. But if you want Goldy audited, perhaps the professional wingnuts here should get audited as well. I can’t imagine they keep posting their drivel daily without being paid by someone to do so.
nobody else here is using donations to run a business or pay personal bills.
yes, and audit should be in order…has nothign to do with harrassment..has all to do with making sure people pay their taxes – especially those people who are wanting others to pay more taxes.
perhaps you do not see the irony of the whole thing.
Fuck, I know this much – I wish I could get $25g’s of apparently tax free income to pay my bills.