Tonight at 7:15pm the Cannabis Defense Coalition is hosting a legislative forum in their SoDo headquarters with Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles and City Councilman Nick Licata to discuss the bill being introduced next session to create a working dispensary system in the state. There will be a live webcast of the forum at this site.
I’m impressed with the amount of work that CDC’s volunteers have put into this space. Below the fold are two pictures from the newly renovated Cannabis Resource Center.
What’s up with the second picture? (I don’t get the “bar and grill” as a location for CDC? Snark?
Also, ran across this just now, Texas Ranger “shocked” by Pot use in center field at a WS game:
LMFAO @ “cannabis resource center” = a couple of pothead burnouts and bowl of cheetos watching TV.
Um, no. It’s about 100 people far more motivated than you watching a legislative forum. Get off your ass and do something productive, slacker.
That was really funny. The anchors back in Texas were worried if they were all going to be fired after that.
As for the Bar and Grill sign, the previous location for the CDC was the old County Line Bar and Grill in South Park. They kept the sign as a souvenir.
I forgot to mention the start time above, I’ve updated the post now. It will be starting up at 7:15.
fuck that…I worked all day to pick up the tax-slack that goldy and YLBasement create….somebody has to pay their way…
Yeah, right. I’m so convinced…
your belief is not relevant or required.
just keeping it real…
Then why are you here? Are you just posting comments to have people laugh at you?
2. why do liberals hate free speech? spews:
I can picture them…warming up and numbing the pain of the ass-whoopin’ coming Tuesday night!
no, I like watching goldy and his HA cadre make fools of themselves.
are you high yet? better hurry, the night is not getting any younger.
no, I like watching goldy and his HA cadre make fools of themselves.
Oh, the irony.
are you high yet? better hurry, the night is not getting any younger.
Not sure you’re getting this, sport. I’m an activist trying to change the laws. I do this because the war on drugs costs all of us massive amounts of taxpayers dollars and destroys a whole lot of lies to boot. A guy sitting about 10 feet from me is the guy who had SPD come crashing into his apartment on Monday night with guns drawn.
If you want to come here and act like you’re not a waste of humanity, nothing’s stopping you. If you’re not smart enough to do that, go away. If you are smart enough (and you have the balls to engage us on the issues instead of acting like a child), I welcome it.
Heh. Remember that raving maniac fool JCH that Goldy banned back in the day?
The Rabbit used to call him Jerkoff Creepy Hater. Very appropriate name.
For the pustulent open sore I call tehchickenshit.
Jerkoff Creepy Hater – the new JCH.
did you come up with that all by yourself in the basement?
Lee thinks world will rain skittles and people will shit rainbows…if only weed were legal.
ya, because the black market and gangs will just go away when pot is sold at 500% profit and 400% tax at a state run store.
fuck, do you realize how much electricity you guys with grow-ops go through…fuck, that isnt very mother-earth friendly now is it? what the fuck is your carbon footprint with a grow-op anyway?
dumbass wanna grow weed and get high, but your gonna kill all the polar bears when the polar ice melts!
fucking you guys up when your own stupid agenda conflicts with your other stupid agenda is a riot.
lee, I dont give a shit if weed is made legal..who the fuck cares, it isnt going to magically solve any problems…pull your head out of the green cloud.
Tell that to people who go to jail for bullshit pot possession busts.
Jerkoff Creepy Hater..
LOL! How stupid. Legalize it and you can legally plant it out in the open – using the freely available sun. You know – lower cost of materials = higher profit.
What a freaking stupid jerkoff creepy hater!
hey dummy…it grows faster with grow lights..its all about efficiency and making a dollar….two things you know nothing about.
ylbasement…teh loozer
you idiot…break the law and face the consequences…its called being an adult.
break a deal and spin the wheel..bitch.
LMFAO…..the guy with no job who spends all day in his basement calls someone else creepy?
hahhhahhahhaha….irony, its what for dinner.
yo Lee…how was the kareoke and pull tabs at the weed puffer meeting?
nice venue…LMFAO…..nothing says “we are a serious group” like meeting at the bar and grill..
at least you guys had munchies near by…
Lee thinks world will rain skittles and people will shit rainbows…if only weed were legal.
Uh, no. But I think it will help our budgets and lower crime (among other things).
ya, because the black market and gangs will just go away when pot is sold at 500% profit and 400% tax at a state run store.
If pot were legalized, it could be sold at a fraction of its current value, meaning that you could add a lot of tax to it and it’d still be cheaper than it is today.
fuck, do you realize how much electricity you guys with grow-ops go through…fuck, that isnt very mother-earth friendly now is it? what the fuck is your carbon footprint with a grow-op anyway?
If it were legal, we could definitely grow it in a more energy efficient way (and the technology would improve vastly as more and more businesses get involved).
lee, I dont give a shit if weed is made legal..who the fuck cares, it isnt going to magically solve any problems…pull your head out of the green cloud.
Who says it’s going to “magically” solve anything? There are a number of studies out there trying to estimate the economic cost savings (see: Jeffrey Miron, Harvard Econ Professor, who’s done a number of thorough studies on this). The end of alcohol prohibition should give you an idea of how effectively we can neuter the cartels by taking away their revenue. And it doesn’t take any brains at all to understand how much better it will be for marijuana to be grown in controlled conditions as opposed to our national parks, where the environment is trashed.
And if you don’t care about this issue, why are you here being an asshole? Is your life that truly pathetic that this is the only thing you can think of doing with it? I feel terrible for you that you’re such a pathetic loser with no friends that you find amusement in coming here and having people laugh at you. Get a fucking life, loser.
This troll, “why do liberals . . . ” is Maxie, correct? In any event, he shows us how idiotic is the opposition. Damn, these fucks are dumb. Not that they don’t seem to have the ear of too many Americans. What is wrong with our citizens that we don’t remember who caused the situation in which we find ourselves? (Hint–it wasn’t Obama.)
yo Lee…how was the kareoke and pull tabs at the weed puffer meeting?
nice venue…LMFAO…..nothing says “we are a serious group” like meeting at the bar and grill..
See comment #4, dumbass.
LMFAO…..the guy with no job who spends all day in his basement calls someone else creepy?
You don’t think continually coming back to a place where everyone thinks you’re a moron and an asshole isn’t creepy? Are you that totally socially retarded? Have you ever had any kind of real social interaction with people in your life?
He’s also posted as “If you’re not Dutch, then you’re not much”. He’s a different moron than that other moron. And much like the other Trolls, he doesn’t have any substantive arguments to make, he’s just here to show off his tiny dick and the lifelong issues of male insecurity that go along with it.
and Proud Communist arrives with his “hey, they must all be like him” commentary..
hahahahahahahhahha…dumbass socialist is too wound up too be able to distinguish between serious commentary and pulling someones chain.
what a sad and boring life it must be…especially if one is a socialist.
ugh….fuck it, lets paint everything gray and send 95% of our earnings into the govt…
and Proud Communist arrives with his “hey, they must all be like him” commentary..
hahahahahahahhahha…dumbass socialist is too wound up too be able to distinguish between serious commentary and pulling someones chain.
what a sad and boring life it must be…especially if one is a socialist.
Good to know that even you can recognize that the last sentence there isn’t serious commentary.
Damn, you’re an embarrassing fuck.
Dance, monkey, dance!
smoke monkey smoke!
puff puff pass………..
hey lee…who is that bearded burn-out wearing the checkered vest in the pic? looks like he pullin on some hooch!
oh…looks like it was a full house..the folding chair contingent looks well represented..
I dont see any black people in the picture.
are you guys a racist group?
I think I better call the NAACP and report you.
I took that picture at around 6:30, well before the event started. It was standing room only while the Senator was speaking and answering questions.
Out of the 150 or so people there, there were about 10-15 African-Americans.
Do you have any more comments to demonstrate your stupidity with, or are you done now?
Dance, monkey, dance!
25 – heh. ’nuff said. Not wasting any more bandwidth on the new JCH for now.
sure Lee…but you gotta prove it…
you know how the media works.
better be happy goldy is on your side..otherwise he will twist the facts and use those pictures out of context ala the good little goebbels that he is…
see how easy it is to paint a false picture?
ah ha said the grasshopper….
shut the fuck up you basement dwelling zit farmer.
Lee, this dude should be banned. I think he’s 13 years-old and his parents don’t enforce a bedtime rule. He’s hijacked a thread with juvenile nonsense, which he apparently believes constitutes political commentary. Of course, this is what the Republican Party has become . . .
hmmm….meeting at a country bar, no minorities included(as proven by the pictures).
yep..sure looks racist to me.
i got al sharpton on speed dial.
oh and there is Proud Communist on que.
you want juvenile shit, go glom onto rujax and YLBasement’s posts for a while.
Why ban him now? He’s just starting to really make an ass of himself. :)
I’m heading off to bed now. By the morning, I have a feeling I might have enough material for an EffU post…
Nope, it’s a meeting of people who care about limited government.
Dance, monkey, dance!
FINALLY! you get it.
now put two and two together and see if you can figure it out from here…
have a good night Lee, youre OK in my book.
YLBasement on the other hand? god, if there was anyone who needed their ass kicked up and down the street by their father when they were young, it was him.
bad parenting.
Lee @ 38
Yeah, you’re right. Just let the monkey dance. Of course, this particular monkey ain’t got no rhythm. He doesn’t hear the music; he doesn’t get the beat. He flops around on the floor, but most of us wouldn’t call that dancing. Flop, my friend, just keep flopping.
Heh. This jerkoff creepy hater (the new JCH) is a product of “good parenting”?????
Wow, that one flew pretty high over your head…
Legalize, regulate, tax – and STFU about it already!
What it might do is allow people to choose cannabis over alcohol for relaxing, which will keeps drunks off the road. Alcohol is way more dangerous in every possible respect, and yet because of insane drug testing policies, many people are more or less forced to choose a way more dangerous drug because it isn’t against the law.