Nice View Goldy….you must be from some big money, something many of us who worked our way thru college and worked our asses off & took risks to accumulate wealth can’t relate to.
I used to be jealous of folks with family money. Now I pity them as they cannot relate to what it is like to struggle when Mommy, Daddy and their checkbook is only a phone call away. Goldy, I don’t count reading a book about being poor and talking to a poor person a few times as knowing what it is like to live from paycheck to paycheck with no frills.
The personal growth comes from the struggle to accumulate wealth. What you do with it once you’ve got it is also a challenge.
However, one thing is for sure, giving it to the government and a Marxist like Obama to redistribute is not why I worked hard & took risks!!
Know what I mean?
Mr. Cynical fuck you very much.
I was born very poor, attended college and made my way through the world. But your kind of politics would remove pell grants and many of the so called “wealth distribution” programs that enabled “poor people like me” to get an education, a leg up in life, and become tax paying productive members of society in spite of our parents and their lack of wealth.
Stop spouting off faux populist reactionary bullshit and pretending like you actually care about the poor. Please spare us the sanctimony. You are free to criticize Goldy on his perceived wealth all you want but leave the poor out of it.
You can stuff all that self made man bullshit up your meritocratic and hypocritical ass.
And if you think Obama is a Marxist then you really need to reread your Marx.
@1 Or…Goldy’s parents bought a little place not too far from the beach back before the suburbs and Donald Trump caught up with the neighborhood, and stayed there while they worked, paid their taxes and, hopefully, put a few bux away somewhere in hopes of making their last years above ground a little more comfortable, and contributing something toward their granddaughter’s education.
Anyway, Goldy….I hope you’re keeping your mind off all (well, at least most) of the bullshit and having a wonderful time on the Joisy shore.
How many hungry homeless children could the money from the round trip plane ticket to New Jersey have fed?
Marvin Stamnspews:
5. Troll spews:
How many hungry homeless children could the money from the round trip plane ticket to New Jersey have fed?
Not as many if the democrat rulers didn’t believe they deserved to fly around in new jets. The House’s plan to spend $550 million to buy eight business-class passenger jets to ferry senior government
Lawmakers set aside $485 million toward reviving a terminated Lockheed Martin Corp. contract to build new presidential helicopters, and added $674 million for three new C-17 Globemaster III cargo planes from Boeing Co. They also allocated $560 million to produce an additional engine design for the Lockheed-led F-35 Lightning II fighter jet after the Defense Department and White House said that one engine, made by United Technologies Corp.’s Pratt & Whitney unit, was sufficient. General Electric Co. and Rolls Royce PLC are producing the second engine.
So a second engine, even though the first engine is sufficient, is going to be built by general electric. And we all know the connection between GE and the obama.
How many people could eat if brian didn’t go on a trip to the south pole to study global warming. The South Pole trip, led by Rep. Brian Baird (D., Wash.), ranks among the priciest. The lawmakers reported a cost to taxpayers of $103,000.
Sure is a lot of money the democrats throw around to their contributors.
@6 Those aircraft will cost a hell of a lot less to run than the C17’s Rumsfeld and his entourage used to use to go admire what a mess they were making of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Seven thousand times as many people could be fed with the $700,000,000+ that George Bush spent “looking” for WMD Iraq.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Congrats on EARNING your way from poor upbringings. I admire that immensely.
So if you can do it, why can’t others??
You must think the current generation is a bunch of spoiled, weak-kneed wimps without the ability to sacrifice, work hard and invest.
Ain’t America great Gordon!
Hey, since you made it, why don’t YOU personally set up the Gordon Grant along with all your LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN pals??
Why does “the government” have to do it??
Think about it?
Guess it’s easier to spend OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY…than put your own money where your piehole is, huh Gordy?
Big Government will continue to steamroll until soon we are working for the government instead of the other way around….all because of “good intentions”.
Think about the long-term consequences.
Do you really want Massive deficit spending and big, intrusive government?
Cuz that’s where we are headed.
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn @ 6
Seven thousand times as many people could be fed with the $700,000,000+ that George Bush spent “looking” for WMD Iraq.
It’s not as if pelosi said saddam had WMDs. Oops, she did on meet the press 11/17/2002. “Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There’s no question about that.”
And john edwards even knew from his time on the senate intelligence committee. “As a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I firmly believe that the issue of Iraq is not about politics. It’s about national security. We know that for at least 20 years, Saddam Hussein has obsessively sought weapons of mass destruction through every means available. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons today.
“Maybe you could put together a few words why so many democrats lied.”
Lied? They were simply repeating the lies and made-up intelligence fed to them by the Bush Administration.
But either way, the invasion of Iraq was Bush’s decision and his responsibility.
Bush spend $700,000,000+ blowing things up, killing Iraqis, killing American soldiers and contractors.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. Mr. Cynical spews:
Congrats on EARNING your way from poor upbringings. I admire that immensely.
So if you can do it, why can’t others??
Props to Gordon.
Maybe he can write a little about how he did it. Who helped him, which help was helpful. What obstacles were in his way, how he did his best to avoid them.
Marvin Stamnspews:
13. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn,
Lied? They were simply repeating the lies and made-up intelligence fed to them by the Bush Administration.
Does that explain pelosi and edwards both citing their experience on the intelligence committees? Bush was hated from day 1 because he “stole” the election in florida, why would a democrat blindly believe.
Even john edwards doesn’t go along with your “bush lied” conspiracy. MR. RUSSERT: Why were you so wrong?
SEN. EDWARDS: For the same reason a lot of people were wrong. You know, we—the intelligence information that we got was wrong. I mean, tragically wrong. On top of that I’d—beyond that, I went back to former Clinton administration officials who gave me sort of independent information about what they believed about what was happening with Saddam’s weapon—weapons programs. They were also wrong. And, based on that, I made the wrong judgment.
Since there were no WMDs found, does that mean the clinton administration also lied?
Hell, forget the clinton administration, clinton also lied “People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons.”
But either way, the invasion of Iraq was Bush’s decision and his responsibility.
Yes. With the approval of people like biden, hillary, reid plus others.
Bush spend $700,000,000+
It is not too often a high school dropout on welfare can correct a professor.
Bush “spent”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
12. Ekim spews:
Marvelous Marvie the self admitted Welfare Queen is a paid right wing blog poster.
No one gets paid to post on a Blog that has 5 Conservatives and 15 fringe lunatic leftist pinheaded klowns you paranoid idiot!
Marvin was kidding when he said he got paid 6-figures…never dreaming any of you were stupid enough to believe it!!
However, I guess Marvin underestimated your stupidity, huh Ekim??
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. Ekim spews:
Marvelous Marvie the self admitted Welfare Queen is a paid right wing blog poster.
No wonder ekim votes democrat.
He’s stupid enough to believe anything.
Ekim, I want to tell you that because of law #44han65, section 3A, I get to be the president for the rest of the week. I’m going to make it a crime to be stupid. I’m giving you a heads up so you will stay hidden in the basement. Every person in a uniform will be looking for you. Even my Federal express agents, you know Fed-Ex is a secret spy government program don’t you, that’s why they are always “carrying” things to your front door. Keep reading here, I’ll tell you when you can come out of the basement. Of course I will, you can trust me.
Hey, since you made it, why don’t YOU personally set up the Gordon Grant along with all your LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN pals??
Why does “the government” have to do it??
Think about it?
Guess it’s easier to spend OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY…than put your own money where your piehole is, huh Gordy?
I see you fail to grasp on a basic level the way society really works. By becoming a productive TAX paying citizen I pay it forward. If I was a trust funder perhaps I would “start a grant” give 10% because that is the thing to do among my elite friends and feign some pretense that I am doing some good for society. Philanthropy is vanity in my opinion. It is a way to pursue status. Which on some level I get, status is what people really want. In our society status really is closely aligned with money. And the problem is that in a meritocratic society is we cast undue blame on the unfortunate and undue favor and status of the wealthy. I believe in America, and the meritocratic ideal. And like many people I feel I myself am evidence of the possibility and greatness of America. I love my country for those reasons. But I believe decoupling wealth from status is a way to dampen the excesses and shortcomings of meritocratic thinking. We will cease to look upon the poor as somehow most deserving of their fate and likewise the rich.
“Does that explain pelosi and edwards both citing their experience on the intelligence committees?”
Yes…it most certainly does. The Bush administration was making up intelligence and passing it on to Congress.
“Bush was hated from day 1 because he “stole” the election in florida, why would a democrat blindly believe.”
Utterly irrelevant. In fact, Bush had the highest approval ratings ever recorded for a president in the months following 9/11. The country and politicians rallied behind him. He leveraged that support to lie us into a war.
“Even john edwards doesn’t go along with your “bush lied” conspiracy.”
Bullshit. He pointed out the intelligence was wrong.
“Since there were no WMDs found, does that mean the clinton administration also lied?”
There was no “Clinton Administration” in 2003, dumbfuck.
“People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons.”
That is a true statement. But that was an accounting issue that the UN weapons inspectors were working hard to clear up. Iraq did not have the weapons, rather they had destroyed weapons without supervision by the U.N. This stuff is all very well documented by the U.N.
“Yes. With the approval of people like biden, hillary, reid plus others.”
Yep…there were plenty of Democrats and nearly all Republicans in Congress who bought into the faked intelligence from the Bush administration.
“It is not too often a high school dropout on welfare can correct a professor.”
Indeed! Keep tryin’ Marvin the Quitter…maybe someday….
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, one thing about all the plastic trash floating in the ocean off New Jersey’s coast is, it gives the water a nice dark blue color.
@16 Oh…then you guys are completely worthless.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gordo @ 18 spews
I see you fail to grasp on a basic level the way society really works.
Perhaps this is the way you view Society Gordo.
It is a POLITICAL ISSUE re: how big and costly government is and how “charitable”.
Grants are “charity” Gordo.
All I’m saying is the bleeding hearts who are sooooooo charitable, are being charitable with OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY pure & simple.
If you want lots of government education grants, by all means start writing checks.
The Federal Deficit is exploding under Obama.
Your “charitiable heart” knows no bounds, does it Gordo?
You are living proof that someone can rise from poverty to a decent life.
Why can’t others endure the same struggle??
Welfare has created more problems than it has solved.
It has created an entitlement mentality rather than hard-working, risk-taking, creative mentality.
Just let the guv’mint support other lazy asses…right Gordo?
Let the guv’mint support ILLEGAL ALIENS and give ’em good health care, right Gordo??
All this is being paid for with a credit card called the National Debt. Obama has increased the printing press 4 times faster than Bush at least.
You know who’s name is on the credit card Gordo??
Yours & mine!
Obama is running around abusing OUR credit card.
Did you even look at the details of Porkulous Gordo?? It’s obscene.
For Lefty’s like you, FEELINGS trump CRITICAL ANALYSIS. Emotion is more important than facts.
LOL Cynical. Much of that is directly inherited from Bush policies (two mishandled wars, tax cuts for the rich, general fiscal irresponsibility).
And the rest is a one-time investment to bail out the economy from its collapse following eight years of fiscal recklessness.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Sheesh, I thought Hillary was a little long in the tooth to be menstruating. Perhaps this was just a little “spotting’ episode–
From AP–
KINSHASA, Congo — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s temper flared on Monday when a Congolese university student asked her for her husband’s thinking on an international financial matter.
A week after former President Bill Clinton traveled to North Korea to secure the release of two detained American journalists and stole the limelight from the start of his wife’s first trip to Africa, Clinton was clearly displeased by the question at town hall forum in Kinshasa.
“You want me to tell you what my husband thinks?” she replied incredulously when the male student asked her what “Mr. Clinton” thought of World Bank concerns about a multi-billion-dollar Chinese loan offer to the Congo.
“My husband is not secretary of state, I am,” an obviously annoyed Clinton said sharply. “If you want my opinion, I will tell you my opinion. I am not going to be channeling my husband.”
Some poor young Congo student gets the wrath of Hillary. Ego??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey steve—
Way to go loser!
You so badly want to be black you went to Kenya and tried to trade for Chelsea’s hand in marriage??
From AP–
NAIROBI, Kenya – A Kenyan man’s offer of 40 goats and 20 cows for Chelsea Clinton’s hand in marriage may still be on the table — and Hillary Rodham Clinton has promised to convey the “very kind offer” to her daughter.
Big-hearted offer from our #1 Goatlover–
Kommodore & Kountry Klubber Steve…the black guy wannabe.
How many black members in your Yacht Klub and Kountry Klub steve???
None you say??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
23. Darryl spews:
Mr. Cynical,
“The Federal Deficit is exploding under Obama.”
LOL Cynical. Much of that is directly inherited from Bush policies (two mishandled wars, tax cuts for the rich, general fiscal irresponsibility).
Keep trying to sell the “Blame Bush” thing Darryl. It won’t work. Obama promised us a balanced budget…repeatedly. It was assumed he meant a real balanced budget…not a smoke-and-mirrors lying charade!
Obama will ultimately have a hard time remembering all of his lies.
Oh yeah…everything he says is a lie.
That will help him.
“Keep trying to sell the “Blame Bush” thing Darryl. It won’t work.”
ROFLAMO, Cynical! Obama became President in January 2009. The current economic turmoil started in 2008.
“Obama promised us a balanced budget…repeatedly. It was assumed he meant a real balanced budget…not a smoke-and-mirrors lying charade!”
You are mistaken. It was Sen. McCain that repeatedly made such promises. From ABC News
While Obama criticizes McCain’s ambitions, he is careful not to make the same promise, saying, “I do not make a promise that we can reduce it by 2013, because I think it is important for us to make some critical investments right now in America’s families.”
So…speaking of lies, Mr. Cynical, I have a question for you. Are you at all bothered by having to tell out-and-out lies as a way of pushing your propaganda?
I remember when people could debate their opinions without murdering the truth in the process?
Can’t you find a way to propagandize without using lies?
Over at Sound Politics there’s this:
“If you are a supporter of Obama’s plan, write up an op-ed, email it to me, and I’ll post it here at Sound Politics. Essentially, I am offering supporters of Obama’s plan a free ad at the most important political blog in this area.”
“the most important political blog in this area”?
Goldy, you going to take that lying down? I kind of doubt it could be considering it’s the same 10 clowns typing “nazi”, “socialist” and “Palin” over and over.
And so generous, too.
I always thought Mr. Cynical lived on the NJ shore year-round?
Who helped him, which help was helpful. What obstacles were in his way, how he did his best to avoid them.
Since you asked I will give an answer. But first note that I hate, hate, hate to play the poverty card. It feels dirty, and shameful. Maybe that is my christian up bringing coming out. The meek shall inherit the earth and all that.
But here is a response since you asked, hopefully without divulging too much personal detail.
I grew up in a small rural town. Poverty, drugs, and lack of long term opportunity were common. But I was fortunate. I was accepted at a private christian school for the first 8 years of my education. It was a private education but my parents didn’t have to pay, they had no money. I think my father helped out, painted the school and a few other things over the years. I am not religious today, but some of the christian values stuck with me. In particular, the old christian ideal of charity before god and not before others. I think there is shamefulness in self aggrandizing philanthropy. Charity is an internal reward and should not be publicized. There is a kind of honor to be found in small charitable acts, and basically not seeking richly earthly reward and status. When Jesus says it is easier for a camel to go through a eye of a needle than a rich man into heaven, there is a profound truth there. And should not be taken casually.
I was the recipient of much kindness and charity in my education and for that I am appreciative. But most importantly the relatively small class rooms 14 students was an important developmental factor. Think little house on the prairie. Lots of personal attention.
I was fairly academic and strived to achieve high grades in public high school. Attended college and received pell grants and various forms of financial aid. All that evil socialism you righty folks seem to talk about. Without it, I don’t think I would have been able to attend college, never would have met the cool people I did, and might not have established whatever connections I did to land work.
I feel the consequences of my life are a mix of good fortune, good choices, and applying myself when opportunity presented itself. Humans live in neither a vacuum nor should the community override the individual at the cost of personal liberty. The lessons of fascism communism have shown us the extremes. This respect for the dignity of the individual is what makes me a classical liberal. I think there are a lot of things that are truly remarkable about America, but I do not think it behooves us to live in an absolutist meritocracy. When it comes to matters of financial wealth, there should be a floor and a ceiling. But society should provide many avenues for excellence and status always measured by the good you provide, and diminished by the harm that you do.
Nice view Goldy. It must also be nice to have Mommy pay for your trip.
Brooks Brothers Brown Shirt Thug Lifespews:
Goldstein? A Red Diaper Trust Fund Baby? Like, who knew?
Little Big Mouth @ KIRO …
Last weekend national news media reported that right-wing radicals had hijacked several townhall forums, including Representative Russ Carnahan’s public meeting where arrests were made. Reports implied that violent opponents of Democrat Carnahan and of President Obama’s push for health insurance reform had been taken away by St. Louis police. In fact, union goons who support Carnahan and Obama’s plan were arrested after they beat up Kenneth Gladney, a vendor at the event.
Yesterday Dave Ross gleefully mentioned Gladney’s beating: “Town Hall protestor injured in confrontation with SEIU: But he’s not insured! Now needs donations to pay medical bills!”
The story, in other words, was not that Big Media failed as usual to tell the whole truth, or that an apolitical vendor had been beaten by probama thugs. The story to Ross was the hypocrisy of a beaten man, at an event about reforming insurance, who was apparently protesting reform and inviting a beating while lacking universal health-care protection.
Today Ross learned that his vicious and flimsy spin from yesterday was not the whole truth or a fraction of the truth. It was a lie.
Kenneth Gladney deserved an apology from Ross on today’s broadcast. He didn’t get it. What he got from Ross was the kind of stealth-snarl mugging that Ross usually reserves for Tim Eyeman. Mr. Gladney, the victim of a liberal union-goon attack, didn’t deserve to be blamed for his beating. He didn’t deserve to be beaten again by Dave Ross, who was poking and shoving for something from Mr. Gladney that could be used to salvage yesterday’s vicious Dave Ross spin.
Now Mr. Gladney deserves more than an apology. He and his attorney deserve money from Dave Ross and KIRO.
Problematic too is Mr. Shires. It’s good that he’s displaced Phil Hendrie. It’s good that Frank Shires is being given a soapbox to belatedly rebut partisan hacks and cowards like Dave Ross, who bleats and hides behind his megaphone. It’s bad that Shires talked on Friday about throwing the last shovelful of dirt on the president’s grave and then jumping up and down on the grave.
Maybe, Mr. Arquette, it’s time to review and revise protocols and procedures at KIRO. Some of your on-air talkers are going to get you and Bonneville in trouble.
Brooks Brothers Brown Shirt Thug Lifespews:
Shit, maybe it’s time for Arquette to bring back poor Goldstein, who needs the money.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gordon @ 30–
I believe you…thanks for sharing.
Just one question though…
Why do you feel Big Government is the solution to help people??
Do you see where handouts have created a huge entitlement mentality with consequences of out-of-wedlock births, chronic unemployment, drug use and abuse etc.
My grandma told me to STAY BUSY and KEEP OUT OF TROUBLE. TOO WORK HARD, HELP OTHERS, TAKE RISKS. Nothing about Big Government. She told ME to do it!!
That message has been lost and muted by KLOWNS who easily squander OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY. Tax money becomes faceless. People who committ fraud against the government feel zero remorse because the taxpayer victim’s are faceless.
With your background Gordon, I’m surprised your conclusion is Big Government Liberalism.
We are all a work in progress. What will happen in American has already happened in many Yerapeein’ Countries…hard-working taxpayers get sick of paying for excessive bureaucracy, lazy asses and illegals….and they elect Conservatives to clean up the mess.
I NEVER LIKED BUSH or his old man.
Neither is a Conservative and both damaged true Conservatism by bastardizing it with this one world government stupidity funded by Deficit Spending. Obama is even worse than these 2 KLOWNS. I voted for Ross Perot…twice. I reluctantly voted for L’il Bush because Gore & Kerry seemed..more insane.
Obama, with his Hope & Change BS, is an opportunist who has already blown most of his political capital now that he is proposing specific Big Government massive deficit spending.
Thanks again Gordon.
mum's balconyspews:
Remember the Golda Meir ‘toon from way back in the day? “By Allah we are doomed! A real Jewish mother!”
Nice View Goldy….you must be from some big money, something many of us who worked our way thru college and worked our asses off & took risks to accumulate wealth can’t relate to.
I used to be jealous of folks with family money. Now I pity them as they cannot relate to what it is like to struggle when Mommy, Daddy and their checkbook is only a phone call away. Goldy, I don’t count reading a book about being poor and talking to a poor person a few times as knowing what it is like to live from paycheck to paycheck with no frills.
The personal growth comes from the struggle to accumulate wealth. What you do with it once you’ve got it is also a challenge.
However, one thing is for sure, giving it to the government and a Marxist like Obama to redistribute is not why I worked hard & took risks!!
Know what I mean?
Mr. Cynical fuck you very much.
I was born very poor, attended college and made my way through the world. But your kind of politics would remove pell grants and many of the so called “wealth distribution” programs that enabled “poor people like me” to get an education, a leg up in life, and become tax paying productive members of society in spite of our parents and their lack of wealth.
Stop spouting off faux populist reactionary bullshit and pretending like you actually care about the poor. Please spare us the sanctimony. You are free to criticize Goldy on his perceived wealth all you want but leave the poor out of it.
You can stuff all that self made man bullshit up your meritocratic and hypocritical ass.
And if you think Obama is a Marxist then you really need to reread your Marx.
@1 Or…Goldy’s parents bought a little place not too far from the beach back before the suburbs and Donald Trump caught up with the neighborhood, and stayed there while they worked, paid their taxes and, hopefully, put a few bux away somewhere in hopes of making their last years above ground a little more comfortable, and contributing something toward their granddaughter’s education.
Anyway, Goldy….I hope you’re keeping your mind off all (well, at least most) of the bullshit and having a wonderful time on the Joisy shore.
How many hungry homeless children could the money from the round trip plane ticket to New Jersey have fed?
Not as many if the democrat rulers didn’t believe they deserved to fly around in new jets.
The House’s plan to spend $550 million to buy eight business-class passenger jets to ferry senior government
Lawmakers set aside $485 million toward reviving a terminated Lockheed Martin Corp. contract to build new presidential helicopters, and added $674 million for three new C-17 Globemaster III cargo planes from Boeing Co. They also allocated $560 million to produce an additional engine design for the Lockheed-led F-35 Lightning II fighter jet after the Defense Department and White House said that one engine, made by United Technologies Corp.’s Pratt & Whitney unit, was sufficient. General Electric Co. and Rolls Royce PLC are producing the second engine.
So a second engine, even though the first engine is sufficient, is going to be built by general electric. And we all know the connection between GE and the obama.
How many people could eat if brian didn’t go on a trip to the south pole to study global warming.
The South Pole trip, led by Rep. Brian Baird (D., Wash.), ranks among the priciest. The lawmakers reported a cost to taxpayers of $103,000.
Sure is a lot of money the democrats throw around to their contributors.
@6 Those aircraft will cost a hell of a lot less to run than the C17’s Rumsfeld and his entourage used to use to go admire what a mess they were making of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Marvin Stamn @ 6
Seven thousand times as many people could be fed with the $700,000,000+ that George Bush spent “looking” for WMD Iraq.
Congrats on EARNING your way from poor upbringings. I admire that immensely.
So if you can do it, why can’t others??
You must think the current generation is a bunch of spoiled, weak-kneed wimps without the ability to sacrifice, work hard and invest.
Ain’t America great Gordon!
Hey, since you made it, why don’t YOU personally set up the Gordon Grant along with all your LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN pals??
Why does “the government” have to do it??
Think about it?
Guess it’s easier to spend OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY…than put your own money where your piehole is, huh Gordy?
Big Government will continue to steamroll until soon we are working for the government instead of the other way around….all because of “good intentions”.
Think about the long-term consequences.
Do you really want Massive deficit spending and big, intrusive government?
Cuz that’s where we are headed.
Bush was stupid to believe all those democrats.
It;s not as if Hillary said they had WMDs or made the connection between saddam and al qaeda.
It’s not as if pelosi said saddam had WMDs. Oops, she did on meet the press 11/17/2002.
“Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There’s no question about that.”
And john edwards even knew from his time on the senate intelligence committee.
“As a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I firmly believe that the issue of Iraq is not about politics. It’s about national security. We know that for at least 20 years, Saddam Hussein has obsessively sought weapons of mass destruction through every means available. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons today.
And look, another pelosi comment-
“I come to this debate, Mr. Speaker, as one at the end of 10 years in office on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction was one of my top priorities. I applaud the President on focusing on this issue and on taking the lead to disarm Saddam Hussein.
She has known for 10 years? Well damn, that was before bush was in the white house. Did clinton give her forged intelligence briefs? After all, she even said “the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction was one of my top priorities.” So it’s not as if she blindly follwed bush. She knew it. Or she knew it until her left-wingnut voters in the bay area didn’t approve of her telling the truth.
I could go on and on.
Maybe you could put together a few words why so many democrats lied. Democrats lied, people died.
“the marvin” DOES go on and on…he should shut the fuck up already.
Marvelous Marvie the self admitted Welfare Queen is a paid right wing blog poster.
Marvin Stamn,
“Maybe you could put together a few words why so many democrats lied.”
Lied? They were simply repeating the lies and made-up intelligence fed to them by the Bush Administration.
But either way, the invasion of Iraq was Bush’s decision and his responsibility.
Bush spend $700,000,000+ blowing things up, killing Iraqis, killing American soldiers and contractors.
Props to Gordon.
Maybe he can write a little about how he did it. Who helped him, which help was helpful. What obstacles were in his way, how he did his best to avoid them.
Does that explain pelosi and edwards both citing their experience on the intelligence committees? Bush was hated from day 1 because he “stole” the election in florida, why would a democrat blindly believe.
Even john edwards doesn’t go along with your “bush lied” conspiracy.
MR. RUSSERT: Why were you so wrong?
SEN. EDWARDS: For the same reason a lot of people were wrong. You know, we—the intelligence information that we got was wrong. I mean, tragically wrong. On top of that I’d—beyond that, I went back to former Clinton administration officials who gave me sort of independent information about what they believed about what was happening with Saddam’s weapon—weapons programs. They were also wrong. And, based on that, I made the wrong judgment.
Since there were no WMDs found, does that mean the clinton administration also lied?
Hell, forget the clinton administration, clinton also lied
“People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons.”
Yes. With the approval of people like biden, hillary, reid plus others.
It is not too often a high school dropout on welfare can correct a professor.
Bush “spent”
12. Ekim spews:
No one gets paid to post on a Blog that has 5 Conservatives and 15 fringe lunatic leftist pinheaded klowns you paranoid idiot!
Marvin was kidding when he said he got paid 6-figures…never dreaming any of you were stupid enough to believe it!!
However, I guess Marvin underestimated your stupidity, huh Ekim??
No wonder ekim votes democrat.
He’s stupid enough to believe anything.
Ekim, I want to tell you that because of law #44han65, section 3A, I get to be the president for the rest of the week. I’m going to make it a crime to be stupid. I’m giving you a heads up so you will stay hidden in the basement. Every person in a uniform will be looking for you. Even my Federal express agents, you know Fed-Ex is a secret spy government program don’t you, that’s why they are always “carrying” things to your front door. Keep reading here, I’ll tell you when you can come out of the basement. Of course I will, you can trust me.
I see you fail to grasp on a basic level the way society really works. By becoming a productive TAX paying citizen I pay it forward. If I was a trust funder perhaps I would “start a grant” give 10% because that is the thing to do among my elite friends and feign some pretense that I am doing some good for society. Philanthropy is vanity in my opinion. It is a way to pursue status. Which on some level I get, status is what people really want. In our society status really is closely aligned with money. And the problem is that in a meritocratic society is we cast undue blame on the unfortunate and undue favor and status of the wealthy. I believe in America, and the meritocratic ideal. And like many people I feel I myself am evidence of the possibility and greatness of America. I love my country for those reasons. But I believe decoupling wealth from status is a way to dampen the excesses and shortcomings of meritocratic thinking. We will cease to look upon the poor as somehow most deserving of their fate and likewise the rich.
Marvin Stamn,
“Does that explain pelosi and edwards both citing their experience on the intelligence committees?”
Yes…it most certainly does. The Bush administration was making up intelligence and passing it on to Congress.
“Bush was hated from day 1 because he “stole” the election in florida, why would a democrat blindly believe.”
Utterly irrelevant. In fact, Bush had the highest approval ratings ever recorded for a president in the months following 9/11. The country and politicians rallied behind him. He leveraged that support to lie us into a war.
“Even john edwards doesn’t go along with your “bush lied” conspiracy.”
Bullshit. He pointed out the intelligence was wrong.
“Since there were no WMDs found, does that mean the clinton administration also lied?”
There was no “Clinton Administration” in 2003, dumbfuck.
“People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons.”
That is a true statement. But that was an accounting issue that the UN weapons inspectors were working hard to clear up. Iraq did not have the weapons, rather they had destroyed weapons without supervision by the U.N. This stuff is all very well documented by the U.N.
“Yes. With the approval of people like biden, hillary, reid plus others.”
Yep…there were plenty of Democrats and nearly all Republicans in Congress who bought into the faked intelligence from the Bush administration.
“It is not too often a high school dropout on welfare can correct a professor.”
Indeed! Keep tryin’ Marvin the Quitter…maybe someday….
Well, one thing about all the plastic trash floating in the ocean off New Jersey’s coast is, it gives the water a nice dark blue color.
@16 Oh…then you guys are completely worthless.
Gordo @ 18 spews
Perhaps this is the way you view Society Gordo.
It is a POLITICAL ISSUE re: how big and costly government is and how “charitable”.
Grants are “charity” Gordo.
All I’m saying is the bleeding hearts who are sooooooo charitable, are being charitable with OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY pure & simple.
If you want lots of government education grants, by all means start writing checks.
The Federal Deficit is exploding under Obama.
Your “charitiable heart” knows no bounds, does it Gordo?
You are living proof that someone can rise from poverty to a decent life.
Why can’t others endure the same struggle??
Welfare has created more problems than it has solved.
It has created an entitlement mentality rather than hard-working, risk-taking, creative mentality.
Just let the guv’mint support other lazy asses…right Gordo?
Let the guv’mint support ILLEGAL ALIENS and give ’em good health care, right Gordo??
All this is being paid for with a credit card called the National Debt. Obama has increased the printing press 4 times faster than Bush at least.
You know who’s name is on the credit card Gordo??
Yours & mine!
Obama is running around abusing OUR credit card.
Did you even look at the details of Porkulous Gordo?? It’s obscene.
For Lefty’s like you, FEELINGS trump CRITICAL ANALYSIS. Emotion is more important than facts.
Grow up KLOWN!
Mr. Cynical,
“The Federal Deficit is exploding under Obama.”
LOL Cynical. Much of that is directly inherited from Bush policies (two mishandled wars, tax cuts for the rich, general fiscal irresponsibility).
And the rest is a one-time investment to bail out the economy from its collapse following eight years of fiscal recklessness.
Sheesh, I thought Hillary was a little long in the tooth to be menstruating. Perhaps this was just a little “spotting’ episode–
From AP–
Some poor young Congo student gets the wrath of Hillary. Ego??
Hey steve—
Way to go loser!
You so badly want to be black you went to Kenya and tried to trade for Chelsea’s hand in marriage??
From AP–
Big-hearted offer from our #1 Goatlover–
Kommodore & Kountry Klubber Steve…the black guy wannabe.
How many black members in your Yacht Klub and Kountry Klub steve???
None you say??
23. Darryl spews:
Keep trying to sell the “Blame Bush” thing Darryl. It won’t work. Obama promised us a balanced budget…repeatedly. It was assumed he meant a real balanced budget…not a smoke-and-mirrors lying charade!
Obama will ultimately have a hard time remembering all of his lies.
Oh yeah…everything he says is a lie.
That will help him.
Mr. Cynical,
“Keep trying to sell the “Blame Bush” thing Darryl. It won’t work.”
ROFLAMO, Cynical! Obama became President in January 2009. The current economic turmoil started in 2008.
“Obama promised us a balanced budget…repeatedly. It was assumed he meant a real balanced budget…not a smoke-and-mirrors lying charade!”
You are mistaken. It was Sen. McCain that repeatedly made such promises. From ABC News
So…speaking of lies, Mr. Cynical, I have a question for you. Are you at all bothered by having to tell out-and-out lies as a way of pushing your propaganda?
I remember when people could debate their opinions without murdering the truth in the process?
Can’t you find a way to propagandize without using lies?
Over at Sound Politics there’s this:
“If you are a supporter of Obama’s plan, write up an op-ed, email it to me, and I’ll post it here at Sound Politics. Essentially, I am offering supporters of Obama’s plan a free ad at the most important political blog in this area.”
“the most important political blog in this area”?
Goldy, you going to take that lying down? I kind of doubt it could be considering it’s the same 10 clowns typing “nazi”, “socialist” and “Palin” over and over.
And so generous, too.
I always thought Mr. Cynical lived on the NJ shore year-round?
Since you asked I will give an answer. But first note that I hate, hate, hate to play the poverty card. It feels dirty, and shameful. Maybe that is my christian up bringing coming out. The meek shall inherit the earth and all that.
But here is a response since you asked, hopefully without divulging too much personal detail.
I grew up in a small rural town. Poverty, drugs, and lack of long term opportunity were common. But I was fortunate. I was accepted at a private christian school for the first 8 years of my education. It was a private education but my parents didn’t have to pay, they had no money. I think my father helped out, painted the school and a few other things over the years. I am not religious today, but some of the christian values stuck with me. In particular, the old christian ideal of charity before god and not before others. I think there is shamefulness in self aggrandizing philanthropy. Charity is an internal reward and should not be publicized. There is a kind of honor to be found in small charitable acts, and basically not seeking richly earthly reward and status. When Jesus says it is easier for a camel to go through a eye of a needle than a rich man into heaven, there is a profound truth there. And should not be taken casually.
I was the recipient of much kindness and charity in my education and for that I am appreciative. But most importantly the relatively small class rooms 14 students was an important developmental factor. Think little house on the prairie. Lots of personal attention.
I was fairly academic and strived to achieve high grades in public high school. Attended college and received pell grants and various forms of financial aid. All that evil socialism you righty folks seem to talk about. Without it, I don’t think I would have been able to attend college, never would have met the cool people I did, and might not have established whatever connections I did to land work.
I feel the consequences of my life are a mix of good fortune, good choices, and applying myself when opportunity presented itself. Humans live in neither a vacuum nor should the community override the individual at the cost of personal liberty. The lessons of fascism communism have shown us the extremes. This respect for the dignity of the individual is what makes me a classical liberal. I think there are a lot of things that are truly remarkable about America, but I do not think it behooves us to live in an absolutist meritocracy. When it comes to matters of financial wealth, there should be a floor and a ceiling. But society should provide many avenues for excellence and status always measured by the good you provide, and diminished by the harm that you do.
Nice view Goldy. It must also be nice to have Mommy pay for your trip.
Goldstein? A Red Diaper Trust Fund Baby? Like, who knew?
Little Big Mouth @ KIRO …
Last weekend national news media reported that right-wing radicals had hijacked several townhall forums, including Representative Russ Carnahan’s public meeting where arrests were made. Reports implied that violent opponents of Democrat Carnahan and of President Obama’s push for health insurance reform had been taken away by St. Louis police. In fact, union goons who support Carnahan and Obama’s plan were arrested after they beat up Kenneth Gladney, a vendor at the event.
Yesterday Dave Ross gleefully mentioned Gladney’s beating: “Town Hall protestor injured in confrontation with SEIU: But he’s not insured! Now needs donations to pay medical bills!”
The story, in other words, was not that Big Media failed as usual to tell the whole truth, or that an apolitical vendor had been beaten by probama thugs. The story to Ross was the hypocrisy of a beaten man, at an event about reforming insurance, who was apparently protesting reform and inviting a beating while lacking universal health-care protection.
Today Ross learned that his vicious and flimsy spin from yesterday was not the whole truth or a fraction of the truth. It was a lie.
Kenneth Gladney deserved an apology from Ross on today’s broadcast. He didn’t get it. What he got from Ross was the kind of stealth-snarl mugging that Ross usually reserves for Tim Eyeman. Mr. Gladney, the victim of a liberal union-goon attack, didn’t deserve to be blamed for his beating. He didn’t deserve to be beaten again by Dave Ross, who was poking and shoving for something from Mr. Gladney that could be used to salvage yesterday’s vicious Dave Ross spin.
Now Mr. Gladney deserves more than an apology. He and his attorney deserve money from Dave Ross and KIRO.
Problematic too is Mr. Shires. It’s good that he’s displaced Phil Hendrie. It’s good that Frank Shires is being given a soapbox to belatedly rebut partisan hacks and cowards like Dave Ross, who bleats and hides behind his megaphone. It’s bad that Shires talked on Friday about throwing the last shovelful of dirt on the president’s grave and then jumping up and down on the grave.
Maybe, Mr. Arquette, it’s time to review and revise protocols and procedures at KIRO. Some of your on-air talkers are going to get you and Bonneville in trouble.
Shit, maybe it’s time for Arquette to bring back poor Goldstein, who needs the money.
Gordon @ 30–
I believe you…thanks for sharing.
Just one question though…
Why do you feel Big Government is the solution to help people??
Do you see where handouts have created a huge entitlement mentality with consequences of out-of-wedlock births, chronic unemployment, drug use and abuse etc.
My grandma told me to STAY BUSY and KEEP OUT OF TROUBLE. TOO WORK HARD, HELP OTHERS, TAKE RISKS. Nothing about Big Government. She told ME to do it!!
That message has been lost and muted by KLOWNS who easily squander OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY. Tax money becomes faceless. People who committ fraud against the government feel zero remorse because the taxpayer victim’s are faceless.
With your background Gordon, I’m surprised your conclusion is Big Government Liberalism.
We are all a work in progress. What will happen in American has already happened in many Yerapeein’ Countries…hard-working taxpayers get sick of paying for excessive bureaucracy, lazy asses and illegals….and they elect Conservatives to clean up the mess.
I NEVER LIKED BUSH or his old man.
Neither is a Conservative and both damaged true Conservatism by bastardizing it with this one world government stupidity funded by Deficit Spending. Obama is even worse than these 2 KLOWNS. I voted for Ross Perot…twice. I reluctantly voted for L’il Bush because Gore & Kerry seemed..more insane.
Obama, with his Hope & Change BS, is an opportunist who has already blown most of his political capital now that he is proposing specific Big Government massive deficit spending.
Thanks again Gordon.
Remember the Golda Meir ‘toon from way back in the day? “By Allah we are doomed! A real Jewish mother!”