The de-facto leader of the GOP calls a CNN reporter “butt boy.”
You kind of wonder at what point legacy journalists, um, stop it with the pretending about just reporting what each side said. I mean, how exactly do you report, “Republicans responded that I am a ‘butt boy?'”
Is there even ONE Washington state Republican elected official with the guts to stand up to the psychopath Rush Limbaugh? Frankly I doubt it. The silence speaks volumes. They’re all too damn scared to stand up to this pathetic bully. And you wonder how Joe McCarthy got away with it for so long.
“We’re all butt-boys now!” R. Nixon
I’m surprised he didn’t blast the rest of the news media as he rightly should.
No need to have cnn, msnbc, nbc, cbs,abc all full of butt boys and gals.
Who cares all of the rantings of these stations are going down while Rush and /fox are going up.
Looks like Lush Flimbaugh is the gift that keeps on giving. The righties that “run” the GOP don’t quite know what to do with the big fat turd. I think it’s fucking funny. These right wing cowards won’t stand up to him. If the GOP won’t stand up to a drug addicted, limp-dicked asshole who can’t keep a wife more than 15 minutes, why would America think they could stand up to Iran?
LOL! Thanks Rush you big fat idiot! Thanks – keep at it bitch! HE HE!
Max Blumenthal provides some perspective on Michael Steele’s apology to Rush Limbaugh:
I’m wondering which bottle of pills is the source of Lush’s comment. Is it the hillbilly heroin or the non-prescription prescription viagra he brought on his “boys weekend” to the Dominican Republic? Is he high or stiff (or both) when checking out Ed Henry’s butt?
I am going to sound like some sort of clueless idiot here, but what did he mean by “butt boy”? Is that a homophobic slur? I don’t think I have ever heard the term before.
@2: Who cares all of the rantings of these stations are going down while Rush and /fox are going up.
True. Very true.
Wow Media Morons actually played the whole clip. Did HAs faithful listen to the whole thing? Notice how Rush singles out Jake Tapper? The article is below which Media Morons doesn’t include in it’s clip.
Who talks down American institutions? Obama
Who is scaring the Stock Market? Obama
Who is making the largest deficit spending in history? Obama
Who wrote the Porkulus bill? Pelosi
Tapper on the other hand is more circumspect in his questions…
Howard Kurtz interviewed Tapper:
“Tapper, who has already clashed publicly with press secretary Robert Gibbs, has been outspoken in his view that many in the media have been too soft on Barack Obama.
“Certain networks, newspapers and magazines leaned on the scales a little bit,” he says over a vanilla latte at Starbucks. Obama’s attractive qualities, he says, have prompted some editors and producers “to root for him.” ” Like CNN’s Ed Henry?
This is the article Rush refers to on his show which he singles out Tapper as not being a butt-boy like Ed Henry!
Of course HAs faithful discounts Limbaugh wanting America to succeed.
Wow Yellowpup – went to another kook-aid site!
I see those attacks on Limbaugh by the Obama Gang are paying dividends
Poll ~~~~~~Date~~~~~Sample~~~~+App~~~Disapp Spread
RCP Ave ~~ 02/25-03/02 ~~~~ ~~~~~+59.8 +28.6~~~+31.2
Quinn ~~~~02/25-03/02 2573 A ~~~+59~~~~+25~~~~+34
Gallup~~~~02/27-03/01 1551 A ~~~+63~~~~+25~~~~+38
Cook/RT ~~ 02/27-03/01 880 RV ~~~+57~~~~+28~~~~+29
Rasmuss ~~ 02/27-03/01 1500 LV~~~+60~~~~+39~~~~+21
NBC/Wall~~02/26-03/01 1007 A ~~~+60~~~~+26~~~~+34
And you all know where to go get the data…
@10: Yup, everyone is tuning in to Rush to see which Republican he is going to humiliate next.
What a gift! A racist, homophobic, drug-addled immoral slob is dominating the republican party to the point where not one republican can stand up to his bigotry and anti-Americanism.
His ratings go up and the republican poll numbers among the voting public keep dwindling. Thank you Rush, for cementing the majority of Americans behind the democrats with solutions as opposed the republican whiners and detractors.
The paucity of real ideas and policies coming out of the republican mess simply puts them into starker contrast with the democrats. The do-nothing, free market advocates are drowning in their own excesses.
And Micheal Steele (the “putative leader” of the republican party) – another gem! He is a gaffe per minute, weak, corrupt and just plain politically stupid republican. Perfect.
Between Steele and Rush, the republican party is a rudderless group of bitter little people squabling amongst themselves.
Yep Dr NotRight, Obama’s approval average for the first time is below 60% approval and he claims Limbaugh is
Your meds need modification Dr NotRight. You are leaning too far to the left.
While Dr NotRight rails with white noise……………………… Limbaugh supports poor black kids getting school vouchers to attend the Sidwell School. Yet Dr NotRight was MIA as always.
Actually, Rush CAN be entertaining.
It’s ind of like watching those early American Idol auditions; you know there’s going to be a train wreck every fifteen minutes or so when someone who is utterly clueless thinks they are immensely talented but can’t sing in key at all. With Limbaugh, he’s definately over-impressed with what he thinks are his sage-like qualities, which only makes the words coming out of his mouth even more hillarious.
Some comedians actually get their material from Limbaugh – they simply record what he says every day, and replay clips to their own audience, which usually provokes hysterical laughter. Only the Ditto-heads don’t get the joke.
So why is Rush relevant? Well, he shouldn’t be. But since Rush has claimed to be the ideological leader of the Republican Party, and the Republican politicians are afraid to challenge him on that, he has become the de facto head of the Republican Party. That means it’s open season!
Ooops, Puddy is wrong again.
Todays Gallup poll – Obama at 62% approval rating, 26% disapproval.
What was Bush at? ‘Nuff said.
How does it feel to be in the minority 25%? The same amount that thought Bush was doing a good job.
Keep up the good work republicans, you will drive the entire country into the democratic column.
While the public schools that they can actually afford to go to…well, let’s just say Limbaugh doesn’t support education because then people would be able to see through his crap.
Of course Rush is really well educated himself:
This is the guy that republicans think is brilliant…’nuff said.
HA Lefties, here is what Puddy entered above
Here is what Dr NotRight wrote:
Yes Puddy is wrong. Puddy had Gallup at 63% and 25%. My bad!
And this is the B E S T of HA leftist pinheads?
In my experience, the term “butt-boy” is used by gay guys, or prison inmates, to describe a guy controlled by another guy sexually.
Rush could probably find plenty of examples today, given the coverage.
As the leader of the GOP he gets to decide what to say on behalf of the party, and how to say it.
CNR – This whacko Stupes is over-medicated by breathing the intestinal gas spewed by the bloated whale Limbaugh.
He’s a bankrupt fool. Pay no mind to this idiot whose ideology has been ground into the dust the last 4 years.
15 – I confess I did not know that. Of course if I hear 30 seconds of Limbaugh’s voice in a year that’s a lot for me.
Now Stupes on the other hand is supposedly well-educated. He must have a masters in stupid.
u fucking morons. there’s rush on one side , and on the other every fucking jew controlled journalist in the world…..fuck u
It’s okay HAs knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@18, you can attack me all you want since the facts continue to slap you ‘side yo face’.
Dr NotRight is right. I gave 1% point higher approval rating to Obama. It’s should be lower.
Dr NotRight is one of the worst of the HA moronic lefty class:
We all can see Dr NotRight didn’t read the WAPo or the Wall Street Journal articles which fully describe the Democratic WA DC controlled school system of metal detectors and bars and the worthless inner city school education system.
Educating my people is the biggest reason I supported GWB. He proposed this program. Yet your Democratics are trying to kill it fool. And you as always are MIA.
You are so ignorant, I’d never want to be your patient. I’d visit a witch doctor first.
It’s so scary to realize with a worthless mind such as yours you can prescribe medicines… no… narcotics to patients. Are you self medicating again Dr NotRight since Steve stopped production of his Stupid Solution? Or as I suspect, you gas spectro’d the solution and made your own batch?
And Puddy is the “best” of the trolls
I just decontstructed about 5 of your pathetic arguments. It takes a little time – but I have done this before and, basically, you are full of it.
You pick out a single fact, misinterpret it and go with it.
My point was – compare the Obama poll numbers – on the UPSWING since his speech – tothe bush numbers and your puny little argument that Obama is doing “worse” vaporizes. Just like your global warming argument or your “free Market” argument…or on and on…
You can’t even cite a link and get the conclusion right from thatvery link….how pathetic. Yup and when cornered on your BS, you call names and change the subject. We have your MO down. All hat, no cattle.
Thanks for defending:
Rush: the racist, uneducated drug addict
Bush: the incompetent fool, approval rating under 30% lower than Nixon after Watergate.
Boehner: (approval rating 18%), the guy who could not even put to gether a tax cut proposal that actually cut taxes.
McConnell: Senator from tobacco, fool and incompetent.
Steele: Incompetent, groveling, corrupt fool
Yup – those are the republican leaders – I would take Pelosi any day over those misfits.
Woohoo. Hey Stupes. Check out man of idiocy’s spew @ 20.
You two can exchange notes on the vast “librul media” conspiracy and “white” christianity while you’re at it.
You’re such a freaking moron!
Oh, and I really want to thank “woman of truth” @20:
I love how you and Puddy agree on things. It just shows who Puddy has cast his lot with.
HAs knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@24,
Did you say something worthwhile? White noise…………………………….
And can you cite ANY statistics that black people increased their educational performance or opportunities during the 8 years fo Bush?
Do you support the unfunded mandate of “no child left behind”?
Or do you just have “platitudes” to spout? Oh, I just predicted that Puddy would start to personally insult me again….yup, right on cue.
Dr NotRight, you deconstructed nuthin. You constructed to all you are a fool! You are the one MIA.
Why is that?
Why do you support racist policies of Dick Durbin and the racist WEA?
Why do you hate inner city kids improving their lot in life?
What scares you, having an inner city kid becoming a doctor and practicing next to you?
Does Dr Benjamin Carson scare you? He’s an inner city black kid who is a world renown pediatric neurosurgeon.
Is that what scares you knowing a black kid can grow up and is smarter than you?
Call out to man of anti-semitism Stupes. Call out to him.
He’s your peeps, your bud. These are tough times for right wing fools. You gotta hang together united by the gas noises emanating from the blowhole of the whale on the AM radio.
He’s a natural for you Stupes. He’s on the list of those on who “stink right”, your list. Right? heh. Indeed. Right wing.
Dr NotRight, since Democratics control inner city school systems you should ask that of Democratics. Puddy can’t speak for them.
Why do you continually ask stupid questions? Each time you ask one Puddy destroys you with facts.
HAs knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@24&29,
Remember, to copy your only useful line these past 4+ years you’ve been here “I don’t take orders from you!”
See ya knuckle dragging clueless village idiot.
@14 Ooops, Puddy is wrong again.
Todays Gallup poll – Obama at 62% approval rating, 26% disapproval.
What he said (@12) was the RCP Ave was below 60% . . . which it is:
Only you can explain how you got to the Gallup numbers from his observation.
HA is truly blessed.
“de facto leader of the GOP”- Your Ass! He’s a fucking radio talk show host.
Whereas Keith Olbermannequin IS the Democrat mouthpiece who also fronts for the treasonous MoveOn.communist.
Dr NotRight farted:
His poll numbers were in the high 60s then.
Man you are stuck on stupid.
Another leftist tool in the Goldy pet arsenal cjs…
Your own link shows the Gallup numbers as the second entry, just like the Puddy extraction of post #10.
cjs must be a patient of Dr NotRight. He received the wrong meds.
Here’s is the vaulted Dr NotRight Gallup poll. All can see Gallup shows a downward trend.
I’m agreeing w/you.
Don’t you all just love how no matter how wrong the puddybiotch is…he’s never wrong?
Just like his hero limpballs.
Okay cjs. I’ll withdraw my comment. You didn’t preface it with correctnotright.
Dense as spent uranium stuck on stupid fool#38:
Since you claim Puddy is wrong in this thread, prove it fool!
I’ll wait…
Now I’m disagreeing w/you. That’s nevercorrectnorbright!
Looks like the attack plan on Rush was planned since October 2008…
CJS, Puddy used to call him nevercorrectnottobright. Then he mentioned he is a doctor so he’s Dr NotRight.
@42 Then he mentioned he is a doctor
I’d love to see that handcrafted certificate!
While Democrats stand firmly behind the Mcdermots, Kennedys and Mao Tse Tung without blinking we can easily stand behind Rush…..
You forgot Raul and Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Hamas, Hizbollah, Fatah.
Obama is still clinging to the hope most Americans misguidedly have that Obama will make their lives better.
Rush has really energized Conservatives.
The Dems are playing that silly label/demonize game that only works right around election time.
I haven’t listened to Rush in 10 years…but I do now. So do over 14 million per week.
Hey KLOWNS…why don’t you listen to Rush?
Afraid you might learn something of value?
I know correctnotright.
He is not a doctor.
I enjoy watching Olberman’s ratings plummet.
Unlike the LEFT who refuse to listen to Rush and criticize him, I have listened to Olberman at least a dozen times.
I find his vitrolic nonsense quite uninformative and filled with speculation and conspiracy theories.
The LEFT has consistently attacked Conservative voices. They went after JC Watts, Palin, Jindal etc.
They have met their match in Rush as he absolutely refuses to back down from his Conservative principles.
Strange, not everyone polled shares your opinion.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The race between Republicans and Democrats has once again tightened up in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot. For the third time in the last four weeks, Republicans have pulled to within two points of the Democrats.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 41% of voters said they would vote for their district’s Democratic candidate while 39% said they would choose the Republican
While support for the Democrats has not changed since last week, support for the GOP has increased two points.
Obama better pull a miracle out of his unicorns ass or it could get quite ugly for the party of big spending, high taxes and more government control.
by the way, yentels, whats your beef with rush, that he doesnt have the right to speak? yeah, i’ll go along with that. lets have a vote on who can say what. and we’ll monitor the voting process so guys like silverberg who got caught in the 2000 election in florida with a voting machine in his trunk, dont get to steal the vote.
Righties not only are afraid to stand up to a buffoon like Limbaugh, but our own trolls here are afraid to stand up to “manoftruth’s” blatant antisemitism. Can’t any of you wingnuts call him on his racism? It is disgusting and reprehensible, but because he is on your team, none of you will call him on it. By the way, “manoftruth,” in the event I forgot to ask of you earlier, could you go fuck yourself, you piece of racist shit?
Last time I looked we had a free speech if you don’t like what he says tell him. Don’t run off and ask us to help you with your problems.
BTW you never showed any respect to us now you want help. Typical Lib!!!!!
Are you the one trying to be manly and stills pee in bed?
I do feel for you lefty.
I would start with the premise that every position the puddybiotch takes is wrong…it’s really easy after that.
re: box of rocks @ 41-
Fuck I HOPE so!
Kiss me, cutie pie. I am Jewish.
Cyniclown and Pudwhacker,
Y’all should be ashamed at the way you carry on here. Everything that this country is suffering from can be laid, without question, at the feet of the Republican party. It was the policies of the past 8 years that got us here. Continuing these policies in order to get us out of this disaster makes as much sense as trying to wash rain away with a hose.
The two of you come here to stroke your own egos and the truth is that both of you are sad little men with a desire to do nothing but incite others.
manoftruth and others like him don’t hide what they are. Imbecilic, childish fools. The two of you pretend to have some intellect but none of the regulars here are fooled. You are cut from the same cloth as the rest of the trolls here. Party and power is all that matters to you. The direction of the country, patriotism, and the over welfare of our society matters not one twit to you. For you it is get your own, fuck everyone else.
Your time is past. (Notice the last election results. You LOST across the board).
But please, continue the bleating of the stubborn old goats that you are. I find it comical and hopeful. If the rest of the Republican party is as you are, then the cooler heads that now prevail will continue to do so and we will soon all be better for it.
Carry on.
Nuff said.
Eddie@47: Do tell us more about NotRight!
Carl My Left Footed friend…
How are you? Did you move? How is the health? Better climate now?
We have manoftruth, you have headless lucy and his 27 sock puppets. While MOT is one person, we see the multiple personality issues your side has with headless. For the unengaged you’d think there are more leftist racists here. Well since no HA pinhead leftist wants to tackle the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program and the Dick Durbin racism of killing the program for poor minorities, Puddy is mum on MOT.
Oh and decrying it here isn’t worth Puddy’s time. Puddy wants to see the email or letter to Durbin’s office. So until Puddy sees that don’t run to Puddy over MOT!
Oh yeah Mr Left Footy bro, you also have bybygoober and his alter ego stillbentoversuckinghisdick and his racism. Did you see his YouTube vids drinking his piss and eating his excrement? That’s how he recycles his brain.
you know, i totally dont give a shit if you morons think i’m racist or not. but tell me, if people right now are out of work, no matter than race, but the boston herald runs “diversity fair” for employment, and northeastern university runs employment ads and says “women and minorities especially encouraged to apply”…tell me u think i give a fuck about “your” racism.
@56 Everything that this country is suffering from can be laid, without question, at the feet of the Republican party.
Everything? Smarter minds would disagree:
cjs: Great post. Notice the HA loons haven’t responded? Even their chief economic loon Don Joe is quiet.
Good point: everyone is racist in one way or another. Even minorities can display some pretty nasty racism. Take Asians, for instance. There’s a pecking order with the Japanese at the top, then the Chinese, then Koreans, Filipinos, Vietnamese, etc. And these groups pretty much don’t like each other, especially the Japanese. Heck, if you’re Korean and born and raised in Japan, you probably don’t even have citizenship. The Japanese were horrendous to the Chinese in the first half of the last century, and the Chinese aren’t about to forget that. The Vietnamese aren’t too keen on the Chinese, and pretty much everybody looks down their noses on the Philippines.