It’s a comfortable 79 degrees here in Longport NJ… unfortunately, that’s just the ocean temperature. It’s a blistering 92 and sunny today, a bit too hot and humid for my NW-acclimated likings, but at least we have an ocean breeze (and air conditioning) to cool ourselves down.
Anyway, I’m giving my daughter her annual trip to the Jersey shore with her cousins, so expect some light posting over the next week or so, and forgive me if I’m absent from the comment threads. Even bloggers deserve a little bit of a break.
Second best of… just came out with their 2005 “People’s Picks” awards, and no, I didn’t win anything. But was listed as a “top finalist” (whatever that means) in the category of Favorite Blog. Ah well… you can’t win a “best of” award every day.
Lies, damn lies, and web stats
Just took a look at my webstats and noticed that surprisingly, traffic has continued to climb through the summer at a time when I expected a lull. Don’t you people have anything better to do? Go outside… get some fresh air… play with your friends.
Post from work ;)
Maybe a bit more than my boss likes tho’…
You know I’m wondering why everyone is so upset about this Karl Rove fellow, when apparently he doesn’t even exist.
“White House Denies Existence Of Karl Rove
The White House denied rumors of wrongdoing by anyone named Karl Rove Monday, saying the alleged deputy chief of staff does not exist.”
I thought I was the only person in Seattle who vacationed in New Jersey. I’m off for South Jersey next Friday for a week of steamy weather made bearable only by lots of iced tea and a ceiling fan.
actually, and I don’t mean to be rude…
but why would someone from here go there?
ConservativeFirst @ 2
Thanks for the Humor—LOL. The link given by ConservativeFirst points to The Onion, a satire publication that is always good for a few laughs. Here is a quote:
I noticed Al-Zawahiri made a video today in which he recites the Democrat talking points. He is a better DNC spokesman thatn you Goldy.
You are taking a break, Mr. Goldy, who posts 4 to 5 times a day, making the rest of us bloggers look like pikers! It’s about time. Give us time to catch up a little.
Have a good vacation. Try not to think about roads and monorails and creative design (what a joke).
>>but why would someone from here go there?
You mean because it’s so awesome here? And so awful there? Or do I misunderstand the question?
I note that pbj made a post today in which he recites the right-wing-terrorist talking posts.
I bet pbj was a “staff puke” in the service.
He’s certainly a “staff puke” for his winger masters.
Personally I don’t even think it was Al Zawahiri in that video. I think it was Howard Dean in costume. Whether dressed as his a terrorist ally of the DNC or as himself, Howie still delivers the same old lines.
>>>>but why would someone from here go there?
The travel agent actually asked me that once. Generally they don’t make rude comments about where their customers are traveling.
The thing about South Jersey that Northwesterners don’t understand is that there are lots of people who prefer it to Seattle. When my dad first moved to New Jersey, he told someone that his daughter lived in Seattle. The guy said “but they’ve got a volcano out there?!?!?”
Some people like it one place, others like it somewhere else.
Reply to 9
I think we should just ignore that puke. He’s a provocateur. He’s obviously trying to pull our chains. Let’s give him the silent treatment.
Goldy, Emily, and mark,
Either place sounds good to me, but only because I am here. Ninety-two degrees Goldy? Man, that’s a cold front!
windie writes, in part:
>>>>but why would someone from here [PNW] go there [Jersey]?
I get asked that about northeastern Oklahoma. I’ve found that the best answer has been “Come on down for a week or two. See what it’s like.”
Other than a couple more species of poisonous snakes and the occasional tornado it’s not that much different than Spokane – except the cost of living is easier to take and the people have a more laid back attitude.
South Jersey is also very nice. Ir isn’t called the “garden state” for no reason.
Curious George @14
I thought it was the “garden state” because of the garden variety of democrats:
Former Gov. McGreevy (resigned due to influence peddling, oh, no, wait…it was a different type of “peddling”…).
Former Sen. Torricelli (dropped his re-election bid after ethical questions (and answers) made him vulnerable, five weeks before the general election).
Current Sen. Lautenburg (a true vegetable).
Current Sen. (and future Gov.?) Corzine (a very rich vegetable).
I noticed Col David Hunt on the news saying that the war in Iraq is not going well at all. He said on 2 Iraqi battalions were capable of independent action. He said kidnapping and killing of Shiites by Sunnis and vice versa is rampant. He said there are not nearly enough soldiers on the ground. He was joined by some Marine LtCol whos name I didn’t catch.
Okay, can we impeach him NOW?
Or should we just take him out and shoot him…. He has disgraced this country ENOUGH!
No, No no fire_one. We will let The Hague give him a nice fair and legal trial. And then we watch him hang!
Feel for ya, man. Whad’ya do to end up there? When do you get out?
fire_on @ 16
“Okay, can we impeach him NOW?”
For what? Bad military strategy? I fail to see how your post bolsters the case for impeachment. If this your standard then Johnson and Nixon (separate from Watergate) should have been impeached during the Vietnam War.
Donna @ 18
You might want to move to the Hague. I’m sure the line for seats in the courtroom will be long, so you better leave now to get a good place in line. Maybe you could get on TV like those guys that wait for months for Star Wars at a theater that it’s not going to play at.
Ok then, ConFirst, what is your definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors”. How about lying to start a war with Iraq? Good enough? Just asking….
con1st @ 20 “You might want to move to the Hague”
No, I am content defeating the Neo-Cons and bringing democracy back the USA.
fire_one @ 21
“Ok then, ConFirst, what is your definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors”.”
You seemed to be making the case that bad war strategy was an impeachable offense, and I’m not sure how this really bolsters the case for impeachment.
“How about lying to start a war with Iraq? Good enough? Just asking….”
The whole “lying” issue has been flogged to death here. I’m not going to debate it again.
If lying in the general sense is impeachable, then I would say that perjury (lying under oath) seems like an impeachable offense as well.
ConFirst – I understand. You won’t debate it again, because it is indefensible. 2000 of my comrades are dead because of this lying coward. I think that lying to drag the US into war is an impeachable offense. This is what I have been saying and will continue to say.
Or maybe you can tell me WTF we are doing in Iraq? Maybe, just maybe, there is a reason …. didn’t think so…
Supporting the President, just because he is the President is what the Nazis did under Hitler. It’s what the Baathists did under Sadaam. We need to send Bush to the Hague so other countries can see that this is how Justice works. And that they do not have to suffer under a dictatorship.
Donna @ 22
“No, I am content defeating the Neo-Cons and bringing democracy back the USA.”
1) If the Dems could win some elections that would be defeating the “Neo-Cons” right? But I think that takes ideas, and communicating them, instead of spewing hate filled rhetoric.
2) Just how has “democracy” been removed from the USA by the “Neo-cons”? There was a congressional election on Tuesday in Ohio. There was presidential election in 2004. Are you saying these elections were rigged by the “Neo-Cons” in some gigantic conspiracy?
If you think lying about a private sexual affair is equivalent to lying to start war, I can’t help you.
“Are you saying these elections were rigged by the “Neo-Cons” in some gigantic conspiracy?”
No, we’re saying these elections were rigged by the NeoCons one dirty trick at a time.
fire_one @ 24
“You won’t debate it again, because it is indefensible.”
No, I’m not interested in debating it again, big difference. If you have something new to bring to the debate on this topic, great. I see little worth in rehashing topics that have been debated ad naseum.
Back to the issue I raised originally. How does the testimony of one military officer bolster the case for impeachement? Or does it just illustrate your hatred for Bush? The Dems failed when they had their chance to defeat Bush in 2004, despite their attempts to intimidate voters and suppress votes.
“While Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of voter intimidation and suppression, neither party has a clean record on the issue. Instead, the evidence shows that Democrats waged aggressive intimidation and suppression campaigns against Republican voters and volunteers in 2004.”
ConFirst, I imagine that you are like the rest of us. Just an average Joe making a living and making a life. And I understand that you are probably embarrassed by President Bush starting this war under false pretenses, despite what you say. How could any thinking being not be. But you CAN and MUST decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong. And you can admit it here. At least be honest with yourself.
RR @ 28
“No, we’re saying these elections were rigged by the NeoCons one dirty trick at a time.”
See post 29, looks like the Dems were much more agressive in 2004 in intimdation of voters and suppression of votes. Are those the “dirty tricks” you are talking about?
fire_one @ 30
Let me get this straight. Since I disgree with you, therefore I can’t think for myself? How ironic, especially since your post is an attempt to tell me what to think.
How does the testimony of one military officer bolster the case for impeachement? Or does it just illustrate your hatred for Bush?
The wrong left turn…
As the chairman of the DNC, Dean was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for a meeting the other night. Here’s an AP report as to how well he’s doing out in the Red States:
“Dean’s appearance drew a light attendance and none of Louisiana’s leading Democrats attended. Not Governor Kathleen Blanco or Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu, or even the chairman of the state party, Jim Bernhard.”
Unlike ACT (donks coming together) the ACVR is truely a non-partisan organization. I love it when the truth get out.
ConFirst – I would never tell you what to think, only to think for yourself. And to be honest with yourself.
As to impeachment, the case does not rest on what any news media says, it rests on what the facts are. The facts are these, and they are undisputed: The UN said there were no WMDs. The CIA said there were no WMDs. British intel said there were no WMDs. And yet we still went to war. We were fed (if you remember) stories about WMDs and Sadaam being a danger to US. You and I both now know neither of these things were true. These are the impeachable offenses. 2000 of our best and bravest have sacrificed themselves, and it is over. I used to believe in the “we broke it, we fix it” theory, but now that it appears that Iraq will set up a Theocracy with even fewer rights for women than under Sadaam, I say get out now. Give it back with our sincere apologies. Give them 50 billion in aid, and leave. (BTW I don’t believe Bush is an evil man, just that he had little experience, and was carried away. Still makes him responsible, though)
Mrs. Cynical and I spent the last 2 days in Seattle celebrating our Anniversary. During our stay downtown, we carefully inspected the Alaskan Way Viaduct. It is still standing. There are still cars traveling across it. There are still homeless people happy to be sheltered by it.
Reply to 29
Oh please. “American Center for Voting Rights” is a GOP front organization.
Reply to 31
The Democrats were “much more aggressive” only in the hyperactive imaginations of the GOP propagandists masquerading as non-partisan election reformers under the nom de guerre “American Center for Voting Rights.”
What I mean, ConFirst, is that if you want to get into a linking war I can post links to partisan web sites too. Your link doesn’t mean a goddam thing because ACVR is not a legitimate organization. It’s a GOP propaganda organ.
Reply to 36
Please keep standing under it.
More on “American Center for Voting Rights” from the nonpartisan alternative journalism web site,
“Velvet Revolution Pushes Back at Sham Artists of the ‘American Center for Voting Rights’
” …How many of those media outlets which ran uncritically with the ACVR’s phony election propaganda/press release do you suppose will also run this one?
“Phony GOP ‘Voting Rights’ Group Releases Misleading Propaganda Disguised As’Election Reform’ Report: Velvet Revolution
“WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 /U.S. Newswire/ — Self-Proclaimed ‘Non-Partisan’ American Center for Voting Rights, Run by High-Level GOP Operatives, Misleads the American Press and public in Order to Advance Cynical Drive for Increased Voter Disenfranchisement Through Call for New Jim Crow-Era Voting Laws
“A new organization of high-level GOP operatives, cynically named the American Center for Voting Rights (“ACVR”), released six press releases this week to tout its new “report” accusing Democrats and liberal organizations of massive “Election Fraud” in the November 2004 Presidential election. The releases and report contain false and misleading information intended to advance GOP plans to disenfranchise millions of voters via legislation calling for national voter registration databases and a demand for photo IDs at the polls. Though the report claims to focus on “Election Fraud” by both parties, in fact, it documents almost exclusively only incidents of alleged voter registration concerns, and only those which involve left-leaning voting organizations.
“Despite mountains of confirmed evidence to the contrary, the releases and report attempt to portray the Republican party and its highly paid operatives around the country as having had nothing do with Election Fraud, Voter Registration Fraud, or the thousands of reports of Voter Disenfranchisement and Voting Machine Misallocation in predominately minority areas around the country last November.
“ACVR outrageously claims to be a non-partisan, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) group, but is in fact run solely by high-level GOP operatives. Executive Director Mark F. “Thor” Hearne, was the National General Counsel for Bush/Cheney ’04 and Press Spokesman Jim Dyke, was the 2004 RNC Communications Director responsible for ensuring operatives dressed in ‘Flipper’ costumes were present at John Kerry campaign events.”
For complete story see
“Voter disenfranchisement has been a reprehensible mainstay in the anti-voting-rights playbook since the days of Jim Crow and the unconstitutional poll taxes. ACVR’s latest hypocritical campaign is just another in a series of despicably un-American and un-democratic tactics meant to keep Americans away from the polls. Its drive for a photo ID requirement is simply the GOP’s next insipid scheme to disenfranchise still more American voters,” said Brad Friedman, spokesman for, a coalition of over 100 organizations committed to fair elections.
ACVR showed their true colors by not investigating the voting machines in Ohio. No attempt to find the joystick that was supposedly being used by Bush’s cronies to manipulate the count. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised is Bush himself was pushing the buttons. I never did get an explanation on what was under his suite on that third debate. You neocons will not
Get away with this. We are pissed! I will be laughing at all you rethugs when the big guns expose you for who you are. I heard that 60 minutes will be doing an investigative piece on
the Ohio debacle. I can’t wait.
Ya know, I can’t get too excited about all this impeachment talk, because it’s obvious the GOP Congress won’t impeach Dubya no matter what he does. The proof of this is, so far they haven’t impeached him for:
Sleeping on the job when Al Qaida was fixing to attack NYC and Washington DC;
Failing to take any action to prevent further attacks in the minutes following the initial attack;
Fighting the wrong war against the wrong country instead of chasing Al Qaida to prevent more attacks like the one against Britain a couple weeks ago;
Fighting said war so ineptly that a small group of lightly armed Third World guerrillas are kicking our asses;
Bringing back inflation by running record deficits;
Sending American jobs to other countries;
Squandering hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money on senseless corporate giveaways;
Doing nothing about rampant corporate fraud;
Enacting, or trying to enact, policies that heavily tilt the economic playing field in favor of the already-rich at the expense of the working class;
Doing nothing about America’s health care crisis;
Alienating nearly all of America’s allies;
Eroding the freedoms of the American people by enacting police-state policies.
I’m just about convinced Bush could stay in office even if he molested a child. I’m not saying he did that — I’m just saying there is NOTHING the GOP Congress or his idiot supporters are willing to hold him accountable for. The only thing they care about is winning their ideological war against Democrats. They are willing to be led by a Hitler or Stalin to do so.
RR @ 39
“What I mean, ConFirst, is that if you want to get into a linking war I can post links to partisan web sites too. Your link doesn’t mean a goddam thing because ACVR is not a legitimate organization. It’s a GOP propaganda organ.”
RR @ 41
Roger your sources are liberal blogs and liberal activist groups. Of course they want you to believe that a group critical of the Democrats is a “GOP propaganda organ”. Is your mind that closed?
All of ACVR’s claims are well documented. If you’d bothered to read their report you’d know this. If you can refute the claims please do so. If you can provide documented evidence of Republican groups using the same tactics, I’m in lockstep with you. The responsible parties should be charged and punished if convicted.
As usual your positions are based upon innuendo and emotion. Read the report. There’s a lot of interesting information in it.
The neocons would back W even if a woman accused him of rape. You scum bags have no shame.
Aint @ 42
“ACVR showed their true colors by not investigating the voting machines in Ohio. No attempt to find the joystick that was supposedly being used by Bush’s cronies to manipulate the count.”
But the ACVR did and used a report from the DNC to discredit this myth.
“The DNC Voting Rights Institute’s report on the election in Ohio, released on June 22, 2005, rejected these claims that the election was stolen. According to the report, the DNC’s own “statistical study of precinct-level data does not suggest the occurrence of widespread fraud that systematically misallocated votes from Kerry to Bush.””
Which is footnoted as from the following:
Democracy At Risk: The 2004 Election In Ohio, Report Of The Democratic National Committee’s Voting Rights Institute, June 22, 2005
The rethugs would still back W even if he was accused of rape.
Aint @ 42
“ACVR showed their true colors by not investigating the voting machines in Ohio. No attempt to find the joystick that was supposedly being used by Bush’s cronies to manipulate the count.”
But they did, and used the DNC’s own report to debunk this myth.
“The DNC Voting Rights Institute’s report on the election in Ohio, released on June 22, 2005, rejected these claims that the election was stolen. According to the report, the DNC’s own “statistical study of precinct-level data does not suggest the occurrence of widespread fraud that systematically misallocated votes from Kerry to Bush.” The DNC’s experts found that the similarity between the vote patterns for Kerry in 2004 and the Democrat gubernatorial candidate in 2002 was “strong evidence against the claim that widespread fraud systematically misallocated votes from Kerry to Bush.””
Documentes source (Democracy At Risk: The 2004 Election In Ohio, Report Of The Democratic National Committee’s Voting Rights Institute, June 22, 2005)
Aint @ 42:
“I heard that 60 minutes will be doing an investigative piece on
the Ohio debacle. I can’t wait.”
I hope they check their sources better than they did on the Bush National Guard story. I wouldn’t hold your breath.
RUFUS the lyin’ DOOFUS.
Reply to 42
“Roger your sources are liberal blogs and liberal activist groups.”
Gee whiz! You noticed that, did you? Of course, if I cited to Newsweek, Time, the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC or ABC, or virtually any other MSM, you’d be howling about the “liberal bias in the MSM” (another right-wing lie). My point being, the ONLY source YOU will accept is a lying right-wing propaganda organ like ACVR.
“All of ACVR’s claims are well documented.”
ACVR totally lacks objectivity. Regardless of how “well” (or otherwise) their claims may be documented, ACVR is a GOP organization that exists solely for the purpose of attacking Democrats, and their efforts are utterly devoid of any attempt to expose or clean up electoral dirty tricks, voter suppression, or cheating by Republicans, which we Democrats know from our personal experience on the ground in Florida, Ohio, and other places is widespread.
Comment on 48
ConFirst, if you wish to revive the debate over Bush’s National Guard “service,” I’ll be happy to discuss this with you. CBS may have been taken in by some forged documentation. Be that as it may, it cannot be seriously disputed that:
1. Bush, a congressman’s son, used family influence and connections to get 1 of 2 available pilot slots in the TANG even though 150 other applicants were in line ahead of him,
2. Keeping in mind that in the 1960’s it cost the taxpayers over $1 million to train a fighter pilot, Bush did very little flying after completing his training,
3. Bush was grounded for refusing to take a flight physical,
4. Bush was absent from required drills for nearly a year without permission or authorization,
5. Documents relating to Bush’s TANG service were destroyed after Bush became governor of Texas,
6. Bush did NOT serve in Vietnam, even though he was a qualified fighter pilot in a National Guard unit at a time when the U.S. military was desperate for pilots, who at the time, were being lost in Southeast Asia at roughly a rate of two per day.
What it all adds up to is that Bush, a frat boy from a rich family whose dad was a politician with pull, sat out the war in a cushy Guard slot while others of his generation were fighting and bleeding on the battlefields of S.E. Asia.
Now it’s time for me to make a confession: I never voted for Clinton. Not in 1992, not in 1996. The reason? I did my time in The Nam, and I didn’t feel too kindly about Bill’s draft dodging. Guess what — my feelings are exactly the same toward Dubya, who in my book was a draft dodger every bit as much as Clinton was. So was Dan Quayle, another kid-with-connections who sat out the war in an Indiana National Guard unit as a “journalist” in a unit that was 150% overstrength when he got in. And then there is the whole constellation of GOP luminaries who didn’t serve at all. Dick Cheney got 5 deferments and remarked he had better things to do than serve in the military (didn’t we all). Among the other GOP draft dodgers or shirkers: Dennis Hastert, Dick Armey, Tom DeLay, Pat Buchanan, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, Paul Gigot, Pat Robertson, Bill Kristol. And among the right-wing mouthpieces, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and Chris Mathews did not earn the right to preach to the rest of us about “patriotism” or “love of country.”
There is a whole generation out there, ConFirst, of which I am one — including one hell of a lot of people you revile today as liberals and Democrats, who didn’t have family wealth or connections or special privileges who DID serve in the military, go to S.E. Asia, and bear the hardships and dangers of war. Today we have to listen to people who have no right to question OUR patriotism call us “unpatriotic.” Doesn’t sit well, pal.
And then there is the shameful behavior of Republicans smearing and savaging honest-to-God war veterans like John McCain (which demonstrates they’ll even attack their own) and Max Cleland (whose loss of both legs and an arm apparently was not patriotic enough for the right wing’s self-appoined draft-dodging “patriots”). Doesn’t sit well, pal.
So, go fuck yourself. Tell your Republican pals to go fuck themselves, too. And go fuck all the horses you fuckers rode in on. Patriots, my ass. Nothing but hot air.
All this vacation posting from New Jersey and no mention of the esteemed Jon Corzine?
Oh that’s right, new Jersey is the HOME of the protection racket perfected by liberals..
“The New York Times is reporting Senator Jon Corzine late in 2002 provided a $470,000 mortgage to Carla Katz through JSC Investments, a company owned solely by Corzine. The Senator then forgave the loan in December, 2004; one week after Corzine formally began his candidacy for Governor of New Jersey.
Katz is the President of the Communications Workers of America Local 1034, a union that represents nearly half of all New Jersey state employees. Corzine said the timing of the mortgage cancellation was coincidental.
Representing the largest state employee’s union, Katz will “seek billions of dollars from the state for wage increases and a bailout of the state’s troubled health care and pension funds.”“
Corzine Lent $470,000 to N.J. Union Boss
So what? Is it against New Jersey law to loan money to friends? Is it illegal for New Jersey state workers to seek wage increases? I would too, given that Bush’s policies are driving fuel and food prices through the roof! Corzine is NOT governor of New Jersey and does NOT decide how much the state workers are paid. This is much ado about nothing.
Furthermore, Corzine is making gifts of HIS OWN money. If you want to do something constructive, why don’t you post about Bush making gifts of hundreds of billions of dollars of TAXPAYER money to his corporate pals.
Twirly, twirly, spin, spin says the KoolAid drinker defending his protection racketeers.
Corzine’s involvement with Katz is significant because he could find himself on the opposite side of the bargaining table with her, if he wins the November election.
The CWA is one of a handful of labor groups expected to press the state for billions of dollars in wage increases and pension and health fund bailouts. The current CWA contracts expire June 30, 2007.
The CWA endorsed Corzine’s Senate candidacy five years ago and recently announced its support for him in the governor’s race, one of only two in the nation this year.
“It is certainly clear that this is more than a relationship between a special-interest group leader and a candidate for public office. You’re dealing with the chief representative of the largest bargaining unit under your authority as governor,” said Tom Wilson, the state GOP chairman.
Roger Rabbit: perfect illustration of how a Dumb Bunny can also be a DUMB ASS.
Reply to 55
“Corzine’s involvement with Katz is significant because he could find himself on the opposite side of the bargaining table with her, if he wins the November election.”
And I could turn into a Republican if I win $500 million in the Mega-Millions Lotto.
“The CWA is one of a handful of labor groups expected to press the state for billions of dollars in wage increases and pension and health fund bailouts. The current CWA contracts expire June 30, 2007.”
Asking isn’t getting. You got something against workers asking for raises?
“The CWA endorsed Corzine’s Senate candidacy five years ago and recently announced its support for him in the governor’s race, one of only two in the nation this year.”
So what? Ken Lay endorsed Dubya’s WH candidacy five years ago and got to chair Cheney’s energy task force.
“‘It is certainly clear that this is more than a relationship between a special-interest group leader and a candidate for public office. You’re dealing with the chief representative of the largest bargaining unit under your authority as governor,’ said Tom Wilson, the state GOP chairman.”
I’m curious what Tom Wilson thinks of a Supreme Court Justice who goes hunting with a Vice President who is being sued in a pending lawsuit that said Supreme Court Justice has to decide?
“Roger Rabbit: perfect illustration of how a Dumb Bunny can also be a DUMB ASS.”
Any jackass knows bunnies don’t have asses, we have cute fluffy little cotton tails!
Sure is funny to watch a Puke get his panties in a twist over a Democratic politician chumming with a union leader. As though only Republicans are entitled to free speech or freedom of association in this country. Hey, I have a suggestion. After Corzine is elected governor, he should appoint Katz to negotiate union contracts and set wages. To me, that’s no different than Bush putting a CEO in charge of the Labor Department.
Actually, this Corzine issue is waaayyy overblown. C’mon! The man spent $75 mil (his own funds) to become Senator. He paid off his ex-girl for less than 1/2 a mil (hush money so she would not reveal his ED treatments didn’t work?). What a bargain compared to his Senate seat…