Notice how many media jackals in the audience can’t really process it, although some can.
Limbaugh and Hannity are sick and deserve whatever ridicule they get, although it’s certain that after three decades of relentless and hateful attacks on us by conservatives, some of them will whine and bitch about this being out of bounds. Whatever. What goes around comes around.
Conservatives wanted divisive, bare-knuckle politics on all fronts, they got it and lost, the perverted freaks. Nice permanent majority they got there, BTW.
Elections have consequences, some unanticipated. It’s absolutely delightful to have someone throw everything back in their faces on such a big stage.
Drug addict snit fit in three….two….one…..Whaaaaaaaaah I need my binky and some oxycodone, I’m Rush Limbaugh, the leader of the Republican Party.
Wanda is damned funny. She’s funny because she can hit the nail on the head.
I bet three dollars and a dozen bagels that come Monday we are going to see on Faux News the video of Wanda saying she hopes Limpdick’s kidneys fail with a spotlight on Obama smiling and the commentators will be screaming that Obama wants Rush to fall ill.
Like there is something wrong with that.
Funny..well played. I am sure the fat man will have a come back on Monday for sure after he wakes up from his usual weekend barbiturate binge.
Of course it’s all about conservatives attacking the poor little helpless democrats.
Say, did hillary ever find out which mean republican was behind the vast right-wing conspiracy that made up the rumors that bill was having non-sex with monica?
The best line of the night was from Obama-
“Most of you covered me. All of you voted for me.”
byebyegoober keeps offering $ for my real name/address.
Well goober, one of your “friends” on here emailed me some info on you for free.
If nothing else, at least byebyegoober is into recycling.
OMG that was funny and yes the crybaby, cowardly, chickenshit, chickenhawks on the right will be dialing 1-800-WAAAAAAAAH about this and who the fuck cares. They’re not part of nothing but a far right fringe group. They have no idea, morals, core beliefs or most importantly power. It’s fun reminding them that they are hypocrites.
I’d love to waterboard any of these fucks who says it’s not torture. It sure would be when I did it to them. As for Handjob Hannity, he’s probably the biggest punk of em all. I remember bitches like that in high school. All hat and no cattle, always writing checks with their mouths their asses couldn’t cash. Man what I would give to get that cunt in a room without his body guard for 5 minutes!
Yes Marvin the child molester. . . the GOP are all goobers. I agree. Now as for your address, I found it.
I decided to publish it here for everyone else to see.
McNeil Island Sex Offender Unit
Special Commitment Center
35 Settlers Street
Steilacoom, Washington 98388
Did wanda compare the views olbermann to someone in pakistan?
Since you now know my address you can come kick my ass like you keep promising.
That is unless you are a chicken.
Marvin as soon as they let you out of that place I’ll be on the other side to welcome you back to society. In the mean time, you might want to ease up on letting Puffybutt fuck you in the ass. He’s going to miss you when you make parole.
devoreberg…how can limbaugh be the 20th hijacker when everyone knows it was the mossad that blew up the wtc?
Remember what I said, people? Pull back. Look at the pattern in John’s post. Even though Democrats run everything, and you think he’d be happy, he’s not. He’s obsessed with the party that is NOT in power. Pull back. Think about it. Is this rational? His party is in power. We have a Democratic senators. A Democratic governor. And a Democratic president. Does John ever write positive pieces about politicians in his party?
John is one angry, miserable man.
Why are you so angry all the time? Huge majorities in Congress, a new liberal president. This is your time. And yet, the anger. Do you have a personality disorder or something?
On a completely related note, you seem to project your same anger on to those you disagree with. Gives your posts a nice ironic touch.
Isn’t it about time liberal blogs start posting positive videos about the troops like the right routinely does?
Dailypus makes no mention of it.
Why does the left only support the troops when they shoot their officers?
It’s not just jon. It’s a widespread disease that has infected the minds of liberals.
Look at the front page of huffington post today. Lots of articles about the jokes at the expense of republicans, not one about jokes at the expense of obama.
Strange how the very same people, even the left wing-nuts on this blog, took offense at feherty for his comments shriek in glee when their fellow lefties want harm to come to conservatives. Why the double standard?
At least the cowardly Troll has stopped pretending to be a Democrat. He sucked at that like he does everything else.
As Limbaugh said back in the day.. aaawwwwww..
Poor babies…
Right wing fiends deserve everything they’re getting…
Property-Rights Nuts Run Amok
Their mug shots look like characters from a chainsaw movie. The sign at their house says, “Trespassers will be shot. Survivers will be reshot!! Smile I will.”
They’re in jail for shooting 4 recreationists riding off-road vehicles who weren’t on the couple’s property. The suspects only thought they were.
A 7-year-old boy died. A 5-year-old girl has buckshot in her elbow. The children’s dad was hit in the shoulder. A 30-year-old family friend is serious condition with a head wound.
Gayle and Sheila Muhs, both 45, of Liberty County, Texas, so far have been charged with aggravated assault but now that the boy has died the charges may be upgraded to murder.
A couple of those wacko religious types were arrested in front of the white house for praying on national pray day.
“Before at least presidents were nice enough to open their doors and let some Christians come in and pray. … Not this one. So since he wouldn’t do it, we took the prayer to him.”
Another white house tradition broken. Oh well. At least those religious freaks were arrested.
Oops, big bozo no-no. NEVER say the obama is not your savior.
It seems like just yesteryear that lefties would protest in front of the white house without being rounded up and arrested. Oh yeah, those anti-war protesters were mostly white, these were black ministers. Go figure.
Maybe I’ve reached a saturation point with Keith Olbermann at last, but I’m seeing the danger of the cable/media factions constantly ratcheting up the rhetoric against each other. It’s a closed, endless loop.
The right (really, Limbaugh himself) started this kind of thing, but at a certain point it becomes tiresome, as media lowlifes like that Golf network guy learn that they just need to make some outlandish statement and they’ll get the kind of attention they don’t deserve.
Eventually something in the brain of some nutjob with guns on the right connects, and then people get hurt or killed. For the rest of us, it just becomes a distraction from real issues. It’s all getting very cartoonish, like rhetorical Itchy and Scratchy.
@20 My guess is they intentionally breached a security cordon to get themselves arrested in order to attract media attention to their partisan message.
The police acted appropriately. Until these suspicious characters are waterboarded, how do the authorities know they’re not terrorists disguised as black ministers?
15 MS
I didn’t know that CBS News is “the right.” Thanks for the heads up.
LMAO@22 – The right wing dumbshits keep telling us waterboarding is not torture.. Maybe the right wing teabaggers, HA trolls and other nuts provoking arrest should voluntarily submit to having their lungs filled with water.
Can’t take a chance in these post 9/11 days. The right wing fools could be terrorist and not even know it!! According to them the jihadies are that clever!
20 ms
That was a “White House tradtition” that began eight years ago by the man who has as little respect for the seraration of Church and State as he had for US Constitution.
But it is fact that
(A) President Obama proclaimed the National Day of Prayer, then said he would pray in private. As I am pretty sure Jesus recommended.
(B) Critian Boradcasting Network (CBN) reported that the ministers who were arested were “in a restricted area,” and thus, you know, subject to arrest. Republicans want civil disobedience without civil penalties. Do your time, wimps.
One less guest for dinner…
SUSAN Boyle turned down the chance of a dream dinner date with President Barack Obama in Washington . . . to stay at home and wash her hair, we can reveal.
If you believe obama is your savior, please don’t read the 4 pages of comments.
Of course there are some lefty comments, it’s easy to tell it’s from the left from the way they attack boyle-
When did it become politically correct and right on to be fat,ugly and rude?
Those lefties are so tolerant. Imagine the outrage if a republican said that about helen thomas.
@4 Hillary was right, you lying piece of wingnut dogshit. There was, in fact, a vast rightwing conspiracy to manufacture lies about Clinton. Much of it was funded by Richard Mellon Scaife, one of the very slimiest of all the ultra-right pond algae. David Brock, a former fiction writer for the VRWC paid with Scaife money, exposed many of the VRWC’s Clinton lies as pure fabrications. He should know; he created them.
@4 (continued) You do realize, don’t you, that “dogshit” is about the worst epithet a rabbit can use? I just spat in your face! What are you gonna do about it, ace? Put out mousetraps?
So do Republicans revere Susan Boyle? I thought there were self-deluding fools on both sides.
26 MS
You mean like the comments about Chelsea Clinton? Ever classy…
@8 Ha ha ha ha that’s funny! Marvin will give himself a hernia trying to think of a comeback to that one. har har har har har
Rules for Radicals #11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it.
Saul Alinsky would be proud of all the whiny leftys on this blog – with no coherent arguments of your own, you follow rule #11 and then congratulate each other on your genius.
Get a clue……….
@13 You don’t understand. The very best time to kick wingnuts is when you bastards are down. When you’re on your knees, that’s when a rabbit’s powerful hind feet can reach your nuts. Nothing is as satisfying as kicking a wingnut in the balls!*
* Heh! Just kidding! Wingnut joke.
32 – Limbaugh and Sean Inanity must have read Alinsky.
Naaaaah…. Idiot savants like that don’t read.
…”the marvin” has sure got his man-boobs caught in the warshing maching over the fascist fuckheads getting the waxing they so richly deserve.
better for the marvin to remember that the blood pressure meds don’t work as well after the third tumbler of vodka.
don’t wanthim to “pop” and go away…he’s too fucking funny!
I’m not one to predict that Republicans are through as a national party.
But it does look like it’s gonna be a while. It’s not just that their ideas and policies are unpopular, but also that they don’t want to look for more popular ones.
Remind you that your bad choices in life ruined your health.
@ 37
Remind you that your bad choices in life ruined your health.
Then you won’t mind if we keep reminding you how the bad choices you’ve made have ruined the lives of countless other people.
You gave a police station as your address.
What choice would that be? I’ve NEVER played the accordion.
Actually some Republicans are trying to think their way out of the wilderness
This is pretty close to weak sauce but at least it’s a try. And fortunately for the Dems hardly any of the rank and file or the Republican leadership are taking it seriously.
Keep up the good work following Limbaugh wingnuts!
Because you missed it…
Since he said (we all know byebyegoober lies about everything) he knew where I lived I was egging him on.
Why would I give my real address? Look how many of the left wing-nuts on this board have threatened me with violence. Even lee wanted to put his hands on me because I made the comment that fat people should pay more for insurance because of their bad life choices.
re 4: …or the rumors that she was a murderer and a drug runner. You wacky Republicans!! Always projecting your own faults on to others.
re 42: You are just too lazy to stand up for yourself in person.
If you think someone will hurt you, meet them in a public place — like a library foyer — and bring some pepper spray if someone tries to hurt you.
Marvin the pervert – why are you such a coward? Is it because all Publicans have no courage? Are you like your leader Lush Flimbaugh who was afraid to go to Nam? Are you like your butt-buddy Handjob Hannity who never served in the military even though Des. Strm I was prime time for him? Or are you just a useless piece of shit that writes checks with his mouth his ass can’t cash?
A google search for hillary clinton “drug runner” found one website echoing your words that the vast right wing conspiracy was accusing her of it. I culdn’t even find a rush/fox/hannity quote about it.
So unless you can back up your allegation, well….
Practice what you preach.
Come on down to los angeles and meet me.
Because I don’t want to hurt you. That’s why I am forcing you not to come down to los angeles.
Man, I love the smell of wingnuts burning in the morning. It smells like……
It’s wonderful that both parties in this country find the fact that they torture people so hilarious.
I find MARVIN more hilarious. He looked absurd enough reading him in the US. From the perspective of 8000 miles, he’s REALLY a whiny jerk….uh, joke. And he’s torture all by himself. I’ll bet Mama Duck is SO proud.
Can’t claim to have masses of democratic folks with me, its merely my take. I’ve watched the wingnuts deny we did torture, then say since Nancy P oked it, whats all the noise about. Now Clinton rendering people is worthy of major attention.
The absurd string of distractions by torture fans is one of those laugh or cry things.
At least for me and suspect many others, I laugh. Then I support the investigations, aware that the wingnuts have already decided, ahead of any complete report on the issue.
I was a little unclear about what you wrote…
Are you saying it doesn’t bother you that pelosi oked it, and then lied about knowing anything about it?
LOL Marvin the only way you’d be able to hurt me would be if I was a little three-year old boy you raped. That’s about the age range you work on isn’t it?
Stillbentover@45 farted:
Marvin, this is the same punk who was called out twice in one day and chose not to meet Puddy either time. GBS was there. The normal DL crowd was there, but HA most worthless punk and worthless hershey highway prison bitch stillbentover couldn’t find the cojones to show.
Why was that again stillbentover? Puddy was there. GBS and Puddy enjoyed a great mexican greasy truck lunch in the Rainier Valley. Puddy was at DL. Puddy asked where was stillbentover. Another no show! You were and still are a punk… BITCH…
See ya delusional fool. Keep looking for the white thang fool…
Direction of Country
RCP Average: -3.5%
Right Direction 44.5%
Wrong Track 48.0%
Wow, it was Randi Four Gunshots Rhodes attacking President Bush and it was only two bullets to Speaker Pelosi.
Of course the HA swineflu weasels go apoplectic when the truth is told!
I’m not shocked.
Even with all his left wing-nut buddies he was still scared to meet you?
I guess that explains why he talks so big. Those who can, do. Those tha tcan’t talk.
Puffybutt likes to tell this story backwards. Three separate times this dick-licking punk refused to show up at the Port Orchard bowling alley. Three times. Just like every other Publican I have ever met, he’s a chickenshit punk. One way you could find out for sure Marvin the baby raper is to just let us know where you are. Afraid?
These lefty’s are just big old meanies.
Now puddy if you go ballistic there will be consequenses, Marvin watch out or they will be apologizing for you, maybe they will go get big brutha obozo, or maybe the castro bruthas,the taliban you know and then wanda sykes (who the hell is she?)will run her blathering fat lips and omg that might hurt if they waterboard her at the same time, be like a windmill in a hurricane, this could get bad.
Be careful out there these left extremest are on the march, following the talking head, and that teleprompter, that ones tough, even the talking head can’t keep up with it.
Take care patriots,keep up the good work give em lots of rope, if ya know what i mean.
I wonder if our tax dollars paid for this flake? This Trash was about as funny as obozos remark about special olympics.
Aren’t Rush and Hannity American citizens,taxpayers, those that are under the protection of obozo and the constituion?
It looks to me like the comedy level in this country is taking a nose dive.
Like the economy.
She is probably from his old neighborhood.She talks alot like the trash that obozo has been associated with in the past.
She is picking on white drug addict isn’t that a hate crime?
stillentover, the deal was you were to show up in the Rainier Valley. GBS said he wanted a ring side seat and if he reads this thread he’ll tell the world again you punked… BITCH! So when Puddy came back on the blog the same day and mentioned you punked on lunch, Puddy again extended the invitation to dinner at DL. If you have the cogliones fool, you can ask the DL crowd didn’t Puddy ask if stillbentover showed up. No one say your punk BITCH ass fool.
You’ve been stripped bare and found with a microscopic dick.
You lose!
It took me exactly 90 seconds to get this swill from right wing sources. Marvin, you are such a liar, I hardly know where to start.
Limbaugh accuses Hillary Clinton of murdering Vince Foster
Re 46:
Accusations that the Clintons were drug runners
I wouldn’t wish kidney failure on anyone…but Limbaugh has obviously severely abused and polluted his body over the years. He’s probably looking at eventual descent into “multiple system failure”: Type 2 diabetes (if he doesn’t already have it), high blood pressure, heart disease, kidneys, eyes and possibly losing his feet (from the diabetes), etc. It ain’t likely to be pretty.
Some years ago, he might have been lucky enough to go quick with a massive coronary, but we’ve gotten so good at dealing with that he’ll be kept going until all the other stuff gets him.
if you really wanted to understand lying and double standards, ask a liberal this question…if you had the chance, would you have approved the assasination of hitler. they would of course jump to the jew master and say yes. so they will kill to prevent evil, but they wont waterboard, a non physically violent act. assholes, liars, and criminals.
Who was that heroin addicted ‘hood rat??
I think Little jonny Devore had a complete melt down yet again, but what else is new?
Puffybutt you made a deal with the Oreo cookie company not with me. You can say anything you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that three different times I gave you a chance to show your ass-licking face and three different times you did what cowards do best – you bent over and took it in the ass. Which is indeed why your wife still prefers me over you.
@63: If you really want to understand right wingnut haters ask them this:
Do you believe in the constitution of the United States of America?
If they say yes, then ask them how they can support torture – something the founding fathers, US law, the constitution, the Geneva convention and the US armed forces expressly forbid.
What a bunch of lying hypocrites. Waterboarding over 6 times a day?
You mealy mouthed little wimps. Torture is for freakin’ cowards. We the the US don’t do torture! Bush and Cheney lied about it. They tortured people and embarassed our country.
Only sick, perverted wingnuts support torture. Period.
@60: Poor wittle Wuh Wimpaugh can’t defend himself?
Taken down by a comedian? Hey, I thought she was a little over the top – but Rush is also over the top.
If he can’t take his own medicine (I’m not talking oxycontin here), then he should get out of the insult business.
When he injects himself into the republican party as a “leader” then he becomes a target. All of the conservativces wailing like split pigs sure haven’t said anything when Rush is delivering the lines.
Can’t have it both ways.
#52 The statement was a sumation of wingnut thoughts about Ms P. It is to bad you will not wait for the whole confirmed story before making a call. Blind ideological can do that to you. Get better some life time.
Can you please point me to the part of the constitution that gives the president the power to fire CEOs of non-government businesses?
What, no mention of pelosi? She knew.
Please explain why you aren’t mentioning her name as a perverted wing-nut that supported torture.
Typical wingnut BS – claim that Nancy Pelosi “approved” it – BS. She was barely informed AFTER it happpened and could not say anything. It is not even clear they told her about waterboarding.
Just more criminals trying to run for any kind of cover they can create.
Bush and Cheney, Yoo, Bybee and Addington approved of torture, set up a torture program, gave legal justification fort torture and then lied about the extent and the use of torture.
That will forever be a black stain on our country. The idea that they spent my tax money and defamed my country for their political purposes…..this is my country too, and now I have to live with the shame of their law breaking, criminal and false activities.
pelosi said she didn’t know.
leaked cia memos proves that’s a lie.
As more memos are leaked/released only more democrats are going to be implicated.
Of course we have to wait until all the facts are leaked to know how many democrats lied.
The fact is, pelosi lied.
Why are you afraid to admit that pelosi lied? Is that your ideological blindness?
Marvin is not only a child molester – he’s a liar. PRESIDENT OBAMA didn’t fire anyone at GM. PRESIDENT OBAMA told GM that if they wanted government money, they needed to make changes. If they wanted to keep their CEO they could have. They just had to refuse government money. So, the Constitution is intact. Marvin is a chickenshit liar. And the world is as it should be.
The fact is the Bush regime tortured, lied about it and then did it some more.
Marvin – you lying sack of shit – please just go away with your insipid lies and third-grade level arguments.
We all know you are a lying wimp. So fly away. You aren’t too bright, you have been shown to be wrong and lying many times and you threaten people like the wimp you are….really, you have no honor and credibility.
How does it feel to be a thoroughly distasteful idiot who is just here to annoy and lie to people?
Don’t you have anything better to do with your life? I just feel sorry for a fool like you.
@71: The CIA memo does NOT prove that Pelosi lied – you are lying. In fact the CIA admitted that the memo was concocted after the fact…from “recollections”.
Ooops – Marvin is caught in another lie.
Before you go on about things – maybe you should actually know the facts, idiot Marvin.
The fact is Marvin is wrong and is lying.
ooops again Marvin – you have no credibility.
Let’s see – what is more accurate?
The info Marvin shovels us from rightwnut lying sources – or the actual facts?
Gee, not a hard call to make here.
Where is your apology for lying, Marvin the liar?
Where are your “facts”? Gone missing again?
run away little Marvin….and take your lying BS with you.
$500 FINE: Sorry you can’t say “Marvin” and “Facts” in the same post.
How many excuses can you make in one paragraph.
The CIA-prepared memo, provided to CNN by Republican sources, lists 40 briefings for members of Congress from September 2002 to March 2009. The first briefing on the list — on September 4, 2002 — was for then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Porter Goss and Pelosi, then the ranking Democrat on the committee.
The FIRST briefing took place on September 4, 2002.
“shock and awe” took place on March 20th of 2003
Are you implying we were torturing before we even got to iraq?
And why do you believe she couldn’t say anything? Afraid bush would have her jailed like, um, er. I can’t think of any political dissenter that got jailed for speaking out against bush. Hell, the republican controlled congress didn’t even send letters to olbermann like the democrat controlled congress did to rush.
Of course you avoided the whole quote.
This information, however, is drawn from the past files of the CIA and represents MFRs completed at the time and notes that summarized the best recollections of those individuals
This wasn’t a recollection made years later.
Use common sense… If you were at a meeting, took notes and then wrote about it in the next day or two would you have memory problems?
@79: How dense are you?
Did you read the link?
Or are you unable to read?
The CIA admitted that the memo was written afterwards, was general and could be “inaccurrate”.
So you have absolutely nothing and are lying. Pelosi has been consistent in what she says happened – and you are a bald-faced liar.
Anything else you want to make a fool of yourself about?
Why do you support torture?
Oh, and the IG report that Cheney claimed would validate torture. That the torture stopped terrorist plots and that the torturers used it sparingly – all lies too.
Yup – it was the CIA tring to CYA itself.
Again, you made a statement – it is verifiably false. The memo that the CIA said was inaccurate – proves nothing. This is not Pelosi saying it is inaccurate – it is the CIA.
You are wrong and lying and trying to weasel out of it.
Apologize now for your lies, admit you are wrong – you have no credibility.
For someone that throws the liar word around you sure don’t have any shame in lying.
Got link?
Of course, you are under no legal obligation to back up your words. byebyegoober never backs up his words so you’ll be in “good” company.
It’s not the cia, it’s the political appointee of obama, leon panetta that said it could be inaccurate.
Let’s see, would a democrat have any reason to cover for one of their own? Did any democrats cover for john edwards against the right wing smear machine?
Boy, you are dense.
I put the link up @75. Do I need to explain how the “internets” work?
I don’t throw the word liar around loosely – but you made a false accusation without the facts – and I caught you with a link.
Your link fails to contain the latest info – your information is old and inaccurate – so you need to apologize for being wrong or you will be recognized as the liar you are.
Let’s see – “Provided by Republican sources” pretty much takes care of it doesn’t it.
And what is it about being an inbred Publican cunt that makes it impossible for you to understand Marvin the Pervert that being BRIEFED is not the same thing as having a SAY in what took place. The Bush regime made it clear that they didn’t believe Congress had any right to be involved in actual decision making.
Remember folks, fuckheads like Marvin the Pervert want to drive this conversation in the opposite direction of where it should go. He doesn’t want you thinking or talking about the fact that the Bush regime approved and used torture and then lied about it and then defended it when they were caught. He wants to make it about ANYTHING but that. But I won’t let him. He’s a liar and a cunt and I will always be here to remind him of that.
hahahah – more weasel shit from marvin.
Panetta is the head of the CIA. Just like “Porter Goss” was the head of the CIA. Yup – the guy who appointed Dusty Foggo as the #3 man at the CIA – yup, the same guy who went to prison for illegal activities.
You will go to any length to excuse your lies! How pathetic! Keep defending the indefensible – you are really a fool!
86 Don’t worry about it…the only people Marvin is “fooling” are himself and his fellow trolls.
I’m more than happy to let Nancy Pelosi hang out to dry if Republicans will admit that waterboarding is torture.
To the HA swineflu weasels
“If a person gives 1,200 Saudi Riads to his wife and she spends 900 Saudi Riads to purchase an abaya (the black gown) from a brand shop and if her husband slaps her on the face as a reaction to her action, she deserves that punishment.” Saudi Judge Hamad Al-Razine.
Sha’ria law cummin soon to Amerikkka!
What lie? Did I say that waterboarding wasn’t used?
Got link?
The point is pelosi knew.
Just like how all those democrats “lied” right along with bush about WMDs and saddam/terrorists and you refuse to admit they lied.
Remember, the reps impeached clinton for lying. The dems didn’t even try to impeach bush because they knew once they were called up to the witness stand they would have to answer questions.
Questions like…
Lawyer: Mrs Clinton, on September 12, 2002 you said, and I quote;
“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members…
Did you tell the truth?
Next up could be pelosi, there are so many democrats that lied the trail could go on for years.
Lawyer: Speaker of the house pelosi, was it true on the November 17, 2002 episode of Meet the press did you say-
“Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There’s no question about that.”
How do you feel knowing your elected democrat leaders lied us into a war?
So it’s all about politics and not doing what you believe is right.
I guess it is legal to torture true American patriotic soldiers, but not those that kill innocent victims on our soil, please you big pussies!
You will believe anything and much more to try and defend the incompetence of your talking head and nutcase pusslosi,
well as of January 20th 2009 your man took the ball as i see it, things ARE NOT any better,
the scams and shams just got started on that date,
he wanted the job so he needs to get on with it, instead he acts like a rock star still campaining to be the leader of the muslim world.
He feeds ya crap and it just keeps stacking up and you stand there like a bunch go no where pieces of shit that you really are ,
you are willing to let this country and all of the freedoms we posses just go to into the abiss,
When socialism gets a grip on this country you will no longer be able to take home the money you earned when we were capitolist,
instead you will donate unwillingly to those that did not want to get an education,Have carreer/job,pay for thier own abortions, buy thier food and clothing, make sure they have a place to live while they abuse the sytem use the money for drugs,screw around get std’s
and we pay for it all.
People in the workforce have to pass a wizz quiz to keep the job they have, to pay the government money to give to these system abusers.
If you voted for the man then i think you should be willing to give him your all,your freedom your money your loyalty,
Don’t imply that all are ignorant because they don’t want to march blindly to the demise of the greatest nation on earth.
fricken left pussies just argue to be right,well you being right won’t change a thing DUMBASSES, this country will still be in a nose dive and you are as resposible as your big mack daddy,why the hell do think what you have to say is any more important that that of oblahblahblahbama, is just a bunch of dished out bullshit and i am not hungry for shit, but i suppose you lefties are since you are eating it up which would just make you full of it as well.
@ 92
So it’s all about politics and not doing what you believe is right.
What politics? If waterboarding is torture and Nancy Pelosi knew about it, then she should be hung out to dry. The only way to politicize this whole thing is to both piss and moan about Nancy Pelosi while denying that waterboarding is torture. For a prime example of that, see the comment at 93.
You know joe blow it is torture to a bunch of left wing pussies, call it what you want but your man needs to get bawny fwanks sack outta his mouth, start conscentrating on what he is going to do, for our country, instead he concentrates on past administrations for leverage and this is his big bring it together style (my ass)transparency move on type of government.
If it is torture they deserved it,and the people in nyc should have the right to torture these killing, murderers themselves,(thier own standard for punishment i might add) for what all of the Americans that lost loved ones and friends have been through since 911, your comment doesn’t change a thing.
WatchwomanJackingOffOnTheWall is a typical right wing chickenhawk. Had you ever actually served your country bitch you’d understand this simple point.
We don’t torture because if we do, they will torture our guys too!
Now being the cowardly ass-licker you are, you wouldn’t have any experience with any actual combat and wouldn’t realize this. Even that old lying fuck FlipFlop McSame admitted this.
You righties are a laugh a minute.
I see where White House Press Flack Robert Gibbs has officially tossed Wanda Sykes under the bus for her bupkis comments.
By extension then he would undoubtedly shove the lot of the HA Happy Hooligans through a wood chipper ala Fargo.
The Piper
@97 You don’t know me, if have served, or if i am serving,or if in the future i may want to serve,and as far as i am concerned it is none of your business, you little cock bite,drop the torture bullshit because at this time it has nothing to do with this country moving into the future. You are as incompetant as your leading cock sucker and right hand jack off pusslosi so shut the fuck up and don’t comment back to me scumbag,velvet tounged obama dick sucking cum slinger, be a good leftie and eat your shit as oblahma hands it out to ya.
Watchwoman you seem to be very interested in my cock – sorry I don’t play the way you do.
You’re a right wing coward. You’re a traitor. You’re a piece of shit. How do I know? You’re a republican.
Eat shit and die cunt.
This is an example of classless hypocricy at its finest. what has happened to the Democratic Party of old, when it used to actually stand for something good? Now it resides in a cesspool of hate.