This video from CNN’s Ben Wedeman is a beautiful sight that many folks have waiting a long time for. Embedding is disallowed, but it shows a massive crowd in Benghazi, Libya celebrating their victory over Gaddafi’s hired mercenaries and other loyalists this past week. Wedeman compares the welcome he received to an American soldier arriving in Paris in WWII. It gives you an idea of how much it matters to countries like Libya when oppressive rulers aren’t able to operate in the dark.
Unfortunately, the capital Tripoli is still being fought over, with paid mercenaries terrorizing the city. But with much of the country already lost and many of his loyalists and allies turning on him, it’s just a matter of time before we see similar celebrations in Tripoli.
Don’t forget this connection…
Gaddafi: Barakeh Obama is friend
Libyan leader praises US president: ‘He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported, as he now leans towards peace’,00.html
@1 Er…”President George W. Bush signed an executive order providing Libya with immunity from terror-related lawsuits.”. Only Republicans can turn something great like a democracy uprising into some attack on our President. By the way, we’re at WAR (Afghanistan) so you’re attacking the United States Commander in Chief at a time of war, according to Ann Coulter you’re a traitor! ROTFLMAO
Seriously though, the United States always supports dictators. We did under Reagan (supported Saddham in Iraq when he was fighting Iran). We support whoever supports us, regardless of whether it’s a democracy or bloody dictator. Go figure.
So does this mean George W. Bush was a Muslim since he held hands and publicly kissed the un-elected royal rulers of Saudi Arabia? What happens if there is unrest THERE? We’ve been kissing Saudi Arabia’s ass for decades? We want their oil MORE than we want a democracy there. When money meets principles, what will we do?
Gaddafi first blamed the U.S. for formenting the revolt, now he’s blaming Al Quida, saying that they are putting LSD in coffee they are giving to students which is causing them to have “hallucinations”.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Eastern Lybia is where the oil is, and that is now in rebel hands. So is Tobruk. Gaddafi really only has control of Tripoli now, and he’s using mercenaries and some loyalists in the air force to keep control of that capital. I wonder how long they are going to stay loyal to him when he starts running out of money to pay them?
I think there’s some delicious irony that Gaddafi’s reign of terror will end while someone he considers a friend is in the White House. It will be a testament to how little he understood the world around him.
@4: You’re way too fucking polite, so here’s a friendly amendment:
In fact, it was the Bush administration that decided Gaddafi was no longer a terrorist but, rather, America’s new BFF.
So much for a kinder and gentler discussion…
It will get worse before it gets better…
Meanwhile, one of Bush’s Saudi friends has been arrested for plotting to blow up his house, presumably with him in it.
@7 We’re not interested in a kinder or gentler discussion with you America-hating goatfuckers.
IMHO Ghaddafi deserves Mussolini’s fate. And he may get it. Strafing your own people with jet fighters and helicopter gunships usually isn’t the best way to ensure safe passage from your palace to the airport.
Obama motors now in trouble…
GM Falls Below IPO Price
# 11: And GM just posted it’s first profit since 2004. Get a grip on reality, dude.
Idiot @ 11…
GM sent UNION workers profit sharing checks.
What clown this ashole is…Glenno. FEH.
Like I said before…these trolls are so stupid…they don’t even know how stupid they are.
RR @ 10:
In Gaddafi’s case, it may be the only way to clear a path to the airport.
I guess now we will find out if those female bodyguards are just for show….
That extra part should be obvious to anyone.
Its easy to make a profit if you file for bankruptcy and don’t have to pay your bills…
@ 17
Yep, the Auto companies and other manufacturers have proven that many times over the years.
coprolite @ 1
This blog post’s author is Lee not Goldy.
You can aim your hilariously lame taunts over there.
Political mudslinging aside for a moment, and on topic, isn’t it great that Libya is freeing itself?
The one thing that I haven’t been seeing in the coverage of the protests in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, etc etc is anti-American, flag burning, hate the west sentiment…Quite the contrary, in fact we are seeing very nationalistic, proud flag waving protests of people who desire to control their own destiny..
Way cool.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled insulting…In progress
Political mudslinging aside for a moment, and on topic, isn’t it great that Libya is freeing itself?
It is, and earlier today I was imagining how amazing it would be to see that happening in Pyongyang. That would be spectacular beyond words.
True colors: Obama is the bottom to Gaddafi’s top.
Jesus, man…take Rossi’s dick out of your mouth. That’s disgusting.
Lee @ 21: N. Korea overthrowing the idiot in charge over there would indeed be wonderful news.
But I don’t think the examples in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya will have much of an effect over there. Except for a privildged few regime loyalists, every TV and radio in N. Korea is constructed with only one channel, which is run by the government. Cell phones are rare, except for a handful smuggled in through China. The government keeps a close watch on the people, and anyone who converts their radio so it can pick up broadcasts from elsewhere takes a grave risk. I just can’t see the rebels having the ability to organize using the internet and cell phones, as they did in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.
On the other hand, there have been some very enlightened videos smuggled out of N. Korea over the past year, showing widespread dissatisfaction with the regime. One old woman was recorded berrating a young policeman, telling him he should be embarrased for following orders and he should just go home. Another one showed a young woman, an orphan, who was trying to survive by eating leaves and grass, and digging for edible roots.
In the debate about how much of a role the internet plays in these uprisings, the most compelling evidence that it plays a very big role is because we know that nothing is changing in North Korea – where the people can’t see outside of their small world and know that the rest of the world doesn’t suffer as they do. That’s been what caused the young people of North Africa to rise up. The knew that the oppression, the lack of progress, and the general backwardsness was not normal by the standards of the rest of the world. It was the internet that made that perfectly clear.