Oy… is this really all the Republicans have going for them these days?
A state legislator is unhappy that some seasonal greenery in Olympia has been designated the “Capitol Holiday Kids’ Tree.”
Gov. Christine Gregoire should declare the 30-foot noble fir in the Legislative Building a Christmas tree and post “Merry Christmas” signs nearby, Rep. John Ahern, R-Spokane, said Wednesday on talk radio, urging listeners to call the Governor’s Office.
“We’re a Judeo-Christian nation. Of course we should have ‘Merry Christmas’ on signs there,” he said. “Our Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.”
Um… hey “John” with an “h”… speaking as one of those “Judeos” you claim to be defending, I’d just like to point out that we don’t celebrate Christmas. So if you want to fill our government buildings with goyish tchotchkes, please cut the disingenuous “Judeo” crap, and say what you mean. You think this is a Christian nation, don’t you? So stop co-opting my identity by hyphenating my religion to yours… it’s beginning to really piss me off.
Oh… and as for the so-called liberal “War on Christmas”…
The tree is named by the Association of Washington Business, which organizes an annual tree-lighting and gift drive for needy youngsters.
If the AWB’s liberal, I guess that makes the BIAW a bunch of Trotskyites? (Hmm… I know somebody who’s getting an ice-pick for Christmas.)
Funny, the Olympian newspaper story I read didn’t say anything about it being a kid’s tree, but then I should have known everything in this state now is “for the kids”
Every single time someone says “We are a Judeo-Christian country”, I know something very stupid is coming.
Rep John Ahern, (R-1600’s New England) is doing his best to protect us from the heathen godless masses. God Bless!
I like how the Governor has two, count ’em two Christmas trees. That shows how anti-God she really is.
I thought you were a JINO???
What Synagogue do you attend?
How often do you attend??
All of my Jewish friends take their religion seriously and regularly attend services.
How does God impact your life Goldy?
How do you worship Him? (or is it Her for you Progressive Jews??)
It would be kind of hard for anyone to take you seriously as a Judeo if you don’t regularly attend services, wouldn’t it???
John Ahern’s a nice guy . . . but this seems pretty typical of his views.
I notice the right wing has a new slogan on this subject, that he’s picked up: “Our Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.” Catchy, eh? Too bad it’s bullshit. The U.S. Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion (government may not interfere with your personal worship) AND freedom from religion (government may not impose any religion on you or put its imprimatur on any religion).
Representative Ahern might also want to review the Washington State Constitution, Article I, Section 11:
I’ll try my stand-up routine again…Maybe Mr. Cynical will appreciate it….
I wonder if the pagan eco-terrorists that are trying to strip Christ from Christmas are the same bastards who stole the “C” from Chanukah.
Maybe we can get Jerry Falwell and Bill O’Reilly to give some airtime to “The war on Chanukah.”
I think I’ll make up my own bumper sticker: “Keep the C in Chanukah!”
I’ll place it right next to the bumper sticker that says: “Keep the Christ in Christ-Files”
Whaddayouthink…do I have a shot on Leno?
No, but try Letterman.
Looks like the R’s are trying to create another distraction. Something must be coming down.
Maybe they don’t want people to notice all the indictments and corruption now hitting the fan.
Or maybe they’re simply up to their old trick of trying to ram their religion down everyone else’s throats. Hey, it’s my religion too, but I don’t beat people over the head with how religious I am.
The way Republicans drive on Green Lake Way, there’d better be a Heaven, because I’d sure hate to think everything just goes dark.
Well, I think I’ll hop up to Stefan’s to see how his garden is doing. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
@5. John Ahern’s a nice guy . . .
Whoa. Stop right there. The guy is a garden variety rightwing crackpot who spouts unctuous fascist homilies with the ease of a practiced used car salesman.
May I suggest that if Mr Ahern wants to live in a Theocracy which he seems hell bent on creating, that he go live in Iran, or wait a couple years, and Iraq will be one also…
More efforts to undermine Christmas:
“They don’t want it as a federal holiday, they don’t want any message of spirituality or Judeo-Christian tradition because that stands in the way of gay marriage, legalized drugs, euthanasia, all of the greatest hits on the secular progressive play card.” – Bill O’Reilly 11-30-05
“Here you have a national public holiday signed into law by Ulysses S. Grant in 1870. Christmas, all right? Federal holiday, everybody gets off, no mail delivered, everybody shuts down. Federal holiday. Why is it there? To honor a philosopher, Jesus. Whose philosophy was part of the foundation of our country.” – Bill O’Reilly 11-30-05
Yep, Bill O’Reilly is trying to take the Christ out of Christmas and the religion out of Christ. That’s how insidious this movement is; they’ve even turned O’Reilly to the anti-Christian cause. Oh, the humanity!
Why does George Bush, Mrs. Bush and the White House hate Christmas and Christians? Why are they a guilty party to the war on Christmas? After all, they sent out a “HOLIDAY CARD.” Guess you won’t hear the hypocrite punks on the right talking about that will you?
A thought from the great Dr. Eric Alterman this morning:
“Damn you Mark David Chapman.”
“Damn you Sirhan Sirhan.”
16…….Left Turn………….”Tookie” dies….One less Democrat [felon] vote!! Happy Kwanzaa to you!!
Oh…Merry Christmas A N D Happy Holidays!!!
(Now that wasn’t so hard, WAS IT???)
Goldy, is your real name “Scrooge”
Finally a post by rujax206 I agree with :-)
Deflecting the electorate from what’s really important is a Republican MANTRA —- which in and of itself is a HINDU term and should be banned. Liberals are just as much to blame for their idiotic insistence that we celebrate Chrismas without mentioning it.
hey goldy,
The likes of Ron Sims started all this, …remember last year the memo to NOT say merry christmas…
Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
Jeremiah (who was a Bullfrog) 10:2-4
And Ulysses S. Grant was a Fag!
@ 19 … is it just too hard to understand that I do not want YOUR Judeo/Christeo/Islamo artifacts strewn about MY capitol building? YOU Judeo/Chriseo/Islamo extremists are the cause of more deaths in history than any other reason. Please allow us Buddhists to pass the “season” in peace and freedom (concepts which most Judeo/Christeo/Islamo extremists have a hard time understanding)…
I find the concept of an invisible cloud being (thanks BartCop) to be silly, but I am still a Jew, and I still go to the local Chabad House on Friday Nights (the start of our Sabbath). This Country, with its high tolerance for freedom of conscience (in theory if not practice), is the home of a lot of people who do not practice their religion, but still claim to be a part of it. Singling out Goldie is b-llsh-t.
Judaism is a Religion, but it is also an ethnic group. Those of us born Jewish, even a Jewish Atheist like me, can no sooner give up their religion then an African American can give up his skin color. If the Dominionist ever take power and try and enforce some of their crackpot ideas, my converting to Christianity would not keep me from suffering under their totalitarian rules.
How do Buddhists celebrate Christmas?
Irrelevant @4
Just like your Ilk. Defining what qualifies anyone to fit your definition of a religion. Relgion is in the heart not the building. Unless it is the Religion of BIAW (Big Industrial Asshole Whores) Did you miss a cross burning last year? Does that mean you need to turn in your bedsheet? Does that make you a KKKINO?
Cynical @4,
Really… who the fuck are you to question my Judaism? I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know.
#24: You see, it is not OUR symbols in YOUR building. It is our symbols in our building…it’s the building of the people and that includes you and everyone else. There are symbols of the season and a big part of our culture. And let display all symbols at the appropriate time. Inclusion, not exclusion. By separating everything based on your desires or maybe better by your drive to deny someone else his/her cultural heritage etc, you miss the point.
And if you are so adament about not wanting your season destroyed by “OUR” artifacts, I assume you will not take the federal holiday which is Christmas for granted and go to work or at least take a vacation day ?
Relgion is only our way of explaining the unexplainable. If we all just followed The Golden Rule, we’d cover about 90% of what religion is about without all this craziness.
sgmmac – I take the wife to Hawaii. I would explain further, but I am sure you Christians are too busy killing Islamics who are too busy killing Jews who are too busy killing Islamics who are too busy killing Christians who are too busy… well, you get the idea.
All of my Jewish friends take their religion seriously and regularly attend services.
I am sure Ron Silver does not consider you his friend, as for the plurality of your statement, Are you sure they consider you a friend? Not bloodly likely. How many of thm attend the crossburnings with you?
“I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know.”
Speaking of what’s on my Christmas list…..
I’m not killing anyone. I do believe in God, the last time I was in Church was for a Army buddy’s son’s First Communion, time before that was for a memorial service for a fellow SGM, and I’m too old to remember before that………
Ogg writes: Judaism is a Religion, but it is also an ethnic group. Those of us born Jewish, even a Jewish Atheist like me, can no sooner give up their religion then an African American can give up his skin color.
Serious question here as i don’t understand what you are saying:
Are you saying that if I would want to convert to Judaism, I couldn’t because I’m not part of your ethnic group (Eastern European, Ashkenazi, etc.) or that if you are of that ethnicity, you will always be of Jewish origin and can’t really be a member of any other religion ?
I’ve heard this a few times, but don’t understand. To me Judasim was always a religion no matter what your ethnicity was/is. Are you saying that they are one and the same ?
Thanks for the help
What island?
Still waiting for the inbred right wing, American – hating trolls here to defend Monkey Face Bush’s decision to send out a HOLIDAY card.
Speaking of someone who needs a Vic Morrow Twilight zone awakening, I thought you relegated JCH to the Friday night lights. He just brings an awful ooze to the thread.
If you mean what I think you mean – that is pure fucking evil!
PRR: You are an idiot
Other items on my Christmas list….
Eco (Liberal) terrorist to be arressted and tried for their crimes.
Tookie will be rehabilitated.
Oh, and of course: The rabbit dies.
I’ll defend it, but I’m not inbred! He is religious, but he respects other peoples right to practice their own religion, so as a courtesy and to include all, he sent the card. I got one of them and I wasn’t offended and I didn’t jump up and down screaming where is Merry Christmas…….
Get off the rabbit! You wishing Roger’s death is also purely fucking evil!
“You think this is a Christian nation, don’t you? So stop co-opting my identity by hyphenating my religion to yours… it’s beginning to really piss me off.”
Damn right he means Christian. And it’s good to hear you’re getting pissed off. We need more pissed off Jews…
Oh, well
Still waiting for the inbred right wing, American – hating trolls here to defend Monkey Face Bush’s decision to send out a HOLIDAY card.
Comment by Left Turn — 12/9/05 @ 9:05 am
[Er, Democrat “Tookie” Left Turn, Bush won in 2004!! He can send out any Holiday or Christmas card he wishes, and there’s not a damn thing you commie libs can do about it!! Enjoy your special Kwanzaa season, Democrat parasite!!]
We need more pissed off Jews…
Comment by Playin\\\’ Possum — 12/9/05 @ 9:16 am
[Er, Lots of pissed off Jews in Germany 1938-1940. I thought we should all try to just “get along”!! [K. King, Democrat felon]]
Rather than screaming about their faith in the public square, Christ instructed his followers to go alone into a room, close the door, and pray. (It’s in Matthew, I can’t remember chapter and verse off the top of my head.) Like everything else they do, in howling about the “war on Christmas,” the “religious” right ignores the Gospel to distract the social conservative sheep from real problems in our nation and world. How shallow must one’s faith be that calling a tree in Olympia a holiday tree rather than a Christmas tree threatens that faith?
Relgion is only our way of explaining the unexplainable. If we all just followed The Golden Rule, we’d cover about 90% of what religion is about without all this craziness.
My only quibble with this is that I believe the number is much closer to 100%.
If you boil down the world’s major religions to their essential elements, I think you’ll find that their teachings (not church dogma, but religious teachings) amount to little more than variations on the “Golden Rule.”
What is the point in calling a Christmas tree a Holiday Tree?
Do Muslims, Jews, etc.. use the tree as a symbol during their Hiolidays?
So don’t quibble about calling this a Holiday Tree, Giving Tree or whatever fucking sanitized name you are going to call it.
If you don’t like the Holiday, don’t celebrate it, but keep your political fucking agenda out of peoples religious traditions.
What’s next, will the dradle become the “Giving Top”?
And this continuing Christmas arrogance is coming from the same Goldstein who in the comments to his last post about the horrors of Christmas, boldy proclaimed that he hated the whole affair. He even begrudges his own daughter the joy of the holiday just because she grew up with the tradition. How cowardly.
To be a liberal is to be selfish to the core.
I don’t know, prr, Christians never seemed too bothered by riping off the solstice holiday tree from nature/animist/pagan religions. Why should they, or you, be bothered by someone new ripping it off and turning it to yet another use? It’s kinda the ways things go. Watch your blood pressure this Holiday Season.
Well put John.
I’ve noticed that Goldy and many of his supproters seem to be spouting the same talking points Madalyn Murray O’Hair shared with the world during the early ’60’s.
Look how that worked out for her.
Goldstein’s anti-christmas screed is really a fantastic window into the mind of a liberal/ progressive. The jealousy and hate of another’s joy. And it explains a lot of the current Democrat rhetoric.
If you can’t be in power, well then by golly, you sure can spew a lot of vitriolic hatred towards our leader.
Just glad to see that we have a Christmas Tree at The White House.
John McDonald
Not that you’d use a single person’s thoughts or actions to tar a group.
Hasty generalization, also known as “fallacy of insufficient statistics”, “fallacy of insufficient sample”, “fallacy of the lonely fact”, “leaping to a conclusion”, “hasty induction”, “law of small numbers” or “secundum quid”, is the logical fallacy of reaching an inductive generalization based on too little evidence.
McDonald @ 55 Are you serious? two words: Kenneth Starr.
Seadog @ 30 You talkin’ to me? I was just trying to point out that the X-mas tree is hardly Christian… (per D-Love @ 53)
It’s funny – not even “jewish enough for the gas chamber” shuts the hate down… Good Grief!
prr @ 54
Madalyn Murray won in the Supreme Chourt. Seems like that worked out pretty well.
John McDonald @52,
Are you really that fucking stupid? Really?
I was being sar�cas�tic. I thought maybe the passages from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (a holiday classic) might have given you a hint.
A “window” into my mind? You haven’t got a clue.
“Madalyn Murray won in the Supreme Chourt. Seems like that worked out pretty well.”
And her reward?
She wound up in an unmarked grave. Looks like you are setting new lows to the term victory.
We all die. You may end up in an unmarked grave. What’s your point? Have you had any Supreme Court victories lately?
Madalyn O’Hair was a crime victim. I thought you guys were all over the perps and all weepy over the victims? What happened?
My point?
Are you that fucking stupid?
She was robbed, tortured and then dumped, with one of her kids and a grandchild in an unmarked grave. Ultimately her killer was allowed to plea bargain her grave location into getting a lesser sentence.
If you are setting this direction as your ambition, I hope all your wishes come true.
Daddy Love,
That’s a Hasty generaliztion on your part, you need me to remind you of the definition?
Wrong. I did not infer from too small a sample but rather from the mainstream of conservative thought. Quite a large anough sample, I assure you.
Also, I realize that you are implying that Madalyn Murray O’Hair is to blame for some sack of shit killing her and her kids because she took part in a court case with which you don’t agree 30 years earlier. You are sick. And you know it and you don’t care, which makes you all the sicker. The armchair psychiatrist in me diagnoses sociopath.
Seasons Greetings! Happy Holidays!
Daddy Love,
I am saying the Mary Murray O’Hair forcefully imposed her bullshit on people her entire life and eventuatually she played her bullly game with someone she clearly should not have.
I have no sympathy for her.
Dear Goldy,
I know this matter has upset you. To begin the healing process, why don’t you drop into the Capital today and wish everyone a Happy Hannukah.
Merry Festivus!
Thousands upon thousands of immigrants fled to America to gain the right to practice their religion without persecution by their government. Our founding fathers put individual freedom of religion as a top priority. They also considered a established State Religion to be a threat to those of other religious persuasions. They wanted everyone to be able to practice their OWN religion freely.
Our basic justice system is founded on religious values the same as other countries around the world. Throughout the history of America the majority of citizens were Christian, it is reflected in our traditions, our shared values and our culture. Around the world and through the centuries, cultures have adopted, changed, and blended the traditions of different religions and philosophies of others into their own. America used to be the big melting pot of a lot of traditions and cultures from around the world. We were tolerant of other people and their cultures, we shared and we were stronger because of our diversity.
America as a blended society is breaking down, we are growing less and less tolerant of those with differences everyday. We are selfish and self-serving. We are pandering to each and every social, religious, political, secular, and special interest group possible in regards to celebrating our traditions. We are sterilizing our culture by taking out any and all references to religion and by doing so, we are robbing ourselves of our culture, our history, our traditions and our differences. Instead of taking in new cultures, learning about them, integrating them and respecting and celebrating our differences, we are isolating and polarizing ourselves into many small groups. We self-righteously think we know how everyone else should live. The Politically Correct police are everywhere trying to appease everyone, rewriting history and taking away our individual rights.
I grew up with a Christmas Tree, it isn’t a Holiday Tree, it’s never been called a holiday tree until very recently. My Christmas tree has ornaments that I’ve collected from Nevada, California, Texas, Washington, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Arizona, Virginia, Bamberg Germany, Stuttgart Germany, Hanau Germany, Polland, Augsberg Germany and Nuremberg Germany, Mexico and whatever else I happen to buy this year for my tree. I’ve never really related my Christmas tree with Christ and I am definitely not a bible thumping Christian. Still, I am appalled at the corporations, the school districts, and the local and state governments who are bowing to the pressure of secular special interest groups into sterilizing our culture and taking away our traditions. Washington State has a so-called “Holiday Tree.” The Olympian newspaper quoted a worker lamenting about when the tree used to be called a Christmas Tree. Germany is credited with starting the Christmas Tree in the 16th century. Religious leaders at the time decried it, but the pagan tradition prevailed and it spread throughout Europe, but it’s always been called a Christmas Tree.
A Washington school just took out a “giving tree” because ONE parent complained. The tree was designed so the kids could take a stocking and bring in a gift for a less fortunate child. The newspaper reported that the kids liked it and didn’t have a problem with it, it is the parents who are obsessed with it. Since when is teaching children to give to the poor and the less fortunate a bad thing. The tree didn’t have an angel, the only religious symbol on it was a star on top. They removed the star, but that wasn’t good enough. They had to banish the whole tree to remain politically correct. There are schools who have banned Christmas Carols, there are schools who have changed words to Christmas Carols. I’ve got a suggestion for them. Why don’t they try TEACHING. What would be wrong with teaching what different Countries around the world do for Christmas, what are their traditions. Every major religion has a holiday in the December/January timeframe. What do different religions do, What is Ramadan? What is Hanauka? What do they mean? How are they celebrated? Maybe if we learn what others worship and respect, we might find ourselves less afraid and more tolerant of other’s religion and cultures.
I started boycotting Target last year, because they stopped the Salvation Army from ringing bells, I have shopped for years with the bell ringers and I miss them, they are a part of our culture. The Salvation Army was targeted, because they are a religious based organization. Does anybody care about the hundreds of thousands of people that the Salvation Army helps feed every year? A school district in Washington State last year cancelled Halloween, because they didn’t want to offend the Wiccans. Our children are being robbed of traditional American holidays and traditions that the majority of us grew up with because WE have grown intolerant.
Freedom of religion does NOT encompass freedom from religion in the public square. The public square is owned by everyone and it is not JUST secular. The SCOTUS has ruled on this many times. It’s called Freedom of Speech. The public square can have 10 different ministers all shouting their words. They can have Crosses, Pentagrams, Creches, Menorahs, Advent wreaths, yule logs, and every other possible religious and secular symbol in the world. What they cannot do is allow only one religion and not provide the space for others.
I am not boycotting retailers for not saying Merry Christmas in their ads, I am however concerned that some retailers have told their employees that they CANNOT say Merry Christmas. If retailers are losing business because they have failed to adequately research the market, so be it. I will spend my money where I want and where I feel comfortable. I will say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and whatever else I feel like saying.
What a fucking SICK bunch of trolls.
“God damn you, every one.”
prr @ 54
Madalyn Murray won in the Supreme Chourt. Seems like that worked out pretty well. -Comment by Daddy Love— 12/9/05 @ 10:18 am
Yep, except for that whole murdered and body abandoned in the desert thing, life was pretty darn good for ol’ maddie… I guess she was the recipient of the ultimate you death mongers worship…post birth abortion! Yea maddie!
Goldy @ 29 sez:
“Really… who the fuck are you to question my Judaism? I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know.
Comment by Goldy— 12/9/05 @ 8:54 am”
Mighty sensitive about this issue Goldy. I was merely asking you questions. I take this answer to mean you are a JINO (or like Commander Ogg sez “a Jewish Atheist”!!
By the way Goldy, which concentration camp were you personally held captive???? I didn’t realize you were over 60 years old.
Goldy sez:
I was being sar�cas�tic. I thought maybe the passages from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (a holiday classic) might have given you a hint.
A “window” into my mind? You haven’t got a clue.
Comment by Goldy— 12/9/05 @ 10:20 am”
Goldy, how come every time you sit on your dickie……you come back with you are being “sarcastic” or “just kidding”??
Seems like the little boy who cried wolf way too often.
A friend of mine converted to Judaism before she married her Jewish husband. Does that make her some kind of 2nd class Jew in your world???
How about your daughter???
Is she only half-Jewish???
It seems to me that you have clearly painted yourself in a corner when you begin to parse the Jewish faith….especially if you are a JINO. Is a JINO truly Jewish???
Get off the rabbit! You wishing Roger’s death is also purely fucking evil!
Comment by sgmmac— 12/9/05 @ 9:12 am
sgmmac I see you found a new friend, that’s good. Merry Christmas and to you Wabbit.
Cynical @ 74
Goldy’s not that old. besides in his histrical revsionist liberal mind his concentration camp is called Seattle.
As you enter the gates it reads “Arbeit ist für conservitves. Die Regierung gibt uns alles für freies”
“#24: You see, it is not OUR symbols in YOUR building. It is our symbols in our building…it’s the building of the people and that includes you and everyone else. There are symbols of the season and a big part of our culture. And let display all symbols at the appropriate time. Inclusion, not exclusion.”
This is where the bullshit comes in. You see, when Judge Roy Moore plopped Roy’s Rock into the Supreme Court building of the State of Intolerance, he rejected requests from OTHER RELIGIONS to display artifacts of their religions. Moore is an exclusionist, not an inclusionist. In fact, ALL Christofascists are exclusionists. They believe there is only one true religion — theirs. They are NOT interested in equal time for other religions. They are NOT interested in sharing power. They want to be dictators.
Roger Rabbit believes in the Golden Rule with all his mind and all his heart: Republicans screw us, we screw them! Every dirty trick deserves a kick in the shins. You whack one of our guys, we’ll whack one of yours. Do unto them as they do to us.
11:43 AM….
Roger wakes up, Rolls out of bed & Checks horsesass.org
11:48 AM….
Roger goes to the mailbox to check for his government check
I started boycotting Target last year, because they stopped the Salvation Army from ringing bells, I have shopped for years with the bell ringers and I miss them, they are a part of our culture. The Salvation Army was targeted, because they are a religious based organization.
Target doesn’t allow *any* solicitors. They made an exception for the Salvation Army for years but decided they needed to be consistant for legal reasons.
So cut the “I’m being persecuted for religious reasons” crap.
Roger, you are right, and that’s the very reason that SCOTUS slam dunked him!
Mr. Cynical @ 74
“Goldy, how come every time you sit on your dickie……you come back with you are being “sarcastic” or “just kidding”??”
Come on, Cynical, go read what Goldy wrote and tell me you could not tell he was being sarcastic! It is sad to see YOU (of all people) becoming humor impaired.
“Seems like the little boy who cried wolf way too often.”
The real problem is that Goldy has to repeatedly explain himself to humorless wingnut dolts who can read the words but cannot find the meaning.
“’I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know.’ Speaking of what’s on my Christmas list….. Comment by prr— 12/9/05 @ 9:00 am”
Thanks for posting this, prr — now we all know who and what you are. I’ve saved it in a permanent file; you’ll see this post again. And again. And again, and again …
We have something in common, we are both Army veterans!
sgmmac –
Are you boycotting the Republican party because they send out “Holiday cards”? Do you refuse to watch Fox News because they sell Holiday merchandise and throw Holiday parties?
@34 (continued)
But I’ll continue to defend the ACLU’s right to defend your right to spew such bile … speaking of which, prr, you should be very grateful to the ACLU because they’re virtually the only folks who WILL defend you …
PRR…you are a really sick and sickening individual. nothing you say is ever funny or has any substance. you are just filled with hate.
you disgust me.
okay…i’m done with that.
and here’s my two cents worth on christmas. it’s a wonderful holiday and it’s called christmas. they are christmas trees. period. if you don’t like it ,don’t celebrate it. but stop raining on everyone else’s parade.
what’s next? jews with a CANDLEHOLDER? martin luther king’s birthday just another dead black guy’s day?
come on…see how silly and counter-productive it is?
and then there is this classic comment from rujax@71…..in this thread ,especially, this couldn’t be funnier…….”
>>>>>What a fucking SICK bunch of trolls.
“God damn you, every one.”<<<<< okay....rujax,,,,could you please keep YOUR GOD out of discussions? because i really feel threatened here. i mean...must god be in everything? heh heh heh... see how silly it is? i notice that goldy is fond of using god damn it too. hey goldy....could you please stop trying to stuff your religion down my throat? :)
“Oh, and of course: The rabbit dies.”
In your wet dreams, and certainly not by your hand, you fucking coward. You had your chance, and were a no-show. Bu-uhk bukk cluck-cluck-cluck!
42 (continued)
Hey everybody! It’s time to post the links to the chicken picture and The Chickenhawk Song again!
No, The only people I am boycotting is Target. I explained it in a post, but it’s stuck in a filter.
goldy……why is the filter suddenly cutting posts in half?
“So cut the “I’m being persecuted for religious reasons” crap.”
I am not a member of the Salvation Army, I believe in God, but I am not a member of any church, and as a matter of fact, I rarely go to church. I am not persecuted. Don’t put your words or your reasons in my mouth. They took away the bell ringers that I like to see outside of places where I spend MY money.
As for Holiday Cards, they make cards for Christians, they make cards for Hanauka, they make cards for Ramadan, there is a difference in cards and trees. Christmas trees have never been called Hanauka trees, or Ramadan trees, thev’ve always been called Christmas trees…..
“Comment by Evil-prr”
Glad to see you call yourself by your right name.
sgmmac…………holiday tree, candleholder, strange middle eastern holiday….
the new language from the old left [behind].
still hoping that if they say it often enough it will be true.
but, as i said in my post [that was cut in half] maybe then goldy will have to stop using the phrase “god damn it”…because i am SOOOO offended that he is trying to stuff his religion down my throat.
anyone else see just how silly and counter productive all this is?
they are christmas trees and it’s the christmas and chanukah season…get over it.
now i have to get back to listening to ‘white christmas’ which i’m sure in liberal-land is a code song for the oppression of everyone that isn’t white….not just a beautiful christmas song at all. heh heh heh………..
“prr Madalyn O’Hair was a crime victim. I thought you guys were all over the perps and all weepy over the victims? What happened?”
They’re selective about this, as they are about all of their so-called “principles.”
I am not going to boycott target. I still shop where I can get what I need. I just don’t liek what I see sometimes.
As for Target and the Salvation army, Target stopped allowing them because they were making an exception in a corporate policy against on site solicitation to let them in and set up the kettles in the first place. If they allow the salvation army, they would have to tell them to move over and let the moonies or the hare chrisnas, or other more reasonable groups too, and they decided that was too much hassle ontheir customers. Have to be consistent.
“Get off the rabbit! You wishing Roger’s death is also purely fucking evil! Comment by sgmmac— 12/9/05 @ 9:12 am”
Not to worry, Mac, I’m in no peril from this twerp. Evil-prr is all talk, no walk. He called me out a couple weeks ago, said “I’ll be there” — I was, he wasn’t, ’nuff said.
Evil-prr is scared shitless of a 9 3/8-lb. bunny with pink ears and a cute cottontail!
roger…….you should stop categorizing everyone who is a conservative on this board with PRR…..we have nothing in common.
and yes madalyn o’hair was a crime victim. although i didn’t share her [lack of???] beliefs …what happened to her was so wrong. just the same as when anyone else is murdered.
they they they…….interesting choice of words for you…don’t you think?
“11:48 AM…. Roger goes to the mailbox to check for his government check”
Jealous, are you? BTW, it’s printed on the same kind of paper our retired military, retired cops, and retired presidents get theirs on.
We need to make some changes. The Band of Brothers is hereby renamed to: The Band of Brothers and Sisters
I can go along with the “raining on everybody else’s parade” complaint — I agree the PC is silly and has gone too far — but really, now, is this the most important issue our country faces going into this holiday season?
And isn’t dissing on the term “holiday” just as silly as dissing on the term “Christmas?” Why can’t “holiday” and “Christmas” just get along? Why can’t we have a “Christmas holiday?”
Keep talking Rabbit,
I’m, enjoying my youth and eating plenty of bran, so I can take a big steaming dump on your grave.
Obvioulsy retirment is npt working out well for you.
You get out once a week to drink with these loons and then peck away on your cmputer until the wee hours of the morning, plugging in your rabbit pellets of wisdom on this blog.
I’m sure your wife has already grown tired of this: go to bed at 4 AM and get up at noon crap, and the hours are not good for a man your age.
More than likely you’ll fade within the next couple years.
I’m already enjoying your wasted life. As I watch the insane ramblings your posts, one after the other, I can hoenstly say, You are just patheitc.
“I’m, enjoying my youth and eating plenty of bran, so I can take a big steaming dump on your grave.”
It’s already been established you don’t have the guts to face a live rabbit.
102 (continued)
“I’m already enjoying your wasted life. As I watch the insane ramblings your posts, one after the other, I can hoenstly say, You are just patheitc.”
Thanks for verifying that you’ve been reading my posts and I piss you off. I wondered about that. Now I know my efforts haven’t been wasted. Thanks.
“It’s already been established you don’t have the guts to face a live rabbit.”
Great, you gonna assault me?
I’ll show up with my lawyer and make sure your wife lives out her last days ina government nursing facility, tough guy
sgmmac @ 27 ponders:
How do Buddhists celebrate Christmas?
Most of the ones I know head out to the discos and dance, because you get the day off tomorrow.
Unless you’re old, decrepit, or really devout, in which case you have a simple vegetarian dinner, and meditate on the nature of the Buddha, same as you do every other day.
Do you have a Bodhi tree?
“I’ll show up with my lawyer”
Hey asshole, I was under the impression YOU were gonna start it … after all, you made the big talk in the first place … now you tell me you’re going to hide behind your lawyer’s skirts … man that is funnn-eeeeeeee!!!!!
Ghost, you are comparing apples and oranges there. There is noone saying that you can’t have a christmas tree or wish anyone happy christmas. Nor is anyone telling any company out there that they can’t (although just as you’ve a right to not shop at a store that does not have bell ringers outside, I also have a right to avoid shopping anywhere with that annoying jingle jingle jingle in front.)
The issue is government offices using my tax money to celebrate a holiday that I do not celebrate. When I am trading folks and working christmas so that I can take the solstace off (when I work at a company that is even open on christmas) I think that I do have a position to stand on here.
You need to realize this is not about destroying christianity, its about christians having priveleges that they should not have and some individuals who actually are using positions of authority to try to force conversions on the rest of us.
I have no doubts that you would object to me putting a display up in the capitol building of a nude woman next april in honor of Beltain, you would object to the phrase ‘an it harm none, do as you will’ carved into the steps on the courthouse. Why do you feel your religion should be priveleged to have your holidays and your religious writings honored by government agencies.
I am in no way saying you should not practice your religion. In fact my personal belief is that there is more than one path and those who are practicing christianity should be doing so. But stop trying to use the government to make me do so.
Hey everybody, get a load of this! Evil-prr is hiring a LAWYER to dance on Roger Rabbit’s grave! It appears he’s not only scared of live rabbits, but scared of dead ones too.
“Our children are being robbed of traditional American holidays and traditions that the majority of us grew up with because WE have grown intolerant.”
A good bit of hyperbole don’t you think? I see a lot of people celebrating in their homes, in bars, in churches, in community halls., etc…go downtown – no lack of celebration there – drive thru any neighborhood..lots of tradition still goin on…why do you insist on using public money and property as well?
“Maybe if we learn what others worship and respect, we might find ourselves less afraid and more tolerant of other’s religion and cultures.”
Take your kid to a synagogue/ temple, etc..I thought diversity was a four letter word to the Right
Christians appealing for tolerance..too rich
ASS and prr
Are you HAPPY that Madalyn O’Hair was murdered? It sure sounds like it.
Am I happy?
No, Absoluutely not.
Then again, It’s not like I feel sorry for her either.
The news does not affect me one way or another.
rabbit @ 110,
let’s just drop this.
I would never put myself ina position where a lawsuit could be filed.
End of story.
roger!101…good grief we actually agree on something! well…mostly. as long as the ‘holidays’ are also called by their original names….like christmas, chanukah etc………
and bill@109…….i am not a christian and i am probably much more on the same page as you are. what bothers me is that christmas trees are a merging of two religions…..and a wonderful tradition that we have here in america….and i don’t want it PCed out of existance.
i don’t want any religious wording carved into any stone steps on any government building. that’s not what this is about. NOW that’s apples and oranges!
okay…you hate the jingle jingle jingle…..what about the fact that they collect money to help feed people? look at the big picture.
and bill, you of all people should know where bell ringing comes from….and it isn’t christianity, is it?
my point is….all this “we won’t call it christmas” is playing right into the hands of the religious fanatics because they hate christmas trees too. pagan symbols and all that.most of them aren’t aware that just about everything about christmas goes back to pagan celebrations. right down to the “yule” log!
Mesa, I am not the one using the public property – that would be the State of Washington and thousands of cities across America. My argument isn’t for access where none is given, it is EQUAL access or stop the political pandering by rewriting history and changing names. Call it what it is – It’s a Christmas tree, if you can’t deal with it, take it down. Is their a Menorah at our State Capital along with the Christmas Tree? If there isn’t, the State could be sued. You cannot provide access to one group and not others…….
dj sez @ 82-
“The real problem is that Goldy has to repeatedly explain himself to humorless wingnut dolts who can read the words but cannot find the meaning.
Comment by dj— 12/9/05 @ 11:49 am”
So dj, are you trying to convince yourself…or us…..that Goldy has some “depth” that is not apparent to the naked eye????
Goldy is “deep” alright….when Goldy starts trying to get Holocaust sympathy because he grew up in Philly and now lives in the Anal Canal of Universe, I suppose you can conclude he is immersed in his own bullshit. Is that “depth” to you dj???
@ 70
“Our founding fathers put individual freedom of religion as a top priority”. Correct. With the added emphasis that they DID NOT WANT a STATE RELIGION. THAT was their key concern.
“America as a blended society is breaking down, we are growing less and less tolerant of those with differences everyday.” I agree. This is because of the BushCo mentality.
“The Politically Correct police are everywhere trying to appease everyone, rewriting history and taking away our individual rights”. I have never seen a Politically Correct Policeman, maybe you can point one out to me…
I grew up with a Christmas Tree, it isn’t a Holiday Tree, it’s never been called a holiday tree until very recently. You can call it a Douglas Fir Fuckmas tree for all I give a shit. It is totally beside the point.
“A Washington school just took out a “giving tree” because ONE parent complained. “ And rightfully so… That is just one more step toward the Federal Christian Agency….
“Freedom of religion does NOT encompass freedom from religion in the public square. “ Yes, it does. You should read the Constitution some time…
“I am not boycotting retailers for not saying Merry Christmas in their ads, I am however concerned that some retailers have told their employees that they CANNOT say Merry Christmas. If retailers are losing business..” blah blah blah spend your money where you want, and who gives a fuck… This is about GOVERNMENT not about BUSINESS…
Of all the right -wing commenters, sgmmac is the only one who has any common sense or decency. Mr. Cynical, Puddybud, and PacMan are just here to spew hatred. They should be banned.
@ 118
“America as a blended society is breaking down, we are growing less and less tolerant of those with differences everyday.”
I agree. This is because of the BushCo mentality.
Oh please…this was going on long before Bush. The ACLU for example. When was the list time the defended someones religious freedom…who was a christian I mean? They typically side the other way.
“A Washington school just took out a “giving tree” because ONE parent complained. “
And rightfully so… That is just one more step toward the Federal Christian Agency….
So according to you, the christian fascist are the only ones who might use a tree (a seasonal tradition), Mittens (a cute device considering it was for kids) and giving?
There was nothing overtly christian about that tree. It was pure and simple over reaction.
“Freedom of religion does NOT encompass freedom from religion in the public square. “
Yes, it does. You should read the Constitution some time…
I will anxiously await you to quote me chapter and line from the constitution to support that…
“I am not boycotting retailers for not saying Merry Christmas in their ads, I am however concerned that some retailers have told their employees that they CANNOT say Merry Christmas. If retailers are losing business..”
blah blah blah spend your money where you want, and who gives a fuck… This is about GOVERNMENT not about BUSINESS…,/i>
In one sense you are right. If a business offends you dont shop. The issue however is not just about government.
I said before and repeat: I cannot see how the framers would have anticipated the bill of rights would be actively used the way it is.
Too many rights are invented these days.
Apache, out of fairness will you also make a similar pronouncement about the worst of the leftist commentators?
Just curious.
@97 and 100,
Thank you!
@ 120 Okay, I apologize, I didn’t know you couldn’t read…
Article I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
…you know that pesky little part about “establishment of religion”
Oh i can read just dandy, i just cant type worth a hoot.
But as i said, how does that support the quote?
He said: “Freedom of religion does NOT encompass freedom from religion in the public square. “
You replied:Yes, it does. You should read the Constitution some time…
The words freedom from religion in the public square do not necessarily relate to nor indicate the government enforcing membership in a particular faith, which is what the establishment cause actually addresses. Allowing religous people to express their beleifs in a public environment is not establishment when all religions are given eqaul opportunity to do so, and no one is required to do so.
Only when it is a mandate and a requirement is it a real issue.
Hey, King of Battle, you missed this “Our founding fathers put individual freedom of religion as a top priority. They also considered a established State Religion to be a threat to those of other religious persuasions. They wanted everyone to be able to practice their OWN religion freely.”
You missed this too “Freedom of religion does NOT encompass freedom from religion in the public square. The public square is owned by everyone and it is not JUST secular. The SCOTUS has ruled on this many times. It’s called Freedom of Speech. The public square can have 10 different ministers all shouting their words. They can have Crosses, Pentagrams, Creches, Menorahs, Advent wreaths, yule logs, and every other possible religious and secular symbol in the world. What they cannot do is allow only one religion and not provide the space for others.”
That means you can put up your nude woman, or sue the crap out of Washington State, you might have to cover her up with leaves or something though…………..
Sorry, I confused you with Bill with a different religion. Forget the nude woman honoring Beltain,
127, 128
I am still trying to figure out why you addressed that to my post?
you know, sgmmac, I agree with you. The problem is, right now, I really do not think it is the case that any religion would be ok in public spaces. Heck, look at righton and prr’s responses in previous threads bout this sort of thing.
Do you honestly think that noone would object if there were Beltaine decorations? How about it righton, if you get a christmas tree, do I get a Beltaine decoration?
Until that is true (all religions given equal accord), then no religions can be promoted in public spaces. All or nothing.
@ 127/128
First- what the hell makes you think I was King of Battle. I spent 24 years as Queen of Battle, and I don’t remember any women Sergeant Majors.
Second- which part of “NOT ON MY FUCKING CAPITOL BUILDING” did you not understand? Why do you insist on having a Christmas Tree on MY FUCKING CAPITOL BUILDING. You can have one in your home, or on your yard, or even on top of your car for all I give a damn. Our Founding Fathers were first and foremost worried that America would go like England, you know, the whole Church of England thing, where the King decided what Religion England would have? Remember? Hmmm?
Thirdly- you need to not drink so much on Friday nights and try to figure out which posts you are actually replying to…. or you need to drink more…
SVEN @ 120
“The ACLU for example. When was the list time the defended someones religious freedom…who was a christian I mean? They typically side the other way.”
Not true….You should really try some other news sources other than Fox….
The ACLU defended the First Amendment rights of a Baptist minister to preach his message on public streets in Southern Indiana.
The ACLU intervened on behalf of a Christian valedictorian in a Michigan high school, which agreed to stop censoring religious yearbook entries.
The ACLU supported the rights of Iowa students to distribute Christian literature at their school.
Just a few examples
Nice try though
bill@130……..you ARE getting a beltaine decoration when there is a christmas tree….DUH. or a variation of it.that’s how i look at it.
don’t you people get it? the PRR’s of america want you to stamp out the non religious symbols [to christians] of christmas. they would love for you to do just what you are doing. getting rid of that pesky pagan tree, santa claus, and all the christmas songs and music that aren’t religious in nature.
god …will you all stop playing into the fanatics hands and use your heads???????
i don’t think the far right christians are any different from the far left atheists….and they both have alot in common with the taliban.THEY WANT TO TELL THE REST OF US HOW TO THINK AND WHAT TO DO.
nuts are nuts……..fanatics are fanatics…….
Apache Fog (aka Headlice Lucy, Harry Poon and several other monikors) sez:
“Of all the right -wing commenters, sgmmac is the only one who has any common sense or decency. Mr. Cynical, Puddybud, and PacMan are just here to spew hatred. They should be banned.
Comment by Apache Fog— 12/9/05 @ 1:58 pm”
Some of us may be a bit mean occassionally….but none of us are as angry and crazed as YOU! Hell, you even carry on conversations with yourself!! How is it in your pretend world???
And typical of LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS, you want to BAN those who don’t express things precisely as you would like. What happened to your tolerance and diversity schtick CLOWN??? Oh, I get it….you are tolerant as long as someone isn’t as mean as you are! Apache Fog (aka headlice lucy, Harry Poon et al) wants to be the meanest person on HarsesAss. That’ll look good on your resume dude.
well said cynical….as usual.
One of those cases was from 2002. How about lately? IN that same time frame, how many times did they seek to suppress christian symbols?
Maybe again it is the media reporting at fault, but I havn’t heard of too many cases lately, while they do support many cases that lean towards secularism.
But I will be honest, I fault them more for a lot of their other stances. So maybe my own bias is at work.
I know i called them once when i was in my 20’s, and asked for representation. They turned me down, as it wasnt high profile enough. Shrug. If I am biased, mea culpa.
sgmmac – Do you have an answer? Why do you insist on having a Christmans Tree on MY FUCKING CAPITOL BUILDING? Since Buddhism is a round-the-clock, 365 days a year religion, I think we should have a statue of the Lord Buddha in every Capitol, every Library, every single government bought-and-paid-for building in the nation. Would that be Okay?
fire? The tree? its *in* the capital isnt it? not on?
I could be wrong….
But since its a secular holiday, and secular people use trees, it shouldnt matter.
I was actually looking through my emails for yours….. I Didn’t find it though. I do apologize for assuming that you were a man named Jim who emailed me and wanted to go have a drink….. who told me in his first email that he was Artillery – King of Battle, since you said you were Infantry (Queen of Battle) – it must not be you. He must have been fire something else…….. whatever; neither field has any female SGMs – Thank Buddha!
@ 138 Wow, you are simply a SPECTACULAR debator. You got me GOOD! It’s not ON, it’s IN. Jeezopeezo! You da best! Man! Wow! That pretty much settles the entire Separation of Church and State arguement! Is BushCo putting you up for the Supreme Court?
sgmmac @ 107:
Do you have a Bodhi tree?
Me? No. I have a chien2 shu4 by the door to bring cash into the house. It’s more Taoist than Buddhist, but it seems to work pretty well.
I believe in honesty. There is a big gigantic fir tree on the State Capital Lawn with lights that somebody decided that the last 70 or 80 years of being called a Christmas Tree wasn’t politically correct enough and so they renamed it a Holiday Tree. You can call it a Bodhi Tree since Bodhi Day is the date that Buddahist celebrate Shakyamuni’s enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. It should have dragons, elephants and fantastic birds from the sacred stories from the “Jataka Tales.” Then you probably need to go have lots of drinks to calm down and reflect about the greatness of life and nature.
Your Biased about the ACLU because what you believe has come from the Faux news network. Do your own research.
As for the Irrelevant. Are you a KKK in name only because you missed a lynching one week? You are an idiot. I am sure at your church of the white folk only, there are people who think you are not as Chrisitian as they are. Coming down on Goldy because you supposedly have jewish friends who are more devote than him is Horseshit. Which you have always been full of anyway. How bout you tell everyone about your wife on the Govment dole once in awhile? while your trying to out posters from the BIAW Business is Ass wipeing Job. That produces nothing, but makes all it’s money from Tax refunds.
@ 142 – I did in fact email you, but if you read my emails as carefully as you read my posts, you probably misunderstood my acknowledgement of being a retired SGM as being Artillery.
In any case, do you have any bit of evidence that “they renamed it a Holiday tree” (which is fine with me, so long as it is not a Christmas Tree) Who is this mysterious “they”.
Maybe you should watch less FAUX news. There is no attack on Christmas, we simply do not want it IN, UNDER, OVER, ON TOP OF, OR OUTSIDE MY CAPITOL BUILDING. This is what is guaranteed in the Constitution (you remember, the one you swore to uphold)
No, I definitely didn’t misunderstand the email, because the first email that I got was from a retired MSG – Artillery – who told me he played in a band. I immediately emailed my buddy in Iraq who is a retired Artillery CSM working as a Camp Manager for KBR, 6 big digits annually, and asked him if he knew the unknown emailer. Since you said you were going to email me, I thought it was you. Then I got another email a couple of months ago with the out for drinks offer and I answered you twice and you didn’t reply.
I have no idea who the pc police are. The Olympian called it a Holiday Tree. The article that Goldy cites here is different. Who changed and when they changed it, who knows? You are really protective of that capital building arn’t you? The Constitution that I raised my right hand and swore to uphold guarantees that the government won’t establish ONE religion that all have to follow. The bill of rights allows all to practice free speech. The US Supreme Court has ruled that relgious and secular displays can be on public property and the Capital building is public property. It is just as much mine as it is yours. I am not a bible thumper, I do like history, tradition and culture and diversity. Must be that 30 years I spent in the Army that lets me appreciate differences. The very best Christmas seasons that I have ever spent were in Germany shopping in Christkindlesmarkts.
Having never played in a band, nor having been an Artillerist, I think you have me confused…
And, yes, I am protective of that Capitol Building. I don’t understand how you can not see the slippery slope we are currently on. If anything is happening, it is an attack on our right to freedom of religion, and freedom from a government imposed religion. I am tired already of the govt calling ME un-patriotic when I question their judgment on this war. And I am tired already of being called anti-religion, simply because I uphold the Constitution. But, whatever, enjoy your Theocracy. It’s coming. I don’t think we can stop it. But I can defend my own home, am well armed, and am a dead shot (and I used to teach the M2 to newbies in Korea).
RCW 1.16.050
“Legal holidays and legislatively recognized days.”
The following are legal holidays: Sunday; the first day of January, commonly called New Year’s Day; the third Monday of January, being celebrated as the anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr.; the third Monday of February to be known as Presidents’ Day and to be celebrated as the anniversary of the births of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington; the last Monday of May, commonly known as Memorial Day; the fourth day of July, being the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence; the first Monday in September, to be known as Labor Day; the eleventh day of November, to be known as Veterans’ Day; the fourth Thursday in November, to be known as Thanksgiving Day; the day immediately following Thanksgiving Day; and the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly called Christmas Day.
Is your name Jim? I am Dana. Well, considering the fact that you were Infantry, I would expect you to be a deadly shooter. If you read my post you will find that I only am tired of people trying to be politically correct. How can you be considered anti-religion since you are a Buddahist? They do have some beautiful Buddahist temples in Hawaii. Actually, there is a war on christmas from both sides. The pc police are eliminating anything and everything with the word Christ in it and the religious right is going crazy back. Yes, I do see the slippery slope. The obvious solution is that you either eliminate everything or you have to teach diversity. And I mean teach it. The perfect christmas program for kids in school is Christmas Around the World. Look what happened after 9/11, Muslims in America were attacked out of fear and ignorance.
I don’t know how many times, I jumped out of my butt, to do something to make something politically correct. Like, someone in the Army is sexually harrassed and the whole Army has to take a class right now! It is just asinine to me to change the name from Christmas Tree to Holiday Tree. It serves no purpose, the religious right will tell you that Christmas is too commercialized and the tree isn’t religious to them. I have a 9mm, but alas no bullets!~ There are too many people with different religions to go to a Theocracy in America. Not gonna happen. You have to let the criticisms go, you are NOT un-patriotic to criticize the war. I support the war, but I would have done a thousand things differently. I can’t tell you how many times I have screamed at my TV at the top of my lungs over the war and of course, Katrina. I hope that you have dumped the idea of going to Iraq as a contractor though. I still have a connection there and they are looking for people……
That means you can put up your nude woman, or sue the crap out of Washington State, you might have to cover her up with leaves or something though…………..
Comment by sgmmac— 12/9/05 @ 2:32 pm
sgmmac you can put your nude woman or man in town square if it’s in the Freemont Dist.. It happens all the time, plus you can have your picture taken with Vladimir Lenin. You do not want to miss the Freemont Fair it is quite entertaining, like going to the Zoo only better. The Kids line the street and watch Uncle Bill and Miss Sally parade on their bicycles in their best attire. Check it out its world-renowned.
Picture taking in Seattle:
By the Freemont Bridge:
Lunch in Pioneer Square:
Flower Girl in Freemont:
Clowns sharing a Bike:
Best view in Seattle:
Kids Love Purple:
Works at Boeing part Time with Boeing Bob:
New voter’s for Freemont:
Dean Logan’s Friends:
Mr. Cynical @ 117
“So dj, are you trying to convince yourself…or us…..that Goldy has some “depth” that is not apparent to the naked eye????”
Nope…I am stating that it is obvious to anyone with an IQ above a turnip that Goldy was being sarcastic. Not much to it, really.
“Goldy is “deep” alright….when Goldy starts trying to get Holocaust sympathy because he grew up in Philly and now lives in the Anal Canal of Universe, I suppose you can conclude he is immersed in his own bullshit. Is that “depth” to you dj??? “
I have no idea what your little rant is getting at, Cynical. I am just sad to see you have lost your sense of humor…. Was it just old age, Cynical, or did you ignore a bad case of syphilis?
I disagree. There is no war on Christmas from the Religious Conservative Right. And there is no war from the Democratic Liberals. The problem is that the Religious Fundamentalists who have hijacked the Republican party have now decided that they want Christmas Trees on my government property. And they want to drill for oil in the ANWAR district of Alaska for a few months of oil supply. And they want to cut down 5000 more Giant Sequoias in California. I say NO. Damn them. This is the country I fought for, and it wasn’t to make it into some sort of hillbilly, 4 wheel driving, confederate flag totin’, shambles. We are now 6 billion people sharing this planet, and we need to start to CONSERVE. We will be 12 billion in just a few years.
Anyway, it is late here on the East Coast, and I am outta here. See you on the flip flop. And no, I was offered, and am continuously offered jobs in Iraq. I always consider them, but with 6 grandkids, I don’t believe I will be heading over. Working on the road is hard enough.
sgmmac@147………very well said.
sgmnmac & fire_one@17& various:
I think I’ve always read that Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion.
So I have that worong? Would appreciate enlightenment.
Buddhism is a religion and a philosophy. There are 376 million followers in the world making it a major world religion according to Wikipedia. You can find more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist
Thanks Christmas!
I thought calling Seattle the “Anal Canal of the Universe” was kinda funny. After all, getting stuck in process, spending all the money planning and re-planning and re-re-planning and still f*cking things up is kind of anal, don’t you agree??
Watching LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS pretend to be “Progressives” and try to convince the world they have successfully re-invented the wheel is also rather amusing.
As is watching you CLOWNS perpetually feign being offended to the highest degree possible (aka Goldy pretending to be a Holocaust VICTIM).
Are you serious here dj???
Don’t you see the humor in your LEFTIST PINHEADED friends????
I love watching clueless, windie, rujax and the other pieces of poop hurl themselves on the ground like someone kicked them in the balls with golf spikes on!
It’s hysterical!!!!
I especially enjoy watching Ted “Swimmer” Kennedy pretend to be offended. How about his VICTIM’S Family??? Don’t you think Mary Jo Kopechne’s family is ofended?
And Barney Fag is even better….how about the family of the young intern he was poking from behind?? Weren’t they offended that someone like Barney would use his power for a piece of boy??
Now Goldy goes and pretends to be some Holocaust victim….in Philadelphia?????? Gimmee a break!
I never get upset by you CLOWN’s dj….in fact, I want you LEFTISTS to keep talking in a very public way. Just like in other Socialist Country’s….eventually the LEFTISTS kick themselves to the curb!
Next the Washington Democratic Party will be selling Nativity scenes and Christmas Trees on their Website to make up for this boneheaded move!!!
How do you pi$$ of the vast majority of Washington citizens on Paul Berendt’s bon voyage???!!!
You gotta love these CLOWNS!!
Oh wait……..I forgot.
Man, it’s impossible for me to get all scruched up and offended like the CLOWNS on this Blog….no matter how hard I try!
Take a look at what was on the State Democratic Party’s website (Bertha’s Store) today!
And the original image:
If the Party of TOLERANCE and DIVERSITY weren’t so ashamed of this…..why did they take it off when confronted???
Who is running the insane asylum???
Just when you start to be a little concerned that the CLOWNS might gain a foothold, THEY SHOOT OFF THEIR F*CKING FOOT!!!!
Goldy The Holocaust Victim—
How do you feel about the Washington State Democratic Party selling something as hateful and intolerant as this????
seadog @36,
Sorry I did not get back to you, I been busy. You can convert to Judaism even though we discourage it. What I meant was that yes, even if I converted to Christianity, it would not matter, because for those that spread hate, once a Jew, always a Jew.
During the reign of Nazi’s in Germany 65 to 70 years ago, they passed the Nuremberg Laws:
…These laws affected millions of Germans, the exact number depending precisely how a Jew was defined. That definition was published November 14, 1935. The Nazi’s defined a Jew as anyone who either 1) had three or four racially full Jewish grandparents, 2) belonged to a Jewish religious community or joined one after September 15 when the Nuremberg Laws came into force. Also regarded as Jews was anyone married to a Jew or the children of Jewish parents. This included illegitimate children of even the non-Jewish partner…
Thousands of families who where born and raised as Christian’s, a generation who had no concept of Judaism, found themselves treated exactly has their Jewish Neighbors. They never understood why they were being persecuted, robbed, and ultimatly murdered for the “sins” of their ancestors.
Mr. Cynical @ 155, sounds like an O’Reily special. There is no such item at Bertha’s store:
Since it is on a page for ribbons, and this alledged item isn’t a ribbon, I would say you have been snookered.
You trash me so nicely, yet you are running around gettign upset about a tree.
Never mind, its too easy.
A wonderful thing, the computer/internet. By blowing up the image, I see it is from an outfit called reefer magnets dated 2004. They are no longer selling them:
If you are interested, they are available at stickergiant.com.
Most probably a cut and paste job. Crude, and not very effective.
OGG sez:
“Mr. Cynical @ 155, sounds like an O’Reily special. There is no such item at Bertha’s store:
Since it is on a page for ribbons, and this alledged item isn’t a ribbon, I would say you have been snookered.
Comment by Commander Ogg— 12/10/05 @ 12:18 am”
That’s because your CLOWNISH Pals took it off!
See what it looked like OGGster:
Take a look at what was on the State Democratic Party’s website (Bertha’s Store) today!
And the original image:
So the CLOWNS strategy on their over-the-top Christian-hating is going to be to deny?????? I love it!
This is not a good day for Bertha.
Notice how OGG carefully choose his words saying “There is no such item at Bertha’s store”.
It depends upon what your definition of “IS, is, huh OGG????
Denial, marginalize and minimize…..won’t work on this one.
And don’t forget: George Washington and his army attacked the innocent CHRISTIAN Hessions on Christmas Day. Talk about making war on Christmas! Murdering and killing German Christians on Christmas! Well,I never!!!!!!!!!
Harry Poon(aka Headlice lucy, Apache Fog et al)
Keep up the bad work CLOWN!!
Deflect, deflect, deflect….
I’m glad the Washington State Democratic Party leadership has finally come out of the CLOSET as the Christian Haters they are!!! FINALLY!!!!
It’s a good thing that it’s impossible to digitally alter images, or I’d doubt your example. But you appear to have PROVED your point, eh? Seeing is believing, right?
Reply to 114
I shit on you.
I don’t disagree with anything you said in #115, ghost, but you left out an important fact — this isn’t about whether it’s called a “Christmas tree” or a “holiday tree,” it isn’t even about government involvement (or non-involvement) with religious traditions.
It’s about right wingers coming at us liberals, looking for a fight.
And anytime wingers come in my direction looking for a fight, they’re gonna get one.
It looks to me like a lot of pople are using the term “public square” and all mean something different, but intepret the comments of others through the filter of their own definitions.
However, as a Christian, you personally would have no problem with me wishing you a very Merry Christmas, would you?
Well actually, the workers putting up the tree informed said legislator that it really was a “Winter tree”. In that case, we’d better see it stay up there until March 19th, since winter hasn’t even officially started yet.
If you’re talking about the State Holiday Tree, the Olympian newspaper reported that one of the workers complained/lamented that it used to called a Christmas Tree.
roger @170…..get real. right wingers coming at you looking for a fight? where, oh where, do you come up with this silly stuff?
try to remember this roger…..”it’s not who is right, it’s what is right”
i double dog dare you to frame your next day of responses based on that phrase….i bet you can’t do it!