It’s not particularly what I want to do during dinner, but I just turned on the gubernatorial debate on Channel 9. It was tough choice, between that, and Two and a Half Men. Ugh.
Anyway, I don’t really expect to do much live-blogging as, well, I’m eating. But we’ll see.
UPDATE (7:04):
Ryan Blethen needs a shave. Or perhaps to fully grow out that beard. I’m not sure.
UPDATE (7:05):
Dino Rossi is a liar and an asshole. I’m just sayin’. (I mean, really. Did you hear that opening statement? What a prick.)
UPDATE (7:12):
Would you have voted for the House bailout. Gregoire said she didn’t know about that one, but she would have voted for senate bill. Rossi wouldn’t answer at all, and went straight back on the attack.
UPDATE (7:18):
Is this effective? I mean, every single one of Rossi’s answers is an attack on Gregoire. All of them.
UPDATE (7:31):
Clearly, Dino Rossi is going for the angry voter vote. I dunno, maybe that’s a good strategy. But he comes off as, well, angry.
UPDATE (7:34):
Two and a Half Men is really looking appealing right about now.
UPDATE (7:35):
There’s a question on water rights. Let’s see how Rossi turns this into an attack on Gregoire….
UPDATE (7:38):
Yup.. the water issue is about “changing the culture in Olympia,” and replacing folks there with “reasonable, responsible people”… you know, unlike that goddamn unreasonable, irresponsible Gregoire.
UPDATE (7:40):
Question on gang violence in Eastern Washington… Rossi attacks Gregoire for releasing sex offenders and violent criminals, blaming her for the death of three police officers. You know, because she’s a bad person. Gregoire answers the question by talking about anti-gang legislation, and focusing on education.
UPDATE (7:46):
Buildergate question! Rossi… allegations were false, but if they were true, there’s nothing wrong with what, you know, I didn’t do. Rossi switches the conversation to talk about voter fraud. Gregoire turns the conversation to the BIAW… Rossi voted 99%… then to her “one Washington” speech.
UPDATE (7:48):
Rossi’s fans in the audience are as angry and rude as he is, trying to shout down the governor.
UPDATE (7:49):
Did I mention that Rossi is a liar and an asshole? Dems were trying to disenfranchise military voters by trying to get him to cop to being a Republican? What bullshit.
UPDATE (7:52):
Now he’s lying about the Spokane compact, and accusing Gregoire of “laundering” money. And this to a question about whether driver licenses should be limited to US citizens. (And by the way, to my friends in the media, Rossi’s ability to lie about the Spokane compact is all your fault. You got it wrong. I told you. And you’ve refused to correct it.)
UPDATE (7:53):
It’s almost over, thank God.
UPDATE (7:56):
Oh god I feel sorry for the governor to have to stand on stage with that prick. I mean really.
UPDATE (7:59):
This was the first gubernatorial debate I watched live, at one sitting. I feel dirty. I need a beer and a shower. Maybe sandblasting.
You know, the media old timers seemed to think that Rossi won the first two debates, but if so, and he was anywhere near the asshole in those debates as he was in this one, then I just have to assume our media is filled with assholes too. What else could explain it?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against assholes, if they’re on my side. But I’m not normal. I’m not the typical voter. And I just have trouble believing that most voters want an asshole as governor.
It wasn’t a great debate, but Gregoire at least made an effort to answer some of the questions when she didn’t get distracted by refuting Rossi’s slander. Meanwhile, Rossi just concentrated on being a dick. “Culture of Olympia” my ass.
And people tell me he’s likable. If Rossi’s likable, I’m the most popular kid in school. I just don’t get it.
You’re right. He’s angry, and a liar.
@0 Goldy:
Many conservatives have fooled themselves into believing the neocon hype that sarcastic attacks are equivalent to leadership. As a result, they vote for the neocon totalitarianist. And then they wind-up covering neocon bets in a bailout.
The same people have fooled themselves into believing that neocons (GOP Party) have something to do with conservative principles. They don’t. Neocons are kleptocracy socialists.
It’s a really tough sell when it’s the Democrats who are the conservatives. Neocons like Dino Rossi get true conservatives wrapped-up in carnival games that seem good up front, but wind-up costing us everything we own a few years down the line.
Gregoire always looks like she just drank a vinegar and water. Rossi endorsed by all the
Police unions! Sweet.
Yes, the “steal the election” issue, let’s hear about it.
Rossi has done NOTHING for Washington since the 2004 election. NOTHING. His track record in the state legislature is hardly impressive, and frankly it’s been a few years, eh?
He can only go on the attack since he has done NOTHING other than serve himself and his ilk.
Did I mention that Rossi has done NOTHING that matters for the state of Washington?
I can’t watch or look at that shithead. Christ what a fucking phony.
Hey mark…tell me again about your “hero” st. ronnie ray-gun.
another republican empty suit.
yeah dino-sore loser…if they’re poor, fuck ’em.
What a huckster. “That’s right”. What, does he think he’s Elvis?
Does Rossi get to debate in front of a Seattle audience? Maybe not Capitol Hill, but somewhere around West Seattle or Columbia City would work well.
Thanks for doing this Goldy…I just could not watch, could not stop staring at Rossi’s extra greasy slicked back hair, could not stand his arrogant snarl…bleck!!
Yeah – Dino Rossi! Kapow, Kapow with my finger gun! I am now ready to polish my desk from the grease of his slickness.
Actually, Rossi hasn’t been endorsed by all the police unions. The following endorsed Gregoire.
Law Enforcement Administrators of Washington (LAW)
Seattle Fire Fighters Union, Local 27 IAFF, AFL-CIO
Snohomish County Fire Chief’s Association
Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs (WACOPS)
Washington State Fraternal Order of Police
Washington State Patrol Lieutenants Association
Washington State Patrol Troopers Association
Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs
Washington State Council of Firefighters
WFSE/AFSCME Local 308 (represents Community Corrections Officers)
Oops, guess I got a few fire fighters stuck in there. ‘Oh, well.
Yeah…let’s just build that freeway through Carnation.
Rossi aka BIAW’s tool.
my favorite was where he said the WASL should be replaced because the brand name had become so badly damaged. It’s funny because we get to hear Dino Rossi talk about changing a brand name because the old one has become so badly damaged.
I bet in 4 years we will hear about some douche bag filing to run under a name we’ve never heard of and surprise! It’ll be good old Dino Rossi. But don’t ask him about brand names because we’re too bright for that.
Rossi’s hair looked TERRIBLE. Was that a plastic helmet?
He needs to answer some questions so I don’t get distracted by the glaring light.
by Goldy, 10/01/2008, 7:03 PM
UPDATE (7:05):
Dino Rossi is a liar and an asshole.”
UPDATE (7:49):
Did I mention that Rossi is a liar and an asshole?”
Hey Goldy–
It’s these types of vulgar, vitrolic comments that caused you to be kicked off the 3rd Grade Debate Team when you were 13 years old!
Grow up.
I know it is hard for you to see your Co-Captain on TEAM HORSESASS flounder. The Goldstein/Gregoire TEAM HORSESASS is quite a dynamic duo!
5. LPM spews:
“Rossi has done NOTHING for Washington since the 2004 election. NOTHING”
Which is one hell of a lot better than increasing spending by $8 BILLION with little to show for it other than Government Workers getting higher wages & pensions! And Unions getting more dues money with 8,000 or so new State Employees….in the face of a huge recession.
LPM…please stick your chin out again real soon!
Hey Cynical… eat me!
All the lazy ass State Workers who will be RIF’d when Rossi is elected are the ones bitching the loudest.
Selfish bastards!
One of the biggest problems in this Country is that way too many Government Workers have forgotten what the term PUBLIC SERVANT really means. It has turned into protected jobs for unqualified douche-bags too often.
“18. Goldy spews:
Hey Cynical… eat me!”
That was the line that got you kicked off the 2nd Grade Debate Team…at 12 years old.
Kind of crabby tonite, eh Goldy.
Cheer up….it’s almost Hanukkah!!
Oh that’s right…your an Atheist.
Perhaps that is your real problem.
“culture of olympia?” you don’t get to be chairman of the ways and means committee by being an outsider and not part of the “culture of olympia”
just because rossi has been out of the scene for 4 years doesn’t mean shit. if, and god forbid if, he becomes governor it will be a few months before he turns into one of the “good ol boys” again.
the fuckhead at 16 and too many others. You’re not even cynical…you’re just a mean-spirited selfish prick.
You should talk about being cranky. you’re just a corrupt shill for the corrupt biaw…I seee plenty of lazy ass PRIVATELY EMPLOYED construction workers. I see lots and lots of greedy contractors and developers.
To you venality is confined to the public sector…well look in the mirror asshole.
You’re cabana boy isn’t qualified to get elected dog catcher in wastucna.
won the first two debates, but if so, and he was anywhere near the asshole in those debates as he was in this one, then I just have to assume our media is filled with assholes too. What else could explain it.
I didn’t even watch the debate but judging by the reaction Rossi must have been telling the truth. The truth hurts democrats.
just chuckles.
No need to even comment.
Cynical, Give her credit where credit is due
Gregoire is right on Que again this evening,
She isn’t going to raise your taxes, no one is even talking about raising your taxes, I’m not going to raise your taxes. We’re not going to raise your taxes. We said we aren’t going to raise your taxes. No one in Olympia and especially myself is going to raise your taxes.
I and my pocket book feel so much more at ease with Gregoire hearing those words day after day in each debate during these hard times.
No defecit My ass!
Inherited it from Dino, after blowing 8 Billion that will hardly stick!
The “tough-talking a-hole” routine got Giuliani halfway to the White House. You can ride that horse pretty far. Offhand, it seems like that works better for mayors than governors though. I can’t think of a governor who fits that bill — other than Jesse Ventura, who tried it and was successful but it did not wear well. Perhaps it has something to do with having to have statewide appeal.
re 17: What about the $3.2 billion deficit? That gives me conniption fits when you resort to that lie.
Unfortunately for you, that’s the only one your ‘constituency understands. Rossi just looks like an angry, greasy pimp. A Tlingit/Italian American Huggy Bear with a bad ‘tude.
Rossi totally dominated tonite, Go Rossi.
Sending you some more money. Together with
the help of our friends at BIAW, we can wipe
the evil, and they are evil, from the face of
the earth.
According to Sean Hannity, this whole financial mess we are in is from giving sub-prime loans to sub-prime people — like Dino Rossi.
Rujax, you got your beater car and your union yes sticker, your chain hooked to your wallet with no money in it. Your blockbuster movie card sticky with happy meal sauce. Now your
landlord will be banging on the door soon.
Not too far off am I?
@16 Whatsamatter Cyn, can’t handle the facts? Goldy is just a reporter. If you don’t want Goldy saying Dino is a liar and an asshole, then call up Dino and tell him to stop lying and being an asshole.
@31 Great stereotyping, mark. Cliched, of course, but at least you know which cliches to use. Now let’s try one on you — turnabout is fair play.
Little boy playing on computer in basement rec room until mommy comes down stairs at 11:00 PM and announces its bedtime because you have to go to school tomorrow.
Am I right?
If Rossi is elected governor, it will either be a totally ineffectual administration or the most corrupt in 50 years. When your primary backing is the BIAW, we know whose water you will try to carry first.
I just don’t see the people of Washington being willing to support the crap he will actually be offering them if they have to digest it while looking at it rather than guessing how good it will be from its description on the menu.
Rossi does not seem to have anything to offer other than platitudes and attacks. The only thing I see coming out of him are 1/2 truths and nonsense.
When you read his web page all he does is propose things that will increase the size of government and drive that “deficit” even higher. Read what he actually proposes on public safety, more prisons, real time GPS for sex offenders (that sounds like a fun long term employment plan for some government paid lawyer), more tools, longer sentences, no early release, more more more.
Read his health care page. We have too many regulations. (red meat). We need to change the incentives for the health care system. How are we going to do that without new regulations? Fewer controls on insurance companies, yet we have to tell them to do their business differently. The entire page is full of ridiculous internal inconsistencies.
Platitudes and nonsense. I can only imagine that those who are thinking of voting for him are :
– not voting party alone, regardless of what’s plain to see
– not paying attention and falling for the platitudes
– promoting their personal stack in him winning (BIAW)
– well… no comment…
As for the debate performance. I didn’t see anything different. If you’re one of those who insist that people are stupid who don’t vote for Rossi, please do us all a favor and take your party hat off and read his web page with an open mind and a critical eye. Listen to what he says closely and ask yourself “what are you going to do and how’s that gonna work?”
mark’s just feeling left out…the dino-sore sux mr. craphead’s dick and won’t get near mark cause he don’t have the dough.
sux to be you huh, mark.
33 Ahhhh, at least it’s private school and
my dad makes me buy my own lunch so I have to
work after school.
Gregoire gave it her best…which is sadly reflective of the whole problem.
Gregoire’s “best” is simply not good enough.
When someone tries as hard as Gregoire does…and yields poor results like she has…the voters who believe in true reform will not give her another chance.
Gregoire needed to shoulder some of the blame for the deficit….at least something.
Instead, Gregoire blames Bush, Rossi and even the Voters!!
How disingenuous.
Voters will not buy the “None of it’s my fault!” screeching of a desperate woman.
But, hell hath no fury like a Queen scorned.
She will make Budget things even worse her last 3 months in office. Watch.
Judging by the response herein, we can now proclaim Dino the winner by a healthy margin.
According to the state’s constitution, K-12 education is the paramount duty. Compare these two on the subject. Dino could care less. He wants to move gneral fund dollars that pay for one of the worst funded systems in the country and move it to transportation. He is also now pandering to the no WASL crowd. That’s his platform! I cannot figure out why any true business leaders in this state would support him given the need to have strong schools. Rossi just sounds like a guy who had built pathological anger over his loss in 2004 towards the one who narrowly beat him and has taken those four years to become the nastiest person in the state. He holds no real answers to the issues that matter. Unfortunately, most voters will go off the commercials.
Good article in Seattle Times about Darcy Burner and her relationship to bloggers.
A question arises, though. Since Burner considers netrooters “family,” and vice versa, how can she represent the citizens in the eastern part of her district when bloggers hold those people with contempt and distain? And doesn’t the close relationship she has with her online family suggest she hold them with the same distain?
The BIAW leadership are the locust in our state and those who are paid to post for them are ass licking tools.
Oh and I guess that makes Rossi BIAW’s stool.
16 updates and a final thought and it’s all about slamming rossi.
Didn’t queen gregoire say anything worth talking about?
Oops, here’s some glowing praise about her-
Looks like someone is jealous. Lots of children had problems making friends in school.