I do not know much about University of Colorado ethnic studies professor Ward Churchill other than the headlines. Apparently, he’s produced some questionable research and some unquestionably offensive remarks, and some in the right-wing punditocracy have cynically tried to paint him as a left-wing standard bearer. (Um… he’s not.)
So I was curious to learn of his recent speaking engagement at Western Washington University, and surprised to read the following account:
When he finished with his speech, Churchill invited Aaron Dixon, co-founder of the Seattle Chapter of the Black Panther Party and a Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate, to the stage.
Dixon said he supports Churchill’s ideas and treasures the camaraderie they shared after living through the aftermath of their mutual friend, [Fred] Hampton’s, death.
Um… personally, I tend to fall on the side of academic freedom no matter what the political perspective, but if I were a serious candidate for U.S. Senate, I don’t think I’d be publicly stating my unqualified support for the ideas of a man who infamously described the victims of 9/11 as “little Eichmanns.”
I dunno. Just seems like a lapse of political judgement on Dixon’s part.
That’s the smartest thing you’ve said in one hell of a long time.
Just goes to show that one cannot assume Aaron Dixon has a modicum of political judgement to begin with.
On the other hand, the fascist f**k rethuglicans deserve the heat on this, not some obscure academic and an equally obscure political candidate.
Keep your eye on the ball, buddy!
Typical weirdo, this Churchill is. I read the Western Front article, and what he says about poverty is right on. But again, he has said some awful, awful shit about regular Americans murdered while at work in NYC.
He’s a self-marginalizer.
If someone is going to make a comparison with the crimes of the Nazi era, there should at least be some factual basis for it. Calling Bush another “Hitler” is bad enough. Comparing people murdered in a hateful, horrific terrorists act to a vicious criminal who caused millions of men, women and children to be senselessly exterminated for religious and racial reasons is beyond the pale.
On the other hand, some comparisons to events of the Nazi era are justified.
For example, take the alleged “three month emergency food supply” buckets that Costco is presently selling for $109.95. Can 25 pounds of dry weight food really sustain a person for three months?
If you add up all the calories and nutrients in the entire bucket, and then divide by three months, you will receive an average of 455 calories per day, with 18 grams of protein.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends 2,000 calories per day with 50 grams of protein as the standard for adults.
To put things in perspective, the Nazis provided concentration camp inmates at Auschwitz with a diet of 1,300 calories per day for light work prisoners and 1,700 calories for hard labor. The average prisoner at Auschwitz died of starvation within three months on this diet.
The above is a fair comparison of a present day situation to the extremes of the Nazi era, and is based on actual facts.
Take a good look at the Liberty City Florida “7”: Looks like a DNC/NAACP Democrat felon voting block
Churchill: leading Democrat “guvment” employee spokesman. He is worth every penny the taxpayers fork over to pay his salary, benefits, and pension. [hehe]
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are on their way to Liberty City, Fl to ensure that the “Liberty City 7” can still vote Democrat in NOV 2006!
I’ll start denouncing Churchill when the Right starts denouncing the likes of Coulter, et al….
etc. etc. etc.
The Right is selling out this country and you guys are worried about an obscure professor who said something that contains the uncomfortable germ of truth.
In 2004 Osama bin Laden, via a tape sent to al Jazeera, stated that if he hated freedom and democracy, he would have blown up some buildings in Sweden. It’s our policies they hate: like our support of the Saudi Royal ( dictatorial ) family.
Hence, the “little Eichmann” comment. If you are to small minded to get the point, why don’t you go comfort the wives of the dead little Eichmans that Ann Coulter has described as being overjoyed that their husband’s are dead and they are now millionnaires.
That’s ten times worse than the little Eichmann comment.
Righties suck razor blades
And Righties are stupid.
Righties: To your marks!!!
What’s wrong with hanging out with terrorists from The Black Panthers? Isn’t Larry Gosset a member (former?) of this terrorist organization?
C’mon… Dixon is just “embracing diversity”. Geez…
re 22: The “terrorist” paintbrush gets bigger every day in the hands of a nut-boy like MTR.
Name one act that the black Panthers did that could by any strech of the imagination be described as terrorist.
I’ll tell you what, though, those KKK Southern Boys that Nixon recruited to the Republican Party certainly fit the description of terrorist.
Now it’s time for Rightie Blather about the KKK being a Populist Progressive organization…
Blather Blather Blather…
KKK = Republican Terrorists and “born again” church bombers of little black children.
They’d do it all again if they thought they could get away with it. But they can’t — because there’s millions of LIVE Fred Hamptons out there who’d nail their white scrotums to the wall .
Cowards who murder abortion doctors ( assasinate them from a coward’s distance ) are terrorists. If anyone close to me ever meets that fate there will be holy hell to pay for it.
Aaron Dixon’s Wikipedia article
seems a bit incomplete.
Over 5,ooo black men lynched by white, terrorists in the South from 1930 to 1964.
You wanna talk “terrorists” MTR. You’re the terrorist.
Was that before or after democrats voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act mr “ph.d”.
Remember who yer talkin to dumass…
Over 5,ooo black men lynched by white, terrorists in the South from 1930 to 1964.
Commentby L-Mur Phd.— 6/23/06@ 6:39 pm [………..Er, Phd., Have you spoken to Robert “KKK” Byrd, DEMOCRAT, WV, about this? hehe]
Phd., Would the “Liberty City, FL 7” be considered Democrat black terrorists? Just “axing”.
Was that before or after democrats voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act mr “ph.d”.
Remember who yer talkin to dumass…
Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy [MTR Kennedy, Exactly how did Al Gore’s Senator daddy vote on the 1964 Civil Rights Act? hehe, JCH Kennedy]
While I agree with you, Richard, I don’t understand why you haven’t criticized Ann Coulter, who is of the same ilk as Churchill (and makes a lot more money at it).
“Was that before or after democrats voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act mr “ph.d”. Remember who yer talkin to dumass… ” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/23/06@ 6:54 pm
Who do you think you’re kidding with this BULLSHIT, Redneck? It was a Democratic president and congress that passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and now all the yellow-dog southern Democrats who opposed it are in YOUR party.
Oh … one more thing … the CRA is up for renewal and GUESS WHICH PARTY IS OPPOSING IT?
Roger Rabbit supported the troops by sending $99 to OPERATION HELMET. I’ll bet Mark the Yellowbacked Reddick hasn’t supported the troops. I’ll bet Richard Poop hasn’t supported the troops either.
Pat… help me here… hmmmm I just can’t remember… dang it…
Oh wait did Gore and former KKK member and now “conscience of the senate” Byrd filibuster against it?
yeah, that’s it. that’s what happened. DEMOCRATS tried to kill it.
Roger, are you thinking of the Voting Rights Act that the GOP doesn’t want renewed (not the CRA)?
While I agree with you, Richard, I don’t understand why you haven’t criticized Ann Coulter, who is of the same ilk as Churchill (and makes a lot more money at it).
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/23/06@ 7:23 pm
Yeah and Churchill is on the public dole. Of course all big mouth liberals are subsidized by the government; people just don’t want to spend their hard earned money to hear lefty drivel.
When a lefty says “voter’s rights” it really means illegal alien voter rights.
Roger Rabbit supported the troops by sending $99 to OPERATION HELMET. I’ll bet Mark the Yellowbacked Reddick hasn’t supported the troops. I’ll bet Richard Poop hasn’t supported the troops either.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/23/06@ 7:30 pm
How about going to Costco and spending $109.99 to buy a “three month” bucket of rations for our troops?
Actually, it would be more politically correct to feed this 455 calorie per day diet to the Democrat politicians whose campaigns are supported by Costco executives.
Or we could settle up Mark the Redneck’s gambling debt issue. Goldy goes to Costco, and plunks down $109.99 for a “three month” of food. If Goldy can go three months without eating anything else, Mark will reimburse $100 of this to settle his gambling debt dispute.
I’ll bet Mark the Yellowbacked Reddick hasn’t supported the troops.
Sure he has. George Bush cut his taxes!! In the bizzaro world of Bush-loving reactionaries lower taxes equals greater support for the troops – along more hours of watching Faux Snooze.
Dan Rather, please add the name “Kennedy” to your name. It drives the idiot Democrats nuts. It also gives you the right to drive, kill, rape, and drive, and every idiot lib on this board will still vote for you!! Best regards, JCH Kennedy, MTR Kennedy, and RUFUS Kennedy
Actually when you vote republican you are supporting the troops since an overwhelming majority of the active military votes republican. Well at least the ones lucky enough to get their ballot.
When a lefty says “voter’s rights” it really means illegal alien voter rights.
Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— [True RUFUS Kennedy, but also double voting by Democrats in NY City [Upper West Side libs] and Miami and Palm Beach, and lots of dead voters in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Chicago as well. Black districts that vote Democrat at 115% of registration are also an example of Democrat “voters rights”.]
Overseas military votes must be discarded, but 85 Democrat votes from a “guvment” storage warehouse address in King County, WASH all signed by the same person must be counted. [Remember, it’s who COUNTS the votes! Joe Stalin]
“More taxes. Always more. For the children.” Karl Marx and Hillary Clinton
As a lefty journalist I developed a talent for telling bold face lies. As far as I know my father never loved Hitler although I can fix that by forging my fathers love letter to my mom. How can I become a Kennedy?
Goldy, with all due respect to Proud To Be An Ass @ 2, I’d encourage you to continue critiquing Aaron Dixon (at least in moderation). It’s rather surprising to me how many people who don’t read this blog are unfamiliar with Dixon’s background.
If folks are going to use Dixon to make a “protest” vote against Cantwell, they should at least know what they are voting for.
What’s kind of funny is that the Green Party may have done Cantwell a huge favor by nominating such an utterly incompetent candidate. It really is hard to envision a poorer choice if the goal was to generate electoral support on par with Nader in 2000.
Alas, the Dixon fiasco could do longer-term damage to the Green’s credibility with more pragmatic lefties. That would not be a happy scenario to the Republicans, whose electoral future in Washington state may hinge heavily on splitting the ranks of prospective Democratic voters.
We can thus expect HA’s resident wingers to try deflecting Goldy’s criticisms of Dixon and the Greens. This should be fascinating.
How can I become a Kennedy?
Commentby Dan Rather— 6/23/06@ 8:17 pm [………………………………………………………..RUFUS, MTR, Can we drink, drive, and have a 3 AM vote for Dan Rather to become a Kennedy? Please respond ASAP! Best regards, JCH Kennedy]
Rather has already distinguished himself by being admitted lying sack of shit. That at least earns him a good solid nomination to be a Kennedy.
Dan, to pass the initiation, you have to get shitfaced drunk, fuck a girl half your age, kill her, and then blame somebody else. If you can do that, you’ve got my vote. I’ve done it lots of times; kinda hard the first time, but once you get the hang of it, it’s kinda fun.
Big sigh….once again our righty friends (REP Pat, Dan, RUFUS) are deviod of content. Stupid non sequiturs mask as humor or insight.
51….Dan Rather is a lying POS; therefore, I vote he bocome Dan Rather Kennedy effective immediately. Normally the vote would be taken at 3 AM after drinking, taking drugs, and wreaking a Mustang, but tonight, let me be the first to welcome Dan Rather to the Kennedy Klan. Mary Jo has no comment again tonight.
Dan, would you rather drive with Uncle Teddy or me? We both know how to kill, rape, drink, do drugs, and then drive like Kennedys!! And the dumb asses like K, Left Turn, and Roger Rabbit will make excuses for us for years!!!
Dan, to pass the initiation, you have to get shitfaced drunk, fuck a girl half your age, kill her, and then blame somebody else. If you can do that, you’ve got my vote. I’ve done it lots of times; kinda hard the first time, but once you get the hang of it, it’s kinda fun.
Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/23/06@ 8:52 pm
Well OK if you say so. Courage, courage.
K, Maybe your wife or daughter would like to take a drive with us? Maybe they would like to party with my cousin, Michael [ aka “6 Iron”] or take a walk on the beach with my cousin William Kennedy Smith?
DAN Kennedy , MTR Kennedy , RUFUS Kennedy , and JCH Kennedy ………Four so far!!! And the dumb ass lib Democrats will make excuses for us for decades!!!!!!
Again, it is time to laud Goldy for putting up this venue to display the Republifuck troll Bestiary in all it’s pustulent,oozing glory. No folks, in your wildest,nightmarish dreams could you imagine this cast of rightwingwhackjobs. All you have to do is visit the comments section of any Daily Open Thread on HA and you can observe first hand the shipwreck that the Republican Party has become.
It is, of course, an additional compliment to Goldy that the size of his audience, and the effectiveness of his political commentary generates this level of troll-traffic and abuse. Keep it up guys, you convert people to progressive ideals every day. You truly are consigning yourselves to the junkheap of historical irrelevancy.
Commentby Tree Frog Farmer? 6/2/06@ 7:25 pm
Big sigh….once again our righty friends (REP Pat, Dan, RUFUS) are deviod of content. Stupid non sequiturs mask as humor or insight.
Commentby K [K, STFU and vote for us! We are Kennedys, and you are a dumb ass liberal Democrat sheep.]
Put down the crackpipe,John Craig Herman. You haven’t got that many brain cells to give away.
Goldy is doing his community service thing by letting JCH, among others, post here. The therapy does him some good. . .sadly the meds do not seem to be helping and they say the electroshock has to have something to work on. . .
No, folks, you really can’t make this stuff up. John Craig Herman is real. A wonderful exhibit of a life gone wrong. . .sexual degenerate Penn State grad, Navy failure, right wing nut job. A walking billboard of what’s wrong with the Right. Goldy is to be commended for letting him display his symptoms here.
Dan, why don’t you ask what Mary Mapes is doing tonight. I heard she hasn’t been doing much lately and should be free for a midnight drive. Just put a bag over her head before you rape her. If you want you can borrow my late brother John’s bag, it looks stunningly similar to Marilyn Monroe. Hopefully Pat is done using it for carrying his sleeping pills.
Like Churchill, John Craig Herman and the rest of the baboon troop of rightwing trolls who infest HA’s comment threads is a self-marginalizer.
Rufus occasionally gets free from his restraints and gives his attendant the slip and finds a keyboard to so he can once again display his degeneracy here as well.
the baboon troop of rightwing trolls
Spot on.
Good movie. Check it out.
That’s it, we are cutting your welfare benefits. Tell your brother who works at the Dept of Labor to forget that raise. I think a new addtion to the Kennedy library is in order. Hehe
Tree Frog Farmer….Feel free to come and visit. Look for the mailbox with the NRA decals. BTW, the mailbox is 105 yards from my front poach.
The one in Kent you mean?
Is it a double-wide?
Dan Roger Rabbit Pellet Rather Pinhead said: “Who do you think you’re kidding with this BULLSHIT, Redneck? It was a Democratic president and congress that passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and now all the yellow-dog southern Democrats who opposed it are in YOUR party.
Oh … one more thing … the CRA is up for renewal and GUESS WHICH PARTY IS OPPOSING IT?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/23/06@ 7:28 pm”
Dan Roger Rabbit Pellet Rather Pinhead: You forgot Puddybud settled this long ago with GBS. GBS admitted the Democrats tried to kill the VRA but Republican Everett Dirksen of Illinois delivered 18 senators with Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota and his friends while Al Gore Sr, Robert Sheets Byrd, Richard Russell (Russell Office Bldg) and other leftist pinheads voted no. That’s why you are Dan Roger Rabbit Pellet Rather Pinhead. You don’t read and your forget too easily. Maybe that’s why the state suggested you get pasturized (yes spelled correctly) earlier than others.
The reason the Republicans are against it is it’s already covered in other laws. If you would READ The Hill instead of Daily Kos maybe Dan Roger Rabbit Pellet Rather Pinhead you’d be on your game for the first time!
The one in Kent you mean?
Is it a double-wide?
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka voter advocate— 6/23/06@ 10:02 pm
Harry likes to talk behind his wife’s back when on HA. Let me know if need a bag Harry.
I think the trolls have now come to this
They just love the memories of that hard-bodied man meat, cutting someone else’s taxes and saving them from communism, after it had failed.
Once again Goldy allows his loyal following (stealing from Puddybud: Northwest Division Moonbats) to miss the full story:
George W. Bush’s grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, traded with the enemy during world war II. Yup! It’s the truth… You could look it up. Why didn’t FDR say something about it? According to FDR himself, the troops,”… might not have been so eager to fight the Nazis had they known the extent to which America’s monied elites were trading with the enemy.”
The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree! Why was the bin Laden family flown out of the U.S. by George W. Bush the day after 9?11 — yet American citizens are held for years with no formal charges against them because they “might” know something. I can guarantee you that the bin Ladens ( flown out courtesy of George W. Bush ) DO know something — but they are busin4ss partners with the blighted , traitorous Bush family.
72 a Bozo said: “I can guarantee you that the bin Ladens ( flown out courtesy of George W. Bush ) DO know something – but they are busin4ss partners with the blighted , traitorous Bush family.
Commentby L-Mur Phd.— 6/23/06@ 10:29 pm”
WTF #72? Sorry but you are wrong again. I proved this was a lie direct from Richard Clarke many months ago. He ordered them out, not GWB. It was his own words. Do you need the URL again?
Moonbat Private First Class of the Goldy NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats (MWS – Use the whole thing!)
Dan Kennedy, JCH Kennedy, MTR Kennedy, Rufus Kennedy: I chose Michael because he started as a teenager raping, killing and pillaging as a good donk! Anyone need a golf club? Whack!
That Phd means – Piled High and Deep
Harry Tuttle Mummified: Speaking of double-wided, how is the missus?
Rabbi Pellet supports the troops purple helmet. He sent them $99 of rubbers!
Hey Phd@72: I am reading Coulter’s Godless. 354 citations. Most of the book has someone like you spot on! Moonbatty to the max.
Puddybud Michael Kennedy posted the last six comments. You lefties can wipe yourself with Pellet’s tail.
Cuzin’ Rufus Kennedy; In San Diego Congressional District 50th loer female donk said illegals can vote as long as they vote for her!
Hey all you little Eichmanns: It’s time again:
Better get those costumes ready to go!
the baboon troop of rightwing trolls
Spot on.
Good movie. Check it out.
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/23/06@ 9:53 pm
Cluesless: You better hope those three British “citizens” don’t go back into the battlfield like other released Club Gitmo detainees have and were recaught. Otherwise you’ll be what you are a Horses ASS! http://www.papillonsartpalace.com/afgthans.htm
Cluesless: More for you:
From AP:
WASHINGTON (AP) — At least seven former prisoners of the United States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have been involved in terrorist acts, despite gaining their freedom by signing pledges to renounce violence, according to the Pentagon.
At least two are believed to have died in fighting in Afghanistan, and a third was recaptured during a raid of a suspected training camp in Afghanistan, Lt. Cmdr. Flex Plexico, a Pentagon spokesman, said last week. Others are at large.
The seven were among 203 detainees released from the prison at the U.S. naval base on Cuba’s southeastern tip since it opened in early 2002.
Of those, 146 were let go only after U.S. officials determined they no longer posed threats and had no remaining intelligence value.”
Yes, those good boys at Gitmo. Bring one home Cluesless!
Back to the thread: http://www.politicalgateway.co.....ml?id=2739
Ward at his best!
Wow I just did a Rabbit Pellet here with 13 posts. The difference, of course is, my content is irrefutable!
This is too good:
“In recent years, studies of faculty across America have
shown that diverse and competing academic viewpoints are largely absent. And a student survey commissioned by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni in 2004 found that nearly half of college students at America’s top colleges feel their professors use their classes to preach politics rather than teach, while fully a quarter believe they must parrot their professors’ views in order to get a good grade.i
As public awareness of the problem mounts—and as a movement for legislative intervention gains momentum—it’s important to explore just how widespread the “Ward Churchill Phenomenon” really is. In order to answer that question, we took a look at the course offerings of some of the most prominent and influential colleges and universities in the country. Focusing on the U.S. News & World Report’s 2005 list of the top twenty-five private colleges and universities, the Big 10 conference schools, and the Big 12 conference schools, we examined publicly available department websites, on-line course descriptions, electronic course syllabi, and faculty home pages in a wide range of liberal arts disciplines. What we found is that Ward Churchill is not alone, and that the kinds of politically extreme opinions for which he has become justly infamous are not only quite common in academe, but enthusiastically embraced and rewarded by it. WARD CHURCHILL IS EVERYWHERE”
Nice about Ward: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Ar.....p?ID=18339
Read more about Ward: http://www.pirateballerina.com/index.php
Hmmm… From the archives – http://www.worldnetdaily.com/n.....E_ID=47677
Of Course Goldy missed this one too regarding little Eichmanns:
Remember Goldy and the moonbats Churchill led Turban Dick Durbin to say this:
Which led to Al Jazeera agreeing with Turban Durbin
Then he apologized.
Amazing what Ward Churchill does to donks.
Thank God for a great memory!
I better stop now as Cluesless will call for my banning as I posted the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!
Good night Northwest Division of Churchill Lunatic Moonbats
My parting shot for this evening:
Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies: Issue by Issue Responses to the Most Common Claims of the Left from A to Z (Paperback) by Gregory Jackson ISBN: 0977227901 August 2006!
Puddybud Kennedy, MTR Kennedy, Dan Rather Kennedy, RUFUS Kennedy, and JCH Kennedy!! It’s afe to say we rule, and the dumb ass lib sheep Democrats will vote for us for decades!! Remember the Kennedy motto: Drive, rape, kill, and drive!!
Dixon isn’t a serious political candidate.
Richard Pope doesn’t mention in his spiel about Nazis that he has filed a class action suit against Costco over the three month emergency food supply they sell. I especially like the part where he sent a letter to Jeff Brotman (the Costco CEO) this morning, demanding a response by noon today and then filed suit before COB today, including personal claims against Brotman and two other executives. I suspect Richard just awoke the wrath of a sleeping giant. Richard, this suit reminds me a little of a Harish Bharti special. You might check to see what happened to him recently.
Academic freedom does NOT include the privilidge to commit fraud. Churchill, form what I have read, is a humself a fraud and on that basis should be fired.
nice post rugrat… one problem though…. how the fuck do they know the temperatures from the last two thousand years? The answer is “they have no fucking idea”. None. For any of this bullshit to have any statistical validity, the historical temp data needs to be within a tenth of a degree. The historical wildass guesses they make are at least 100 times less acccurate than that. Fucking idiot. Drink the kool aid. Worship your god Algore… but don’t attempt to pass this shit off as science. Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/23/06@ 9:46 pm
Thumb – I’m just asking a simple fucking question. Real basic. Get this wrong and the whole argument falls apart. That’s why you guys REFUSE to answer… are current temps within range of natural variation? yes or no question. Easy to answer if you have the data. Just answer the fucking question… Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/23/06@ 9:52 pm
The resident, arrogant and ignorant MTR will never give up spreading very cramped and inaccurate distortions of incomplete data that coming from Exxon-Mobil paid scientific whores. The answer is NO, they are not within historic norms.
Reviews of all the data make clear that Earth has warmed significantly over the last 140 years; global warming is a reality. Multiple paleoclimatic studies indicate that the recent year, decade, and century are all the warmest, on a global basis, of the last 600, and most likely 1,200 years. It appears that the global warming of the last century is unprecedented in the last 1,200 years.
A very clear and complete article on this very subject (done this year, so it includes the most current data) can be found here. It also discusses the limitations of paleoclimatic measurements and how recent studies have dealt with them.
I have no doubt that MTR will arrogantly continue his fools mission, sucking the cocks of Exxon execs, but the peer reviewed science by those working in the area of climatology is clear.
MTR is like the Wizard of Oz, who when caught by Toto, insists, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”
Of course, MTR is the man behind the curtain. He is a bit player in a massive propaganda campaign by fossil fuel interests and their buddies in the Republican Party to confuse the public about global warming science.
As Ross Gelbspan has reported, the goal of the “confusionists” has been to sow enough doubt in the science to as to avoid regulations that have been passed in virtually EVERY OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED NATION (including China, which has much stiffer auto regs than we do).
I say we take all the wingers and put them on a low-lying island, where they can fend for themselves against rising sea levels. Perhaps cameras could be installed and a reality TV show created. Prizes could be given to the winger who insists for the longest amount of time that human-caused global warming is a “hoax.”
Others may have a long shot at the big prize, but I bet MTR wins. He has cultivated the Big Lie to a truly remarkable level. Like a burger flipper at McDonald’s, his argument never changes (well, except when he calls someone an “idiot”).
Let MTR drink salt water.
Harry and Thumb – If you want to convince me, show me the chi squared data. That’s all it’ll take. Otherwise, take your kooky religion and shove it up your ass.
Good man, Mark. Continue to follow the lead of our friends in Congress just like we tell you to.
Ah, that Tom. He’s my kind of politician. Once he’s bought, he stays bought.
ABB – What? I thought you guys believed in separation of church and state? Why would it be OK to show Gore’s relgious movie in Congress? That would be a clear violation of law wouldn’t it? Oh… it’s your religion, so that’s OK.
Ah, you silly deluded boy. You’re on my side. The only religion that matters is the worship of money. Why would we want to separate that from the state? And as long as you keep believing what we tell you and make our oil stocks go up by fending off the threat of climate crisis, why should we stand in your way?
I must call my broker and order another few thousand shares of Exxon/Mobil now that Mark is on the case.
Hey, MTR, do your masters EVER let you deviate from your script?
THis is really weird… aren’t you guys just a little bit curious about whether current temps are or are not within natural variation? Before accepting such a radical idea, wouldn’t you want the proof to be pretty substantial? And you think I’m a kool aid drinker?
If you guys wanna pay extra money for some shitbox hybrid, be my guest. If you wanna walk or take the bus, go ahead.
Just don’t try to pass this bullshit off as science. It’s not. It’s a religion. Go ahead and practice your religion, but don’t try to convert me.
Oh, come on, MTR, let’s talk about something meaningful. Tell us about the propaganda shop where you work. Who funds it? How do they divide up the work? How much do you get paid? Are you staff or on contract? How do they decide the daily talking points? What kind of training do you get in agitprop? How much thought goes into the personas that you “act”?
Best of all: Are you receiving any federal dollars, either directly or indirectly, for blatantly partisan and political work?
Green Thumb, you’re thinking way too hard about this. Mark just watches Fox News and thinks what we tell him to. It’s so easy, I don’t know why Democrats don’t do it.
No, let’s talk about data. Let’s do some math. Let’s talk about whether global warming is science or religion. We both know the answer don’t we…?
What’s wrong, MTR, are you afraid to blow your cover as an agitprop specialist?
Richard Pope doesn’t mention in his spiel about Nazis that he has filed a class action suit against Costco over the three month emergency food supply they sell. I especially like the part where he sent a letter to Jeff Brotman (the Costco CEO) this morning, demanding a response by noon today and then filed suit before COB today, including personal claims against Brotman and two other executives. I suspect Richard just awoke the wrath of a sleeping giant. Richard, this suit reminds me a little of a Harish Bharti special. You might check to see what happened to him recently.
Commentby wayne— 6/24/06@ 1:55 am
Well, the Costco executive team certainly had notice of the problem, and ample time to investigate it and start to deal with it. Apparently, they have not done so at this time. If they continue not to do anything, then all doubts will be removed, not only to their knowledge, but to their intentions as well.
The Nazis murdered millions simply through forced starvation. Of course, they gave their victims a lot more than 455 calories per day — which would have resulted in very quick death. Even the concentration camp rations had 1300 calories per day — which tended to kill the average inmate within three months of arrival.
Pope: These bloggers can’t reason. They are a hopeless lot!
I believe this lawsuit has more to do with the LDS church, than it does with false labeling. I suggest you buy two buckets instead of one for each month, this way you won’t “FEEL” hungry…..
BTW…. I found the manufacturer for you, ironic that they are based in UTAH the Mormon capital. I posted the info here:
Come on man leave Aaron Dixon alone. It’s hard enough for African Americans to break into politics w/o you so called lefties always harassing or expecting them to carry the democratic flag. Give it a rest!
Tired of you dogging Dixon: Liberals hate “uppity” Black Men who challenge their status quo. When will you black see people like Goldy and his ilk on Horses Pitune for what they are: Racist Pigs.
Look at what they are trying to do to that good man Lynn Swann running for Governor of Pennsylvania.
Notice I didn’t talk about Michael Steele or Ken Blackwell. Well, I just did!
Wow for all the hatred you liberals spew about Stefan Sharkansky, why do you refer to URLs from his site? So to Roger Rabbit who writes about “Sucky” Politics, or is it Roger Rabbit Pellet or is it Rabbit Pellet or is it Dan Roger Rabbit Pellet Rather; whatever, you mosey on over to Stefan’s garden and I hope you get some polluted carrots!
Sorry, that link to the article got screwed up, here it is
Ride that ship til it sinks, MTR. You’re going down for the 3rd time now.
You might just as well save your keystrokes, Harry. We’ve invested a great deal of time and money in Mark, training him to think the way we want. He’ll never be capable of seeing any other side of an issue again.
Look at what they are trying to do to that good man Lynn Swann running for Governor of Pennsylvania.
Notice I didn’t talk about Michael Steele or Ken Blackwell. Well, I just did!
Commentby Don\’t You Know Liberals R Racist Pigs— 6/24/06@ 10:34 am [……………………………………………………………..Very true. The libs will slim #88 Swann as they hate a Republican black.]
Richard Pope,
Are you the attorney that’s suing Costco?
Speaking of Eichmann, I’m surprised how little public reaction there was to the revelation a short time ago that the CIA kept him safe and sound under a false identity for years. Apparently this continued until his supposed intelligence value ran out, then he was allowed to be “captured”.
The Civil Rights Act discussion was interesting, if you don’t count the ad hominem attacks. That was a pretty revolutionary time in America, when old alliances were fading and new ones being born. That’s why you can both point a finger at the Democratic old guard of the time and point a finger at those who would form the nucleus of the new Republican racist “Southern strategy,” as Nixon put it.
But the truth is that in 1964 civil rights had just bout faded away as a Republican priniciple and that it cemented the movement toward the Democratic Party as the party of civil rights that had begun under Franklin Roosevelt, who integrated the civil service and the armed forces. John F. Kennedy asked for the CRA legislation in 9163, saying that it would provide “the kind of equality of treatment which we would want for ourselves.” He then sent the bill to Congress the next week, but it didn’t pass. It took the backing and the arm-twisting of the greatest manipulator of Congressional action who ever lived, Lyndon Johnson, to defeat to coaltion of right-wind conservatives and Southern Democratic racists who opposed the bill.
Ass it turned out, majorities in btoh parties supported the bill.
By Party
Vote on the original House version:
Democratic Party: 153-96 (61%-39%)
Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)
The Senate Version, voted on by the House:
Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)
And it came to pass, as Lyndon Johnson said to an aide immediately after signing the Act, referring to future Democratic prospects “We have lost the South for a generation.”
That generation is passing.
Sorry, Senate vote on CRA in 1964:
Democratic Party: 46-22 (68%-32%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
Damn those weirdo Democratic extremists at the National Academy of Sciences!
The National Academy of Sciences, reaching that conclusion in a broad review of scientific work requested by Congress, reported Thursday that the “recent warmth is unprecedented for at least the last 400 years and potentially the last several millennia.”
A panel of top climate scientists told lawmakers that Earth is heating up and that “human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming.” Their 155-page report said average global surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere rose about 1 degree during the 20th century.
This is shown in boreholes, retreating glaciers and other evidence found in nature, said Gerald North, a geosciences professor at Texas A&M University who chaired the academy’s panel.
Full report: http://fermat.nap.edu/catalog/11676.html
Did I mention that conservative icon Republican senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona voted against the Civil Rights Act? Apparently he was sort of influential. He carried five of the Deep South states in the 1964 presidential election — four of which had not voted Republican since the disputed presidential election of 1876. This pretty much marked the end of the Democratic Solid South. The racists all turned Republican.
So did Al ‘my slaves are picking my tobacco’ Gore Sr.
He never got smart enough to turn conservative.
They tell us nothing… except the temp on the ground – influenced by surrounding buildings, concrete sidewalks whatever…
Talk about what counts: ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE that are unaffected by any outside influences… except maybe the sun! Oh gee that’s what the sun does…warms.
Proud, I really do appreciate how you share with us your superior knowledge of climatology. You have done such an excellent job of debunking the scientific establishment that I am going to believe ANYTHING you say.
While you’re at it, could you tell me what I should eat for breakfast? And what toothpaste do you use?
Oatmeal… and anything with flouride… don’t believe any other toothpaste hype and don’t waste your money on mouthwash.
By the way, proud, Î take it that you can make such strong declarations about global warming science because you have a doctorate in a relevant discipline and have published papers in credible, peer-reviewed journals.
Am I correct, or are you just blowing chunks out of your ass?
Leftist weirdos: Since you seem to lap it all up, where are your credentials to discren the accuracy of these documents?
Errata: Discern
howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS—@128: You have a point. Liberals live in these concrete jungles that absorb heat. Conservatives live in the burbs where less concrete is used. Add to it the spew of the city pollution (hot air from liberals) and you get localized warming. Add Al Gore flying to the north pole and you get more warming. Vicious cycle.
Ward Churchill is an ass. So is Ann Coulter. So are wingnut trolls.
Damn its hot!! Lots of global warming going on out there today boy. The last time it was this hot was four seasons ago. Doing my part though, kept it to 60 mph.
LeftTurd @ 132:
Are you stupid, or just pretending to be? The issue is simple: You wingers are rejecting the mainstream scientific consensus on global warming. You are categorically rejecting the findings of hundreds of the world’s leading scientists from dozens of disciplines.
If you are going to do that then YOU have an obligation to provide sufficient credentials that your arguments are more accurate. So far, none of you have stated that you have a doctorate in a relevant discipline who has successfully published in a credible, peer-reviewed journal.
Instead, all you have presented to date are press releases from scholars with direct ties to the fossil fuel industry and whose research has been discredited in major scientific journals.
You got nothing. All your fancy words don’t change that fact.
Conservatives live in the burbs where less concrete is used.
Perhaps. It is important to remember that these neighborhoods took shape and continue to suckle off government subsidies.
This may or may not be OK–but it is important to consider this irrefutable fact when discussing issues such as “takings”, taxes, and the role of government in general.
Conservatives consistently gloss over the fact that they really do not government to “get off their backs”. They want government policies to favor and coddle them.
Instead, all you have presented to date are press releases from scholars with direct ties to the fossil fuel industry and whose research has been discredited in major scientific journals.
You got nothing. All your fancy words don’t change that fact.
Commentby Green Thumb— 6/24/06@ 6:38 pm
Gee GreenDumb, i didn’t know liberal bastion Harvard University, Alma Mater of Cuzin Ted Cheater Swimmer Drunkard Killer Kennedy, was on the fossil fuel dole. I think you should recheck your fact sheet from Daily Kurse Green Dummy.
I want to thank Goldy’s system that every so often kills my posts with this system is busy error message. I had a chance to add more language to it!
You are categorically rejecting the findings of hundreds of the world’s leading scientists from dozens of disciplines. -Commentby Green Thumb— 6/24/06@ 6:38 pm
Pay attention Mrgreenjeans…
More than 17,000 scientists, to date, have signed a petition
sponsored by Dr. Frederick Seitz, past president of the National
Academy of Sciences, refuting Gore’s claims that global warming
is human-induced. The petition states: “There is no convincing
scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”
I know that new math is just so confusing when your so busy in school playing with condoms on diversity day, but 17,000 is BIGGER than “hundreds”.
Without A Bluesclue:
“”Schizophrenia” on the other hand, is tragically far more common – about 1% of the population. It is a serious illness in which there are major disturbances in a person’s thoughts, emotions, behaviour and perceptions. It usually first appears in adolescence or early adulthood, although it can appear later. It usually happens earlier in men, and later in women. There are two major groups of symptoms – positive/active and negative/passive.
There are many positive/active symptoms. They include: delusions (they may believe thoughts are being inserted into their mind, or they are Jesus, or that they are being followed);
* hallucinations (they may see or smell things that are not there, or they may hear voices telling them what to do, or commenting on their actions);
* disorganised thoughts (their speech jumps irrationally from one topic to another, or they may create new words);
* and disorganised behaviour (wearing multiple layers of clothes, shouting inappropriately in public).
Delusions happen to 90% of schizophrenics, while auditory hallucinations occur in 50%, with visual hallucinations trailing at 15%.”
Good job howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS: GreenDumb will now say these 17000 scientists are all paid by the fossil fuel industry like the guys at Harvard. Then LeftTurd will say he needs to drink more of Rush Limbaugh’s piss. Then DaddyLove will post another poll. Finally Bluesclue will claim all the sites are right-wing.
http://polipundit.com/index.php?p=13571 Bespeaks well of the moonbats.
Moonbats:”Trendy global warming theory suffers from the great conceit that human activity has a significant impact on climate change. The U.N.-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates human activity is responsible for just 7 billion metric tons of global carbon dioxide emissions out of a total of 157 billion tons released annually. That’s just 4.5 percent, with 57 percent coming from oceans, 19 percent from decaying vegetation and 19 percent from plant and animal respiration.
Economist Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, concluded in 2001 that, “implementing Kyoto will cost $150 billion to $300 billion globally every year, merely to postpone the temperature rise by six years from 2100 to 2106. It’s a very expensive way to achieve very little.” So much for the impact of human activity.”
This is funny: “The principal source of global warming attributable to human activity is coming from all the hot air spewed by Al Gore’s propaganda film, An Inconvenient Truth. It’s a Hollywood production of Gore’s campaign slide show brought to the silver screen by Laurie David, the wife of Larry (Curb Your Enthusiasm) David. The only documentable “truth” that can be known is that mean global surface temperatures increased about a half-degree Celsius between 1850 and 1940 and by another 0.3 degrees since then. Most of the warming in the 20th century was in the period between 1900-1940, when man-made greenhouse gases were considerably less influential.”
Hey moonbats: I see where GreenDumb gets his BS from See BS set him up.
So it’s out in the open Green Dumb. Anyone who disagrees is marginalized as a fossil fuel money grubber. See BS = See BULLSHIT!
Green Dumb: These are the naysayers. Who are your proponents again?
It is a petition signed by nearly 17,000 US scientists, half of whom are trained in the fields of physics, geophysics, climate science, meteorology, oceanography, chemistry, biology, or biochemistry.
And you were saying what GreenDumb…
Back to Ward Churchill – Will he get rejected by CU?
Poll on Ward Churchill
[] He will be fired
[] He will come to Roger Rabbit for legal advise
[] He will go on Goldy’s show and say “I was framed”
[] He will say he didn’t plagiarize
[] He will call everyone little Eichmanns
Back to GreenDumb: The 17000 scientists are in a 4:1 ratio against Al Gorbasm’s gang! So how can we call this a consensus GreenDumb?
About that discredited petition signed by 15 – 17 – 20,000 “scientists”.
A June 2000 Business Week article referred to physicist Frederick Seitz as “the granddaddy of global-warming skeptics”. Seitz was once a director and shareholder of a company that operated coal-fired power plants.
Dr. Seitz is a former President of the National Academy of Sciences, but the Academy disassociated itself from Seitz in 1998 when Seitz headed up a report designed to look like an NAS journal article saying that carbon dioxide poses no threat to climate. The report, which was supposedly signed by 15,000 scientists, advocated the abandonment of the Kyoto Protocol. The NAS went to unusual lengths to publically distance itself from Seitz’ article.
When questioned in 1998, Oregon Institute of Sciene and Medicine head Arthur Robinson admitted that only 2,100 signers of the Oregon Petition had identified themselves as physicists, geophysicists, climatologists, or meteorologists, “and of those the greatest number are physicists.” This grouping of fields concealed the fact that only a few dozen, at most, of the signatories were drawn from the core disciplines of climate science – such as meteorology, oceanography, and glaciology – and almost none were climate specialists. The names of the signers are available on the OISM’s website, but without listing any institutional affiliations or even city of residence, making it very difficult to determine their credentials or even whether they exist at all. When the Oregon Petition first circulated, in fact, environmental activists successfully added the names of several fictional characters and celebrities to the list, including John Grisham, Michael J. Fox, Drs. Frank Burns, B. J. Honeycutt, and Benjamin Pierce (from the TV show M*A*S*H), an individual by the name of “Dr. Red Wine,” and Geraldine Halliwell, formerly known as pop singer Ginger Spice of the Spice Girls. Halliwell’s field of scientific specialization was listed as “biology.” Even in 2003, the list was loaded with misspellings, duplications, name and title fragments, and names of non-persons, such as company names.
The wingnut global warming denial brigade keeps going into the greatest hits of the fossil fuel industry, a lot has changed since 1998 like five years of the higher temperatures than 1998, which was then said to be the hottest year, ever on earth.
But aside from that, a lot more evidence of global warming has been discovered and analyzed.
I’m not in this mock “discussion.” You guys are on the wrong side. The American people have left you, and scientific consensus was never with you.
You cling to the dicredited fake “17,000 signatures,” the “atmospheric temperaturs” dodge that was already proven years ago to be actually consistent with surface measurements (I guess you just missed it), and dragging out good ol’ Bjorn Lomborg to comment on the alleged “costs” of implementing the Kyoto treaty (not only outsdie of his field of expertise, but also so dependent on what is done and other variables that it’s pretty clear that he’s quoting some kind of “worst-cast” scare estimate).
The only people who believe you and take you seriously are each other (you know, the people who get their news from Fox). Have a nice time patting each other on the back while we get down to work fixing this.
I should leave you with something of substance.
Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis
Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
Climate Change 2001: Mitigation
Read them closely boys. This is what ACTUAL science looks like.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a global scientific body that constitutes the “gold standard” of climate science. In the IPCC’s first assessment report, published in 1990, the science remained open to reasonable doubt. But the IPCC’s second report, completed in 1995, concluded that amid purely natural factors shaping the climate, humankind’s distinctive fingerprint was evident. And with the release of the IPCC’s third assessment in 2001, a strong consensus had emerged. “Consensus as strong as the one that has developed around this topic is rare in science,” wrote Science Editor-in-Chief Donald Kennedy in a 2001 editorial.
DaddyLove: show some of that “love”. Bjorn is a paid consultant of the fossil fuel industry right? No, he is an independent thinker who is discredited by your side. Why have scientific people started staking their careers against Al Gore and his incredible science?
Since you love polls DaddyLove
Convinced global warming under way?-=-59%-=40%
Think it will affect your own life?-=-33%-=66%
Favor immediate government action?–=-38%-=58%
Hey this thread is on Prince Little Eichmann:
Will he get rejected by CU?
Poll on Ward Churchill
[] He will be fired
[] He will come to Roger Rabbit for legal advise
[] He will go on Goldy’s show and say “I was framed”
[] He will say he didn’t plagiarize
[] He will call everyone little Eichmanns
Daddy Love and Harry Tuttle have been doing a great job of rebutting the denialists.
It’s really interesting to see how intense the wingers can get on global warming. There also seems to be some new “personas” who show up when this issue is brought up.
I wonder whether, in addition to the usual wingers, HA has ended up on a list of blogs that fossil fuel propaganda shops monitor and spin.
If so, Goldy should feel good about the increased national prominence he has achieved. I’m impressed with his global warming converage. I hope he continues to keep the “heat” on, because this isn’t an issue that will be resolved by passing a few laws here and there and then going back to business as usual.
As for the wingers, let me repeat my modest proposal: I say we deport them all to a low-lying island and let them watch the tide roll in.
Tune in tonite for more “Global Warming: faith for the godless” with the Wrong Reverend Al Gore. BE HEALED!… just send your checks and money orders to Rev Al Gore so he can further his ministry with Rolex’s, private planes, limo’s and trips to France.
Was the a Ward Churchill thread or a warming thread?
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