Consider this an open letter to the editorialists, columnists and commentators at all our state’s news organizations: if you care about open government, if you care about clean elections, if you care about maintaining the integrity of our state’s campaign finance and disclosure laws… now is the time to weigh in on the emerging Buildergate scandal. Not two weeks from now, not two months from now, not two years from now after this twisted tale has finally finished wending its way through the courts, but now… now while the public still has an opportunity to judge Dino Rossi’s character for themselves, before casting their vote for governor.
No doubt the amen editorialists at the pro-Rossi Seattle Times, whose news pages have curiously remained silent on this scandal (but, you know, there’s a “wall” between news and editorial and all that), will reassure themselves that Rossi remains innocent until proven guilty, and thus a moral pronouncement would be inappropriate until the court has passed a legal judgement of its own. But of course, that’s a load of hooey.
The Times has a long established history of inserting itself into active court cases (for example, here, here, and notoriously here), and of lambasting the court for decisions it disgrees with on issues of principle or policy, sometimes with little regard for the law itself. In these and many other cases, the Times’ editorial board and their colleagues throughout the media have routinely taken it upon themselves to weigh in on the hottest issues of the day, and with the election only weeks away, now is as good a time as any.
No, not all the facts have been revealed, but the facts we know are damning. The BIAW did create “a fund for Rossi” with the sole intent of influencing the 2008 gubernatorial race. The BIAW did ask the Master Builders Association to contribute over half a million dollars to this fund, for that the express purpose. And when the MBA hesitated, Rossi did call three board members to press them to cooperate. The documents are clear. Rossi’s public statements are clear. The context is clear. And the law is very, very clear.
The BIAW is now being prosecuted for numerous “egregious” campaign finance and disclosure violations in relation to this $3.5 million illegal fund… but only after nearly all of the money has been spent attacking Rossi’s opponent. So to wait until this case has wended its way through court before publicly holding Rossi responsible for his actions would only reward him and the BIAW for their perfidy.
To our state’s opinion leaders this should not be an issue of whether or not Rossi successfully skated through a technical loophole in the law, but rather, whether he was morally and ethically right to attempt to do so. We all know Rossi was a candidate for governor back in May of 2007, whether he had officially declared or not, and so any effort by him to aid the BIAW with their “fund for Rossi” would be a flagrant violation of the spirit of the law, regardless of whether he is ever held liable for violating its letter.
Our media’s instinct to dismiss these allegations as mere partisan stunts is an insult to the highly repected former justices who have brought these suits, and a disservice to the voting public. Read the court documents. Read the FAQs. Use your judgement and tell me whether or not the BIAW’s “fund for Rossi” constituted a political campaign of which Rossi was both aware, and an active participant. Or better yet, tell your readers.
Dino Rossi routinely slanders Gov. Gregoire for “laundering” money, while his party is currently being prosecuted for doing exactly that, and yet nobody in our media is willing to seriously question his blanket disclaimers in this Buildergate scandal, or hold him accountable for his actions? I find that hard to believe.
Rossi has been a 2008 candidate for Governor ever since Judge Bridges’ ruling. Only a fool would believe otherwise, and only a liar would say otherwise.
Palin Charged Victims For Rape Tests
USA Today reports that Wasilla charged rape victims for forensic medical exams to collect DNA evidence against rapists until the Alaska legislature intervened to halt the practice.
Alaska has the nation’s highest incidence of rape by far — about 80 rapes per 100,000 population annually. The exams cost $500 to $1,200 each.
According to USA Today, the bill’s sponsor, Democrat Eric Croft, said the law was aimed at Wasilla, along with some other rural areas and small towns that charged victims for the rape tests, and that “w it was signed, Palin’s police chief expressed displeasure” over the law.
Charlie Fannon, whom Mayor Palin appointed after firing the previous police chief, told a local newspaper that he “just don’t want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer.” As his boss, Palin was responsible for his policies.
Prominent Alaskans, including former governor Tony Knowles, who signed the bill into law and was subsequently defeated by Palin, are raising the issue because it contradicts Palin’s claim to be commited to supporting women’s issues and crime victims.
Palin’s current mouthpiece asserted to USA Today that Palin doesn’t believe in charging rape victims for evidence tests, but refused to answer questions about whether Palin knew about Fannon’s policy or made any effort to change it.
(Quoted material used under fair use.)
How does a non-candidate justify a “fund” for his campaign?
For those of you who don’t want to read through all of Goldy’s post, let me summarize what he’s saying…
(This will be written as if Goldy was writing it)…
Real news people who I bash a few times a week out of jealousy, and anger that your editorial staff doesn’t agree with me in lockstep, I am begging you to now help me, since my obsession with the BIAW isn’t catching on. Please write about this in your legitimate newspapers that are read than more than just a few basement-dwelling blogaholics. I want this issue to be brought to the attention of more than just Roger Rabbit, and 6 other people.
Here is what troll is saying (I can interpret wingnutism and channel troll minds (or lack thereof)):
I dislike Goldy because he is a democrat. I am a republican, therefore I don’t care about a lack of ethics or corruption. I like the BIAW and their illegal influence on Washington politics. Therefore, I will try to make fun of Goldy in a lame attempt to belittle the fact that he has uncovered a well of republican corruption and collusion in the BIAW and Rossi campaigns. This story of corruption, if widely circulated, could sink Rossi – so since I am a paid republican operative I need to make fun of it.
How much lower will NOV, IBM and BOOM (your key holdings) go??
I did not trade today.
I sure wish I had bought Apple again today under $90. What a missed opportunity.
NOV hit $32.71 today. The high this year was $92.70. Is your A$$ sore enough from riding it down?
BOOM hit $18.18 today…..It’s high was $66.
Has that ride down felt good?
And IBM! It was $130.93. Today it hit $96.60 and closed around $100. If Bush is so bad & responsible for this, why would you ride all these stocks down.
I’m still sitting on just 2,000 shares of Wells Fargo. It dropped .92/share today.
Just curious how with your infinite wisdom about how bad things are, you would ride these suckers down like this.
I’m closely watching this market tomorrow for several plays….primarily NOV, APPLE and possibly JRCC.
I GUESS that despite the late day rally from 800 points down to 380 down…tomorrow is going to open DOWN creating some great opportunities.
Apple under $90
NOV around $33.
@6 Hey Cynical, weren’t you bragging a few days ago about loading up on NOV when it hit 40? My gummint pension and monthly social security check are looking better every day!!! I’m sure glad the Democrats didn’t let you Republicans privatize my social security!!! I’m so grateful I’m gonna keep voting Democrat forever!!! After all, stocks are like Republicans, you can’t count on ’em in a crunch … !!!
@4 Oh, I don’t care about Buildergate, troll. BIAW is passe. What’s the most distressed industry in America? Builders. Who are BIAW’s members? Builders. Who’s going broke en masse? Builders. Who’s gonna go broke? BIAW. Take away BIAW’s money and BIAW is nothing. Of course, this lawsuit is a good thing because forcing BIAW to spend a couple million on legal defense will hasten BIAW’s solvency, and the sooner someone puts a bullet in BIAW’s twitching carcass the more humane its demise will be.*
* Hey, I’m just being metaphorical! You know, literary. For you trolls who read at the 1st grade level, have your special education teacher explain it to you.
NBC News says their new polls show the debate didn’t help Sarah Palin at all. The same percentage before the debate who thought she’s unqualified still thinks she’s unqualified.
I like Goldy. I like his blog. But I would have a lot more respect for Goldy if he judged a person by the content of their character, and not the letter behind their name.
When he quietly turn the other way and remains silent when Democrats do wrong, it’s hard not to make fun of him.
“This is a Democratic blog, and if you don’t like it here, Troll, then you can….”
Oh just shut the fuck up with that, already. Here’s the deal. I respect people, like myself, who speak out against the act, not the party.
Meanwhile, on RealClearPolitics’ electoral vote map, Missouri has flipped from McCain to Obama, bringing the Democratic EV lead up to 364 to 174. And with poll numbers moving away from McCain it looks impossible for him now.
Harold Wolfson explains in New Republic why McCain’s “swiftboat” attacks on Obama won’t work: “Voters understand this … is a big election about big issues.”
And, as all the polls show, voters don’t trust McCain and Palin to manage America’s worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
Here’s a suggestion for a theme song for tomorrow night’s debate parties: The one in which the singer wails, “It’s over, it’s oh-verrr … “
Too bad USA Today has already said the rape kit story is false.
This is really too easy. You guys are a barrel of laughs.
“Not The Change We Need” Ad
A new anti-Rossi ad accuses Rossi of taking money from a lobbyist to buy his apartment building, and hammers the BIAW for illegally financing Rossi’s campaign. It concludes,
“Dino Rossi — Not the change we need!”
I hate corruption. I don’t like Jefferson and I don’t like Abramoff, Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed. All three of them were laundering Indian gaming money, Mariana’s money and russian oil tycoon money. The idea that Ralph Reed was supporting slave labor and forced abortions should make any religious right person sick. The idea that Bush denied knowing Abramoff and that rove and others were his main contacts makes me angry.
I am glad Spitzer resigned – why haven’t Vitter, Craig and others resigned?
Lincoln. Kenndy. Obama.
What do they have in common?
They all were, or will be … great Presidents.
@15 I was sad to see Spitzer get in trouble because he was the American consumer’s best friend. If you don’t like Spitzer, you must hate your money.
@16 Oh, so you’re an Obama supporter now? That’s progress.
@13: The rape kit story is not false – but Palin cannot be directly tied to it. However, she did hire the police chief who supported the policy.
On the other hand, the troopergate story is still in process and who is trying to avoid subpeanas and not tetify under oath? What is Palin trying to hide? Why can’t she let her people testify? Could it be that her e-mails reveal a pattern of abuse of power?
Shades of the bush Justice department.
@15: I liked what Spitzer did – but I was glad he resigned when caught doing what I did not like.
@13 Janet Stupid is back! Nope, Janet, USA Today hasn’t retracted that story, and other media (e.g., CNN) have also reported it. Also, Daily Kos picked up the story and reported that a search of city records revealed that Mayor Palin personally reviewed the city budget line-by-line and was aware the cost of the rape exams had been shifted from the police department to victims. And it’s a fact the Alaska legislature passed a bill banning the practice. So what’s your basis for claiming the story is false? Would you like to provide your source?
Not so fast – you said that Wasilla charged victims for rape kits. Not true.
So Obama’s association with a domestic terrorist is also a concern to you? Really? How about an avowed racist pastor? Sure. I bet you don’t care.
And what about Palin’s support for a party which wants her state to secede from the United States?
I own 2,000 shares of Wells Fargo. Period.
I did not say I was loading up on NOV under $40. I bought & sold in 2 days.
You like to lie Rog because your investments have tanked!
Sad you are so envious.
You remind me of a joke—
This 87 year-olf former DSHS Attorney goes hobbling into the docs office and says “I WANT YOU TO DO A SPERM COUNT!”
The doc sayd Rog, your 87 and in poor health…you don’t need a sperm count.
Rog Rabbir says F@CK YOU, I’m payin’ for this sperm count and I want it dammit!
So the Doc gives Rog a jar, tells him to put deposit his sample in it and bring the jar back tomorrow.
Rog Rabbit comes back the next day and hands the Doc the jar….it’s EMPTY!!
The Doc says “You wanted this damn sperm count and you brought back an empty jar!”
Rog Rabbit says “I tried 2 minutes with my left hand. Nothin”! I tried 2 minutes with my right hand…still nothin’ Mrs. Rabbit tried 2 minutes with her left hand. NOTHIN’!
Mrs. Rabbit tries another 2 minutes with her right hand. STILL NOTHIN’!!!!!
The Doc says, “You mean you jerked off 8 full minutes and couldn’t come??”
Rog Rabbit says, “Fuck No! I mean we couldn’t get the lid off the jar!!”
I thought women got the right to vote, and weren’t relegated to the views of their husbands. Guess not in your world.
Yes, TODD Palin supported a party that wanted to secede. I doubt that this is all that extremist in Alaska.
No evidence Sarah ever had any connection to this movement.
But keep at the lies.
Still haven’t heard about Obama’s associations. Guess it is okay to pal around with those who want to kill women and children.
OOH! That right wing mouthpiece CBS has found two more fraudulent donors in the Obama database! I bet if the Obama campaign published the names of all their donors, they would get lots of help identifying these fanatic contributors. As it is, the campaign is returning them as fast as they are uncovered by others!
@ 25
No evidence Sarah ever had any connection to this movement.
Just last March, she was “delighted” to address the AIP convention, saying “keep up the good work,” and “God bless you.”
Yup. No connection whatsoever.
So let me get this right janet, it is wrong to have a very loose association with someone who is opposed to the USA, but it is OK to be married to one?
THen there’s this:
“But Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.”
Poor Janet – oops..looks like Palin is VERY closely associated with traitors to the USA and spoke at the convention last March.
Palin is also under a corruption investigation currently.
Palin also lied about the bridge to nowhere, repeatedly.
Palin also showed an embarassing lack of knowledge about what Hamas is, about what newspapers she reads and about any supreme court decisions (that a HS student should know).
Let’s total it up:
Palin is a serial liar.
Palin is seriously lacking in the knowledge needed to be VP or President.
Palin associates very closely with a traitor.
Palin is a keynote speaker at the convention of the traitors (that say “I hate america”).
and Palin is under investigation for abuse of power. Not to mention her pursuit of earmarks or the fact she raised taxes in alaska and taxed oil so that we have to pay more for it.
Now explain why anyone should vote for any ticket with her on it?
@ 26
Hm… Wonder why Janet doesn’t provide a link to the article. Maybe it’s because, as the article reports,
For all we know few Republican agents provocateurs have been contributing to the Obama campaign in order to raise suspicions, and the Obama campaign is doing their best to keep up.
Oh, and, if the Obama campaign isn’t publishing these names in the lawfully-required manner, then just how did CBS get their hands on those names? Hm?
Not sure where your quote is from, but it is false. Palin never belonged to the party. What scares you about people exercising their freedom of association?
It isn’t like they were talking armed rebellion, or bombing the Pentagon or night clubs.
That’s the sole province of Obama’s buddies.
No wonder the trolls are whining more than usual:
With each passing day the polls just get worse. It must really suck to be a troll these days.
I don’t know where CBS is getting the names of donors. They don’t say. You are right to be suspicious, given the veracity of past CBS reporting. Okay, never mind. Dan Rather must be back on the payroll.
I really need to hang out here more. You guys are setting me straight.
@32 In the end the voters are gonna ask themselves, “Do I want a traitor , racist,
jigaboo for my president?” Not gonna happen
you goat fucker!
So, janet, free association is OK when you say its OK? Could you explain?
34 – See Stupes? This is how your moronic right wing peeps do.
I think mark @32 is a Code Pinker masquerading as a right winger. I would never be in the same room as someone like this. So goodbye!
@34- noise without substance.
Whoa! Janet Silly has returned to with a fresh new set of McSame “get rough, go negative” talking points.
How’s the pay Janet?
Sarah Palin is at home in the McSame campaign because the slogan, “Country First” strongly agrees with her values.
Only thing is that her “country” is Alaska.
@34 Me, a goatfucker? Nah, I’m no goatfucking Republican. I bet you are, though, what with your racist bullshit.
Back to the polls, I take it that it sucks to be you, seeing as how you’re becoming irrelevant and all.
So, Janet, what word would you use to describe someone who arrives in a suburb, declares a woman to be a witch, rounds up a bunch of citizens who march on her home, convinces the cops to raid her home and then runs her out of town?
If Michelle Obama had belonged to the Weather Underground (as a toddler), trolls would be in full meltdown mode over it.
Palin’s spouse used to belong to a group of America haters who want to secede from the country, and trolls everywhere yawn. Amazing.
The entire time Sarah was the mayor of Wasilla, her husband was part of a very vocal America hating group. Shouldn’t that disqualify her from running for national office?
Oh, wait. IOIYAR.
On rape kits- I am very confused by your ridiculous posts. This is not a question of whether it is true, its not debatable, its a simple and basic fact- undeniable as truth that occurred in the wonderland of Wasilla. Whats with you conservatives and facts? Hard to make the aquaintance with reality?
The New Republic, New York Times, and dozens of other outlets have validated this story in writing, as have many networks. Its been covered widely in Alaska. In fact, you missed that those crazy liberals in the Alaska legislature passed a bill to overturn such local ordinances and prohibit local jurisdictions from taking these actions, because even they were outraged.
Palin tried to say she did not remember this line item, but her cohorts say she and “Toouuddd” went over every single budget item.
Maybe we can subpoena him on this too, so he can ignore the courts and be in contempt again.
Jeezus, get some facts. This is pathetic.
@37: Sorry Janet those are your compadres – they are the racist republicans. Quit complaining about the people in your campaign. Sarah just talked about Obama not “looking like the America she knows…”. I miss Sarah lying about the bridge to nowhere – why isn’t she saying that anymore?
thanks but no thanks…and all the time she was hiring lobbyists for earmarks and campaigning for the bridge. I miss the BIG lies!
“No evidence Sarah ever had any connection to this movement.”
Unless you consider vaginal penetration by a dues paying member of the AIP, a secessionist “movement” to be a connection. Possibly, at times, also a “french connection”.
This shit just writes itself. You dumb fucking Republi-twats.
Now go watch a recording of Sarah Palin winking at the TV camera during the debates so you can get enough of a boner to fuck your ugly old botox infested wives.
Why has Sarah Palin insisted on a continued french connection with a known secessionist? Why does Sarah Palin hate America?
“Yes, TODD Palin supported a party that wanted to secede. I doubt that this is all that extremist in Alaska.”
Well Janet, maybe the people you hang with hate America so much that it is not considered extremist. But Democrats, who have unceasingly been patriotic to our beloved USA, understand a traitorous statement when we read one.
Comrade Janet, probable holder of a Russian Federation passport, I have just two questions for you. Why do you hate America so much that you feel it is OK to secede from this great nation? Why do you want Alaska to seek protection from the Russian Federation?
Comrade Janet, we know a spy when we read one. Go back to your borscht, bitch.
Ah, Janet’s back and just as crazy as ever. Welcome back, Janet!
re 10: No one cares who you respect. You are an idiot.
The really scary part is that righties can convince themselves that their preposterous nonsense is real — and then yell ‘conspiracy theory’ when others contradict their idiocy.
Sarah Palin is a religious nut (or someone who pretends to be so she can manipulate).
“When he quietly turn[sic] the other way and remains silent when Democrats do wrong, it’s hard not to make fun of him.”
Likewise, I would have more respect for you if I had any reason to believe that you’ve ever criticized a Republican at all. But you’re just a stupid anonymous wingnut troll who pretends to be impartial as a rhetorical trick.
@22 “Not so fast – you said that Wasilla charged victims for rape kits. Not true.”
You’re splitting hairs, but okay, have it your way. Wasilla told hospitals to bill the victims and their insurance companies. The result was the same: The victims had to pay, or if they had insurance, they at least had to pay deductibles and copays.
@24 That’s a great story, Cynical, but if you think it has any relation to real life come to the park sometime and count the rabbits.
@25 “Yes, TODD Palin supported a party that wanted to secede. I doubt that this is all that extremist in Alaska.”
Yep, and he helps his wife govern Alaska — he attends meetings, reads official documents, talks with state officials, and gives her advice. He’s not merely her husband; he’s a co-governor. In fact, he may be calling the shots more than she does (but she’s the candidate because she has a prettier face).
@31 Because stupid Janet doesn’t know how to click on a link, I’ll help her out here. The quote is from the CBS News website.
Oh, and btw JS, given a choice between believing them or believing you, I’ll believe them. They’re a professional news-gathering organization; you’re trailer park trash. So, their credentials and cred are better than yours.
@33 I’ve always thought you came here to get laid because you can’t get laid anywhere else. Our trolls will fuck anything.
@34 “In the end the voters are gonna ask themselves, ‘Do I want a traitor , racist,
jigaboo for my president?’ Not gonna happen
you goat fucker!”
Well, some of the Republican voters will. They’re about 45% of the electorate right now. Your candidate’s problem is the other 54%.
@37 Uh, #32 wasn’t posted by mark, but don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.
@25 “Yes, TODD Palin supported a party that wanted to secede. I doubt that this is all that extremist in Alaska.”
Your attitude probably wouldn’t sit very well with the relatives of the half million men who died because of this country’s last batch of secessionists if they were here to read it.
As a person who grew up in the South, the subject of seccessionist movements isn’t something I take likely. I still think that the Constitution is silent on the subject, but the issue was settled in blood on the field of battle. Those of us who grew up in the South, by an overwhelming majority, now agree that seccession was a bad idea, for both the South and the country as a whole, regardeless of whether it was legal or not.
On a logical framework, the idea of seccession in a democratic republic is destructive of that democracy. It gives each state within that Republic a virtual veto power over any legislation, in that if they don’t like it they can opt out of whole idea – the equivilent of “if you don’t play ball my way, I’m going to take my ball and go home and NOBODY gets to play!”. In such a system, majority rule is replaced by something akin to the UN Security Council, where if everybody doesn’t agree then nothing happens. Sure, there should be protections for minority rights even under a democratic system of majority rule. But at some point the majority as to make the rules. It’s nonsense to make the minority the rule-makers. Unfortunately, in 1840’s and 1850’s America, that is what happened as a series of compromises were enacted which attempted to appease the southern minority and keep a fragile balance of power in order to “preserve the union”. In the end it didn’t work, seccession fever took hold in the deep South, and the Civil War was the result.
Given that context, I’m amazed that anyone in Alaska would still seriously advocate seccession. I’m guessing that these are the equivilent of the Idaho survivalists, who want to live “off the grid” and pay no taxes and be subject to no laws. Obviously, like the proponants of seccession in the deep South in 1860, they gave no serious thoughts to the issues of defense or the economic consequences. For a state with a huge coastline to defend and in close proximity to Russia, I guess they think some hunting rifles would be adequate to keep Russia from re-defining it’s artic borders (they are already claiming the North Pole). It’s really silly, from a world-view.
But it’s just that kind of parochial, closed-society thinking that gets Sarah Palin in trouble. Unlike many on this board, I don’t think she’s stupid. I think she’s rather intelligent, but she’s just been the product of a very closed environment. She’s learned how to swim in a small pond, and she’s gotten good at it – for the particular small pond she is in. But her skills in that pond look silly when she tries to swim in the ocean of national politics, and she needs a decade or two of reading and experience in order to form a “knowledge base” upon which to draw. Whether she can ever expand beyond Alaska politics depends in part on her ability to learn from her larger education, or whether she will just use it to reinforce her pre-existing prejudices, as many do.
No sale Goldstein. You’re the only one making a whole lot of something out of a minor nothing. Desperate? Also, I’m sure any reputable paper considers you an irrelevant zit on the ass of life. Go Times!