While it’s interesting that state Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, missed 157 of 847 votes, including some crucial to Clark County, what’s truly heady and delicious, in a smelly-cheese sort of way, is the comment thread below the Columbian article.
Don Benton’s missed votes are all part of a nefarious liberal media plot to make him look bad!
It doesn’t matter because Rep. Benton is a member of the Irrelevant Minority and his votes don’t count anyway. If the entire GOP legislative delegation went on vacation from January to May it wouldn’t make a bit of difference to the running of our state.
Jon, Goldy at al KLOWNS–
I hope you KLOWNS will join Stefan and the SP folks in suing Ron Sims & Dean Logan personally to collect the money King Kounty was forced to pay ($225,000). I know Goldy was particularly upset about the award, as was Rog Rabbit…complaining about the impact of the Kounty Kbudget. Well, now a solution exists!!
Can you all imagine…a bi-partisan effort on behalf of all the taxpayers! Seems like something we can all agree on. If successful, King Kounty will get it’s money back…and Ron/Deano will kick a kick in the rump on the way out the door.
It’s WIN-WIN Baby!
re 2: You are a miserable, spiteful, lint-brained shithead. The world in general and this country in particular would be well served if you and your cohorts would go on a fact-finding mission to a corporate pig farm just outside of Mexico City.
In other words: Drop dead.
Poor Klynical:
I think what you meant to write was et al. (not at al). But thanks again, for all the laughs you provide us. Your lack of knowledge and incredible ignorance is on display, once again.
I love how you are the fool, but address others on here as KLOWNS. I love how you pontificate the rightwing viewpoint, but can’t find facts that are not twisted or distorted. I love how you can’t even use the English language to express your sorry little points.
Thanks for amusing us. You make me very happy to be a democrat and not an ignorant republican. Also, I want to thank the following idiot republican “leaders”:
Imhoff, McConnell, Bachmann, Limbaugh, Steele and Cheney. Real idiots who make me glad to be a democrat.
Stan & CNR–
You failed to address the point.
Do you support a lawsuit against Logan & Sims to get taxpayers their money back because they unlawfully withheld public records and failed to comply with a legitimate request for said Public Records.
First you KLOWNS were screeching about how outrageous it was for taxpayers to be dinged by this.
Then I come up with a creative solution, and all you do is avoid the issue and throw stones.
For shame!
Are you 2 KLOWNS saying taxpayers should suffer because of the illegal actions of a couple bureaucrats?
Seems like if they were held accountable personally, we would likely get more prompt and accurate responses…it would promote OPEN GOVERNMENT.
What do you KLOWNS have against OPEN GOVERNMENT?? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!?
Strange how left-wingnuts think…
Today, not voting is something to mock.
Obama and his “present” votes and votes he didn’t show up to weren’t important enough to discuss during the presidential campaign.
Just like how important it was for the liberal media to report on how many deaths in iraq but now with obama in the white house the liberal media doesn’t even mention iraq anymore.
Strange how things lose importance with democrats in office.
Strange how left-wingnuts are such damn hypocrites.
jon i think more conservatives read this blog than liberals. stir that pot baby and let the kettle call us black. the gop is dying!
@5 I’ll support a lawsuit against Sims, Logan, et al. to get the $225,000 back if you’ll support a lawsuit against Bush, Cheney, GOP senators and congressmen, Halliburton, et al., to get back the trillions they cost taxpayers. Deal?
Stefan no doubt takes pride in the fact that 3 sheriff’s deputies will be laid off because of him. What a frickin’ waste of money! One idiotic commenter on his blog even expressed a wish that the county had to pay him $50 million — and these yahoos have the brass balls to criticize Democrats’ stewardship of public funds??!!
9. Roger Rabbit spews:
Are you filing the lawsuit against Bush et al??
I’ll let you know when the lawsuit against Sims is ready so you can support it.
Thanks Rog!
10. Roger Rabbit spews:
This is why we need to sue the perpetrators who failed to follow the law Rog.
Thanks for your support on this.
We need for Sims & Logan to give back the money caused by THEIR A-C-T-I-O-N-S!!
Had Sims & Logan approporiately responded to a legitimate Public Records Request (it’s their job and THE LAW!), there wouldn’t have been the need for a lawsuit and the Kounty would have it’s $225,000 and all the money they spent on the lawsuit. Comprende?
C’mon Rog…you love to play “cause & effect”.
The primary cause of this loss was????
The actions of Logan and Sims!
Cynical, I hate to tell you but the rabbit is playing you for a fool. He doesn’t have the courage of his convictions to file a suit against bush. In other words, the rabbit is all talk.
Did you know that ron sims took pride that he intentionally violated the law just to screw over a right-wingnut.
How do you feel about ron sims playing petty politics with your tax dollars.
Oops, never mind. I forgot the rules…
Mr. Cynical:
Time for you to apologize ot our soldiers and Gold Star mothers.
Stop betraying the honorable and noble service of our soldiers for your cheap political points.
Anybody notice that the person that missed the MOST votes..about 1/3 more than Benton is Sen. Brown….a D? Just sayin’.
I wonder why jon devore failed to mention that?
Oh yeah…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
On partisan blogs like this, the left-wingnuts employ the ostrich approach to the truth. Unless you believe lee that they know the truth and just won’t admit it. Which then sounds less ostrich-like and more like a chicken.
Marvin spews:
Read it again. I’ll support the Bush lawsuit…but someone has to file it. If they don’t..oh well. But Rog has been checkmated.
He offered the deal and I accepted.
Get it?
Lisa Brown (DEMOCRAT-Spokane) and Senate Leader missed more votes than Don Benton??
This is too damn funny.
Jon DeVore is a real…putz.
I am sorry for all the soldiers and gold star mothers that so many uninformed people voted for obama.
Let’s all remember the way the troops greeted bush and obama.
The top video is obama, turn up the volume so you can hear the clapping and cheering over the sound of the air conditioner. The bottom video is bush, turn down the volume, the troops are quite loud in seeing president bush.
And bgs, please don’t drag out that video of obama in iraq last week. It’s public knowledge the scene was staged. Obama supporters were hand selected and then given free cameras.
Your point about who cheered the loudest is 100% irrelevant.
Bush and his admin stood silent while our troops went to PRISON for following his torture authorization.
People like Mr. Cycnical, and probably you as well, talked major shit about these soliders and the “danger they put the rest of soldiers in Iraq for their behavior.” The “few bad apples” is how Fox, Rumsfeld and the rest put it.
Own up to your betrayl of our soldiers.
PS: check the fucking voting records of Dems vs. Repukes. Clearly the Dems voted for the military, vets, and military families far and away more often then the Whig 2.0 traitors.
Grow up fuck stick.
Marvin the American Taliban prick
Here’s a link to the IAVA site that tracks the “A Team” and the “D list” of conressional reps who supported the troops and those who did not.
You’ll notice, you troop hating dick suck, that the D List comprises only REPUBLICANS.
And that ass hole jerk off you were supporting to be Commander in Chief, John McCain.
PS: the D list is for American Taliban leaders who either scored a D or LESS!!!
BTW, how’s your true leader bin Laden doing these days.
Oklahoma’s Taliban Senator Colburn with an impressive D.
Loud mouth Taliban leader Inofoe with a C.
Here are your two Senators from California.
True American patriots.
You’ll note they have perfect scores SUPPORTING THE TROOPS.
I pissed all over the GOP’s grave today and it was invigorating, cathartic even.
Don Benton? Poor baby…
I take no Schadenfreude while witnessing the self destruction of the rethug party. It would be nice for The Democratic Party to have a reasonable opposition to engage in discourse with. As the rethugs are now, this is not possible. Even the uneven Arlen Specter has taken note of this fact.
So trolls, I ask you to please eat shit and die. You are not treading on thin ice. There is no ice under your feet at all.
So the righties must be worried. The stock market had its best two month performance since back in the days of the cowardly Bush regime. This bodes poorly for the hate-America right wing traitors.
Call me all the names you want. That reflects more on the job your parents did raising you than anything about me.
If you can, please explain why the troop deaths in iraq no longer are talked about in the liberal media?
Do you want to take a shot at why jon devore mentioned a republican missing votes but not a democrat missing more votes. If missing votes is something jon is concerned about, why didn’t he mention the democrat?
Or just prove your parents failed their job and insult me some more.
Of course to you it’s irrelevant.
Why do you believe that bush got such a great welcoming by the troops and obama was welcomed by silence. You saw it with your own eyes, facts are facts.
Do you feel that when obama was introduced that the troops were in fear if they said the wrong thing or clapped the wrong way that the democrat attack machine would go after them like what happened to all those women regarding the clinton sex crimes. Like the way the democrat attack machine illegally used government computers to attack private citizen joe the plumber for simply asking a question that obama answered honestly. Or maybe the way the democrat attack machine has gone after miss california for having the same opinion on gay marriage as obama? Are you aware that the democrat attack machine is outing miss california for having plastic surgery. Let’s not forget the democrat attack machine going after private citizen rush.
Why is it that the same people that resort to childish insults always use the phrase grow up?
Since you like to play the name calling game, I’ll play along.
Tell your parents “FUCK YOU” from America for raising such a little bitch ass punk.
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
Conservatives shit on our troops during the Abu Grahib bullshit. You included you fucking piece of shit Taliban supporter.
While our troops were going to prison, the Republican leaders let them go to prison for following their torture policies.
Neither them, or faggots like you supported them. NONE OF YOU.
That’s what you fuckers need to apologize for. Instead you come up with some SORRY-ASSED video clip about who the troops cheered the most for.
WHAT THE FUCK does that have to do with that piece of shit Bush letting our troops go to prison for following his orders??????
NOTHING you fuck nut!!
I prove links that show HOW YOUR FUCKING CUNT REPUBLICAN leaders did NOT vote in support of our troops, vets, and military families.
Jack ass.
Me, Childish? Yeah, maybe. But I’ll tell you what, cunt, show your fucking face in Seattle, I’ll prove to you that I may talk gibberish, but I don’t talk shit.
PS: Make sure you’re paid up on your health and dental insurance premiums. You’ll fucking need them.
Ouch, a homophobe called me a faggot. Your parents must be proud that their son has an issue with gay people.
Me included? And why is that? And please be specific, what did *I* personally do.
If you are talking about Charles Graner, and his former fiancée, Specialist Lynndie England going to jail. Good, they deserved it. What they did was not under orders.
Again with the faggot use. I’m seeing a pattern. Did you daddy touch you? You can see why I ask, you certainly do have issues with “faggots” as you call them.
Need to apologize for what? Going to war? Well, when all those democrats that stood behind bush and lied should apologize first, after all, nothiing *I* did sent any troops into harm’s way.
Again. What troops and what orders. There were never orders from bush to strip men naked and make them form a pyramid. Oh, now I get it. You see that as faggot stuff and it pisses you off.
Nice use of the double exclamation point.
Now the “cunt” word. Did your mom teach you how to respect women.
My name isn’t Jack, nor Ass. Not that you get it anyhow.
I would rather see if you are brave enough to stand in front of a gay man and throw that “faggot” word around. Or maybe in front of a woman and use that “cunt” word.
How right wing republican of you. Threatening violence because someone is saying something you don’t like. Oops, even right wing republicans aren’t that thin-skinned.
Face it gbs, you’re a very bitter and hateful person with a lot of issues. Or more accurately, that’s the role you are playing here online. Maybe in real life you don’t go throwing around the “faggot” and “cunt” words when you don’t get your way. But you are using very offensive words here, it’s a shame your parents didn’t teach you better.
There you go again, blaming the troops. The Bush Torture memos already demonstrated that those techniques being used at Abu Grahib were authorized for use by Bush for the CIA and the military.
There were “private contractors” present during those torture sessions instructing the troops what to do.
They did NOT pull some school boy prank on the mid watch.
BTW, when I throw those words around I don’t do it lightly. I do it by design. Hoping, praying, you throw the first
punchmistake.Damn, GBS, I don’t think Marvin’s going to be breaking bread with you anytime soon either.
Marvin is useless and worthless. Ignore him.
Now you want me to throw the first punch? What happened to all the bravado you exhibited on the other thread… about no handshake, straight to the beating. Sounds like you cooled off and thought about how stupid you were and now decided you better wait for me to throw the first punch.
I know the game you cowards play. You want me to throw the first punch so you can fall on the ground crying that you’ll sue me. I’ve seen your type. Your comment about wanting me to throw the first punch only proved it.
Sheik al Marvin:
I think you better be the one who gives this a second thought.
When two men are locked in mortal combat there is a world of difference between throwing the first punch and landing the first pucnh.
The reason why I don’t lose fights is because I have an awesome defense.
Let me drop a few dimes on you because I can plainly see you’re not a credible warrior.
First of all, never look your opponent in the eye. This is the FIRST rule of not getting hit.
I know, you think I’m being a pussy not being able to “look you in the eye.”
I use prepherial vision looking generally at the center of your chest. This allows me not to get my vision focused in a “stare out” and miss the telegraph that you are either throwing a punch or trying to use a kick.
Once you’ve telegraphed your move your ass is mine. I just wait for you to be committed to your punch or kick and move to block your weapon with a parry if it’s a punch or a hard block if it’s a kick.
My counter manuver will end the fight. The rest is purely for my enjoyment.
You better get down to the dojo and sign up for a few lessons BOY.
I’m a little bit more than you can handle.
Okay, if you are afraid to come down that’s your decision.
Because you sucker punch women. I know your type. You grew up watching your dad beat your mom and that’s how you learned it. Now you have to act all macho to make up for standing by and helplessly watching your daddy slap your mommy around.
When someone has to talk themselves up you know they are not all that.
But it doesn’t really matter because you never intended to back it up. You knew you would never come down here so you knew you were safe talking shit. Are you going to prove me right or will you be coming down.
He can’t ignore me. He knows I’m right and it pisses him off.
Sheik al Marvin.
You missed the very obvious and crucial points about combat that I pointed out to you.
If/when I have a reason to travel to LA, something other than to just KICK THE LIVIN’ shit out you for shitting on soldiers, I’ll BE sure to let you know.
Likewise, if you come to Seattle you let me know.
You don’t piss me off because “you’re right” you piss me off because because you talk shit about my brother & sisters in arms and I won’t let that stand.
As for the rest of your post, typical punk ass bitch talk from a puny BOY!
That’s right, you’re nothing more than a B-O-Y.
You were born a BOY, you’ll die a BOY, never knowing what it’s like or what it takes to be a man. Like me.
MArvin can’t show up for any fight because he types on a computer he uses in the McNeil Island sex offender unit day room. He’s a convicted pedophile – publicans don’t have any compunction about raping kids while talking tough about other people’s morals.
I find it interesting that this bitch who pretends to live in LA would have nothing better to do than chime in on a blog that’s largely about Washington state politics – you see my explanation of his presence here makes much more sense.
And this cunt Marvin has never ever denied that he’s a child rapist – not once.
I rest my case.
I got the important point. *IF*
A real man would have given me a time/date you would be arriving.
Your brothers & sisters? You mean the ones john kerry told us about, the ones that killed children, raped women, cut ears off and a whole host of other tortures?
Isn’t it about time you apologize to the Vietnamese for the horrendous acts your “brothers & sisters” perpetrated upon innocent people?
Or maybe the “brothers & sisters” that john murtha talked about?
How about the “brothers & sisters” private beauchamp wrote about at The New Republic?
And what about that ex-military guy that blew up the federal building in oklahoma?
You’ve got a lot of apologizing to do, you better get started.
You called me out, I accepted the challenge and then you decided not to do anything.
Why did you talk so tough when you had NO intention to back it up. You are embarrassing your “brothers & sisters” by being a coward.
You have a strange way of defining manhood. You talk tough and then refuse to back it up. Sounds more like a coward than a man. Do all your “brothers & sisters” talk shit and then refuse to back it up or are you the exception to the military?
As said by someone hiding behind a computer while refusing to back up his words. You are giving byebyegoober a run for most likely to wet himself under stress.
If you represent the military, I now understand why harry reid said we lost the war. If *YOU* can’t even beat a “Chump,” how could the military take on real men.