Rightly or wrongly, Democratic elected officials are often maligned by their opponents as tax and spend, well, Democrats. And with the latest state revenue forecast now confirming a $2.6 billion shortfall for 2009 alone, it’s time for state Dems to finally live up to that reputation.
70% of the state budget is protected through constitutional, federal, contractual and other mandates, which means the Legislature would need to slash 27% from the remaining $9.6 billion in unprotected spending in order to achieve an all-cuts budget. I suppose that could be done, but only at the expense of great human suffering.
No, it’s time for the Legislature to stand up to the editorialists and do the responsible thing: raise taxes to help make up part of this shortfall. That’s the sort of balanced approach most states take during severe revenue turndowns, as at least 30 other states have already done. And studies of the 2001 recession have found no evidence that the economies of states that raised taxes recovered any slower or faster than states that did not.
Yeah, I know, raising taxes is never a popular thing to do, and some Democrats in swing districts might even lose their seats over such support. But nobody ever said that responsible governance is supposed to be easy, or even personally rewarding. So deal with it.
What a shame.
The first thing to do is look at the 70% Goldy claims is untouchable. Methinks there is some BS there Goldy…but time will bring that out.
Gregoire & the Democrats continued to overspend…with totally unsustainable Budgets.
They played number games, dug under couch cushions…hell, they even intentionally underfunded the State Pension Fund all in order to pander to the State Employees Union. They paid the Campaign Debt in full I guess.
Now, we are in the aftermath stage.
Why are you so desperate to raise taxes in a recession Goldy? Let me ask you this…as you sift thru the Budget, isn’t there anything you could cut?? Let’s go thru the Budget with a fine-tooth comb and then AND ONLY THEN start talking about tax increases. The Fringe Lunatic Left are allergic to smaller government I guess.
There is a simple answer, tax the rich.
Republicans blew away their phony image as fiscal prudes when they shoveled taxpayer cash into contractors’ duffle bags from pickup trucks in Iraq.
Cynical: Take, for example, education. The heavy majority of the budget is untouchable because of a Maintenance of Effort clause that was put in when we took the stimulus money that says the amount of education spending can’t go below what was allocated in 2006. There’s also the idea of education being the paramount duty making cuts to basic education off-limits.
What’s likely to happen wrt schools, IMO, is that levy equalization will be eliminated (putting property-poor school districts on the brink of bankruptcy), the class size enhancement money for K-4 will be eliminated (meaning more kids in primary rooms), the other Learning Improvement Day will be cut (meaning every teacher in the state takes a loss in pay), and what pittance is left of I-728 will also disappear.
Some districts will be able to raise their levy lids. They’ll be able to get through, for the most part. The kids in property-poor districts will get shafted.
Washington residents have given themselves a huge tax cut by closing their wallets. Although incomes have fallen in this recession, retail spending has fallen even more. Consequently, Washingtonians are paying less sales tax, relative to their income, than they were before the recession.
Therefore, raising the tax rate doesn’t necessarily mean people will pay more taxes, relative to their income. The rate increase merely recaptures some of the normal revenue that people have kept in their pockets by reducing their spending.
Republicans don’t see the necessity of taxes, because they believe you can pay for anything — including real estate, businesses, etc. — simply by taking a plain piece of paper, writing “IOU” on it, then dividing it into “tranches” and selling the derivaties to, um, stupid bankers.
Got some facts to go with your whine? Let’s see some actual cuts you’d make.
Maybe Wahkiakum County should ditch their mental health tax?
Or Chelan County should ditch their emergency communication Tax?
Lets raise some cash by getting rid of this sales tax exemption:
And there is the semen exception:
I mean, aren’t the righties always prattling on about everyone paying their fair share? How could they possibly oppose the livestock folks paying their fair share?
They could do a couple of things: revise the B&O structure to simplify it and maybe make it more simple since this is often a complaint by small business (complexity, more burden on smaller business while large double-crossing assholes like Boeing get breaks).
Shift the duties of the board of accountancy over to DOL since the Board is apparently completely incompetent and has cost several lawsuits this past year alone according to news reports by their lack of attention.
All commissions that have to do with specific economic development of one items (blueberry/wine) gets shifted over to Trade and Economic Development. You could retain some of the employed folks in these areas, but why should each of these have their own free standing organization?
In agencies that occupy multiple buildings with significant still empty space, move other agencies into those buildings.
Put a moratorium on travel and equipment purchase and put in place a process for showing that old equipment is outdated and non-functioning first.
As much as they are looney most of the time, give everyone a chance to be heard on their ideas, Frank Chopp. It isn’t about you any more.
Then there’s the waste veggie oil exemption (RCW 82.08.0205).
Hmm…. I’m starting to see a pattern. Most of the sales tax exemptions see to go to industries that support Republicans.
Seem to go. Goldy, bring back the edit function!
See #11
I have a suggestion for Mr. C.
Lets decide to prioritize as follows:
1. Obey the Constitution. We are lareadu violation of the law for K-12. So NO cuts can be made there.
2, Avoid irreversible harm, e.g maintian spendiong on maintenance.
3. Avoid irreversible harm, e.g. no cuts to higher ed because these have permanent effects of those people now in our colleges.
4. Make no cuts that endanager lives .. basic welfare, ERs, fire and police can not be cut.
So what does that leave ..
1. release all prisoners who are not judged as dangerous to others.
2. close all sate parks
3. close the offices of the insurance commisioner, state auditor, and lands commissioner.
4. close all recreational roads ,, eg acess to ski areas and beaches.
5. terminate heathcare for anyone on medicaid who has less than six months to live.
Of course we also should raise fees wherever possible, e.g.
1, make ferries self financing.
2. place tolls on all state roads
3, charge a use fee for an waterfront property that is not easily accessible by the public
4. add surcharges based inversely on the amount od space used by anyone in their residence.
Finally, I will pain betcha we could sell of some naming rights!
1. rename the State … what would you pay to have the State named for you?
2, Hold public audiences with the governor, require all lobbyists to attend and charge by the minute spent talking with her.
3. use eminent domain to take underused property and sresell ti to developers.
4. require parking fees at malls with the proceeds going into the road funds.
5. sell “get out of jail cards”
Sell semen!
Imagine what husky fans would pay for the semen if a star quarterback?
Tax semen! Tax eggs!
Require all professional atheletes to contribute to the Wastate Genetic Bank and sell these gametes to folks who want taller stronger better kids!
Bring Back Slavery!
We have hundreds of good for nothing illegal swarthies looking for work! The state should indenture these folks and then sell their services!
That wont save money. The state parks will still be used and when people slip and fall on unmaintained stairs and so on they will sue the state. Also, people start dumping trash, homeless people and partying teens move in. So… You still, at a minimum, have to patrol the parks. Patrolling a closed park= expenditure w/o the possibility of generating revenue.
Plus, the state makes money on outdoor rec. I forget the number, but the state gets back more than a buck for every buck it spends on state parks. The reduction in revenue from closing parks will be larger than the saving from mothballing parks.
Off loading parks to other entities, as the state tried to do last year, is also a no go. All that does is shift the cost to small groups with less ability to generate funding for the parks. Most of the properties on last years transfer list didn’t have a viable group that the parks could have been transfered too.
TAX political activist churches.
@15 – I like your parody and sarcasm. Can I build on it? How can we make Cyn’s conservative paradise?
What about toll road every mile on freeways and all surface streets? You use it, you pay for it.
Sell access rights to beaches and rivers.
Get rid of the department of weights and measures. Just trust the gas station to give you 10 gallons when you pay for 10 and the butcher to have accurate scales so you get 2 lbs of chicken.
Charge for education, Heck, privatize all of it, K through 12.
Poll Taxes! If people had to pony up some real cash to vote, you would see who really valued democracy!
No more public air ways. Rent every bandwidth, with auctions every year. Tax anything with a Receiver.
Tax the internet. Tax bandwidth. Tax sales. Tax every email sent. Tax every pic downloaded!
Put all power generated on the open market. With rates adjusted monthly. If the Chinese can buy it for more than Cyn can, he doesn’t get power that month.
Privatize our fire and police and national defense.
Get rid of all drug regulation. Anyone can sell anyone anything and claim anything. Except for pot, that will be the only substance still illegal.
What else can we tax or make into a private company?
Pay as you go .. an initiative
Why can;t we have a liberal version on Eyman?
Mandatory Fiscal Responsibility Act
Be it resolved,
The state of Washington is required to balance its budget and to pay certain expenses in full. Under current law, this may result in irresponsible deferral of necessary expenditures into the future, in effect creating debts not allowed by our Constitution.
Therefore, the Legislature is required to prepaer two budgets, a manadatory and a discretionary budget. If the discretionary budget falls under 20% of the mandatory budget, the legislature may initiate a wealth tax on all net worth above twenty times the mean salary of all workers in Washington State. This tax will be assessed on all holders of good and property, including non profit instiutions.
Eyman 2:
Marijuana Fiscal Responsibility Act
Marijuana will now be sold by the WAstate liquor stores. Sales of unauthorized marijuana will be punished by confiscation of worldly goods and attachment of future earnings above $25,000.
Tax Private Schools
Tax Republicans
Repub governor Tim Pawlenty in MN kept his tax cut pledge by creating/increasing ridiculous user fees. You can always raise taxes on unpopular stuff that most people would be embarrassed to oppose, like cigarettes and porn.
Chris Stefan @2 has a better solution.
Alright Michael, the tax break for used vegetable oil is as follows: “The tax levied by RCW 82.08.020 does not apply to sales of waste vegetable oil that is used by a person in the production of biodiesel for personal use.”
It’s EASY. Just tax the shit out of those who buy the Mercedes, BMW, and other big import cars, for starters.
Sorry Goldy. You cannot raise taxes on anyone during a severe recession, just as you can’t cut spending. Otherwise, it off sets any stimulus spending from the national level. In essence, you are pulling money out of the private sector, in a time of a credit shortage and over leveraging. As it is, the Obama white house failed to do two things: put TARP money directly into the real economy, instead of the speculative one via the blank check approach of Timmy G, and two: reform the banking system and let the big boys fail over time. Since he is attached at the hip to Goldman Sachs, a repeat of 1937 on the state level–balancing the budget prematurely–would make unemployement dip here even worse, and probabaly drive some business out to boot. Like it or not, that’s just how it works.
Unless you plan to nationalize certain industries, which I am all for, but clearly you aren’t– you can’t have it both ways. Capitalism is as capitalism does.
I find it humorous that most of the tax breaks go to industries (restaurants, builders, ranchers) that are predominately Republican.
From what I’ve heard, most oil that used for personal bio-diesel is either given away or paid for under the table.
A fee is just another name for a tax.
I don’t think revising the B&O tax is the answer. By taxing gross sales, the legislature is forced to apply different rates to different industries to accomodate their different financial structures. But that provides the incentive for large businesses to demand special tax rates for their business which essentiall amount to little or no taxes to speak of. And the tax on gross revenue means that you owe the tax, regardless of whether or not you made any profit – which impacts startup businesses more than established ones.
Nope, it needs to be replaced with an income tax. And you can’t make it just a corporate income tax, because then most of the businesses in Washington would just switch to other formats (partnerships, sole proprieterships, etc.). And if you tried to make it applicaple to every business but not individuals, you would have businesses hiding their money as indidual income in one way or another.
The simplest and best answer is a state income tax. You could fill it out on the form the size of a postcard:
See? Not exactly the huge “paperwork burden” Republicans claim it would be, is it?
Fun website you’ve got there.
And wouldn’t you get a deduction on your federal income tax?
@5….that is some fucked up logic.
fuck paying more taxes..time for the state to live on a budget just as the rest of us do.
“To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, ‘the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the fruits acquired by it.'”
T. Jefferson
@30 The simplest and best answer is a state income tax.
Right. It’s such a great idea that everyone, including lawmakers and Gregoire, wants to be the first to announce it.
Let’s move on to something that actually has legs.
Incidentally, catch the commentary section here:
Far and away sentiment runs against raising taxes. No wonder Gregoire promised time and again NOT to raise them last time around. Obviously, she had no clue how bad the really economy was when she made that pledge. Come to think about it, she also had no clue how bad things were when she and lawmakers were busily increasing spending her first term DESPITE, as Paul Krugman has pointed out, the evidence being all around and in plain sight for everyone to see . . . if they bothered to look.
@31 Agreed, that’s an interesting site. Cool art.
4. Ryan spews:
Gee I thought the Porkulous was free money?? Doesn’t sound free to me. Sounds like the Democrats paid off the NEA.
15. SJ on Troll Patrol spews:
Define Basic Education?
Is it sports programs, ESL, band, video classes, yoga classes??
I would disagree with you on this SJ.
What is Basic Education??
“What is Basic Education??”
No surprise at all that you’d have to ask.
2. Chris Stefan spews:
What is “rich”?
Rich people will move elsewhere like the millionaire flight from SF and other parts of California. How can you force folks to stay??
Listen, there are Tax Lawyers and CPA’s working overtime making plans for their clients.
You KLOWNS are in la-la land.
Fantasizing about taking $$ from others is a sick way to address this self-induced problem.
Class Warfare?
Good Luck.
Hey, why not go to Gates & Allen and have them write a check??
Why not spend time looking at ENCOURAGING business to expand and locate here??
Too arrogant and ignorant.
2003 Seattle Times Budget Calculator
All the budget information for Washington State
The Governor’s 2010 Budget presentation
Here’s all the tools to find those “wasted billions” in the state budget. The reality is the cuts to meet the shortfall will have a real impact to us all.
34. delbert spews:
This concept is foreign to the freeloading LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS. They want handouts. They are handout addicts.
Balance the Budget–
Start with a 10% across the Board Salary Cut. If the Unions balk, start the layoffs.
Benefits avg. 31% of wages…reduce benefit package to 25%.
Reduce “Contract Employees” contracts by 20%. If they balk, put the contract out for Bid.
Paid time-off (Holidays, Vacation & Sick Leave) is nearly 18%. Cut days off in half.
Identify all Non-essential services starting in Education.
It isn’t that tough.
The link given doesn’t clearly show salaries and benefits.
We should immediately see a published list of all State Employees Wages AND Benefits.
If folks saw what the TOTAL COMPENSATION was for some of these state employees, they would go nuts!
TOTAL COMPENSATION==Wages + Benefits + Paid Time-off.
We have waaaaaaay too many FTE’s.
Consolidate jobs.
There has been almost ZERO layoffs.
It’s a joke.
The Unions control the Governor’s office and the Legislature.
Time for a citizen rebellion methinks.
Great Article today about the real problem in Olympia—
And I remind you, the DEMOCRATS are in-charge!
Perhaps KLynical and his millionaires in flight should move to Somalia where taxes are low, regulations are nonexistant, and religious fanatics get to stone sinners to death. After all, isn’t that Klynical’s vision for America?
And this Democrat Mismanagement is only the tip of the iceberg. If you want to learning about the ailing State Pension Plan, watch this!
or this–
You KLOWNS are in total La-La Land denial of the depth of the problems Gregoire and the Democrats have created for Washington State.
Get educated for God’s sake!
Here’s where we rank fiscally according to PEW:
That is, Washington is in a rung just below the ten states in the worst shape. For the full report see:
It wasn’t THAT long ago when our political leadership was talking up the soundness of the state’s finances and making spending plans galore – all the while there were signs everywhere that there was trouble brewing in paradise.
#10 Michael,
Ar you trying to equate the Seattle Times with bovine semen?
Geez, Klynical, it looks like the Palin Paradise has a 30% budget deficit, 6th worst in the nation. No wonder she’s a quitter. And you want to wish Palin upon the rest of us? No thanks.
Taxpayers Underwrite Lavish CEO Pay & Perks
Some corporate execs fund their lavish pay, perks, and retirements by underpaying into their companies’ pension funds, which then have to be bailed out by taxpayers, a GAO study finds.
For example, while 122,000 United Airlines workers were losing their company pension, the company’s top executives collected $55.5 million in compensation and $7.6 million of retirement benefits, not to mention perks like country club memberships and chauffeurs.
According to CBS News, “Reliance Group Insurance underfunded its plans by $121 million in the five years before it failed. But its top management brought home $70 million in salary, bonuses and benefits [and]used the corporate plane and helicopter for $200,000 worth of personal travel [including] family trips to China, Greece and Hawaii.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When our trolls remind us the rich “work hard” to “earn” their money this is what they’re referring to.
Another way bidness people “work hard” to “earn” money is by putting sales taxes paid by customers in their own pockets.
According to KIRO 7 News, the state loses $100 million a year of tax revenues this way. KIRO said,
“Last month, a Marysville dry-waller pleaded guilty to tax fraud for collecting more than $850,000 in sales tax and not giving it … to the state.
“In May, a Tacoma plumbing contractor pleaded guilty to stealing sales tax and was ordered to pay back $23,000.
“And in Everett … a yacht broker was sentenced to four years in prison for felony theft of sales tax for not reporting boat sales.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Our trolls also tell us we should privatize everything because you just can’t trust government workers.
Well I say we need more government oversight of business — because you can’t trust bidness people!!!
@48 If he isn’t, I don’t see how he could make such an oversight.
@49 Gee whiz, Palin couldn’t balance the budget of a state where money pours out of the ground, and some people think she should run the whole fucking United States?!
@46 I don’t remember hearing any Republican legislators lining complaining about the fact state government skipped its payments into the pension fund for years and years.
As a state pensioner, I’m not worried. My pension is an enforceable contract. If the state doesn’t pay me, I’ll first get a judgment, then hop to Montana goat farming country and look for the first taxpayer I can find. And when I find him, I’m gonna grab his balls and hold them hostage for the money he owes me.
I’m not that creative. But, now that you mention it…
@56 Yeah, it’s obvious.
@56 Sometimes Roger shoots first and asks questions later. Can’t say that I blame him. Wingnuts are such sneaky bastards.
Interesting on the skimming of the sales tax.
That isn’t just chump change either.
I still don’t think businesses should be taxed on gross receipts. That’s just weird.
However, I can bet you that there isn’t one single small business that doesn’t skim from gross sales before counting it. They are just smarter about it than the Marysville drywaller.
levy equalization, let the Republicans lead on cutting that, rather than fighting it on the last day of the session like they did last April.
That is one socialist idea they were crying on the house floor over.
Ordinarily, I would say that raising taxes in a recession is poor policy & would prefer debt instead. But I suspect that taxing the rich more & taxing the poor less would both pay for what is needed & improve the state’s economy without doing harm.
Speaking of Tax Skimming–
How much is “skimmed” by folks in these Trading for Services leftist klubs?
They are everywhere…cheating the State and US Treasury.
Also, if you go to a Farmer’s Market…see how often you are charged Sales Tax and then ask for their Business License Number. Watch their face. OUCH!
Perhaps lauramae & Roger Rabbit can become the Gomer Pyle and Barney Fife tax-skimming vigilantee’s.
Start with the Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS.
61. The Raven spews:
You suspect wrong dumbass.
If you think for a second that “wealth redistribution” in Washington won’t have negative impacts on the economy and result in nearly the same, if not less, tax collections…you are a fool!
They did this in NY.
Puddy posted the story.
Look it up for the results.
Your naive Class Warfare Collectivist non-thinking is foolish.
Wise up and Grow up.
There are ALWAYS consequences of the actions you propose.
Xom said
That was to get elected.
How do you know a Dummocraptic candidate is lying? Their lips are moving and a sound emanates from the pie hole!
Or… Navigate to the HA governor election coverage on HA Libtardos in 2008. Review the rabid moronic budget pronouncements from the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Libtardo Moonbats supporting Queen Chrissie. You leftists can ask ylb arschloch. He created this big tctmgr database. It’s easier to have the arschloch provide the data vs. having to search your own words lefties.
Because they are talking about lowering taxes on the middle class?
because they are talking about the success they had helping the poor and middle-class.
I work in state government. Even though I tend to vote for liberal Democrats, I would be the first to say that there are plenty of places were budget cuts could safely be made. There are also many ways that state government could be made more efficient and effective. I’d personally be willing to take a cut in pay/benefits if that avoided massive layoffs, and I know many state workers who feel similarly.
That said, conservatives seem to be so blinded by their ideology that they fail to see the gravity of the situation. The budget deficit is so HUGE that it will not be balanced without revenue enhancements. That’s simple, basic reality. Deny it if you must, but know that to do so relegates you to the children’s table.
hey dumbass maybe that is because there is no sales tax on food in Washington? Even if a vendor sells you something taxable it is very likely their prices include taxes just to make everything easier.
@55: Rep. Larry Crouse (Spokane Valley) and Sen. Joe Zarelli (Ridgefield) have both talked quite a bit about the pension problem.
67. Chris Stefan spews:
Hey dumbass, most “Farmer’s Markets” have way more artsy-fartsy trinkets than produce. Ever been to one? They should be charging sales tax AND remitting it. More than a few Hippies have been busted for charging the sales tax and pocketing it. That’s the point.