Public politics wrt slavery made the antebellum south a very strange place. Too bad the current republican party has chosen to go down a similar road. A similar outcome would not be suprising, except this time they have all the money.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Um. Only one problem DeVore. There still a remaining Klansman and he resides withn the Senate representing the Democrat party- Democrat (Byrd, D-WV) . In fact, he’s a Senior party member that has risen within the ranks. In his lifetime he has voted against both black SCOTUS justices Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, Voted AGAINST the 1964 Civil right act of 1964 (at the young age of 40) and was a Grand Kleagle (recruiter) of the Ku Klux Klan.
Racism is alive and well in America. The proof resides in the leadership of the Democrat Party.
Facts are inconvenient things, aren’t they?
2. SJ Troll Summary Service
Empty Suit “Facts are inconvenient things, aren’t they?” admission of truth!
Jon, just a slight technical note. Perhaps everyone should know who John Brown is and know this famous mural by John Steuart Curry. But in the future it would useful to include a brief caption, especially to the lesser literate of us. A wikipedia reference is always the easy choice. You can also embed the caption into the image tag by using the title and alt text attributes. For example the HTML would look like this:
<img src="somefile.jpg" title="Tragic Prelude: John Brown painting by John Steuart Curry" alt="Tragic Prelude: John Brown painting by John Steuart Curry" />
Anyway, great painting!
hmmm maybe I should photshop becks face on Mr., brown’s?
Also, remember when the Dixie Chicks politely mentioned they disagreed with Bush, and the right shat it’s drawers trying to destroy their careers? You know, back when the right was “patriotic” and didn’t believe it was OK to criticize a President during a “time of war”? Is the war over? did I miss something?
@4: I think Jon related the story of this mural in detail in an earlier post, but it was months ago. Thanks for the refresher. Before your comment, I was just wishing there was a way to look up the painting to remember who the artist was.
Listening to the Righties, you would think that Joe Wilson was beatened and imprisoned like the reporter who threw his shoes at Bush. He was criticized by the pundits and if he can’t take that, why is he in politics?
I hope on this historic day we can all set aside our political differences and observe a moment of silence to honor the people who lost their jobs on 97.3 KIRO FM. Today is TBTL’s last day. We will miss you, Luke, Jen, and Sean.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Yeah, we’re still at war, so the traitors should be hung.*
* Just kidding! Choice of [ ] Ann Coulter [ ] Glenn Beck joke.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Interesting that Jon Devore puts up a painting of abolitionist John Brown while supporting the only political party that has an avowed racist (among man) not only in its midst, but in its leadership- Sen. Byrd (D-WV). Jon Devore needs a history lesson.
Famous quotes by the DNC’s favorite pro-slavery member:
<blockquote>”I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. ”
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944,
in 1946 or 1947 [Byrd] wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, “The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.”
Theres more, but you get the gist. The last one is even more telling. Byrd isn’t ashamed of his past, he just realizes it isn’t politically expedient to expose your hatred in the open- The president obviously listened to this advice as he disguises his Socialist views.
In 1997, [Byrd] told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics, but to “Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don’t get that albatross around your neck. Once you’ve made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena.”
Holy Crap! Troll’s a ten!
They should make “Prisine” as a final farewell. Definitely the only radio show that never made me angry. Now back to your regular radio line-up of people yelling at you.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And the war in Afghanistan has consequences too! Obama vs. Pelosi!
WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she sees little congressional support for boosting troop levels in Afghanistan, putting the Democratic majority in Congress on a possible collision course with the Obama administration over the future conduct of the war there.
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top American commander in Kabul, is expected to formally request as many as 40,000 U.S. reinforcements this month. He and other U.S. commanders there say they believe that they need more troops to successfully implement a new counterinsurgency approach that focuses on protecting the Afghan populace from Taliban violence.
And KIRO, really, Frank Shiers as a replacement? Is that the best you can do? He just won’t go away!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy remembers “the messiah” saying ‘Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.’
That’s all we who think right are doing…
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Devores post should go down in the annals of irony within Hooligan Asylum “contributors” history.
“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. ”
— Current Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-WV), in a letter to then Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944
You need to brush up on your history DeVore.
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. worf spews:
Also, remember when the Dixie Chicks politely mentioned they disagreed with Bush, and the right shat it’s drawers trying to destroy their careers?
And that is different from the left-wingnut attack on on the sponsors of the glenn beck show how? Or the attacks on rush. Or the attack on coulter. Or the attacks on conservative speaks on college campuses. Or the attacks on the o’reilly show. I could go on and on but you should be getting the point.
And did you notice the difference?
When the right exercised their constitutional right to make a choice which cd/concert to spend their money on, the left didn’t come to the aid of the dixie chicks. Probably because the left believes country music is for hicks and rednecks (and 3 chord playing guitar players).
When the left used their constitutional rights to protest the beck show, the right supported beck and his viewership increased. Increased to the point that olbermann and the rest of the left-wingnut cable news brigade is a small image in the rear view mirror of fox news.
Have you noticed the left whined about conservative talk radio so they started their own, scare america. Why didn’t the left support them either? Well, besides the fact there was no government program to force them to. The left doesn’t do well without a government program telling them what to do, as evidenced by the number of left-wingnut believers of man made global warming that are still continuing their polluting warming ways.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 ‘Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.’
I wouldn’t push that if I were you. Thank God I’m not you.
Maybe “ESO” should get a “Golden Goat” solely for the breathtaking stupidity he displays, consistently, in a real workman-like, “Joe Lunchbucket” kind of way.
Weren’t you the person that wanted the blog to be civil.
Should there be a government program to force you to do what you wanted since you can’t do it on your own?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy pushing that? Whatamoron feral dumb bunny is@16. So you are telling “the messiah’ not to do that now?
What a oxygen starved floppy eared moron!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Speaking of Liars Jon,
ACORN Maryland board member Margaret Williams called yesterday’s pimp video a smear attempt. Then they fired the two employees. So it wasn’t a smear attempt Margaret Williams? So they didn’t lie Margaret Williams?
22. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Puddy pushing that? Whatamoron feral dumb bunny is@16. So you are telling “the messiah’ not to do that now?
What a oxygen starved floppy eared moron!
09/11/2009 at 7:50 am
So much for civility.
TBTL, is it going national or viral?
Is it time to lobby KIRO to bring Goldy back to the airwaves?
Was this a policy of ACORN, or just that two of their employees did something illegal? If two Bank of America employees buy crack, does that mean Bank of America is a crack dealing agency?
Unlike Enron where employees lied and illegally manipulated market prices, at company direction.
Apples and oranges kids.
Blue Johnspews:
Today is TBTL’s last day. We will miss you, Luke, Jen, and Sean.
Really? I never understood the point of that show. It seemed like three hours of nothing, on purpose. Like listening to paint dry.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
19. Rujax! spews:
Maybe “ESO” should get a “Golden Goat” solely for the breathtaking stupidity he displays, consistently..
Simply quoting a senior member of TODAYS DEMOCRAT party has them going ape scat. I can only think Ajax! deep down in side shares Sen. Byrds values system, which is why he feels the need to defend the lovable party racist and segregationist.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Maybe Proud Leftist’s award should be renamed The Weekly Golden Rujax. What say you?
Hey marvin…we are so glad that you ffelt comfortable “outing” yourself to your friends here at HA Seattle. At least you havee a litttle peaceful place you can “let it all hang out”.
I’m sure you meant post #19 marvin…your brain…oops, I meant your finger must’ve slipped (rubbing one off while your typing…good for you!)…
…why how could ANYONE see that as any more that one of the nicest of compliments to “ESO”‘s work ethic. Gosh, marvin…shame on you for thinking otherwise. And after all I’ve done for you. I’m hurt.
Alki Postingsspews:
@28 Anti-fact anti-reality.
Reality…in 2009 (today) all American Nazi party and KKK vote Republican. No KKK members are voting for the pro-gay, Jew loving, black President. If you think that’s who the KKK supports, you again make my point…Republicans, anti-fact, anti-reality, anti-science, anti-common sense. ;-)
26. Alki Postings spews:
Was this a policy of ACORN, or just that two of their employees did something illegal? If two Bank of America employees buy crack, does that mean Bank of America is a crack dealing agency?
If you go into bank of america to prove your theory that bank employees buy crack, what are the chances that the first two people you film would be crack buyers.
31. Alki Postings spews:
@28 Anti-fact anti-reality.
Reality…in 2009 (today) all American Nazi party and KKK vote Republican. No KKK members are voting for the pro-gay, Jew loving, black President. If you think that’s who the KKK supports, you again make my point…Republicans, anti-fact, anti-reality, anti-science, anti-common sense. Just crazy.
Unfortunately for you, you can’t back that stupid assertion up with facts now can you, sunshine? Next time you make an accusation, try to back it up with proof. See 28 for an example how to post an undisputable fact, you might learn a little hisotry in the process.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. Rujax! spews:
Hey marvin…we are so glad that you ffelt comfortable “outing” yourself to your friends here at HA Seattle. At least you havee a litttle peaceful place you can “let it all hang out”.
Your obsession with my sex life is creepy.
I do have to admit that you have a strange concept of “peaceful.”
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
31. GBS spews:
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
05/01/2009 AT 1:02 PM
With all the “faggot” calling your friends engage in it appears you also are homophobic, how else could you consider calling someone *YOU* believe is gay a “faggot” peaceful.
I can’t remember seeing your answer yesterday, is calling someone YOU believe is gay a “faggot” hate speech?
Thanks for bringing up the subject of steve and gbs using the “faggot” word. Steve hates it when I remind him of his homophobic hate speech.
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Maybe Proud Leftist’s award should be renamed The Weekly Golden Rujax. What say you?
Does proud leftist really deserve that? I don’t agree with much of what proudleftist says but he’s not the hater that rujax is.
Hell, rujax wasn’t even capable of keeping his own word about being civil.
My, my…seems like our cute little trolls need a binky and an early nap.
Alki Postingsspews:
@33 So you “believe” these were the first two ACORN employees filmed. Really. Honestly. You really “believe” in your faithful Republican way that all ACORN employees do this? ROTFLMAO. Anti-reality. You GO GIRL! I won’t argue, facts can’t work if you have BELIEF instead of reality.
@35 You “believe” the KKK is a pro-Democratic party organization? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! Really. You think THAT’s a fact in your world, even though it’s obvious to 99% of sane people it’s not true? You want me to PROVE the KKK hates gays, blacks and Jews otherwise you don’t believe me? It’s up to me to provide the proof in these postings? I could give you web site and docs by the thousands, but it wouldn’t convince you. If you think the KKK is a pro-gay, pro-black organization you have a “faith” in a Republican anti-reality I can’t shake. You can’t argue with crazy.
I give. You’re right, the KKK supports Obama and wants gay marriage. All 30,000 employees of ACORN push prostitutes. All private business is perfect and never violates laws. Evolution isn’t real, but creationism is. All Republicans are perfect and all liberals evil. Your reality is fascinating, but if that’s where you’re coming from, I CAN’T use facts, you don’t “believe” in them.
Here’s reality dumb asses. All Democrats and Republicans are just people, and have roughly the same tendencies to f**k up, cheat on wives, do drugs, and generally screw up. The only time it’s fun to make fun of them is when they’re hypocrites. Like anti-corruption Dems caught taking bribes, or family values Reps caught cheating. Those are funny.
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. Rujax! spews:
My, my…seems like our cute little trolls need a binky and an early nap.
Go to sleep little rujax.
It’s not as if you will answer if calling someone you believe is gay a “faggot” hate speech. People like you lack the courage.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 39
Still waiting on those “Facts” to back up your rantings. Will they be forthcoming? or can I call you a liar and dismiss you back to your black helicopter conspiracy theorists group so soon into the discussion?
I bring facts, you bring baseless accusations. Hmm easy to tell the Democrat from the Conservative on this one.
The funny thing about these hate-filled liberals is that they don’t even recognize it.
…the left didn’t come to the aid of the dixie chicks. Probably because the left believes country music is for hicks and rednecks (and 3 chord playing guitar players).
The Dixie Chicks rock. I bought two of their CDs. I would never had noticed them if the trogs hadn’t freaked. Dissent is patriotic.
I listen to Shack the Shake and Swinging Doors every week on Honky Tonk, roots rock, County & Western, etc. Punks like me love county music.
You need some new stereotypes. Yours are old and cliche. (Which I supposed is fitting.)
Alki Postingsspews:
Seriously? You insist I prove to you the KKK is against blacks and gays. I have job, I’m not taking time to prove that or that the moon comes up at night and the sun during day. It’s TOO obvious. I’ll argue proof over what % of Alabama belongs to the KKK or something, but not the general stance of the organization. Whoever controls the rural south politically owns the KKK. In the 1940s that was the Democrats. In 2009 it’s the Republicans.
I refuse to give the KKK web site (you can google it) and find out who they support. I don’t want to give them the ‘advertisement’ by posting their web site here.
Republicans. They believe the KKK supports blacks and gays until you “prove” otherwise. Anti-reality.
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. Alki Postings spews:
@33 So you “believe” these were the first two ACORN employees filmed. Really. Honestly. You really “believe” in your faithful Republican way that all ACORN employees do this?
And your proof that it wasn’t the first 2 employees is?
Of course not ALL acorn employees are liars/thieves.
Just like ALL enron employees weren’t liars/thieves.
Have you heard the MP3s of right wingers punking planned parenthood by calling and saying they want to contribute $ for only black abortions? If right-wingers didn’t believe that klannedparenthood (dot com) had racist beginnings and still abides by many of those same policies how do you explain the response from the planned parenthood employees.
Do you have any idea why 80+% of planned parenthood clinics are in minority neighborhoods? If it was to help the poor, there are many more poor white people than minorities. I’m sure you know who stated planned parenthood and why. Which party supports planned parenthood?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, Puddy placed the Idaho Planned Parenthood act on HA some time ago. You can listen to it on the provided link. Alki Postings misses the real world but Puddy can help! Again ylb StrangeEye has this post in his tctmgr. Seems he won’t share so the HA Peeps can see how far ahead the curve Puddy is on most topics. Yep, you all live on the kook-aid sites and life passes you by.
Alki Postingsspews:
@46 That doesn’t make your point. LOL. An employee took money from someone who it turned out was a racist nutbag? So that “proves” your point? Then if I can show ANY anecdotal evidence of any racist making a donation to any Republican, the entire Republican party is racist? Really? I LOVE your logic (lack of). Did you get to school past 4th grade? You can’t argue by anecdote and say that proves the general case. It doesn’t work that way. LOL.
@44 The point with the ACORN vs Enron bit was that which one was official policy.
LOL. Sorry Marvin. No FACTS like you insist I show. You think rich people don’t get abortions? You think planned parenthood JUST performs abortions, their only function? What % of abortions are done on poor white vs poor black? I don’t see any proofs in your “belief” posting. LOL
Since you and Fox News KNOW the Democrats are secretly trying to kill blacks and are the real racists…PLEASE use Fox News and the Wall Street Journal (Fox owned) and tell the public! Remind the KKK the Democrats really support THEM! Remind the black community the Democrats are trying to give them abortions to reduce their population! You “know” these “facts”…if only someone would listen to you! You could get 99% of the black vote for the Republican party! If ONLY they were suckered by the evil liberal media! If only Fox News has the ratings CBS does! Oh sad day!
ROTFLMAO. Anti-realty. Anti-fact. Just crazy.
TBTL – Too boring to listen.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. YLB spews:
TBTL – Too boring to listen.
the fact that you know it’s boring proves you did listen.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Alki Postings… It’s not Fox it’s Planned Parenthood…
“On the recording provided by The Advocate, an actor portraying a donor said he wanted his money used to eliminate black unborn children because “the less black kids out there the better.”
Kersey laughed nervously and said: “Understandable, understandable. … Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I’m excited and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.””
Marvin Stamnspews:
46. Alki Postings spews:
You think rich people don’t get abortions? You think planned parenthood JUST performs abortions, their only function? What % of abortions are done on poor white vs poor black? I don’t see any proofs in your “belief” posting. LOL
Unless you are a conservative or a Republican then you are a NAZI Brownshirt. Use Google to check the archives on how your side paints patriotic dissenters. Start with Another TJ. He wakes up in the morning and gets his coffee “cream” from TPM.
Alki Postingsspews:
@49 ON NO! You uncovered the secret! Your Republican logic and penetrated the secret lies and discovered the truth! The Democrats REALLY fund the KKK and are trying to kill all black babies! That COULD be true!
Or, you found one crazy guy who wanted to give money, and an employee laughing his/her ass off at the guy while gladly taking his check.
I wonder which of the two is more likely to be true?
ROTFLMAO. Just crazy.
It’s scary that anyone, including the overly racially sensitives folks there thought this person was serious and that “so I’m excited and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.” wasn’t a joke. The first time I read that it sounded like something I’d say (being a sarcastic jack ass myself). SURE I’ll take your money…oh sure, we’ll work to kill all those black babies…LOL
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy been saying this for years on HA. Sadly the voice of ROTCODDAM and other leftist blacks are missing. Puddy keeps asking why is that?
“Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent.” How many of those aborted could have been Ben Carsons, Robert Johnsons, Berry Gordys, George Washington Carvers, etc? We’ll never know.
Puddy is the lone voice for my inna city peeps on this blog!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow “Genius”@52:
The Democrats REALLY fund the KKK and are trying to kill all black babies!
Where did Puddy infer this? Taking lessons in confusion from ylb StrangeEye by twisting words not found on the blog?
Why didn’t she outright reject the person up front? All she would have had to say was “We don’t accept donations from racists!” If you noticed here some time ago, when Senator Larry Craig was accused of a wide stance the HA Faithful Liberals told us this was Idaho behavior. Well this was from Planned Parenthood in Idaho. So does this mean this is Planned Parenthood behavior? Would you Alki Postings? From the commentary posted @52 Puddy wonders.
the fact that you know it’s boring proves you did listen.
Wow Marv what a dig!
You’re right, I did listen – for about 5 minutes, got bored and turned it off for good.
Are these comment threads typing class for you or something?
Alki Postingsspews:
@53 Your point on abortion being bad or good is a valid argument. Entirely different, but valid.
As far as your “proof” that the black race being destroyed by a secret plot by the Democrats (giggle), it’s not working. Percentage of the population that’s African American:
1930 11.9 million 9.7%
1940 12.9 million 9.8%
1950 15.0 million 10.0%
1960 18.9 million 10.5%
1970 22.6 million 11.1%
1980 26.5 million 11.7%
1990 30.0 million 12.1%
2000 36.6 million 12.3%
2008 42.3 million 12.8%
@54 “Where did Puddy infer this? ”
What you claimed was that Democrats are really the “secret” racists. Golly! Just look at Sen. Byrd (used to be KKK) and this example you have of planned parenthood accepting a donation from a crazy person (which they shouldn’t have politically…though I would have taken his crazy money and used it for something good…donated it to the Southern Poverty Law Center for example).
(Sigh). How many times do we have to explain this to you? In the 1950’s and early 1960’s just about EVERY southern politician was a racist – regardless of whether they were Democrat or Republican.
But the situation started changing. Harry Truman (Dem. President 1945~1953) issued executive orders during the Korean War for the integration of the armed services. Eisenhower (Rep. Pres. 1953-1961), to his credit, nationalized the Arkansas national guard to enforce Supreme Court decisions for the integration of the Little Rock school system. J.F.K (Dem. Pres. 1961-63) enforced the integration of other school systems and started pushing through legislation to end the “Jim Crow” segregation laws throughout the South. L.B.J. (Dem. Pres. 1963~1969) pushed this through to conclusion, with the enactment of the Voters Rights Act (I think it was in 1964) and legislation making it illegal to discriminate in housing, lodging, restaurants, employment, etc.
During this time period many racists left the Democratic party in protest, following Strom Thurman or George Wallace in forming independent segregationist parties. Those that stayed within the Democratic party changed – either out of conscious, or out of necessity (needing the black vote to offset those votes lost to racist third-party bids). Bird was among those who changed his stripes, becoming a reliable supporter of civil rights.
But Nixon’s 1968 election sought to capture those disaffected racist voters within the Republican Party. Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” used images of the Watts riots, as well as those following the assasination of Martin Luther King in a large number of cities, and images of armed Black Panthers, to link the Republican “law and order” platform to the unspoken agenda which appealed to the racists. The unspoken agenda was that we need to return to a time when a strong leader knew how to keep the darkies in their place so they didnt’ cause trouble. I was growing up in the South during that time, I remember hearing the discussions among many adults who readily accepted that message and voted for Nixon.
By 1972 Nixon pretty much had the South all sewn up, except for the troublesome prospect that George Wallace was running again for President. His attempted assasination, which left him paralized, pretty much guaranteed that the South would vote for Nixon and the Republican Party for the foreseeable future – as long as they didn’t screw things up, like doing something incredibly stupid like getting caught breaking into Democratic headquarters and obstructing justice in the course of the investigation.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Thanks Alki Postings you proved Puddy’s point. Increase those values by 25%.
BTW where is the link for this info?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Next rhp6033 will tell us Congressional Democrats passed the VRA and the CRA!
Puddy @ 51 says: “Unless you are a conservative or a Republican then you are a NAZI Brownshirt….
Wow. What an amazing confession of complete ignorance. I really don’t know what to say, it pretty much speaks for itself.
Alki Postingsspews:
* Of COURSE neither party officially endorses the KKK or those kind of nutball ideas.
* Of COURSE individual members out of the 10 of millions, in each party, will contain crazies and extremists.
* Of COURSE arguing by anecdote instead of general statistics will prove ANY point. Ex. Look I found one impression that LOOKS like a foot print next a dinosaur foot print, so that EQUALS 9,513,111 other pieces of evidence that don’t agree with that. For reality, you have to stack up ALL evidence and look at the general case/trend/goal.
@51 Anti-reality, anti-fact. Nazi’s are known for hating unions, socialists, communists, gays, blacks, Jews and all immigrants (who were responsible for the countries ‘problems’). The Nazi’s were the ultra-patriots, known as nationalists, who didn’t allow questioning the great “homeland”. Now which party does that describe in GENERAL? Forgetting individual anecdotes….as a general philosophy…which party is the ultra-nationalists who blame immigrants, blacks and gays for all the problems? Hmmm…..who. I know…Democrats! Democrats are ALWAYS going on about how we have to defend our country and way of life from “the gays” and their attacks on our marriages and children! Oh wait, no…that’s the Republicans. Will the Democrats are always attacks the unions and workers! Oh wait. No. But the Democrats are always blaming the “immigrants” for our problems, right Mr. Dobbs! Oh wait, Republicans again. Hmmm.
Puddy @ 59: If you are referring to the Voting (Voters?) Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act (I think it was 1964), then it would have been impossible for the Democrats NOT to have passed that legislation. The Democrats had control of Congress then. They were able to pass it despite some defections from within their own party, as well as Republican opposition. L.B.J. desearves much of the credit, he was able to strong-arm the legislation through Congress, thanks in part to his years of experience there and serving as presiding officer of the Senate as Vice-President under Kennedy.
Now, if you want to talk about Affirmative Action, that was started under the Nixon administration, I think it was initially by executive order. Which goes against my point, of course, but I’m willing to give credit where credit is due.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
57. rhp6033 spews:
(Sigh). How many times do we have to explain this to you? In the 1950’s and early 1960’s just about EVERY southern politician was a racist – regardless of whether they were Democrat or Republican.
(sigh) so sad that the Democrat party can’t come into the 21st century and purge their party of the grand keagle, racist Robert Byrd from their party. You simpletons keep giving excuses for Byrds racist past. It’s time to stop the excuse making and take action. Simply put, you won’t.
You have accepted Byrd and therefore, you have accepted his racist ideologies because you saw him fit to be a stalwart of the party leadership within the senate. If you want an actual fact-based look at racism is America. It’s time you Democrats looked in the mirror.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Alki Postings…
What you claimed was that Democrats are really the “secret” racists. Golly! Just look at Sen. Byrd (used to be KKK)
Puddy hasn’t brought up Senator Byrd in any post in this thread.
Puddy has consistently said on this blog, growing up in Philly Puddy experienced Democrat thought. That’s why Puddy left the reservation for good. If Democrats are so poverty focused, why are my peeps still living in poverty Alki?
Alki Postingsspews:
You didn’t bring up up by name…just said Democrats are the racist party and Nazi’s…that’s ALL you said. LOL. Or are you saying that’s NOT true?
Byrd isn’t a KKK member anymore and renounced that philosophy. But sticking with your logic (LOL) then since Strom Thurmond wasn’t kicked out by the Republicans, that’s PROOF the Republican party is racist! And what about David Duke? He isn’t some 90 year old throwback to the 20’s, he’s my age. He was former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and Republican.
ROTFLMAO. It works one way or the other. Either you’re proved nothing, or both parties are racist. LOL
Arguing my anecdote, YES, both parties have ex-klan members. The Republicans have MORE and more young ones (Duke), while the Democrats (Byrd) are ex-Dixiecrats of the 30s and 40s.
Geez, Puddy, I recall that you’ve spewed the word “faggot” here. Same with Mr. Klynical. Same with Mark. Are you guys all homophobic bigots like Marvin says? Mark calls blacks “jigaboos”. Klynical tells racist jokes about blacks being afraid to work like white peeps. Troll posts about “niggers”. Are your cohorts here racists? You say that you’re the lone voice for inna city peeps around here. Well, what’s that voice of yours have to say to those who spew on and on about “niggers” and “jigaboos”?
How about you, Marvin? Do you think Puddy, Klynical and Mark are all gay-hating bigots? Do you think Mark, Klynical and Troll are all racists?
Alki Postingsspews:
@63 And you’re RIGHT…it wasn’t you! Sorry!
“2. Empty Suit Obama spews:
Um. Only one problem DeVore. There still a
remaining Klansman and he resides withn the
Senate representing the Democrat party-
Democrat (Byrd, D-WV)”
So, logic problem to you! Strom was never kicked out by the
godly Republicans, he just died. And outside of the folks
from the 1940 and 50s, the only out and proud KKK
member (Grand Wizard even) to run in modern history,
David Duke, ran as a Republican.
What an amazing confession of complete ignorance. I really don’t know what to say, it pretty much speaks for itself.
Let Puddy refresh that liberal mind since memory retention is you major problem
Goldy – “He and his fellow brown shirts at the BIAW just can’t get over the fact that they failed to bully the Dems or the courts into halting the recount in 2004 the way Republicans managed to halt the recount in Florida in 2000.”
Professor Darryl – “I would certainly have no problems calling a group of people brownshirts for using such tactics to intimidate people and shut down a public meeting.”
headless lucy – “Kinda like Brownshirts.”
ylb StrangeEye – But to the brownshirts who come here, he’s a “leftist”
Professor Darryl again – “So does that mean you agree that the people shutting down town halls are acting like brownshirts?”
zotz -“@82: Yes, christianist, cracker, neo-con and combinations thereof, fascists; fat, little-dick, entitled, ruddy-faced fascists. And some folks who have been scared by the lies of fascist, brownshirt pices of shit.”
Daddy Love – “You naive child. The Nazis used brownshirts to go after political opponents while they were gaining power. Democrats used blogs to get out the truth, and then used something called “ballots” to get elected. You guys shoudl try it sometime, whenever you run the crazy fuckers out of your party.”
Roger Rabbit – “Republican protesters behave like Hitler Brownshirts — shouting people down, spreading lies, and brandishing guns.”
Ekim – “Marvie the Welfare Cheat @37, This is to keep out Brownshirts. You know, agitators from outside the district. This will allow weak minded and fear ridden Republican constituents of the COngressman a chance to participate in the town hall.”
One of headless’s sock poppets Erich Von Lustbader – “That’s why people compare them to Brownshirts. Except for PuddWaxx, who thinks schoolchildren performing community service are Brownshirts.”
worf – “Birthers and deathers and brownshirts… oh my!”
The best for last because he brought it here first from reading TPM:
Another TJ – “Or think Brownshirts.”
Another TJ – “I called people who are acting like Brownshirts Brownshirts because it’s accurate and appropriate. When your strategy memo specifically states “Be Disruptive Early And Often” and “Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate,” you’re not exercising your constitutional rights, you’re deliberately trampling on others’ by behaving like a thug, like the Sturmabteilung.”
Another TJ – “I stand by my characterization of thugs bussed in by Freedomworks, AFP, and others to disrupt meetings and intimidate Americans and their duly elected representatives as Brownshirts because that’s what they were acting like.”
Another TJ – “What’s so impressive about the Teabagging Brownshirts is just how badly informed they are.”
ArtFart Chimed in on ATJ’s comment – “What’s so impressive about the Teabagging Brownshirts is just how badly informed they are. They literally have no idea what they’re protesting against.”
Sounds like a well-trained army to me. The Second (or perhaps the Third) Civil War is already under way.”
So rhp6033, do you need to see more evidence?
We’re back to where we always are:
Puddy is never wrong, and thinks these comments are his own private soap box.
Marvin is silly and irrrelevant.
Cynical is misanthropic and irrelevant.
The new guy “ESO” THINKS he has game and is working hard to prove he doesn’t.
Did I leave anything out?
I’m with Rabbit. These guys are really tedious.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yep Steve and you also remember why Puddy used it correct?
Alki Postingsspews:
I’m rubber, you’re glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks on you.
There. That concludes this thread. LOL. :)
Next topic…the sun rises in the east and sets in the west…debate! (curious to see which side takes which position on here…LOL)
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@68 Alki,
Strom renounced his racist dealings. Our good friend is Strom’s granddaughter and our children played with his great-grand children. Mrs Puddy and I met his daughter when she came up to visit. Puddy will not mention where they live now but you can visit WikiPedia and see they live in the area.
And your point is…?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
rujax, Puddy is sometimes wrong. But Puddy gives his links where other leftists don’t or won’t because their info is direct from kook-aid sites.
@72 Do you mean to say that the reason why a person uses such a slur makes a difference, that you calling someone a faggot doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a homophobic bigot?
You following this, Marvin?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
The Probelem with Democrats is that they’re angry and hate-filled persons. They feed off of hate and sites like this only give them the nourishment they need daily.
Give em the white house, the Senate and the Congress and they still piss and moan about most everything. In times when they should be gloating about their win and basking in it, they simply can’t. They’re reduced to the poor, pathetic hate-filled person they were prior to November 5th, 2008.
Sites like HA, KOS, HUFFPO etc. are merely the vehicles for like minded leftists to gather together in one big pity party. Throw out lies and distortions as fact and when confronted with facts (e.g. Byrds past), they simply obfuscate and/or make excuses (see RHP6033 above). I’m fairly certain a number of you could use psychiatric help (SJ, RR, Steve, Rujax, etc.), but that’s a different story for a different day.
That’s just my honest observation of Hooligan Asylum Seattle.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, you hijacked the one comment from around the full commentary of the Gay Pride Parade and the acts being done in public in front of little children. You remember this correct?
Marvin Stamnspews:
67. Steve spews:
Geez, Puddy, I recall that you’ve spewed the word “faggot” here
Can you provide a link to them using the word with the same hate and vitriol that you do/did. Can you also provide a link where they explain that they intentionally used the word to belittle someone?
75. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
rujax, Puddy is sometimes wrong.
09/11/2009 at 9:48 am
OK. We may be getting somewhere here.
I can’t say for sure why you used that slur, Puddy, but I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, I do not believe that you hate gays and I do not conclude that you are a homophobic bigot simply for letting loose with that slur. How about you? Do you conclude that I’m a homophobic bigot because I once called Marvin a faggot?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
rhp6033, that young revisionist:
If you are referring to the Voting (Voters?) Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act (I think it was 1964), then it would have been impossible for the Democrats NOT to have passed that legislation. The Democrats had control of Congress then. They were able to pass it despite some defections from within their own party, as well as Republican opposition.
Here is the history dude. Without Republicans the bill would have died.
NEXT. The Prosecution Rests
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, you probably said it in the heat of the moment.
ESO is Little Ricky Dumbass – I’m fairly sure based on how Darryl addresses the right wing loser.
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. Rujax! spews:
We’re back to where we always are:
Did I leave anything out?
That once again, all you did was post about others and didn’t add anything of value to the conversation.
And you couldn’t even stick your own plan of being civil.
That’s why I said I’ll follow suit if you lead by example… I knew you couldn’t.
Marvin Stamnspews:
83. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Steve, you probably said it in the heat of the moment.
I believe that about gbs. He has proven himself to be a hothead with his attack on a superior officer and his flying off the handle on this blog.
Had steve said, “damn you marvin, damn you all to hell. you pushed my buttons and I lost it” I probably would have forgotten and moved on. Instead, he made lame excuses that he asked his gay friends if it was okay and then his lame ass apology. Didn’t sound sincere then, doesn’t sound sincere now.
@79 You trying to make a point or something? I’ve posted the comments by Klynical, Mark and Troll many times and you’ve seen them and excused them, revealing your hypocrisy. Do you really need to see those posts again? If you insist, I can oblige.
Out of respect for Puddy I will most definitely not post his comment again. The reason is simple. I don’t believe he is a homophobic bigot, regardless of what he may have posted here once.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
84. YLB spews:
ESO is Little Ricky Dumbass – I’m fairly sure based on how Darryl addresses the right wing loser.
There you go worshipping lazy and unprepared professors that chose academia because they weren’t prepared for the real world. Add YLB to that list that need psychiatric help at Haters Anonymous, he’s so inconsequential that he escaped the list the first time.
81 – Stupes has called the gay civil rights movement, “the gay bowel movement”.
He may not hate gays but he’s certainly bigoted towards them and willfully ignorant of the struggles they’ve gone through just to be let alone and not be discriminated against.
My test for Stupes is has he seen the movie “Milk”?
Most of the movie is about politics maybe 5 – 10 minutes at most focuses on intimacy between gay men. If he objects to the scenes of intimacy, well what if those scenes were between a man and a woman? They’re really no more explicit than scenes in many thousands of light romances involving heterosexuals.
Marvin Stamnspews:
76. Steve spews:
@72 Do you mean to say that the reason why a person uses such a slur makes a difference, that you calling someone a faggot doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a homophobic bigot?
You following this, Marvin?
Easily following.
That’s why I always include “as an insult.” If you were quoting manotruth that wouldn’t be the same as you using the word as an insult, which is/was clearly your intention.
87. Steve spews:
@79 You trying to make a point or something? I’ve posted the comments by Klynical, Mark and Troll many times
Humor me. Post the link where they say they are using the “faggot” word to belittle someone. Like you did. You didn’t just call me a “faggot,” you made it clear you were trying to belittle me. You took calling someone a “faggot” to the next level.
In other news, this right wing poseur of a journalist, like Beck has truly found a home:
Empty Suit Obama is right about Democrats/liberals and racism. I see the liberals at Newsweek (newsweak) are at their old tricks again, fanning the flames of racism with their “study” of black and white babies! Heheheheh. Liberals encourage racism and will not let it die a natual death.
@90 So you elevate my directing a slur towards you above Mark and Klynical targeting gays with that same slur? My, aren’t you self-important. Or is that self-obsessed? Or maybe you’re simply a stupid wingnut hypocrite who once admitted to being dumbed down from fucking too many goats. I can repost that one too, if you insist.
Marvin Stamnspews:
90. YLB spews:
My test for Stupes is has he seen the movie “Milk”?
Most of the movie is about politic
Does the movie talk about his connection to jim jones or is that whitewashed from the movie.
The connection between milk and jim jones on the housing commission.
Maybe how milk used jim jones and his worshippers to campaign for him?
@93 So we can understand that the wingnuts here at HA spewing about “jigaboos” and “niggers”, and telling racist jokes is intended to allow racism to die a natural death. Sure thing, RickyD, Lex or whoever the fuck you are today.
95 – Yawwwn…. Lame deflection from the issue of right wing intolerance of homosexuals..
77. Empty Suit Obama spews:
Sites like HA, KOS, HUFFPO etc. are merely the vehicles for like minded leftists to gather together in one big pity party. Throw out lies and distortions as fact and when confronted with facts (e.g. Byrds past), they simply obfuscate and/or make excuses (see RHP6033 above). I’m fairly certain a number of you could use psychiatric help (SJ, RR, Steve, Rujax, etc.), but that’s a different story for a different day.
09/11/2009 at 9:50 am
The problem, ESO…and something you wouldn’t realize, is that Democrats have been playing fron behind basically since Nixon (via Lee Atwater) started to divide the country along racial and class lines. This was cemented in by former President Ronald Reagan and his war on the middle class…and his constant carping against the Labor Unions and Government Service.
The major media in this country is wholly owned by multi-national corporate interests. Because of the “extra-legal” status corporations hold in this regulatory and commercial environment, Corporate ownership permits very little deviation from news and information that does not support their interests. The myth of a “liberal media” is a myth and a lie put forth by former Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.
The meme of the incompetence of Government is also a myth and a lie perpetrated by former President Ronald Reagan to erode the confidence of Americans in their public “not for profit” institutions and make way for private “for profit” providers of formerly publically provided services. Interestingly, the vast majority is these private “for profit” providers of formerly publically provided services turn out to be major contributors to Republican or very conservative Democratic members of Congress.
So for a progressive message to get traction in this media environment…well it takes the general populace become really fed up with the status quo. That was evident with the massive defeat this election cycle of Republicans at all levels.
The frustration currently coming from the Republican Party stems from the following: “trickle down” socio-economic principles, unregulated markets of all types and the “anti-tax” movement are now proven to be abject failures. Secondarily the failure of corporatists to advance the agenda of the fundamentalist Religious Right.
The Religious Right delivered a powerful activist and voting bloc to the corporatists in return for the promise of implementation of legislation of personal morality (e.i. the outlawing of abortion, or even contraception and of course gay marriage…prayer in schools) and the establishment a state religion (which would be some form of fundamentalist evangelical Christianity).
That the corporate elites had no interest in a fundamentalist Christian agenda is extremely frustrating to the ideologues and has split the Republicans along ideological lines (Churchers v. Country Clubbers). The religious “true believers” getting “out of control” and the corporatists abetting them to stall the inevitable re-regulation and re-taxing of the corporatists overly profitable enterprises (overly profitable defines here as taking profits without regard to the effect on society at large, the market affected, or the environment).
So we on the left have had to be diligent in checking facts, because we have been “Davids” for so long, 40 years or more…versus the corporate media “Goliaths”.
Speaking of “Davids” that is exactly WHY we get to have these discussions. David Goldstein (our host) via “” started to combat the pernicious initiatives put forth by Tim Eyeman with the overt and covert support of powerful corporate business interests in Washington State.
Soooo, “ESO”…It’s NOT a “pity-party”, it’s NOT kvetching for the sake of making noise. This alternative media movement is about combating the influence of big money, big religion and big corporations and advancing ideas and initiative that improve the lives of the folks who live next door to us…our friends our neighbors and the folks who work along side us and/or buy goods an services from our small businesses.
And guess what…it’s working.
Gosh, marvin…where, please have I been anything less than civil. I’m hurt.
And marvin…I’ve beeen so nice (sniff) to you (sniff, sniff) and this is the thanks I get (sob).
steve @ 96,
Yeah, I don’t know about any of that, but I do know that you can look at the article I described in newsweek. That I know is factual. Whether or not you believe babies are racist, or even can be, well…????
Marvin Stamnspews:
94. Steve spews:
@90 So you elevate my directing a slur towards you
I’m trying to help you, do you not get it?
I explained in #86 how you could have apologized/explained your use of a nasty gay slur.
Lets say you said-
“Fuck you goatfucker, you pushed my buttons and I replied in a manner I know is wrong and would never reply in any other situation. Because I have an inflated view of myself I couldn’t admit that someone I have such hate and disdain for could get the better of me in an online anonymous exchange so easily. I am tired of your repeated and continuos posting of my mistake. So fuck you and the goat you rode in on.”
But no, you kept whining about others using the word.
I’ve rarely seen a thread on HA that more cried out for moderation.
Alki Postings, you have earned accolades in heaven today for trying to actual reason with these people. May the wind be at your back.
@101 I haven’t read the article so I have no comment. It would be funny, though, to read Mark or Klynical claiming that they were born to hate whereas homosexuality to them is a lifestyle choice, thus making gays deserving of the hate Mark and Klynical were born to spew.
Maybe Marvin was born to fuck goats and it wasn’t a lifestyle choice after all.
Marvin Stamnspews:
104. Steve spews:
@101 I haven’t read the article so I have no comment. It would be funny, though, to read Mark or Klynical claiming
and STILL trying to justify his words by pointing the fingers at people he hates.
If mark/klynical jumps off the bridge, would you follow their lead again.
Still ignoring the hate spewed towards gays by his fellow wingnuts. Still elevating a slur directed towards him above slurs spewed by wingnuts towards gays.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Time for some levity, dontcha think?
“Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
I have been with a loose girl”.
The priest asks, “Is that you, little Joey Pagano ?”
“Yes, Father, it is.”
“And who was the girl you were with?”
“I can’t tell you, Father. I don’t want to ruin her reputation”.
“Well, Joey, I’m sure to find out her name sooner or later
So you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?”
“I cannot say.”
“Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?”
“I’ll never tell.”
“Was it Nina Capelli?”
“I’m sorry, but I cannot name her.”
“Was it Cathy Piriano?”
“My lips are sealed”
“Was it Rosa DiAngelo, then?”
“Please, Father, I cannot tell you.”
The priest sighs in frustration…
“You’re very tight lipped, and I admire that.
But you’ve sinned and have to atone.
You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months.
Now you go and behave yourself.”
Joey walks back to his pew,
And his friend Franco slides over and whispers,
“What’d you get?”
“Four months vacation and five good leads.”
Culture of Corruptionspews:
If an ACORN falls in the forest and MSM tries not to hear it or see it or report it …
Time to go nuclear. If persons peaceably assembling outside abortion clinics are such a threat to democracy that they must be RICO’d into submission, then it’s time to RICO ACORN.
Our president used to pal around with ACORN’s crooks and liars, but now’s the time for saying he’s sorry. Because Barack’s AG has nothing better to do, sic him on the criminal community organizer conspiracy and shut it down.
Culture of Corruptionspews:
hmmm maybe I should photshop becks face on Mr., brown’s?
Or maybe you should enroll in ESL classes. Or take them again. And try to pay attention this time.
hmmmmmmm maybe SJ should start packing a grammarian and a dictionary instead of heat. A literate sentient SJ would be far more disconserting to Glenn Beck than confronting America’s worst nightmare, an SJ with a gun.
Buy a vowell, Vannaspews:
Speaking of John Brown’s moldering body, Goldy pimped Sarah Vowell as a Democrat shill. Anybody read Vowell’s Assassination Vacation, which has a little steaming pile of John Brown trivia? Anybody else find her many mistakes?
If yes, what makes you think she’s any more reliable about modern metastasizing Democrats than she is about old dead white Republicans?
culture of corruptionspews:
disconserting = disconcerting. Left my Funk & Wagnall’s at SJ’s place.
Armed Liberalspews:
What the fuck kind of retarded comment is that? It would seem you are ignorant of how lawmaking works in Congress.
Darryl, the smartest little lad in the front row in First Grade, is such a turn-on when he talks dirty.
Notice that I don’t call Darryl Dickless Darryl anymore. He’s a very big dick indeed.
How can he put the greed of 5,627,967 people ahead of the improved living conditions of 6,706,993,152 citizens of the world?
Marvin Stamnspews:
118. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
It was the ELF Marvin. We know who those kooks jock-strap.
That explains why it hasn’t been mentioned here.
Marvin Stamnspews:
A little funny to lighten the mood…
Let me get this straight.
We’re going to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose head says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, signed by a president that also hasn’t read it, and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s nearly broke.
What possibly could go wrong?
Marvin Stamnspews:
More american terrorists.
For a change, left-wingnut baby killers went after someone old enough to talk.
Puddy read this but was looking for an open thread.
Marvin Stamnspews:
123. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Hey Marvin@122,
Puddy read this but was looking for an open thread.
My bad. This is a open threat.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yep whack job liberal killing an anti-abortion person.
How typical. Puddy wonders if there were subliminal messages in the POTUS speech which flicked the killer’s switch to the on position?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Marvin, with “the messiah” in charge as CiC Puddy thought stuff like this would stop. Well listening to Rabid Roger Rabbit, The Freaky Feral one that’s all we heard being the “vietnam vet” here.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Here is something interesting sure to pizz off ylb non-fact seeing eye.
Census Bureau Severs Ties With ACORN
The Census Director has sent a letter to the National Headquarters of ACORN notifying the group that it will no longer have a role in conducting the 2010 census. ACORN had previously been tapped to help with low level data gathering.
Now you all know “the messiah” blessed this communique.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey leftist pinheads, do you support the John Adams Project and their actions? They are friends with the ACLU.
Marvin Stamnspews:
126. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Hey Marvin, with “the messiah” in charge as CiC Puddy thought stuff like this would stop.
Given the choice, I’m sure left-wingnuts would rather this happen than make some poor sap that was trying to kill american troops wear underwear on his head.
Looks like Marvin and Puddy are circle jerking again…
And since the liberal media refuses to cover this story, how will the left-wingnuts ever know it happened?
Why is it if left-wingnuts aren’t doing anything wrong, like the communist truther green jobs czar and acorn, why do they resign and sever ties?
And this isn’t the first time, obama couldn’t disown rev wright until polling said to throw him under the bus.
133 – I guess ACORN is going to have to give back those mythical 4-8 billion dollars that right wingnut Michelle Bachmann talked about.
No more cocaine and strippers for them. No more aping a Republican like Mike Duvall.
Marvin Stamnspews:
134. YLB spews:
133 – I guess ACORN is going to have to
…is going to have to stop giving advice to “pimps” how to take advantage of the laws regarding very young prostitutes.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 135 Marvin
We’ll see if the main stream media can pick up the case of ACORN aiding and abbetting International human traficking for the purposes of child prostitution.
So far, the media is asleep. If that doesn’t wake them (and the jutice dept under holder certainly won’t pursue them), nothing will.
The traditional media in this country is dead.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
We see Aaron acting dumb, as always!
135 – Yeah, 4 to 8 billion dollars (according to right wing nuts) can buy a lot of that kind of thing.
But ya know that Bachmann’s 4 to 8 billion is just peanuts compared to what the Republican party has had at their fingertips over the last 30 or more years.
Maybe the Justice Department should investigate that holier than thou bunch, that Republican party I mean.
Marvin Stamnspews:
138. YLB spews:
135 – Yeah, 4 to 8 billion dollars (according to right wing nuts) can buy a lot of that kind of thing.
But ya know that Bachmann’s 4 to 8 billion is just peanuts compared to what the Republican party has had at their fingertips over the last 30 or more years.
From your reply I’m guessing that you don’t have an opinion on those acorn members helping enslave very young girls as prostitutes.
Just think, if acorn was a right-wing organization they would be on that republican offenders link you enjoy so much.
But since acorn is left-leaning, you avoid the subject like you avoid employment.
Another slam dunk of wild eye@138. He’s such a Pavlov’s Doggie. So monomaniacal. And he doesn’t even know he does it on command. We make him do it on command!
ylb wild eye you are such a tool!
That ACORN tape is flat out stupid right wing bullshit.
It’s embarrassing how anyone could take that crap seriously.
“Conservative Activists”. pfffffft..
Based on that stupid tape, ACORN should be shut down?
I mean really. Look at all the pervs that have come out of the Republican party from Craig to Foley to Duvall to Vitter to whoever.
I mean the evidence of a criminal culture in the Republican Party is overwhelming.
The Justice Department should shut it down…
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Puddybud @ 140: Indeed.
wonder if this story will reach the mainstream media? Too early to blame this on an unhinged liberal so I won’t pass judgment quite yet, but given the dismal state of the 4th estate these days, it’d be swept under the rug regardless of the perpetrators intent.
Meanwhile, exposed commie Van Jones is the latest victim of the Obama express tossing passengers under the wheels at a rapid pace; only to have the Left having a hissy fit about a Congressman yelling “you lie” to Obama during one of his many lies the other night at the “healthcare rally”.
Funny they don’t commnent on Van Jones calling Bush a crackhead to an audience a year ago. Great comedy Van, they’ll love that skit down at the unemployment office.
Marvin Stamnspews:
142. YLB spews:
That ACORN tape is flat out stupid right wing bullshit.
Of course it’s bullshit.
Which explains why acorn fired them.
Oops, employees being fired doesn’t prove your point does it.
Does the fact that the communist truther green jobs czar quit also proves that was right wing bullshit?
Do you find it strange that right-wing bullshit results in people quitting or getting fired? Someone that wasn’t as partisan as you could connect the dots.
make some poor sap that was trying to kill american troops wear underwear on his head.
I guess we’ll never get around to do that American thing of examining evidence before determining guilt or innocence in this case.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Batshit crazy moment of my day so far:
On my commute home tonight, I’m behind a subaru with about 4 bumper stickers. Realizing the person behind the wheel is obviously a liberal (something weird about unhinged dirty libs and bumperstickers) so I got a closer look. The nut had a “No Iraq war”, “Troops out NOW”, Obama/Biden 2008″ and last but not least… her fucked up world of cognitive dissonace…” Killing the innocent, Makes us the enemy”.
So she supports the most pro abortion Senator to come along in 50 years and has a “Killing the innocent makes us the enemy” bumper sticker?
Wow, the disconnect can only be found on the nuttier than a squirrel turd left.
145 – So you’re saying Acorn does this kind of thing routinely with that 4 – 8 billion Michelle Bachman says they get from Obama and therefore should be shut down.
Well gee all those pervy Republicans are stashing money everywhere with those earmarks and those abstinence programs. And they’re getting caught left and right in restroom stalls, talking in hot mics and defecating in depends diapers with prostitutes..
You just can’t trust those criminal Republicans. Shut that outfit down.
Marvin Stamnspews:
143. YLB spews:
Based on that stupid tape, ACORN should be shut down
Why ask me.
How do you feel about it.
Would you feel different if it was your daughter that acorn employees were helping into a life of prostitution?
149 – You’re the one who brought that here. Why not ask you?
That tape is the heavily edited product of two right wing nuts. There’s a voiceover narrative leading up to the Acorn people saying stuff – no context whatsoever.
I give it next to no credibility. Those two people were fired for just being flat out stupid and not realizing an obvious set up.
What kind of twisted right wing “mind” conceives and executes sleazy crap like this?
The kind whose bullshit you unquestioningly swallow it would seem.
Marvin Stamnspews:
146. YLB spews: make some poor sap that was trying to kill american troops wear underwear on his head.
And get a little “frozen”
I guess we’ll never get around to do that American thing of examining evidence before determining guilt or innocence in this case.
Don’t have anything to say about our own troops shooting each other “playing a game” except once again whining about republicans?
Don’t feel bad, your liberal media doesn’t care either.
With bush out of the white house the liberal media no longer has to pretend to care about the troops.
And for some reason I don’t understand you don’t ap[pear to care either.
Would you feel different if it was your daughter that acorn employees were helping into a life of prostitution?
Well your friend Stupes was acting kind of prescient about that at one time.
Ask him about the time he asked me if my daughter was turning tricks yet.
I think I just answered my own question in 150.
Marvin Stamnspews:
150. YLB spews:
I give it next to no credibility. Those two people were fired for just being flat out stupid and not realizing an obvious set up.
So you don’t give it any credibility but the employees were fired for being set up.
Set up for what?
If some right-winger came to your house could they set you up to discuss how to help enslave very young girls? Even though I don’t agree with you on very many things, I will agree I can’t imagine you helping enslave young girls. Unless they were republican of course.
What kind of twisted right wing “mind” conceives and executes sleazy crap like this?
The kind that knew acorn employees would help someone pimp very young girls and wanted to get it on tape to prove it.
For someone that wasn’t as partisan as you, instead of asking why someone would believe acorn employees would do something like this they would ask why acorn employees would do something like this.
Do you feel that wanting to prove that acorn employees would help a pimp is worse than acorn employees actually helping a pimp exploit very young girls?
Killing the innocent, Makes us the enemy.
wow, just wow. No respect whatsoever for those innocent victims with no voice. They probably sympathize with the jihadist terrorists as well…
If the Acorn videos are just right-wing tactics, why did the US Census throw Acorn under the bus? Because Acorn is a criminal organization.
Don’t feel bad, your liberal media doesn’t care either.
Why focus on CNN? Was it because I exposed you earlier as talking out your ass?
Well guess what – you’re still doing it.
I see coverage of that Matthew Nelson story on three newspapers and the Associated Press. Is that liberal enough for you?
153 – You are talking out your ass again. The tape I saw had the right wing nut narrative leading up to those acorn people answering some stuff.
What were the questions? NO CONTEXT..
Show me a transcript of those right wing nut tapes and then we’ll have a real basis for discussion. That is if you’re a big fan of right wing sleaze which obviously you are.
Myself I’m just a fan of the right wing’s sleaze blowing up in the right wing’s face.
The Census severing ties was just the ugly logic of public relations forced courtesy of some very ugly right wing operatives.
The kind that knew acorn employees would help someone pimp very young girls and wanted to get it on tape to prove it.
The tape doesn’t “prove” that at all. At least the one I saw. That’s what the right wing nut narrative says it does – and of course you believe it.
Set up for what?
Set up to play patsies for a right wing nut smear campaign.
Marvin Stamnspews:
156. YLB spews:
Myself I’m just a fan of the right wing’s sleaze blowing up in the right wing’s face.
I am disappointed in you ylb.
I understand you and I will NEVER agree about how high taxes should be or how much control the government should exert over us citizens, but I did think that when it came to exposing people that would help a pimp with enslaving very young girls into sexual slavery that we would agree 100%.
Unlike you, I believe anyone that would help force very young girls into prostitution should be shot dead, regardless of party affiliation. Hell, anyone forcing any female into prostitution should be shot. Rest assured, should acorn employees ever want to help a pimp force your daughter into prostitution I would stand up for your daughter with whatever means I had available. Even a daughter of yours deserves that respect from me.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
In sumnation, YLB agrees that people can aid and abet international human traficking for the purposes of child prostitution/molestation as long as its an illegal liberal front group doing it.
A sick fuck? Certainly. But at least we’ve drawn a clear line of where YLB’s family values lie.
Marvin Stamnspews:
160. Empty Suit Obama spews:
In sumnation, YLB agrees that people can aid and abet international human traficking for the purposes of child prostitution/molestation.
Only if they are democrat.
He has a higher standard for republicans.
Go figure.
The Census severing ties was just the ugly logic of public relations forced courtesy of some very ugly right wing operatives.
More like they are catching on to how Acorn is being exposed for the criminal organization they are.
Acorn is under investigation for voter fraud in 14 states including FL, PA, WI, and LA. Founder Wade Rathke concealed his brother’s embezzlement of nearly a million dollars from Acorn. Christopher Edwards, former Las Vegas field director for the Acorn, pleaded guilty to 2 gross misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit the crime of compensation for registration of voters. Acorn is barred by law from engaging in partisan political activity. Yet an internal e-mail from Project Vote/Acorn lead official Nathan Henderson-James was addressed to his “colleagues” — all editors and writers for the left leading blogs, including two people who both worked for the WaPo. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of criminal activies that Acorn participates in. Or were all those activities perpetrated by ugly right wing operatives?
I’ve seen more of those tapes. Yeah they make those ACORN people look bad.
But no way do I trust if that right wing shit is on the level.
So Stupes – whadaya think of that white right winger in the pimp get up?
Too funny – those right wingers.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
I’ve seen more of those tapes. Yeah they make those ACORN people look bad.
translation: International human traficking for the purpose of underage child prostitution is fine, I’m just disappointed it was caught on tape. I’m a liberal drone and will accept casualties during our “social justice” war- children or not. Progressivism will cost lives in order to flourish, so just deal with it.
You’re even a sicker fuck than I ever imagined YLB, I’m sure the parents are proud.
162 – It seems you read all that from some right wing nut website.
ACORN signs up poor people to vote, to participate in our democracy.
And right wingers like you HATE THAT. You want to stop that.
ACORN has what? 400,000 members and offices in 100 cities.
At one time you right wingers had this organization:
Did they fold up and blow away because they feared being caught up in some investigation of right wing political chicanery?
Funny that they’re gone and ACORN is still around.
164 – Translation: I’ll swallow any shit produced by “my tribe”, the sleaziest crap including a white guy in a cliche pimp get up (there are hardly any black people anyway in my “tribe”) because I’m little Ricky Dumbass the right wing moron.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Poor YLB. Exposing his child molesting tendencies on a blog that he’s a regular?…Human traficking and child prostitution is alright as long as you share the same political philosophy?…YLB’s form of of a “progressive” society? Hey Goldy, look who’s available for babysitting….
Thanks YLB, I think even Goldy is sickened by your comments tonight. Nice work, dumbass.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ya know Marvin
I am disappointed in you ylb. … Even a daughter of yours deserves that respect from me.
Puddy agrees. Even though he is a doofus of the primary order, pimping his daughter by ACORN is not acceptable even though ACORN didn’t care that the girls were from El Salvador. You’d think ylb blind eye would care for his peeps being Spanish. Butt, he’s a patsy for kook-aid!
ylb, left eye open but blind to leftist pinheadry.
In sumnation, YLB agrees that people can aid and abet international human traficking for the purposes of child prostitution/molestation as long as its an illegal liberal front group doing it.
Heh. In “sumnation”..
In summation I conclude you’re an ugly liar and compulsive hater.
You can’t stand poor people being organized and participating in politics.
162 – It seems you read all that from some right wing nut website.
Funny, I knew the right wing nut comment would be your first response rather than refuting the fact that Acorn is a criminal organization and is under investigation for voter fraud.
And they SHOULD require ID at voting booths. I don’t care if you are a minority, majority, man, or woman – you’d at least better be a LEGAL citizen of this country before you vote. Don’t play the race card, it’s getting very old.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb blind eye
So Stupes – whadaya think of that white right winger in the pimp get up?
Fool! You condone ACORN pimping El Salvadorean girls. Funny they Spanish like you Fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Pavlov’s Dog did it again in #165.
ylb blind eye you continually Pavlov Doggie for us.
Well, I’ll guess you’ll ride this nag for all it’s worth.
Hey Stupes, give that white pimp a high ten next time you catch him.
He’s into cutting taxes I’m sure.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
I rarely engage the mentally deficient.
dealing with YLB tonight makes me remember why…
It take an especially sick fuck to defend international human traficking AND child molestation….YLB has succeeded in doing both tonight.
A true voice of the modern “progressive”?
The eye of a child predator can be found @ 177.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb blind eye,
a moron by another name!
shocking SHOCKING
Hey Stupes – you’ve traveled. You’re a man of the world. You’re a street-smart man of the inner city.
Does a white pimp really dress like that?
Ok question for you right wingers to test how closely you watched that tape.
How much money has ACORN received to date from the federal government?
Let’s see who really watched that tape and who was checking out that whore’s tushie.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Defending international human traficking? YLB is guilty
Defending child molestation via liberal group? YLB is guilty
Defending attempts to defraud US government? YLB is guilty
The progressive movement score? 0 for 3 so far in human rights
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 179
What you’re not going to answer the pop quiz @ 178?
I guess not. You’d rather lie or stroke yourself to that whore and her pimp strolling down the avenue aka James and Hannah.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Putting you to bed YLB.
Sleep on how you defended human tracking and child molestation.
I’ll let your dumbass work that through your conscience. I’m done using font on such a fucking imbecile of low moral values. You are the mascot for this hate site… stew in your hate little boy.
I don’t have time for your ignorance.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb blind eye
What you’re not going to answer the pop quiz @ 178?
We don’t answer to haters such as yourself who don’t care about your own kind…
181 – I’ll put you to bed with an image Little Ricky Dumbass:
James and Hannah strolling down the street. James in his Super Fly get up and Hannah in her micro-miniskirt – dreams of torture, endless wars and tax cuts dancing in their heads.
Funny, I knew the right wing nut comment would be your first response rather than refuting the fact that Acorn is a criminal organization and is under investigation for voter fraud.
Really YLB? Why not answer my question before moving on to another of your own that isn’t related to the fraud question?
How much money has ACORN received to date from the federal government?
I can answer that ? for you – TOO MUCH!
182 – So you were watching the whore’s tushie.
Thanks for playing.
184 – Ooops. Hannah was alluring to you too.
Thanks for playing.
I mean it’s so apropos – two right wingers playing a whore and a pimp on youtube.
It’s just so… Republican…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ESO, DCG, & Marvin
Watch and learn.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb blind eye,
You are so stupid. We could care less about the white lady posing as a pimp. What is sad is the four black women who are now unemployed because they were “pimping for the ACORN man”. Only thing no one cracked his wild nuts. He skates. You are too stupid to see it.
BTW ylb porn eye you been checking them out? That’s the only playing you be doing…
We could care less about the white lady posing as a pimp.
White lady? Pimp? What happened to James?…
I get it.. You were digging on her. It’s understandable. She’s into cutting taxes for the rich..
It’s also a little hard to focus on figures of money flowing from the Feds to ACORN in that tape when your mind is on a “conservative” woman’s figure.
ESO, DCG, & Marvin. Watch and learn.
Yes, only been visiting here for a little over a week an already have learned that they spin or avoid your questions. Liberalism is a disease…
Liberalism is a disease…
And the cure is Michael Savage-Weiner…
No one has a dollar figure for me yet?
No one has a dollar figure for me yet?
Nope, too tired to bing. But as I stated earlier – too much!
Again – answer the question:
Acorn is under investigation for voter fraud in 14 states including FL, PA, WI, and LA. Founder Wade Rathke concealed his brother’s embezzlement of nearly a million dollars from Acorn. Christopher Edwards, former Las Vegas field director for the Acorn, pleaded guilty to 2 gross misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit the crime of compensation for registration of voters. Acorn is barred by law from engaging in partisan political activity. Yet an internal e-mail from Project Vote/Acorn lead official Nathan Henderson-James was addressed to his “colleagues” — all editors and writers for the left leading blogs, including two people who both worked for the WaPo. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of criminal activies that Acorn participates in. Or were all those activities perpetrated by ugly right wing operatives?
STILL waiting for your answer…
193 – all you had to do was watch the tape…
Are you perhaps sight impaired? If so, poor man you’re missing out on Hannah strutting her stuff and James’ spiffy pimp duds.
As for your “question”? I see a mish mash of stuff there trying to lead me to your preformed judgment of ACORN. ACORN is a sprawling organization with offices in 100 cities. Some might conclude there’s not much “organization” and controls and oversight of branch office activities leave something to be desired.
You can make a similar mish mash about the Republican Party. Here’s a great website for that:
Were all those activities perpetrated by ugly left wing operatives?
Marvin Stamnspews:
175. Empty Suit Obama spews:
I rarely engage the mentally deficient.
dealing with YLB tonight makes me remember why…
I don’t mind dealing with the mentally deficient, it’s the morally deficient that I can’t deal with.
ylb’s support of lefties pimping very young girls calls into question what is he doing with his own kids.
Something ylb hasn’t noticed… when he posts his favorite link, the republican offenders one, no one on this blog defends those republicans. Unlike ylb that defends acorn helping pimp very young girls.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Something ylb hasn’t noticed… when he posts his favorite link, the republican offenders one, no one on this blog defends those republicans. Unlike ylb that defends acorn helping pimp very young girls.
Correct as always!
Marvin Stamnspews:
196. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Correct as always!
I wouldn’t go that far. I have been known to throw shit against the wall of the cesspool to see if it sticks on occasion.
And damn if it didn’t stick to ylb.
ylb’s support of lefties pimping very young girls calls into question what is he doing with his own kids.
Gee Marv, uhh, let your fantasies run wild. The thrilling lifestyle of James and Hannah – the pimp and his hooker – in “reality” staunch right wingers has really excited you. Probably better than a fistful of Limbaugh’s strongest viagra.
And no one right winger, according to the james/hannah sex show tape, can tell me how much money the federal government has given to ACORN over the years.
Hannah, the right wing whore, was just putting on too good a show.
no one on this blog defends those republicans.
Yep you do. You defend them every day by clinging ever tighter to the right wing bullshit horses those guys rode into office.
All any perv has to say is “family values”, “cut taxes”, “kick ass on the swarthy guy”. Duvall was one of those pervs, Craig was one, Foley was one and on and on and on.
The old saying is screw them and the horse they rode in on. For some reason you guys keep finding pervs and thieves to ride the old nag.
You think because of the James/Hannah tape, ACORN should be shut down or never receive a dime of taxpayer money for anything ever again.
By extension the Republican party should be shutdown due to the criminal activities of some of their members. The Republicans should never be allowed to manage or distribute taxpayer funds again.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ACORN still getting $1.6 MILLION from HUD!
Need to cancel that funding…immediately!
Were all those activities perpetrated by ugly left wing operatives?
Nope, those individuals did their own deeds. The dems have their offenders as well. And so does Acorn. I don’t want a corrupt organization/person such as Acorn abusing my taxpayer dollars.
201 – Last November the people strongly blocked the corrupt organization known as the Republican party from further abuse of their taxpayer dollars.
202 – Didn’t like the spending then, dont’ like it now. All parties in government need to get with the program and start being more responsible with our taxpayer dollars.
This administration has quadrupled the national debt in just 8 months. Obama has spent more money than all US Presidents combined (including the $ Bush spent in Iraq). How’s that change working for you?
Public politics wrt slavery made the antebellum south a very strange place. Too bad the current republican party has chosen to go down a similar road. A similar outcome would not be suprising, except this time they have all the money.
Um. Only one problem DeVore. There still a remaining Klansman and he resides withn the Senate representing the Democrat party- Democrat (Byrd, D-WV) . In fact, he’s a Senior party member that has risen within the ranks. In his lifetime he has voted against both black SCOTUS justices Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, Voted AGAINST the 1964 Civil right act of 1964 (at the young age of 40) and was a Grand Kleagle (recruiter) of the Ku Klux Klan.
Racism is alive and well in America. The proof resides in the leadership of the Democrat Party.
Facts are inconvenient things, aren’t they?
2. SJ Troll Summary Service
Empty Suit “Facts are inconvenient things, aren’t they?” admission of truth!
Jon, just a slight technical note. Perhaps everyone should know who John Brown is and know this famous mural by John Steuart Curry. But in the future it would useful to include a brief caption, especially to the lesser literate of us. A wikipedia reference is always the easy choice. You can also embed the caption into the image tag by using the title and alt text attributes. For example the HTML would look like this:
<img src="somefile.jpg" title="Tragic Prelude: John Brown painting by John Steuart Curry" alt="Tragic Prelude: John Brown painting by John Steuart Curry" />
Anyway, great painting!
hmmm maybe I should photshop becks face on Mr., brown’s?
this seems apropos…
Also, remember when the Dixie Chicks politely mentioned they disagreed with Bush, and the right shat it’s drawers trying to destroy their careers? You know, back when the right was “patriotic” and didn’t believe it was OK to criticize a President during a “time of war”? Is the war over? did I miss something?
@4: I think Jon related the story of this mural in detail in an earlier post, but it was months ago. Thanks for the refresher. Before your comment, I was just wishing there was a way to look up the painting to remember who the artist was.
Listening to the Righties, you would think that Joe Wilson was beatened and imprisoned like the reporter who threw his shoes at Bush. He was criticized by the pundits and if he can’t take that, why is he in politics?
I hope on this historic day we can all set aside our political differences and observe a moment of silence to honor the people who lost their jobs on 97.3 KIRO FM. Today is TBTL’s last day. We will miss you, Luke, Jen, and Sean.
@6 Yeah, we’re still at war, so the traitors should be hung.*
* Just kidding! Choice of [ ] Ann Coulter [ ] Glenn Beck joke.
Interesting that Jon Devore puts up a painting of abolitionist John Brown while supporting the only political party that has an avowed racist (among man) not only in its midst, but in its leadership- Sen. Byrd (D-WV). Jon Devore needs a history lesson.
Famous quotes by the DNC’s favorite pro-slavery member:
<blockquote>”I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. ”
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944,
Theres more, but you get the gist. The last one is even more telling. Byrd isn’t ashamed of his past, he just realizes it isn’t politically expedient to expose your hatred in the open- The president obviously listened to this advice as he disguises his Socialist views.
Holy Crap! Troll’s a ten!
They should make “Prisine” as a final farewell. Definitely the only radio show that never made me angry. Now back to your regular radio line-up of people yelling at you.
And the war in Afghanistan has consequences too! Obama vs. Pelosi!
And KIRO, really, Frank Shiers as a replacement? Is that the best you can do? He just won’t go away!
Puddy remembers “the messiah” saying ‘Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.’
That’s all we who think right are doing…
Devores post should go down in the annals of irony within Hooligan Asylum “contributors” history.
You need to brush up on your history DeVore.
And that is different from the left-wingnut attack on on the sponsors of the glenn beck show how? Or the attacks on rush. Or the attack on coulter. Or the attacks on conservative speaks on college campuses. Or the attacks on the o’reilly show. I could go on and on but you should be getting the point.
And did you notice the difference?
When the right exercised their constitutional right to make a choice which cd/concert to spend their money on, the left didn’t come to the aid of the dixie chicks. Probably because the left believes country music is for hicks and rednecks (and 3 chord playing guitar players).
When the left used their constitutional rights to protest the beck show, the right supported beck and his viewership increased. Increased to the point that olbermann and the rest of the left-wingnut cable news brigade is a small image in the rear view mirror of fox news.
Have you noticed the left whined about conservative talk radio so they started their own, scare america. Why didn’t the left support them either? Well, besides the fact there was no government program to force them to. The left doesn’t do well without a government program telling them what to do, as evidenced by the number of left-wingnut believers of man made global warming that are still continuing their polluting warming ways.
@13 ‘Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.’
I wouldn’t push that if I were you. Thank God I’m not you.
Maybe “ESO” should get a “Golden Goat” solely for the breathtaking stupidity he displays, consistently, in a real workman-like, “Joe Lunchbucket” kind of way.
Every. Single. Day.
That man REALLY knows how to “bring it”.
Idiot @14: This is what a “hooligan” looks like:
Weren’t you the person that wanted the blog to be civil.
Should there be a government program to force you to do what you wanted since you can’t do it on your own?
Puddy pushing that? Whatamoron feral dumb bunny is@16. So you are telling “the messiah’ not to do that now?
What a oxygen starved floppy eared moron!
Speaking of Liars Jon,
ACORN Maryland board member Margaret Williams called yesterday’s pimp video a smear attempt. Then they fired the two employees. So it wasn’t a smear attempt Margaret Williams? So they didn’t lie Margaret Williams?
So much for civility.
TBTL, is it going national or viral?
Is it time to lobby KIRO to bring Goldy back to the airwaves?
Updated: Podcast only:
Was this a policy of ACORN, or just that two of their employees did something illegal? If two Bank of America employees buy crack, does that mean Bank of America is a crack dealing agency?
Unlike Enron where employees lied and illegally manipulated market prices, at company direction.
Apples and oranges kids.
Today is TBTL’s last day. We will miss you, Luke, Jen, and Sean.
Really? I never understood the point of that show. It seemed like three hours of nothing, on purpose. Like listening to paint dry.
Simply quoting a senior member of TODAYS DEMOCRAT party has them going ape scat. I can only think Ajax! deep down in side shares Sen. Byrds values system, which is why he feels the need to defend the lovable party racist and segregationist.
Maybe Proud Leftist’s award should be renamed The Weekly Golden Rujax. What say you?
Hey marvin…we are so glad that you ffelt comfortable “outing” yourself to your friends here at HA Seattle. At least you havee a litttle peaceful place you can “let it all hang out”.
I’m sure you meant post #19 marvin…your brain…oops, I meant your finger must’ve slipped (rubbing one off while your typing…good for you!)…
…why how could ANYONE see that as any more that one of the nicest of compliments to “ESO”‘s work ethic. Gosh, marvin…shame on you for thinking otherwise. And after all I’ve done for you. I’m hurt.
@28 Anti-fact anti-reality.
Reality…in 2009 (today) all American Nazi party and KKK vote Republican. No KKK members are voting for the pro-gay, Jew loving, black President. If you think that’s who the KKK supports, you again make my point…Republicans, anti-fact, anti-reality, anti-science, anti-common sense. ;-)
Alki Postings@26,
Glad you asked. Here is the next installment of ACORN Liars…
If you go into bank of america to prove your theory that bank employees buy crack, what are the chances that the first two people you film would be crack buyers.
Here is a hoot for you Alki Postings. Banning Lucky Charms
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
Here is part two.
Unfortunately for you, you can’t back that stupid assertion up with facts now can you, sunshine? Next time you make an accusation, try to back it up with proof. See 28 for an example how to post an undisputable fact, you might learn a little hisotry in the process.
Your obsession with my sex life is creepy.
I do have to admit that you have a strange concept of “peaceful.”
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
31. GBS spews:
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
05/01/2009 AT 1:02 PM
With all the “faggot” calling your friends engage in it appears you also are homophobic, how else could you consider calling someone *YOU* believe is gay a “faggot” peaceful.
I can’t remember seeing your answer yesterday, is calling someone YOU believe is gay a “faggot” hate speech?
Thanks for bringing up the subject of steve and gbs using the “faggot” word. Steve hates it when I remind him of his homophobic hate speech.
Does proud leftist really deserve that? I don’t agree with much of what proudleftist says but he’s not the hater that rujax is.
Hell, rujax wasn’t even capable of keeping his own word about being civil.
My, my…seems like our cute little trolls need a binky and an early nap.
@33 So you “believe” these were the first two ACORN employees filmed. Really. Honestly. You really “believe” in your faithful Republican way that all ACORN employees do this? ROTFLMAO. Anti-reality. You GO GIRL! I won’t argue, facts can’t work if you have BELIEF instead of reality.
@35 You “believe” the KKK is a pro-Democratic party organization? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! Really. You think THAT’s a fact in your world, even though it’s obvious to 99% of sane people it’s not true? You want me to PROVE the KKK hates gays, blacks and Jews otherwise you don’t believe me? It’s up to me to provide the proof in these postings? I could give you web site and docs by the thousands, but it wouldn’t convince you. If you think the KKK is a pro-gay, pro-black organization you have a “faith” in a Republican anti-reality I can’t shake. You can’t argue with crazy.
I give. You’re right, the KKK supports Obama and wants gay marriage. All 30,000 employees of ACORN push prostitutes. All private business is perfect and never violates laws. Evolution isn’t real, but creationism is. All Republicans are perfect and all liberals evil. Your reality is fascinating, but if that’s where you’re coming from, I CAN’T use facts, you don’t “believe” in them.
Here’s reality dumb asses. All Democrats and Republicans are just people, and have roughly the same tendencies to f**k up, cheat on wives, do drugs, and generally screw up. The only time it’s fun to make fun of them is when they’re hypocrites. Like anti-corruption Dems caught taking bribes, or family values Reps caught cheating. Those are funny.
Go to sleep little rujax.
It’s not as if you will answer if calling someone you believe is gay a “faggot” hate speech. People like you lack the courage.
@ 39
Still waiting on those “Facts” to back up your rantings. Will they be forthcoming? or can I call you a liar and dismiss you back to your black helicopter conspiracy theorists group so soon into the discussion?
I bring facts, you bring baseless accusations. Hmm easy to tell the Democrat from the Conservative on this one.
The funny thing about these hate-filled liberals is that they don’t even recognize it.
Marvin Stamn @ 17
The Dixie Chicks rock. I bought two of their CDs. I would never had noticed them if the trogs hadn’t freaked. Dissent is patriotic.
I listen to Shack the Shake and Swinging Doors every week on Honky Tonk, roots rock, County & Western, etc. Punks like me love county music.
You need some new stereotypes. Yours are old and cliche. (Which I supposed is fitting.)
Seriously? You insist I prove to you the KKK is against blacks and gays. I have job, I’m not taking time to prove that or that the moon comes up at night and the sun during day. It’s TOO obvious. I’ll argue proof over what % of Alabama belongs to the KKK or something, but not the general stance of the organization. Whoever controls the rural south politically owns the KKK. In the 1940s that was the Democrats. In 2009 it’s the Republicans.
I refuse to give the KKK web site (you can google it) and find out who they support. I don’t want to give them the ‘advertisement’ by posting their web site here.
Republicans. They believe the KKK supports blacks and gays until you “prove” otherwise. Anti-reality.
And your proof that it wasn’t the first 2 employees is?
Of course not ALL acorn employees are liars/thieves.
Just like ALL enron employees weren’t liars/thieves.
Have you heard the MP3s of right wingers punking planned parenthood by calling and saying they want to contribute $ for only black abortions? If right-wingers didn’t believe that klannedparenthood (dot com) had racist beginnings and still abides by many of those same policies how do you explain the response from the planned parenthood employees.
Do you have any idea why 80+% of planned parenthood clinics are in minority neighborhoods? If it was to help the poor, there are many more poor white people than minorities. I’m sure you know who stated planned parenthood and why. Which party supports planned parenthood?
Marvin, Puddy placed the Idaho Planned Parenthood act on HA some time ago. You can listen to it on the provided link. Alki Postings misses the real world but Puddy can help! Again ylb StrangeEye has this post in his tctmgr. Seems he won’t share so the HA Peeps can see how far ahead the curve Puddy is on most topics. Yep, you all live on the kook-aid sites and life passes you by.
@46 That doesn’t make your point. LOL. An employee took money from someone who it turned out was a racist nutbag? So that “proves” your point? Then if I can show ANY anecdotal evidence of any racist making a donation to any Republican, the entire Republican party is racist? Really? I LOVE your logic (lack of). Did you get to school past 4th grade? You can’t argue by anecdote and say that proves the general case. It doesn’t work that way. LOL.
@44 The point with the ACORN vs Enron bit was that which one was official policy.
LOL. Sorry Marvin. No FACTS like you insist I show. You think rich people don’t get abortions? You think planned parenthood JUST performs abortions, their only function? What % of abortions are done on poor white vs poor black? I don’t see any proofs in your “belief” posting. LOL
Since you and Fox News KNOW the Democrats are secretly trying to kill blacks and are the real racists…PLEASE use Fox News and the Wall Street Journal (Fox owned) and tell the public! Remind the KKK the Democrats really support THEM! Remind the black community the Democrats are trying to give them abortions to reduce their population! You “know” these “facts”…if only someone would listen to you! You could get 99% of the black vote for the Republican party! If ONLY they were suckered by the evil liberal media! If only Fox News has the ratings CBS does! Oh sad day!
ROTFLMAO. Anti-realty. Anti-fact. Just crazy.
TBTL – Too boring to listen.
the fact that you know it’s boring proves you did listen.
Alki Postings… It’s not Fox it’s Planned Parenthood…
“On the recording provided by The Advocate, an actor portraying a donor said he wanted his money used to eliminate black unborn children because “the less black kids out there the better.”
Kersey laughed nervously and said: “Understandable, understandable. … Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I’m excited and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.””
kudos for your stance on the “faggot” word.
Jason Osgood@42
Unless you are a conservative or a Republican then you are a NAZI Brownshirt. Use Google to check the archives on how your side paints patriotic dissenters. Start with Another TJ. He wakes up in the morning and gets his coffee “cream” from TPM.
@49 ON NO! You uncovered the secret! Your Republican logic and penetrated the secret lies and discovered the truth! The Democrats REALLY fund the KKK and are trying to kill all black babies! That COULD be true!
Or, you found one crazy guy who wanted to give money, and an employee laughing his/her ass off at the guy while gladly taking his check.
I wonder which of the two is more likely to be true?
ROTFLMAO. Just crazy.
It’s scary that anyone, including the overly racially sensitives folks there thought this person was serious and that “so I’m excited and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.” wasn’t a joke. The first time I read that it sounded like something I’d say (being a sarcastic jack ass myself). SURE I’ll take your money…oh sure, we’ll work to kill all those black babies…LOL
Puddy been saying this for years on HA. Sadly the voice of ROTCODDAM and other leftist blacks are missing. Puddy keeps asking why is that?
“Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent.” How many of those aborted could have been Ben Carsons, Robert Johnsons, Berry Gordys, George Washington Carvers, etc? We’ll never know.
Puddy is the lone voice for my inna city peeps on this blog!
Wow “Genius”@52:
Where did Puddy infer this? Taking lessons in confusion from ylb StrangeEye by twisting words not found on the blog?
Why didn’t she outright reject the person up front? All she would have had to say was “We don’t accept donations from racists!” If you noticed here some time ago, when Senator Larry Craig was accused of a wide stance the HA Faithful Liberals told us this was Idaho behavior. Well this was from Planned Parenthood in Idaho. So does this mean this is Planned Parenthood behavior? Would you Alki Postings? From the commentary posted @52 Puddy wonders.
Wow Marv what a dig!
You’re right, I did listen – for about 5 minutes, got bored and turned it off for good.
Are these comment threads typing class for you or something?
@53 Your point on abortion being bad or good is a valid argument. Entirely different, but valid.
As far as your “proof” that the black race being destroyed by a secret plot by the Democrats (giggle), it’s not working. Percentage of the population that’s African American:
1930 11.9 million 9.7%
1940 12.9 million 9.8%
1950 15.0 million 10.0%
1960 18.9 million 10.5%
1970 22.6 million 11.1%
1980 26.5 million 11.7%
1990 30.0 million 12.1%
2000 36.6 million 12.3%
2008 42.3 million 12.8%
@54 “Where did Puddy infer this? ”
What you claimed was that Democrats are really the “secret” racists. Golly! Just look at Sen. Byrd (used to be KKK) and this example you have of planned parenthood accepting a donation from a crazy person (which they shouldn’t have politically…though I would have taken his crazy money and used it for something good…donated it to the Southern Poverty Law Center for example).
(Sigh). How many times do we have to explain this to you? In the 1950’s and early 1960’s just about EVERY southern politician was a racist – regardless of whether they were Democrat or Republican.
But the situation started changing. Harry Truman (Dem. President 1945~1953) issued executive orders during the Korean War for the integration of the armed services. Eisenhower (Rep. Pres. 1953-1961), to his credit, nationalized the Arkansas national guard to enforce Supreme Court decisions for the integration of the Little Rock school system. J.F.K (Dem. Pres. 1961-63) enforced the integration of other school systems and started pushing through legislation to end the “Jim Crow” segregation laws throughout the South. L.B.J. (Dem. Pres. 1963~1969) pushed this through to conclusion, with the enactment of the Voters Rights Act (I think it was in 1964) and legislation making it illegal to discriminate in housing, lodging, restaurants, employment, etc.
During this time period many racists left the Democratic party in protest, following Strom Thurman or George Wallace in forming independent segregationist parties. Those that stayed within the Democratic party changed – either out of conscious, or out of necessity (needing the black vote to offset those votes lost to racist third-party bids). Bird was among those who changed his stripes, becoming a reliable supporter of civil rights.
But Nixon’s 1968 election sought to capture those disaffected racist voters within the Republican Party. Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” used images of the Watts riots, as well as those following the assasination of Martin Luther King in a large number of cities, and images of armed Black Panthers, to link the Republican “law and order” platform to the unspoken agenda which appealed to the racists. The unspoken agenda was that we need to return to a time when a strong leader knew how to keep the darkies in their place so they didnt’ cause trouble. I was growing up in the South during that time, I remember hearing the discussions among many adults who readily accepted that message and voted for Nixon.
By 1972 Nixon pretty much had the South all sewn up, except for the troublesome prospect that George Wallace was running again for President. His attempted assasination, which left him paralized, pretty much guaranteed that the South would vote for Nixon and the Republican Party for the foreseeable future – as long as they didn’t screw things up, like doing something incredibly stupid like getting caught breaking into Democratic headquarters and obstructing justice in the course of the investigation.
Thanks Alki Postings you proved Puddy’s point. Increase those values by 25%.
BTW where is the link for this info?
Next rhp6033 will tell us Congressional Democrats passed the VRA and the CRA!
Puddy @ 51 says: “Unless you are a conservative or a Republican then you are a NAZI Brownshirt….
Wow. What an amazing confession of complete ignorance. I really don’t know what to say, it pretty much speaks for itself.
* Of COURSE neither party officially endorses the KKK or those kind of nutball ideas.
* Of COURSE individual members out of the 10 of millions, in each party, will contain crazies and extremists.
* Of COURSE arguing by anecdote instead of general statistics will prove ANY point. Ex. Look I found one impression that LOOKS like a foot print next a dinosaur foot print, so that EQUALS 9,513,111 other pieces of evidence that don’t agree with that. For reality, you have to stack up ALL evidence and look at the general case/trend/goal.
@51 Anti-reality, anti-fact. Nazi’s are known for hating unions, socialists, communists, gays, blacks, Jews and all immigrants (who were responsible for the countries ‘problems’). The Nazi’s were the ultra-patriots, known as nationalists, who didn’t allow questioning the great “homeland”. Now which party does that describe in GENERAL? Forgetting individual anecdotes….as a general philosophy…which party is the ultra-nationalists who blame immigrants, blacks and gays for all the problems? Hmmm…..who. I know…Democrats! Democrats are ALWAYS going on about how we have to defend our country and way of life from “the gays” and their attacks on our marriages and children! Oh wait, no…that’s the Republicans. Will the Democrats are always attacks the unions and workers! Oh wait. No. But the Democrats are always blaming the “immigrants” for our problems, right Mr. Dobbs! Oh wait, Republicans again. Hmmm.
Puddy @ 59: If you are referring to the Voting (Voters?) Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act (I think it was 1964), then it would have been impossible for the Democrats NOT to have passed that legislation. The Democrats had control of Congress then. They were able to pass it despite some defections from within their own party, as well as Republican opposition. L.B.J. desearves much of the credit, he was able to strong-arm the legislation through Congress, thanks in part to his years of experience there and serving as presiding officer of the Senate as Vice-President under Kennedy.
Now, if you want to talk about Affirmative Action, that was started under the Nixon administration, I think it was initially by executive order. Which goes against my point, of course, but I’m willing to give credit where credit is due.
Alki Postings…
Puddy hasn’t brought up Senator Byrd in any post in this thread.
Puddy has consistently said on this blog, growing up in Philly Puddy experienced Democrat thought. That’s why Puddy left the reservation for good. If Democrats are so poverty focused, why are my peeps still living in poverty Alki?
You didn’t bring up up by name…just said Democrats are the racist party and Nazi’s…that’s ALL you said. LOL. Or are you saying that’s NOT true?
Byrd isn’t a KKK member anymore and renounced that philosophy. But sticking with your logic (LOL) then since Strom Thurmond wasn’t kicked out by the Republicans, that’s PROOF the Republican party is racist! And what about David Duke? He isn’t some 90 year old throwback to the 20’s, he’s my age. He was former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and Republican.
ROTFLMAO. It works one way or the other. Either you’re proved nothing, or both parties are racist. LOL
Arguing my anecdote, YES, both parties have ex-klan members. The Republicans have MORE and more young ones (Duke), while the Democrats (Byrd) are ex-Dixiecrats of the 30s and 40s.
Geez, Puddy, I recall that you’ve spewed the word “faggot” here. Same with Mr. Klynical. Same with Mark. Are you guys all homophobic bigots like Marvin says? Mark calls blacks “jigaboos”. Klynical tells racist jokes about blacks being afraid to work like white peeps. Troll posts about “niggers”. Are your cohorts here racists? You say that you’re the lone voice for inna city peeps around here. Well, what’s that voice of yours have to say to those who spew on and on about “niggers” and “jigaboos”?
How about you, Marvin? Do you think Puddy, Klynical and Mark are all gay-hating bigots? Do you think Mark, Klynical and Troll are all racists?
@63 And you’re RIGHT…it wasn’t you! Sorry!
“2. Empty Suit Obama spews:
Um. Only one problem DeVore. There still a
remaining Klansman and he resides withn the
Senate representing the Democrat party-
Democrat (Byrd, D-WV)”
So, logic problem to you! Strom was never kicked out by the
godly Republicans, he just died. And outside of the folks
from the 1940 and 50s, the only out and proud KKK
member (Grand Wizard even) to run in modern history,
David Duke, ran as a Republican.
Let Puddy refresh that liberal mind since memory retention is you major problem
Goldy – “He and his fellow brown shirts at the BIAW just can’t get over the fact that they failed to bully the Dems or the courts into halting the recount in 2004 the way Republicans managed to halt the recount in Florida in 2000.”
Professor Darryl – “I would certainly have no problems calling a group of people brownshirts for using such tactics to intimidate people and shut down a public meeting.”
headless lucy – “Kinda like Brownshirts.”
ylb StrangeEye – But to the brownshirts who come here, he’s a “leftist”
Professor Darryl again – “So does that mean you agree that the people shutting down town halls are acting like brownshirts?”
zotz -“@82: Yes, christianist, cracker, neo-con and combinations thereof, fascists; fat, little-dick, entitled, ruddy-faced fascists. And some folks who have been scared by the lies of fascist, brownshirt pices of shit.”
Daddy Love – “You naive child. The Nazis used brownshirts to go after political opponents while they were gaining power. Democrats used blogs to get out the truth, and then used something called “ballots” to get elected. You guys shoudl try it sometime, whenever you run the crazy fuckers out of your party.”
Roger Rabbit – “Republican protesters behave like Hitler Brownshirts — shouting people down, spreading lies, and brandishing guns.”
Ekim – “Marvie the Welfare Cheat @37, This is to keep out Brownshirts. You know, agitators from outside the district. This will allow weak minded and fear ridden Republican constituents of the COngressman a chance to participate in the town hall.”
One of headless’s sock poppets Erich Von Lustbader – “That’s why people compare them to Brownshirts. Except for PuddWaxx, who thinks schoolchildren performing community service are Brownshirts.”
worf – “Birthers and deathers and brownshirts… oh my!”
The best for last because he brought it here first from reading TPM:
Another TJ – “Or think Brownshirts.”
Another TJ – “I called people who are acting like Brownshirts Brownshirts because it’s accurate and appropriate. When your strategy memo specifically states “Be Disruptive Early And Often” and “Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate,” you’re not exercising your constitutional rights, you’re deliberately trampling on others’ by behaving like a thug, like the Sturmabteilung.”
Another TJ – “I stand by my characterization of thugs bussed in by Freedomworks, AFP, and others to disrupt meetings and intimidate Americans and their duly elected representatives as Brownshirts because that’s what they were acting like.”
Another TJ – “What’s so impressive about the Teabagging Brownshirts is just how badly informed they are.”
ArtFart Chimed in on ATJ’s comment – “What’s so impressive about the Teabagging Brownshirts is just how badly informed they are. They literally have no idea what they’re protesting against.”
Sounds like a well-trained army to me. The Second (or perhaps the Third) Civil War is already under way.”
So rhp6033, do you need to see more evidence?
We’re back to where we always are:
Puddy is never wrong, and thinks these comments are his own private soap box.
Marvin is silly and irrrelevant.
Cynical is misanthropic and irrelevant.
The new guy “ESO” THINKS he has game and is working hard to prove he doesn’t.
Did I leave anything out?
I’m with Rabbit. These guys are really tedious.
Yep Steve and you also remember why Puddy used it correct?
I’m rubber, you’re glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks on you.
There. That concludes this thread. LOL. :)
Next topic…the sun rises in the east and sets in the west…debate! (curious to see which side takes which position on here…LOL)
@68 Alki,
Strom renounced his racist dealings. Our good friend is Strom’s granddaughter and our children played with his great-grand children. Mrs Puddy and I met his daughter when she came up to visit. Puddy will not mention where they live now but you can visit WikiPedia and see they live in the area.
And your point is…?
rujax, Puddy is sometimes wrong. But Puddy gives his links where other leftists don’t or won’t because their info is direct from kook-aid sites.
@72 Do you mean to say that the reason why a person uses such a slur makes a difference, that you calling someone a faggot doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a homophobic bigot?
You following this, Marvin?
The Probelem with Democrats is that they’re angry and hate-filled persons. They feed off of hate and sites like this only give them the nourishment they need daily.
Give em the white house, the Senate and the Congress and they still piss and moan about most everything. In times when they should be gloating about their win and basking in it, they simply can’t. They’re reduced to the poor, pathetic hate-filled person they were prior to November 5th, 2008.
Sites like HA, KOS, HUFFPO etc. are merely the vehicles for like minded leftists to gather together in one big pity party. Throw out lies and distortions as fact and when confronted with facts (e.g. Byrds past), they simply obfuscate and/or make excuses (see RHP6033 above). I’m fairly certain a number of you could use psychiatric help (SJ, RR, Steve, Rujax, etc.), but that’s a different story for a different day.
That’s just my honest observation of Hooligan Asylum Seattle.
Steve, you hijacked the one comment from around the full commentary of the Gay Pride Parade and the acts being done in public in front of little children. You remember this correct?
Can you provide a link to them using the word with the same hate and vitriol that you do/did. Can you also provide a link where they explain that they intentionally used the word to belittle someone?
OK. We may be getting somewhere here.
I can’t say for sure why you used that slur, Puddy, but I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, I do not believe that you hate gays and I do not conclude that you are a homophobic bigot simply for letting loose with that slur. How about you? Do you conclude that I’m a homophobic bigot because I once called Marvin a faggot?
rhp6033, that young revisionist:
Here is the history dude. Without Republicans the bill would have died.
NEXT. The Prosecution Rests
Steve, you probably said it in the heat of the moment.
ESO is Little Ricky Dumbass – I’m fairly sure based on how Darryl addresses the right wing loser.
That once again, all you did was post about others and didn’t add anything of value to the conversation.
And you couldn’t even stick your own plan of being civil.
That’s why I said I’ll follow suit if you lead by example… I knew you couldn’t.
I believe that about gbs. He has proven himself to be a hothead with his attack on a superior officer and his flying off the handle on this blog.
Had steve said, “damn you marvin, damn you all to hell. you pushed my buttons and I lost it” I probably would have forgotten and moved on. Instead, he made lame excuses that he asked his gay friends if it was okay and then his lame ass apology. Didn’t sound sincere then, doesn’t sound sincere now.
ACORN Corruption (Part XXXI)
Busted Again today!,2933,549241,00.html
@79 You trying to make a point or something? I’ve posted the comments by Klynical, Mark and Troll many times and you’ve seen them and excused them, revealing your hypocrisy. Do you really need to see those posts again? If you insist, I can oblige.
Out of respect for Puddy I will most definitely not post his comment again. The reason is simple. I don’t believe he is a homophobic bigot, regardless of what he may have posted here once.
There you go worshipping lazy and unprepared professors that chose academia because they weren’t prepared for the real world. Add YLB to that list that need psychiatric help at Haters Anonymous, he’s so inconsequential that he escaped the list the first time.
81 – Stupes has called the gay civil rights movement, “the gay bowel movement”.
He may not hate gays but he’s certainly bigoted towards them and willfully ignorant of the struggles they’ve gone through just to be let alone and not be discriminated against.
My test for Stupes is has he seen the movie “Milk”?
Most of the movie is about politics maybe 5 – 10 minutes at most focuses on intimacy between gay men. If he objects to the scenes of intimacy, well what if those scenes were between a man and a woman? They’re really no more explicit than scenes in many thousands of light romances involving heterosexuals.
Easily following.
That’s why I always include “as an insult.” If you were quoting manotruth that wouldn’t be the same as you using the word as an insult, which is/was clearly your intention.
Humor me. Post the link where they say they are using the “faggot” word to belittle someone. Like you did. You didn’t just call me a “faggot,” you made it clear you were trying to belittle me. You took calling someone a “faggot” to the next level.
In other news, this right wing poseur of a journalist, like Beck has truly found a home:
Empty Suit Obama is right about Democrats/liberals and racism. I see the liberals at Newsweek (newsweak) are at their old tricks again, fanning the flames of racism with their “study” of black and white babies! Heheheheh. Liberals encourage racism and will not let it die a natual death.
@90 So you elevate my directing a slur towards you above Mark and Klynical targeting gays with that same slur? My, aren’t you self-important. Or is that self-obsessed? Or maybe you’re simply a stupid wingnut hypocrite who once admitted to being dumbed down from fucking too many goats. I can repost that one too, if you insist.
Does the movie talk about his connection to jim jones or is that whitewashed from the movie.
The connection between milk and jim jones on the housing commission.
Maybe how milk used jim jones and his worshippers to campaign for him?
@93 So we can understand that the wingnuts here at HA spewing about “jigaboos” and “niggers”, and telling racist jokes is intended to allow racism to die a natural death. Sure thing, RickyD, Lex or whoever the fuck you are today.
95 – Yawwwn…. Lame deflection from the issue of right wing intolerance of homosexuals..
The problem, ESO…and something you wouldn’t realize, is that Democrats have been playing fron behind basically since Nixon (via Lee Atwater) started to divide the country along racial and class lines. This was cemented in by former President Ronald Reagan and his war on the middle class…and his constant carping against the Labor Unions and Government Service.
The major media in this country is wholly owned by multi-national corporate interests. Because of the “extra-legal” status corporations hold in this regulatory and commercial environment, Corporate ownership permits very little deviation from news and information that does not support their interests. The myth of a “liberal media” is a myth and a lie put forth by former Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.
The meme of the incompetence of Government is also a myth and a lie perpetrated by former President Ronald Reagan to erode the confidence of Americans in their public “not for profit” institutions and make way for private “for profit” providers of formerly publically provided services. Interestingly, the vast majority is these private “for profit” providers of formerly publically provided services turn out to be major contributors to Republican or very conservative Democratic members of Congress.
So for a progressive message to get traction in this media environment…well it takes the general populace become really fed up with the status quo. That was evident with the massive defeat this election cycle of Republicans at all levels.
The frustration currently coming from the Republican Party stems from the following: “trickle down” socio-economic principles, unregulated markets of all types and the “anti-tax” movement are now proven to be abject failures. Secondarily the failure of corporatists to advance the agenda of the fundamentalist Religious Right.
The Religious Right delivered a powerful activist and voting bloc to the corporatists in return for the promise of implementation of legislation of personal morality (e.i. the outlawing of abortion, or even contraception and of course gay marriage…prayer in schools) and the establishment a state religion (which would be some form of fundamentalist evangelical Christianity).
That the corporate elites had no interest in a fundamentalist Christian agenda is extremely frustrating to the ideologues and has split the Republicans along ideological lines (Churchers v. Country Clubbers). The religious “true believers” getting “out of control” and the corporatists abetting them to stall the inevitable re-regulation and re-taxing of the corporatists overly profitable enterprises (overly profitable defines here as taking profits without regard to the effect on society at large, the market affected, or the environment).
So we on the left have had to be diligent in checking facts, because we have been “Davids” for so long, 40 years or more…versus the corporate media “Goliaths”.
Speaking of “Davids” that is exactly WHY we get to have these discussions. David Goldstein (our host) via “” started to combat the pernicious initiatives put forth by Tim Eyeman with the overt and covert support of powerful corporate business interests in Washington State.
Soooo, “ESO”…It’s NOT a “pity-party”, it’s NOT kvetching for the sake of making noise. This alternative media movement is about combating the influence of big money, big religion and big corporations and advancing ideas and initiative that improve the lives of the folks who live next door to us…our friends our neighbors and the folks who work along side us and/or buy goods an services from our small businesses.
And guess what…it’s working.
Gosh, marvin…where, please have I been anything less than civil. I’m hurt.
And marvin…I’ve beeen so nice (sniff) to you (sniff, sniff) and this is the thanks I get (sob).
steve @ 96,
Yeah, I don’t know about any of that, but I do know that you can look at the article I described in newsweek. That I know is factual. Whether or not you believe babies are racist, or even can be, well…????
I’m trying to help you, do you not get it?
I explained in #86 how you could have apologized/explained your use of a nasty gay slur.
Lets say you said-
“Fuck you goatfucker, you pushed my buttons and I replied in a manner I know is wrong and would never reply in any other situation. Because I have an inflated view of myself I couldn’t admit that someone I have such hate and disdain for could get the better of me in an online anonymous exchange so easily. I am tired of your repeated and continuos posting of my mistake. So fuck you and the goat you rode in on.”
But no, you kept whining about others using the word.
I’ve rarely seen a thread on HA that more cried out for moderation.
Alki Postings, you have earned accolades in heaven today for trying to actual reason with these people. May the wind be at your back.
@101 I haven’t read the article so I have no comment. It would be funny, though, to read Mark or Klynical claiming that they were born to hate whereas homosexuality to them is a lifestyle choice, thus making gays deserving of the hate Mark and Klynical were born to spew.
Maybe Marvin was born to fuck goats and it wasn’t a lifestyle choice after all.
and STILL trying to justify his words by pointing the fingers at people he hates.
If mark/klynical jumps off the bridge, would you follow their lead again.
Still ignoring the hate spewed towards gays by his fellow wingnuts. Still elevating a slur directed towards him above slurs spewed by wingnuts towards gays.
Time for some levity, dontcha think?
If an ACORN falls in the forest and MSM tries not to hear it or see it or report it …
Time to go nuclear. If persons peaceably assembling outside abortion clinics are such a threat to democracy that they must be RICO’d into submission, then it’s time to RICO ACORN.
Our president used to pal around with ACORN’s crooks and liars, but now’s the time for saying he’s sorry. Because Barack’s AG has nothing better to do, sic him on the criminal community organizer conspiracy and shut it down.
Or maybe you should enroll in ESL classes. Or take them again. And try to pay attention this time.
hmmmmmmm maybe SJ should start packing a grammarian and a dictionary instead of heat. A literate sentient SJ would be far more disconserting to Glenn Beck than confronting America’s worst nightmare, an SJ with a gun.
Speaking of John Brown’s moldering body, Goldy pimped Sarah Vowell as a Democrat shill. Anybody read Vowell’s Assassination Vacation, which has a little steaming pile of John Brown trivia? Anybody else find her many mistakes?
If yes, what makes you think she’s any more reliable about modern metastasizing Democrats than she is about old dead white Republicans?
disconserting = disconcerting. Left my Funk & Wagnall’s at SJ’s place.
Darryl, the smartest little lad in the front row in First Grade, is such a turn-on when he talks dirty.
Notice that I don’t call Darryl Dickless Darryl anymore. He’s a very big dick indeed.
Well, congrats to President Obama on keeping America safe from terrorists.
So far, a better start than the Dick and Bush.
Shows you how dumb Snohomish County Liberals are…
Wash. judicial candidate not ‘that’ Joe Wilson
This reminds Puddy of checksaid and his Mike Rogers rant.
Liberals, can’t let facts get in the way…
Ping Lee
Hey lee, this is how to get out of being caught smoking pot on federal parkland.
Hate sarah palin, be a trig birther and hate republicans, then under obama you will get the case dismissed.
Judge angered by special treatment for Andrew Sullivan
The ranger issued Sullivan a citation, which required him either to appear in U.S. District Court or, in essence, pay a $125 fine.
Both the federal prosecutor and Sullivan’s attorney said it would have resulted in an “adverse effect” on an unspecified “immigration status” that Sullivan, a British citizen, is applying for.
In fact, noted Collings, there were several other defendants appearing in court the same day who were charged with the same offense.
Is this the 2 americas that john edwards kept talking about?
What ever happened to those american terrorists that knocked down those radio towers?
Were they right wing terrorists or left wing terrorists, for some reason the liberal media is not all that forthcoming with the facts.
It was the ELF Marvin. We know who those kooks jock-strap.
Russ fiengold isn’t one of those mouthbreathers that doesn’t believe in man made global warming is he? After all, the debate is over.
“I’m not signing onto any bill that rips off Wisconsin,” Feingold declared, arguing the bill’s mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions could put the coal-dependent Badger State at an economic disadvantage compared to other regions and nations.
How can he put the greed of 5,627,967 people ahead of the improved living conditions of 6,706,993,152 citizens of the world?
That explains why it hasn’t been mentioned here.
A little funny to lighten the mood…
Let me get this straight.
We’re going to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose head says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, signed by a president that also hasn’t read it, and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s nearly broke.
What possibly could go wrong?
More american terrorists.
For a change, left-wingnut baby killers went after someone old enough to talk.
Prosecutors say the man charged in deaths of an anti-abortion activist and a businessman told them he wanted to kill third person.
James Pouillon, 63, was shot multiple times at around 7:30 a.m. as he protested across from Owosso High School, police said.
Colbry said the grievances were not known in detail, but that the killing of Mr. Puillon was related to the latter’s anti-abortion protest. But he said, “The defendant was offended by the manner of Mr. Puillon’s message.”
Strange, this isn’t getting much attention from the liberal media.
And since the liberal media refuses to cover this story, how will the left-wingnuts ever know it happened?
Compare the coverage of tiller and this case.
And the liberals can’t understand why the media is liberal biased.
Hey Marvin@122,
Puddy read this but was looking for an open thread.
My bad. This is a open threat.
Yep whack job liberal killing an anti-abortion person.
How typical. Puddy wonders if there were subliminal messages in the POTUS speech which flicked the killer’s switch to the on position?
Hey Marvin, with “the messiah” in charge as CiC Puddy thought stuff like this would stop. Well listening to Rabid Roger Rabbit, The Freaky Feral one that’s all we heard being the “vietnam vet” here.
Here is something interesting sure to pizz off ylb non-fact seeing eye.
Census Bureau Severs Ties With ACORN
The Census Director has sent a letter to the National Headquarters of ACORN notifying the group that it will no longer have a role in conducting the 2010 census. ACORN had previously been tapped to help with low level data gathering.
Now you all know “the messiah” blessed this communique.
Hey leftist pinheads, do you support the John Adams Project and their actions? They are friends with the ACLU.
Given the choice, I’m sure left-wingnuts would rather this happen than make some poor sap that was trying to kill american troops wear underwear on his head.
Looks like Marvin and Puddy are circle jerking again…
I see plenty of coverage here:
Kansas City Star, Detroit Free Press, Slate, USA Today..
What more do you want?
Let’s see
Reuters, Chicago Tribune, CNN….
Yawwwwnn.. More right wing paranoia about the media and talking out the ass…
More bad news for obama and his acorn mob…
Census Bureau severs ties with ACORN in 2010 count
The Census Bureau on Friday severed its ties with ACORN, a community organization that has been hit with Republican accusations of voter-registration fraud
Why is it if left-wingnuts aren’t doing anything wrong, like the communist truther green jobs czar and acorn, why do they resign and sever ties?
And this isn’t the first time, obama couldn’t disown rev wright until polling said to throw him under the bus.
133 – I guess ACORN is going to have to give back those mythical 4-8 billion dollars that right wingnut Michelle Bachmann talked about.
No more cocaine and strippers for them. No more aping a Republican like Mike Duvall.
…is going to have to stop giving advice to “pimps” how to take advantage of the laws regarding very young prostitutes.
@ 135 Marvin
We’ll see if the main stream media can pick up the case of ACORN aiding and abbetting International human traficking for the purposes of child prostitution.
So far, the media is asleep. If that doesn’t wake them (and the jutice dept under holder certainly won’t pursue them), nothing will.
The traditional media in this country is dead.
We see Aaron acting dumb, as always!
135 – Yeah, 4 to 8 billion dollars (according to right wing nuts) can buy a lot of that kind of thing.
But ya know that Bachmann’s 4 to 8 billion is just peanuts compared to what the Republican party has had at their fingertips over the last 30 or more years.
and considering this:
Maybe the Justice Department should investigate that holier than thou bunch, that Republican party I mean.
From your reply I’m guessing that you don’t have an opinion on those acorn members helping enslave very young girls as prostitutes.
Just think, if acorn was a right-wing organization they would be on that republican offenders link you enjoy so much.
But since acorn is left-leaning, you avoid the subject like you avoid employment.
Of course the media is asleep. Remember it’s A Slobbering Love Affair…
Another slam dunk of wild eye@138. He’s such a Pavlov’s Doggie. So monomaniacal. And he doesn’t even know he does it on command. We make him do it on command!
ylb wild eye you are such a tool!
That ACORN tape is flat out stupid right wing bullshit.
It’s embarrassing how anyone could take that crap seriously.
“Conservative Activists”. pfffffft..
Based on that stupid tape, ACORN should be shut down?
I mean really. Look at all the pervs that have come out of the Republican party from Craig to Foley to Duvall to Vitter to whoever.
I mean the evidence of a criminal culture in the Republican Party is overwhelming.
The Justice Department should shut it down…
Puddybud @ 140: Indeed.
wonder if this story will reach the mainstream media? Too early to blame this on an unhinged liberal so I won’t pass judgment quite yet, but given the dismal state of the 4th estate these days, it’d be swept under the rug regardless of the perpetrators intent.
Meanwhile, exposed commie Van Jones is the latest victim of the Obama express tossing passengers under the wheels at a rapid pace; only to have the Left having a hissy fit about a Congressman yelling “you lie” to Obama during one of his many lies the other night at the “healthcare rally”.
Funny they don’t commnent on Van Jones calling Bush a crackhead to an audience a year ago. Great comedy Van, they’ll love that skit down at the unemployment office.
Of course it’s bullshit.
Which explains why acorn fired them.
Oops, employees being fired doesn’t prove your point does it.
Does the fact that the communist truther green jobs czar quit also proves that was right wing bullshit?
Do you find it strange that right-wing bullshit results in people quitting or getting fired? Someone that wasn’t as partisan as you could connect the dots.
And get a little “frozen”
I guess we’ll never get around to do that American thing of examining evidence before determining guilt or innocence in this case.
Batshit crazy moment of my day so far:
On my commute home tonight, I’m behind a subaru with about 4 bumper stickers. Realizing the person behind the wheel is obviously a liberal (something weird about unhinged dirty libs and bumperstickers) so I got a closer look. The nut had a “No Iraq war”, “Troops out NOW”, Obama/Biden 2008″ and last but not least… her fucked up world of cognitive dissonace…” Killing the innocent, Makes us the enemy”.
So she supports the most pro abortion Senator to come along in 50 years and has a “Killing the innocent makes us the enemy” bumper sticker?
Wow, the disconnect can only be found on the nuttier than a squirrel turd left.
145 – So you’re saying Acorn does this kind of thing routinely with that 4 – 8 billion Michelle Bachman says they get from Obama and therefore should be shut down.
Well gee all those pervy Republicans are stashing money everywhere with those earmarks and those abstinence programs. And they’re getting caught left and right in restroom stalls, talking in hot mics and defecating in depends diapers with prostitutes..
You just can’t trust those criminal Republicans. Shut that outfit down.
Why ask me.
How do you feel about it.
Would you feel different if it was your daughter that acorn employees were helping into a life of prostitution?
149 – You’re the one who brought that here. Why not ask you?
That tape is the heavily edited product of two right wing nuts. There’s a voiceover narrative leading up to the Acorn people saying stuff – no context whatsoever.
I give it next to no credibility. Those two people were fired for just being flat out stupid and not realizing an obvious set up.
What kind of twisted right wing “mind” conceives and executes sleazy crap like this?
The kind whose bullshit you unquestioningly swallow it would seem.
Don’t have anything to say about our own troops shooting each other “playing a game” except once again whining about republicans?
Don’t feel bad, your liberal media doesn’t care either.
cnn doesn’t care
msnbc doesn’t care
With bush out of the white house the liberal media no longer has to pretend to care about the troops.
And for some reason I don’t understand you don’t ap[pear to care either.
Well your friend Stupes was acting kind of prescient about that at one time.
Ask him about the time he asked me if my daughter was turning tricks yet.
I think I just answered my own question in 150.
So you don’t give it any credibility but the employees were fired for being set up.
Set up for what?
If some right-winger came to your house could they set you up to discuss how to help enslave very young girls? Even though I don’t agree with you on very many things, I will agree I can’t imagine you helping enslave young girls. Unless they were republican of course.
The kind that knew acorn employees would help someone pimp very young girls and wanted to get it on tape to prove it.
For someone that wasn’t as partisan as you, instead of asking why someone would believe acorn employees would do something like this they would ask why acorn employees would do something like this.
Do you feel that wanting to prove that acorn employees would help a pimp is worse than acorn employees actually helping a pimp exploit very young girls?
wow, just wow. No respect whatsoever for those innocent victims with no voice. They probably sympathize with the jihadist terrorists as well…
If the Acorn videos are just right-wing tactics, why did the US Census throw Acorn under the bus? Because Acorn is a criminal organization.
Why focus on CNN? Was it because I exposed you earlier as talking out your ass?
Well guess what – you’re still doing it.
I see coverage of that Matthew Nelson story on three newspapers and the Associated Press. Is that liberal enough for you?;cf=all
153 – You are talking out your ass again. The tape I saw had the right wing nut narrative leading up to those acorn people answering some stuff.
What were the questions? NO CONTEXT..
Show me a transcript of those right wing nut tapes and then we’ll have a real basis for discussion. That is if you’re a big fan of right wing sleaze which obviously you are.
Myself I’m just a fan of the right wing’s sleaze blowing up in the right wing’s face.
The Census severing ties was just the ugly logic of public relations forced courtesy of some very ugly right wing operatives.
The tape doesn’t “prove” that at all. At least the one I saw. That’s what the right wing nut narrative says it does – and of course you believe it.
Set up to play patsies for a right wing nut smear campaign.
I am disappointed in you ylb.
I understand you and I will NEVER agree about how high taxes should be or how much control the government should exert over us citizens, but I did think that when it came to exposing people that would help a pimp with enslaving very young girls into sexual slavery that we would agree 100%.
Unlike you, I believe anyone that would help force very young girls into prostitution should be shot dead, regardless of party affiliation. Hell, anyone forcing any female into prostitution should be shot. Rest assured, should acorn employees ever want to help a pimp force your daughter into prostitution I would stand up for your daughter with whatever means I had available. Even a daughter of yours deserves that respect from me.
In sumnation, YLB agrees that people can aid and abet international human traficking for the purposes of child prostitution/molestation as long as its an illegal liberal front group doing it.
A sick fuck? Certainly. But at least we’ve drawn a clear line of where YLB’s family values lie.
Only if they are democrat.
He has a higher standard for republicans.
Go figure.
More like they are catching on to how Acorn is being exposed for the criminal organization they are.
Acorn is under investigation for voter fraud in 14 states including FL, PA, WI, and LA. Founder Wade Rathke concealed his brother’s embezzlement of nearly a million dollars from Acorn. Christopher Edwards, former Las Vegas field director for the Acorn, pleaded guilty to 2 gross misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit the crime of compensation for registration of voters. Acorn is barred by law from engaging in partisan political activity. Yet an internal e-mail from Project Vote/Acorn lead official Nathan Henderson-James was addressed to his “colleagues” — all editors and writers for the left leading blogs, including two people who both worked for the WaPo. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of criminal activies that Acorn participates in. Or were all those activities perpetrated by ugly right wing operatives?
I’ve seen more of those tapes. Yeah they make those ACORN people look bad.
But no way do I trust if that right wing shit is on the level.
So Stupes – whadaya think of that white right winger in the pimp get up?
Too funny – those right wingers.
translation: International human traficking for the purpose of underage child prostitution is fine, I’m just disappointed it was caught on tape. I’m a liberal drone and will accept casualties during our “social justice” war- children or not. Progressivism will cost lives in order to flourish, so just deal with it.
You’re even a sicker fuck than I ever imagined YLB, I’m sure the parents are proud.
162 – It seems you read all that from some right wing nut website.
ACORN signs up poor people to vote, to participate in our democracy.
And right wingers like you HATE THAT. You want to stop that.
ACORN has what? 400,000 members and offices in 100 cities.
At one time you right wingers had this organization:
Did they fold up and blow away because they feared being caught up in some investigation of right wing political chicanery?
Funny that they’re gone and ACORN is still around.
164 – Translation: I’ll swallow any shit produced by “my tribe”, the sleaziest crap including a white guy in a cliche pimp get up (there are hardly any black people anyway in my “tribe”) because I’m little Ricky Dumbass the right wing moron.
Poor YLB. Exposing his child molesting tendencies on a blog that he’s a regular?…Human traficking and child prostitution is alright as long as you share the same political philosophy?…YLB’s form of of a “progressive” society? Hey Goldy, look who’s available for babysitting….
Thanks YLB, I think even Goldy is sickened by your comments tonight. Nice work, dumbass.
Ya know Marvin
Puddy agrees. Even though he is a doofus of the primary order, pimping his daughter by ACORN is not acceptable even though ACORN didn’t care that the girls were from El Salvador. You’d think ylb blind eye would care for his peeps being Spanish. Butt, he’s a patsy for kook-aid!
ylb, left eye open but blind to leftist pinheadry.
Heh. In “sumnation”..
In summation I conclude you’re an ugly liar and compulsive hater.
You can’t stand poor people being organized and participating in politics.
Funny, I knew the right wing nut comment would be your first response rather than refuting the fact that Acorn is a criminal organization and is under investigation for voter fraud.
And they SHOULD require ID at voting booths. I don’t care if you are a minority, majority, man, or woman – you’d at least better be a LEGAL citizen of this country before you vote. Don’t play the race card, it’s getting very old.
ylb blind eye
Fool! You condone ACORN pimping El Salvadorean girls. Funny they Spanish like you Fool!
Pavlov’s Dog did it again in #165.
ylb blind eye you continually Pavlov Doggie for us.
ylb blind eye@169: Your words proceed you fool!
Woooo! You guys are terrible. Such sleazebags..
Well, I’ll guess you’ll ride this nag for all it’s worth.
Hey Stupes, give that white pimp a high ten next time you catch him.
He’s into cutting taxes I’m sure.
I rarely engage the mentally deficient.
dealing with YLB tonight makes me remember why…
It take an especially sick fuck to defend international human traficking AND child molestation….YLB has succeeded in doing both tonight.
A true voice of the modern “progressive”?
The eye of a child predator can be found @ 177.
ylb blind eye,
a moron by another name!
shocking SHOCKING
Hey Stupes – you’ve traveled. You’re a man of the world. You’re a street-smart man of the inner city.
Does a white pimp really dress like that?
Ok question for you right wingers to test how closely you watched that tape.
How much money has ACORN received to date from the federal government?
Let’s see who really watched that tape and who was checking out that whore’s tushie.
Defending international human traficking? YLB is guilty
Defending child molestation via liberal group? YLB is guilty
Defending attempts to defraud US government? YLB is guilty
The progressive movement score? 0 for 3 so far in human rights
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 179
What you’re not going to answer the pop quiz @ 178?
I guess not. You’d rather lie or stroke yourself to that whore and her pimp strolling down the avenue aka James and Hannah.
Putting you to bed YLB.
Sleep on how you defended human tracking and child molestation.
I’ll let your dumbass work that through your conscience. I’m done using font on such a fucking imbecile of low moral values. You are the mascot for this hate site… stew in your hate little boy.
I don’t have time for your ignorance.
ylb blind eye
We don’t answer to haters such as yourself who don’t care about your own kind…
181 – I’ll put you to bed with an image Little Ricky Dumbass:
James and Hannah strolling down the street. James in his Super Fly get up and Hannah in her micro-miniskirt – dreams of torture, endless wars and tax cuts dancing in their heads.
You need a picture to go with that?
Really YLB? Why not answer my question before moving on to another of your own that isn’t related to the fraud question?
I can answer that ? for you – TOO MUCH!
182 – So you were watching the whore’s tushie.
Thanks for playing.
184 – Ooops. Hannah was alluring to you too.
Thanks for playing.
I mean it’s so apropos – two right wingers playing a whore and a pimp on youtube.
It’s just so… Republican…
ESO, DCG, & Marvin
Watch and learn.
ylb blind eye,
You are so stupid. We could care less about the white lady posing as a pimp. What is sad is the four black women who are now unemployed because they were “pimping for the ACORN man”. Only thing no one cracked his wild nuts. He skates. You are too stupid to see it.
BTW ylb porn eye you been checking them out? That’s the only playing you be doing…
White lady? Pimp? What happened to James?…
I get it.. You were digging on her. It’s understandable. She’s into cutting taxes for the rich..
It’s also a little hard to focus on figures of money flowing from the Feds to ACORN in that tape when your mind is on a “conservative” woman’s figure.
Yes, only been visiting here for a little over a week an already have learned that they spin or avoid your questions. Liberalism is a disease…
And the cure is Michael Savage-Weiner…
No one has a dollar figure for me yet?
Nope, too tired to bing. But as I stated earlier – too much!
Again – answer the question:
STILL waiting for your answer…
193 – all you had to do was watch the tape…
Are you perhaps sight impaired? If so, poor man you’re missing out on Hannah strutting her stuff and James’ spiffy pimp duds.
As for your “question”? I see a mish mash of stuff there trying to lead me to your preformed judgment of ACORN. ACORN is a sprawling organization with offices in 100 cities. Some might conclude there’s not much “organization” and controls and oversight of branch office activities leave something to be desired.
You can make a similar mish mash about the Republican Party. Here’s a great website for that:
Were all those activities perpetrated by ugly left wing operatives?
I don’t mind dealing with the mentally deficient, it’s the morally deficient that I can’t deal with.
ylb’s support of lefties pimping very young girls calls into question what is he doing with his own kids.
Something ylb hasn’t noticed… when he posts his favorite link, the republican offenders one, no one on this blog defends those republicans. Unlike ylb that defends acorn helping pimp very young girls.
Correct as always!
I wouldn’t go that far. I have been known to throw shit against the wall of the cesspool to see if it sticks on occasion.
And damn if it didn’t stick to ylb.
Gee Marv, uhh, let your fantasies run wild. The thrilling lifestyle of James and Hannah – the pimp and his hooker – in “reality” staunch right wingers has really excited you. Probably better than a fistful of Limbaugh’s strongest viagra.
And no one right winger, according to the james/hannah sex show tape, can tell me how much money the federal government has given to ACORN over the years.
Hannah, the right wing whore, was just putting on too good a show.
Yep you do. You defend them every day by clinging ever tighter to the right wing bullshit horses those guys rode into office.
All any perv has to say is “family values”, “cut taxes”, “kick ass on the swarthy guy”. Duvall was one of those pervs, Craig was one, Foley was one and on and on and on.
The old saying is screw them and the horse they rode in on. For some reason you guys keep finding pervs and thieves to ride the old nag.
You think because of the James/Hannah tape, ACORN should be shut down or never receive a dime of taxpayer money for anything ever again.
By extension the Republican party should be shutdown due to the criminal activities of some of their members. The Republicans should never be allowed to manage or distribute taxpayer funds again.
ACORN still getting $1.6 MILLION from HUD!
Need to cancel that funding…immediately!
Were all those activities perpetrated by ugly left wing operatives?
201 – Last November the people strongly blocked the corrupt organization known as the Republican party from further abuse of their taxpayer dollars.
202 – Didn’t like the spending then, dont’ like it now. All parties in government need to get with the program and start being more responsible with our taxpayer dollars.
This administration has quadrupled the national debt in just 8 months. Obama has spent more money than all US Presidents combined (including the $ Bush spent in Iraq). How’s that change working for you?