what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…unless you have good WiFi.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
NutRoots ought to talk about the difference in posting rhetoric between when you are in power vs. not in power. There is a huge difference you appear unable to grasp….and it will fuel the downfall of Progressivism in 2010 & 2012.
Smear campaigns don’t work when you are in power.
Blaming Bush & others also won’t work.
People care about what economic progress is being made and what is the plan for dealing with the massive National Debt…now at $13.2 TRILLION.
proud leftistspews:
Is there anything less credible than a prediction from Cynny?
The Debt is a like a fire burning our economic house to the ground.
The Republicans stand by with a gas truck ready to douse the flames. The Democrats have their water ready but are afraid of getting the house wet.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
One other thing the rootless Atheist Progressives like to do is twist Deficit & Debt figures.
When Bush took over in 1/01–The National DEBT was $5.7 TRILLION
When Bush Left office and ObaMao took over it was $10.5 TRILLION. Up $4.8 TRILLION in 8 years.
Current it is at $13.3 TRILLION. Up another $2.8 TRILLION in a year and a half!!
Those are the facts folks.
Our nation is suffering from a MATH problem…and Atheist Progressives could care less. They are making it worse.
Myrtle Mopupspews:
Can’t wait to read Andrew “Cantinflas” Villainova’s “Live Blogging” from netroots nation again this year. It’a always so informative and bandwidth consuming. We’ll all be rootin’ for him to finally gets laid this year!
@5 “Atheists”? Hardly…unless you’re a little confused about the difference between faith and delusion.
Apparently “deficits don’t matter” only when it’s your gang that’s making them (and they’re paying for bullets).
# 5: Actually, it was Bush & co. who were twisting the deficit figures. The wars in Iraq and Afganistan were kept off-budget to avoid the consequences of seeing the total cost of the Bush tax cuts during a time of war.
One of the first thing Obama did was put us back on proper accounting principles. Of course, this means the deficit/debt numbers make a big jump. And, of course, the lying Republicans then try to argue that it’s Obama’s fault.
Recently Fox News (official propoganda arm of the Republican party) has been ranting about a crazy guy who, two years ago, was ranting some racist talk against whites while going under the banner of the New Black Panther Party (no connection to the original Black Panthers).
But they aren’t giving quite so much attention to the guy who was arrested in Los Angeles during a shootout with police. It seems he wanted to start a “revolution” by attacking the ACLU.
Ask Reagan’s first budget director, Stockman, about the Republican’s attitude toward budget deficits and federal debt. He thought that was his priority, to achieve a balanced budget.
Boy, was he in for a surprise. The Republican’s first priority is, and always has been, tax cuts for the rich. Their second priority is to make sure their friends, colleagues, and supporters (especially among defense contractors) get the lion’s share of the taxpayer’s money. Along the way they will, while complaining about “waste and abuse”, quietly make life easier for themselves – the first thing they did was restore daily office dusting janitorial services in the executive offices (Carter had cut them to once a week, and asked people to empty their own trash cans).
Only then do they consider cutting the budget, and only when it affects those who are least privledged. They tried to cut all disability payments and require the disabled to re-apply within a short time limit or be permanantly barred – but ran into trouble when a federal judge pointed out that a blind person or someone with a severe brain injury isn’t likely to see or understand the nature of the notice they received in the mail telling them their benefits were being cancelled for no good reason.
Remember when the Reagan administration tried to cut the school lunch program for the poor? They couldn’t cut it out, so they tried to reduce the cost by re-classifying “ketsup” as a vegitable. Nothing quite so nutritious as a hot dog & ketsup for the poor children!
@11 Another thing the GOP does consistently (and shamelessly) is to campaign holding up “small business” as a poster child. (See “Joe The Plumber”.) Then they turn around and jigger the rules and regulations so that start-from-scratch entrepreneurs, neighborhood businesses, family farms and journeymen of every sort are hammered into the dust, making way for mega-corporations to consolidate, “streamline” (meaning lay off and outsource), “innovate” (meaning steal other peoples’ ideas) and “market” (meaning run the competition out of business). If the giants still aren’t making money, the Republicans merely print some more and give it to ’em.
proud leftistspews:
Art @ 7
Cynny believes that the GOP is God’s party. Naturally, he doesn’t recognize the blasphemy in his belief. Cynny’s God is a partisan entity who favors war, capital punishment, degradation of creation, guns, unregulated capitalism, pissing on the poor, etc.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
13. proud leftist spews:
Art @ 7
Cynny believes that the GOP is God’s party.
No I don’t pl. God doesn’t have a Party. I have lots of Democrat friends who are devout Christians.
However, at HorsesAss.org, the vast majority of you Leftist’s freely admit your Atheism.
I don’t believe Atheism has any roots to build your life on solid ground.
Hence, you are rootless Atheist Progressives..
except for ArtFart and a few others.
You seem quick to jump to wrong conclusions.
That goes along with desperation.
You were sooooo excited when ObaMao won and took great pride in telling us what he was going to do to Conservatives and rich folks.
Instead, ObaMao has gutted the private sector economy and created an unsustainable debt.
Stockman’s an interesting guy & someone that you can disagree with that has actual valid arguments to disagree with as opposed to most of the right who are just spouting nonsense.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
13. proud leftist spews:
Cynny’s God is a partisan entity who favors war, capital punishment, degradation of creation, guns, unregulated capitalism, pissing on the poor, etc.
Wrong again…
I want ObaMao to get out of Afghanistan. There is no will to win…we need to get out.
Capital Punishment—
I favor it in extreme cases, you bet!
pl favors burdening taxpayers with the cost of housing convicted murderers. Let them move in with you dope.
Of course I favor guns…in the hands of law-abiding citizens. What a ridiculous comment pl. Favor guns??
Degradation of creation??–I assume you are talking about man’s impact on the environment.
We are called to be good stewards. Being able to live is allowed. You can make yourself a no impact person pl….we have assisted suicide laws thanks to your ilk!
Unregulated capitalism–
No again. I favor some Monopoly legislation.
Yer guy Gates made a fortune suing little guys into oblivion.
Pissing on the poor-
You are too selfish to help yourself and want the government to do it. Our family helps folks in need. Try it. you don’t need the government pl…do you, lazy-ass?
Have a safe trip. Keep us posted and remember…
what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…unless you have good WiFi.
NutRoots ought to talk about the difference in posting rhetoric between when you are in power vs. not in power. There is a huge difference you appear unable to grasp….and it will fuel the downfall of Progressivism in 2010 & 2012.
Smear campaigns don’t work when you are in power.
Blaming Bush & others also won’t work.
People care about what economic progress is being made and what is the plan for dealing with the massive National Debt…now at $13.2 TRILLION.
Is there anything less credible than a prediction from Cynny?
The Debt is a like a fire burning our economic house to the ground.
The Republicans stand by with a gas truck ready to douse the flames. The Democrats have their water ready but are afraid of getting the house wet.
One other thing the rootless Atheist Progressives like to do is twist Deficit & Debt figures.
When Bush took over in 1/01–The National DEBT was $5.7 TRILLION
When Bush Left office and ObaMao took over it was $10.5 TRILLION. Up $4.8 TRILLION in 8 years.
Current it is at $13.3 TRILLION. Up another $2.8 TRILLION in a year and a half!!
Those are the facts folks.
Our nation is suffering from a MATH problem…and Atheist Progressives could care less. They are making it worse.
Can’t wait to read Andrew “Cantinflas” Villainova’s “Live Blogging” from netroots nation again this year. It’a always so informative and bandwidth consuming. We’ll all be rootin’ for him to finally gets laid this year!
@5 “Atheists”? Hardly…unless you’re a little confused about the difference between faith and delusion.
Apparently “deficits don’t matter” only when it’s your gang that’s making them (and they’re paying for bullets).
Reagan showed that deficits don’t matter.
Until right wingers say they do.
# 5: Actually, it was Bush & co. who were twisting the deficit figures. The wars in Iraq and Afganistan were kept off-budget to avoid the consequences of seeing the total cost of the Bush tax cuts during a time of war.
One of the first thing Obama did was put us back on proper accounting principles. Of course, this means the deficit/debt numbers make a big jump. And, of course, the lying Republicans then try to argue that it’s Obama’s fault.
Recently Fox News (official propoganda arm of the Republican party) has been ranting about a crazy guy who, two years ago, was ranting some racist talk against whites while going under the banner of the New Black Panther Party (no connection to the original Black Panthers).
But they aren’t giving quite so much attention to the guy who was arrested in Los Angeles during a shootout with police. It seems he wanted to start a “revolution” by attacking the ACLU.
Ask Reagan’s first budget director, Stockman, about the Republican’s attitude toward budget deficits and federal debt. He thought that was his priority, to achieve a balanced budget.
Boy, was he in for a surprise. The Republican’s first priority is, and always has been, tax cuts for the rich. Their second priority is to make sure their friends, colleagues, and supporters (especially among defense contractors) get the lion’s share of the taxpayer’s money. Along the way they will, while complaining about “waste and abuse”, quietly make life easier for themselves – the first thing they did was restore daily office dusting janitorial services in the executive offices (Carter had cut them to once a week, and asked people to empty their own trash cans).
Only then do they consider cutting the budget, and only when it affects those who are least privledged. They tried to cut all disability payments and require the disabled to re-apply within a short time limit or be permanantly barred – but ran into trouble when a federal judge pointed out that a blind person or someone with a severe brain injury isn’t likely to see or understand the nature of the notice they received in the mail telling them their benefits were being cancelled for no good reason.
Remember when the Reagan administration tried to cut the school lunch program for the poor? They couldn’t cut it out, so they tried to reduce the cost by re-classifying “ketsup” as a vegitable. Nothing quite so nutritious as a hot dog & ketsup for the poor children!
@11 Another thing the GOP does consistently (and shamelessly) is to campaign holding up “small business” as a poster child. (See “Joe The Plumber”.) Then they turn around and jigger the rules and regulations so that start-from-scratch entrepreneurs, neighborhood businesses, family farms and journeymen of every sort are hammered into the dust, making way for mega-corporations to consolidate, “streamline” (meaning lay off and outsource), “innovate” (meaning steal other peoples’ ideas) and “market” (meaning run the competition out of business). If the giants still aren’t making money, the Republicans merely print some more and give it to ’em.
Art @ 7
Cynny believes that the GOP is God’s party. Naturally, he doesn’t recognize the blasphemy in his belief. Cynny’s God is a partisan entity who favors war, capital punishment, degradation of creation, guns, unregulated capitalism, pissing on the poor, etc.
13. proud leftist spews:
No I don’t pl. God doesn’t have a Party. I have lots of Democrat friends who are devout Christians.
However, at HorsesAss.org, the vast majority of you Leftist’s freely admit your Atheism.
I don’t believe Atheism has any roots to build your life on solid ground.
Hence, you are rootless Atheist Progressives..
except for ArtFart and a few others.
You seem quick to jump to wrong conclusions.
That goes along with desperation.
You were sooooo excited when ObaMao won and took great pride in telling us what he was going to do to Conservatives and rich folks.
Instead, ObaMao has gutted the private sector economy and created an unsustainable debt.
Stockman’s an interesting guy & someone that you can disagree with that has actual valid arguments to disagree with as opposed to most of the right who are just spouting nonsense.
13. proud leftist spews:
Wrong again…
I want ObaMao to get out of Afghanistan. There is no will to win…we need to get out.
Capital Punishment—
I favor it in extreme cases, you bet!
pl favors burdening taxpayers with the cost of housing convicted murderers. Let them move in with you dope.
Of course I favor guns…in the hands of law-abiding citizens. What a ridiculous comment pl. Favor guns??
Degradation of creation??–I assume you are talking about man’s impact on the environment.
We are called to be good stewards. Being able to live is allowed. You can make yourself a no impact person pl….we have assisted suicide laws thanks to your ilk!
Unregulated capitalism–
No again. I favor some Monopoly legislation.
Yer guy Gates made a fortune suing little guys into oblivion.
Pissing on the poor-
You are too selfish to help yourself and want the government to do it. Our family helps folks in need. Try it. you don’t need the government pl…do you, lazy-ass?
Pretty good assessment of the upcoming Senate Races–
Looks like Dems will hold on to control…unless they keep shooting themselves in the foot!