The case involves paramilitary-garbed Panthers caught on videotape (which was backed by copious testimony) engaged in what observers say were intimidating and racially charged activities outside a Philadelphia polling booth on presidential Election Day in 2008. Even though a judge was ready to enter a default judgment against the Black Panthers, based on a case brought by career attorneys at the Justice Department, the Obama administration suddenly decided last spring to drop three of the four cases and punish the final one with an incredibly weak injunction.
Oba-mao got involved with doj decisions?
This sure isn’t CHANGE. Why aren’t the democrats complaining about oba-mao doing like bush?
Why are democrats hypocrites?
First, a Web site called “Main Justice” reported on Wednesday (and we have since confirmed) that the Justice Department has, for now, ordered two key career attorneys not to comply with a subpoena about the case issued by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
With a democrat in office, why should the democrats care about civil rights.
Blue Johnspews:
@1 From the article: Once upon a time, I was a climate-change skeptic.
I’m not one anymore. The evidence is in the ice.
Marvin, you are not clear.
It’s a article by the “believers in man-madeup-global-warming” that glaciers are retreating.
Are you trying to be sarcastic and imply you don’t believe it because it came from a liberal source?
The Obama Administration is touting that their stimulus program has saved or created 640,329 jobs since it was enacted back in February through the end of October. This number is updated and posted on the Administration’s web site. That amounts to $246,436 per job based on the $157.8bn that has been awarded so far! Total compensation earned by the average payroll employee during October, on an annualized basis, was $59,867. If the government had simply used the funds awarded so far to pay for a year’s worth of labor, that would have paid for 2.6mn jobs!
So many better ways of helping create jobs, why did oba-mao pick the worst choice? Oh yeah, turbo tax timmy was behind the plan.
Everything about the shipyard here is colossal — the 4,000-man workforce, the billions sunk into it in capital costs, the half-finished 10-story-high production platforms.
Where are the left-wingnuts complaining about this?
I wonder why greenpeace and those other leftist oprganizations are giving them a free pass?
Follow the money.
Among investors bullish on Petrobras is George Soros, who last year made the oil company the largest single holding in his investment fund, according to Bloomberg.
The money man behind the democrat party, george soros.
That explains why the left isn’t complaining about drilling for oil.
Hien T. Tran’s Ph.D. was the mail-order version, according to local media reports, and senior CARB officials were aware that his falsified credentials before voting on the truck retrofit legislation.
Great, a mail-order diploma. And the senior officials were aware and looked the other way.
He should have just stayed at a holiday inn.
Blue Johnspews:
#4. Yup. Progressives are not happy with Tim Geithner either. No argument there. See we can agree on stuff! Maybe you are a progressive after all!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
6. Marvin Stamn spews:
I’m pointing out that the believers are telling us the end is near.
And at the same time the believers are still contributing to the problem.
If the people that believe won’t change their lifestyle, doesn’t that prove that they-
1. Don’t believe in man made global warming
2. Hate the planet
Well said.
What it proves is that they are using Global Warming to feed their Marxist lust for power.
That’s it. Control evil humans who are not as enlightened as the Atheist Progressives. That’s it.
It got down to -32 last night at our place….without the Wind Chill.
Fortunately, the 20 MPH winds never materialized.
It has warmed up to 16 below now.
We were told this would be an unseasonably warm winter all winter.
Now we are being told it will be unseasonable warm starting in January.
They keep kickin’ the can down the road when facts get in the way of the Control Agenda.
Mrs. C and I hiked 4 miles yesterday when it was -4. Needed a scarf to warm the air into our lungs…but otherwise with the bright sunshine and no wind, it did not feel like -4.
You get the direct sunlight and reflection off the snow. I’m gettin’ my tan back!
Global Warming?
Perhaps. We have always had cycles with sunspots and volcanic activity that impact our climate. We have had warming before the Industrial Revolution. Of course the Earth warms and cools. No one is disputing that.
Man-made Global Warming?
That’s the issue.
The fact collectors are corrupt and have a Leftist Agenda. Need to carefully review the fact set and validate the data.
The KLOWNS jump to man-made and carbon emmissions. CHICKEN LITTLE Style.
Why won’t they take a year to make sure of the fact set??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
9. Blue John spews:
#4. Yup. Progressives are not happy with Tim Geithner either. No argument there. See we can agree on stuff! Maybe you are a progressive after all!
How about Obam-Mao’s other chief advisor, Larry Sommers??
Do you like his BJ??
Blue Johnspews:
That explains why the left isn’t complaining about drilling for oil.
You don’t seem to have a good memory. The left didn’t want to drill for oil so much, the conservative made a slogan out of it. Don’t you remember “Drill Baby Drill”?
I will also be in meetings all day, so consider this an open thread.
– HA Comments Section Moderator
Blue Johnspews:
It just won’t work if just the ones who think science and climate change is real, change their behavior, it’s got to be everyone, even forcing change on the climate change denyers.
It’s like having a swimming pool where part of the swimmers understand that NOT pooping in the pool is healthy, but the remainder doesn’t want to stop.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Blue John–
Perhaps this recent Gallup Poll and the status of other Presidents 10-1/2 months into their Presidency will help you put some perspective on the Atheist Progressive Movement:
Obam-Mao is curently at 47%.
The next 11 presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, all had higher job approval ratings than Obama at this stage of their tenure. Their ratings were:
— George W. Bush, 86 percent
— Bill Clinton, 52 percent
— George H.W. Bush, 71 percent
— Ronald Reagan, 49 percent
— Jimmy Carter, 57 percent
— Gerald Ford, 52 percent
— Richard Nixon, 59 percent
— Lyndon Johnson, 74 percent
— John Kennedy, 77 percent
— Dwight Eisenhower, 69 percent
— Harry Truman, 49 percent
The Gallup poll is an average of a three-day tracking of 1,529 adults taken Dec. 4-6. It has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
14. Blue John spews:
It just won’t work if just the ones who think science and climate change is real, change their behavior, it’s got to be everyone, even forcing change on the climate change denyers.
It’s like having a swimming pool where part of the swimmers understand that NOT pooping in the pool is healthy, but the remainder doesn’t want to stop.
Blue John–
Did you even read about the actions of the True Believers attended the “conference” at CarbonHagen??
1200 Limos and 140 Private Jets.
The whole thing has turned into a farcical 3-act Mini-drama. It’s a joke BJ.
How can anyone take these supposed True Believers seriously where their ACTIONS contradict their words about Chicken Little End of the World??
See the problem?
Perhaps some of them believe what they are spewing. But obviously many don’t or they would change their actions AND SET A FRIGGIN’ EXAMPLE!
Clearly this group is about Do as I Say and don’t dare question What I do.
Here we have 20,000 ATTENDEES at this “conference”.
It’s turned into a real circus BJ.
Read about the Carnival!
Check this out–
Hasn’t anyone told Obam-Mao that as President with your Party clearly controlling both Houses of Congress, that Americans do NOT want a bunch of excuses and blaming….all they want is RESULTS!??
He keeps digging himself and the Democrat Party a deeper and deeper hole.
Almost too much relevant fodder for opposition parties in 2010 and 2012..
I believe in addition to the Tea Parties, the Anti-War, Pro-Big Government KLOWNS will form their own Party….which is good.
We need more choices.
Having only 2 seems to be showing they are nearing the end of their Half-lives.
4-5 Party’s would be about right (assume the Green Party stays in or combines with the Anti-War Pro-Big Government Party.
It would be a wild election.
I think the Tea Party would win.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Gold Puts I sold yesterday are just a smidgeon higher than where I sold them.
Interesting how market momentum works on Puts and Calls.
I am looking to possibly buy back into Barrick Gold around 37-38 and RandGold around 70-71.
What do you think??
This time I will buy the Stock.
I really don’t like trading Puts and Calls….timing is too much of a gamble.
Marvin Stamnspews:
10. Mr. Cynical spews:
Of course the Earth warms and cools. No one is disputing that.
And no one is disputing that man is polluting the planet.
The dispute is how much should mankind (united states) be punished.
Democrats want for the first time in history, for the country to go backwards in energy. Back to the days when only wind propelled boats, when only sun/wind could dry clothes, when only the sun could dry tomatoes.
I wonder when daddylove or ylb is going to go off the grid and live a sustainable lifestyle. It’s all about choice, why won’t daddylove and ylb make the correct choice. I guess they hate the planet.
Strange, when it comes to healthcare democrats want us to be more like europe, when it comes to nuclear energy, being like europe is wrong. Go figure.
Not everyone thinks Copenhagen is going to fix much, myself included.
9. Blue John spews:
#4. Yup. Progressives are not happy with Tim Geithner either. No argument there. See we can agree on stuff! Maybe you are a progressive after all!
Considering that republicans were against a tax cheat for treasury secretary months ago, it would be accurate for you to say that your opinion has finally caught up with republican opinion. Maybe you’re a republican after all, it just took you a little longer to figure it out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kiss goodbye to your carpet, Goldy! I’ve never met a dog that could hold it all day. Hell, here in Green Lake Park, they can’t hold it 10 minutes! That’s why all the bushes are yellow. Even the daffodils and marigolds are yellow! Dogs are useless, good-for-nothing, pisspots. All they do is piss, bark, and chase rabbits. They should all be euthanized.
Daddy Lovespews:
You know, it just wouldn’t be fall or winter without some fool noting that it’s cold outside and using that as an idiot’s argument against planetary warming. They can’t even make up their minds whether their position is that the planet is warming but mankind is not to blame, or whether it’s just not not warming at all.
All they really know is that their preconceived notion that it cannot be true that the planet is warming and mankind SI to blame must not be amenable to change by the combined opinion of every national scientific Academy on earth AND the thousands of climate and other scientists in the larget international scientific investigation to date (the IPCC).
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Daddy Love–
The question is the validity of the datum used to come to those conclusions.
Many of the so-called “scientists” with the leftist agenda accepted the data at face value because it furthered their cause.
All I’m saying is let’s get all the data validated and on the table…allow those with differing conclusions to be heard & assessed.
The rush on this is preposterous.
It seems like it’s being rush because the scam is exposed.
If Man-made Global Warming is 100% correct, the question still is “too what extent”??
That is critical to any action plan.
And certainly the data used must be validated and conclusions should be put to the test.
What are you Chicken Little Leftists afraid of??
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Daddy Love spews:
All they really know is that their preconceived notion that it cannot be true that the planet is warming and mankind SI to blame
Still driving?
Still using any petroleum products?
Still exhaling?
Tell me when you have a zero carbon footprint.
Tell me when YOU decide to stop destroying the planet.
Blue Johnspews:
What are you Chicken Little Leftists afraid of??
From past examples when dealing with conservtives and climate change deniers:
Any proof or examples that supports the hypothesis of climate change, like the visual examples from the Ice survey, http://www.extremeicesurvey.or.....elapse_41/
the deniers clamor that the data must be validated and conclusions should be put to the test, again and again, for years and years, delaying the need of taking action
Any vague rumor or youtube video or email discussion that questions the hypothesis of climate change is take as gospel fact, is rock solid truth and is unquestionably correct, delaying the need of taking action
Just saying, what you call rush to judgment, we call science.
Are you just hoping, since the climate change is still gradual, that you will have have died off before there is a compelling need to change anything?
To begin with, this reviewer actually read the book.
asked her to point me to the section of the store where I might find Sarah Palin’s memoir, “Going Rogue: An American Life.” She looked at me as if I had requested a copy of “Mein Kampf” signed in blood by the author
The employee must have been a liberal with a reaction like that, after all, republicans are not tolerant like liberals.
I attended a seminar on political and legal theory where a distinguished scholar observed that every group has its official list of angels and devils. As an example, he offered the fact (of which he was supremely confident) that few, if any, in the room were likely to be Sarah Palin fans.
It would be more accurate that Palin supporters would not speak up for fear of union thugs attacking them.
Some news agencies have fact-checkers poring over every sentence, which would be to the point if the book were a biography, a genre that is judged by the degree to which the factual claims being made can be verified down to the last assertion. “Going Rogue,” however, is an autobiography, and while autobiographers certainly insist that they are telling the truth, the truth the genre promises is the truth about themselves
That explained why so many left-wingnuts fact-checked palins book before they fact checked the free government health care bill.
The questions to ask then are (1) Does Palin succeed in conveying to her readers the kind of person she is? and (2) Does she do it in a satisfying and artful way? In short, is the book a good autobiographical read? I would answer “yes” to both.
Not very democrat of her. That explains why the left hates her… she loves America.
Umm, that and they are giving away free copies by the boatload of batshit crazy Palin.
As a famous man once said, there is a Stamn born every minute.
Here is another clue to Stamn – Stamn never sttes his/her true opinions.
Does Stamn beleive in global warming? Who knows – the idiot cannot even make a stand like a MAN and proclaim a point of view. All Stamn does is stand on the sidelines, misinterpret the data at a third grade level, and then lob said data with his/her misinterpretations onto this blog.
Stamn deserves only two things: ridicule or ignoring the BS.
I prefer ridicule….and Stamn is such an easy target due to a lack of any ability to actually reason or think coherently.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Once again correctnotright proves he’s an empty suit with no facts on The NY Times Best Seller list…
Just look at ANY web site! Click through offers for the dumb bitch’s stupid book are EVERYWHERE.
What a moron you are stupes.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Ahhh yes, the dumb cinder block rujax who when Puddy showed Glenn Beck had five books on the Best Seller list earlier this year objected, was proven wrong, and he showed the world that he is always the dumbest shit he is.
Hey dumb shit, the NY Times Best Seller list is based on what you stupid idiot?
You don’t have to answer it because Puddy knows you are toooooo stuuuuuuuuupid to answer so you’ll take the dumb brick response – …
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Maybe rujax is reading about Going Rouge. Yep, rujax is very stuuuuuuuuuuuupid!
“Palin has been pelted by tomatoes at one of her booksignings in Minnesota. According to Donald Douglas, at AmericanPowerblog, the tomatos hit a police officer instead and the thrower has been arrested. However, he notes the approval and incitement to riot about Palin at various blogsites.
“But from the comments at Democratic Underground [DUmmys], “Wow. Where do we send money to help with his legal bills?,” and “Excellent,” and “Shoulda waved a gun.”
And at Gawker [They stare lovingly at Helen Thomas], “Who is the Hero Who Threw Tomatoes at Sarah Palin?,” and “In Defense of Throwing Tomatoes at Sarah Palin.””
We all know rujax is the other bottom feeder of the HA Libtardos. Just like the ASSWipes at these whackamole blogs.
Hey rujax, Palin’s book sold 2.7 million copies in 2 weeks. You know this killed the NY Times to post that list.
Some fool wrote this… “So the question now is… will Palin’s book end up on the bestseller list? Or go over like a fart in church?” Looks like the former eh dumb shit?
So when you read Libtardo Reuters: “In a comparison of other first week book sales by current or past presidents or vice presidential candidates, Palin came in second only to former President Bill Clinton who sold about 606,000 copies of his memoir ”My Life” in its debut week. The former Republican vice presidential candidate’s sales at 469,000 were just above Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s “Living History”.” So she sold 2,231,000 books the second week?
When you read Libtardo MSM CNN: “The Associated Press reported last week Palin sold 700,000 copies of her memoir in its first week, a number that far surpasses most political books. But it falls short of the more than 900,000 copies sold of Bill Clinton’s 2004 memoir “My Life” during its debut week.” So she sold 2,000,000 books the second week?
See how the Libtardo MSM slants truths? Of course not, rujax is a dumb shit.
…lay a SA-Mackin’ on Ol’ Rujax, big boy. But just don’t read that there book too close now…ya might just MISS how fucking STUPID that dumb broad really is. But no MATTER…Caribou Barbie and Glenn-boy are the Puddingbrain’s dream ticket. Go ‘head on with yer bad self, stupes. Yay.
Oh…and keep Bible Spice away from ASIANS. They make her NERVOUS. (yer not part asian are ya? like that tiger guy?)
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hey Proud Golden Goat Leftist,
Since you have issues translating what Professor Darryl writes, maybe you can decipher what the dumb cinder block wrote @36.
OH YEAH, baby…ANY body that takes Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck and Mitt Romney (MITTENS!!!!!!) seriously is waaaaaayyyyyyy smarter than I am.
Really Puds, I’m happy for ya. You earn it every single day.
Karl Hungusspews:
I heard on the news that there is an epidemic of church windows being broken and church property being vandalized in the greater seattle area….sounds like Rujax has been out doing his hate-fun on saturday nights…..
Marvin Stamnspews:
28. correctnotright spews:
Umm, that and they are giving away free copies by the boatload of batshit crazy Palin.
…lay a SA-Mackin’ on Ol’ Rujax, big boy. But just don’t read that there book too close now…ya might just MISS how fucking STUPID that dumb broad really is. But no MATTER…Caribou Barbie and Glenn-boy are the Puddingbrain’s dream ticket. Go ‘head on with yer bad self, stupes. Yay.
Oh…and keep Bible Spice away from ASIANS. They make her NERVOUS. (yer not part asian are ya? like that tiger guy?)
Puddy, most excellent job mindfucking rujax.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Wow, rujax farted a pellet on his blog. Too bad ALMOST NO ONE will read it rujax.
Maybe Goldy will have you write threads and you can advertize!
Go for it fool!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Marvin, Puddy still doesn’t know what he said! But thanks for the kudos! :)
Watch it though, he may dedicate a blog entry just for you.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Why would amazon give books away for free?
Maybe cuz correctnotright is AN IDIOT!
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Wow, rujax farted a pellet on his blog.
Liberal cnn is reporting-
Glaciers melting so fast, a generation will be too late
Why aren’t the believers in man-madeup-global-warming stopping their assault against the planet.
Why do believers hate the planet and continue to destroy it when they know better.
Another doj scandal for the oba-mao.
The Obama team is covering up voter-intimidation evidence
Oba-mao got involved with doj decisions?
This sure isn’t CHANGE. Why aren’t the democrats complaining about oba-mao doing like bush?
Why are democrats hypocrites?
With a democrat in office, why should the democrats care about civil rights.
@1 From the article:
Once upon a time, I was a climate-change skeptic.
I’m not one anymore. The evidence is in the ice.
Marvin, you are not clear.
It’s a article by the “believers in man-madeup-global-warming” that glaciers are retreating.
Are you trying to be sarcastic and imply you don’t believe it because it came from a liberal source?
left leaning reuters is reporting-
Cost-benefit analysis of jobs stimulus
So many better ways of helping create jobs, why did oba-mao pick the worst choice? Oh yeah, turbo tax timmy was behind the plan.
Check this link out.
Seems like proof to me.
I’m pointing out that the believers are telling us the end is near.
And at the same time the believers are still contributing to the problem.
If the people that believe won’t change their lifestyle, doesn’t that prove that they-
1. Don’t believe in man made global warming
2. Hate the planet
I remember when the left was against profiting off of oil that is destroying the planet.
Brazil girds for massive offshore oil extraction
State-run Petrobras is poised to become a major global player
Where are the left-wingnuts complaining about this?
I wonder why greenpeace and those other leftist oprganizations are giving them a free pass?
Follow the money.
The money man behind the democrat party, george soros.
That explains why the left isn’t complaining about drilling for oil.
Want to write environmental laws in kalifornia?
CARB members Ron Roberts and Dr. John Telles allege that CARB had tried to cover up that the lead scientist and coordinator of the research used to justify the new emissions rules, had lied about holding a Ph.D. in statistics.
Hien T. Tran’s Ph.D. was the mail-order version, according to local media reports, and senior CARB officials were aware that his falsified credentials before voting on the truck retrofit legislation.
Great, a mail-order diploma. And the senior officials were aware and looked the other way.
He should have just stayed at a holiday inn.
#4. Yup. Progressives are not happy with Tim Geithner either. No argument there. See we can agree on stuff! Maybe you are a progressive after all!
6. Marvin Stamn spews:
Well said.
What it proves is that they are using Global Warming to feed their Marxist lust for power.
That’s it. Control evil humans who are not as enlightened as the Atheist Progressives. That’s it.
It got down to -32 last night at our place….without the Wind Chill.
Fortunately, the 20 MPH winds never materialized.
It has warmed up to 16 below now.
We were told this would be an unseasonably warm winter all winter.
Now we are being told it will be unseasonable warm starting in January.
They keep kickin’ the can down the road when facts get in the way of the Control Agenda.
Mrs. C and I hiked 4 miles yesterday when it was -4. Needed a scarf to warm the air into our lungs…but otherwise with the bright sunshine and no wind, it did not feel like -4.
You get the direct sunlight and reflection off the snow. I’m gettin’ my tan back!
Global Warming?
Perhaps. We have always had cycles with sunspots and volcanic activity that impact our climate. We have had warming before the Industrial Revolution. Of course the Earth warms and cools. No one is disputing that.
Man-made Global Warming?
That’s the issue.
The fact collectors are corrupt and have a Leftist Agenda. Need to carefully review the fact set and validate the data.
The KLOWNS jump to man-made and carbon emmissions. CHICKEN LITTLE Style.
Why won’t they take a year to make sure of the fact set??
9. Blue John spews:
How about Obam-Mao’s other chief advisor, Larry Sommers??
Do you like his BJ??
That explains why the left isn’t complaining about drilling for oil.
You don’t seem to have a good memory. The left didn’t want to drill for oil so much, the conservative made a slogan out of it. Don’t you remember “Drill Baby Drill”?
I will also be in meetings all day, so consider this an open thread.
– HA Comments Section Moderator
It just won’t work if just the ones who think science and climate change is real, change their behavior, it’s got to be everyone, even forcing change on the climate change denyers.
It’s like having a swimming pool where part of the swimmers understand that NOT pooping in the pool is healthy, but the remainder doesn’t want to stop.
Blue John–
Perhaps this recent Gallup Poll and the status of other Presidents 10-1/2 months into their Presidency will help you put some perspective on the Atheist Progressive Movement:
Obam-Mao is curently at 47%.
The next 11 presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, all had higher job approval ratings than Obama at this stage of their tenure. Their ratings were:
The Gallup poll is an average of a three-day tracking of 1,529 adults taken Dec. 4-6. It has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.
14. Blue John spews:
Blue John–
Did you even read about the actions of the True Believers attended the “conference” at CarbonHagen??
1200 Limos and 140 Private Jets.,2933,579666,00.html
The whole thing has turned into a farcical 3-act Mini-drama. It’s a joke BJ.
How can anyone take these supposed True Believers seriously where their ACTIONS contradict their words about Chicken Little End of the World??
See the problem?
Perhaps some of them believe what they are spewing. But obviously many don’t or they would change their actions AND SET A FRIGGIN’ EXAMPLE!
Clearly this group is about Do as I Say and don’t dare question What I do.
Here we have 20,000 ATTENDEES at this “conference”.
It’s turned into a real circus BJ.
Read about the Carnival!,2933,579734,00.html
Check this out–
Hasn’t anyone told Obam-Mao that as President with your Party clearly controlling both Houses of Congress, that Americans do NOT want a bunch of excuses and blaming….all they want is RESULTS!??
What an arrogant, misguided FOOL Obam-Mao is.
He keeps digging himself and the Democrat Party a deeper and deeper hole.
Almost too much relevant fodder for opposition parties in 2010 and 2012..
I believe in addition to the Tea Parties, the Anti-War, Pro-Big Government KLOWNS will form their own Party….which is good.
We need more choices.
Having only 2 seems to be showing they are nearing the end of their Half-lives.
4-5 Party’s would be about right (assume the Green Party stays in or combines with the Anti-War Pro-Big Government Party.
It would be a wild election.
I think the Tea Party would win.
The Gold Puts I sold yesterday are just a smidgeon higher than where I sold them.
Interesting how market momentum works on Puts and Calls.
I am looking to possibly buy back into Barrick Gold around 37-38 and RandGold around 70-71.
What do you think??
This time I will buy the Stock.
I really don’t like trading Puts and Calls….timing is too much of a gamble.
And no one is disputing that man is polluting the planet.
The dispute is how much should mankind (united states) be punished.
Democrats want for the first time in history, for the country to go backwards in energy. Back to the days when only wind propelled boats, when only sun/wind could dry clothes, when only the sun could dry tomatoes.
I wonder when daddylove or ylb is going to go off the grid and live a sustainable lifestyle. It’s all about choice, why won’t daddylove and ylb make the correct choice. I guess they hate the planet.
Strange, when it comes to healthcare democrats want us to be more like europe, when it comes to nuclear energy, being like europe is wrong. Go figure.
Not everyone thinks Copenhagen is going to fix much, myself included.
Considering that republicans were against a tax cheat for treasury secretary months ago, it would be accurate for you to say that your opinion has finally caught up with republican opinion. Maybe you’re a republican after all, it just took you a little longer to figure it out.
Kiss goodbye to your carpet, Goldy! I’ve never met a dog that could hold it all day. Hell, here in Green Lake Park, they can’t hold it 10 minutes! That’s why all the bushes are yellow. Even the daffodils and marigolds are yellow! Dogs are useless, good-for-nothing, pisspots. All they do is piss, bark, and chase rabbits. They should all be euthanized.
You know, it just wouldn’t be fall or winter without some fool noting that it’s cold outside and using that as an idiot’s argument against planetary warming. They can’t even make up their minds whether their position is that the planet is warming but mankind is not to blame, or whether it’s just not not warming at all.
All they really know is that their preconceived notion that it cannot be true that the planet is warming and mankind SI to blame must not be amenable to change by the combined opinion of every national scientific Academy on earth AND the thousands of climate and other scientists in the larget international scientific investigation to date (the IPCC).
Daddy Love–
The question is the validity of the datum used to come to those conclusions.
Many of the so-called “scientists” with the leftist agenda accepted the data at face value because it furthered their cause.
All I’m saying is let’s get all the data validated and on the table…allow those with differing conclusions to be heard & assessed.
The rush on this is preposterous.
It seems like it’s being rush because the scam is exposed.
If Man-made Global Warming is 100% correct, the question still is “too what extent”??
That is critical to any action plan.
And certainly the data used must be validated and conclusions should be put to the test.
What are you Chicken Little Leftists afraid of??
Still driving?
Still using any petroleum products?
Still exhaling?
Tell me when you have a zero carbon footprint.
Tell me when YOU decide to stop destroying the planet.
What are you Chicken Little Leftists afraid of??
From past examples when dealing with conservtives and climate change deniers:
Any proof or examples that supports the hypothesis of climate change, like the visual examples from the Ice survey,
the deniers clamor that the data must be validated and conclusions should be put to the test, again and again, for years and years, delaying the need of taking action
Any vague rumor or youtube video or email discussion that questions the hypothesis of climate change is take as gospel fact, is rock solid truth and is unquestionably correct, delaying the need of taking action
Just saying, what you call rush to judgment, we call science.
Are you just hoping, since the climate change is still gradual, that you will have have died off before there is a compelling need to change anything?
This is going to piss off those palin haters…
The liberal ny times finally reviewed her book.
To begin with, this reviewer actually read the book.
The employee must have been a liberal with a reaction like that, after all, republicans are not tolerant like liberals.
It would be more accurate that Palin supporters would not speak up for fear of union thugs attacking them.
That explained why so many left-wingnuts fact-checked palins book before they fact checked the free government health care bill.
Which explains why palins book has been on the ny times #1 bestseller list for 2 of 2 weeks.
Not very democrat of her. That explains why the left hates her… she loves America.
Umm, that and they are giving away free copies by the boatload of batshit crazy Palin.
As a famous man once said, there is a Stamn born every minute.
Here is another clue to Stamn – Stamn never sttes his/her true opinions.
Does Stamn beleive in global warming? Who knows – the idiot cannot even make a stand like a MAN and proclaim a point of view. All Stamn does is stand on the sidelines, misinterpret the data at a third grade level, and then lob said data with his/her misinterpretations onto this blog.
Stamn deserves only two things: ridicule or ignoring the BS.
I prefer ridicule….and Stamn is such an easy target due to a lack of any ability to actually reason or think coherently.
Once again correctnotright proves he’s an empty suit with no facts on The NY Times Best Seller list…
“The list is based on weekly sales reports obtained from selected samples of independent and chain bookstores, as well as wholesalers, throughout the United States. The sales figures are widely believed to represent books that have actually been sold at retail, rather than wholesale figures,[3] as the Times surveys a number of actual booksellers in an attempt to better reflect what is actually purchased by individual buyers. Some books are flagged with a dagger (†) indicating that a significant number of bulk orders had been received by retail bookstores.”
So correctnotright…
Prove it fool! Use reputable sources not whackamole locations.
Just look at ANY web site! Click through offers for the dumb bitch’s stupid book are EVERYWHERE.
What a moron you are stupes.
Ahhh yes, the dumb cinder block rujax who when Puddy showed Glenn Beck had five books on the Best Seller list earlier this year objected, was proven wrong, and he showed the world that he is always the dumbest shit he is.
Hey dumb shit, the NY Times Best Seller list is based on what you stupid idiot?
You don’t have to answer it because Puddy knows you are toooooo stuuuuuuuuupid to answer so you’ll take the dumb brick response – …
Maybe rujax is reading about Going Rouge. Yep, rujax is very stuuuuuuuuuuuupid!
“Palin has been pelted by tomatoes at one of her booksignings in Minnesota. According to Donald Douglas, at AmericanPowerblog, the tomatos hit a police officer instead and the thrower has been arrested. However, he notes the approval and incitement to riot about Palin at various blogsites.
“But from the comments at Democratic Underground [DUmmys], “Wow. Where do we send money to help with his legal bills?,” and “Excellent,” and “Shoulda waved a gun.”
And at Gawker [They stare lovingly at Helen Thomas], “Who is the Hero Who Threw Tomatoes at Sarah Palin?,” and “In Defense of Throwing Tomatoes at Sarah Palin.””
We all know rujax is the other bottom feeder of the HA Libtardos. Just like the ASSWipes at these whackamole blogs.
Wow, stupes…you sure showed me…yeessssirreee bobby.
Hey rujax, Palin’s book sold 2.7 million copies in 2 weeks. You know this killed the NY Times to post that list.
Some fool wrote this… “So the question now is… will Palin’s book end up on the bestseller list? Or go over like a fart in church?” Looks like the former eh dumb shit?
So when you read Libtardo Reuters: “In a comparison of other first week book sales by current or past presidents or vice presidential candidates, Palin came in second only to former President Bill Clinton who sold about 606,000 copies of his memoir ”My Life” in its debut week. The former Republican vice presidential candidate’s sales at 469,000 were just above Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s “Living History”.” So she sold 2,231,000 books the second week?
When you read Libtardo MSM CNN: “The Associated Press reported last week Palin sold 700,000 copies of her memoir in its first week, a number that far surpasses most political books. But it falls short of the more than 900,000 copies sold of Bill Clinton’s 2004 memoir “My Life” during its debut week.” So she sold 2,000,000 books the second week?
See how the Libtardo MSM slants truths? Of course not, rujax is a dumb shit.
Glad you finally acknowledged facts. First time since you showed up at HA Libtardos! Good for you!
…lay a SA-Mackin’ on Ol’ Rujax, big boy. But just don’t read that there book too close now…ya might just MISS how fucking STUPID that dumb broad really is. But no MATTER…Caribou Barbie and Glenn-boy are the Puddingbrain’s dream ticket. Go ‘head on with yer bad self, stupes. Yay.
Oh…and keep Bible Spice away from ASIANS. They make her NERVOUS. (yer not part asian are ya? like that tiger guy?)
Hey Proud Golden Goat Leftist,
Since you have issues translating what Professor Darryl writes, maybe you can decipher what the dumb cinder block wrote @36.
OH YEAH, baby…ANY body that takes Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck and Mitt Romney (MITTENS!!!!!!) seriously is waaaaaayyyyyyy smarter than I am.
Seriously. Really. I mean it. I do….
Fuck man, you got a WHOLE POST all about you!
Just what our favorite attention whore wants.
Really Puds, I’m happy for ya. You earn it every single day.
I heard on the news that there is an epidemic of church windows being broken and church property being vandalized in the greater seattle area….sounds like Rujax has been out doing his hate-fun on saturday nights…..
How many books is Amazon giving away for palin to be the #1 book seller from an actual bookseller? Sales Rank: #1 in Books
Why would amazon give books away for free?
Puddy, most excellent job mindfucking rujax.
Wow, rujax farted a pellet on his blog. Too bad ALMOST NO ONE will read it rujax.
Maybe Goldy will have you write threads and you can advertize!
Go for it fool!
Marvin, Puddy still doesn’t know what he said! But thanks for the kudos! :)
Watch it though, he may dedicate a blog entry just for you.
Maybe cuz correctnotright is AN IDIOT!
I suggested a better name to rujax.
They like me.
They REALLY like me!
OH! BTW, re: the Rujax! blog….
What a fucking jerk-off…
Did you actually visit that moron?
Ooooooo…too bad…
MISTER PuddyBuddy like to quote the Moonie Times. He’ll be bummed. Hey!!!!…is Pudnutz a MOONIE???? Inquiring minds want to know!
Yup, you said he farted a new one so I wanted to check out what he wrote.
Like usual, he wrote one or two words, linked to the words of someone else. Still no comments.
Great blog you have rujax, why not change it to “rujax-Owned&OperatedByPuddy&”
Good point.
Only us fucking jerk-offs would visit you’re blog.
Which explains why your blog is infested with “no comments,” and “zero comments.”
Even us jerk-offs are smart enough not to comment on your blog.
Boys, would you go outside and do that. You’re getting mud on the carpet.
Goldy, please do not leave the children home alone again.