Following up on our speculation about a refresh of Macbooks for Leopard, MacRumors reports there may be an announcement as early as tomorrow. It looks like Apple held off coupling an announcement with the Leopard rollout, figuring they could sell a bunch of soon-to-be-outmoded Macs to the hordes seeking the new OS. Including around 200 who stood in line outside the U District’s Mac Store, aided by University Village’s Apple store being closed for renovation. The Mac Store folks parked their van outside the U Village Apple store to help usher Leopard buyers over to their outlet. Not that Apple stores were hurting: Buyers also lined up for nearly two hours outside Alderwood Mall and Bel-Square stores, as we reported.
Meanwhile, Ars Technica tosses its colonoscopy of Leopard into the ring. So far no real huge gotchas, although little annoyances are starting to surface (3-D being foremost).
Why give Apple so much attention in Microsoft country? As any local Mac user knows, there’s a huge disconnect between the 9-out-of-10 computers running Windows stat, and what we see around us. If you’re not on a corporate network requiring Windows, or your machine is not supplied to you by an employer, chances are much higher you’re using a Mac. Among my circle, here in Seattle, the stat is darn near reversed. And as Apple’s recent blowout quarter revealed, the Windows switch game is still going strong. From The New York Times story:
“One of the company’s strongest indications that it will see continued growth is its report that more than 50 percent of those who purchased Macintosh computers in its chain of 197 stores during the quarter were first-time Mac buyers.”
Hi Paul:
Nice to see you blogging here. I use my computer and all the frills all day, every day, and I lead a very happy, productive, and totally Apple-free existence. So ha!
My place of work is mostly a Windows shop (although they won’t let anyone use Vista yet! Too many security holes or something!). However, many of us are long-time Mac users, from before we had any formal IT department. The IT folks have “conceded” by allowing us to keep our Macs and having a Mac support person – the fact is, this person spends most of their time doing Windows support anyway, as the Macs have had many fewer issues (= it doesn’t cost them anything extra to support/allow Macs).
That being said, I don’t know when we will be upgrading to Leopard here. I think waiting at least a couple of months until all the compatibility issues with the major software packages we’re using are worked out will be necessary at a minimum.
Why give Apple so much attention in Microsoft country?
That, and Apple’s largest independent software vendor just happens to be… Microsoft (with Adobe being a close second and ALSO having a substantial presence in the Seattle area, with offices in Fremont).
Hey Goldy…Paul seems to be a bright guy, but there are lots and lots of blogs about technology that endlessly debate the Apple/Microsoft stuff. What, I ask politely, does that have to do with “politics as unusual”? I would rather debate the Seattle Times stupid 960 editorial than Apple’s latest whatever.
Paul, seems you are following the playbook of this blog to the letter. Just see your own little world and believe it’s the world and anyone who has different views must be wrong.
While I have no reason to doubt that most of the people you know use Apple machines (aside from the people who “have to”, your assumption that this is normal is just wrong. Even on this board, I would bet that most people use a Windows based machine. No, I don’t want to argue which one is better…this is a political blog afterall, but I;m working with about 100-200 individuals, non-profit orgs and small business and only one (1) is using an Apple System (and those guys are in SoCal :-) ).
I couldn’t agree more. I really like Paul’s writing, and would be happy to read it on a tech blog. But, I visit HA for politic and local politics at that. I’ve been waiting for two days now for Goldy’s rage post about The Blethen Times 960 editorial, but nothing.
BTW, I am a Mac user, with OS 10.4 installed. I have no need to drop $100+ to for what should be a free upgrade.
Sorry for the typos on 6…forgot to proof.
Yawn… This Apple stuff is just about as unexciting as talk about the Apple Cup.
I’m with RLL — we need to see some good old-fashioned snark about the I-960 inanity of the Blethen Times. Looking at links from a list of Washington newspapers, here’s a scoreboard of press opinions on the latest Eymanism:
YES — Everett Herald, Seattle Times
NO — Anacortes American, Bainbridge Review, The Columbian, Tacoma News-Tribune, Northwest Asian Weekly, The Olympian, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Stranger, Skagit Valley Herald, Bremerton Sun, Tri-City Herald, Yakima Herald
I couldn’t get to the Spokesman-Review‘s editorials without signing up for their site, and didn’t search extensively at other (smaller) papers. Frank looks pretty lonely there on the “YES” side of this Eyman POS.
@4 I would like to add my two cents. I have no problem with Paul’s religion, but Macism is no more appropriate here than any other relg8iion., sports obsession, mountaineering hobby, or sex advice.
What I would LOVE ot see Paul do is use his knowledge to discuss the interdigitation of the local SW giant wiht our politics. This is a very neglected area in the local press.
As one example, my impression is the UW actually gets less MS support than many of our competitors despite having a world class comp sci dept. Am I right? Is that because MS is really not a local firm but more of a conglomerate whose owners/managers, like the now missed Boeing, may someday decide that theuy like the food, nightlife or political clout of LA, Beijing or Berlin better?
Another example that I would like to hear more of is the demographics of MS employees in re where they choose to live, what schools their kids attend.
Finally, at DL we sometimes get a brief glimpse of MS PACdom. How doe MS lobby? Is there an official MS lobbyist in Olympia? Is da Mayor really an MS employee of deferred income?
As for Paul’s judgment on the Mac, HIS circle may use the things, in my circles some folks buy them but eventually move to the Wintel world because the Max are such a pain to upgrade and have limited flexibility in HW ans SW.
I do suspect that Jesus would use a Mac but, as a jew and as Jeffersonian am much more concerned with TJ or Spinoza. There is no question in my mind that, if he were alive today our brightest Prexy would have a maxed out PS, water cooled, X10 connected, Dragon Speak controlled, networked to the hilt. Same for the Dutch heretic. In his case mainly ’cause ol’ Baruch was uusally too broke to pat y premium prices. OTOH TJ owuld have an Iphone by now while I ‘spect BS would still be suing a landline.
On the local scene I am told Dino uses a Mac, Sims uses a PC, Murry uses a PC, Cantwell a Mac, Burner a Mac, Reichert a PC, Gregoire a PC, Sunny Jim uses an Nintendo.
And don’t forget about how the Republicans screwed up the Abe Fortas nomination to be Chief Justice.
You can Google the info on a Mac or a PC.
The seattle city council share a single Etch-A-Sketch…Thought you should know.
The Piper
@11 Piper,
Not a very interesting thought, but consitent. You might take a look at my recent posts at SJ, esp, the one on political correctness in the Obama Campaign and the evolving story about Bush moving to the UAE. Both seem right up your, err ahhh sleeve?
Abe Fortas? You mean LBJ’s buddy who took secret retainers from Louis Wolfson while still on the court? And whose acceptance of at-the-time conconscionably high speaking fees while an Associate Justice irritated Senators of both parties?
That Abe Fortas?
The Abe Fortas that Earl Warren arm-twisted off the court? Whose former law firm wouldn’t give him the time of day?
That Abe Fortas?
Aside from Watergate, Nixon’s dumbest move was nominating Harry Blackmun as an Associate Justice to replace Fortas.
The Piper
I keep telling you not to keyboard wearing mittens!
The link to your blog is misspelled.
The Piper
FYI… according to Sitemeter, 34.3% of HA readers come in via Mac OS X.
@14 mitten or not, I did not put a link there, I assume yu could find a Jew in Seattle. Googlin SeattleJew usually works,
But assuming you need a link:
BTW .. the link is untouched by human hands or mittens, it was germinated by a robot.
@15 ..Goldy
Good to hear some rational folks post here too and we are in the majority! Wonder what the numbs are like at SP?
Trouble is I have seen too many posts on other sites disputing/touting one or another millenial triumplh of Max.
Of course one could use a look up table for the standard threads> here are my Ten. Each has the Mac and the PC side of the usual multipage thread. That way, to save pixel dust, folks can just refer to Mac/Pc arguement #3 and say were they on the PC or Mac side.
I. Macs are overpriced/No, they are not because they are high value.
II. PCs are too corporate/ You mean like the closed Mac interface?
III. Bill Gates is a better person than Jobs./BUT Gates gave $$ to Bush 04.
IV. Apple invented everything. Nope.
V. PCs are infested by viruses. Probably all written by Macistas.
VI. UNIX is all and the MKJac is Unix. So buy Linux.
VII. Macs are more stylish. Oh? Tell that to Sony or Toshiba.
VIII. PCs run
lotsmore SW, esp games. Yeh, but most of it is crummy.IX. Look at Apple’s stock! Look at Google too.
X. Macs are more “natural.” I thought HA was an unboased sexual practice site?”
Seriously, I can see some
Mawkishstuff about the Mac … kinda sort you sometimes riff on the Phillies, Will bemoans his adventures on a bike. or we hear about lee’s problems finding affordable housing outside the city limits.Hey everyone, I don’t expect to write about Macs that much on HA, but when there’s a lot of news, as Apple has been generating lately, and people are talkin’, and more importantly, no one else is writing things that I think need to be said, then yeah, I’ll be weighing in. Not to feed religious wars but simply to truth-squad the tired cliches of the everyday press, as well as amplify the truth when it is ‘discovered.’ And provide a place on the local scene where you can go for (and participate in) Apple news/commentary. As for the rest of the story, SeattleJew, I hear you, great points, watch this space!
If you click on your moniker at the referenced post, it reveals a link to seatlejew.
Just thought you’d like to know.
The Piper
Piper ..
ahh so .. BUt that was not a typo. Rather it is an addressing issue in these wares. With whatever wheritsat (WWW) is apparently de rigour for the robot to find the blog. Of course, this must be because Goldy and Paul admin HA on Max. Real computers are much smarter and know when they need to interpolate webbish whatsis whenever (WWW) they done be needed.
Try this UN!
It would really be good to hear more poli-MSofty stuff. Three other topix that might make sense here on a writer’s blog:
Word Inflation: While Google, IBM and (one assumes) Corel are busily undermining the Office business model, MS adds more n more stuff. The latest to come to my attention is a reference manager. As a professional I use a thrid party SW for this already but why spend MS $$ going after such a puny add in market? If anything I owuld think the way to add referencing and compete with ISI, would be to make the whole thing web based.
Super OS. Does anyione know what comes after x, as in Unix?
the alphabet goes Windows, uniX, and then ?? The issue is real because linear computing is getting long in the tooth. Even a modest desktop today has 2-4 CPUs and the desktop supercomputer is on its way! MS hired awat Burt Smith from Terra-Cray few years ago and BillyG has been seen with a box running “Windows.” Is da big green monster abirthing Zebra?
A supercomp OS would be one way around the Unixoid world and totally in the MS tradition of making something for hardware that sis not yet quite there. Waht happens when my desktop is smarter than the world OS?
Back on the local track, I am taking beer bets at DL that the mystery occupant at SLU is big green, not the Wonder Woman of retailers, the Amazon. What is cary about this is that the MS campus in Redmond is
boring, fascist,a golf course,sterile enough to serve begreened operating ROM personnel. That kind of thing out in the boonies may not work here in civilization unless, as part of the place, MS were to collaborate with the UW in creating an academic center?Oh well, I’ll bet is Prop 1 fails the mystery occupant fades to the bloe color the weatherman uses as a matt screen.
I like to read HA for both Goldy (and friend’s) politics and other local issues. I have been enjoying Paul’s (local) slant on computer subjects since he first dropped in here a HA. Goldy, I hope you keep Paul.
Can’t you “no computer issues here, please” types just skip over Paul’s posts if you prefer not to read them?
Why discuss technology in a political blog? Well, lessee…we have several very large technology (or technology-related) companies, and a few of those have been notable for somewhat dodgy business ethics, and have lots of money to buy–er, lobby politicians with, there would seem to be a degree of relevance.
When I take the bus to work, I get on and off either on 148th or at the Overlake Park & Ride, so I get to watch the Republic of Microsoft spreading over the landscape rather like a cancer, gobbling everything in its path. Residential districts, onetime cow pastures, older businesses…Eddie Bauer’s being assimilated now, and Group Health’s eastside hospital’s going to get the wrecking ball within the next year or so. With all those buildings come more and more people, more and more cars, more and more of everything.
@23 .. THAT sort of thing would be way kool.
Me too. I think the three monkeys attitude of Seattle’s media otward ANY large. corp. hurt us all. It would be great of HA would start reporting on the Jolly Green Benevolence, theLMagnormous lady Warrior of Retail, CocaCoffee, the Lazy B, etc.